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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The involvement of Zimbabwe Central Government in municipal operations and its impact on service delivery: Harare municipal's experience

Muchaku, Shadreck 14 January 2015 (has links)
MPM / Oliver Tambo Institute of Governance and Policy Studies

The conflict between tradition and modernity : the histoy of the relationship between the state and traditional leaders Gutu District, Zimbabwe from 1960-2010

Govo, Nicholas 24 February 2015 (has links)
MAAS / Department of Developmental Studies

Social development through efficient policies, evaluating the impact of Bolsa Familia

Goffeng-Nielsen, Per 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Brazilian welfare state has developed over time in relation to national and global trends. This study analyses the creation of Latin Americas largest Conditional Cash Transfer program in relation to these trends. The thesis provides an historical overview of the creation of Conditional Cash Transfers in the country that lastly ended with Bolsa Familia. Alongside events that led to Bolsa Familia, the nation witnessed the development of social welfare initiatives as well as alternative poverty reducing programs. The study analyses this in the context of the creation of the Brazilian welfare. The question guiding the study is: Has the Bolsa Famila programme helped to reduce poverty in Brazil? It is argued that Brazil has been successful in reducing its poverty rate as a result of the programme. The study looks deeper into the structure of Bolsa Familia in order to view its results and effects both advantages and disadvantages of the programme are assessed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Brasiliaanse welvaart staat het in verhouding tot nasionale en internasionale tendense ontwikkel. Hierdie studie analiseer hoe Latyns-Amerika se grootste voorwaardelike kontant oordrag program in die lig van hierdie tendense ontwikkel het. Die tesis verskaf ‘n historiese oorsig tot die inwerkingstelling van voorwaardelike kontant oordrag programme en die wyse waarop dit meer spesifiek uitgeloop het op die Bolsa Familia program. Die studie is gelei deur die vraag: Het die Bolsa Familia program daartoe bygedra dat armoede in Brasilïe verminder het? Benewens die feit dat hierdie vraag positief beantwoord word, bekyk die studie in groter detail die struktuur van die program asook die program se voordele en nadele.


蔡孟吟, CAI, MENG-TIN Unknown Date (has links)
自民國七年北京政府頒行「會計師暫行章程」迄今,我國會計師專業發展日益蓬勃, 對我國經濟成長發揮正面功能。為期對七十年來的會計師制度之演變有所紀錄,故撰 寫本論文。 本論文共壹冊,計分八章。第一章為緒論。第二章為我國會計師取得資格之發展。第 三章為我國會計師業務與品質管制之發展。第四章為我國會計師管理機構之發展。第 五章為我國法令對會計師專業之影響。第六章為美、日兩國會計師制度現況。第七章 為如何改進我國會計師制度。第八章為結論。


林美良 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技昌明、資訊技術一日千里,電子化政府在網際網路與全球化風潮的推波助瀾下應蘊而生。而隨著資訊時代的來臨,知識在質與量的變化更是倍數成長,隨著網路四處流竄,形同資訊垃圾堆積如山,如何有效的管理知識,成為新一代政府再造策略的課題,更為e時代新一波的管理趨勢。 公部門如何導入「知識管理」?本研究以三大策略建構理論基礎,即「管理策略」、「資訊科技策略」與「執行策略」,並以「電子化政府」作為研究個案,分析其在三大策略架構下的實務見解,並以結構性訪談所獲取的資料補理論之不足。 最後研究結論提出的建言是,可分從「人員」、「科技」與「流程」進行知識管理計畫的推動的三大方向,並與三大策略「管理策略」、「資訊科技策略」與「執行策略」相互呼應。提出十大要件,在「人員」方面:設立知識執行長、知識經理人與尋求知識公務員;在「科技」方面:建立知識庫、設置交流網站及安全服務體系;在「流程」方面:清楚的願景與共同語言的建立、知識加值激勵機制的建立、知識分享多元管道建立及評鑑制度的落實等。 總之,電子化政府要落實知識管理,從理論或實務的探究中可發現兩者之間願景、目的、策略等皆密不可分,甚至相輔相成,因此其步調應是一致的,其成就自然可互相輝映。本研究最後建議是希望後起之秀能針對機構間,無論是公私部門間或公部門間,進行績效指標建立與比較,兼取質化與量化研究之精髓,以利強化知識管理成效之評估與深化度理論或實務之建立。

我國地方自治法制化研究 / The legalization about self-goverment in R.O.C.

陳麗如, Chen,Li-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
地方自制為民主憲政的基礎,由於民主政治並非一蹴可幾,而是漸進、累 積的結果,地方自治正提供了一個參與與學習的機會。無論是個人民主素 養之培養或國家社會民主化之推動均有賴於地方自治。晚近,復鑑於環保 ,都市、教育及消費者方面爆發嚴重問題,非中央所能獨自解決,更顯示 出地方自治之重要性。我國地方自治深富憲政性,憲法第十章「中央與地 方之權限」及第十一章「地方制度」之規定即係對地方自治之設計。民國 三十六年憲法頒行後,我國地方自治本應依憲法規定實施,唯不久政府即 播遷台灣,國家處於非常時期,所以現行台灣地區地方自治之實施多係以 行政命令為基礎,與憲法規定不符;地方自治法制化的問題事實上自民國 三十九年台灣地區開始實施地方自治起即已存在。隨著時間的遞移,人民 自由權利伸張,對民主層次之要求也日益提高。加以解嚴後,我國社會、 政治、經濟變化極大,地方自治法制化之呼聲遂與時俱增。在這時代的轉 捩點上,地方自治法制化的方向實關係國家政治、社會未來的發展。本研 究乃首先釐清地方自治的意義、探討其特質及功能,繼而介紹我國地方自 治制度發展的沿革,以建立對歷史脈胳的瞭解,接著討論地方自治法制化 問題存在的原因及背景及其所引發的其它相關問題,試圖找出關鍵所在, 進一步對各方所提法制化的途徑(包括政府所採行之方案)予以歸納、整 理分析、評估,並提出作者之建議,冀能為健全地方自治發展奠立良好的 法制基礎,使我國在改革中能轉型成功,為民主政治立下萬年根基。

Community home based care for HIV and AIDS patients : a Malawian experience

Pindani, Mercy 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences that HIV and AIDS patients who are on Community Home Based Care Programme have in the Lilongwe district of Malawi. Finally; concrete propositions were developed for the implementation of quality community and home based care programmes in Malawi. A qualitative research design using an interpretive phenomenology was used. The study took place in semi-rural and urban areas of Lilongwe district using patients from 3 major organizations dealing with people living with HIV and AIDS. Purposive sampling technique was used to choose the sample and a total of 15 in-depth interviews were conducted. Data was analyzed using ATLAS ti version 5. Findings revealed that the majority of the participants were concerned that they were living with HIV and AIDS. Most of them expressed anxiety, worries and fears of death. Another majority complained about the burden of opportunistic infections. Almost half of the participants felt guilty bringing misery to their families and complained of stigma and discrimination. However, a minority group of participants felt that to live with HIV and AIDS is not the end of life. Relatives were mentioned as the main care providers to HIV and AIDS patients. However, they were also cited high as a source of stigma. Conclusions were made that women and girls are at the highest risk as they bear the burden of care. It was therefore recommended that the Government of Malawi and all Non Governmental Organizations should develop women social economic status through promotion of education, provision of loans and provision of Gender Sensitive trainings. Formal training for care of HIV and AIDS patients should be introduced to all primary caregivers to render quality care in the homes and therefore this study has developed and pre-tested an educational program for this group. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

The new urbanism and new ruralism frameworks as potential tools for sustainable rural development in South Africa

Louw, Michael Paul 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sustainable rural development is currently one of the priority items for the South African government. Agricultural advancement, high rates of unemployment, widespread poverty, a lack of access to employment opportunities, transport, education and other services, skewed land ownership patterns that are partly due to Apartheid policies, a lack of access to land and numerous social and health‐related issues are just some of the problems that rural communities are currently faced with. This study focuses mainly on the spatial planning aspects of rural development and it explores the possibilities of adaptating strategies from the New Urbanism and New Ruralism movements, together with a number of tools typically associated with sustainable rural development, for use in the South African context. Through the study of available literature on the subject, personal interviews and practical experience, a range of strategies have been investigated and a selected number have been identified that may be applicable to the local context. A number of case studies are assessed, which include a new model being implemented at Crossways Farm Village in the Eastern Cape which combines elements from the above‐mentioned approaches. From some of the results achieved to date it seems that the implementation of these particular spatial planning models, combined with models like the biosphere concept that focuses on biodiversity, together with a range of additional socio‐economic strategies, may contribute to the promotion of sustainable rural development in South Africa. It is hoped that this study shows the potential and challenges of these spatial planning models as a tool for sustainable rural development, and that it may lead to further study on the subject. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Volhoubare landelike ontwikkeling is tans een van die prioriteitsitems vir die Suid‐ Afrikaanse regering. Landboukundige vooruitgang, hoë vlakke van werkloosheid, wyd verspreide armoede, ‘n tekort aan toegang tot werksgeleenthede, vervoer, onderwys en ander dienste, verwronge patrone van grondbesit wat deels toegeskryf kan word aan Apartheidsbeleide, ‘n tekort aan toegang tot grond en talle sosiale‐ en gesondheidskwessies is net ‘n paar van die probleme waarmee landelike gemeenskappe tans gekonfronteer is. Hierdie studie fokus hoofsaaklik op die ruimtelike beplanningsaspekte van landelike ontwikkeling en dit ondersoek die moontlikhede om strategië van die New Urbanism en New Ruralism bewegings, tesame met ‘n aantal werktuie wat tipies met volhoubare landelike ontwikkeling geassosieër word, te gebruik in die Suid‐Afrikaanse konteks. Deur die studie van die beskikbare literatuur oor die onderwerp, persoonlike onderhoude en praktiese ondervinding, word ‘n reeks strategië ondersoek en ‘n uitgekose aantal word geidentifiseer wat moontlik van toepassing kan wees op die plaaslike konteks. Daar word verwys na ‘n aantal gevallestudies, wat ook ‘n nuwe model insluit wat tans op Crossways Farm Village in die Oos‐Kaap geimplementeer word, wat elemente van die bogenoemde benaderings kombineer. Van sommige van die resultate wat tot op hede verkry is, blyk dit dat die implementering van hierdie spesifieke ruimtelike beplanningsmodelle, gekombineer met modelle soos die biosfeer konsep wat fokus op biodiversiteit, tesame met ‘n reeks addisionele sosioekonomiese strategië, moontlik mag bydra tot die bevordering van volhoubare landelike ontwikkeling in Suid‐Afrika. Daar word gehoop dat hierdie studie die potensiaal en die uitdagings wys van hierdie ruimtelike beplanningsmodelle as ‘n werktuig vir volhoubare landelike ontwikkeling en dat dit mag lei tot verdere studie oor die onderwerp.

Historie obce Solopysky u Kutné Hory v letech 1918- 1938 / history Solopysky village of Kutna Hora in the years 1918- 1938

Šíbalová, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
AAbbssttrraakktt This diploma thesis deals with historical development of village Solopysky situated 12 kilometers from Kutná Hora in Central Bohemia. In the paper is reflected interwar period from 1918 to 1938 which brought a lot of turning points. There is described influence of those milestones on local inhabitants (e.g. establishment of first Czechoslovakia republic, Munich Agreement). Administrative area of this thesis is focused on mechanisms of operation, organization, structure, personnel management, power and municipal governments' activities. Attention is paid to the then legislation and its introduction into practice. The author tries to clarify tendencies of the municipal economy including municipal budget and dealing with the municipal property. Cultural area of this thesis is focused on school environment, activities of local associations and on the political activities including municipal elections. There is also mentioned description of daily life and atmosphere of the village according to the memories of the local old resident - Mr. Václav Sova. The aim of this thesis is confrontation of narrative sources with sources of the official provenance. Particularly thematic viewpoint was taken in consideration during writing this paper. KKeeyywwoorrddss The municipality, self - goverment, federal...

Community home based care for HIV and AIDS patients : a Malawian experience

Pindani, Mercy 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences that HIV and AIDS patients who are on Community Home Based Care Programme have in the Lilongwe district of Malawi. Finally; concrete propositions were developed for the implementation of quality community and home based care programmes in Malawi. A qualitative research design using an interpretive phenomenology was used. The study took place in semi-rural and urban areas of Lilongwe district using patients from 3 major organizations dealing with people living with HIV and AIDS. Purposive sampling technique was used to choose the sample and a total of 15 in-depth interviews were conducted. Data was analyzed using ATLAS ti version 5. Findings revealed that the majority of the participants were concerned that they were living with HIV and AIDS. Most of them expressed anxiety, worries and fears of death. Another majority complained about the burden of opportunistic infections. Almost half of the participants felt guilty bringing misery to their families and complained of stigma and discrimination. However, a minority group of participants felt that to live with HIV and AIDS is not the end of life. Relatives were mentioned as the main care providers to HIV and AIDS patients. However, they were also cited high as a source of stigma. Conclusions were made that women and girls are at the highest risk as they bear the burden of care. It was therefore recommended that the Government of Malawi and all Non Governmental Organizations should develop women social economic status through promotion of education, provision of loans and provision of Gender Sensitive trainings. Formal training for care of HIV and AIDS patients should be introduced to all primary caregivers to render quality care in the homes and therefore this study has developed and pre-tested an educational program for this group. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

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