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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'apologétique conciliatrice française et le dialogue de l'Aufklärung chrétienne avec le "parti philosophique" / French catholic apologetic, and the dialogue of the christian Aufklärung and the "philosophical party."

Brun, Emmanuelle 23 January 2014 (has links)
Le XVIIIème siècle consacra en France la disjonction idéologique, intellectuelle et spirituelle entre la raison critique et empirique du philosophe et l’anthropologie chrétienne des défenseurs de l’orthodoxie. Toutefois, l’intuition et l’intention d’un syncrétisme humaniste aspirant à voir collaborer l’intelligence scientifique et l’intelligence de la foi survécut à la Renaissance et au Grand siècle pour soutenir la réflexion de littérateurs catholiques reconnus, les abbés Morellet, Coyer, Yvon, Bergier et Raynal. Ces théoriciens de la médiation incarnaient une frange modérée de l’apologétique catholique, une apologétique de la conciliation qui soulève maintes interrogations quant à sa nature et sa portée : parvint-elle à arrimer les valeurs chrétiennes aux idées forces des Lumières rationnelles, proposa-t-elle une voie médiane entre les partis antagonistes des « philosophes » et des « dévots » ? L’exploration analytique et la mise en perspective comparative des termes de l’alliance de la raison et de la foi révèlent une conciliation plurielle ; véritable nébuleuse idéologique élevée sur l’humanisme théologique du molinisme jésuite, elle se confronte à des difficultés externes d’ordre conjoncturel, partisanes notamment, se heurte aux antagonismes de la certitude du christianisme et du doute méthodique, se soumet aux exigences de la dualité de la « raison » - philosophique et scientifique -, mais subit également les retombées de ses propres ambiguïtés et carences conceptuelles. In fine, l’enjeu de ces ambitions syncrétiques ne repose plus tant sur le diptyque foi-raison que que sur les interactions entre le sentiment de foi, la nature et la science. / The XVIIIth century, in France, sanctioned the ideological, intellectual and spiritual separation between the critical and empirical reason of the philosopher and the christian anthropology of the orthodoxy partisans. However, intuition and intent of a humanist syncretism aiming at the collaboration of both scientific and faith intelligence lived through Renaissance and XVIIIth century, to maintain the thought of famous Catholic litterateurs, abbots Morellet, Coyer, Yvon, Bergier and Raynal. Those mediation theoreticians personified a moderated minority of catholic apologetics, an apologetic of conciliation calling to mind about its nature and its significance: did it manage to tie up the christian values to the strong ideas related to the rational Enlightenment; did it offer a medial path between the antagonistic parties of the “philosophers” and the “devout persons”? A pluralist conciliation can be revealed by analytical exploration and by putting into perspective comparatively the terms of the union between reason and faith. Deemed as a true ideological nebula rose on the theological humanism of Jesuit molinism, this conciliation was constrained by cyclical external difficulties, was torn apart between Christianity certainty and methodical doubt, was faced to the requirements of the duality of the philosophical and scientific “reason”, but was also submitted to the consequences of its own ambiguities and conceptual lacks. In fine, the stake of these syncretic ambitions lied less on the faith-reason diptych than on the harmonization of the feeling of faith, nature and science.

LʼIntime littéraire et photographique / The Literary and Photographic Intimate

Mouret, Magali 13 January 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse présente sur un plan sémantique la notion de lʼintime en tentant de circonscrire son champ dʼaction. Elle explique comment les acceptions du mot « intime » fluctuent historiquement, déplaçant les limites et les enjeux de lʼopposition entre sphère publique et sphère privée, entre lʼindividuel et le collectif, entre le personnel et lʼuniversel.Cette mise au point théorique a pour but dʼenvisager ensuite comment lʼintime devient lʼorigine et lʼobjet dʼun art. Les oeuvres dʼAnnie Ernaux et de Chloé Delaume ici analysées permettent de comprendre comment lʼintime modélise un texte littéraire ; les travaux de Sophie Calle et de Nan Goldin font apparaître la relation particulière entre lʼintime, le texte parfois et la photographie. Le langage verbal et le langage iconique sont interrogés afin de déterminer comment le style de lʼoeuvre sʼimprègne de la dimension intime. Au-delà du risque ou de la provocation, lʼon voit comment lʼoeuvre intime sʼancre profondément dans le temps, dans un rapport privilégié à la mémoire. Il est aussi question de montrer combien lʼart intime relève dʼune lutte pour exister, se faire reconnaître en tant quʼart. Les notions de valeur et dʼeffet, dans le cadre dʼune théorie de la réception, éclairent cette dimension polémique. Enfin, cette thèse sʼintéresse àdécouvrir dans quelle mesure lʼart de lʼintime sʼinscrit contre une ancienne éthique et en faveur dʼune nouvelle. Il sʼagit également de définir les grandes lignes dʼune esthétique de lʼintime, ravivant les questions du réalisme, de la beauté,du sublime. / This thesis presents a semantic notion of the intimate attempting to limit its scope. It explains how the meanings of theword "intimate" fluctuate throughout history, thereby moving the boundaries and challenging the opposition between thepublic and private spheres, between the individual and the collective, and between the personal and the universal. Thistheoretical development is intended to consider how the intimate is both the source and purpose of art. The works ofAnnie Ernaux and Chloe Delaume analyzed here can illustrate how the intimate shapes a literary text ; the works ofSophie Calle and Nan Goldin show the special relationship between the intimate, sometimes the text, and photography.The verbal and the iconic languages are examined to determine how the style of the work is imbued with the intimatesphere. Beyond the risk or provocation it entails, we see how the work intimate is deeply rooted in time with a specialrelationship with memory. It is also about showing how the intimate art is a struggle for existence, for being recognizedas art. The concepts of value and effect as part of a theory of reception, illuminate this debate. Finally, this thesis isinterested in discovering how the art of the intimate severs from former ethics to build a new one. The purpose of thisstudy is also to define the outline of an aesthetics of intimacy, rekindling issues of realism, beauty, and the sublime.

Utmärkande drag i Akira Kurosawas filmskapande : Teman, Rörelse och Väder / Distinctive Features of Akira Kurosawa's Filmmaking : Themes, Movement and Weather

Paulsson, Björn January 2019 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med uppsatsens är att belysa Akira Kurosawas unika färdigheter och utmärkande drag som filmskapare, vilket adresseras i tre frågeställningar: Vilka återkommande narrativa teman finns representerade i Kurosawas filmproduktion, och hur presenteras dessa i tre utvalda filmer? Hur använder sig regissören stilistiskt och filmtekniskt av rörelse i de tre filmerna? Hur tar sig väder och andra naturfenomen uttryck i de tre filmerna och vilken funktion har de där? Filmerna som analyseras är Drunken Angel (Yoidore tenshi/Den berusade ängeln, 1948), Stray Dog (Nora inu/ Revolvern, 1949) och The Hidden Fortress (Kakushi toride no san akunin/ Den vilda flykten, 1958). Analysen utgår från det neoformalistiska tillvägagångsätt som David Bordwell och Kristin Thompson beskriver. Genom främmandegörning identifieras och granskas återkommande teman, rörelse och väder och andra naturfenomen i filmerna, studerade i sina socio-historiska sammanhang. Rättfärdigandet av inslagen, dvs deras motivering, adresseras tillsammans med den funktion de intar i scenerna. I Kurosawas filmproduktion identifieras 17 återkommande teman, där två kluster av teman, regissörens förhållande till japansk tradition och hans humanistiska livssyn, är särskilt framträdande. Väder- och naturfenomen som regn, vind, hetta, eld och dimma förekommer ofta och intar speciella funktioner i filmerna, både estetiskt och narrativt. De interagerar även med karaktärerna. Rörelser i bildrutan åstadkoms filmtekniskt på olika sätt. De är viktiga visuella komponenter som skapar spänning och kontinuitet, men har även ett rent artistiskt värde. Genom variationer och kombinationer av återkommande teman, väderinslag och rörelse visar Kurosawas på en stilistisk särart som karakteriserar hans filmskapande.

Schenberg: em busca de um Novo Humanismo / Schenberg: in search of a New Humanism

Pismel, Ana Paula Cattai 30 September 2013 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou evidenciar a visão de Novo Realismo de Mario Schenberg, dada sua importância no horizonte das Vanguardas Brasileiras das décadas de 1960 e 1970, bem como sua relação com o Novo Humanismo, também desenvolvido pelo crítico de arte durante esse período. Foi analisado o envolvimento de Schenberg no debate das décadas de 1960 e 1970, tendo por base sua atuação nas exposições Opinião 65, Propostas 65, Opinião 66, Propostas 66, bem como nas Bienais de São Paulo (1961, 1965, 1967, 1969 e 1971). O estudo tomou por fontes primárias as críticas originais do Centro Mario Schenberg de Documentação da Pesquisa em Arte ECA/USP escritas nas nessas duas décadas, bem como os demais livros, artigos e entrevistas do crítico. Considerado por Mario Schenberg a expressão artística do Novo Humanismo, o Novo Realismo foi definido a partir de um horizonte paralelo: fruto da sociedade industrial e reflexo da cultura ocidental em crise, essa tendência refletiu um momento de ampliação de referenciais. Mario Schenberg soube compreender as demandas da arte nascente, na medida em que sua atividade crítica não se deu como julgamento e avaliação, mas como compreensão e incentivo. / This Study had the objective of showing the vision of the New Humanism of Mario Schenberg, due to its importance in the horizon of the Brazilian Vanguards from the 1960´s and 1970´s decades, as well as its relation to the New Humanism, also developed by the art critic during this period. The involvement of Schenberg in the debate of the 1960´s and 1970´s decades was analyzed, based on his actuation on the expositions Opinião 65, Propostas 65, Opinião 66, Propostas 66, as well as in the São Paulo Biennials (1961, 1965, 1967, 1969 e 1971). This study considered by primary sources the original critics of the Centro Mario Schenberg de Documentação da Pesquisa em Arte ECA/USP written in these two decades, as well as the rest of the books, articles and interviews of the critic. Considered by Mario Schenberg the artistic expression of the New Humanism, the New Realism was defined from a parallel horizon: result of an industrial society and a reflex of an occidental culture in crisis, this tendency reflected in a moment of referential amplifications. Mario Schenberg knew how to comprehend the demands of the rising art, in which, his critical activities were not made by judgment and evaluation, but as comprehension and incentive.

Novas mediações na interface comunicação e educação: a educomunicação como proposta para uma educação ambiental transformadora / -

Gattás, Carmen Lúcia Melges Elias 24 April 2015 (has links)
Esta investigação tem como objetivo buscar uma educação ambiental crítica, dialógica e democrática, que potencialize a mudança de hábitos e comportamentos, melhorando a qualidade de vida em nosso planeta. A educação ambiental surge comprometida com a proteção da vida na Terra, reconhecendo o papel central da educação na formação de valor e para a ação social. Partiremos de uma concepção complexa e sistêmica da sustentabilidade, chegando a ideia de sustentabilidade humanista. Na USP, a Superintendência de Gestão Ambiental (SGA) lançou em 2013 o Programa de Incentivo à Sustentabilidade da USP, com o intuito de apoiar projetos que tivessem como objetivo a promoção da educação visando à sustentabilidade para construir de forma participativa uma Universidade sustentável, como modelo para a sociedade brasileira. Um dos projetos aprovados, \"A ECA e a EACH em união para a sustentabilidade na USP\", criou a disciplina \"Educomunicação Socioambiental\" no Curso de Educomunicação (ECA/USP), colocando em prática a reflexão sobre os fundamentos e as implicações da Educação Ambiental e produzindo um ecossistema comunicativo capaz de dialogar com as práticas ambientais. Concluiu-se que a Educomunicação Socioambiental tem um grande potencial para desenvolver uma EA eficiente, capaz de transformar hábitos e comportamentos. Ao introduzir o diálogo, empoderando a comunidade e desenvolvendo o protagonismo nos processos de reflexão e produção, ela facilita o intercâmbio de experiências, garantindo uma comunicação participativa e cidadã, capaz de contribuir para a preservação dos recursos naturais. / This research aims to seek a critical environmental education, dialogue and democratic, that leverages the changing habits and behaviors, improving the quality of life on our planet. Environmental education appears committed to the protection of life on Earth, recognizing the central role of education in shaping values and social action. Depart from a complex and systemic concept of sustainability, reaching the idea of humanistic sustainability. We will start from a complex and systemic concept of sustainability, reaching the idea of humanistic sustainability. At USP, the Board of Environmental Management (BEM) launched in 2013 the Incentive Program to Sustainability at USP, in order to support projects that have as an objective the promotion of education aiming at sustainability to build in a participatory manner a sustainable University, as model for the Brazilian society. One of the approved projects, \"ECA and the EACH in union for sustainability at USP,\" created the discipline \"Environmental Educommunication\" in Educational Communication Course (ECA / USP), putting into practice the reflection on the foundations and implications of Education Environmental and producing a communications ecosystem capable of dealing with environmental practices. It was concluded that the Environmental Educommunication has great potential to develop an efficient EA, able to transform habits and behaviors. By introducing the dialogue, empowering the community and developing the role of the reflection and production processes, it facilitates the exchange of experience, ensuring a participatory and citizen communication, able to contribute to the preservation of natural resources of the planet.

Tafuri: tempo da cidade longínqua / Tafuri: time of the distant city

Frajndlich, Rafael Urano 04 April 2014 (has links)
A obra do historiador da arquitetura Manfredo Tafuri (1935-1994) mantém grande pertinência nos debates contemporâneos. Sua contribuição é caracterizada pelo rigor filológico de suas pesquisas, pela leitura crítica das utopias das vanguardas e sobretudo pelo trânsito intenso de suas análises por outras disciplinas das ciências humanas, como a filosofia, a psicologia e a sociologia. Em seus textos, o autor ladeou o Renascimento e a atualidade de diferentes modos para tecer suas argumentações, através de articulações de noções de tempo. O tempo, na prosa de Tafuri, é um objeto de estudo em si, e remonta às raízes de seu trabalho nos debates filosóficos italianos. A tese se aprofunda nesse aspecto do historiador, na determinação feita entre períodos históricos, dando ênfase ao modo como Tafuri entendia a temporalidade. Toma-se como texto de base a conferência As formas do tempo (1993), onde podemos encontrar uma síntese de suas considerações sobre o assunto, relacionando-a com os textos mais ensaísticos sobre história assinados pelo autor, que formam o corpus desta pesquisa: Teorias e história da arquitetura (1968), Projeto e utopia (1973) e Machine et memoir: a cidade na obra de Le Corbusier (1979). Estudar-se-á este núcleo considerando a hipótese de que a complexidade da obra de Tafuri reside no entremeio de tempos. Espera-se com este recorte destacar a atualidade das considerações críticas do autor sobre a arquitetura, demonstrar a interlocução de seus escritos com os debates filosóficos italianos de sua época, bem como aprofundar em alguns aspectos a interdisciplinaridade de sua teoria. / The work of Manfredo Tafuri (1935-1994) remains important for the History of Architecture. His contribuition is often summarized in the filological accent of his research subjects, the critical approach of contemporary trends in architecture and most of all for the interdisciplinarity of his writings, leaning towards other fields of humanities such as philosophy, psicology and sociology. In the overall of his work, the author established connections between Renaissance and Contemporary in different ways to make a point in his essays. The ways he framed different periods of history concerned a specific transit between notions of temporality. In Tafuri\'s work, time appears as a subject itself and denotes its philosphical origins in the political trends of Italy. This thesis seeks to shed light on one specific aspect of the work of Tafuri. It will work with his most ensaistic works regarding time: The forms of time: Venice and the Renaissance (1993) and Machine et memoir: The city in the work of Le Corbusier (1979). Along with these two articles, we will focus on two seminal books signed by the author: Theories and history of architecture (1968) and Architecture and utopia (1973). Through the study of the temporality in the work of Tafuri, we expect to broaden the understanding of his contribution, shedding light to the pertinence of his critical opinions on architecture, to the persistent dialogue his work with philosophical trends in Italy, and to give a better overall understanding of the interdisciplinary approach of his theory.

Sobre o \'Da educação das crianças\': a nova maneira de Montaigne / Of the education of children: the nouvelle manièrè of Montaigne

Theobaldo, Maria Cristina 14 August 2008 (has links)
Propomos neste estudo uma leitura e comentário do capítulo De l\'institution des enfans, Livro I, 26, dos Essais de Michel de Montaigne. Trata-se de contribuir para a discussão e elucidação de um capítulo que, embora muito conhecido e mobilizado pela crítica especializada, sobretudo pelos historiadores da educação, apresenta um trabalho de interpretação quase sempre pouco atento aos desenvolvimentos próprios do texto. A tese labora em duas frentes: naquela da história e das concepções educacionais do humanismo renascentista e naquela - em que está seu interesse principal - da compreensão e articulação dos elementos essenciais do pensamento pedagógico de Montaigne. Ressaltamos o exercício do julgamento, a conversação como meio pedagógico e a importância da filosofia moral na formação dos jovens / The purpose of this study is to do a read and comment the chapter De l institution des enfans, Livre I, 26, of the Les Essais, wrote by Michel de Montaigne. It contributes to discuss and elucidate a chapter that, even though its very known and mobilized by the specialized critics, over all by the educations historians, presents an interpretation work almost always little intent to the proper developments of the text. The thesis deals in two fronts: in that one of the history and the educational conceptions of the Renaissance Humanism and in that one - in which exists its main interest - of the understanding and joint of the essential elements of the Montaignes pedagogical thought. We stand out the exercise of the judgment, the conversation as pedagogical instrument and the importance of the moral philosophy in the formation of the young

Joseph de Maistre: intérprete da Revolução Francesa e da modernidade / Joseph de Maistre: interpreter of the French Revolution and modernity

Soares, José Miguel Nanni 12 September 2014 (has links)
O objetivo de nossa pesquisa foi de explorar a interpretação maistreana da Revolução Francesa, a qual, ao contrário do que postula o senso-comum de boa parte da historiografia, não se limitou às Considerações sobre a França (1797) e sua temática providencialista, pois se manifestou em muitos outros escritos distribuídos entre os 14 volumes de suas Obras Completas e seus inúmeros \'\'Registros de Leitura\'\'. Maistre teve o mérito de integrar sua leitura da Revolução nos quadros da modernização do Ocidente, cujos pressupostos, expressos pela Reforma Protestante e pela Ilustração, permitiram-lhe explicar não apenas a Revolução em França, mas também profetizar o advento de uma era das revoluções. Fundamentalmente, procuramos demonstrar como a reação de Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821) ao projeto Ilustrado - e, por extensão, revolucionário - para a humanidade não apenas coincide, surpreendentemente, com o modo como se interpreta contemporaneamente a gênese do mundo moderno, como, apesar de seu caráter e intenções profundamente conservadores, encontra-se amparada em premissas indelevelmente humanistas e racionalistas / This thesis aims to study the Maistrean interpretation of the French Revolution, which, contrary to the common view postulated by great part of the historiography, was not confined to the famous providential treatment exposed in the Considérations sur la France (1797), but manifested instead in many other writings distributed along the 14 volumes of his Collected Works, not to mention the thousands pages of his unpublished notebooks. We would like to show that Maistre had the merit of considering the French Revolution in the light of the long-term historical process of modernization of the West, whose guidelines, expressed by the Protestant Reformation and the Enlightenment, allowed him to explain not only the Revolution in France, but also to predict the advent of an \'age of revolutions \'. Above all, we seek to demonstrate how Joseph de Maistre\'s (1753-1821) critique of the Enlightenment - and, by extension, revolutionary - project to humanity is, surprisingly, not only coincident with the way recent scholars interpret the genesis of the modern world, but, despite its deeply conservative character and intentions, is also supported by indelibly humanist and rationalist assumptions

A responsabilidade médica nos tribunais / The medical liability in the courts

Fortes, Paulo Antonio de Carvalho 22 September 1994 (has links)
o presente trabalho objetivou identificar e analisar as decisões jurídicas que se referem à responsabilidade médica, quanto à ocorrência de formação jurisprudencial relativa às faltas decorrentes de atos ou procedimentos técnicos, assim como das faltas contra o humanismo médico, nas esferas civil e penal. Pesquisou-se as decisões judiciais relativas à responsabilização da atividade médica, de 1960 a 1989, apresentadas na Revista dos Tribunais e Revista de Jurisprudência do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo. Foram estudados os casos relativos a faltas por erro de diagnóstico, determinação do tratamento, condução do tratamento e elaboração de falsos atestados médicos, classificados como faltas técnicas. Como faltas cometidas contra o humanismo médico foram estudadas as decisões concernentes ao direito ao consentimento, à informação, à liberdade, à privacidade, à segurança e o dever da solidariedade. Analisa-se e comenta-se as diversas tendências jurisprudenciais envolvendo a matéria pesquisada, através de abordagem que possa subsidiar os profissionais de saúde ao melhor conhecimento da realidade da interpretação jurídica da atividade médica. / The aim of this thesis was to identify and to analyse the juridical resolutions which refer to the medical responsibility for the ocurrence of the jurisprudence concerning failures due to performance or technical procedures, as well as failures against medical humanism, in civil or penal fields. The responsibility of medical activity, from 1960 to 1989, published by Revista dos Tribunais and Revista de Jurisprudência do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo, were searched. Ocurrences related to failures due to errors on diagnosis, instruction and conduction treatment, the filling out of wrong medical certificates, all of these, classified as technical failures, were inquired. As failures against medical humanism, resolutions regarding the right to consentment, to information, to liberty, to privacy and to security and the duty of solidarity were studied. A number of jurisprudential tendencies involving the searched matter were analysed and commented, through an approach which could give elements to health professionals for a better knowledge of the reality of juridical understanding of the medical activity.

Ecriture fictionnelle et traitement de l'histoire dans l'oeuvre de Laurent Gaudé. / Fiction writing and History in the work of Laurent Gaudé.

Boubaker, Donia 15 December 2017 (has links)
Auteur de l'extrême contemporain, Laurent Gaudé est à l'origine d'une œuvre littéraire riche et hétérogène qui plonge dans l'Histoire des hommes de l'Antiquité à nos jours : personnages historiques illustres (Alexandre le Grand, Frédéric II), conflits et catastrophes humaines (Grande Guerre, guerre d'Algérie, etc.), catastrophes naturelles (séismes, ouragan Katrina) composent ainsi une mosaïque d'(H/h)istoires qui affirment l'importance de l'être et chantent sa résistance à des univers de violence aliénants. Entre tragique et épique, l'œuvre de Laurent Gaudé est, de ce fait, une mise en récit de la crise humaine. Interrogeant l'Autre, l'Ailleurs et l'Autrefois, soulignant également la "fraternité de destins" des personnages gaudéens, le traitement fictionnel de l'Histoire s'inscrit dans une création littéraire humaniste qui redonne toute sa force à la fonction empathique de la littérature. Notre travail de recherche consiste à interroger cette odyssée temporelle, ce voyage à travers le temps et l’espace, pour comprendre les procédés de la mise en fiction de l’Histoire et sa dimension humaniste dans l’œuvre de Laurent Gaudé. / Laurent Gaudé is an author from the Contemporary Extreme period. He creates a rich and diverse literary work which delves into the history of humanity from the Antiquity to these days. It summons famous historical figures like Alexander the Great, human conflicts and disasters (The Great War, Algerian War of Independence, etc.) and natural disasters (earthquakes in Italy and Haïti, hurricane Katrina). All these events draw a mosaic of (hi-)stories that affirms the importance of human beings and sings the resistance to alienating universes of violence. Therefore, the work of the novelist is a storytelling of human crisis which allies epic with tragic. By highlighting the "broterhood of destinies" of gaudeans characters, and questioning in the same time the Other, the Elsewhere and the Old times, fictional treatment of history by Laurent Gaudé is a part of a humanist literary creation which gives to the literature's empathetic function all its power. Our research involves questioning this temporal odyssey, this journey through time and space, to understand the processes of the fictionalization of history and its humanistic dimension in the work of Laurent Gaudé.

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