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Att älska sin ära : Samverkan mellan socialsekreterare och skolkuratorer i ärenden angående hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / To love your honor : Collaboration between social secretaries and school counselors in cases concerning honor-related violence and oppressionFransén, Johanna, Karlsson, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
Since the early 2000s, Sweden's municipalities have been working to map the new social problem of honor-related violence and oppression. School and social services are two important organizations for the ones experiencing this problem in order to receive the help and support to which they are entitled. However, the work between these two organizations is in need of development and there is also a lack of basic research in this area. This study therefore intends to investigate and gain knowledge about social welfare secretaries and school counselor's perspectives on cooperation in cases concerning honor-related violence and oppression. This is to understand whether it is possible to streamline the work between the organizations in these matters to also create greater trust between them. The study was conducted with seven qualitative interviews with school counselors and social welfare secretaries to create an understanding of the professionals' views on cooperation between the organizations and how it could be expanded and improved. These interviews were then analyzed through the scientific theoretical approach hermeneutics and the theory of discretion. The result of this study was that several factors exist that entail promoting as well as preventive components for cooperation between the two organizations to occur in cases concerning honor-related violence and oppression. The result also shows that increased cooperation between the organizations is a matter of wishes and needs, which they had ideas on how could be done.
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Barock eller bara rock? : En studie av musiklärares frirum - Att bli lärare på riktigt / Baroque or just rock? : A study of music teachers´ free space - To become a teacherPersson, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet i studien är att belysa musiklärarens dilemma i valet mellan musik som uttryck och musik som skolämne. I detta arbete presenteras hur den personliga utvecklingen över tid påverkar prioriteringar och didaktiska val i musiklärares identitetsskapande. Studien bygger på musiklärares livserfarenheter. Empirin omfattar djupintervjuer med tre musiklärare vilka har många års erfarenhet av undervisning i musik. Deras berättelser tolkades och bearbetades utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv för att skapa förståelse för hur de i sin yrkesroll identifierar sig själva som musiker och/eller musiklärare. Vidare hur detta identitetsskapande fått betydelse för musikundervisningen. Resultatet beskriver det frirum och handlingsutrymme lärarna upplever finns i deras praktikmiljö och skapas för musikundervisning. I resultatet framkommer att lärarna pendlar mellan musikerrollen och lärarrollen. Vidare att de utifrån styrdokumenten och sin sociala hemvist ofta uttrycker sin upplevelse av musikens och musicerandets djupare dimension och effekterna därav i deras undervisning. Detta visar hur dilemmat i valet mellan musik som uttryck och musik som skolämne ständigt är närvarande i musikläraryrket. / Abstract The purpose of the study is to shed light on the music teacher's dilemma in the choice between music as expression and music as school subject. This work presents how personal development over time affects priorities and didactic choices for music teachers' identity creation. The study describes three music teachers' life experiences. The method conducted was as in-depth interviews with three music teachers, who have many years of experience in teaching music. Their life stories were interpreted and processed from a socio-cultural perspective with the aim to understand how they in their professional role identify themselves as musicians and/or music teachers. The result shows that a teacher´s identity creation is important for music education. The teacher´s in this study describes how the free space and space of action effect their internship environment and subject for music teaching. The result shows that the teachers commute between the role of musician and the role of teacher. Furthermore, based on the governing documents and their social domicile, they often express their experience of the deeper dimension of music and making music and the effects thereof in their teaching. This shows how the dilemma in the choice between music as expression and music as school subject is constantly present in the music teaching profession.
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Var går gränsen? : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av metoo-rörelsens berättelser om sexuella trakasserier i arbetslivet / Where is the Limit? Where are the Boundaries? : A Qualitative Content Analysis of the Metoo Movement’s Stories about Sexual Harassment in Working LifeSellgren, Ellinor, Kecklund, Hulda January 2018 (has links)
Trots lagliga föreskrifter och tydliga forskningsresultat är problemet med sexuella trakasserier utbrett inom arbetslivet. Utifrån ett senmodernt perspektiv belyser studien hur sexuella trakasserier kan förstås och diskuteras. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur sexuella trakasserier visar sig i arbetslivet genom berättelserna i metoo-uppropen. Arbetet har en induktiv ansats och använder kvalitativ innehållsanalys som metod. Resultatet mynnar ut i fem teman som alla berör gränser på olika sätt: Förlängning av fritiden, Skämten och skratten, Handlingsutrymme, Ansvarsfrågan samt Sexuella trakasserier - Begreppets gränser. Studiens slutsatser visar bland annat på att diskussionen och definitionen av vad som är sexuella trakasserier måste förtydligas. Det är därmed arbetsgivarens ansvar att se till att detta implementeras på arbetsplatsen.
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Jämställdhet och genusmedvetenhet ur ett förebyggande perspektiv : En studie av skolkuratorers handlingsutrymme och deras förutsättningar att arbeta förebyggande med jämställdhet och genusmedvetenhet relaterat till våldsnormer / Gender equality and gender awareness from a preventive perspective : A study of school counselors scope for action and their preconditions for working with gender equality prevention and gender awareness related to norms of violenceÅgren, Angelica, Ivarsson, Mathilda January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate how school counselors at elementary school and high school describe their possibilities to work with prevention in generally and also more specific with prevention aimed at gender and norms of violence. We also wanted to investigate if the school counselors had room for action to affect their work. Using a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews we interviewed eight social workers employed as school counselors at different schools in south of Sweden. The analysis was based on gender theory and thoughts from Hirdman and Connell. We also focused on their room for action connected to Svensson, Johansson and Laanemets interpretations of Lipskys concept Street level bureaucrats and theories about room for action. The social workers’ descriptions indicate that their room for action in work is controlled by the organisation and the resources they are given. The descriptions also indicates that the knowledge about prevention, gender and norms of violence affect how they are able to use their room for action. We also found out that the school counselor's own interest in questions such as gender and norms played an important part to which extent they chose to work with these questions or fight for their possibilities to do so.
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En kvalitativ studie av LSS föreståndares handlingsutrymme : ”Stora möjligheter att ordna ett bra liv för det boende”Johansson, Elis January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Brukarinflytande för personer med psykiska funktionshinder : En kvalitativ vinjettstudie om hur boendestödjare hanterar brukarinflytande i sin yrkesutövning / User influence for people with mental disabilities : A qualitative vignette study on how housing assistants handle user influence in their professional practiceSjögren, Annika January 2020 (has links)
Social workers who working with housing support through the Social Services Act (SOL) has in their profession several factors to take into account to create influence for the individual users. They are governed by the rules of the local organization, their own valuations as well as the users will and needs which constitutes their discretion. The aim of this study was to investigate how professionals experience and act to realize users influence as well as which difficulties they may meet and how they handle them. In order to fulfill the aim qualitative interviews have been used and subsequently analyzed by the theoretical frameworks “empowerment” and “discretion”. The result showed that professionals wants to meet the users requests but they use their discretion in different ways. For example follow the rules of the organization, ignore them or find ways to go around them. The financial constraints of the organization, the fact that they have more users in need of support and that their assignments are more micromanaged are factors that limit user influence.
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Vi vill ge det bästa av två världar : En kvalitativ studie av socionomers erfarenhet av vårdnadsöverflyttning / We Want to Give the Best of Both Worlds : A Qualitative Study of Social Workers´Experiences in Custody TransferTempte, Annica January 2022 (has links)
Tempte. A. ”Vi vill ge det bästa av två världar” En kvalitativ studie av socionomers erfarenhet av vårdnadsöverflyttning. Masteruppsats i Socialt Arbete 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö Universitet: Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, institutionen för socialt arbete, 2022. Hur barns bästa bör mötas av samhället när föräldrar brister har diskuteras genom tider och i alla samhällen. Uppfattningar om hur barns behov bäst möts är motstridiga. Val mellan återförening till biologföräldrar och stabilitet i familjehem innebär svåra och komplexa bedömningar. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka processen när vårdnad för barn övergår från biologföräldrar till familjehemsföräldrar. En överflyttning av vårdnad innebär skiften. Juridiskt, vårdideologiskt och socialt förändras barnets förhållanden. Uppsatsens frågeställningar fokuserar på hur socialtjänsten uppfattar lagstiftarens intentioner och sitt handlingsutrymme för att bedöma och säkerställa barns bästa i dessa ärenden. Utifrån intervjuer med socionomer tas steg i processen fram och blir synliga. Studiens analys vilar på teorier om kunskap, handlingsutrymme och barndom. Det som blir synligt är att lagstiftarens intentioner uppfattas som goda, att trygga barnet. Vägen dit innebär dock avvägningar som kan motarbeta syftet. Handlingsutrymmet påverkas av att vårdnadsöverflyttning i sig inte är tillräcklig för att säkra barns bästa. Det sociala arbetet är inramat av juridiska och vårdideologiska påbud som gör att utrymmet att handla blir till en balansakt. Synen på vilken kunskap som anses viktig skiljer sig mellan socialtjänst och rättsväsende. Mötet i rättssalen påverkas av den juridiska synen på barns bästa. Vad som är bäst för barn är värdeladdat, när värderingarna krockar inbördes skapas behov av rangordning. / Tempte. A.” We Want to Give the Best of Both Worlds” A Qualitative Study of Social Workers´ Experiences in Custody Transfer. Master’s degree in social work 15 credits. Malmö University: Faculty of Health and Society, Department for Social Work, 2022. In which way the best interest of a child should be met by the community when the ability of parents fail has been discussed throughout the times and in all communities. Perception of the best interest of children is conflicting. The choice between reunification with birthparents and stability in foster care means difficult and complex assessments. The purpose of this study is to investigate the process of moving custody from birth parents to foster parents. Moving custody contains multiple shifts. Legal aspects, caring ideology and social aspects change the child’s circumstances. The questions in this paper focus on how the social services perceives the intentions of the lawmakers and their own discretion to assess and ensure the best interest of the child in these matters. Based on interviews with social workers steps in the process are forged and visualized. The study´s analysis rests on theories of knowledge, discretion and childhood. What becomes visible is that the intentions of the law maker are perceived as good, to increase the safety of the child. The path to get there, however, involves choices that work against the purpose. The discretion is affected by the fact that moving custody in itself is insufficient to ensure the best for the child. The social work is framed by legal and care ideological edicts that turn the discretion into a balancing act. The view of what knowledge is considered important differs between the social services and the judiciary. The courtroom meeting is influenced by the legal view of children´s best interest. What is best for children is loaded with value, when these values collied, the need to arrange by rank occurs.
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Ekonomiskt bistånd och dess betydelse för våldsutsatta kvinnor : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med grund i socialtjänstens arbete med våldsutsatta kvinnor / Financial aid and its importance for female victims of domestic violence : A qulitative method and semistructured interviews with basis in socialservices work with abused womenSmedbäck, Louise, Olsson, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine social workers view on financial aid to female victims of domestic violence, based on the theoretical concept street level-bureaucracy. We want to examine social workers view on financial aid and its possibilities to help domestic violence survivors that have left the abuser, we also want to examine their view on emotional aid. A qualitative method and semistructured interviews with six social workers that work with financial aid and have met female victims of domestic violence at work, was used to answer the problem in this study. We found that the social workers who were interviewed expressed that education about intimate partner violence was important to meet the victims who apply for financial aid in a good way. Additionally, this knowledge can also help the social workers use their room for action in a way that is more helpful to domestic violence survivors and can give them the proper support that they need. How a municipality is organized affects how the work with the survivors of domestic violence is organized, in smaller municipalities the social workers have bigger responsibility for the women's totality and in bigger municipalities the social workers are more specialized, and their responsibilities are only a small part of the contact the women have with the social services. This can mean that domestic violence survivors can get different kinds of help from different municipalities, and sometimes they get different aid from different social workers depending on how the social workers choose to use their room for action. The social workers view on emotional aid is that it is important, especially because a lot of female victims of domestic violence feel shame over the fact that they´re getting abused and because they need financial aid.
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”Det är ju jättebra med återförening såvida det inte strider mot barnets bästa” : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterarnas perspektiv och erfarenheter av återföreningsprocessen / "Reunion is great unless it is against the child's best interests" : A qualitative study of the social secretaries' perspectives and experiences of the reunification processOlsson, Evelina, Johansson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this essay was to study how social workers apply the child's best interests regarding the principle of reunification and to investigate their work process around interventions in connection with the reunification process. This essay is a qualitative study where we have done seven semi-structured interviews with social workers who work with placement of children in foster care. In the essay we have conclude that it is a complex job that the social workers do when they must relate to the child's best interests in reunions. It is about getting to know the specific child's situation to understand what is best for each individual child. The child's best interest is a concept that is difficult to interpret because it is partly so individual for each child and because there are different perceptions of what it means. Even if reunions are a principle, it is not always realistic. They need to work on individually adapting the work to the family's needs and conditions. The reunification process can be different depending on the social worker. There are several factors that affect the conditions for reunification and no guidelines on how to proceed in the event of reunification.
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Det standardiserade handlingsutrymmet : En intervjustudie om sjukförsäkringens tillämpning / The standardized discretion : An interview study about the implementation of sickness benefitsLundberg, Henrik, Wesslund, Albin January 2022 (has links)
Studien handlar om de tankar och åsikter enhetschefer på Försäkringskassan har angående handläggares tillämpning av sjukförsäkringen. Ämnet är relevant att studera av flera orsaker. Tidigare forskning är bristfällig då ämnen rörande myndighetsutövning sällan berörs utifrån chefers perspektiv. Försäkringskassan och därmed sjukförsäkringen har även genomgått stora förändringar sedan 2014. Förändringar som inte studerats från chefernas perspektiv. Syftet med studien har varit att främst undersöka vad styrning och handlingsutrymme har för roll vid tillämpningen. I takt med att det empiriska materialet inhämtats så har dock även områdena samverkan/kommunikation, stöd, politik och juridik undersökts. För att kunna besvara syftet så har kvalitativa metoder använts i studien. Tre semistrukturerade intervjuer har hållits med enhetschefer på olika orter i Sverige. Det empiriska materialet som framkommit har analyserats med hjälp av analysmetoden grundad teori. Således har materialet behandlats genom att transkriberas och kodas. Resultatet från analysen är att fyra mikrofaktorer samt två makrofaktorer som är viktiga vid tillämpningen av sjukförsäkringen har preciserats. Mikrofaktorerna är; Samverkan/kommunikation, styrning, handlingsutrymme samt stöd. Makrofaktorerna är; Juridik samt politik. Faktorerna samspelar med varandra där förändringar i ett område även kan förändra ett annat. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet att handläggarens tillämpning är komplex enligt enhetscheferna där en balans mellan styrning och handlingsutrymme är centralt för tillämpningen.
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