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Ett förutsättningslöst möte med klienten? - en kvalitativ studie gällande biståndshandläggares upplevda handlingsutrymme och de etiska dilemman som kan uppståBrobeck, Emelie, Winberg, Matilda January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur biståndshandläggare upplever sitt handlingsutrymme i relation till deras konkreta arbetsuppgifter, individuella bedömningar samt deras möjlighet att tillgodose klienternas behov relaterat till de ramar som sätts av lag och organisationen de verkar inom, samt deras möjlighet att använda sina teoretiska kunskaper i dessa uppgifter. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka hur biståndshandläggarna upplever de etiska dilemman som kan uppstå i deras arbete relaterat till detta. För uppfylla studiens syfte har en kvalitativ ansats tillämpats med intervjuer som huvudsaklig metod, samt med Michael Lipskys teori gällande gräsrotsbyråkrati och teorin om handlingsutrymme som en teoretisk grund. Resultaten av studien påvisar att biståndshandläggare upplever att de i de flesta fall kan tillgodose klientens behov, men att detta dock kan komma att ske på bekostnad av deras personliga etos. Vidare visar resultatet även att biståndshandläggarna uppskattar, samt ofta använder sig utav, lokala riktlinjer vid behovsbedömningar men att det även finns en efterfrågan på förtydligande av dessa samt nationella riktlinjer som ett stöd i arbetet. Gällande hur biståndshandläggarna upplever användandet utav sin teoretiska kunskap framkom det att – för att de skall uppleva att denna tillämpas till fullo – menar biståndshandläggarna att det även krävs en praktisk kunskap som kommer från arbetet, och att dessa kunskaper i kombination kan hjälpa biståndshandläggarna att öka sitt handlingsutrymme. Slutligen visar studien att etiska dilemman är mycket vanliga i arbetet, vilket är vanligt för gräsrotsbyråkrater. Detta leder till att biståndshandläggarna kan utveckla strategier för att hantera dessa inre konflikter som kan uppstå, såsom likgiltighet eller känslomässig frånkoppling. / The aim of this study is to explore how aid administrators experience their autonomy related to their assignments, individual assessments and their ability to meet the needs of their clients in regard to the framework of the law and their organization, as well as their ability to use their theoretical knowledge in these tasks. Furthermore, the study aims to explore how the aid administrators experience the ethical dilemmas that can emerge in their work related to this. To fulfill the purpose of this study, a qualitative approach has been used with interviews as the main method, and with Michael Lipsky’s theory about street-level bureaucracy, and theories about autonomy as a theoretical base. The results of this study show that the aid administrators experience that they in most cases are able to meet the needs of their clients, although this sometimes come at the cost of their personal ethics. Furthermore, the result show that the aid administrators appreciate and often use their guidelines when assessing the client’s needs, although clarifications and nationwide guidelines as an aid are requested. In regard to how the aid administrators experience the use of their theoretical knowledge, the study shows that – in order to fully use the theoretical knowledge – the aid administrator needs further knowledge in form of a practical know-how, and that together the combined knowledge can help the aid administrator fully take use of their autonomy. Last of all the study shows that ethical dilemmas between personal and professional ethics are very common in the aid administrators work, as is common among street-level bureaucrats. This results in aid administrators developing strategies to cope with the internal conflicts that can arise, such as indifference or emotional detachment.
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Miljöns roll i utvecklandet och bibehållandet av sydvästsvenska elitidrottares karriärer / The role of the environment in the development and maintenance of southwestern Swedish elite athletes’ careersAndersson, Alice, Nygren, Moa January 2020 (has links)
Elite sport is tied to high demands and the sport milieus are on a constant quest to get new top results and produce new talented athletes to achieve them. According to Systems Theory, no phenomena is to be understood without understanding the context in which it exists. Former research within the Holistic Ecological Approach have relied on this perspective to study how the environment can be formed to develop talented athletes. What has not been studies is elite athletes’ own perceptions of how the characteristics of the environment has contributed to their athletic career, and what characteristics of the environment they find important to be able to continue their elite career. This purpose of this thesis was therefore to investigate this by interviewing 10 elite athletes who compete with the world top athletes in their sport. Each of the participants lived in the south-west of Sweden and represented traditionally individual sports. The thesis concluded that the values of the family and the competition friendly culture of the childhood sports club had been important environmental characteristics in developing the career, together with interactions of key persons and key events. To continue their careers, the participants expressed the importance of a holistic wellbeing through the understanding from all parts of their environment, together with the possibility of equal sparring as most important. / Elitidrott har många höga krav knutna till sig och idrottsmiljöer strävar ständigt efter nya toppresultat och att få fram nya talangfulla elitidrottare som kan utföra dem. Enligt systemteorin kan inget fenomen - så även elitidrott - förstås om man inte också förstår kontexten det befinner sig i, och tidigare forskning inom det holistiskt ekologiska perspektivet har utifrån detta undersökt miljöns betydelse ur ett Holistiskt Ekologiskt Perspektiv för att undersöka hur miljön kan utformas för att bidra till talangutveckling. Vad som inte undersökts är elitidrottares egen uppfattning om hur miljön har bidragit till deras idrottskarriär, och vilka egenskaper i miljön de ser som viktiga för att kunna fortsätta bedriva elitidrottskarriär. Syftet för uppsatsen var därför att undersöka detta genom att intervjua 10 elitidrottare som tävlar på internationell elitnivå inom respektive idrotter. Samtliga deltagare var bosatta i sydvästra Sverige och representerade traditionellt individuella idrotter. Det framkom att familjens värderingar och en positiv tävlingskultur i moderklubben varit viktiga för idrottskarriären, samt interaktionen med nyckelpersoner och nyckelhändelser. För att fortsätta utvecklas såg idrottarna ett holistiskt välmående genom förståelse från alla delar av sin miljö, och möjlighet till jämbördig sparring som de viktigaste miljöegenskaperna.
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Význam obličeje a velikosti těla v rozpoznávání predátorů netrénovanými ptáky / The role of the face and the body size in predators' recognition by untrained birdsFišer, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
The face plays an extremely important role in human communication. It enables individual recognition and provides other information about the person, such as social or emotional information. Human psychology has shown that face recognition uses a specific cognitive process called holistic processing. In recent decades, it has been shown to play an important role in animal communication as well. In the first part of my thesis, I tested whether changing the uniform configuration of a bird's face would affect the ability of the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) to recognize a potential predator. Due to unfavourable conditions in both breeding seasons when the experiments were conducted, no firm conclusions can be drawn from the results. They only suggest that the shrike perceives the configuration changes. An essential characteristic of all predators is their size, which affects the ability of prey to defend themselves. Several studies have already found that birds discriminate between different predators of different sizes. In the second part of my thesis, I evaluated experiments in which shrikes were exposed to dummies of two predator species with modified size. The shrikes responded with less aggression to the enlarged jays, whereas aggression increased only slightly to the shrunken crows. Thus,...
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The Guide: A Journey Through Holistic HealingJohanson, Stefan January 2021 (has links)
The Graphic Journalism genre is emerging with influences from war reportage with authors like Joe Sacco. I would like to address and report the “War on Drugs” from small first hand experiences, personal connections, and a genuine deep desire to see the healthcare and justice system change. The war on Drugs started in the 1970s during Richard Nixon’s term in the U.S. Presidency. Nixon’s influence to launch the “War on Drugs'' campaign began shortly after two congressmen released a report on the growing heroin epidemic that affected hundreds to thousands of servicemen who fought in the Vietnam War, who used heroin to treat PTSD. Nixon launched unfair disconnected political policy and passed laws that disproportionately targeted those against him and his values (minorities, specifically African Americans and anyone belonging to the counterculture “subwhite”). The War on Drugs movement started as a way to outcast and control minorities through unrealistic and systemically racist and oppressive laws. As the movement evolved so did its focus, the War on Drugs eventually metamorphosed into the “War on Class”, or a war against the economically disadvantaged. The War on Drugs has done way more harm than good and immediate action needs to be taken to begin to restart drug policy in America and within the World. The incomparable Billie Holiday, world renowned jazz singer and creator of “Strange Fruit” once said “I need help. Not jail time.” Shortly after her arrest for heroin possession in 1947. In my opinion, these famous words that Billie Holiday shared during the day of her arrest should be the leading quote in the much needed movement against the criminalization of drug abuse victims. Not only does the War on Drugs disproportionately disenfranchise black and brown communities, it makes researching the benefits of any type of narcotic that was not fully understood nearly impossible. My goal is to reverse the taboos that currently exist throughout our society with a graphic novel/ zine aimed at high school students. I believe that future generations can benefit from natural hallucinogens and other forms of holistic medicines in a safe way that doesn’t involve them having to access illegal avenues of receiving narcotics in order to remedy their pain. Afterall, there is a far greater risk in taking street narcotics due to one’s ability to use an incorrect dosage according to their size and bodily chemistry which can ultimately lead to an overdose and street narcotics may include an unknown amount of ingredients, some of which include fentanyl, a synthetic product of prohibition that is cheaper than heroin, but far more powerful. Fentanyl is used pharmacologically in anesthesia and neuroleptanalgesia and can be extremely harmful to the mind and body. I believe extremely deadly drugs like fentanyl would never exist if it wasn’t for the War on Drugs and its consistent agenda to demonize the usage of all narcotics without exploring the benefits of holistic medicines like hallucinogens and regulating the usage of these medicines through legalization, supervision, FDA regulation, and accessibility within the U.S, Healthcare System.
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Exploring dual career experiences of Swedish student-eSport players / Undersökning av svenska student-eSport spelares upplevelser av dubbla karriärerModig, Kristoffer, Källgren, Erik January 2021 (has links)
The study aimed to explore the experiences of dual career (DC) among Swedish student-eSport players from a holistic perspective, and focused on the challenges faced in DC, the coping strategies used, and how DC influenced the student-eSport players. Interviews were conducted with 7 student-eSport players enrolled in an upper secondary school or university providing DC supportive resources. The participants were all males between 16 and 22 years of age (M= 18, SD= 2.16). The works of Stambulova et al. (2015) and Henriksen (2010) served as foundations in creating the two semi-structured interview guides used by the authors. The authors performed a thematic analysis of the data to identify experiences relevant to the concepts of dual career and athlete talent development. The results showed that the participants’ experienced challenges related to eSports, school, and their private lives. Their private lives were perceived to be the most challenging due to the need of balancing their time between their meaningful relationships and DC demands. Coping strategies claimed to be used were time management, physical activity, and relying on their supportive network. The supportive network encompassing the coach, school environment, friends, partner, and family were identified as a coping resource in congruence with the participants’ individual skills. Positive influence of DC on the student-eSport players was found in both academical and eSport, but negative in private life due to experiencing a lack of time to dedicate to family and friends. The results of the study reveal that Swedish student-eSport players’ DC experiences share similarities with those experienced by student-athletes in traditional sports, and highlights challenges and positive benefits associated with combining eSports with studies. / Studiens syfte var att utforska erfarenheterna av dubbla karriär (DC) bland svenska eSport-spelare ur ett holistiskt perspektiv, och fokuserade på att undersöka utmaningar som uppstod, coping-strategier som användes, och hur DC påverkade student-eSport spelarna. Intervjuer utfördes med 7 student-eSport spelare antagna på gymnasier eller universitet som erbjuder DC stöttande program. Deltagarna var män och var mellan 16 och 22 år gamla (M = 18, SD = 2,16). Arbetena av Stambulova et al. (2015) och Henriksen (2010) agerade grunder i skapandet av de två semi-strukturerade intervjuguiderna som användes av författarna. Författarna genomförde en tematisk analys av materialet för att identifiera erfarenheter relaterade till koncepten av dubbla karriärer och talangutveckling. Resultatet visade att student-eSport spelarna upplevde utmaningar relaterade till eSport, akademiskt och i sitt privatliv. Privatlivet upplevdes som det mest krävande på grund av att svårigheter med att balansera sin tid mellan sina meningsfulla relationer och kravställningar i DC. Copingstrategier som användes av deltagarna var tidshantering, fysisk aktivitet, samt att använda sig av sitt stödjande nätverk. Det stödjande nätverket innehållandes tränare, skolmiljö, vänner och familj fungerade även som en coping-resurs i samverkan med deltagarnas individuella kunskaper. Det inflytande DC hade på student-eSport spelarna var både positivt och negativt på olika områden. Positivt inflytande identifierades i både akademisk och eSport men negativt i privatlivet på grund av brist på tid att ägna till familj och vänner. Studiens resultat visar att svenska student-eSport spelares upplevelser av DC delar likheter med de upplevda av student-atleter i traditionella idrotter, och framhäver de utmaningar och positiva fördelar relaterade till att kombinera eSport med studier.
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Marketingová strategie firmy v oblasti CRM IS / Marketing strategy for CRM ISVšetička, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The Master’s thesis deals with the issue of the proposal of a marketing strategy in Melzer company in the area of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) of Information Systems (IS). It concentrates on modern marketing conception and emphasizes the necessity of effective CRM. It explains important factors in connection with successful CRM IS implementation. It analyses domestic market of CRM IS including information system QI which is supplied by Melzer company as well as an internal CRM atmosphere in the firm. In the practical part there are analytical conclusions and recommendations leading to the proposal of the marketing strategy. This should significantly enable the firm to penetrate into the market of CRM IS and become successful.
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Tienda virtual de joyería con cuarzos naturales Sapphire Healing / Natural Quartz Jewerly online Store Sapphire HealingBallón Rondan, Andrew, Martínez Millet, Solange Maite, Maza Toledo, Cristian Michael, Meléndez Vilchez, Rocio Liliana, Ramos Espino, Maria del Carmen 06 November 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como finalidad crear una empresa ecommerce, comercializadora de joyas con diseños exclusivos elaboradas con cuarzos naturales importados con proveedores autorizados de Brasil con engaste de oro ecológico, con más de 13 variedades de cuarzos y piedras, cada una de ellas posee y brinda a su dueño propiedades y beneficios exclusivos. Orientado exclusivamente a mujeres que lleven un estilo de vida saludable, hagan ejercicios y busquen terapias o relaciones alternativas para poder equilibrar sus energías, armonizar sus 7 chakras y reducir enfermedades y dolores físicos o espirituales, esto sin necesidad de recurrir a las vías tradicionales. Inicialmente la empresa tendrá representación únicamente en Lima. El objetivo es ser una empresa rentable desde el primer año, que ofrezca a sus clientes joyería holística que las ayuden a canalizar su energía y emociones tales como ansiedad, depresión, miedo, incertidumbre, angustia, entre otros. Acompañarlas en este proceso que conlleva adoptar un cuarzo y hacerlo parte de tu vida, todo ello con capacitaciones, charlas y asesoría individual. Haciendo de la adquisición de una joya toda una experiencia enriquecedora y transformadora de almas para todas nuestras clientes. / The purpose of this research was to create an e-commerce company, a jewelry marketer with exclusive designs made with natural quartz imported from authorized suppliers in Brazil with organic gold setting. They have more than 13 varieties of quartz and stones; and each one provides its owner with exclusive properties and benefits. Aimed exclusively at women who lead a healthy lifestyle by doing exercise and seeking alternative therapies or relationships; all of this in order to balance their own energies, harmonize their 7 chakras and reduce physical or spiritual diseases and pains, without resorting to traditional pathways. Initially, the company will have representation only in Lima. The goal is to be a profitable company from the first year, offering its customers holistic jewelry that will help them channel their energy and emotions such as anxiety, depression, fear, uncertainty, distress, among others. In addition to this, we will offer the client to accompany them in the process of adopting a quartz and make it a part of your life, all with training talks and individual advice. Making the acquisition of a jewel an enriching and transformative experience of souls for all our customers. / Trabajo de investigación
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A study in sustainability within the building value chain: An organization-based case study exploring the architect’s responsibilityAndersen, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
The modern form of humans has thrived on the planet for the past 200.000 years. Since back then and all the way to the present we’ve had several basic, physiological human needs, one of those being that of shelter. To create constructions that may inhabit our population in both residential and commercial regards, someone must show intelligent use of all the factors required to design a building that meets and exceeds clients’ expectations. This is where the role of the architect plays in. In this role, the study seeks to find what responsibilities can be found in line with sustainability actions and providing a better future. The study has been carried out at Blaavand & Hansson A/S architectural firm, where a study has been conducted on the basis of a recently finished project with external sustainability demands: The bay dormitory in Sønderborg. Here, it is found that a profound implementation of sustainability is lacking with the potentials of implementing ideals, reviewing the current work done and the approach taken. The architect’s role in sustainability is considered somewhat complex. the complexity is derived from open roles that lead to different interpretations of responsibilities and obligations. The architect has an initial role in the industry, attaining exclusive design and decision-making mandates on all early stages of construction projects. This means that the architect is providing consultation, suggestions, and demands that may either harm or benefit the triple bottom line performance. The architect’s responsibilities fall in line with being advice-giving, consulting, spokesmen and advocates of sustainable alternatives. They have a role in being informed of what sustainable actions can be carried out and implement them as requirements, advising the client of the need to look beyond self- benefit, knowing that a holistic approach to benefit evaluation will also benefit the client. The study finds that a suitable solution for the implementation of sustainability at Blaavand & Hansson falls to the likes of implementing a holistic approach and strategy utilizing visualization tools, attaining new knowledge through education and re-evaluating current relationships with business stakeholders and customers. / Människan har levt på planeten de senaste 200,000 åren. Sedan dess och ända tills nu har vi haft flera grundläggande, fysiologiska mänskliga behov, en av dem är skydd i form av boende. För att skapa konstruktioner som kan leva upp till vår befolkning i både boende och kommersiella hänsyn, måste någon visa intelligent användning av alla de faktorer som krävs för att utforma en byggnad som uppfyller och överträffa kundernas förväntningar. Det är här arkitektens roll spelar in. Studien syftar till att hitta det ansvar som finns i linje med hållbarhetsåtgärder och skapandet av en bättre framtid. Studien har genomförts på Blaavand & Hansson A/S arkitektbyrå, där en studie har genomförts på basis av ett nyligen avslutat projekt med externa hållbarhetskrav: Hamnfrontens studentboende i Sønderborg. Här konstateras att ett djupgående genomförande av hållbarhet saknas med potential att genomföra ideal, granska det nuvarande arbetet och den strategi som vidtagits. Arkitektens roll inom hållbarhet anses vara tämligen komplicerad. Komplexiteten härleds från öppna roller som leder till olika tolkningar av ansvar och skyldigheter. Arkitekten har en första roll i branschen, att uppnå exklusiv design och beslutsfattande mandat på alla tidiga stadier av byggprojekt. Detta innebär att arkitekten ger konsultation, förslag och krav som kan antingen skada eller gynna resultatet enligt Triple Bottom Line. Arkitektens ansvar ligger i linje med att vara rådgivande, konsulterande, talesmän och förespråkare för hållbara alternativ. De har en roll i att bli informerad om vilka hållbara åtgärder som kan genomföras och implementera dem som råd till kunden om behovet av att se bortom egen nytta, i vetskap om att en helhetssyn vid utvärdering av nytta också kommer att gynna kunden. Studiens resultat påvisar att Blaavand & Hansson A/S kan integrera hållbarhet genom att utvidga deras vy i form av att applicera en helhetssyn. Sedan bör de även implementera en hållbarhetsstrategi med hjälp av visualiseringsverktyg, kunskap och omvärdering av aktuella relationer med affärsintressenter och kunder.
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"Vad ska jag göra nu, jag hade inget att gå till" : Herr elithockeyspelares upplevelser av övergången från idrott till karriären efteråt – En kvalitativ retrospektiv studie. / "What should I do now, I had nothing to go to" : Male elite hockey players’ experiences of the transition from sports to careers afterwards – A qualitative retrospective study.Davidsson, Oscar, Borgh, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine former men's elite hockey players' experiences of the transition from sports to careers afterwards. All participants have played in the Swedish Hockey League (SHL) which is the highest hockey league in Sweden. Eleven interviewees participated in the survey, only men aged 35-53 (M = 43, SD = 5.29). The study used a semi-structured interview guide to conduct the interviews and it was produced using the holistic career development model (Wylleman, 2019) and the athletic career transition model (Stambulova, 2009). The results showed that all participants experienced challenges in making the career transition from elite hockey players to civilian life. The biggest challenges were an uncertainty about the future in the form of not knowing what to do after their elite career. The participants felt that the support from family, friends and the club were important resources during the transition. Barriers that emerged were unpredictable transitions in the form of injuries, many participants focused only on sports, did not see that there is a life after the career and that one day there will be an end to the sports career. The coping strategies that the participants highlighted were to use a double career by studying sports or working when given the opportunity, to be aware of the career after elite hockey in the form of preparations for working life. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka före detta herr elithockeyspelares upplevelser av övergången från idrott till karriären efteråt. Samtliga deltagare har spelat i den Svenska Hockeyligan (SHL) vilket är den högsta hockeyligan i Sverige. I undersökningen deltog elva intervjupersoner, enbart män i åldrarna 35–53 (M=43, SD=5.29). I studien användes en semistrukturerad intervjuguide för att genomföra intervjuerna och den togs fram med hjälp av holistiska karriärutvecklingsmodellen (Wylleman, 2019) och karriärutvecklingsmodellen (Stambulova, 2009). Resultatet presenteras utefter studiens frågeställningar som består av utmaningar, resurser, barriärer och copingstrategier vid karriärövergången. Resultatet påvisade att samtliga deltagare upplevde utmaningar med att göra karriärövergången från elithockeyspelare till civila livet. De största utmaningarna var en osäkerhet på framtiden i form av att de inte vet vad de ska göra efter elitkarriären. Deltagarna upplevde att stödet från familj, vänner och förening var viktiga resurser under övergången. Barriärer som framkom var oförutsägbar övergång i form av skador, många deltagare fokuserade endast på idrotten, såg inte att det finns ett liv efter karriären och att det en dag kommer ett avslut på idrottskarriären. De copingstrategier som deltagarna lyfte fram var att använda sig av en dubbel karriär genom att studera upptill idrotten eller att arbeta när tillfälle gavs, att vara medveten om karriären efter elithockeyn i form av förberedelser inför arbetslivet.
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The effect of a dance and movement intervention program on the perceived emotional well-being and self-esteem of a clinical sample of adolescentsVan der Merwe, Sarita 12 August 2011 (has links)
The researcher aimed to determine the effect of a dance and movement intervention on the perceived emotional well-being and self-esteem of a group of in-patient adolescents in Weskoppies Psychiatric Hospital. A quantitative study, using a quasi-experimental design, was carried out using the positive and negative affect scale for children (PANAS-C) and the Rosenberg self-esteem scale to measure the two independent variables, namely perceived emotional well-being and self-esteem. There were four participants in the experimental group and six in the control group. A between-group comparison was made between the pre-test and post-test scores of the two groups. Both groups completed the positive and negative affect scale for children (PANAS-C) and the Rosenberg self-esteem scale at which point the experimental group took part in a two week, twelve session, dance and movement intervention program. After two weeks both groups once again completed these two measures. Although the results were statistically non-significant, effect size and outcome patterns pointed to an improvement in these two variables due to the intervention program. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Psychology / unrestricted
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