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Admission Members' Perceptions of Predictive Validity of the Graduate Record ExaminationsThompson, Janet 01 January 2019 (has links)
Disparate student academic outcomes and program access is a problem at Master of Public Administration (MPA) programs in the Northeast United States The current admission committee members at the case university did not know institution leaders' rationale for eliminating the Graduate Records Examination (GRE) criterion. The decision to exclude the GRE as an MPA admission requirement was enacted prior to their respective tenures. The program leadership expressed interest in exploring research-based admission criteria to enhance student access and predictive outcomes. Supported by critical pedagogy and humanist theories, the purpose of this case study was to investigate admission committee members' viewpoints about the GRE's predictive efficacy for MPA applicants. Two MPA admission committee members were purposefully selected to be study participants. Data were collected via semi structured individual and focus group interviews. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis for emergent themes. The study findings were: (a) GRE scores reduce applicant access to MPA programs; (b) student access to MPA programs may improve should universities use a broader array of non-cognitive admission assessments; (c) students with low GRE scores may still attain the MPA; and (d) the GRE Quantitative section is not relevant to assess the soft skills MPA graduates will need in the public sector. These findings can be used by the case university MPA stakeholders to implement a model of varied non-cognitive admission methods. This study may promote social change by providing MPA admission stakeholders with a broader selection of non-cognitive assessments to support increased rates of applicant access and program completion outcomes.
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Informera mig! : Patientens förmåga att hantera smärta / Inform me! : The patient's ability to manage painBeischer, Karin, Bernehäll, Ulrika January 2022 (has links)
Patienter med smärta är vanligt förekommande inom den svenska sjukvården, vilket orsakar lidande hos såväl patient som samhälle. Personcentrerad information ger delaktighet och möjliggör egenvård, vilket genererar lindrat lidande och en vårdande vård. Problem som examensarbetet belyser är att patienten betalar priset då vården stundtals saknar ett holistiskt synsätt. Även ses obehandlad och underbehandlad smärta generera negativa konsekvenser och ökat patientlidande. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur patientinformation påverkar patientens förmåga att hantera smärta. Examensarbetet bygger på en litteraturöversikt, baserad på kvalitativa forskningsstudier. Datainsamlingen resulterade i 12 artiklar, vilket gav ett huvudtema med fyra underteman. Resultatet visade att informationsutbyte mellan patient och vårdgivare gav större delaktighet för patienten och underlättade vårdgivarens möjlighet att vårda. Information kring smärta och smärtlindring bör vara individuell och delges patienten på det sättet patienten upplever bäst. Patienter beskrev vikten av en tillitsfull relation till sin vårdpersonal och nämnde ord som ögonkontakt, närvaro och ett aktivt lyssnande i det vårdande mötet. Där patienter inte upplevde vården vårdande väcktes känslor av ledsamhet, irritation och ilska. Bra information gav ökad möjlighet till egenvård. Patienter såg behov av tillförlitlig och uppdaterad information, vilket kunde ges via e-hälsa. Denna informationskanal visade sig leda till positiva förändringar i patienters humör och beteenden, vilket i slutändan resulterade i minskad smärta. Slutsatser som ses är att patienter med smärta är i behov av individanpassad information. Patienter önskar bli sedda, lyssnade till och tagna på allvar. Vården måste få ta tid, då det vårdande mötet visat sig kunna lindra människors smärta. / Within the Swedish health system, patients with pain are common. Not only does the individual patient suffer but so does the overall society. By providing person-centered information patients enables participation and self-care, resulting in relieved suffering and overall caring. However, the problem this study highlights is the lack of holistic nursing in caring. Pain that remains untreated or not treated sufficiently will generate negative consequences and increased suffering amongst the patients. The main purpose of the study was to further investigate how the patient’s ability to manage pain was affected by the patient information that was provided. The thesis of this dissertation is based on a literature review of data provided in multiple qualitative research studies. Twelve articles of qualitative research were used. The information provided in the articles resulted in one main theme and four sub-themes. The results proved that the exchange of information between patient and healthcare provider lead to greater patient participation and facilitated caring. Information about pain and pain relief should be individual and communicated to the patient with an individualized approach in mind. Patients described the importance of a trusting relationship with their healthcare provider and mentioned words such as eye contact, presence and active listening in the care meeting. When patients did not experienced true care, feelings of sadness, irritation and anger surfaced. In addition, by providing correct and personalized information regarding pain management the opportunities for self-care increased. There is a need for patients to receive reliable and up-to-date information, which can be achieved via e-health. Utilizing e-health as a means of communications has proved to be of great value, resulting in positive changes in patients' moods and behaviors ultimately resulting in overall reduced pain. In conclusion, patients with pain need personalized information. Patients want to be seen, heard and understood. The care must be allowed to take time, as the caring has been shown to ease suffering.
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Homesupport for elderly people with psychiatric disabilitiesCarlsson Byttner, Lina, Durakovic, Edita January 2011 (has links)
This essay deals with the support and help offered to elderly people over 65 with mental disabilities out of personnel from a special support team. We have chosen to use the qualitative method to answer our questions. We have four semi-structured interviews with all staff from the support team we have been in contact with, three nurses/nursing assistants and project manager for the support team. We have recognized five themes and divided the text into six different categories and disciplines that answers and highlights the importance of meeting clients' needs, increase their independence and quality of life. Our theme is security, continuity, time, treatment and relations. Our topics are quality of life and health, personalized and holistic, empowerment, motivation and participation, activity and disengagement and stigma.The conclusion of our essay is that there is a need for a special team to meet the needs of older people with mental disabilities. The support team has more time and can give clients the support they need. The time gives staff the opportunity to increase clients' quality of life by listening and understanding. The staff provides security with their presence and attitude while becoming a social contact for the client. The staff has the knowledge required to provide good treatment. The staff of the support team works with high professionalism and flexibility. The support team is working from the client's needs when the operation should be given and how it should be. The support team works with the continuity that provides a better and deeper relationship with the client.We have found that staff in the support team is working to get their clients to feel that they are able to do things themselves and build up their confidence and self esteem. This is the support team doing by lifting up what clients can and try to motivate clients to do things. By the support teams encouragement and support clients can find faith in themselves to handle things and become independent. Support team works with their clients so that they feel the meaningfulness of everyday life. By the motivation from the support team clients has managed to become more involved in their daily work.The support team provides personalized care to their clients. We have found it impossible to generalize and think that all older people with mental disabilities can be satisfied by for example activity and interaction with other people. For many of these clients their need may change. Passivity and aloofness can be an experience of tranquility and well-being and to decrease stress. Another aspect we have found, the reason why clients withdraw and isolate themselves at home is that clients put “stamp” on themselves as mentally ill. This negative self-image can be influenced by impressions from the surroundings. By that clients are treated with respect and sensitivity of personnel, client's view of themselves can change. The support team works to ensure opportunities in their clients' daily lives and not obstacles.
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Studentidrottares upplevelser: krav, barriärer, resurser och hantering i deras dubbla karriärer : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Student-athletes' experiences: demands, barriers, resources and coping in dual careers : A qualitative interview studyTörnblom, Nellie January 2023 (has links)
Syftet i föreliggande studie var att undersöka studentidrottares upplevelser av att ha en dubbel karriär och vilka krav, barriärer och resurser de upplever samt hur de hanterar kraven. Urvalet var åtta studentidrottare fördelat på sju kvinnor och en man, i åldrarna 20-35. Föreliggande studie hade en kvalitativ design med semistrukturerade intervjuer, där intervjuguiden och den efterkommande tematiska analysen av resultatet grundades i Karriärövergångsmodellen (Stambulova, 2003) och ett holistiskt perspektiv utifrån Holistiska idrottsliga karrirärutvecklingsmodellen (Wylleman, 2019). Analysen resulterade i fyra huvudteman med tillhörande underteman och subteman. Det var studentidrottarnas upplevda krav, barriärer, resurser samt studentidrottarnas effektiva hantering. Resultatet redogör för att studentidrottarna upplever både interna och externa krav där ett konstant fokus ligger på höga prestationer vilket uppfattas som påfrestande. Interna barriärer samt de externa barriärerna, vilken delats upp i begränsad tid och Covid-19 pandemins negativa konsekvenser, samspelar i förhållande till de upplevda resurserna. De interna tillgångarna utgörs av målmedvetenhet, erfarenhet av kombinationen studier och idrott samt två identiteter istället för en. De externa tillgångarna utgörs av ekonomiskt stöd, ökad flexibilitet med distansstudier och att dra nytta av andra studenter. Den upplevda hanteringen innehåller i sin tur tre olika strategier som på olika sätt används av studentidrottarna för att mäkta med deras dubbla karriärer. Den problemfokuserade hanteringen innebar noggrann planering för att få ihop livspusslet där den emotionsfokuserade hanteringen handlade om psykisk och fysisk återhämtning, men även undvikande hantering var en del av upplevelsen. / The purpose of the study was to investigate student-athletes' experiences of having a dual career and what demands, barriers and resources they experience and how they manage the demands. The selection was eight student athletes divided into seven women and one man, aged 20-35. The present study had a qualitative design with semi-structured interviews, where the interview guide and the subsequent thematic analysis of the results were based on the Career Transition Model (Stambulova, 2003) and a holistic perspective based on the Holistic athletic career model (Wylleman, 2019). The analysis resulted in four main themes with associated sub-themes and sub-themes. It was the student-athletes' perceived demands, barriers, resources and the student-athletes' effective coping. The results show that the student-athletes experience both internal and external demands where there is a constant focus on high performance, which is perceived as stressful. Internal barriers as well as the external barriers, which are divided into limited time and negative consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, interact in relation to the perceived resources. The internal assets consist of purposefulness, experience of the combination of studies and sports, and two identities instead of one. The external assets consists of financial support, increased flexibility with distance studies and benefiting from other students. The perceived coping, in turn, contains three different strategies that are used in different ways by the student-athletes to cope with their dual careers. The problem-focused coping involved careful planning to piece together the life puzzle, where the emotion-focused coping dealt with mental and physical recovery, where also avoidant coping was part of the experience.
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Midwifery knowledge and the medical student experience. An exploration of the concept of midwifery knowledge and its use in medical students' construction of knowledge during a specialist obstetric rotationMacVane, Fiona E. January 2010 (has links)
The literature concerning what medical students learn from midwives during specialist
obstetric rotations is scarce. In the UK, despite a long tradition of providing midwifery
attachments for medical students, it is almost non-existent.
Working with midwives is arguably the only opportunity medical students have to
experience holistic or social models of maternity care, focusing on normality rather than
on the medical concept of risk.
This study sought to discover how medical students constructed their knowledge about
childbirth during a six week specialist rotation in obstetrics in a Northern English
teaching hospital (NETH), with particular emphasis on whether participants assimilated
any concepts from midwifery knowledge (MK). A Delphi Study, done as the first phase
of the research, focused on MK, utilizing an international sample of experienced
midwives. Resulting themes were used to develop the data collection tool for the second
phase of the research.
The research employed a qualitative case study method with students from a single year
cohort comprising the case. Data were collected using a tool consisting of three problem
based learning (PBL) scenarios. These were presented to the students in consecutive
interviews at the beginning, the middle and the end of their obstetric rotation.
Following analysis, five main themes were identified which illuminated the medical
students' construction of knowledge about maternity care. These were explored and
discussed. The thesis concludes with recommendations for increasing opportunities for
IPE in the medical and midwifery curricula.
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Cognitive Science: комплексный подход : магистерская диссертация / Cognitive Science: an integrated approachПлинер, А. А., Pliner, A. A. January 2015 (has links)
Master's thesis of Pliner A.A. "Cognitive Science: an integrated approach" is devoted to the study of cognitive science as a set of scientific research in various fields of philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, united by a common research interest in the issue of knowledge. The emergence of interest in cognitive science could attributed to the middle of the XX century and related to the work of such thinkers as J. Miller, N. Chomsky, W. McCarthy and others. At the present stage of development, it is time to study the cognitive sciences as systems containing components operating in other systems and having different nature, and they connected with the original system in the complex functional dependence. The aim of investigation is the implementation of an integrated approach to the analysis of the phenomenon of cognitive sciences. The object of study - a cognitive science as a set. Subject of research – a specific complex relationship cognitive sciences and their implementation in a variety of applications. The work consists of four chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the history of the formation of the concept of cognitive science, the second chapter describes the basic methods of the cognitive sciences, the third chapter highlights the major features of complexing cognitive sciences, the fourth chapter builds complex cognitive science as an element of other polysystem. / Магистерская диссертация Плинер А.А. "Cognitive Science: комплексный подход" посвящена изучению когнитивных наук как комплекса научных исследований в различных областях философии, психологии, искусственного интеллекта, лингвистики, объединенных единым исследовательским интересом к вопросу познания. Возникновение интереса к когнитивным наукам можно отнести к середине XX в. и связать с работами таких мыслителей, как Дж. Миллер, Н. Хомский, У. Маккарти и других. На современном этапе развития пришло время изучения когнитивных наук как системы, содержащей элементы, функционирующие и в других системах, имеющих иную природу, и находящихся с первоначальной системой в сложной функциональной зависимости. Целью работы является осуществление комплексного подхода к анализу феномена когнитивных наук. Объект исследования – это когнитивные науки как комплекс. Предмет исследования – специфические комплексные взаимосвязи когнитивных наук и их реализация в различных сферах применения. Работа состоит из четырех глав. Первая глава посвящена истории формирования понятия когнитивных наук, вторая глава описывает основные методы когнитивных наук, третья глава выделяет основные комплексообразующие черты когнитивных наук, четвертая глава строит комплекс когнитивных наук как элемент других полисистем.
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Personers upplevelser och erfarenheter av egenvård vid Diabetes typ 2 : En deskriptiv litteraturstudieSahlmén, Lion, Khedri, Yasir January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes mellitus typ 2 (DMT2) är en folksjukdom som påverkas av ohälsosamma levnadsvanor. För att förhindra sjukdomsprogression och komplikationer krävs det av personer med DMT2 att utföra egenvårdsinsatser. Egenvårdsinsatser omfattar självmedicinering, regelbundna blodsockerkontroller, fysisk aktivitet och kostrestriktioner. Egenvårdsinsatserna hjälper till att reglera sjukdomen och reducera risken för kardiovaskulära sjukdomar samt tidig död. Personer med DMT2 upplevs av vårdpersonal som svårmotiverade till livsstilsförändringar vilket skapar frustration bland vårdpersonalen när inga framsteg identifieras vid hälsokontroller. Syftet: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva personers erfarenheter och upplevelser av egenvård vid diabetes typ 2. Metod: En deskriptiv litteraturstudie baserad på resultatet från tio kvalitativa studier och en mixad metod-studie. Studierna relevans- och kvalitetsgranskades utifrån mallar utarbetade av högskolan i Gävle. Resultatet framställdes med hjälp av en tematisk analysmetod. Huvudresultat: Resultatet redovisas under två huvudteman; inre faktorer och yttre faktorer. De uppmärksammade inre faktorerna av betydelse för implementering av egenvårdsinsatser var olika attityder, inställningar kring fysisk aktivitet och kostrestriktioner, nivå av sjukdomsinsikt, ekonomisk situation, fysiska funktionsnedsättningar och multisjuklighet. De yttre faktorerna av betydelse för egenvårdsföljsamheten ansågs vara stödet från familjen, brist på valmöjligheter i samband med sociala event, samt nivån av delaktighet i samband med vårdkontakt. Slutsats: Personer med DMT2 upplever svårigheter med egenvårdföljsamhet och livsstilsförändringar som är beroende av individuella faktorer. Sjuksköterskor behöver därför identifiera brister hos personer med DMT2 utifrån en helhetssyn med ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt, detta för att bättre anpassa omvårdnaden efter patientens behov. / Background: Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2) is a common disease influenced by unhealthy lifestyle habits. In order to prevent the disease progression and complications it requires people with DMT2 to perform self-care measures. Self-care measures includes self-medication, continuous glucose self-monitoring, physical activity and dietary restrictions. Self-care interventions help in controlling the diabetes disease and also reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and an early death. People with DMT2 are perceived by healthcare professionals as difficult to motivate in making lifestyle changes, this in turn creates frustration among healthcare professionals when no progress is identified during health checkups. Aim: The aim of this literature study was to describe people's experiences of self-care in regard to type 2 diabetes. Method: A descriptive literature study based on the results of ten qualitative studies and one mixed method study. The studies were reviewed for relevance and quality through templates developed by the University of Gävle. The results were presented using a thematic analysis method. Main results: The results are presented under two main themes: internal factors and external factors. The noted internal factors of importance for the implementation of self-care interventions were; different attitudes towards physical activity and dietary restrictions, level of disease insight, financial situation, physical disabilities and multimorbidity. The external factors of importance for adherence to self-care interventions were considered to be; family support, lack of choices in regard to diet management during social events, and the level of involvement during contact with health care professionals. Conclusion: People with DMT2 experienced difficulties with self-care adherence and lifestyle modifications dependent on individual factors. Therefore, nurses need to identify deficiencies in people with DMT2 from a holistic and person-centered approach in order to better adapt nursing care to the patient's needs.
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How can light prove to be the urban catalyst to meet targets set out in the Paris Climate Agreement?Prior, Darran January 2020 (has links)
How can reimagining the way we light our cities prove to be the urban catalyst to meet targets set out in the Paris Climate Agreement? In this Master Thesis, I question how restructuring our urban lighting can provide enormous benefits for not only reducing our energy consumption and becoming more efficient societies, but also support social interaction in shaping our cities for the future. The aspects pertaining to urban lighting and its influence on our environment have been organised into economy, political and urban evolution (social) categories, as a way to dissect and appreciate lights associated role in shaping our societies. Seeking sustainable strategies to meet urgent energy targets and urban development initiatives, are no longer optional but necessary. However, even with this undisputed need for change, particularly within urban lighting, approaches taken are still very much sequestered from general understanding and lack cross-disciplinary cooperation. Extensive publications, works and teachings from lighting designers, as well as currently adopted policies from government bodies and international case studies have been considered, in order to understand current strategies adopted and their potential co-operation for a future holistic strategy in tackling climate change as well as apparent inequalities in our urban environments.
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Exploring Teaching Methods Corresponding with the Theory of Basic Human Values in Late Childhood and Early Adolescence ClassroomsDaly, Nicole 01 January 2017 (has links)
Recent research that indicates ten universal values are shared across cultures has developed into the Schwartz Value Systems Theory. This theory describes the ten basic human values that derive from different motivational forces such as social superiority, an inner desire in novelty, and loyalty to one’s group. The values and corresponding motivational forces guide an individual’s decisions. After the Schwartz Value Systems Theory had been developed, two surveys have been created in order to assess an individual’s value hierarchy. While both of these surveys accurately measure an adult’s values, further research has indicated children possess individual values similarly to adults. As a result, the Picture Based Values Survey for Children was created in order to consider children’s values. The results from the children who took the Picture Based Values Survey For Children revealed that those children as a group acquired the same value hierarchy as adults. Since motivational forces determine an individual’s values, it would seem predictable that values might have an effect on a student’s level of motivation to succeed in the classroom. When a student’s motivational goals are met in the classroom, then they will become engaged in the lesson by aligning students’ values to the teaching methods incorporated in the lesson. This thesis therefore integrates prior research on children’s value development, the effects these values have on society and the classroom, and ways to exhibit values through discourse and teaching methods. Further, this seeks to apply this research in late childhood and early adolescence classrooms by examining the effects that may result from teachers exhibiting each of the ten universal values through their teaching methods through publicly shared videos.
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Attitudes Toward Holistic and Mechanical Judgment in Employee Selection: Role of Error Rate and False Positive and False Negative ErrorYankelevich, Maya 23 April 2010 (has links)
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