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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environnement et croissance : Essais sur des implications des choix altruistes des ménages / Environment and growth : Essays on some implications of households' altruistic choices

Constant, Karine 15 July 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l‘étude de la relation entre la croissance économique et l’environnement, en tenant compte des décisions altruistes des ménages envers leurs enfants en termes de legs économique, éducatif et environnemental. Ce travail s’articule autour de trois chapitres. Le premier se focalise sur les premiers stades de développement, marquant un tournant majeur de cette relation, et met en exergue le rôle des interactions des sphères économique, démographique et environnementale dans l’émergence d’un processus d’industrialisation polluante. Il illustre également les grandes disparités observées historiquement avec des économies piégées dans une trappe à pauvreté et d’autres se développant au prix d’une pollution élevée. Les chapitres suivants s’intéressent à des économies développées. Le deuxième chapitre prend en compte l’endogénéité des préférences environnementales pour analyser une politique environnementale composée d’outils usuels (taxe sur la pollution et dépenses de dépollution) et d’un outil éducatif visant à sensibiliser les ménages à l'environnement. Nous montrons qu’un tel "policy mix" peut permettre à la fois d’éviter des inégalités intergénérationnelles, provenant de fluctuations des préférences, et de favoriser la croissance économique. Le troisième chapitre traite des effets de la pollution sur l’espérance de vie et de l’aspect inégalitaire de leur répartition au sein de la population. Nous trouvons qu’il existe une trappe à inégalités, où les disparités empirent constamment mais qu’une politique environnementale peut permettre d’échapper à cette trappe et d’augmenter la croissance de l’économie, par ses effets sur la santé et l’éducation. / This thesis is devoted to the analysis of the relationship between economic growth and the environment, when considering the altruistic choices of parents toward their children, through environmental, economic and educative bequests. This work is organized around three chapters. The first focuses on the first stages of economic development, corresponding to a major turning point of this relationship. It highlights the role of interactions between economic, demographic and environmental spheres in the emergence of a polluting industrialization. Moreover, it illustrates the great disparities, historically observed, with economies stuck in a poverty trap and others developing at expense of their environment. The others chapter deals with developed economies. The second chapter takes into account the endogeneity of environmental preferences in order to analyze the implications of an environmental policy composed of usual tools (pollution tax and abatement activities) and an educative tool aiming to raise households’ environmental awareness. We show that such a policy mix may allow to avoid intergenerational inequalities, coming from fluctuations in preferences, and to enhance economic growth. The third chapter considers the effects of pollution on longevity and their unequal repartition across population. We highlight that there exists an inequality trap, where disparities are persistently widening, but also that an environmental policy may allow an economy to escape from this trap and to improve economic growth, through its positive effects on health and on the returns to education.

Leadership preferences of a Generation Y cohort: A mixed methods study.

Dulin, Linda 05 1900 (has links)
Presently there are four generational cohorts in the workplace. Born from 1977 to 1997, the youngest cohort group, referred to as Generation Y (or Gen Y) in this study, has 81 million members, of whom over 29 million are already in the workplace. The importance of leader-subordinate relationships in the workplace has been confirmed; in recognizing this, leaders must identify and adapt to the changing era-shaped needs of employees, who cannot fully participate in organizational life if their most urgent needs are not being met. Because Gen Y employees are only now entering the workforce, little is actually known about the workplace needs of this cohort group. This study attempted to determine leadership needs of a Gen Y cohort as a means to enhance workplace relationships in the 21st century organization. A sequential, mixed methods study was employed to explore leadership preferences of a Gen Y cohort. Initially, focus group interviews were used to generate leadership themes. Based on these themes, an instrument was designed, and Gen Y business students from three higher education institutions were surveyed. Confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL software was used to test the themes. The driving force behind this research design was to build a foundation of understanding through inductive research (qualitative) and to test and enrich the foundation through deductive means (quantitative).

Výběr zaměstnanců ve vybraném podniku / Selection of Employees in a Selected Company

Kovácsová, Aneta January 2017 (has links)
My thesis deals with the selection of new employees in a specific company. The theoretical part explains methods of recruitment and basic terms and concepts associated with this issue. The practical part contains a description of the company, the objective of the research and actual survey via questionnaire. The results of the research are proposals and recommendations for changes that lead to finding the most suitable candidates for selected positions in the company for its better operation.

Longevity and Economic Growth : three Essays / Longévité et croissance économique : trois essais

Brembilla, Laurent 08 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à la relation de long-terme entre la longévité et le développement économique. Dans le premier chapitre, j’analyse l’impact des dépenses de santé sur la croissance et le bien-être. Pour cela, j’étudie l’influence du taux d’imposition dans une économie avec temps de vie endogène (Chakraborty (2004)). Je détermine le taux d’imposition qui maximise le taux de croissance. Puis je m’intéresse aux variations du niveau de production dans l’état stationnaire par rapport au taux d’imposition. Enfin, j’étudie le taux d’imposition qui maximise le bien-être dans l’état stationnaire. Dans le second chapitre, j'analyse l’impact sur la croissance de dépenses de santé choisies par les agents. En effet, je développe un modèle de croissance endogène dans lequel les individus peuvent dépenser des ressources pour vivre plus longtemps dans leur période de retraite. Je donne une caractérisation complète de l’équilibre général dynamique puis je détermine l’impact sur la croissance des dépenses de santé. Enfin, le troisième chapitre étudie l’impact théorique du vieillissement sur l’allocation sectorielle des travailleurs. Je développe un modèle multi-sectoriel dans lequel j’examine les conséquences sur le revenu par travailleur et l’allocation sectorielle des travailleurs d’un choc de longévité et de fertilité. Je montre que contrairement aux modèles uni-sectoriels, le revenu n’est pas forcément monotone par rapport aux variables démographiques. Des chocs démographiques réalistes produisent des mouvements non-négligeables de travailleurs. / This dissertation is interested in the long-run relationship between longevity and economic development. In the first chapter, I analyse the impact of health expenditures on economic growth and welfare. For this, I study the influence of the tax rate in an economy à la Chakraborty (2004). I first determine the growth-maximizing tax rate, which is shown to be 0 in low-income countries. Second, I show that the steady-state income level is an inverted U-shaped function or a decreasing function of the tax rate. Third, I study the tax rate that maximizes the steady-state welfare level. In the second chapter, I propose a theoretical model to study the growth impacts of health expenditures chosen by the agents. Indeed, I develop a Diamond model with endogenous growth in which young individuals can spend resources to increase their longevity in retirement period. I give a full characterization of the dynamic general equilibrium and determine the growth impacts of health expenditures. They can speed up or slow down economic growth. They can be a barrier or a necessity for growth to take place. A calibration to OECD countries suggests that the latter case is the most likely one. Finally, the third chapter studies the theoretical impact of the aging process on the sectorial labor allocation. To this aim, I develop a multi-sector two-period overlapping generations model in which I examine the consequences of both a longevity shift and a fertility shift on the labor allocation of the economy and on the income per worker level. I show that contrary to one-sector models, the income per worker level is not necessarily monotonic with respect to demographic variables. Realistic demographic shocks are also shown to create significant labor reallocation across sectors.

Treffen der Generationen: Eine Reflexion erwachsenendidaktischen Handelns anhand theoretischer und empirischer Untersuchungen intergenerationaler Lern- und Planungskulturen in Sachsen und Nordrhein-Westfalen

Worf, Maria 12 July 2011 (has links)
Angesichts der pluralen und heterogenen Angebotslandschaft intergenerationalen Lernens fragt diese Dissertation, über welche pädagogischen Handlungen, Interaktionen und Steuerungseinflüsse sich intergenerationale Lernkulturen konstituieren, vor dem Hintergrund welcher gesellschaftlicher Tendenzen bestimmte Handlungen und Steuerungseinflüsse relevant werden und welche Ausdrucksformen von intergenerationaler Erwachsenenbildung dabei entstehen. Im theoretischen Pfeiler widmet sich diese Arbeit dem intergenerationalen Lernen auf mehreren Ebenen. Aufgrund der bestehenden Vielfalt und Komplexität an begrifflichen Rahmungen, gesellschaftlichen Hintergrundentwicklungen sowie theoretischen Konstruktionen werden intergenerationale Lernkulturen auf einer begrifflichen, gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen, theoretisch konstituierenden und institutionell systematisierenden Ebene beschrieben und definiert. Auf der Basis der dort vorgenommenen begrifflichen Abgrenzungen und Systematisierungen kann der Begriff sowie die Erscheinungsformen intergenerationaler Lernkulturen eingegrenzt und weitergehend empirisch untersucht werden. Dazu wird im empirischen Pfeiler der Arbeit eine zweistufige triangulative Explorationsstudie angesetzt, die durch eine Programmanalyse und Experteninterviews gekennzeichnet ist. Das Untersuchungsfeld verortet sich dabei auf der Mesoebene erwachsenendidaktischen Handelns und ist durch Interferenzen zwischen der makro- und mesodidaktischen Handlungs- und Interaktionsebene (Zeuner, 2009) gekennzeichnet. Aus den Befunden der Untersuchung lässt sich schlussfolgern, dass dichotome Adressat/-innenbeschreibungen, Begegnungs- anstatt Lernprozesse und wirtschaftliche anstatt pädagogische Orientierungen bei den Programmplanenden intergenerationaler Programme handlungsleitend für ihre Planungsarbeit sind. Es zeigt sich darüber hinaus, dass intergenerationale Lernkulturen einen sehr geringen Professionalisierungsgrad aufweisen und dass der gesellschaftliche Bedarf intergenerationalen Lernens in symbolischen Generationenbeziehungen instrumentalisiert wird. Die Relevanz der Studie liegt damit insbesondere in einem bildungswissenschaftlichen Beitrag zu einer Generationentheorie für die Erwachsenenbildung, einer theoretischen Konturierung des Intergenerationalitätkonzepts, unter Bezug auf eine erwachsenenpädagogische Generationentheorie, einem Beitrag zur Programm- und Planungsforschung sowie in dem empirischen perspektivverschränkenden Beitrag zur Professionalisierungsforschung innerhalb beigeordneter Bildungsangebote. / Seeing the diverse and plural programs in the field of intergenerational learning, it is interesting to find out about the pedagogical and didactic actions and interactions as well as the influences of governance and regulation in intergenerational learning cultures. In the theoretical part of this thesis intergenerational learning is described and defined on the level of conceptual and socioscientific approaches, theoretical constitutions and institutional systematisation. Based on the proposed conceptual differentiations, the empirical investigations will elucidate the field of intergenerational learning. As a result the empirical work focuses on a triangulative study combining a program analysis with theory generating expert interviews. The case of study is positioned in the mesodidactic level and is characterised by interferences between makro- and mesodidactic level of action and interaction (Zeuner, 2009). The theoretical and empirical findings present patterns of intergenerational learning cultures that show an unspecific and dichotomous description of the intended audience. The findings also show that typically intergenerational encounters are more prominent than intended and critically reflected learning processes. Moreover, economic interests overbalance pedagogical interest. Consequently, intergenerational learning is interpreted as a rather low professionalised exploited field of continuing education, where generational encounters are supposed to be pedagogical.

Understanding Institutional Influences on Environmental and Social Responsibility in Family-Run Wineries : A look at US and Hungarian CSR practices

Still, Brandie, Thernesz, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of the research is to explain how and why the internal and external influences faced by family-run wineries affect their CSR practices and communication through institutional theory and stakeholder theory. Methodology – Ten wineries were analyzed in winemaking regions in Hungary and the US, of which nine semi-structured interviews were undertaken with family members and employees.  The research available implies that family-run businesses within the wine industry are regulated by institutionalism (Brundin & Wigren-Kristoferson, 2013). Therefore, institutional theory is applied to the analysis of the data. The lens of institutional theory uses three pillars, regulatory, normative, and cultural cognitive to identify the external and internal influences on these businesses.  Thematic analysis was utilized to code and analyze the data. In addition, the content of each interviewed winery is examined using thematic analysis. Thematic analysis is also applied to content provided on each winery’s website to back up the data. Findings –In Hungary, the use of sustainable production methods in wineries is part of the winemakers’ personal value system. In the US, wineries have a fierce commitment to the land. In recent years they have worked hard to communicate their sustainability practices. Winegrowers have incorporated modern and old-school practices addressing sustainability issues to meet the expectations of all stakeholders. Through institutional theory, it has been demonstrated that numerous drivers are influencing family-run wineries to implement environmental and social sustainability practices. However, there is a significant difference between these CSR practices and the need to communicate them between Hungary and the US. There is a significant difference between the communication methods of Hungarian and US wineries. In Hungary, there is little communication of sustainability practices, although there is movement towards more communication about sustainability practices since the introduction of the web and social media. The experience, in general, was that instead of communication, the emphasis is put more on living and working according to the principles of sustainability – whether it is environmental, social, or economic. In the US, the communication of CSR is used as a marketing tool to engage and educate their stakeholders, mainly through social media. Research implications –The implications of our research contribute to the knowledge of corporate social responsibility and how institutional influences affect social and environmental responsibility within family-run wineries by bringing the wine industry, family businesses, and CSR together under the analysis of institutional theory. The findings in this paper should be looked upon by family wineries as a resource related to the current communication of social responsibility in the wine industry. Research limitations – A limitation of this research is the lack of personal meetings with interviewees. Due to the COVID-19 lockdowns, the possibility of conducting the interviews face-to-face was not an option. The researchers were challenged to obtain more personal information about the familial, organizational structure without conducting multiple interviews, building trust and rapport.

Design of IP Multimedia Subsystem for Educational Purposes

Rudholm, Mikael January 2015 (has links)
Internet Protocol multimedia subsystem (IMS) is an architecture for services such as voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in IP based communication systems. IMS is standardized by the 3GPP standardization forum, and was first released in 2002. Since then IMS has not had the wide adoption by operators as first anticipated. As 3G already supported voice and video, the operators could not justify the expense of IMS. The current emergence of the fourth generation mobile communication system named Long Term Evolution (LTE) has, however, increased the need for knowledge of IMS and of creating services for it. LTE networks are IP only networks that provide low latency. In order to use LTE for making phone calls, VoIP technologies are needed. IMS is the architecture intended to be used for Voice over LTE (VoLTE). The need for tools for education within IMS was seen in 2006 by Enea Experts in Linköping, Sweden. The author of this thesis designed an IMS for educational purposes, but the project was never fully completed. This thesis will reexamine the design decisions previously made by the author. The requirements stated by the customer remain: that an IMS with basic signaling and logging should be easy to install, maintain, and evolve at a low cost. A literature study of IMS and VoLTE is presented to contribute with knowledge in these areas. The previous design and implementation made by the author is presented and analyzed. The third-party software that the previous implementation was based on is reexamined. Existing open source components are analyzed in order to identify how they can be used to solve the problem and to identify what remains to be developed in order to fulfill the requirements. New design suggestions, presented in today´s context, are proposed and verified using analytical reasoning and experiments. The outcome of the final work is new verified design decisions for the customer to use when implementing a new IMS for educational purposes. The thesis should also provide useful insights which instructors and students can use to teach and learn more about IMS. / Internet Protocol multimedia subsystem (IMS) är en arkitektur för tjänster, som IP-telefoni (Voice over Internet Protocol, VoIP), i IP baserade kommunikationssystem. IMS standardi¬seras av standardiseringsforumet 3GPP och första utgåvan släpptes år 2002. IMS fick dock inte det breda genomslag bland operatörer som förväntats. Eftersom 3G redan hade stöd för tal och video kunde operatörerna inte se skäl till ytterligare utgifter för IMS. Den fjärde generationens mobila kommunikationssystem, Long Term Evolution (LTE) är helt IP-baserat och ger lägre fördröjningar i nätet. För att kunna ringa telefonsamtal via LTE krävs VoIP-teknik. IMS är en arkitektur avsedd för att användas för Voice over LTE (VoLTE). Den nuvarande utvecklingen av LTE har därför ökat behovet av kunskap om IMS och av utveckling av IMS-tjänster. Enea Experts i Linköping insåg behovet av verktyg för utbildning inom IMS år 2006. Författaren av det här examensarbetet designade därför ett IMS för utbildningssyfte. Projektet slutfördes dock aldrig. Syftet med examensarbetet är att ompröva de tidigare designbesluten. Kundens krav kvarstår: att ett IMS med grundläggande signalering och loggning bör vara enkelt att installera, enkelt att underhålla och möjligt att utveckla till en låg kostnad. Arbetet innehåller en litteraturstudie av IMS och VoLTE för att ge en inblick i dessa områden. Den tidigare designen och implementationen presenteras och analyseras. Tredjeparts mjukvara, som den tidigare implementationen baserades på, omprövas. Befintliga programvaror med öppen källkod analyseras i syfte att kartlägga hur de kan användas för att lösa uppgiften, samt att identifiera vad som återstår att utveckla för att uppfylla kraven. Nya beslut kring design presenteras och besluten verifieras med experiment och analytiskt resonemang. Resultatet av detta examensarbete innefattar nya verifierade beslut kring design som kunden kan använda vid utveckling av ett nytt IMS för utbildningssyfte. Arbetet erbjuder också värdefulla insikter som instruktörer och elever kan använda för att undervisa samt för att lära sig mer om IMS.

Development of Next Generation Rollator

Ljungqvist, Ebba, Stegs Johansson, Sofia January 2015 (has links)
Today the county councils in Sweden prescribe rollators, but in the near future, the retail market for rollators will increase simultaneously with increased pressure within customer requirements. Among the users there is an increased awareness and urge to have a rollator that is up to date according to today’s development of the society. Which the current rollators on the market does not do. The demands from the customer have therefore started to change and are increasing within the coming generations. This is a result of the availability and possibility of all types of information regarding the subject. This means that there is a gap on the market that is growing, which leaves room for developing of a new product, to be able to keep up with technological progress. The goal was to deliver a reasonable concept proposal for a new rollator that with further development could be taken on to the next phase of development and production. The work also aims to clarify the next generation’s customer demands. Identify the issues surrounding today's prescriptions of rollators, as well as clarify the values that are imbedded in the product. The work has been based on a method called Pretzel, which is a product developing process developed by the company Scalae. Mapping of the society's value and norms connected to the rollators shows that the biggest problem among people is the early acceptance of the aid, this results in late prescribing of rollators. Which means that unnecessary injury often occurs, that is in not only unfortunately for the injured person but also a big cost for the society. Especially in comparison with the prescription cost of a rollator. These problems are thereby deep-rooted in values that closely connected to the slow development of rollators. The technological development today is extremely fast and new products are launched on the market at increasingly speed. For example, it would be very unusually to have the same model of mobile phone as your mother had when she was young. But when it comes to rollators, it is most possible that you may get the same model as your grandmother. To decrease the resistance against rollators the final concept is inspired by existing products on the market that already are accepted by the society. Although in other contexts, such as strollers and shopping carts. By using design and functions that the user is already are familiar with reach acceptance faster and reduce the risk of injuries. The final concept is called the Dramator and is a hybrid between a shopping cart and a rollator. / Idag förskrivs rollator av Landstingen samt kommuner, men inom en snar framtid kan marknaden för retail komma att öka radikalt i samband med att kraven från kunden ökar. Det råder en allt mer ökad medvetenhet och en vilja hos kunden att få en produkt som hänger med i samhällets utveckling, vilket dagens rollatorer inte gör. Då möjligheten och tillgängligheten till all sorts information ökar bidrar detta till att framtida generationer kommer att ställa högre krav på produkten än vad som ställs idag. Detta innebär att det just nu håller på att bildas ett glapp på marknaden och att en ny produkt som hänger med teknikens framfart måste utvecklas. Målet var att komma fram till ett konceptförslag, som sedan skulle kunna tas vidare till nästa fas för vidareutveckling och produktion. Arbetet syftar även till att bringa klarhet i kundkraven hos nästa generation och problem kring dagens förskrivningar, samt klarlägga värderingar som råder kring produkten. Arbetet har utgått från en metod som heter Pretzel, som är en process för degenerering och produktutveckling framtagen av företaget Scalae. Kartläggningen av värderingarna och samhällets syn på rollatorn, visar på problem som resulterar i att många rollatorer utskrivs försent. Detta innebär att onödiga personskador hinner uppkomma som i sin tur kostar samhället mycket pengar i jämförelse med förskrivningskostnaden av en rollator. Problemen ligger djup rotade i värderingar som går hand i hand men den långsamma utvecklingen av rollatorer. Den tekniska utvecklingen går idag oerhört fort och nya produkter lanseras på marknaden med rasande fart. Att till exempel ha samma mobiltelefonmodell som sin mamma är i dagens samhälle högst orimligt, men när det gäller rollatorer kan du till och med få samma modell som din farmor hade.Konceptet är inspirerat av existerande produkter på marknaden som är socialt accepterande, fast i andra sammanhang, så som barnvagnar och klassiska Dramaten-väskan. Genom att använda formspråk och funktioner som användaren redan är bekant med är målet acceptansprocessen för användaren kan kortas ner så att hjälpmedlet kan börja användas i tid och på så sätt minska risken för fallskador. Det slutliga konceptet kallas för Dramatorn och är en hybrid mellan en dramatenväska och en rollator.

Between the Garden and the Gardener

Lindsay, Sara Lynne 20 May 2022 (has links)
My work uses plant material and soil as a record of personal, cultural, and ecological history. History is not only held in the buildings and monuments, but in the soil itself. I gather this soil and foliage from both cultivated and uncultivated locations for my artwork. Using traditional domestic techniques of drying and canning, I preserve the materials that I have gathered. These will then be sewn together, cooked, and encrusted into objects. Despite my labor of preserving, these organic art supplies are transient. When made into works of art, they can be viewed in their vulnerable state, fighting against time, as they decay. .

Attityder till arbetet inom revisionsyrket : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på generationer, kön och livssituationer / Work attitudes within the auditing profession : A qualitative study focusing on generations, gender, and life situations

Larsson, Ida, Pettersson, Linn January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att skapa en djupare förståelse kring varför attityder till arbetet inom revisionsyrket skiljer sig mellan människor i olika generationer, kön och livssituationer. Studien avser även att beskriva och förstå på vilket sätt dessa skillnader manifesterar sig. Tidigare forskning har bekräftat att revisionsbranschen är utsatt för en hög personalomsättning och svårigheter att få medarbetare att stanna inom yrket på lång sikt. Vidare menar tidigare forskning att arbetstagarens attityder till arbetet är avgörande för dennes arbetstillfredsställelse och därmed dennes val att stanna på arbetsplatsen. För att skapa en förståelse om hur revisionsfirmor kan skapa långsiktiga arbetsförhållanden med dess anställda, är det av vikt att förstå vilka attityder som existerar inom professionen samt hur attitydskillnader mellan människor med olika generation, kön och livssituation kan förstås.  Studien grundades i en kvalitativ metod där personliga intervjuer användes som datainsamlingsmetod. Totalt tio intervjuer genomfördes. Respondenterna bestod av tre revisionsassistenter, fyra auktoriserade revisorer och tre godkända revisorer. Studiens resultat indikerade att skillnader i attityder till arbetet mellan olika generationer och livssituationer främst kan förstås av olika värderingar. Vissa värderingar upplevdes vara konstanta under karriärens gång medan vissa kunde förändras över tid, till exempel när familjesituationen förändras eller när arbetsmarknaden förändrats efter Covid-19. Resultatet indikerade vidare att könstillhörigheten inte ansågs skapa attitydskillnader, däremot poängterades det att förutsättningarna för att lyckas inom branschen skiljde sig åt mellan könen. / The aim of the study is to generate a deeper understanding regarding why work attitudes in the auditing profession differ between people in different generations, gender, and life situations. The study also intends to describe and understand in what way these differences manifest themselves. Previous research has confirmed that the industry is exposed to high staff turnover and difficulties in keeping employees in the profession in the long run. Furthermore, previous research confirms that the employee's attitudes to work are decisive for his job satisfaction and thus his choice to stay in the workplace. To create an understanding of how audit firms can create long-term working relationships with their employees, it is important to understand the attitudes that exist within the profession and how differences in attitudes between people with different generations, gender and life situations can be understood. The study was conducted with a qualitative method where personal interviews were used as a data collection method. A total of ten interviews were conducted. The respondents consisted of three audit assistants, four certified accountants and three approved auditors. The results of the study indicated that differences in attitudes to work between different generations and life situations can mainly be explained by different values. Some values ​​were perceived to be constant during the course of their careers, while some could change over time, for example when the family situation changes or when the labor market changed after Covid-19. The results further indicated that gender did not seem to create differences in attitudes, however, it was pointed out that the conditions for success in the industry differed between the sexes.

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