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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Högstadieelevers och vårdnadshavares erfarenheter om e-tjänster i 1177.se : På uppdrag av Barnkliniken Länssjukhuset Ryhov Region Jönköpings län

Palfelt Varga, Marianne, Palm, Ann-Mari January 2024 (has links)
<p>Examen vårdadministration, YH-utbildning:20 Yh-poäng</p>

I skuggan av ungdomskärlek : En kvalitativ studie om våld i unga parrelationer, ur skolkuratorns perspektiv. / In the shadow of young love : A qualitative study on domestic violence in adolescents´ relationships, from the perspective of school counselors.

Lönnborg, Matilda, Nyström, Annie January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka skolkuratorers erfarenheter av våld i unga parrelationer, deras uppfattning av hur våldet ter sig samt hur de identifierar och arbetar stödjande i frågan. Data samlades in genom intervjuer med fem skolkuratorer i Mellansverige och analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys ur ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv och KASAM. Resultatet visade att ungdomar har bristande kunskap gällande våld i parrelationer, något som leder till att det sällan rapporteras. Till följd av okunskap hos ungdomarna är våldet svåridentifierat, ungdomar tenderar att förstora småsaker som kan leda till kontroll i relationen, medan de har svårt att identifiera och en tendens att nonchalera det våld som faktiskt förekommer. Kuratorerna arbetar preventivt och stödjande på olika sätt och deras egna intressen i frågan styr arbetet då de inte har något metodstöd för att arbeta preventivt, identifiera förekomst av våld eller stötta utsatta ungdomar. / The purpose of this study was to investigate high school counselors' experiences of domestic violence in adolescents' relationships and how they implement their knowledge of this subject in their daily work. The empirical data was collected through interviews with five school counselors in Sweden. The analysis was done by using the method thematic analysis and the theoretical perspectives consisted of the general systems theory and sense of coherence. Results revealed that domestic violence in adolescents' relationships rarely being reported. As a result of adolescents' ignorance regarding violence it's difficult to identify. Adolescents also tend to magnify behaviors amongst each other and neglect the violence that occurs due to their lack of knowledge. Results revealed that the school counselors' work methods seemed to depend on their own interest in the subject because they don´t have any evidence-based methodological support to identifying domestic violence and supporting students exposed to it.

Självskattad hälsa och fysisk aktivitet : - En enkätundersökning bland högstadieungdomar / Self-rated health and physical activity : - A survey among high school adolescents

Olsson, Anette, Kundo, Adnan January 2010 (has links)
Den fysiska aktiviteten i västvärlden har minskat under de senaste decennierna. Vi tillbringar mer tid inomhus framför TV, dator eller något annat medialt redskap. En av de främsta anledningarna till att vi blivit mer fysiskt inaktiva på senare tid tros vara att forskningen hela tiden går framåt, där vi uppfinner hjälpmedel som gör att vi rör på oss så lite som möjligt. Forskning visar att det finns indirekta bevis på att fysisk aktivitet är en positiv hälsofaktor som minskar risken för sjukdomar. Fysisk aktivitet har visat sig ha ett samband med högre nivåer av personligt välbefinnande, så som bättre humör, mer tillfredställelse med livet och högre livskvalitet. Vi har inte bara blivit mindre fysiskt aktiva på senare tid, den psykiska ohälsan har ökat bland befolkningen, där forskning visar att det finns samband mellan att leva ett stillasittande liv under en längre tid och klinisk definierad depression. Syftet med studien var att se om det fanns skillnader i självskattad hälsa mellan ungdomar som var fysiskt aktiva och ungdomar som inte var fysiskt aktiva. Samt att se om det fanns skillnader i självskattad hälsa mellan flickor och pojkar. Syftet innehöll en pedagogisk del där vi undersökte om omgivning och samspel mellan ungdomar påverkar den självskattade hälsan. Studien är gjord med kvantitativ metod där 187 elever från högstadiet deltog. Totalt delades 200 enkäter ut vilket gav oss en hög svarsfrekvens och ett litet bortfall. Utifrån resultatet kom vi fram till att ungdomar som är fysiskt aktiva i större utsträckning har en högre självskattad hälsa än ungdomar som inte är fysiskt aktiva. Resultatet visar att pojkar upplever i större utsträckning sin självskattade hälsa som högre än vad flickor gör. I resultatet kom vi även fram till att både samspel mellan ungdomar och stöd från omgivningen har ett har ett positivt samband med hög självskattad hälsa. / The physical activity in the western world has decreased in recent decades. We spend more time indoors watching television, computer or other media tools. One of the main reasons that we become more physically inactive in recent years that research is believed to be constantly moving forward, we invent tools that will make us move as little as possible. Research shows that there is indirect evidence that physical activity is a positive health factor that reduces the risk of disease and physical activity has been shown to be associated with higher levels of personal well-being, such as better mood, greater satisfaction with life and to have higher quality of life. We have not only become less physically active in recent years. Mental illness has increased in the population. Research shows that there is a link between living a sedentary life for a long time and clinically defined depression. The purpose of this study was to see if there were differences in self-rated health among adolescents who were physically active and young people who were not physically active. We also wanted to see if there were differences in self-rated health between girls and boys. The purpose contained an educational element in which we examined if environmental and interaction between young people affects the self-assessed health. Study was done with the quantitative method in which 187 students from junior high school participated. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed which gave us a good response rate and a small loss. Based on these results, we concluded that young people who are physically active, have more of a higher self-rated health than young people who are not physically active. The results show that boys experience their self-rated health higher than girls do. In the results, we found that both the interaction between young people and support from the environment has a positive association with high self-rated health.

Bystander CPR : New aspects of CPR training among students and the importance of bystander education level on survival

Nord, Anette January 2017 (has links)
Background: It has been proved that bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) saves lives; however, which training method in CPR is most instructive and whether survival is affected by the training level of the bystander have not yet been fully described. Aim: To identify the factors that may affect 7th grade students’ acquisition of CPR skills during CPR training and their willingness to act, and to describe 30-day survival from outof- hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) after bystander CPR and the actions performed by laymen versus off-duty medically educated personnel. Methods: Studies I–III investigate a CPR training intervention given to students in 7th grade during 2013–2014. The classes were randomized to the main intervention: the mobile phone application (app) or DVD-based training. Some of the classes were randomized to one or several additional interventions: a practical test with feedback, reflection, a web course, a visit from elite athletes and automated external defibrillator (AED) training. The students’ practical skills, willingness to act and knowledge of stroke symptoms, symptoms of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and lifestyle factors were assessed directly after training and at 6 months using the Laerdal PC SkillReporting system (and entered into a modified version of the Cardiff test scoring sheet) and a questionnaire. The Cardiff test resulted in a total score of 12–48 points, and the questionnaire resulted in a total score of 0–7 points for stroke symptoms, 0–9 points for symptoms of AMI and 0– 6 points on lifestyle factors. Study IV is based on retrospective data from the national quality register, the Swedish registry of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, 2010-2014. Results: A total of 1339 students were included in the CPR training intervention. The DVD-based group was superior to the app-based group in CPR skills, with a total score of 35 (SD 4.o) vs 33 (SD 4.2) points directly after training (p&lt;0.001) and 33 (SD 4.0) vs 31 (SD 4.2) points at six months (p&lt;0.001). Of the additional interventions, the practical test with feedback had the greatest influence regarding practical skills: at six months the intervention group scored 32 (SD 3.9) points and the control group (CPR only) scored 30 (SD 4.0) points (p&lt;0.001). Reflection, the web course, visits from elite athletes and AED training did not further increase the students’ acquisition of practical CPR skills. The students who completed the web course Help-Brain-Heart received a higher total score for theoretical knowledge in comparison with the control group, directly after training: stroke 3.8 (SD 1.8) vs 2.7 (SD 2.0) points (p&lt;0.001); AMI 4.0 (SD 2.0) vs 2.5 (SD 2.0) points (p&lt;0.001); lifestyle factors 5.4 (SD 1.2) vs 4.5 (SD 2.0) points p&lt;0.001. Most of the students (77% at 6 months), regardless of the intervention applied, expressed that they would perform both chest compressions and ventilations in a cardiac arrest (CA) situation involving a relative. If a stranger had CA, a significantly lower proportion of students (32%; p&lt;0.001) would perform both compressions and ventilations. In this case, however, many would perform compressions only. In most cases of bystander-witnessed OHCA, CPR was performed by laymen. Off-duty health care personnel bystanders initiated CPR within 1 minute vs 2 minutes for laymen (p&lt;0.0001). Thirty-day survival was 14.7% among patients who received CPR from laymen and 17.2% (p=0.02) among patients who received bystander CPR from off-duty health care personnel. Conclusions: The DVD-based method was superior to the app-based method in terms of teaching practical CPR skills to 7th grade students. Of the additional interventions, a practical test with feedback was the most efficient intervention to increase learning outcome. The additional interventions, reflection, web course, visit from elite athletes and AED did not increase CPR skills further. However, the web course Help-Brain-Heart improved the students’ acquisition of theoretical knowledge regarding stroke, AMI and lifestyle factors. For OHCA, off-duty health care personnel bystanders initiated CPR earlier and 30-day survival was higher compared with laymen bystanders.

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