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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“No Honor in Honor Killings” Critical Discourse Analysis of the responses in social media to ‘Honor’ related killings events via Hashtag activism in the Arab-speaking region

Alkowatly, Lina January 2020 (has links)
The patriarchal societies in the MENA region have their entire social framework around the protection and regulation of female sexuality. The woman’s male relatives have to make sure that her honor is under their control and fulfills the patriarchal family demands. Women’s failure to stick to the code of honor may result in aggressive reactions that may mount to honor killings and this had happened in 2019 to Israa Gharyeb. The murder of the 21-year-old girl sent a shockwave of protests not just in the Palestinian society where the crime had happened but also across the Arab region. Activists on social media and the streets are sending a clear and strong message that murdering women will not be hidden anymore. Accordingly, this thesis sheds the light on the Twitter hashtag # كلنا_اسراء_غریب (we are all Israa) to reflect on the participants’ responses to both crime event and the traditional discourse on “Honor killings.” Theoretically, the paper offers a rereading of the theory of critical discourse analyses on the notions of ideology, power, and dominance. Empirically, this paper will analyze 460 tweets by conducting critical discourse analysis and qualitative content analysis.

En kvalitativ studie om de upplevda villkoren för hbtq-personer som växt upp med hedersnormer / A qualitative study about the perceived conditions for LGBTQ people who grew up with honor related norms

Demetriades, Lina, Lundin, Alice January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the terms for lgbtq people in an honor context. Qualitative, semi-structured interviews have been conducted with six people who identify with the lgbtq community and who describe that they have been exposed to honor related norms. The interviews were analyzed using Stockholms stads model about the staircase of honor and Suad Joseph's theory of connectivity. The results show that due to partly methodological shortcomings, it is difficult to determine whether the target group has been exposed to honor related norms or not. This is partly due to the fact that too few questions were asked about how the honor was expressed, but also to the fact that it is difficult to determine whether the target group is exposed to violence due to honor or due to heteronorms. Despite this, there are similarities between the interviewees and previous literature on the target group in terms of vulnerability, strategies and consequences. The conclusion is therefore that further research on the target group is needed to be able to more easily determine when people in the target group have been exposed to honor related norms or not.

Heder ur kuratorers perspektiv : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om kuratorers uppfattningar om arbetet medhedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / Honor through the perspective of counselors

Tiba, Ronja, Mohammad, Lavin January 2022 (has links)
This qualitative study focuses on counselors' views on honor-based violence and oppressionwith the purpose of comprehending how they perceive the phenomenon and how they identifyit when working with clients. The counselors' workplace conditions and their perceivedknowledge about the subject were also studied. We conducted semi-structured interviews withseven counselors in Sweden and a thematic analysis was conducted alongside Durkheim andLipsky’s theories to further deepen the analysis of the results. The results were divided intothree parts, each containing two to three identified themes and representing the study’squestions: the definition of honor culture, workplace conditions and state of knowledge. Theresults showed that counselors mainly defined honor culture as a structure with strong normsand gender roles, some of them related the phenomenon to religion and other ethnic cultures.The results also showed how the counselors identify honor-based violence when working withclients and that the workload experienced by the counselors influenced their probability ofkeeping up with new guidelines in their work. Honor-based violence and oppression weredescribed as difficult to identify in clients.

Barn och unga i sekter ur ett perspektiv av hederskultur / Young people in sects from a perspective of honor culture

Sojka Al Hamede, Ann-Sofie, Lindqvist, Elisabeth January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this essay was to investigate children's and young people's living conditions within sects and within honor culture, and to examine similarities and differences between children's vulnerability within a context of sect and a context of honor. This was done by performing an analysis of two journalistic books that depict experiences based on both contexts. The method chosen was a qualitative content analysis of the text told by women who grew up in a culture of honor or in a sect. The aim was also to examine the efforts of social work and BRIS digital communication platform based on the vulnerability of children and young people in both sects and in honor culture. Two digital communication platforms were analyzed with the help of text analysis. Erving Goffman's concept stigma was used to gain an understanding of the deviant individual. The findings of the essay showed that norm-breaking behavior led to sanctions and punishment. The prevalence of different types of violence such as psychological violence, physical violence and sexual violence were found. Michel Foucault's concepts of self-discipline and punishment could explain how groups exercise punishment in the hope of individuals obedience. Pierre Bourdieu's concept of symbolic violence was used to explain the different expressions of violence and to understand male dominance in the two contexts highlighted in this essay. The largest similarities that the findings showed were the exposure to physical and psychological violence and social control. The women's stories also manifested a fear of talking about what they experienced as children. Punishments of norm-breaking behavior could mean shunning and exclusion from the group. Distinctive values regarding virginity occurred in both contexts although consequences of not following the norms in a context of honor could result in gruesome punishments. One difference between expressed vulnerability in both contexts was the focus on demons and the devil from a context of sect, which did not occur in the stories from an honor culture. A second difference was who perpetrated the violence. Within stories from sects, it was clearer that the family and the group had the role of the punisher, while in an honor context it was the family and relatives. The fear of losing God or being punished to death by the same was recurring in stories from sects, while the fear in an honor context was mainly about losing the reputation and, by extension, the person's honor.

“Den största utmaningen är att förstå heder” : En kvalitativ studie av socialarbetarens uppfattningar och arbetssätt kring hedersrelaterat våld

Al-Obaidi, Noor January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning Denna studie handlar om socialsekreterares uppfattningar kring begreppet hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck och vilka förutsättningar de har i sitt arbete. Studien fokuserar på att lyfta fram socialsekreterarnas definition av HRV och vilka möjligheter och utmaningar de upplever i sitt arbete. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har intervjuer genomförts med ett antal socialsekreterare. Dessa intervjuer visar att hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är en komplex problematik, som förknippas med familjens heder, kultur och kollektivt tänkande. Studiens resultat visar att det inte finns en sammanhängande definition av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, men samtliga socialsekreterare håller med om att det handlar om heder, kultur och patriarkala synsätt. Socialsekreterare upplever många utmaningar i sitt arbete med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Resultatet av studien lyfter fram att socialsekreterare upplever att det är svårt att komma fram till utsatta personer och erbjuder det stöd som de behöver. Dessutom kommer offren ofta från familjer som präglas av ett kollektivt tänkande och de har svårt att fatta sina egna beslut och söka hjälp. Studien visar att det behövs en mer omfattande definition av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck samt att erbjuda mer information om hur socialtjänsten kan stödja och hjälpa personer som har blivit utsatta för HRV. / abstract This study concerns how social workers perceive the concept of honor-related violence and oppression, and how they relate to that in their work. The study focuses on highlighting the social workers’ definition of honor-related violence and oppression, and the possibilities and challenges that they encounter in their work. To answer the study’s main questions, interviews were conducted with 6 social workers. The results of the study show that the social workers have varying definitions of honor-related violence and oppression. However, they all agree that it is closely related to honor, culture and patriarchal views. Social workers experience many challenges in their work with honor-related violence and oppression. The study’s results highlight that social workers find it difficult to reach people exposed to such violence and provide the needed support. Moreover, the victims of honor-related violence come from families with a collective mentality and they find it hard to make their own decisions and ask for help. The study indicates that a broader and clearer definition of honor-related violence and oppression is needed. Apart from that, the social services need to offer more information about how they can support or help people that have been victims of honor-related violence and oppression.

OSKULDSINTYGET : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors sexuella begränsningar inom hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / The Certificate of Virginity : A qualitative study of women's sexual limitations in honor-related violence and oppression

Eriksson, Fanny, Larsson Durgé, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Den hedersrelaterade problematiken i Sverige är idag långt ifrån löst och en förfrågan om ett oskuldsintyg eller en oskuldsoperation har blivit allt vanligare i samhället.  Syftet: Är att undersöka hur kvinnors sexualitet begränsas i en hedersrelaterad kontext i Sverige från ett professionsperspektiv. Studien avser att undersöka vilka konsekvenser det blir för kvinnan och samhället då utfärdandet av oskuldsintyg och genomförandet av oskuldsoperationer ännu inte är straffbart enligt svensk lag. Teori: Den teoretiska referensramen grundar sig på rollteori och kritisk teori. Metod: En empirisk studie med kvalitativa intervjuer sammanställt i en tematisk textanalys med en hermeneutisk syn och med inspiration av en induktiv ansats. Resultat: Visar hur familjehierarkin påverkar kvinnan, hur professionella inte vågar ta tag i problemet, att det behövs en bättre samverkan och tillitsskapande bemötande från de professionella. Det existerar ett stort mörkertal kring oskuldsintyg och oskuldsoperationer, samt att det är ett dilemma för professionerna. Det behövs en bredare kunskap inom och över professionsgränserna, hos kvinnan och hennes släktnätverk. Slutsats: Det är flera faktorer som bidrar till att kvinnans sexualitet begränsas och hur oskuldsintyg och oskuldsoperationer leder till ett fortsatt kvinnoförtryck. Det behövs en bättre samverkan från samhällets alla myndigheter och samhället behöver se oskuldsintyg samt oskuldsoperationer som ett socialt problem. / The honor-related problem in Sweden is today far from solved and a request for a virginity certificate or a virginity operation has become increasingly common in the society.  The purpose: To investigate how women's sexuality is being limited in an honor-related context in Sweden from a professional perspective. The study intends to investigate the consequences for women and the society as the issuance of virginity certificates and the implementation of virginity operations are not yet punishable under Swedish law.   Theory: The theoretical frame of reference is based on role theory and critical theory. Method: An empirical study with qualitative interviews compiled in a thematic text analysis with a hermeneutic view and with inspiration from an inductive approach.  Results: Shows how the family hierarchy affects the woman, how professionals do not dare to tackle the problem, that there is a need for better collaboration and trust-building treatment from the professionals. There is a large dark figure around virginity certificates and virginity operations and that it is a dilemma for professionals. A broader knowledge is needed within and across professional boarders and as well for the woman and her family network. Conclusion: There are several factors that contribute to the woman's sexuality being limited and how virginity certificates and virginity operations lead to a continued oppression of women. There is a need for better collaboration from all of society's authorities and the society need to see virginity certificates and virginity operations as a social problem.

Den svenska skolan möter hederskultur : En undersökning av den svenska skolans bemötande av hedersproblematiken

Ali, Shadan January 2020 (has links)
The essay is a qualitative study based on interviews with school curators and a student coach who in various ways in their work come into contact with girls who live in an honor culture. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish school treats girls who in one way or another live in an honor culture and how the schools work with honor issues. The research question that has formed the basis of the study was the following: How does the Swedish school respond to honor culture? The results are analyzed based on the previously presented research, Al-Baldawi's theory of the individual-centered and group-centered way of thinking, and Hylland-Eriksen's theory of the creation of a “we” and “they”. The results show that honor culture occurs within the Swedish school and is given more attention, partly because professionals have more knowledge and experience on the subject but also because the interest has increased from different quarters to investigate the phenomenon. However, all respondents agree that more and different kinds of efforts are still needed to give the girls support and help, but above all to work for prevention.

Heder och samverkan : Skolkuratorers och socialsekreterares arbete med och samverkan kring ungdomar utsatta för hedersvåld och förtryck (HVF).

Gager, Johanna, Örnéus, Frida January 2013 (has links)
Många ungdomars vardag präglas av hedersvåld och förtryck (HVF) och problematiken anses svår och komplex att arbeta med. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur skolkuratorer på högstadieskolor och socialsekreterare på socialtjänsten beskriver sitt stöd till och skydd av ungdomar som utsätts för HVF samt samverkan dem emellan. Metoden som används för att besvara studiens syfte är kvalitativa intervjuer med fem skolkuratorer, tre socialsekreterare och en samordnare för en samverkansgrupp kring HVF. Studiens insamlade material analyseras genom tidigare forskning om myndigheternas arbete med HVF samt samverkan. Kulturellt och feministiskt perspektiv samt teori om riskbedömning och samverkan används även för att analysera materialet. Resultatet visar att det finns en samsyn mellan professionerna gällande att stödbehovet hos HVF-utsatta ungdomar är stort. Vidare delar professionerna uppfattningen att inte agera mot ungdomens vilja samt att ett skyddstänk är viktigt. Den form av riskbedömningsverktyg som vanligen används är handlingsplaner, som finns på respektive arbetsplats. Vidare visar resultatet att det saknas strukturerad samverkan mellan professionerna. Viss samverkan föreligger men en svårighet beskrivs vara att arbetet är beroende av personbundna kontakter. Resultatet visar även att samverkan skulle gynnas av ökad kommunikation samt insyn i varandras arbete.

Heder: En gråzon mellan makt, kön och kultur : En kvantitativ studie om socialarbetares upplevda kunskap och förståelse för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

Ayoub, Maria, Shawali, Shada January 2016 (has links)
The Swedish community and social services face major challenges regarding the management of honor-related violence and oppression. Lack of knowledge and an ambiguous understanding of violence affect the work of social services and may complicate the situation of vulnerable individuals. The main purpose of this study was to investigate social workers, within the section of children and family in a Swedish municipality, perceived knowledge and confidence in honor-related cases and the need for support in their work. The social workers’ views on honor-related violence and oppression were also investigated. The survey was based on a quantitative approach and questionnaires were used for data collection. The main results demonstrate that the social workers to some extent perceive themselves as having expertise in the field of honor. Nevertheless, they feel insecure in the work with honor-related cases. Furthermore, it appears that social workers are in need of specific support from the organization such as education and case supervision. Regarding the view of honor violence, a majority indicated that a gender perspective and a cultural perspective were important to understand the problem. / Samhället och socialtjänsten står inför stora utmaningar gällande hanteringen av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Bristande kunskap och en tvetydig förståelse för våldet påverkar socialtjänstens arbete och kan komma att försvåra situationen för utsatta individer. Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka hur socialarbetare, inom sektionen barn och familj i Falu Kommun, upplever sin kunskap och trygghet i hedersrelaterade ärenden samt behovet av stöd i arbetet. Vidare kartlades socialarbetarnas syn på hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Undersökningen utgick ifrån en kvantitativ ansats, där enkäter användes som datainsamlingsmetod. Resultatet påvisar att socialarbetarna i viss mån upplever sig ha kunskap inom området hedersvåld. Dock känner de sig otrygga i arbetet med hedersrelaterade ärenden. Vidare framkom det att socialarbetarna är i behov av specifikt stöd från verksamheten såsom utbildning och ärendehandledning. Gällande synen på hedersvåld angav majoriteten ett könsmaktsperspektiv och ett kulturellt perspektiv som viktiga för att förstå problemet.

Bygga broar : -En kvalitativ studie av fem unga kvinnors deltagande i majoritetssamhället

Cleve, Madelein January 2014 (has links)
Tidigare forskning visar att hedersrelaterat förtryck och våld försätter individer i extremt utsatta positioner. Det finns även en komplexitet i att bekämpa hedersrelaterat förtryck och våld i moderna och sekulariserade samhällen som bottnar i värde- och normkonflikter. Kvinnor i hedersrelaterade kontexter är isolerade från omvärlden och förnekas möjligheten till att socialiseras, vilket är en viktig och nödvändig beståndsdel för att integreras i ett modernt, individualistiskt samhälle. Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att undersöka deltagare i Tjejers rätt i samhällets(TRIS) simverksamhet och studera deltagarnas upplevelser kring möjligheter att delta på samhällets olika forum samt hur simverksamheten påverkar deras självförtroende. TRIS är en organisation som arbetar mot hedersrelaterat förtryck och våld. Med hjälp av intervjuer undersöktes fem deltagares upplevelser. Resultaten visar att simverksamheten är ett effektivt sätt för att engagera unga kvinnor till att bli mer aktiva inom idrott i skolan samt bidrar till en ökning av de unga kvinnornas självförtroende. Simverksamheten ger även ett antal fördelar kring möjligheter att delta på olika forum i samhället, bland annat bildandet av nya vänskapsband samt den fysiska aspekten av att förbättra den allmänna hälsan och välbefinnande. / Previous research shows that honor-related oppression and violence puts individuals in extremely vulnerable positions. It is also suggested that there is a complexity when combating this issue in late modern and secular societies. Women in honor-related contexts are isolated from the world and lack the opportunity to socialize, an important and integral aspect when integrating into the community. The intention of this paper is to investigate participants in TRIS, swimming lessons possibilities to access different forums in the community and the swimming lessons affect on their self-confidence. TRIS is an organization that works against honor-related oppression and violence. The method used to explore the experience in TRIS swimming lessons of five participants was qualitative interviews. The interviews investigated participants’ opportunity to take part in various forums within the community and how their self-confidence directly related to their integration into the community. This study’s revealed that the swimming activities shows an effective way to involve and persuade young women to become more active in physical education in school. There was also an increase in the young women’s self-confidence and their belief in regards to their own abilities when coping with life on a broader level. Swimming activities also provided a number of benefits in many areas of socialization namely the formation of new friendships and also the physical aspect of improving general health and well-being.

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