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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fachspezifische Varianz der Formalisierbarkeit von Forschungsprozessen.

Tschida, Ulla 13 November 2019 (has links)
Für die Konzeption sozio-technischer Systeme zur wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisgenerierung ist das Wissen über die spezifischen Inhalte und Bedingungen der Arbeit einer Fachgemeinschaft essenziell. Im Kontext der Automatisierung von Wissensproduktion ist unklar, welche fachspezifischen Faktoren die Möglichkeiten einer Arbeitsteilung zwischen Mensch und Maschine beeinflussen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine grundlegende Voraussetzung für die Automatisierung von Forschungsprozessen, nämlich die Formalisierbarkeit typischer Handlungen und Wissensbestände, hinsichtlich ihrer fachspezifischen Bedingungen untersucht. Dafür wurde ein qualitativer Vergleich der Evidenzkonstruktion zweier Fachgebiete, der Editionsphilologie und der Klimaforschung, durchgeführt. Um deren Forschungsprozesse systematisch vergleichen und Zusammenhänge zwischen den Eigenschaften eines Forschungsprozesses und den Möglichkeiten seiner Formalisierbarkeit empirisch untersuchen zu können, wurde ein Vergleichsrahmen entwickelt, der auf dem wissenschaftssoziologischen Konzept der epistemischen Bedingungen beruht. Die fachspezifischen Bedingungen des Forschungshandelns stellen einen Erklärungsansatz für Varianten der Wissensproduktion und damit auch für unterschiedlich formalisierbare Forschungsprozesse dar. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass insbesondere der Grad an Kodifizierung des Wissens einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf das Auftreten bzw. die Abfolge unterschiedlich formalisierbarer Handlungstypen und Wissensbestände hat. Der Anteil persönlicher Perspektive in der Evidenzkonstruktion und der Grad der Zerlegbarkeit eines Forschungsprozesses sind ebenfalls wichtige Faktoren für die Möglichkeiten der Delegation von Handlungen an Maschinen. Desweiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass selbst bei einem hohen Formalisierungsgrad das informelle menschliche Handeln das wesentliche Komplement automatisierter Abläufe darstellt und dass die Formalisierbarkeit einer zeitlichen Dynamik unterliegt. / Knowing about the field-specific content and conditions of work in a scientific discipline is essential for the design of socio-technical systems used for the production of scientific knowledge. In the context of automated knowledge production, it remains unclear which field-specific factors influence the possibilities to distribute labour between humans and machines. This study analyses a fundamental prerequisite for the automation of research processes, namely the possibility to formalise typical actions and knowledge, with regard to its field-specific conditions. A qualitative approach is used to compare the construction of evidence in two scientific fields, textual studies and climate research. In order to systematically compare research processes and to empirically investigate correlations between the properties of a research process and the possibilities of its formalisation, a comparative framework based on the sociological concept of epistemic conditions was developed. Field-specific conditions of doing research represent an explanatory approach for variants of knowledge production and thus for variant degrees of formalised processes. Results show that the degree of codification of knowledge has a significant influence on the occurrence and on the sequence of types of action and of knowledge resources with variant degrees of formalisation. In addition, the role of personal interpretation in problem formulation and construction of empirical evidence and the degree of decomposability of a research process are decisive factors for being able to delegate actions to machines. Furthermore, the study shows that a high degree of formalisation requires informal human action to complement automated processes and that formalisability is subject to temporal dynamics during research processes.

Quick and dirty

Buschmann, Anna 18 December 2020 (has links)
Die Studie erforscht institutionalle Arrangements, die auf eine Privatisierung des Agrarlands in der Republik Georgien abzielen, deren Formalisierung der Eigentumsrechte den letzten Schritt der Agrarreformen darstellen, und speziell, wie sich die Durchsetzung des Rechts auf Privateigentum entwickelt hat. Laut Schätzungen ist bisher nur ca. ein Drittel des Landes registriert. Das Ziel der Analyse dient dem Verständnis, wie sich politische Reformen, die eine Privatisierung des Agrarlands beabsichtigen, auf den Landbesitz allgemein und die Agrarproduktion im Besonderen auswirken. Anhand von zwei der führenden landwirtschaftlichen Exportprodukte – Haselnuss und Wein –, verfolgt die Studie methodologisch einen abduktiven Forschungsansatz, der von Triangulation geleitet ist. Die Ergebnisse basieren auf einer Umfrage, Fokusgruppen-Interviews mit Agrarproduzenten sowie Interviews mit Leitern verarbeitender Betriebe, Repräsentanten der Regierung sowie Experten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einerseits, dass Nutzungs- und später Eigentumsrechte konstant kraft einer ‚property rule’ durchgesetzt wurden, und somit einen Status quo gesichert haben, der besonders die Mitglieder ehemaliger einflussreicher (lokaler) Regierungskreise begünstigt hat; demgegenüber haben die Reformen kontinuierlich Unsicherheit unter der Landbevölkerung erzeugt – indem die Durchsetzung privater Eigentumsrechte von einer ‚property rule’ hin zu einer ‚liability rule’ verändert worden ist –, während die erforderlichen Kosten zur (Wieder-)Erlangung der Besitzansprüche zunehmend den ehemaligen Rechtsinhabern aufgebürdet worden ist. Die Ergebnisse lassen eine potentielle Umverteilung in Form konzentrierten Landbesitzes vermuten, während die Mehrheit der Betriebe künftig auf die Durchsetzung von Landnutzungsrechten vertrauen darf, um ihre Subsistenzwirtschaft fortzuführen. / This study focuses on the institutional change of agricultural land privatization in the Republic of Georgia, where the formalization of private property rights forms the last step of the agrarian land reforms, and specifically how people’s entitle-ment to land has been protected over time. It is estimated that so far only about a third of the land has been registered. The aim of the analysis is to understand how political reforms targeting land privatization have affected land ownership, and to show the effects on agricultural production. By focussing on two leading export products of Georgian agriculture – hazelnut and wine – the study methodologi-cally follows an abductive research strategy led by the principles of triangulation. It is based on survey data, focus groups interviews with agrarian producers as well as interviews with processors, government representatives and experts. The results reveal, on the one hand, that by constantly enforcing use and then owner-ship rights according to a property rule maintained a status-quo which has mainly favored former influential (local) government circles; in contrast, the reforms have persistently generated insecurity to rural neighborhoods – by changing the enforcement of people’s private ownership rights from a property rule to a liabil-ity rule –, while the emerging costs to (re-)claim ownership were increasingly shifted to the former right holders who can hardly raise the required financial means. The results suggest a re-distribution of land in the form of a rising concen-tration of land ownership, while the majority of agricultural producers may rely on the granting of use-rights to proceed with their subsistence farming in the fu-ture.

Quick and dirty

Buschmann, Anna 18 December 2020 (has links)
Die Studie erforscht institutionalle Arrangements, die auf eine Privatisierung des Agrarlands in der Republik Georgien abzielen, deren Formalisierung der Eigentumsrechte den letzten Schritt der Agrarreformen darstellen, und speziell, wie sich die Durchsetzung des Rechts auf Privateigentum entwickelt hat. Laut Schätzungen ist bisher nur ca. ein Drittel des Landes registriert. Das Ziel der Analyse dient dem Verständnis, wie sich politische Reformen, die eine Privatisierung des Agrarlands beabsichtigen, auf den Landbesitz allgemein und die Agrarproduktion im Besonderen auswirken. Anhand von zwei der führenden landwirtschaftlichen Exportprodukte – Haselnuss und Wein –, verfolgt die Studie methodologisch einen abduktiven Forschungsansatz, der von Triangulation geleitet ist. Die Ergebnisse basieren auf einer Umfrage, Fokusgruppen-Interviews mit Agrarproduzenten sowie Interviews mit Leitern verarbeitender Betriebe, Repräsentanten der Regierung sowie Experten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einerseits, dass Nutzungs- und später Eigentumsrechte konstant kraft einer ‚property rule’ durchgesetzt wurden, und somit einen Status quo gesichert haben, der besonders die Mitglieder ehemaliger einflussreicher (lokaler) Regierungskreise begünstigt hat; demgegenüber haben die Reformen kontinuierlich Unsicherheit unter der Landbevölkerung erzeugt – indem die Durchsetzung privater Eigentumsrechte von einer ‚property rule’ hin zu einer ‚liability rule’ verändert worden ist –, während die erforderlichen Kosten zur (Wieder-)Erlangung der Besitzansprüche zunehmend den ehemaligen Rechtsinhabern aufgebürdet worden ist. Die Ergebnisse lassen eine potentielle Umverteilung in Form konzentrierten Landbesitzes vermuten, während die Mehrheit der Betriebe künftig auf die Durchsetzung von Landnutzungsrechten vertrauen darf, um ihre Subsistenzwirtschaft fortzuführen. / This study focuses on the institutional change of agricultural land privatization in the Republic of Georgia, where the formalization of private property rights forms the last step of the agrarian land reforms, and specifically how people’s entitle-ment to land has been protected over time. It is estimated that so far only about a third of the land has been registered. The aim of the analysis is to understand how political reforms targeting land privatization have affected land ownership, and to show the effects on agricultural production. By focussing on two leading export products of Georgian agriculture – hazelnut and wine – the study methodologi-cally follows an abductive research strategy led by the principles of triangulation. It is based on survey data, focus groups interviews with agrarian producers as well as interviews with processors, government representatives and experts. The results reveal, on the one hand, that by constantly enforcing use and then owner-ship rights according to a property rule maintained a status-quo which has mainly favored former influential (local) government circles; in contrast, the reforms have persistently generated insecurity to rural neighborhoods – by changing the enforcement of people’s private ownership rights from a property rule to a liabil-ity rule –, while the emerging costs to (re-)claim ownership were increasingly shifted to the former right holders who can hardly raise the required financial means. The results suggest a re-distribution of land in the form of a rising concen-tration of land ownership, while the majority of agricultural producers may rely on the granting of use-rights to proceed with their subsistence farming in the fu-ture.

Enabling Effective Community Forestry Through a National Co-Management Program: The Case of Thailand's Community Forestry Program

Jenke, Michael 04 August 2022 (has links)
Rural communities have engaged in the governance and management of forest resources by developing institutions that prevent overexploitation of common-pool resources and maintain the basis of their livelihoods. Effective community forestry relies on several conditions, including secure tenure rights, an enabling regulatory framework, strong governance, and sufficient knowledge. Worldwide, customary community forests have gained legal recognition in the wake of tenure reforms with the expectation that this formalization would enhance tenure security. In Thailand, the Royal Forest Department (RFD) began in 2000 to legally recognize community forests and share formal rights and responsibilities with communities through a national co-management program. This program was further expanded to support the development of community forest networks. The RFD could not provide extension services to approximately 10,000 community forests and aimed to improve the information sharing among communities. The objective of this dissertation was to investigate whether both program elements, i.e. forest tenure formalization and community forest networking, could provide better conditions for community forests. It was of particular interest whether the formalization could enhance the security of tenure rights, which could affect the willingness of communities to invest in forest conservation. The intervention to enhance inter-communal networks is of particular relevance for the international community due to its uniqueness. A diverse set of methodological approaches was required to address each objective. A quasi- experimental design was used to analyze the effect of community forest management on deforestation and the impact of the subsequent formalization based on statistical matching and panel data analyses. Comparative case studies were investigated subsequently to better understand the relationships between formalization, tenure security, forest-related conflicts, and deforestation. Social network modeling was used to analyze how networking organizations affected the flow of information between communities. The findings indicated that community in Thailand have effectively protected their forests even before receiving legal recognition. The formalization procedure has improved the relationship between communities and RFD officials but it has not enhanced their ability to prevent forest encroachment as support from the State has been insufficient in the case of tenure conflicts. In the absence of state-led extension services, established networking organizations enabled communities to provide mutual support as indicated by the enhanced inter-communal flow of information on a provincial level. However, networking organizations still depended on external funding and support during their initial establishment. The co-sharing of forest tenure rights and responsibilities between communities and the RFD might have helped to build trust and acceptance. This study has, however, confirmed that formalization can only provide limited benefits to forest-managing communities if they remain unprotected from forest encroachment because their formal tenure rights are not being enforced. Thus, communities might become disillusioned if their rights are not protected against more powerful actors. The community forest networks have the potential to increase the political influence of these communities while also enhancing their capacity to share and develop new knowledge. However, communities require more financial resources as their responsibilities increase while their ability to generate financial returns remains legally limited. Thus, the regulatory framework can be changed to balance communal rights and responsibilities or expanded by developing financing mechanisms to fund community-based conservation activities, such as forest patrols and fire prevention measures.:Acknowledgements Summary List of Figures List of Tables 1 Enabling effective community forestry 1.1 Potential outcomes of community forestry 1.2 Conditions for effective community forestry 1.3 Policy interventions in Asia’s community forests 2 Justification and objectives 2.1 Impact of formalization on tenure security and local institutions 2.2 Impact of registration on forest loss 2.3 Impact of network administration organization on information-sharing 3 The history of community-based forest management models in Thailand 3.1 Expansion of state control over forestland 3.2 Forest Village Programs 3.3 Community forestry discourse 3.4 Community Forest Program 3.5 Conclusions 4 Designing impact evaluations for policy interventions 4.1 Quantitative impact evaluation 4.2 Qualitative impact evaluation 4.3 Social network analysis 5 The impact of community forest formalization on tenure security and forest co- management in Thailand 5.1 Abstract 5.2 Introduction 5.3 Background 5.4 Methodology 5.5 Results 5.6 Discussion 5.7 Conclusion 6 Community-based forest management moderates impact of deforestation pressure regardless of formalization in Thailand 6.1 Abstract 6.2 Introduction 6.3 Methodology 6.4 Results 6.5 Discussion 6.6 Conclusion 7 Network administrators facilitate information sharing among communal forest organizations in Thailand 7.1 Abstract 7.2 Introduction 7.3 Methodology 7.4 Results 7.5 Discussion 7.6 Conclusion 8 Synthesis, implications and outlook 8.1 Synthesis of key results 8.2 Policy implications 8.3 Future research 8.4 Critical reflections on research methodology Supplementary material for Chapter 6 Supplementary material for Chapter 7 References Supplementary material

Towards a Unifying Visualization Ontology

Voigt, Martin, Polowinski, Jan 13 April 2011 (has links)
Although many terminologies, taxonomies and also first ontologies for visualization have been suggested, there is still no unified and formal knowledge representation including the various fields of this interdisciplinary domain. We moved a step towards such an ontology by systematically reviewing existing models and classifications, identifying important fields and discussing inconsistently used terms. Finally, we specified an initial visualization ontology which can be used for both classification and synthesis of graphical representations. Our ontology can also serve the visualization community as a foundation to further formalize, align and unify its existing and future knowledge.

Technik und Bildung in der verwissenschaftlichten Lebenswelt

Lumila, Minna 02 June 2023 (has links)
Die Studie versucht, Husserls Modell einer nicht-wissenschaftlichen Lebenswelt für pädagogische Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Technik und Bildung in der verwissenschaftlichen Welt zu öffnen. Sie diskutiert Entwicklungsprobleme der Spätmoderne unter pluralen Fragestellungen und führt Ansätze und Traditionen zusammen, die unterschiedliche Wege zur Weiterentwicklung der modernen Bildungstheorie beschritten haben. Im Zentrum steht die Frage, wie moderne Technik einerseits als lebensweltliche Entfremdung des Menschen problematisiert und andererseits als Produkt menschlicher Freiheit und Weltgestaltung gewürdigt werden kann. In vier Kapiteln werden die methodischen Ansätze und Antworten vorgestellt, die der Philosoph und Pädagoge Eugen Fink (1905–1975), der Philosoph Martin Heidegger (1889–1976), der Philosoph und Erziehungswissenschaftler Theodor Litt (1880–1962) und der Soziologe Helmut Schelsky (1912–1984) auf die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Bildung und Technik gegeben haben. Im Durchgang durch ihre Positionen wird ein Konzert erarbeitet, dessen Originalität darin liegt, Abstimmungsprobleme von Bildung, Technik und Lebenswelt aus postdualistischer, praxistheoretischer sowie posthumanistischer Perspektive zu thematisieren. / The study attempts to open Husserl's model of a non-scientific lifeworld for pedagogical investigations of the relationship between technology and “Bildung” in the scientific world. It discusses developmental problems of late modernity under plural questions and brings together approaches and traditions that have taken different paths to the further development of modern “Bildungs”-theory. The central question is how modern technology can be problematized on the one hand as the alienation of human beings from the world of life and on the other hand be appreciated as a product of human freedom and the shaping of the world. Four chapters present the methodological approaches and answers that philosopher and educator Eugen Fink (1905–1975), philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889–1976), philosopher and educationalist Theodor Litt (1880–1962), and sociologist Helmut Schelsky (1912–1984) have given to the question of the relationship between education and technology. In the course of their positions, a concert will be developed whose originality lies in addressing the coordination problems of “Bildung” (education), “Technik” (technology) and “Lebenswelt” (lifeworld) from a post-dualist, praxis-theoretical as well as post-humanist perspective.

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