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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les fictions pensantes de Georges Perec et Enrique Vila-Matas / The thinking fictions of Georges Perec and Enrique Vila-Matas

Zamorano, Julie 06 July 2015 (has links)
À partir du concept de « fiction pensante » élaboré par Franck Salaün, l’objectif de cette étude est de montrer, à partir des œuvres de Georges Perec et d’Enrique Vila-Matas, que la fiction littéraire est un lieu de pensée critique et existentielle de l’auteur. Partant des interrogations sur le rapport de l’individu à la mise en écriture de soi, les romans de ces deux auteurs apparaissent comme de véritables lieux pour penser leur existence, leur écriture et leur relation à la littérature, qui sont autant d’éléments montrant leur façon d’être au monde. La fiction étant considérée comme un élément inhérent à la constitution de la pensée, la pensée se révèlera être également inextricable de la littérature. Parce qu’elle construit des mondes possibles auxquels le lecteur peut s’identifier et parce qu’elle apporte des connaissances morales, la littérature est une forme de savoir sur le monde différent mais tout aussi légitime que celui apporté par la philosophie et les sciences (tant les sciences dures que les sciences sociales). À partir des œuvres de ces deux écrivains, la fiction littéraire est donc envisagée comme le lieu où s’expriment leurs pensées littéraires aussi bien que leur conception du monde. / Using the concept of « thinking fiction » created by Franck Salaün, on the base of the works of Georges Perec and Enrique Vila-Matas, the objective of this study is to demonstrate that literary fiction is the expression of the author’s critical and existential thinking. Based on the interrogations concerning the relation between the individual and the writing of the self, their novels appear to be a place to think their existence, their writing and their relation to literature, which constitute the elements of the way they live the world. When considering fiction as an inherent element of the constitution of thought, thought will reveal itself to be also inextricable from literature. Because it creates possible worlds to which the reader identifies and because it contributes to moral knowledge, literature is a form of knowledge of the world as legitimate as the one built by philosophy and sciences (hard sciences as well as human sciences). Based on the works of these two writers, literary fiction will be considered as a place to express their literary thoughts as well as their conception of the world.

La valeur propositionnelle des espaces urbains dans l’oeuvre de Georges Perec, Annie Ernaux et Patrick Modiano

Noël, Marine 11 1900 (has links)
Ce travail vise à interroger les représentations de l’espace urbain dans trois oeuvres successives, soit le roman Un homme qui dort de Georges Perec, le Journal du dehors d’Annie Ernaux et le roman Dans le café de la jeunesse perdue de Patrick Modiano. Il met en regard une évolution de l’image de Paris dans la littérature de la fin du XXe et du début du XXIe, avec un roman des années soixante, un journal englobant les années quatre-vingt et quatre-vingt-dix et un autre roman contemporain. Usant du champ de la sociocritique, le mémoire soutient l’hypothèse d’une altérité fondamentale de l’espace urbain dans les trois oeuvres, suggérée par les multiples discours narratifs. Les changements urbanistiques liés à l’émergence du consumérisme, comme la modernisation des transports, le réagencement des quartiers ou l’agrandissement de Paris poussent personnages et narrateurs à un réinvestissement sémantique de l’espace urbain. Celui-ci passe par une question : comment la ville pourrait être autre? L’étude se penche donc sur le « choc » du sujet dans la ville tel qu’abordé par Benjamin, sur son rapport ambigu au passé et à une mémoire collective parisienne et sur la capacité des narrateurs à renouveler leur pratique de la ville pour se l’approprier. / This thesis analyzes the urban space representations, as expressed in Un homme qui dort by Georges Perec, Journal du dehors by Annie Ernaux and Dans le café de la jeunesse perdue by Patrick Modiano. It highlights a conflicted and moving parisian imagery during the second half of the XXth century, with one novel from the late sixties, one diary written between the eighties and the nineties and one contemporary novel. This is aiming to show a striking coherence between the studied works. This sociocritical analysis focuses on the otherness suggested by multiple narratives in the city. The changing urban landscapes, which are caused by new types of public transportations or renovated and new neighbourhoods, are related to consumerism. It leads characters and narrators to semantically reinvest in their city. This brings them inevitably to a question: how could the city be radically different? How can they find and suggest its otherness? The thesis deals with the subject’s “shocks” in the city, as expressed by Walter Benjamin, as well as with his ambiguous relationship with the past and collective memory and also with the narrators’ ability to renew their urban experiences.

Pouvoir et impouvoir du verbe : le dit, l'inter-dit, le silence : approche des oeuvres de Maurice Blanchot et Georges Bataille / The power and powerlessness of the verb : saying and silence in the works of Maurice Blanchot and Georges Bataille

Radouk, Fatima 05 February 2010 (has links)
Qu'en est-il de la communication de l'impossible dans son rapport au pouvoir du langage ? En révélant la face a-dialectique du langage littéraire, Maurice Blanchot et Georges Bataille, liés par une amitié essentielle, ont redéployé l’espace désoeuvré de l’Impossible comme espace scripturaire. La présente étude s’est articulée en trois parties, regroupant chacune quatre chapitres. La première s’est intéressée à la nomination comme stricte révélation de la négativité, d’une part, et de l’altérité, d’autre part. Elle a analysé les stratégies de contestation du discours dialectique adoptées en vue de redessiner un nouvel espace communautaire grevé d’absence. Cette dernière, induisant par ailleurs le mouvement infini de la répétition, ouvre l’exigence scripturaire à l’in-fini du re-dire. La seconde a mis au centre de ses préoccupations, à l’exemple des auteurs eux-mêmes, la mort. Liée au déploiement scripturaire, la mort creuse littéralement le Dire dans lequel domine l’oscillation entre pouvoir et impouvoir. La dimension thanatique des œuvres des deux auteurs convoque les notions de limite, de transgression, de dehors, de chance et de neutre qui envisagent toutes l’ouverture de l’expérience scripturaire sur son impossible horizon. La dernière partie, quant à elle, a mis en évidence la manière dont l’écriture, en son mouvement disjoint et imaginaire, s’abstrait du domaine du possible en s’ouvrant finalement sur le silence dont elle se fait complice pour ouvrir le Dire au partage de l’Impossible. / This thesis discusses the saying of the Impossible in its relationship to the power of language in the works of Maurice Blanchot and Georges Bataille. By unveiling the a-dialectical aspect of the literary language, Maurice Blanchot and Georges Bataille, who were bound by an essential friendship, deployed anew the idle space of the Impossible as a writerly space. This study is composed of three parts, each divided into four chapters. The first part discusses nomination as a strict unveiling of negativity on the one hand, and of alterity on the other hand, before analysing the strategies of contesting the dialectical discourse which were adopted by both writers with a view of delineating a new community space marked by absence. By inducing an endless movement of repetition, absence is shown to open the writerly exigence to the infiniteness of re-saying. The second part focuses on death as explored by both writers themselves. As linked to the writerly deployment, death literally enacts a saying dominated by the oscillation between Power and Unpower. The thanatical dimension of the works of both authors relies on the notions of limits, transgression, exteriority, chance and neutre, all of which lead to the opening of the writerly experience on its impossible horizon. The third part highlights how writing, in its disjointed and imaginary movement, abstracts itself from the realm of the possible by opening itself to the silence and becoming thus its accomplice to open the saying to the sharing of the Impossible.

Le décadent ou la haine de la démocratie, de Charles Baudelaire à Elémir Bourges / The decadent or hatred of democracy, from Charles Baudelaire to Elémir Bourges

Souty, Arnaud 24 June 2016 (has links)
À la fin du XIXe siècle, avec l’avancée de la pensée démocratique, le décadent fait l’expérience de la rupture ontologique d’avec l’ordre ancien dont les hiérarchies, sous la pression de l’égalité sociale, ont été ruinées. Du système hiérarchique de l'Ancien Régime, qui par définition est transcendant et garant de la volonté divine, l'individu passe à un système démocratique du nivellement et de l’indifférenciation de l’immanence. Consécutive au mal fin de siècle, la haine que voue le décadent à la démocratie se manifeste par la condamnation de tout son fondement idéologique. Ainsi les Lumières se trouvent être la cible privilégiée de sa critique, en particulier Rousseau et son hypothèse philosophique de « l'homme naturellement bon », mais aussi leur héritage direct à travers la notion de Progrès. Car le décadent ne saurait être en accord avec l’idée concernant le progrès indéfini qui ne peut qu’être néfaste pour l’âme humaine, un frein à son Salut. Devant l'avènement de la démocratie, le décadent voit également son statut de poète menacé. Car la désacralisation et le désenchantement du monde sont aussi synonymes de la dé poétisation du poète. Sous l'effet de l'uniformisation des masses, la pensée conformiste et contagieuse de la société démocratique met en péril la singularité, l'individualité et le caractère aristocratique du décadent. Face à cet état de fait, il se retrouve face à une alternative. Ou bien il se retranche dans sa tour d’ivoire, à l’abri des valeurs bourgeoises de la société, afin de préserver sa singularité et son unicité, ou bien, dorénavant sans auréole, poète maudit, il chante la modernité en prose, celle d’un monde en déréliction, dans une compassion fraternelle avec tous les déshérités, pour ainsi créer une nouvelle harmonie. / At the end of 19th century, as the democratic thought process was evolving, the decadent experienced an ontological break away from the old order, whose hierarchies were crushed under the pressure of social equality. From the hierarchical system of the Ancien Régime which, by definition, transcended and pledged the divine will, one adopted a democratic system of levelling and non differentiation of immanence. As a consequence of the end of century malaise, the hatred which the decadent had for democracy was apparent through the condemnation of its entire ideological basis. Hence, Rousseau and his philosophical premise of « man being naturally good » became the preferred target of his critique, which besides was directed at the entire legacy of the Enlightened, particularly their belief in the notion of Progress. Indeed, the decadent could not agree with the idea that indefinite progress could but be harmful to the human soul and hinder its Salvation. During the advent of democracy, the status of poet enjoyed by the decadent was also in jeopardy, because the deconsecration and disillusionment of the world also lead to the poet being depoetized. In view of the standardisation of the masses, the conformist and contagious reflection of the democratic society endangered the singularity, the individuality and the aristocratic character of the decadent. Faced with such a situation, he had a choice : he could retreat in his ivory tower, away from the bourgeois values of society, in order to preserve his singularity and uniqueness, or, like a damned and haloless poet, he could henceforth talk in prose about modernity, that of a world in a state of dereliction, within the compassionate brotherhood of all deprived people, in order to create a new harmony.

Georges Perec. Překlad románové tvorby slavného autora experimentální literatury / Georges Perec. Translations of the noted writer's experimental novels

Němcová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to present the French author Georges Perec in greater detail - his life and works, constraints he used in his experimental literary work, the reception of the author in the Czech and English contexts - and to compare the Czech and English translations of a selected extract from his novel Life A User's Manual. The first part of the thesis deals with the author's life and includes information on his published works. Its second part gives an overview of his texts translated into Czech, as well as of the reception of the writer's work in Czech media. The aim of the following part is to give a similar summary but with respect to the English context, and it sketches out some translation problems English translators encountered while translating Perec's work. The fifth part is dedicated to the writer's masterpiece Life A User's Manual. It outlines the main plot of the novel, the formal constraints Perec bound himself with, and his approach to writing in general. The final part is a comparative translatological analysis of the Czech and English translations of the fifty-first chapter.

\'Le voyage d\'hiver\' de Georges Perec ou a máquina de contar histórias: leitura e potencialidade, leitura como potencialidade / \'Le Voyage d\'hiver\' de Georges Perec ou a máquina de contar histórias: leitura e potencialidade, leitura como potencialidade

Samira Murad 11 June 2007 (has links)
Um dos últimos textos a ser publicado em vida pelo autor, Le Voyage d\'hiver, de Georges Perec, teve um destino diverso no âmbito da crítica literária perecquiana e do OuLiPo. Essa disparidade de tratamento parece estar vinculada ao tipo de análise que o papel do leitor suscitou na crítica até então. O objetivo dessa dissertação é realizar uma análise alternativa deste papel de modo a explicar a diferença apontada. Tentando evitar as aporias que a crítica perecquiana enfrenta na compreensão da obra do autor, esta dissertação traz também a análise de alguns aspectos do manuscrito preparatório de Le Voyage d\'hiver. / Le voyage d\'hiver - one of the last texts to be written and published by Georges Perec- has drawn different levels of attention to itself. Not having been frequently analysed by the critics, it has been used by the literary group known as the OuLiPo as a springboard for the production of a series of texts that repeated and expanded the themes dealt in Perec\'s text. This difference of approach seems to be related to the way the role of the reader is viewed by the critics. Therefore, the aim of this dissertation is to propose an alternative approach to the study of the role of the reader in Le Voyage d\'hiver. Moreover, in order to deal with some of the problems that the critics face when studying the work of Georges Perec, this dissertation analyses certain aspects of the Le Voyage d\'hiver manuscript.

Quem matou o autor foi o crítico: a resenha literária em Critique e Les Temps Modernes / Who killed the author was the critic: analysis of Critique and Les Temps Modernes literary review

Isabel Lopes Coelho 22 June 2009 (has links)
Análise das revistas de cultura Critique e Les Temps Modernes por meio das resenhas sobre Henry Miller e Charles Baudelaire. A dissertação comenta o surgimento das publicações e suas influências (a poética de Georges Bataille e a filosofia de Jean-Paul Sartre). Apresenta o campo intelectual das revistas e editoras no pós-guerra francês (1945-46). Sugere uma reflexão e um vocabulário para definir este novo crítico, um leitor especializado que, pelo ato da escrita, desenvolve a crítica. Também comenta a resenha como gênero, e as referências estruturalistas e sartrianas em ambas publicações. / Analysis of French culture magazines Critique and Les Temps Modernes, through the reviews on the authors Henry Miller and Charles Baudelaire. The text comments the appearance of the publications and its influences (Georges Batailles`s poetics and Jean-Paul Sartre`s philosophy). It presents the intellectual field of the magazines and publishing houses in the French post-war period (1945-46). It suggests a thought and a vocabulary in order to define the new critic character, a specialized reader that writes and produces critic. Finally, comments the genre review and Structuralism and Sartrian references on both magazines.

L’errore errante. La forma-filosofia tra pensiero delle tecniche e logica del vivente / L’erreur errante. La forme-philosophie entre pensée des techniques et logique du vivant / The Errant Error. The Philosophy-form between Technics’ Thought and Logic of Life

Poccia, Daniele 31 May 2019 (has links)
Poser la question de l’erreur implique de soulever une demande sur le statut de la philosophie, pratique finalisée, en tant que « science de la vérité » (d’après Aristote), à débusquer la possibilité dans laquelle l’erreur consiste à part entière. Corrélativement, cela équivaut à envisager le rapport entre machine et organisme, étant donné que l’erreur apparaît en fonction d’une anticipation de l’expérience (ou de sa reconsidération rétrospective) qui a partie liée avec un quelque genre d’acte créatif, vital ou artificiel. Georges Canguilhem et Raymond Ruyer ont ressentis avec force cet entrelacement, en problématisant, d’un côté, l’idée positiviste selon laquelle la technique dérive toujours d’une application du savoir scientifique et, de l’autre côté, la conception qui oppose vie et artifice. En essayant, donc, d’établir et de montrer la liaison entre ces trois domaines, la thèse parcourt l’œuvre de ces deux penseurs et illustre la manière dont l’erreur bouleverse une fois pour toutes chaque cadre ontologique fixe. La considération d’autres perspectives (Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari, Jean Cavaillès et l’inconnu Louis Weber) nous introduit, ensuite, à l’exigence de se référer, pour éclaircir les questions ontologiques et gnoséologiques, à la discursivité scientifique et aux logiques plurielles qu’elle déploie. Une pensée plurielle des techniques, fondée dans l’autonomie du geste et sur l’imprévisibilité de ses conséquences, devrait se rejoindre ainsi à une logique du vivant qui ne fait qu’une avec la logique – la forme – du discours philosophique. L’erreur opèrerait à l’instar d’un dispositif onto-poïétique qui requiert, néanmoins, de reconnaître une seule, véritable réalité : la recherche. / Error is a philosophical item that involves the statute of philosophical inquiry itself, a practice which aims to track down, as such as «science of the truth» (according to Aristotle), the possibility wherein error entirely consists. In parallel, that means to understand the relation between machine and organism, because the error can appear only in function of an anticipation of experience (or its retrospective observation), entailed materially, even before cognitively, by a biological or technical creative act. Georges Canguilhem and Raymond Ruyer have explicitly considered this problem, criticizing the positivistic idea about scientific derivation of technics as well as the irreducible distinction between living beings and artificial realities. Throughout the works of these two thinkers, the dissertation attempts to explain this fundamental relationship and to set up how error subverts every effort to fix a definitive ontology. Evaluating also others perspectives (like Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s view or the Jean Cavaillès and the unknow Louis Weber’s contributions), the argumentation leads to argue, furthermore, that, to clarify gnoseological and ontological problems, it is necessary to strictly follow the scientific discursivity and the pluralistic logics laid out by it. A pluralistic technics’ thought, based on autonomous gestures and on their unpredictable consequences, has to be reconnected to a logic of life which is the same order of the logic – the form – of philosophical discourse. Error should operate like an onto-poietic device and determine only a kind of genuine reality: research.

Bispo e Adéagbo: da desconstrução da crítica à adição e fusão de pensamento em forma de arte / Bispo e Adéagbo: from deconstruction of criticism, to the addition and fusion of thoughts into art

Alonso, Carlos Antônio 09 March 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve no debate teórico sobre ready made, pop art e arte conceitual, sua motivação inicial, surgida da crítica ao fechamento intelectual e estético presente nos cânones exigidos pelos currículos escolares no Brasil. As implicações destes conceitos são discutidas em paralelo à elaboração de uma visão crítica das classificações europeias e norte-americanas como matrizes adequadas para a compreensão da criação de artistas como Arthur Bispo do Rosário, Brasil (1919-1988) e de Georges Adéagbo, Benin (1942). De forma complementar, o percurso do pesquisador-artista participa do processo de compreensão e análise. O foco recaia de um lado no material e matéria dos objetos do cotidiano, utilizados na obra de Arthur Bispo do Rosário e nos itinerários das obras de Georges Adéagbo, artista autodidata que expõe suas ideias e narrativas em forma de objetos escultóricos, ocupações de espaços públicos. Eles têm ainda em comum, as metodologias e os processos que espelham conceitos próprios e arqueologias de saberes ligados às suas próprias culturas e sociedades, além de constante construção de suas identidades. Esses processos de pensamento envolvem a ação mental (conceituação ou projeto mental) e a execução das ideias que se reflete em seus trabalhos de arte. O interesse principal de ambos está na análise do cotidiano representado por objetos de origem endógena e exógena que são fundidos e geram aspectos diferentes à materialidade, à narrativa, à desconstrução do próprio objeto como fenômeno (logia) da metamorfose a ele impressa, retirado de seu espaço de significação original, resignificado e ambientado no espaço-ser da arte como pensamento a partir do objeto de Bispo e, na auto-arqueologia inversa de Adéagbo. / This research had its initial motivation the theoretical debate on ready-made, pop art and conceptual art, which comes up from criticism of intellectual and aesthetic closure present in the canons required by the school curriculum in Brazil. The implications of these concepts are discussed in parallel with a critical view of the European and American statements of these matrices for understanding the creation of Arthur Bispo do Rosário, Brazil (1919-1988) and Georges Adéagbo, Benin (1942). In addition, the path of the researcher-artist himself, participates on the understanding and analysis proposed. The focus lies on the one hand, in the everyday objects materials used in the work of Arthur Bispo do Rosário and in the routes of Georges Adéagbo, who is a self-taught artist that exposes his ideas and narratives shaped objects \"sculptural\" and public spaces interventions. They still have in common, their methodology that mirror their own concepts and archaeologies of knowledge linked to their own cultures and societies as well as constant construction of their identities. These thought processes involve mental action (concept or mental project) and implementation of the ideals reflected in his works of art. Both have as their main concern the everyday life presented by fused endogenous and exogenous objects that generate different materiality, narrative and even the deconstruction of the object itself as phenomenology of its metamorphosis, once it was removed from its place of original of meaning, reframed in space-being for Bishop, or in reverse self-archeology for Adéagbo.

Sobre a troca informacional entre o modelo fisiol?gico de organismo e concep??es de organiza??o pol?tico-social : pol?tica, t?cnica e ci?ncias da vida a partir de Georges Canguilhem

Labrea, Vanessa Nicola 25 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-05-22T11:31:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 469168 - Texto Completo.pdf: 900393 bytes, checksum: 31ef33b5546e5fd2a1050b73227c2e0f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-22T11:31:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 469168 - Texto Completo.pdf: 900393 bytes, checksum: 31ef33b5546e5fd2a1050b73227c2e0f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This present study addresses the problem of assimilability between models of the physiological body and socio-pol?tical organization, based mainly on the homologous use of the concept of regulation in both the medical-scientific and pol?tical fields. The works of Georges Canguilhem (1904-1995) in philosophy and the history of science permit an approach to the use of models in the life sciences and an analysis of informational transit between the socio-pol?tical and medicalbiological contexts, according to the structural, functional, and normative levels of each. From this, the "prosthetic" bias of life and biological bias of technique are discussed. Canguilhem's considerations converge to make his work an interaction between the four categories: politics, science, life, and technology. Organic individuality and the way human societies are organized are discussed by the author in the light of the sociology of Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim, the physiology of Claude Bernard, Ren? Leriche, Fran?ois Broussais, and Xavier Bichat, and the technological philosophy of Alfred Espinas, A.A. Cournot, and other scientists and philosophers in France in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Georges Canguilhem is usually classified in what as known as historical epistemology, along with Michel Foucault, Gaston Bachelard, and Jean Cavaill?s. In conclusion, here we call attention to the theoretical support extracted from Canguilhem's work as a contribution to the search for philosophical methods to consider the entanglement between art, politics, and life sciences, fields that are seen to interact in the production of knowledge and action. / O presente estudo aborda o problema da assimilabilidade entre modelos de organismo fisiol?gico e organiza??o pol?tico-social, pautado principalmente pelo uso hom?logo do conceito de regula??o entre os dom?nios m?dico-cient?fico e pol?tico. Os trabalhos em filosofia e hist?ria das ci?ncias de Georges Canguilhem (1904-1995) permitem abordar o uso de modelos no ?mbito das ci?ncias da vida e analisar o tr?nsito informacional entre o ?mbito pol?tico-social e m?dico-biol?gico, segundo os n?veis estrutural, funcional e normativo. Discute-se a partir disso o vi?s ?prot?tico? da vida e o vi?s biol?gico da t?cnica. As considera??es de Canguilhem convergem para determina??o de sua obra enquanto campo de intera??o entre as quatro categorias: pol?tica, cient?fica, vital e tecnol?gica. A individualidade org?nica e o modo de organiza??o das sociedades humanas s?o discutidas pelo fil?sofo ? luz da sociologia de Auguste Comte e Emile Durkheim, da fisiologia de Claude Bernard, de Ren? Leriche, de Fran?ois Broussais, de Xavier Bichat, da filosofia tecnol?gica de Alfred Espinas, de A.A. Cournot e outros cientistas/fil?sofos ambientados na Fran?a dos s?culos XIX e XX. Georges Canguilhem ? habitualmente classificado no quadro da chamada Epistemologia Hist?rica, em conjunto com Michel Foucault, Gaston Bachelard e Jean Cavaill?s. Em suma, apontamos aqui para um aporte te?rico extra?do da obra canguilhemeana enquanto contribui??o ? busca de m?todos filos?ficos para pensar o enredamento entre t?cnica, pol?tica, e ci?ncias da vida, dom?nios que se mostram interagentes na produ??o de saber e de a??o.

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