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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sopsaltning som halkbekämpningsmetod på olika höjdnivåer i Jönköping : En studie för att utforska och undersöka kunskapsläget gällande sopsaltning i Sverige / Sweepsalting as a deicing method in different altitudes in Jönköping : A study to investigate and examine the level of knowledge regarding sweepsalting in Sweden

Petersson, Anton, Abdulsahib, Alia January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Purpose: The issue that this report addresses revolves around sweep-salting of footways and cycleways. More specifically, it focuses on the fact that large differences in elevation can lead to varying land surface temperatures, which, in turn, complicates winter maintenance when using the sweep-salting method. With Jönköping as basis of study, the aim of this report has been to examine the level of knowledge regarding sweepsalting of footways and cycleways in Sweden, this to show optimization possibilities to a developed sweepsalting in Jönköping, taken into account the height differences prevailing in the city.   Method: To obtain data, structured and semi-structured interviews have been carried out. All the interviews have been done and recorded via telephone calls and the interview questions have been emailed to the respondents in advance. The structured interviews have been targeted at four municipalities and the semi-structured interviews have been targeted at two concerned governmental bodies. Parallel to the interviews, three documents have been subject of analysis: Karlstadslaken by Tomas Stomberg, GCM-handboken published by Trafikverket, and Vinterväghållning och expertsystem – en kunskapsöversikt by Magnus Ljungberg. Findings: Sweep-salting as high winter maintenance method is a complicated task. It should be comprehensive, reliable, and conducted hastily over long distances and fairly large areas. It is a relatively new method and knowledge is, as of yet, limited. In the interviews, it became evident that municipalities largely are self-managing in this matter, but that a desire for more intermunicipal collaboration exists. Primarily, municipalities see the need of a governmental framework on how to conduct sweep-salting most efficiently.  De-icing is not carried out the same way in the north of Sweden as it is in the southern parts of the country. In the north of Sweden, the primary focus is snow clearance, and sweep-salting is only carried out when temperatures allow for it. In the south of Sweden, on the other hand, where temperatures often fluctuate around zero degrees Celsius, and snow quantities are manageable, sweep-salting is more prioritized. Implications: Besides keeping track of aerial and land surface temperatures, it is important to control the dew point, in order to apply the appropriate maintenance methods on the most crucial areas of footways and cycleways, at the right time. It is also important to stay updated on municipalities’ development of sweep-salting. Limitations: The economic aspect of sweepsalting is not considered in this study, neither is the perspective from cyclists nor pedestrians of the results of sweepsalting. The study would probably have reached a better result if more municipalities would have been included. Keywords: Brine, DYS spreader, Height difference, Latitudes, PC path, Plate spreader, Surface temperature, Sweepsalting, VVIS Puck.

Säkrare gång- och cykelväg i direkt anslutning till bilväg inom tätort : En fallstudie inom Ekerö kommun

Mourad, Michel, Jarjour, Fahad January 2022 (has links)
Walking and cycling have long been a transportation method for short and medium-term journeys within a city. Today, these transportation methods are used to a lesser extent in areas where road safety is lacking. The desire to have more cyclists and pedestrians is growing among municipalities and authorities in Sweden. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate the lack in road safety on a walking and cycling paths and to provide suggestions for improvement that increases safety and improve the aesthetic conditions for pedestrians and cyclists who will be using the road. Method: To gather data and information for the degree project, the authors have used a literature study and case study including interviews, data collection and site visits. This study is based on a survey carried out on a walking and cycling path along Alvnäsvägen in Ekerö municipality and is expected to present improvement proposals which in turn can lead to increased traffic safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Results: The deficiencies of traffic safety at the walking and cycling path were identified. Deficiencies that have been identified include narrow walking and cycle paths and speeding on roads. These deficiencies have resulted in people feeling insecure about using the walking, cycling path, and considering it risky. Conclusions: Measures and improvements presented in the conclusion are to carry out new walking and cycling paths and new links between different pedestrian and bicycle paths. These improvements will help Ekerö municipality to create safe and attractive walking and cycling paths, where even children and people with orientation difficulties can use without being put in danger.  As a solution to this, well-designed pedestrian and bicycle paths are required that offer well-being and safety within the street space. The people's need, municipal goals, and the requirements from authorities such as the Swedish Transport Administration and the road and traffic institute were considered when presenting the improvements.

Vad utgör och uppfattas som en välutformad gång- och cykelväg? / What constitutes and is perceived as a well-designed walking and cycling path?

Karlsson, Christina January 2021 (has links)
Välplanerade, tydliga och säkra gång- och cykelvägar, hädanefter kallat GC-väg, minskar skaderisken samtidigt som det uppmuntrar användandet av gång eller cykel som färdsätt. Utformningen påverkar dock hur olika människor uppfattar och använder GC-vägarna, samt även passager och korsningar. När utformningen är välgjord och lätt att förstå minskar skaderisken för fotgängare och cyklister. Men vad anser människor är en bra utformning? Litteratur granskades för att få en uppfattning om vilka faktorer som påverkar upplevelsen. Tre generella teman, eller kategorier, kunde identifieras: tydlighet, trygghet och trivsel. Under de tre kategorierna kunde sedan 13 påverkande faktorer räknas: skyltning, markeringar, vägtyp, navigation, sikt, hinder, vägbredd, separering för fotgängare, separering för cyklister, trafikljus, allmän utformning, material och färg. En enkätundersökning, som distribuerades online, genomfördes sedan i vilket respondenter presenterades fem bilder på gång- och cykelvägar fotograferade i Gävle centrum. De ombads värdera de 13 faktorerna i bilderna baserat på hur positivt eller negativt de tyckte faktorn var. Resultaten från enkäten sammanställdes både i helhet och separerat efter de två demografiska grupperna Allmänhet och Yrkeskunniga, varav yrkeskunniga ersattes av studenter från Samhällsplanerarprogrammet på Högskolan i Gävle. För att undersöka skillnaden mellan grupperna prövades hypotesen om studenterna uppfattar och värderar utformningarna annorlunda än allmänheten. Resultatet visade att det inte fanns någon signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna även om studenterna var mer positivt inställda till de flesta faktorerna. Beräkningarna som genomfördes visade även på att respondenterna var neutralt inställda till platserna i bilderna där faktorer kopplade till trivsel ofta upplevdes sämst. / Well-planned, legible, and safe walking and cycling paths help in reducing the risk of injury while encouraging the use of walking or cycling as a means of transport. However, design influence how different people perceive and use the paths, passages, and intersections. When the design is well made and easy to understand the risk of injury to pedestrians and cyclists is reduced. But what do people perceive as good design? Literature was examined to get a comprehensive idea of which factors influence the perception. Three general themes, or categories, were identified: clarity, security, and pleasantness. As part of the three categories 13 influencing factors could then be found: signage, markings, road type, navigation, visibility, obstacles, road width, separation of path for walking, separation of path for cycling, traffic lights, general design, material, and colour. An online survey was then conducted in which respondents were presented with five photos of pedestrian and bicycle paths photographed in the city centre of Gävle. The respondents were asked to evaluate the 13 factors in the pictures on whether they found the factor as a positive or a negative influence. The results from the survey were compiled both as a whole and separately according to the two demographic groups General public and Professionals, in which spatial planning students from Högskolan i Gävle functioned as stand-ins for professionals. To investigate the difference between the groups a hypothesis was tested: if the students perceive and value the designs differently. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the groups, even though the students were somewhat more positive towards most of the factors. The calculations that were carried out also showed that the respondents were neutral to the places in the pictures, except for factors linked to pleasantness that were often perceived more negative than the rest.

Målet Helgar Medlen / the End Justifies the Means

Simes, Egil January 2023 (has links)
Projektet utforskar rådande maktbalans mellan staden och landsbygden, och riktar kritik åt den dominerande urbana normen. Ur en sarkastisk vinkel implementeras kasinot som medel för landsbygden att hävda sig mot staden i en värld styrd av kapital. Kasinot används som en symbol för den kapitaldrivna och ofta moraliskt ifrågasättbara världsutvecklingen, och genom denna allusion söker projektet ifrågasätta i vilken utsträckning målet om tillväxt kan tillåtas helga de allt mer extrema medel som används för att nå dit. Projektets tematik utvecklades som ett svar på det av skolan ställda kravet att rita en hybridbyggnad innehållandes ett folkets hus och ett egenvalt plusprogram omfattande totalt 2000 kvadratmeter på landsbygden i Nynäshamns kommun. Då den största delen av produktraffineringen som tidigare skedde i Sorunda, där projektet tar plats, har tvingats lägga ner på grund av centralisering uppstod en svårighet att finna ett trovärdigt plusprogram som kunde ge skäl för ett folkets hus. Då orten dessutom drabbas kraftigt av av den ökade lastbilstrafiken som Stockholm stads omläggning av Frihamnen till Nynäshamn har gett upphov till kom frågan om urban norm att hamna i fokus, och projektet att kretsa kring landsbygdens möjligheter att parasitera på samma maktförhållanden som den förtrycks av. / This project explores the current power dynamic between urban and rural, and aims to critique the domineering urban norm. From a sarcastic point of view the casino is implemented as a means for the countryside to assert power over the city in a world ruled by capital. The casino is used as a symbol for the capital-driven and often morally questionable world development. Through this allusion the project seeks to question to what extent the goal of growth should be allowed to justify the ever more extreme means used to achieve this end. The thematic of the project was developed as an answer to the schools requirement to design a hybrid building containing a peoples house and a self chosen plus-programme to an extent of 2000 metres squared in Nynäshamn municipality. As most of the product refinement that used to exist in Sorunda, where the project takes place, har been forced to shut down due to centralisation there was an issue with finding a feasible plus-programme that could support the peoples house-function. Further, as the region has been heavily affected by the increasing heavy traffic caused by Stockholm Stads relocation of Frihamnen to Nynäshamn, the question of urban norm came into focus, and the project was oriented towards the possibility for the countryside to parasitize on the same power structures that oppress it.

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