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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elevers lärande i matematik - en empirisk studie om elevers självuppfattningar, resonemang och återkoppling i matematik / Student learning in mathematics - an empirical study about students self-conceptions, reasoning and feedback in mathematics

Jensen, Kristina January 2017 (has links)
Föreliggande studie undersöker hur aspekter av mindset, återkoppling och matematiska resonemang påverkar elevers lärande i matematik. Syftet med studien är att bidra till en ökad medvetenhet och en fördjupad förståelse kring hur elevers lärande i matematik kan föras framåt.  I studien förenas två olika teorier för lärande: en socialkonstruktivistisk teori och en metakognitiv teori. Ur denna synvinkel, kan kunskap inte förmedlas, utan är något som utvecklas i möten mellan lärare och elever och elever sinsemellan. Eleven är sin egen resurs i lärandet och läraren skapar förutsättningar för elevens lärande. Metakognitiv teori, i vilken även kognitiv teori ingår, handlar om de tankeprocesser eleverna använder när de hanterar information.  Som metod valdes enkäter med likertskalor samt styrd observation.  Vid observationerna fick eleverna arbeta i par där de var ungefär jämnpresterande i matematik och fick resonera högt när de arbetade med en problemlösningsuppgift. Forskaren deltog aktivt genom att ge eleverna återkoppling antingen på uppgiftsnivå eller på processnivå. Resultatet från de fem elevpar som fick feedback på processnivå visade att denna återkoppling gav bränsle till de kreativa resonemangen som fortsatte. Gemensamt för de fem elevpar som fick feedback på uppgiftsnivå var att de kreativa resonemangen avstannade när feedback gavs, till förmån för algoritmiska resonemang där resonemanget inte var väl förankrat i en matematisk grund. För elever i matematiksvårigheter kunde en svårighet i sig vara att ta steget från det konkreta till det generella och abstrakta, oavsett vilken återkoppling de fick. Vid analysen kategoriserades hälften av eleverna att ha ett growth mindset, vilket innebär att de ser på sin förmåga i matematik som något de kan påverka och utveckla. Den andra hälften kategoriserades att ha ett fixed mindset, vilket innebär att de ser sin förmåga i matematik som en medfödd egenskap som inte går att påverka särskilt mycket. Den grupp elever som inte använde den återkoppling de fick på ett strategiskt sätt för att föra resonemangen framåt, dominerades av att ha ett fixed mindset. Dessa elever gav lättare upp eller använde undvikande strategier då de mötte svårigheter jämfört med övriga elever. Resultatet kan tillämpas i skolan genom att undervisning i matematik bör fokusera på processen där kreativa resonemang och growth mindset gynnas. Det är viktigt att lärare inte ”skalar av” de delar av matematiken som bidrar till den begreppsliga förståelsen, t ex genom att ha starkt fokus på metoder och procedurer, i sin strävan att förenkla och underlätta för elever i matematiksvårigheter.

Relationship between Whole-Person Learning and Growth Mindset in First-Generation Learners

Willeke, Marian 01 January 2015 (has links)
Growth mindset is an important component for a journey towards self-actualization. It is unknown if whole-person learning can assist development of that growth mindset for first-generation learners. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to examine if exposure to whole-person learning positively influences a growth mindset by exploring the relationship between whole-person learning and a growth mindset in first-generation learners. Whole-person learning was presented as a vehicle for developing that growth mindset towards self-actualization. Dweck's Mindset Survey scores were collected from first-generation learners who participated in orientation courses either with or without whole-person learning in 4 institutions (n = 177) using a pretest/posttest control group design. A mean analysis of the overall pretest and posttest score was conducted using a factorial ANOVA. No significant change in mindset was detected from the pretest (first week of orientation courses) to posttest (last week of orientation courses) based on exposure to whole-person learning. It was discovered through one-way ANOVA demographic analysis that Black first-generation learners had a significantly higher mindset mean score (7.1) than White first-generation learners. While it is still unknown if exposure to whole-person learning pre-disposes first-generation learners towards growth mindset, there was a positive implication in that Blacks appeared more pre-disposed to a journey of self-actualization when exposed to whole-person learning. The social change benefit for this implication is that an increased focus on affective learning may lead to higher success rates within academics, career, and personal satisfaction for Black first-generation learners. Future researchers should include faculty engagement with whole-person learning and the development of an instrument more conducive to measuring mindset for adult learners.

Understanding Preservice Teachers' Intentions to Enact Autonomy Support: Drawing from Self-Determination Theory and Mindset Theory

Dongyao Tan (9458222) 16 December 2020 (has links)
<div>Self-Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 1985, 2018) suggests that teachers’ autonomy support and control practices (i.e., motivate students through internal motivational resources or through external pressure and control) directly impact student motivation, achievement, and well-being (Ryan & Deci, 2018). To prepare future teachers who engage in autonomy support practices, the dissertation aimed to examine preservice teachers’ intentions to enact autonomy and control, and the individual beliefs and motivations predicting such intentions, through a combined perspective of Self-Determination Theory and Self-Theories of intelligence or the mindset theory (Dweck, 1986, 2000). Growth and fixed mindset, the incremental and fixed beliefs about individual attributes (e.g., intelligence, talent; Dweck, 2000), was proposed as an additional individual factor contributing to autonomy and control practices beyond other factors specified in Self-Determination Theory.</div><div>Participants were preservice teachers enrolled in the teacher education programs from three Midwestern universities. Through a quantitative survey study (N = 237), Study 1 examined the interrelationships among growth mindset, autonomous motivational orientation, intrinsic motivation for teaching, beliefs about autonomy, and intentions to enact autonomy in daily teaching. Structural equation models revealed that growth mindset and autonomous orientation were positively correlated. Both growth mindset and autonomous orientation significantly predicted intrinsic motivation for teaching and beliefs about autonomy support, and indirectly predicted intentions to enact autonomy support through beliefs about autonomy support. Intrinsic motivation for teaching also significantly predicted intentions to enact autonomy support through beliefs about autonomy support. The findings supported the unique role of growth mindset beyond other predictors of autonomy support.</div><div>Study 2 adopted a qualitative approach, and examined in-depth the dynamics between preservice teachers’ mindset and intentions to enact autonomy and control and by extension the highly related intentions to enact structure and involvement (i.e., the practices to promote student competence and to support their relational needs; Ryan & Deci, 2018). Although structure and involvement are constructors under the broader umbrella of autonomy, in this work, structure and involvement were conceptualized separately from autonomy to highlight practices that specifically support basic psychological needs for competence, relatedness, and autonomy respectively. Participants were assigned to a growth-mindset group (strong growth mindset), a mixed-mindset group (relatively mixed mindset), and a fixed-mindset group (relatively fixed mindset). Interviews (N = 17) highlighted the practices preservice teachers used and would continue to use with specific examples from practicum experience and upon reflections of given scenarios, focusing on difficult situations when students have motivation-behavior and/or ability issues. The difficult situations reflect “pressure from below” that is predominant in daily teaching and easily pull out teachers’ control practices (Reeve, 2009). Field journals (N = 103) collected from a foundational educational psychology class reported preservice teachers’ observations and evaluations of teacher autonomy/control practices in practicum, and if same practices would be implemented in future teaching and modifications. Results revealed that the interview fixed-mindset group had strongest intentions to enact control under “pressure from below,” and in particular when facing students with combined motivation, behavior, ability problems that would create highest pressure. All groups demonstrated relatively high intentions for structure and involvement. Although the groups demonstrated low to moderate intentions for autonomy specifically, overall, autonomy supportive practices were well endorsed by participants in all three mindset groups, as structure and involvement are practices which fit under the broader umbrella of autonomy. Larger percentages of participants in the field journal growth- and mixed-mindset groups reported intentions for autonomy and not using control than the fixed-mindset group; similar percentages of participants in all groups reported intentions for control.</div><div>The dissertation responds to teacher education researchers’ proposition that examining preservice teachers’ beliefs and motivations should be a central concern of teacher education (Levin, 2015). It also responds to the recent call in educational psychology for multifaceted models of motivation from complementary perspectives (Linnenbrink-Garcia & Patall, 2016). The combined perspective provides new insights into understanding teacher autonomy support and control. Meanwhile, the studies have practical implications for training preservice teachers to provide autonomy support for their future students, and to cope with the pressure and difficulties they will often encounter in real world classrooms and refrain from control practices.</div>

Estetisk växtvärk : Bildkonstens potential till ett growth mindset

Abrahamsson Olsson, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Studien undersöker fenomenet undervisning med bildkonst och dess potential för ett growth mindset hos barnen. Growth mindset är en del i en psykologisk inlärningsmodell för att öka barns och elevers mindset att välkomna utmaningar och därigenom uppleva att de lyckas. Forskning kring estetiska lärprocesser för ämnesöverskridande lärande berör främst matematik och litteracitet, men har inte studerats som ett verktyg för uppnå ämnesövergripande effekter på lärandet, som delvis kan exemplifieras med growth mindset. Syftet är att undersöka fenomenet förskollärares undervisning med bildkonst, genom att fördjupa kunskapen om verksamma pedagogers upplevelser kring bildskapande konstarter med barn i förskolan. Frågeställningarna är; Vilka är förskollärarnas resonemang och upplevelser om bildkonstens betydelse för barns lärande?, Vilka psykologiska meningsbärande enheter uppstår i förskollärares resonemang om undervisning med bildkonst? samt Vilka effekter av ett growth mindset framträder i förskollärarnas berättelser om arbetet med bildkonst?. Studien har utgått från fenomenologisk vetenskapsteori tillsammans med psykologisk teori om fixed och growth mindset. Narrativ intervju användes tillsammans med video stimulated reflection i studiens datainsamling. The Descriptive Phenomenological Psychological Method används som analysmetod. Studiens resultat mynnade ut i fyra psykologiska meningsbärande enheter; Förskollärares ledarskap, Bildundervisning i förskolan, Bildkonst som mål eller medel? och Skapandets roll i förskolan. I studien visas en växelverkan mellan effekter av ett fixed- och ett growth mindset i förskollärarnas resonemang kring fenomenet undervisning med bildkonst. Växelverkan tydliggjordes i förskollärarnas resonemang kring deras pedagogiska ledarskap och syfte när de i undervisning med bildkonst tog hänsyn till barnens intressen och skapande. Och samtidigt efterleva läroplanen och rikta barnens lärande mot bildundervisningens innehåll. Slutsatsen är att undervisning med bildkonst har potential att uppnå effekten av ett growth mindset i barns lärande.

Empowerment by Design: Classroom Innovation and Inquiry Through Design Thinking and Action Research

Rayala, Cory 01 January 2022 (has links)
Increasingly standardized and assessment-driven educational systems are failing to meet the needs of many students, replacing their love of learning with a fear of failure. Importantly, the fear of failure is a common mindset of not only students but also teachers, administrators, and policymakers. This qualitative, action research study is situated in a design thinking/growth mindset conceptual theory that posits that the design thinking process can serve as a meaningful growth mindset opportunity for teachers and students. The prototyping mindset inherent in design thinking may mitigate the fear of failure by focusing on rapid iteration rather than striving for perfection. The purpose of this action research study was to use the design thinking process to collaborate with a team of eight educators to build a virtual community of practice that supports innovation and inquiry. The research questions that guided the study focused on (1) obstacles to innovation in education, (2) strategies to overcome the obstacles, and (3) any perceived shift in mindset that occurred in participants throughout the study. Conducted over four months in the winter/spring of 2021, the study used a design thinking/action research methodology that moved through four phases of Question, Imagine, Make, and Share. The findings revealed the primary obstacle to innovation to be an oppressive system characterized by its tradition of white supremacy and its resistance to change. Further obstacles included inadequate teacher training, outdated instructional models, overly standardized instruction and assessment, and a lack of resources. Strategies to overcome the obstacles focused on the protective nature of a community of practice, especially when sharing the goal of empowerment by design and supporting the development of the mindsets of action, growth, and inquiry. Participants perceived mindset shifts in either themselves or their students in the areas of growth, awareness, and empathy. The study contributes to the literature by exploring the practical applications of growth mindset and design thinking within the context of a supportive community of practice. As action research, it gave participants the tools and courage to become empowered research practitioners.

Mindsets – är de nyckeln till att öka elevernas engagemang i sitt eget lärande?

Lindberg, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Det är skolans ansvar att motivera sina elever till lärande. Efter ett initierande samtal med en avgångsklass på ekonomiprogrammet på en kommunal gymnasieskola framkom det att eleverna inte såg någon nytta i själva inlärningsprocessen. Motivation för att kunna något fanns, men motivation till att lära sig något saknades.Carol Dweck ger genom sina teorier om mindsets en beskrivning av just detta fenomen. Hon delar in elever i två grupper efter hur de ser på sin egen intelligens och vilka mål eleverna ser med sitt eget lärande. I följande arbete görs en studie av Dwecks arbete genom att, i första delen, beskriva teorin för att se om man kan dra paralleller mellan en elevs mindset och dennes benägenhet att engagera sig i sitt eget lärande. Studien visar genom Dwecks definition av statiska respektive dynamiska mindsets att så är fallet, teoretiskt. Studien går vidare med att beskriva Dwecks tankar om hur man kan göra för att påverka eleverna till att öka sitt engagemang. Teorin exemplifieras genom en sammanfattning av en av Dwecks forskningsstudier.I den andra delen av studien appliceras Dwecks teorier på elever vid en kommunal gymnasieskola. Genom att testa elevernas mindset med två av Dwecks egna instrument undersöks om Dwecks teorier är applicerbara för att förklara intrycket att eleverna i det ursprungliga samtalet inte ser en nytta i själva lärandet som process. Elevernas mindset testades genom en enkät med 22 frågor. 38 elever svarade på enkäten. Enkäten följdes upp med semistrukturerade intervjuer där 11 elever studerades mer ingående.Genom Dwecks teorier och definitioner av mindsets kan man tänka sig att det uppfattade fenomenet i det initierande samtalet beror på att eleverna främst besitter statiska mindsets. Genom enkät och intervjuer visade det sig att så inte var fallet. Då enkät och intervjuer utgick från elevernas allmänna uppfattning om intelligens, talang och arbete kan man inte dra slutsatser om teorierna har bevisats eller ej. Vid fortsatta studier skulle det vara intressant att göra om samma studier med specifikt skolan och inlärningsmål som domän.

Community College Instructors' Perceptions and Use of Feedback

Franklin, Janeth Martin Walker 01 January 2015 (has links)
Many community college students, especially those who are required to take developmental education courses, do not complete course and degree goals. Research shows that constructive feedback practices used by instructors improve academic achievement while destructive feedback practices diminish student learning. Using a constructivist framework, the purpose of this qualitative, instrumental case study was to understand how faculty who teach developmental education and entry level college courses perceive and use feedback in a large urban community college in the Southwestern United States. Data were collected through 17 in-depth, face-to-face interviews and written feedback examples submitted by the faculty members. Interview transcripts were open coded and thematically analyzed and feedback examples were coded and typologically analyzed to identify type of feedback used. Interview findings indicated that faculty used feedback predominately to provide information to students, believing that all types of feedback benefit student learning. Analysis of the written feedback indicated that instructors used both destructive and constructive feedback. Recommendations include designing a professional development training to equip community college instructors with research-based constructive feedback strategies that will support student learning. Implications for positive social change include increasing the use of constructive feedback practices, particularly in developmental and entry level college courses, which may lead to increased course and degree completion for all students.

Characteristics of Effective Reading Language Arts Teachers in Closing the Achievement Gap

Bassette, LaTasha Price 01 January 2016 (has links)
This study examined an urban school district in the southern United States that continued to experience student achievement gaps despite the implementation of initiatives as the African American Success Initiative. The school leadership needed a deeper understanding regarding what strategies were successful with closing the achievement gap. Using Gay's theory of cultural responsive pedagogy, the purpose of this study was to identify inward attributes, outward strategies, and professional development perceptions of teachers with no achievement gap among ethnically diverse students. Employing an instrumental case study design, 8 middle school reading teachers who closed the reading achievement gap were interviewed; these narratives were supplemented with classroom observations and archival data of district-administered students' surveys for the teachers, professional development plans, and teacher lesson plans. Data were analyzed using comparative and inductive analysis and were thematically coded. Findings indicated that teachers who closed the achievement gap shared culturally responsive characteristics and behaviors, including a caring attitude, high expectations, content relevance, and a belief that their existing Professional Development (PD) was not specific to the needs of teachers working in high-minority, low-socioeconomic urban school environments. A 3-day PD was designed to produce positive social change by reframing the beliefs, responses, and approaches to teaching minority students, allowing teachers to develop stronger teacher-student relationships, tolerance, and strategies, to ultimately increase student motivation and achievement.

Goal orientation, the growth mindset and coping strategies for success and failure in competitive sport

Potgieter, Roelof Daniel 12 December 2011 (has links)
In today’s sport careers there is no room for error. This is why athletes should be “on top of their game” every time they compete. It is very important for athletes to keep their emotions under control, because emotions can sometimes determine success or failure. But more important is how the athlete reacts to success and failure. Therefore, in this study the aim was to establish an athlete’s reaction to success and failure. An athlete should have the ability or strategy to handle success and failure. According to this statement, it underlines the importance of the current study. The fact that there are limited resources in this field accentuates the need for this study. Each athlete experiences and reacts to success or failure differently. An athlete can use success or failure as a facilitator or as a debilitator. If an athlete sees success or failure as a facilitator, he or she will use success or failure as a method to enhance his or her performance. But if an athlete sees success and failure as a debilitator, it means that the athlete does not have the ability or skills to use success or failure to his or her advantage. It seems that elite athletes may have the skills or ability to use success and failure as a facilitator and not as a debilitator owing to the fact that in the elite arena there is no place for errors. In this study, the researcher examines how elite and beginner athlete’s handle success and failure and what their reaction is towards success and failure. Each athlete has a unique way to develop his or her talents. Athletes who believe that they are born with limited talent or ability and cannot improve this talent by more practice or more effort can be classified as having a static mindset. When athletes believe that they can improve their talent or ability, they could be seen as athletes with a growth mindset. This study made use of a combination of convenient and random sampling. Each athlete had to comply with the criterium to be part of the study. The criterium stipulated that each athlete should be an active participant in sport either at school-, provincial-, national- or international level. To determine what goal orientation each athlete had, they were asked to fill out the task- and ego orientation in sport questionnaire. To determine what their reactions to success and failure were, athletes completed an assessment of success and failure questionnaire that was self-developed by the present researcher Roelie Potgieter and his study leader professor Ben Steyn. The self-theory questionnaire that was completed by the athletes determined whether an athlete was in the fixed or growth mindset. Using the results determined through the questionnaires that were completed by the athletes, correlations could be made to motivate the study. Task orientation and the growth mindset is more predominant than ego orientation and the fixed mindset. Athletes in general react more constructively towards success and failure. A strong correlation was found between task orientation and positive reaction to success and failure. Partial correlation between ego orientation and positive reaction to success was found. Positive relations were discovered between task orientation and the growth mindset, as well as ego orientation and the fixed mindset. AFRIKAANS : In vandag se sportloopbane is daar geen ruimte vir foute nie. Vir hierdie rede moet ‘n atleet ten alle tye op sy of haar beste wees. Dit is baie belangrik vir ‘n atleet om sy emosies in toom te hou, want somtyds kan die atleet se emosies bepaal of hy of sy sukses of mislukking gaan ervaar. Daarom is die doel van die studie om die reaksie van atlete op sukses en mislukking te bepaal. Die feit dat daar ‘n beperkte hoeveelheid navorsing oor die tema van die studie is beklemtoon weereens die belangrikheid van die studie. Elke atleet ervaar en reageer verskillend op sukses en mislukking. ‘n Atleet kan sukses of mislukking gebruik as ‘n fasiliteerder of as ‘n debiliteerder. As ‘n atleet sukses of mislukking sien as ‘n fasiliteerder, sal die atleet sukses of mislukking gebruik as ‘n metode om sy of haar prestasie/s te verbeter. Indien ‘n atleet sukses en mislukking sien as ‘n debiliteerder, beteken dit dat die atleet nie die vermoë of vaardighede het om sukses of mislukking te gebruik tot sy of haar voordeel nie. Dit wil voorkom dat elite atlete die vermoë of vaardighede het om sukses en mislukking te gebruik tot hulle voordeel, as gevolg van die feit dat daar geen plek vir foute tydens die kompetisie is nie. In die studie probeer die navorser bepaal hoe elite- en beginner atlete sukses en mislukking hanteer en wat hulle reaksie op sukses en mislukking is. Elke atleet het ‘n unieke manier om sy of haar talente te ontwikkel. Atlete wat glo dat hulle gebore is met ‘n talent of vermoë en kan nie die talent verbeter met oefening of ‘n groter poging kan geklassifiseer word as statiese instelling. Indien die atleet glo dat hulle, hulle talent kan verbeter, kan dit gesien word as ‘n groeiende instelling. Hierdie studie maak van die gemaklike sowel as die ewekamsige steekproefmetode gebruik. Elke deelnemer moes voldoen aan sekere kriterium om deel te wees van die studie. Die studie se kriteria het beklemtoon dat elke atleet aktief betrokke in ‘n sekere sportsoort moet wees, mag dit wees op skool-, provinsiale-, nasionale- of internasionale vlak. Om te bepaal watter tipe doeloriëntering elke atleet is was hulle gevra om die taak en ego oriëntasie vraelys in te vul. Deur die verwysing kan bepaal word wat hulle reaksie is tot sukses en mislukking, was daar van die atlete verwag om die vrae oor sukses en mislukking te voltooi. Die selfteorie vraelys wat deur die atlete voltooi is, het bepaal of die atlleet ‘n statiese of groeinde instelling het. Deur gebruik te maak van die resultate van die vraelyste wat voltooi is deur die atlete kon daar korrelasies gemaak word. Taakoriëntasie en die groeiende instelling is meer dominant as die ego oriëntasie en die statiese instelling. Atlete in die algemeen reageer meer konstruktief teenoor sukses en mislukking. ‘n Sterk korrelasie was gevind deur taakoriëntasie en positiewe reaksie tot sukses en mislukking. Gedeeltelike korrelasie kon gemaak word tussen ego oriëntasie en positiewe reaksie tot sukses. ‘n Positiewe korrelasie kon gemaak word tussen taakoriëntasie en groeiende instelling, asook ego oriëntasie en statiese instelling. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences / unrestricted

Visualization for Growth Mindset of Underrepresented College Students

Holloway, Jeremy Christopher January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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