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Hur individanpassas undervisningen för de starka eleverna i matematik? En kvalitativ intervjustudieFallström, jenifer, Berggren, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Enligt Skollagen (SFS 2010:800) har alla elever rätt till en likvärdig och meningsfull utbildning. Det innebär att varje elev, oavsett fallenhet eller svårighet i undervisning har rätt till vägledning och stimulans för att nå längre i sin kunskapsutveckling. Elever som anses starka ska få individanpassad undervisning som utmanar eleverna utifrån deras kunskaper och förutsättningar. Men finns det risker med att denna rättighet, som borde vara en självklarhet, inte uppfylls av skolors verksamhet? Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie syftar till att undersöka och ge exempel på hur rektorer och lärare stödjer starka elever i matematik utifrån skolans uppdrag och ansvar. Intervjustudien grundar sig i det sociokulturella perspektivet och utgår från frågeställningarna: Hur planerar och genomför skolor arbetet med de starka eleverna i matematik? och Hur kan lärare i F-3 arbeta för att ge starka elever i matematik ledning och stimulans att nå längre i sin kunskapsutveckling? Studien visar att skolor saknar strategier på hur lärare kan hjälpa starka elever på bästa sätt, vilket kan medföra att denna elevgrupp blir sittandes i väntan på resterande elever. Uppdraget och ansvaret att anpassa undervisningen ligger idag hos läraren, ett ansvar som borde ligga på verksamheten eller hos regeringen. Studien lyfter dock ett arbetssätt för att individanpassa undervisning för starka elever i skolans ämnen. Detta arbetssätt innefattar en accelererande och berikande undervisning där eleven även får coachning och stöd genom hela sin skolgång för att få möjlighet att utvecklas så långt som möjligt. / Abstract According to Skollagen (SFS 2010:800), every student has the right to an equal and meaningful education. It means that regardless if the students have easy to learn or have learning difficulties, they have the right of guidance and stimulation to grow in their knowledge development. Students that are considered as strong learners must receive individualized education that challenges the students based on their individual needs. The question is if this right, that should be obvious, really is fulfilled in the schools´ education? This qualitative interview study aims to investigate and give examples of how principals and teachers support strong students in mathematics based on the school's assignment and responsibilities. The interview study is based on Vygotskijs’ socio-cultural perspective and assume the questions: How do schools plan and implement the work with the strong students in mathematics? and How can teachers in F-3 work to give strong students in mathematics guidance and stimulus to reach further in their knowledge development? The study indicates that schools lack strategies on how teachers can help strong students in the optimal way, which can implicate that this group of students is held back because of the remaining students. The assignment and responsibility to adapt the teaching today lies with the teacher, a responsibility that should lie with the organization or with the government. However, the study accents a way of working to individualize teaching for strong students in school courses. This approach includes an accelerating and enriching teaching where the students also receives coaching and support through the years in primary school to have the opportunity to develop in knowledge as far as possible. Key words:
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Särbegåvning i matematik : Stöd till lärare / Gifted in mathematics : Support for teachersKorpas, Maria January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this researchis to investigate what support teachers , who have gifted students in mathematics, can obtain from different institutions in a m unicipality. The levels are school (aperson working at a school and have knowledge of gifted), municipality’s special education unit and management (child and youth administration or similarThe data collection method used for this research was a qualitative interview which was done by telephone. The interviewees were chosen through contact with the municipalities and the accessibility of the people.The analysis and the results showed that the municipalities give similar support to the teachers and the gifted are more and more accepted , but they are usually seen as one group regardless of whether the students are gifted in mathematics or in another area.
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The purpose of this interpretive biography was to understand how college graduates perceive their experiences in secondary (high school) accelerated learning programs and the impact of that participation on their continued education. This inquiry was guided by the overarching question: What are college graduates’ perceptions and understandings of their experiences in secondary accelerated programs? Using a postmodern philosophy to review the empirical materials, this interpretive biography focused on the lived experience of a college graduate who participated in an accelerated secondary program and focuses on her reflections after graduating from a four-year university. The study finds that generally, secondary accelerated learning programs like concurrent enrollment are considered valuable for their academic preparation, but may be reinforcing societal notions that students should go through their schooling more quickly than is beneficial.
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Inkludering genom individanpassning : En intervjustudie om matematisk särbegåvning i montessoriklassrummet / Inclusion through individualised teaching : An interview study on mathematically gifted children in the Montessori classroomMoll, Sara January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study is to increase the knowledge of how Montessori teachers include mathematically gifted pupils through differentiated teaching. This was accomplished through semi-structured interviews with nine Montessori teachers from all over Sweden. The teachers were asked to describe how they plan their teaching, how they execute it and to share their thoughts and attitudes regarding this part of their job. The results show that the Montessori teachers in this study use differentiated teaching based on the Montessori principles of individualisation. They make individual lesson plans for every pupil, based on the pupil’s level of knowledge, interests and needs. These plans are made together with the pupils, who thus have an impact on their own education. As the lesson plans are put into practice the pupils get to choose what to do when, during three hour work cycles. This means there are many different activities happening at the same time in the Montessori classroom. This seems to be beneficial to mathematically gifted pupils, as they appear to be offered an education at their individual level of knowledge. They are also able to set their own work pace and thus advance at their own speed. The Montessori manipulatives are important to the teachers, but the mathematically gifted pupils are able to leave them behind quickly and instead work with more abstract mathematics. The study also shows that the teachers consider it exceedingly important that the mathematically gifted pupils are challenged and stimulated. For that reason, the teachers do not limit the pupils’ knowledge acquisition. The pupils are allowed to advance much further than what is expected at their age. In addition, the results of this study show that the Montessori teachers view working with gifted pupils as a positive and fun challenge and they consider it important to include these pupils in their teaching, instead of letting them work on their own. The results of this study may also suggest that Montessori schools can be beneficial to mathematically gifted pupils. / Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att öka kunskapen om hur montessorilärare inkluderar matematiskt särbegåvade elever genom en differentierad undervisning. Detta gjordes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio montessorilärare från hela Sverige. Samtliga undervisar, eller har undervisat, i matematik i årskurs f-3 och de har alla erfarenhet av matematiskt särbegåvade elever. Montessorilärarna ombads beskriva hur de planerar sin undervisning, hur de genomför den rent praktiskt samt att reflektera kring den här aspekten av deras jobb. Resultatet visar att montessorilärarna differentierar undervisningen utifrån montessoripedagogikens principer om individualisering. De gör i stort sett helt individuella planeringar för varje elev som baseras på individens nivå, intressen och behov. Denna planering görs tillsammans med eleverna, som alltså kan påverka sin undervisning. När undervisningen sedan omsätts i praktik görs detta under arbetspass som är tre timmar långa. Där får eleverna själva välja vad de vill arbeta med och när. Detta innebär att det pågår en mängd olika aktiviteter samtidigt. Detta tycks vara gynnsamt för de matematiskt särbegåvade eleverna, då de tycks få en undervisning på just deras nivå. De kan också själva välja arbetstempo och därmed avancera i sin takt. Montessorimaterielen har en stor plats i lärarnas undervisning, men de särbegåvade eleverna kan, enligt de intervjuade lärarna, snabbt övergå till en abstrakt matematik. Resultatet visar också att lärarna anser att det är av stor vikt att de matematiskt särbegåvade eleverna får utmaning och stimulans och begränsar dem därför inte i deras kunskapsinhämtning. Eleverna tillåts avancera långt över sin årskurstillhörighet. Studien visar dessutom att lärarna ser de särbegåvade eleverna som en positiv och rolig utmaning och att de tycker att det är viktigt att dessa elever inkluderas i undervisningen, istället för att lämnas ensamma i sin inlärning. Sammantaget kan studien tyda på att montessoripedagogiken kan vara gynnsam för matematiskt särbegåvade elever.
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Problemlösning för särskilt begåvade elever – ett sätt att inkludera och utmana : En studie om hur lågstadielärare tillämpar problemlösningsuppgifter för särskilt begåvade elever / Problem Solving for Gifted Pupils – Being Inclusive and challenging : A study of how primary school teachers, years 1-3, applying mathematical problem solving on gifted pupilsYtterberg, Märta January 2020 (has links)
The study aims to increase the knowledge of the extent to which primary school teachers use problem solving tasks to challenge and include mathematically gifted pupils. Furthermore, it aims to increase knowledge about the factors that influence teachers´ design around these tasks. The work is based on a quantitative survey among primary school teachers who teach mathematics. 104 teachers were included in the study group, where 96 percent had competence in teaching mathematics for compulsory school grades 1-3. The study clarifies what characterizes gifted pupils and how these features can be noticed in mathematics education. Furthermore, the teacher’s theoretical and didactic competence in mathematics is central to developing and shaping learning opportunities containing problem-solving tasks, which are well adapted to challenge and include gifted pupils. The study's overall theoretical approach is based on a cognitive theory and the result was analyzed with the help of the Mathematics Tasks Framework. The result shows that the majority of the lower-level teachers, who were part of the selection group, believe that problem solving tasks are advantageous to apply in order to include and challenge gifted pupils. However, teachers feel that they are facing obstacles in the work of giving gifted pupils the opportunity to learn, both in the planning phase and in the implementation phase. Teachers admit that they need to improve their competence in order to be able to challenge and include gifted pupils in mathematics education. / Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen om i vilken utsträckning lågstadielärare använder problemlösningsuppgifter för att utmana och inkludera särskilt begåvade elever. Vidare syftar den till att öka kunskapen om vilka faktorer som påverkar lärares utformning av problemlösningsuppgifter. Arbetet är baserat på en kvantitativ enkätundersökning som riktar sig till matematiklärare på lågstadiet. 104 lågstadielärare ingick i undersökningsgruppen, där 96 procent hade behörighet att undervisa i ämnet matematik för grundskolans årskurs 1–3. Studien belyser vad som karaktäriserar särskilt begåvade elever samt hur dessa drag kan uppmärksammas i matematikundervisningen. Studien tar utgångspunkt i att lärarens ämnesteoretiska och ämnesdidaktiska kompetens står i centrum när lärare utvecklar och formar lärtillfällen innehållande problemlösningsuppgifter, vilka är väl anpassade för att utmana och inkludera särskilt begåvade elever. Studiens övergripande teoretiska ansats utgår från en kognitivistisk teori och resultatet analyserades med hjälp av ramverket Mathematics Tasks Framework. Av resultatet framkommer att majoriteten av de lågstadielärare som ingick i urvalsgruppen anser att problemlösningsuppgifter är fördelaktiga att tillämpa för att inkludera och utmana särskilt begåvade elever. Lärarna upplever dock vissa hinder i arbetet med att ge särskilt begåvade elever möjligheten att lära, både i planeringsfasen och i genomförandefasen. Majoriteten av lärarna medger att de är i behov av kompetensutveckling för att ha förmågan att utmana och inkludera särskilt begåvade elever i matematikundervisningen.
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Inklusiewe en nie-formele benadering tot die identifisering van adolessente leerders se talent / An inclusive and non-formal approach to talent identification in adolescent learnersMoolman, Lindie 11 1900 (has links)
Die doel van hierdie studie is om riglyne daar te stel vir die vroeë identifisering van talent wat die totale funksionering en konteks van die leerder in ag neem.
‘n Literatuurstudie is onderneem om die navorsing en teorieë wat met die onderwerp verband hou, te ondersoek. Die denkverskuiwing van intelligensie as een konstruk na ‘n multikonstrukbenadering wat uit onderliggende intellektuele vermoëns voortvloei, is verken. Definisies van begaafdheid en talent wat oor ‘n tydperk onstaan het, is omskryf en die rasionaal vir die gebruik van talent in plaas van begaafdheid is gegee.
Die bio-ekologiese teorie van Bronfenbrenner, die positiewe sielkunde en die bate-gebaseerde benadering dien as teoretiese begronding van die studie. Talentontwikkeling en -identifisering is aan die orde gestel deur die liggaamlike, kognitiewe, sosiale, persoonlikheids-, emosionele en morele ontwikkeling van die adolessent te bespreek. Verder is die stand van talentidentifisering in Suid-Afrikaanse skole ondersoek en is aangedui in watter mate dit deur amptelike beleid gerig en ondersteun word. Beginsels wat tydens talentidentifisering in ag geneem moet word asook enkele identifiseringsmodelle wat ‘n bydrae tot die kennis van begaafdheid en talentidentifisering lewer, is bespreek. Verder is ‘n verskeidenheid talente wat uit algemene intellektuele intelligensie ontwikkel, aangedui.
Die literatuurstudie het getoon dat daar nie in die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse skoolbeleid direkte riglyne is vir die identifisering van adolessente leerders se talent nie. Die deurlopende klem op akademiese prestasie en die feit dat leerders teen ‘n graadgemiddeld geassesseer word, lei waarskynlik daartoe dat ander metodes van assessering nie altyd in Suid-Afrikaanse klaskamers tot hul reg kom nie.
Ten einde ‘n verskeidenheid talent te identifiseer en terselfdertyd ‘n leerder se konteks in ag te neem, is afsonderlike talentskale vir leerders, ouers en onderwysers ontwikkel en toegepas. Riglyne vir die identifisering van adolessente leerders se talent is dus op ‘n nie-formele manier ontwikkel.
Die bevindinge van hierdie studie dui daarop dat die talentidentifiseringsproses bewuswording van verskillende talente waaroor leerders beskik, kan bewerkstellig. Dit help leerders om hul selfkennis uit te brei en om ‘n denkverskuiwing van die erkenning van slegs akademiese talent na ‘n verskeidenheid van talentdomeine wat die uniekheid van elke leerder ontgin, te maak. / The purpose of this study was to formulate guidelines for the early identification of talent, taking into consideration the overall functioning and context of the learner.
A literature review was done to investigate the research and theories on the topic. The mind shift from intelligence as one construct to a multiconstruct approach arising from underlying intellectual abilities was explored. The definitions of giftedness and talent, which have existing for some time, were presented and the rationale for using talent instead of giftedness was provided.
Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological theory, positive psychology and the asset-based approach served as theoretical grounding for the study. Talent identification and development were established by discussing the physical, cognitive, social, personality, emotional and moral development of the adolescent. The state of talent identification in South African schools was also investigated, and an indication was given of the extent to which it is guided and supported by official policy. Principles to be considered in identifying talent and a few identification models that contribute to knowledge of giftedness and talent identification were discussed. A variety of talents developing from general intellectual intelligence were also highlighted.
The literature review reveals that in the current South African school policy, there are no direct guidelines for identifying the talent of adolescent learners. The constant emphasis on academic performance and the fact that learners are assessed against a grade average probably lead to other methods of assessment not always coming into their own in South African classrooms.
To identify a variety of talents and at the same time take into consideration a learner’s context, separate talent scales for learners, parents and educators were developed and applied. Guidelines for identifying the talent of adolescent learners have therefore been developed in a non-formal way.
The findings of this study indicate that the talent identification process can lead to awareness of different talents of learners. This helps learners to expand their self-knowledge and to bring about a mind shift from the recognition of only academic talent to a variety of talent domains which reveal the uniqueness of each learner. / Injongo yalolu cwaningo ukwakha imihlahlandlela yokuhlonzwa kwekhono masinya, kubhekwa indlela umfundi ngamunye asebenza ngayo kanye nesimo angaphansi kwaso.
Kwabhekwa imibhalo ukuze kuphenywe ngocwaningo nemibono yezinzululwazi ngaphansi kwalesi sihloko. Kwaphenywa ngokusuka endleleni yokubheka inhlakanipho njengendlela okuyiyona yodwa yokwakha kuyiwe ezindleleni ezihlukene kaningi zokwakha ezisukela emakhonweni obuhlakani acashe ngaphansi kwazo. Izincazelo zesiphiwo nekhono, esezibe khona isikhathi eside, zethulwa kwase kunikezwa izincazelo zokuthi kungani kusetshenziswa ikhono kunesiphiwo.
Umbono kaBronfenbrenner wobudlelwano phakathi kwezinto eziphilayo kanye nendawo eziphila kuyo, izifundo zezengqondo zemiphumela emihle kanye nendlela yokubheka encike ekubeni nenani kwento konke kusebenza njengengqikithi yombono wenzululwazi yalolu cwaningo. Ukuhlonza kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwekhono kwasungulwa ngokubamba izingxoxo mayelana nokuthuthuka kwabantwana asebengena ezingeni lentsha ngokomzimba, ngokwengqondo, ngokwenhlalo, ngokwendlela yokuziphatha, ngokomoya nangokwesimilo. Isimo sokuhlonza ikhono ezikoleni zaseNingizimu Afrika naso sibhekiwe, kwanikezwa
nesilinganiso sokuthi lingakanani izinga lokuholwa nokusingathwa yinqubomgomo esemthethweni. Imigomo okufanele ibhekwe ngesikhathi sokuhlonza ikhono kanye
nezinye izibonelo ezingasiza olwazini lokuhlonza iziphiwo namakhono nayo yadingidwa. Izinhlobonhlobo zamakhono avela ebuhlakanini obujwayelekile obuhambisana nemicabango nazo zaqhakambiswa.
Ucwaningo lwemibhalo luveze ukuthi kwinqubomgomo yamanje yaseNingizimu Afrika, ayikho imihlahlandlela eqondile yokuhlonza amakhono kubafundi asebengena ezingeni lentsha. Ukuqhubeka nokugcizelela ukwenza kahle kwezemfundo kanye nokuthi abafundi bahlolwa ngokwezilinganiso ezivamile zamabanga cishe kuholela kwezinye izindlela zokuhlola ezingafiki kwezifana nezabo emakilasini aseNingizimu Afrika.
Ukuhlonza izinhlobonhlobo zamakhono kube futhi kubhekwa isimo somfundi, kwasungulwa futhi kwasetshenziswa izilinganiso ezihlukile zokukala amakhono abafundi, abazali nawothisha. Ngakho-ke, imihlahlandlela yokuhlonza ikhono labafundi asebengena ezingeni lentsha yakhiwe ngendlela engalandeli kakhulu umthetho kanye nokuhleleka.
Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo iveza ukuthi inqubo yokuhlonza amakhono ingaholela ekubonakaleni kwamakhono ahlukahlukene abafundi. Lokhu kusiza abafundi ukuba bakwazi ukwandisa ulwazi labo futhi benze kube khona ukucabanga ngokwahlukile ekwamukeleni kuphela ikhono lezemfundo kodwa kwamukelwe namakhono ahlukahlukene aveza ukwahluka komfundi ngamunye. / Department of Educational Psychology / D. Phil. (Educational Psychology)
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Nadaní a talentovaní v přírodovědném vzdělávání a realita školní praxe. / Highly gifted and talented pupils in scientific educational fi.ld and reality of school experiencePánek, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the occurrence of scientifically gifted students at Czech schools. The talent affects a person's life fundamentally but also it influences the lives of others people. These gifted and talented people usually become leading scientists and researchers. They can affect important social events significantly during their professional careers. After the family teachers and school are the most important part in development of the child. Therefore teachers should know what specific educational requirements gifted students have. It's necessary to determine the status of teachers. In the theoretical part of the thesis the main aim of the literary review was a theoretical background of the talent, the incidence of gifted pupils at Czech and foreign schools, the work with gifted pupils at foreign schools and educational institutions and associations working with gifted children. In the practical part of the thesis a questionnaire was created and then distributed to teachers of science subjects. The questionnaire has found foreknowledge Czech teachers of the concept of genius and talent. Whether teachers are able to identify gifted pupils in the classroom what forms of work with talented students are used and the questionnaire was evaluated. Proposals and suggestions were created for working with...
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Klarar sig smarta elever på egen hand? : En intervjustudie om andraspråkselever med särskild begåvning / Can smart students manage on their own? : An interview study about gifted learners with Swedish as a second languageKavalenka, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om förutsättningar i skolan för elever med särskild begåvning och andraspråk utifrån några lärares uppfattningar och erfarenheter. Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med två lärare i svenska som andraspråk och tre specialpedagoger. Båda grupperna hade lång erfarenhet av andraspråkselever. Studien visade att synsättet att ”smarta” elever klarade sig på egen hand levde kvar i svensk skola. Elever som ansågs att ha hög och särskild begåvning lämnades ofta till självstudier utanför det sociala samspelet i klassrummet. Elever med svenska som andraspråk och speciellt elever utan god skolbakgrund missgynnades i hög grad av det arbetssättet. Andraspråkselever riskerade att bli felbedömda samt under- och överdiagnostiserade på grund av svårigheter med bedömning när elevens svenska hade brister. Studien synliggjorde följande framgångsfaktorer för att öka medvetenheten om andraspråkselever med särskild begåvning: tydligare process för identifiering av begåvning exempelvis med hjälp av kartläggningar i litteracitet och numeracitet; olika typer av bedömning och dynamisk bedömning; samarbete med studiehandledare och modersmålslärare; mer kunskap om särskild begåvning och om andraspråksinlärning; samarbete med och vägledning från elevhälsan; mer flexibilitet inom organisationen samt öppna diskussioner om vad som gynnar den specifika eleven bäst. Utan de åtgärderna riskerade elever med särskild begåvning och andraspråk att förbli ”vår mest dolda behovsgrupp”. / The purpose of the present study was to contribute with knowledge about the school conditions for gifted pupils with Swedish as a second language based on some teachers’ perceptions and experiences. Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with two teachers of Swedish as a second language and three special education teachers. Both groups had long experience of teaching second language pupils. The study showed that the tradition that smart students were supposed to manage on their own still existed in the Swedish school. Pupils, who were considered to have higher intellectual abilities, were often left on their own for self-studies, outside the social interaction in the classroom. Swedish learners, especially those without good school background, were greatly disadvantaged by this working method. Besides, Swedish learners risked being incorrectly assessed as well as misdiagnosed because of the assessment difficulties when their second language was under development. The results showed the following success factors for gifted second language pupils: clearer process for identifying giftedness, for example, using tests in literacy and numeracy; different types of assessment and dynamic assessment; more cooperation with native language; more knowledge about giftedness and about second language acquisition among the school staff; cooperation with and guidance from the student health service; more flexible organisation structure; open discussions about what would benefit the specific student in the best way. Without these measures, gifted students with Swedish as a second language risk remaining “our most hidden pupil category”.
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Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint and Elementary Views on Advanced MathematicsWeiss-Pidstrygach, Ysette 22 May 2012 (has links)
What kind of and how much mathematics should a high school maths teacher know? The experience with a math camp, an innovative form of bringing together high school pupils, university math students and math teacher students as well as university professors in the common aim to teach mathematics sheds new light on this question. Different interests define different positions. The different actors have little common aims since they rarely form a joint community of practice.
Over the seven years of its existence the math camp has evolved from a classical lecture-centred activity for gifted pupils to a much more encompassing experience illustrating the importance of a two way communication between advanced mathematics and elementary mathematics in schools.
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Creating Desirable Difficulties to Enhance Mathematics LearningSpeer, William R. 20 March 2012 (has links)
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