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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Application Server Mobility and 5G Core Network

Symeri, Ali January 2019 (has links)
With advancements in the mobile network architecture, from the Fourth Generation to the Fifth Generation, a vast number of new use cases becomes available. Many use cases require cloud-based services, where a service is deployed close to the user. For a user to communicate with a service, it connects to the mobile network base station, Fifth Generation Core network and then to the service. When the user changes physical location, the mobile network and the service must apply mobility techniques. This is to prevent tromboned traffic and provide low latency between user and service. When a handover occurs, so that a user’s attachment point to the mobile network is changed from the one base station to another and the User Plane Function changes, the cloud-based service may have to seamlessly move from one cloud to another as well. In this thesis, a Service mobility framework is proposed and implemented, which enables service live migration between edge clouds and it provides simple RESTful APIs. The evaluation of the framework shows that the proposed implementation adds low delays to the total migration time and the service downtime is also shown to be low in the case of video streaming with no service interruption. / Med framsteg i det mobila nätverkets arkitektur, sett från den Fjärde Generationen till den Femte Generationen, så blir nya användningsområden tillgängliga. Bland de nya användningsområdena inkluderas molnbaserade tjänster, där tjänster är placerade nära användare, dessutom har vissa områden behov av dessa molnbaserade tjänster. För att en användare ska kunna kommunicera med en tjänst så måste den först ansluta till det mobila nätverkets basstationer och sedan till Femte Generationens kärnnätverk, för att sedan kunna kommunicera med tjänsten. När användaren förflyttar sig från en plats till en annan, så måste det mobila nätverket och tjänsten tillämpa rörlighetstekniker, som förflyttning av tjänsten. Förflyttningen är för att förhindra trombonerad trafik och att förse låg latens mellan användare och tjänst. När en överlämning sker, d.v.s att en användares kopplingspunkt till det mobila nätverket ändras, från en basstation till en annan, och att User Plane Function ändras, så kan även den molnbaserade tjänsten förflytta sig sömlöst från ett moln till ett annat. I denna avhandling presenteras ett tjänströrlighetsramverk som möjliggör tjänströrlighet mellan moln och erbjuder enkla RESTfulla API:er. Evaluering av ramverket visar att implementationen bidrar med låga fördröjningar till den totala migrations tiden samt att tjänster med videoströmming har lågt driftstopp utan tjänstavbrott.

High Resolution Mapping and Spatial Analysis of Carbon Free Heat Sources for District Heating : A Case Study of Helsinki / Högupplöst kartläggning och rumslig analys av kol-fria värmekällor för fjärrvärme : Helsingfors fallstudie

Norrman, Filip, Persson, Mattias January 2021 (has links)
Heat production together with electricity production stands for 31% of the global CO2 emissions. The production is as of today still highly dependent on fossil fuels, with a global district energy mix share of fossil fuels of 90%. To stay in line with the Paris Agreement, district heating must be configured away from fossil fuels by utilizing new emission free heat sources as well as creating higher energy efficient cities by incorporating more waste heat recovery. Helsinki has a District Heating (DH) dominated by fossil fuels and proclaimed goals of becoming carbon-­neutral by 2035, as of 2020 the annual heat demand in the city was 6.4TWh of heat. To do so, there is a need for research to investigate ways to include carbon-­free heat sources into the current heating system. There is currently a limited amount of literature available in this area and from the identified research gap the following main research question was developed. How can Helsinki achieve carbon-­free district heating? To easier answer the main research question, three three sub­questions were developed. (1) How large is the energy potential for non­-carbon based heat sources in Helsinki for district heating? (2) Where are the heat sources located? (3) What are the techno-­economic implications of the heat sources? A high resolution heat source mapping and spatial analysis was conducted for the city of Helsinki where low grade heat sources were to be identified for the purpose of district heating. The work focused on the following heat sources: Grocery Retail, Ice Rinks, Subway Stations, Data Centers, Wastewater, Sea Water Heat Pumps and Geothermal Energy. The developed model consists of five steps: (1) Heat source identification, (2) Technical potential evaluation, (3) DH-network mapping & Spatial analysis, (4) Economic model, and (5) Techno-­Economic evaluation. A total of 363 heat source points was identified and evaluated. The combined results of the heat sources were a total capacity of 1257.56 MW with a resulting total annual heat production of 7008.31 GWh. The majority of the capacity and heat was contributed from seawater heat pumps and geothermal heat pumps. Around 84% of the mapped heat sources were within 100 meters of the current district heating piping network. The economical findings show that a majority of the heat sources yield a positive net present value and a discounted payback period of below 11 years. The levelized cost of heat was within reasonable expectations when compared to existing data where Data centers showed the most promising result. The study can conclude that Helsinki can potentially achieve a non-­carbon­ based district heating system with a sufficient heat production management strategy. / Värme­- och elproduktionen står tillsammans för 31% av de globala koldioxidutsläppen. Produktionen är idag fortfarande starkt beroende av fossila bränslen med en global andel fossila bränslen i fjärrvärmeblandningen på 90%. För att hålla sig i linje med Parisavtalet måste fjärrvärmen konfigureras bort från fossila bränslen genom att utnyttja nya utsläppsfria värmekällor samt skapa mer energieffektiva städer genom att utnyttja mer återvinning av spillvärme. Helsingfors har en fjärrvärme som domineras av fossila bränslen och har utsatt mål om att bli koldioxidneutralt senast 2035, vid 2020 hade staden en årlig värmekonsumption på 6.4 TWh. För att uppnå detta behövs forskning för att undersöka hur man kan inkludera koldioxidfria värmekällor i det nuvarande värmesystemet. Det finns för närvarande bristfällig mängd litteratur på detta område och utifrån den identifierade forskningsluckan utvecklades följande huvudsakliga forskningsfråga. Hur kan Helsingfors uppnå koldioxidfri fjärrvärme? För att lättare kunna besvara huvudfrågan utvecklades tre underfrågor. (1) Hur stor är energipotentialen för icke kolbaserade värmekällori Helsingfors för fjärrvärme? (2) Var finns värmekällorna? (3) Vilka är de tekno-­ekonomiska konsekvenserna av värmekällorna? En högupplöst kartläggning av värmekällor och en rumslig analys genomfördes för Helsingfors stad där lågkvalitativa värmekällor skulle identifieras för fjärrvärme. Arbetet fokuserade på följande värmekällor: Livsmedelsbutiker, isbanor, tunnelbanestationer, datacenter, avloppsvatten, värmepumpar för havsvatten och geotermisk energi. Den utvecklade modellen består av fem steg: (1) Identifiering av värmekällor, (2) Utvärdering av teknisk potential, (3) Kartläggning av DH­-nätverk och rumslig analys, (4) Ekonomisk modell och (5) Teknisk-ekonomisk utvärdering. Totalt 363 värmekällor identifierades och utvärderades. De kombinerade resultaten av värmekällorna var en total kapacitet på 1,257.56 MW med en total årlig värmeproduktion på 7,088.31 GWh. Merparten av kapaciteten och värmen kom från havsvattenvärmepumpar och geotermisk värme. Cirka 84% av de kartlagda värmekällorna låg inom 100 meter från det nuvarande fjärrvärmerörnätet. De ekonomiska resultaten visar att majoriteten av värmekällorna gav ett positivt nettonuvärde och en diskonterad återbetalningstid på mindre än 11 år. Den standardiserade kostnaden för värme låg inom rimliga gränser när den jämförs med befintliga data, där datacenter visade det mest lovande resultatet. Givet studiens resultat kan slutsatsen erhållas att Helsingfors potentiellt kan uppnå ett fossilfritt fjärrvärmesystem med en tillräcklig produktions-­ och värmehanteringsstrategi för fjärrvärme.

The living bond of generations / the narrative construction of post-dictatorial memories in Argentina and Chile

Frei, Raimundo 13 January 2017 (has links)
Die Dissertation zielt darauf ab zu verstehen, wie Individuen ihre Biografie mit vergangenen und gegenwärtigen kollektiven Ereignissen verknüpfen. Mithilfe des Konzepts der generationellen Erzählung werden die Lebensgeschichten von Personen, die nach dramatischen, von politischer Gewalt gekennzeichneten Zeiträumen in Chile und Argentinien geboren wurden, untersucht. Generationelle ‚stories’ in zwei Ländern werden recherchiert, um die verschiedenen politischen Entwicklungen, wirtschaftliche Divergenzen und kulturelle Unterschiede zu verdeutlichen. Die Dissertation zeigt, wie die kollektiven Gedächtnisse und Vergangenheitsbewältigungen der Diktaturen mit neoliberalen Wirtschaftsreformen, politischer Polarisierung und sozialen Bewegungen verstrickt sind. Jede ‚generationelle Lage’ bietet einen Plot (Erzählform), der vergangene Ereignisse und die Bedeutungszuschreibung der aktuelle Umstände umfasst. Die Arbeit beleuchtet Maurice Halbwachs Begriff ‚The living bond of Generations’, i.e.– die Verbindung von Vergangenheit und Gegenwart durch generationelle Beziehungen, Gedächtnisse und Narrative. / This dissertation aims to understand how people connect their biographies with historical and recent collective events. Through the concept of generational narratives, life-stories of individuals born after dramatic periods of political violence in Argentina and Chile, are examined. By recounting two generations’ stories in two post-dictatorial countries, political paths, economic divergences, and cultural differences are disclosed. In these contexts, collective memories of and processes of coming to terms with those difficult pasts are entangled in periods of neoliberal economic transformation, political polarization as well as youth mobilization. Every ‘generational site’ brings to the fore a narrative plot which encompasses past events and present processes of meaning attribution. The investigation shed lights on Maurice Halbwachs’ notion of ‘the living bond of generations’, i.e., how past and present times are lively connected through generational bonds, memories and stories.

Wandel von Einstellungen und Werten unter dem Aspekt des Autoritarismus deutscher Eltern im Zeitvergleich

Hennig, Marina 28 April 1999 (has links)
Vor dem Hintergrund der Auflösung der DDR als besonderes historisches Ereignis, welches alle Generationen in gewisser Weise tangiert, setzt sich die Studie mit der Frage auseinander, welchen Einfluß objektive Bedingungen und die damit verbundene Funktionsweise der Individuen in der Gesellschaftsstruktur auf die Vorstellungen über die Erziehung von Kindern und auf die Vorstellung über Individualität und Unterordnung haben. Drei Generationen stehen im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung, deren Lebensverläufe eng mit den beiden Weltkriegen, dem Wirtschaftswunder, der Teilung Deutschlands und den wirtschaftlichen und sozialstrukturellen Veränderungen in Deutschland verbunden sind bzw. waren. Dabei wird auch nach Ost- und Westdeutschland unterschieden. Diese drei Generationen werden zum einen in ihrem zeitgeschichtlichen Kontext beschrieben und zum anderen in Beziehung gesetzt mit bedeutenden sozialisationstheoretischen Ansätzen der jeweiligen Zeit. Dazu gehört die Autoritarismustheorie der Frankfurter Schule, die Theorie zur schichtspezifischen Sozialisation von Melvin Kohn und die Theorie des Wertewandels von Ronald Inglehart. Die jeweiligen Theorien werden dabei als Hypothesen behandelt, deren Gültigkeit beim Vergleich der Werte zwischen den Generationen überprüft wird. Dafür werden die Familiensurvey-Erhebungen des Deutschen Jungendinstitutes in München als empirische Basis genutzt. / Against the background of a disappearing East German state - a historic event which affected all generations to varying degrees – this study examines the effect that prevailing conditions and the resultant functioning of individuals within the social structure had on people’s approaches to childrearing and to individuality and subordination. The study focuses on three generations whose life courses were or still are closely linked with two world wars, the post-war economic miracle, the division of Germany and major economic and socio-structural changes within Germany. Distinctions are also made between East and West Germany. The three generations are on the one hand described within their respective historical contexts, and on the other examined in the light of the prominent socialisation theories of their time. These include the authoritarianism theory of the Frankfurt School, the theory of class-specific socialisation by Melvin Kohn, and Ronald Inglehart’s theory of value change. These theories are treated as hypotheses, the validity of which is tested by comparing the values identified for the different generations. The family surveys carried out by the Munich-based Deutsches Jugendinstitut form the empricial basis for this work.

Large-scale Attitude Changes toward Immigrants and Refugees: The Roles of Cohort Affiliation and Threat Perceptions

Schmidt, Katja 21 November 2022 (has links)
Diese Dissertation untersucht die Determinanten für Veränderungen in der öffentlichen Meinung zu Zugewanderten und Geflüchteten. Im Mittelpunkt steht die ungeplante Zuwanderung Geflüchteter in den Jahren 2015/16. Die Untersuchung konzentriert sich auf Deutschland, erforscht aber auch den breiteren europäischen Kontext. Erkenntnisse aus Mehrebenenanalysen, Längsschnittdaten und exklusiv erhobenen Geodaten tragen zur bisherigen Forschung bei und helfen, Schlussfolgerungen zu ziehen, wie Zuwanderung in Aufnahmegesellschaften besser gesteuert werden kann. Das erste empirische Kapitel zeigt, dass der Prozess der Generationenablösung in Deutschland nicht zu einem stetig toleranteren und offeneren Meinungsklima gegenüber Zugewanderten führt. Vielmehr ist ein Generationenverlauf zu beobachten, der nicht linear verläuft, sondern schwankend. Außerdem führen die gegenwärtigen Veränderungen der makroökonomischen Bedingungen zu keinen wesentlichen Veränderungen in den Einstellungen einer Generation. Ein Anstieg an Schutzsuchenden in Deutschland führt jedoch zu einer etwas restriktiveren Haltung zu Zugewanderten. Das zweite empirische Kapitel zeigt, dass die Zunahme der Zuwanderung aus verschiedenen Herkunftsländern unterschiedliche Reaktionen in den westlichen EU-Gesellschaften hervorruft. Während der Anstieg der Einwanderungsraten von EU-Bürgern keine signifikante Rolle bei der Veränderung der Einstellung der Einheimischen spielt, erweist sich die zunehmende Einwanderung aus Ländern des globalen Südens und von Geflüchteten als stabiler Prädiktor für eine ablehnendere Haltung der Kohorten. Das dritte empirische Kapitel liefert kaum Belege dafür, dass eine Geflüchtetenunterkunft in unmittelbarer Nähe mit den Einstellungen oder Verhaltensweisen der Einheimischen verbunden ist. Weder aktuelle Bedrohungswahrnehmungen noch erhöhte Kontaktmöglichkeiten durch die Anwesenheit einer Unterkunft in der Nähe haben einen nachhaltigen Effekt auf die Einstellungen der lokalen Bevölkerung. / This dissertation offers comprehensive study on the determinants for changes in public opinion toward immigrants and refugees. Centered around the unplanned immigration of large numbers of refugees in 2015/16, it focuses on Germany but additionally examines the broader context of Europe. Insights from multilevel analysis, longitudinal data and exclusively collected geo-data contribute to previous research and help to find conclusions on how to moderate and manage immigration in host societies. The first empirical chapter concludes that the process of generational replacement in Germany will not lead to a steadily more tolerant and open climate of opinion toward immigrants. Youngest cohorts in east Germany feel equally, and in west Germany increasingly threatened by immigration in comparison to their immediate predecessors. Moreover, current changes in macro-economic conditions do not lead to substantial changes in a generation’s attitudes. An increase in the number of people seeking protection in Germany, however, leads to somewhat more restrictive attitudes toward immigrants. The second empirical chapter shows that increases in immigration from different origin-backgrounds evoke dissimilar reactions within western EU host societies. While increases in immigration rates of EU citizens do not play a significant role in changing natives’ sentiments, rising immigration from countries in the Global South and refugees proves to be a stable predictor of cohorts’ attitudes to become more disapproving. The third empirical chapter finally provides little evidence that the presence of a refugee accommodation in close proximity is associated with locals’ attitudes or behavioral patterns toward refugees in Germany. Neither current threat-perceptions nor increased contact opportunities due to the presence of a refugee accommodation nearby have a lasting effect on locals’ attitudes. Sociotropic concerns at the societal level seem to outweigh actual affectedness at the local level.

Social Media: How to Interact with Millennials and Make Use of Self-Segmentation : A Case Study of Swedish Millennials’ Behavior on Facebook

Andersson, Simon, Arnvaller, Kevin January 2017 (has links)
Social media are online accommodations where users can interact with other users, which has become a phenomenon that has grown and completely exploded over the past decade. Companies are well aware of this and has invested a large amount of resources in order to establish a better contact with their customers. Companies have several different fields of applications with social media such as gathering information, promotion, communicating with customers and reach out to desired audience effectively. Millennials are the generation who most frequently use social media and also grown up during the phenomenon's development. Previous research has shown that companies have had difficulties in reaching out to the millennial generation. This thesis purpose is to gain a deeper understanding of how companies can use social media to facilitate the segmentation process and effectively reach out to the millennial generation. Therefor two research questions have been established. The two research questions have been answered with assistance from relevant theory and research in the subject area. A case study was applied for the study, where the data was gathered from two focus groups discussing the social media platform Facebook. Each focus group consisted of eight participants within the millennial generation containing basic knowledge in marketing. The study’s result indicates millennials to follow (and thereby self-segment themselves) influential profiles they have a personal interest towards. However, Facebook is not the platform where the millennials follow these profiles. The study also indicates the best way to capture millennials interest on Facebook is through short, humorous videos with an interest capturing beginning. The study’s results also show millennia’s have a low interest in interacting with companies on Facebook. / Sociala medier är onlineplatser där personer kan interagera med varandra. Detta fenomen har vuxit i en accelererande fart under de senaste decenniet och fångat stort intresse hos företag som lägger massiva resurser på att få en bättre kontakt med sina kunder. Företag har åtskilda användningsområden av sociala medier, som till exempel att samla kundinformation, marknadsföra sig, kommunicera med kunder och att nå ut till en önskad målgrupp. Millennials är den generationen som flitigast använder sociala medier och har växt upp under fenomenets utveckling. Tidigare forskning visar att företag har haft svårigheter med att nå ut till millennial generationen. Denna uppsats syfte är därför att ge en djupare förståelse om hur företag kan använda sig av sociala medier för att förenkla segmenteringsprocessen och nå ut till millennial generationen. För att få en djupare förståelse inom område, har vi formulerat två forskningsfrågor. Forskningsfrågorna har i sin tur blivit besvarade med ståndpunkt i relevant teori och forskning inom området. Studien utfördes som en fallstudie, där informationen samlades in från två fokusgrupper som diskuterade Facebook. Vardera fokusgrupp bestod av åtta deltager inom millennial generationen, med grundläggande marknadsförings kunskaper. Studiens resultat indikerar på att millennial generationen följer (och där igenom själv-segmenterar sig själva) inflytande profiler de finner ett personligt intresse för. Dock är Facebook inte den plattform de använder för att följa dessa profiler. Vidare indikerar studien att det bästa sättet att fånga millennial generationens intresse är genom en kort, roligt video, där något intressant händer under de första sekunderna. Studiens resultat visar även att millennial generation inte har något större intresse av att interagera med företag på Facebook.

Generationswechsel in kleinen Familienbetrieben als biographische Arbeit / Eine empirische Studie / Alternation of generations in small family businesses as biographical work / An empirical study

Wenk, Regina 14 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Lågtempererad fjärrvärme i bostadsområdet Tullkammarkajen

Palmer, Simon, Sjöberg Åkerlundh, Theodor, Lomander, Mikael January 2018 (has links)
District heating plays a major part of the energy system used for heat supply in Sweden. The starting point of this parameter study have been to investigate the possibilities to provide the area Tullkammarkajen with efficient district heating supply in help of low temperature residual heat and waste heat from a nearby industry. The area is located in the city center of Halmstad and is currently in its planning phase. Facilities and apartments are planned to be built.The study is based on three different parameters: type of system, system temperatures and energy demand. The different type of systems that is analyzed is conventional districtheating, low-temperature district heating with a heat pump as a complement as well as low-temperature district heating with the primary network’s feed line as a complement. Further comparison was made between these parameters, both from an energy wise perspective as well as from an economic perspective.The underlying idea to this study has been to obtain an energy efficient solution that at the same time suits the principle of sustainable development. However, it can clearly be seen in the presented results that it is more profitable to use more conventional methods that are not adapted to sustainable development, based on today’s market. Thus, the question becomes whether the future of innovative solutions or economical funds should be prioritized.

Scenario-based strategic planning and strategic management in family firms

Brands, Christian 04 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This cumulative dissertation covers the concepts of scenario-based strategic planning and strategic management in family firms over five articles. The first article gives an overview of the cumulative dissertation explaining the research gap, approach and contribution of the dissertation. The paper highlights the two research areas covered by the dissertation with two articles focusing on scenario-based strategic planning and two on strategic management in family firms. The second article is the first of two focusing on scenario-based strategic planning. It introduces and describes a set of six tools facilitating the implementation of scenario-based strategic planning in corporate practice. The third paper adapts these tools to the financial management and controlling context in private companies highlighting the tools’ flexibility in managing uncertain and volatile environments. The fourth article is the first of two focusing on strategic management in family firms. It analyzes organizational ambidexterity as a factor explaining family firm performance. The article shows that a high level of organizational ambidexterity in family firms leads to a higher family firm performance. The final paper concludes the dissertation examining the tendency of family firms to focus on capability exploration or resource exploitation over different generations managing the family firm.

Scenario-based strategic planning and strategic management in family firms

Brands, Christian 18 September 2013 (has links)
This cumulative dissertation covers the concepts of scenario-based strategic planning and strategic management in family firms over five articles. The first article gives an overview of the cumulative dissertation explaining the research gap, approach and contribution of the dissertation. The paper highlights the two research areas covered by the dissertation with two articles focusing on scenario-based strategic planning and two on strategic management in family firms. The second article is the first of two focusing on scenario-based strategic planning. It introduces and describes a set of six tools facilitating the implementation of scenario-based strategic planning in corporate practice. The third paper adapts these tools to the financial management and controlling context in private companies highlighting the tools’ flexibility in managing uncertain and volatile environments. The fourth article is the first of two focusing on strategic management in family firms. It analyzes organizational ambidexterity as a factor explaining family firm performance. The article shows that a high level of organizational ambidexterity in family firms leads to a higher family firm performance. The final paper concludes the dissertation examining the tendency of family firms to focus on capability exploration or resource exploitation over different generations managing the family firm.:I. SCENARIO-BASED STRATEGIC PLANNING AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN FAMILY FIRMS … 1 1. Research question and goal of the dissertation … 2 2. Summary of papers … 8 2.1. Contribution … 12 2.2. Implications and further research … 16 II. SIX TOOLS FOR SCENARIO-BASED STRATEGIC PLANNING AND THEIR APPLICATION … 25 1. Introducing tools one and two: The framing checklist and 360° stakeholder feedback … 27 1.1. The framing checklist … 27 1.2. Description of the framing checklist … 29 1.3. 360° stakeholder feedback … 36 1.3.1. Existing perceptions, blind spots and weak signals … 37 1.3.2. Description of 360° stakeholder feedback … 38 1.4. Evaluation of the framing checklist and 360° stakeholder feedback … 44 2. Applying frameworks one and two: The framing checklist and 360° stakeholder feedback in the European airline industry … 46 2.1. Introduction … 46 2.2. The framing checklist … 46 2.3. 360° stakeholder feedback … 48 3. Introducing tools three and four: The impact/uncertainty grid and the scenario matrix … 53 3.1. The impact/uncertainty grid … 53 3.2. Description of the impact/uncertainty grid … 55 3.3. The scenario matrix … 57 3.4. Description of the scenario matrix … 62 3.5. Evaluating the impact/uncertainty grid and the scenario matrix … 67 4. Applying frameworks three and four: The impact/uncertainty grid and the scenario matrix in the European airline industry … 69 4.1. Introduction … 69 4.2. The impact/uncertainty grid … 69 4.3. The scenario matrix … 71 5. Introducing tools five and six: The strategy manual and the monitoring cockpit … 87 5.1. Introduction … 87 5.2. The strategy manual … 87 5.3. Description of the strategy manual … 91 5.4. The scenario cockpit … 95 5.5. Description of the scenario cockpit … 96 5.6. Evaluating the strategy manual and the scenario cockpit ..................... 99 6. Applying frameworks five and six: The strategy manual and the scenario cockpit in the European airline industry … 102 6.1. The strategy manual … 102 6.2. The scenario cockpit … 105 III. SZENARIOBASIERTE STRATEGISCHE PLANUNG IN VOLATILEN UMFELDERN … 111 1. Einführung: Unternehmen agieren in einer zunehmend volatilen Umwelt … 112 2. Volatilität als Herausforderung für die strategische Planung … 112 3. Szenariobasierte strategische Planung als Lösungsansatz für Planung unter Volatilität …114 3.1. Grundlagen der szenariobasierten strategischen Planung … 114 3.2. Prozess der szenariobasierten strategischen Planung … 115 4. Zusammenfassung ... 122 IV. ORGANIZATIONAL AMBIDEXTERITY AND FAMILY FIRM PERFORMANCE … 125 1. Introduction … 126 2. Theory and Hypotheses … 127 3. Methodology … 131 3.1. Research Design and Sample Generation … 131 3.2. Measures … 133 4. Analysis and Results … 135 5. Discussion and Conclusion … 139 V. THE IMPACT OF SUCCESOR GENERATION DISCOUNT IN FAMILY FIRMS: EXAMINING NONLINEAR EFFECTS ON EXPLORATION AND EXPLOITATION … 150 1. Introduction … 151 2. The RBV and the importance of exploration and exploitation … 154 3. The importance of exploration and exploitation in family firms … 156 4. The impact of generational involvement on exploration and exploitation in family firms … 159 5. Methodology … 164 5.1. Constructs … 165 5.2. Results … 167 6. Discussion … 172 6.1. Implications for theory and practice … 175 6.2. Study limitations and future research … 176 6.3. Conclusion … 177

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