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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En fiende till civilisationen : manlighet, genusrelationer, sexualitet och rasstereotyper i svensk filmkultur under 1920-talet

Gustafsson, Tommy January 2007 (has links)
The setting for this study is Swedish film culture of the 1920s, which has been studied with a focus on representations of masculinity and gender relations according to four themes: 1) children and youth 2) fatherhood and love 3) sexuality and popularity 4) ethnicity and racial stereotyping.       The rise of new consumer culture in the first decades of the 20th century created turmoil between traditional and modern values, not least when it came to conceptions of gender. Studies on masculinity have often directed its efforts towards writing a history of ideals, bound by the concept of hegemonic masculinity; a concept that exclude women as insignificant for the social construction of masculinity. One ambition with this thesis has been to counter the long-lasting concept of hegemonic masculinity, and in the process, try to build a bridge between men and women studies.         One other ambition has been question the canonisation of the “Golden Age” of Swedish silent filmmaking by introducing the concept of “the pluralism of film”, and by using a vast material including: Swedish feature films, reviews, articles from fan magazines and trade paper, screen plays, censorship cards, official reports, etc; thereby circumventing the concept of film as “art” in order to focus on film as representation in a more reliably way.       One conclusion is the revelation of the diversity that surrounds social constructions of masculinity and gender relations in both film culture and society. In addition, Swedish film of the 20s hardly contained any male characters that upheld the hegemonic ideal, giving way to a more prominent presence of strong female characters, often in the shape of the New Woman. Women did as well have a great influence on the formation of masculinity. However, a notion of a Swedish normative masculinity became visible when contrasted with numerous racial stereotypes, such as malicious representations of Black people and Travellers. The emphasis on gender relations, rather than on ideals, has also contributed to a wider understanding of gender, where criteria such as generation, class, ethnicity and sexuality ought to be included.          When it comes to the canonisation of the “Golden Age”, a strong notion exists about the integrated use of nature in film narratives as being a Swedish national trait, when in fact this could be linked only to a few films. If one would point out a trait that permeates Swedish film of the 1920s, it would not be the use of nature, but instead the flagrant racism and xenophobia.

Living Up to the Ideal of Respectability : Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Implications for Unmarried Migrant Workers, Single Mothers, and Women in Prostitution in Sri Lanka

Jordal, Malin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis aims to gain a deeper understanding of relationships and sexuality of women at risk of social exclusion in Sri Lanka and the risk of violations of their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) that they might face. Individual qualitative interviews with migrant women workers (n=18) and men (n=18) in the Free Trade Zone (FTZ), women facing single motherhood (n=28) and women formerly involved in prostitution (n=15) were conducted. Conceptual approaches included gender, social navigation and SRHR. The interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis, qualitative content analysis and discourse analysis. Findings revealed that the migrant women workers negotiated norms of respectability in a society that highly stigmatizes FTZ women workers, while the men identified conflicting constructions of masculinity existing in the FTZ. The women facing single motherhood navigated oppressive and stigmatizing social forces, and the women in prostitution constructed themselves as respectable in opposition to their societal disvalue and marginalization. In order to retain an image of sexual innocence, unmarried women are likely to refrain from demanding or demonstrating SRHR knowledge and accessing services. Furthermore, gender power imbalances leave the women vulnerable to sexual persuasion, coercion and violence. Once pregnant, social, legal, and knowledge barriers hinder or delay them in accessing abortion services. Unmarried pregnant women are thus left with the alternatives of adoption, infanticide, and suicide or become stigmatized single mothers with risks of health and social exclusion for mother and child. Extreme marginalization and limited power make women in prostitution vulnerable to unsafe sex, rape and violence. In conclusion, these women are likely to face numerous and serious SRHR hazards. The complexity of gendered social circumstances and the SRHR implications demonstrated in this thesis, add to the SRHR knowledge in Sri Lanka, and should inform politicians and policy makers about the need to improve the situation of all women in Sri Lanka.


曾莉婷, Tseng, Li-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以民國八十八年七月至同年十二月間,由國內自製,電視節目分級標識為「普遍級」,且於晚間七時至十二時,以提供娛樂為主,及以多樣形式或多樣組合內容方式播出的無線商業電視台綜藝節目為研究對象,並試圖以分析文本內容的方式,自「性別角色特質」及「性騷擾行為」的檢測中探究其間再現出的兩性關係與兩性互動。 在研究設計上,本研究將其區分為二個階段。第一階段,先透過統計分析得出各單元與各節目之性別角色特質及性騷擾行為的數據分佈,而後於第二階段提出綜藝節目再現出的兩性關係型態與不同的綜藝節目類型。根據內容分析結果,研究發現有三: 一、在單元及節目的各別分析結果部分,晚間綜藝節目中的男女呈現仍維持在傳統「男人要有男人的樣子,女人要有女人的樣子」階段,男性亦習於藉由不斷地性活動,尤其是性騷擾女性來證明自己是男子漢。 二、綜藝節目再現出的兩性關係型態有:(1)俊男、醜男與美女;(2)呈現簡化與複雜的情感世界;(3)親密行為娛樂化;(4)「賺」「虧」的價值觀;與(5)「男強女弱」的性別意識。 三、綜藝節目類型有四,包括「兩性平等型」節目、「刻板印象型」節目、「性騷擾型」節目與「父權意識型」節目,其中,在本研究期間以「兩性平等型」及「性騷擾型」節目較多。 自上述研究發現可知,無線晚間綜藝節目再現出的內容不僅深化了性別間權力的不平等狀態,亦複製了父制的兩性關係。另外,延伸研究結果而來的問題則是綜藝節目如何在提供娛樂之餘,尚能兼顧媒介應有的責任與義務:傳遞性別平等意識的內容給閱聽人,這不僅是當前綜藝節目急需突破的瓶頸,亦為各方所應共同深思的課題。

As rela??es de g?nero no trabalho: uma an?lise da inser??o das mulheres e homens na rede de fast food

Joffer, Suzana da Cunha 28 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:46:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SuzanaCJ.pdf: 653089 bytes, checksum: c62461551f4aec7da6681c67a2fc7c9d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-28 / The purpose of this study was investigate the sexual division of the work in a chain of fast food, in Natal, RN. These aspects were analyzed with the ways of organization of the work, being made a case study. The main objective of this survey was to analyze the influence of gender relations in the insertion of men and women in the job market and to analyze the question of feminine submission in the professional world. These questions were analyzed considering the current period of the worldwide capitalism, from the characteristics of productive process and the growth of the service sectors. The research was made with a group of workers on the production sectors; attendance, management and human resources at restfood store, where six clerks were interviewed. Through our research, it is possible to perceive the permanence of the sexual division at the job in the interior of the productive processes at Restfood, that puts the woman in a subordinate position in relation to the man. This result can be confirmed if we considerate that the women, on this chain of food, occupy in first place the function of waitress and on this, trere s no functional progression, while her workmates (the men) for occupying other functions can progress inside the company. It was also evidenced that in a context of globalization of the capital, deregulation and disrespect of labor laws, the capital acts without any respect to workers. That was what we observed at the interviewer speech; the scarcity of the conditions of work and the constant disrespect of the labor laws. This way, we could evidence that the scarcity of work conditions hit men and women, but it has a crueler face with the women, and this one reproduces itself, day by day in the process of social reproduction, through family life, insertion in the world of the work, information and received social education. So, the capital explores all of them, but the gender relations create to the capital, the possibility of a different degree of exploration, becoming this way, the women main victims herself / Procurou-se com esse estudo, investigar a divis?o sexual do trabalho numa cadeia de fast food em Natal/RN. Esses aspectos foram analisados juntamente com as formas de organiza??o do trabalho, sendo realizado um estudo de caso. O principal objetivo dessa pesquisa consistiu em analisar a influ?ncia das rela??es de g?nero na inser??o de homens e mulheres no mercado de trabalho e analisar a quest?o da submiss?o feminina no mundo do trabalho. Buscou-se estudar tais quest?es, considerando o atual est?gio do capitalismo mundial, a partir das caracter?sticas do processo de flexibiliza??o produtiva e do crescimento do setor de servi?os. A pesquisa foi realizada com um grupo de trabalhadores e trabalhadoras lotados/as nos setores da produ??o, atendimento, ger?ncia e recursos humanos na loja de fast food Restfood, sendo entrevistados/as 6 (seis) trabalhadores/as. Atrav?s de nossa pesquisa, pode-se constatar a perman?ncia da divis?o sexual do trabalho no interior dos processos produtivos do Restfood, que coloca a mulher em condi??o subalterna em rela??o ao homem. Esse resultado se confirma se considerarmos que as mulheres, na referida cadeia de alimentos, ocupam, prioritariamente, a fun??o de gar?onete e nesta, n?o h? progress?o funcional, enquanto seus colegas homens, por ocuparem outras fun??es, podem progredir dentro da empresa. Constatou-se tamb?m que, em um contexto de mundializa??o do capital, desregulamentamenta??o e desrespeito dos direitos trabalhista, o capital age sem nenhum respeito aos/as trabalhadores/as. Foi o que se observou e se ouviu nas falas dos/as entrevistados/as: a precariza??o das condi??es de trabalho e o constante desrespeito dos direitos trabalhistas. Dessa forma, pudemos constatar que a precariza??o das condi??es do trabalho atinge homens e mulheres, mas tem uma face mais cruel no que se refere ?s mulheres e esta se reproduz cotidianamente no processo de reprodu??o social, atrav?s da vida familiar, da inser??o no mundo do trabalho, da informa??o e educa??o recebida socialmente. Enfim, o capital explora a todos/as, mas as rela??es de g?nero criam, para o capital, a possibilidade de um grau diferenciado de explora??o, tornando, assim, as mulheres, suas principais v?timas

De l’invisibilité des cancers d’origine professionnelle à l’invisibilisation des risques cancérogènes dans le travail des femmes / une analyse à partir de l'enquête permanente du GISCOP93

Santos do Nascimento Paiva, Michelle 17 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les conditions de travail des femmes en France afin de rendre compte de la difficulté à envisager puis établir des liens entre ces conditions et le développement de certains cancers. Ceci implique de s’intéresser à la façon dont les différences biologiques et culturelles servent d’argument pour expliquer les particularités féminines face au cancer. Ainsi, à partir d’une approche analytique de la division sexuelle du travail cette recherche vise à comprendre pourquoi l’hypothèse de l’existence des atteintes cancérogènes à la santé au travail ne serait plausible que pour expliquer l’origine des cancers dont souffrent des hommes. A partir de quels éléments invalide-t-on l’hypothèse d’une étiologie professionnelle dans l’explication des cancers dont souffrent des femmes ? S’appuie-t-on sur des différences concrètes, empiriques et contextualisées ou assiste-t-on plutôt à un processus de différenciation construit par un jeu de mise en visibilisation/invisibilisation du travail des hommes et des femmes ?Cette thèse soutient que les femmes sont concernées par un phénomène d’invisibilisation des atteintes cancérogènes à leur santé au travail. Les processus de différenciation des hommes et des femmes se (re)produisent aux niveaux macro, méso et microsocial ; ils se situent au niveau de la construction de la connaissance, de la production des conditions pour la reconnaissance de la maladie professionnelle, au niveau des mobilisations sociales, ainsi qu’au niveau du rapport subjectif des travailleur-se-s au travail et aux risques. / This thesis investigates women’s working conditions in France to give an account of the difficulties of establishing links between those conditions and the development of certain cancers. This investigation implies getting familiar with the ways biological and cultural differences are being held as arguments to explain feminine particularities of cancers. Using a sexual division of labour approach, this research aims to understand why the hypothesis of carcinogenic harms to health in the workplace would only be plausible to explain men’s cancers. Which elements are used to undermine the professional etiology in the explication of women’s cancers? Are we taking into account concrete, empirical and contextualized differences or is it a differentiation process, constructed in a visibilization/invisibilization interplay of men’s and women’s work?This thesis claims that women are affected by an invisibilization phenomenon of the carcinogenic harms to their health in the workplace. The processes of differentiation between men and women are (re)producing themselves at macro, meso and microsocial levels; they are present in the construction of knowledge, in the production of conditions for recognition of the occupational disease, in social mobilisations and in the subjective relation between the individuals and their work and risks

Mariages, démariages et remariages : rituel, genre et parenté au Tadjikistan contemporain / Marriages, de-marriages and re-marriages : ritual, gender and kinship in contemporary Tajikistan

Cleuziou, Juliette 08 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse explore les rôles rituels et sociaux des femmes au Tadjikistan et s’appuie sur seize mois d’enquête de terrain en zones urbaines et rurales. Deux fils conducteurs structurent l’analyse. Le premier porte sur la construction des féminités dans la société tadjike, tout particulièrement au regard du statut (acquis, perdu, reconquis) de femme mariée, extrêmement déterminant dans l’organisation des relations sociales. Le second interroge les rôles des femmes dans la reproduction familiale et sociale, tout particulièrement dans l’économie rituelle et matrimoniale. L’ensemble s’attache à montrer, au prisme des parcours matrimoniaux aujourd’hui extrêmement hachés des femmes, les négociations et adaptations de la société tadjike contemporaine aux bouleversements qu’elle a connus ces vingt dernières années : disparition de l’URSS, entrée dans l’économie de marché, la Guerre civile (1992-1997) et les migrations massives des hommes vers la Russie. Les enjeux ambivalents révélés par les mariages – étudiés comme performance, comme statut et comme relation – sont étudiés à deux niveaux : au niveau des femmes, pour qui le mariage constitue une ressource fondamentale autant qu’un carcan patriarcal ; et à celui des familles, pour qui le mariage est à la fois une obligation sociale et le lieu d’une contestation possible des hiérarchies en place. Située au croisement des études de genre, de parenté, d’économie rituelle et des recherches sur l’aire post-soviétique, cette thèse propose de saisir comment les transformations socioéconomiques récentes ont affecté les représentations et les relations de genre d’une part, et celles au sein de la famille, d’autre part. / This dissertation explores social and ritual roles of women in Tajikistan, based on a sixteen-month fieldwork conducted in both urban and rural areas. Two main threads structure the analysis. The first one addresses the construction of femininities in Tajik society, especially regarding their status (acquired, lost and conquered again) of “married woman” – which is extremely decisive for them to organize their social life. The second questions women’s roles in family and social reproduction, especially regarding ritual and matrimonial economy. Overall, this dissertation aims at showing that analyzing uneven and irregular women’s matrimonial itineraries reveals how negotiations and adaptations of Tajik society to ongoing transformations have been proceeding – following the upheavals this society has been going through: the breakdown of the USSR, the integration to market economy, the Civil war (1992-1997) and the wide migratory fluxes of men going to Russia. The ambiguous stakes contained in marriage – understood as a performance, a status and a relation – are analyzed at two levels: at the level of women, for whom marriage remains a crucial resource as much as a patriarchal constrain; and at the level of families, for whom marriage is both a social necessity and the opportunity to challenge former hierarchies. Located at the crossroad of gender studies, kinship, ritual economy and post-Soviet studies, this dissertation aims at understanding how recent socioeconomic transformations affect gender representations and relations, on the one hand, and those of family, on the other.

Longe demais das capitais: distâncias e desigualdades

Quartiero, Eliana Teresinha January 2014 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa realizamos um exercício de problematização acerca das verdades que demarcam processos de diferença/desigualdade presentes na implantação de uma formação de professoras/es nas temáticas de gênero, sexualidade, orientação sexual e relações étnico-raciais. Tomamos o trabalho de problematização como a tarefa de levantar as questões colocadas no campo e, também, as soluções que estão sendo propostas, considerando que, tanto as perguntas quanto as respostas, são elaboradas dentro de uma rede de poder/saber que determina as respostas possíveis. Com esta abordagem buscamos contribuir com o debate sobre a necessária transformação do cotidiano escolar, que se apresenta como discriminatório e pouco permeável às diferenças. Propomos discutir como o funcionamento de verdades acerca da diferenciação do humano normatiza e conforma o fazer pedagógico e vai se apresentar como desafio quando buscamos ensinar de outras formas ou ensinar valores alinhados aos direitos humanos. Utilizamos como campo de pesquisa a implantação do curso Gênero e Diversidade na Escola, oferecido pelo Ministério da Educação (MEC) como formação continuada para professoras/es da rede pública de ensino, que tem como objetivo modificar preconceitos, condições desiguais, divulgar uma concepção de direitos humanos. Exploramos as naturalizações de verdades que, neste processo, constroem as subjetividades e identidades, através de demarcação de diferenças que servem de base para desigualdades. Buscamos compreender como se reapresentam as lógicas de verdades/preconceitos estabelecidas no campo da educação neste contexto de implantação de uma política pública direcionada a provocar mudanças na atuação docente. Entendemos que no momento em que se busca transformar uma rotina escolar entram em cena as difíceis negociações com o já estabelecido, a possibilidade de outras/novas intervenções pedagógicas serem colocadas em movimento necessita do deslocamento de posições cristalizadas. A proposta do curso, no formato de educação à distância (EAD), coloca em pauta a questão da distância, toda uma série de enunciados acerca de como pensamos as distâncias geográficas e como estas configuram subjetividades e geram classificações hierárquicas. Percebemos que a concepção de centro/periferia presente neste contexto não remete somente a uma posição geográfica, longe das capitais, mas está referida a uma série de classificações que atribuem valores diferenciados a diferentes sujeitos conforme estes se posicionam numa localização em relação a um centro. Encontramos uma série de desafios para a tarefa que esta formação se coloca, transformar o ambiente escolar instituindo relações mais igualitárias. Percebemos que este processo foi determinado por redes de poder relacionadas às formas como compreendemos os processos de escolarização, às posições atribuídas aos docentes e às diferentes legitimidades que estão colocadas para os locais de enunciação: de centro ou de periferia. A diferença está relacionada a um extensivo processo de categorização dos indivíduos e dentro deste processo não há igualdade possível, a intervenção necessária seria da ordem de contestar o modelo de categorias e burlar/transformar as normas que o definem. Portanto, nossas estratégias não podem apenas afirmar identidades subjugadas, mas também problematizar constantemente as configurações de identidades. / In this research we carried out an exercise in questioning about the truths that demarcate processes of difference/inequality present in the implementation of a teacher training about gender, sexuality , sexual orientation and ethnic-racial relations. We take the problematization as the task of raising the questions in the field and also the solutions that are being proposed, considering that both the questions and the responses are created in a network of power/knowledge that determines the possible answers. With this approach we seek to contribute to the debate about the necessary transformation of the school routine , which presents itself as discriminatory and not very open to differences. We propose to discuss how the functioning of truths about the human differentiation regulates and conforms the pedagogical actions and will present a challenge when we seek other ways to teach, or to teach values aligned to human rights. We used as a research field the implementation of the course Gênero e Diversidade na Escola (Gender and Diversity in School), hosted by the Ministério da Educação (Ministry of Education) as continuing education for teachers of the public school system, which aims to modify prejudices, unequal conditions, promote a conception of human rights. We explore the naturalization of truths that, in this process, construct subjectivities and identities, through demarcation of differences that support inequalities. We seek to understand how are presented the logics of truths/prejudices established in the field of education in this context of implementing a public policy aimed at bringing about change in teaching practice. We understand that when one seeks to transform a school routine come into play the difficult negotiations with the already established, the possibility of other/new pedagogical interventions being put in motion requires the displacement of hardened positions. The proposed format of the course, in distance education (ODL), brings forth the question of distance, a series of statements about how we think the geographical distances and how these shape subjectivities and generate hierarchical classifications. We realized that the idea of center/periphery present in this context refers not only to a geographical position away from the capital, but is referred to a series of classifications that assign different values to different subjects as they position themselves in a location relative to a center. We found a number of challenges for the task this training proposes, transforming the school environment by instituting more egalitarian relationships. We realize that this process was determined by power networks related to the ways we understand the processes of education, the positions assigned to teachers and the different legitimacy that is placed for places of enunciation: of center or of periphery. The difference is related to an extensive process of categorization of individuals and within this process there is no equality possible, the necessary intervention would be about challenging the categories model and bypass/change the rules that define it. Therefore, our strategies can not only assert subjugated identities, but also constantly question the identities settings.

Polícia e gênero : percepções de delegados e delegadas da Polícia Civil do Rio Grande do Sul acerca da mulher policial

Sacramento, Jaqueline Siqueira do January 2007 (has links)
A pesquisa constituiu-se na investigação das percepções de delegados e delegadas da Polícia Civil acerca da mulher policial, analisando os fatores que permeiam as relações de gênero dentro de uma instituição tradicionalmente masculina. Esferas sociais que comprometem os papéis masculinos e femininos como a Polícia Civil oferecem resistência ao ingresso de mulheres, pois são incompatíveis com os papéis socialmente construídos às mulheres. Muitos conflitos de gênero existem dentro da instituição policial, contudo há uma valorização crescente das diferenças e uma abertura de maior espaço para as mulheres. A efetiva participação das mulheres aponta para a possibilidade de surgimento de práticas mais democráticas marcadas pela maior convivência entre os gêneros. O reconhecimento e a valorização das diferenças de gênero dentro da polícia se constituem a partir das habilidades diferenciadas e estabelecem novas formas de ser mulher e de se construir relações de gênero no mundo contemporâneo. / The research is based on the investigation of perceptions of the chief police of both genders from a police station that protects women, analyzing the fact that allows that relationship between genders inside an institution usually dominated by males. The social’s levels that compromise the function s of women and men as the women inclusion, because they are incompatible with the women’s social function. There are many problems between genders in the police institution, but still there’s as increasing worth ship of odds and a bigger opening for women points to the opportunities of democratic exercises marked by the better relation between genders. The acceptation and respect of the differences between gender in the police are built by the skills and establishing new ways to be women and built relation ship of gender in the modern world.

Emploi, genre et migrations en Tunisie / Gender, employment and migrations in Tunisia

Bouchoucha, Ibtihel 19 October 2013 (has links)
La thèse vise principalement à étudier la décision de migration aussi bien interne qu’internationale des femmes et des hommes individuels ou en couple. Nous essayerons d'étudier les facteurs déterminants de la migration interne et internationale masculine et féminine en Tunisie, et de voir particulièrement comment les relations de genre influencent la décision de migrer, les raisons de la migration et la destination des femmes et des hommes individuels et en couple. Nous stipulons que le phénomène migratoire est en grande partie lié aux exigences économiques. Les inégalités régionales de développement sont la cause principale des flux migratoires internes et internationaux. Mais, nous considérons que les hommes et les femmes n’ont pas les mêmes contraintes, les mêmes conditions de vie, et ne sont pas autant susceptibles de migrer |'un que l’autre. Bien que les relations de genre aient évolué en Tunisie, la décision de migrer est encore influencée par le modèle social et culturel traditionnel. Nos analyses se situent à la croisée de plusieurs disciplines et de plusieurs approches: démographiques, économiques, sociologiques, etc. Nous utilisons plusieurs méthodes d'analyse, notamment l’analyse descriptive, l'analyse multivariée et l'analyse multiniveaux. Notre principale source des données est l'Enquête nationale «Population et emploi » (2005-2006). Mais nous avons également eu recours à d’autres sources de données telles que : les données individuelles de l’enquête Papfam (2001), les données individuelles du recensement général de la population réalisé en 2004, et des séries des indicateurs statistiques officiels publiés par l’institut national de la statistique. / The thesis aims mainly to study the decision to migrate, both intemally and intemationally, for women and men, individual or in couple. We will try to study the determinant factors of internal and intemational migration of men and women in Tunisia, and especially to see how gender relations influence the decision to migrate, the reasons for migration and the destinations for women and men, individual or in couple. We stipulate that migration is largely due to the economic requirements. Regional inequalilies in development are the main cause of intemal and international migration. But we believe that women and men do not have the same constraints, the same living conditions, and have not the same chance to migrate. Although gender relations have changed in Tunisia, the decision to migrate is still influenced by the social and cultural traditional model. Our analyses are at the crossroads of several disciplines and several approaches: demographic, economic, sociological, etc. We use several methods of analysis, including descriptive analysis, multivariate analysis and multilevel analysis. Our main data source is the National Survey "Population and Employment" (2005-2006). But we also used other sources of data such as individual data from the survey PAPFAM (2001), the individual data of the population census conducted in 2004, and series of ofücial statistical indicators published by the National institute of Statistics.

Os 'monstros' e a escola : identidade e escolaridade de sujeitos travestis

Bohm, Alessandra Maria January 2009 (has links)
As travestis muitas vezes apontam dificuldades em ingressar e permanecer em instituições escolares em virtude de padrões heteronormativos que as apontam como monstruosas e anormais, assim como os currículos escolares e os documentos que norteiam tais práticas educacionais pouco apresentam possibilidade de acolhimento destas identidades nestes espaços. A presente dissertação busca apontar possibilidades de formulação de critérios para a convivência das travestis nos espaços escolares formais. / Transvestites frequently point out difficulties on entering and remaining on educational institutions because of the heteronormative standards which reffer to them as monstrous and abnormal, as well as the school curriculum and the documents that guide such educational manners usually don't show any signs of welcoming of these identities in these places. The present dissertation tries to point out possibilities of the creation of a tranvestites coexistance criteria on the formal school.

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