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Hur organisationer påverkas när medarbetare ersätts med Robotic Process Automation : En rapport om hur RPA-robotar påverkar verksamhetsutvecklingen och den implicita kunskapenBeijbom, Niklas, Idjbara, Abdalrahim January 2019 (has links)
Teknologin har alltid påverkat samhället, tekniska lösningar utvecklas hastigt. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) är en robot som genomför repetitiva, enkla återupprepande, uppgifter som hanteras på exakt samma sätt varje gång istället för att det ska hanteras av anställda. Implicit kunskap är kunskap som ofta byggs upp av erfarenheter och kan därför vara svår att förklara för andra. Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka hur Robotic Process Automation påverkar verksamhetsutvecklingen och den implicita kunskapen hos organisationer. Därav blir frågeställningarna; “Hur påverkar Robotic Process Automation verksamhetsutveckling?” och “Hur påverkas den implicita kunskapen när medarbetare ersätts med RPA?”. Digitaliseringen har möjliggjort flertalet nya uppfinningar, bland annat har internet-of- things utvecklats. Internet-of-things behövs för att produkter ska kunna kopplas ihop med internet. RPA-robotar behöver internet för att fungera och behöver därmed internet-of- things. När organisationer ersätter medarbetare med RPA kan kunskapsöverföring vara betydelsefullt, den tidigare implicita kunskapen skulle kunna transformeras till explicit. Strategin som användes var abduktiv ansats, vilket är en kombination av deduktiv- och induktiv ansats. För att samla in den empiriska datan har kvalitativa intervjuer med Södra, Scania CV AB, Uddevalla kommun, Stena Line Finance och OKQ8 genomförts. Urvalet gjordes med hjälp av en kombination av snöbollseffekten och information. Litteraturen menar att RPA inte ska ersätta människor, snarare att de frigör tid för människorna att jobba mer med värdeskapande aktiviteter. Samtliga organisationer nämner fördelen med att mer tid kan läggas på värdeskapande aktiviteter istället för enkla repetitiva uppgifter, vilket även genererar nöjdare kunder, vilket är positivt för verksamhetsutvecklingen. RPA gör dessutom uppgifterna till en lägre kostnad, vilket gör att organisationerna kan lägga sina resurser på annat och möjligen utveckla andra saker inom verksamheten. En nackdel med RPA är att de inte uppfyller sin fulla kapacitet utan internetanslutning, vilket bland annat Södra lagt märke till, detta påverkar verksamhetsutvecklingen i en negativ riktning. Litteraturen förklarar att det går att överföra implicit kunskap till explicit. Södra och OKQ8 använder sig av workshops för att behålla den tidigare implicita kunskapen medans Scania har utsett olika personer på olika avdelningar som har extra koll på den implicita kunskapen. Uddevalla kommun har gjort manualer som beskriver hur RPA-roboten gör och hur processen sköts manuellt, Stena Line Finance använder sig av avstämningsmöten. Slutsatsen som kan dras utifrån rapporten är att verksamhetsutvecklingen påverkas mestadels positivt. RPA har bland annat lett till mer tid för värdeskapande aktiviteter, vilket utvecklar organisationerna. Tidsbesparing, då RPA-roboten utför uppgifterna på en kortare tid. Det är mer kostnadseffektivt med tanke på att resurserna kan omfördelas. Den implicita kunskapen påverkas relativt lite av att medarbetare blir utbytta mot RPA-robotar. Detta då samtliga organisationer redan gjort åtgärder för att överföra den implicita kunskapen till explicit och sedan på olika sätt vidarefört kunskapen inom verksamheten. / The technology has always been affecting society while technological solutions are rapidly developing, there information gets handled faster than ever. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a robot that performs repetitive tasks that gets handled exactly the same way each time, that normally is taken care of by humans. When it comes to implicit knowledge, it’s often built up by experience and is difficult to communicate and explain to others. This study investigate how Robotic Process Automation affect the business development and the implicit knowledge, that can’t be communicated inside organizations. Our empirical data were collected by using literary sources relevant to this study and research, as well as a qualitative study, which included five organisations: Scania CV AB, OKQ8, Stena Line, Södra and Uddevalla kommun. One disadvantage with the RPA is that they do not meet their full capacity without having internet connection, which Södra have noticed. The business development is therefore most positively affected by the implementation of RPA. Results of our empirical shows that the implicit knowledge is relatively affected by the replacement of humans to RPA-robots. This is because all organisations has been taking act to transfer all of the implicit knowledge explicitly so that the knowledge stays within the business.
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Effet du sommeil sur un apprentissage implicite : transfert vers une mémoire explicite ? / Effect of sleep on implicit memory : transfer to explicit memory ?Cherdieu, Mélaine 01 July 2014 (has links)
De nombreuses études ses sont intéressées à l’influence du sommeil sur la mémoire. Une période de sommeil comparée à une période d’éveil permet de réduire l’oubli, d’améliorer les performances mais également de réorganiser les traces mnésiques, favorisant ainsi la créativité et l’extraction de règles. Ces études se basent sur les modèles classiques de la mémoire et expliquent ces observations par une interaction entre les processus implicites et explicites au cours du sommeil. Cependant, les modèles classiques de la mémoire semblent limités pour décrire la totalité des processus de réorganisation des traces mnésiques observés après une période de sommeil. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons tenté de comprendre l’influence du sommeil sur la réorganisation des traces à travers le modèle Act-In, un modèle de mémoire à traces multiples se plaçant dans la lignée de la cognition incarnée.Nous avons développé notre recherche autour de quatre axes expérimentaux. Dans un premier temps nous souhaitions vérifier si une période de sommeil permet de transformer passivement une trace implicite en trace explicite. Nous souhaitions par la suite étudier l’effet du sommeil sur les processus d’intégration multi-composants et d’activation inter-traces. Selon nous, le sommeil permettrait de renforcer l’intégration des composants au sein d’une trace et il permettrait également de favoriser la mise en relation de plusieurs traces, conduisant à l’émergence d’éléments communs. Enfin, dans le dernier axe de ce travail de recherche, nous nous sommes intéressés aux conséquences des modifications nocturnes liées à l’âge sur la consolidation mnésique au cours du sommeil. / Numerous studies have been interested in the effect of sleep on memory. For instance, a period of sleep as compared to a similar period of wakefulness protects memories from interferences, improves performances, but also reorganizes memory traces favoring creativity and rules extraction. These studies are based on classical memory models and explain these observations by an interaction between implicit and explicit processes. However, these models seem to be limited to describe all the processes involved in memory reorganization. In this thesis, we tried to understand the influence of sleep on memory reorganization within Act-In memory model, a multiple traces memory model in the line of grounded cognition. We developed our research within four experimental axes. First of all, we wanted to verify if sleep could transform an implicit trace into an explicit one. We also wanted to study the effect of sleep on multi-components integration and inter-traces activation. We assumed that sleep could transform memory traces enhancing the integration of the trace components and could favor the link between different traces leading to the emergence of common elements. Finally, we were interested in the consequences of nocturnal modifications during aging on memory consolidation.
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A voz do autor no Lazarillo de Tormes / The author\'s voice in Lazarillo de TormesOliveira, Katia Aparecida da Silva 12 November 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho pretendemos realizar uma leitura do Lazarillo de Tormes que além de considerar o discurso do narrador, Lázaro de Tormes, considere também a voz do autor implícito dentro da obra e a forma como essa voz influencia a construção do sentido dela. Reconhecendo a voz desse autor implícito no prólogo da obra e em meio ao discurso do narrador, é possível identificar a sua perspectiva, que nem sempre coincide com a do narrador. O encontro dessas diferentes perspectivas forma contradições no discurso de Lázaro como narrador, e é na conjunção dessas perspectivas que consideramos formar-se o sentido da obra. / The aim of this work is to accomplish a reading of Lazarillo de Tormes considering the discourse of the narrator and also the voice of the author within the story and how it influences the construction of its sense. By recognizing the voice of this implicit author in the prologue of the story among the narrators discourse it is possible to identify the perspective of the author which is not always the same of the narrator. The encounter of these two perspectives forms some contradictions in Lázaros discourse as the narrator and it is through this conjunction that we consider to be forming the sense of the novel.
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Um estudo sobre os objetos cognatos e os adjetivos adverbiais no português do Brasil / A study about the cognate objects and adverbial adjectives in the Brazilian PortugueseLeung, Renata Takllan Frauches 19 September 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho, analiso o fenômeno conhecido como \"uso adverbial do adjetivo\" (ou \"adjetivos adverbiais\"). Tal fenômeno, comum no Português do Brasil (PB), ocorre em sentenças como A Maria falou claro (cf. A Maria falou claramente) e levanta a questão sobre o estatuto categorial do modificador, na medida em que este apresenta forma de adjetivo, mas comportamento de advérbio. Alguns autores afirmam que se trata, de fato, de advérbios: os adjetivos sofrem um processo morfológico chamado de derivação imprópria ou conversão, que consiste na \"transposição de uma palavra de uma classe gramatical para outra\" (Basílio, 2000: 60). Outros autores, como Carnie (2000) e Negrão, Scher e Viotti (2003), sugerem que adjetivos e advérbios constituem uma única categoria gramatical. Um dos argumentos usados pelos autores é o fato de adjetivos e advérbios desempenharem o mesmo papel na sentença: atribuem propriedades aos itens que eles modificam. Essas e outras propostas existentes na literatura têm bons argumentos a seu favor. Contudo, ao olharmos para os dados, todas essas propostas se tornam insatisfatórias, na medida em que nenhuma delas dá conta de explicar os seguintes fatos da língua: em alguns contextos, as formas adverbial e adjetival são possíveis (A Maria falou claro/claramente); em outros contextos, apenas a forma adjetival é possível (A Maria namora firme/*firmemente), e ainda em outros, apenas a forma adverbial (Os soldados resistiram heroicamente/*heróico). A partir de um modelo gerativista do estudo da linguagem, é pertinente investigar não apenas o estatuto categorial dos itens lexicais em questão, mas também o que há na estrutura subjacente dessas sentenças que determina o contexto em que esses itens podem ou não ser utilizados. Seguindo a proposta de Lobato (2005), proponho que os chamados adjetivos adverbiais são, de fato, adjetivos, na medida em que eles modificam um nome implícito na sentença nomeadamente, o objeto cognato relacionado ao verbo, ou um indivíduo denotado pela raiz do verbo, nos termos de Levinson (2006). De fato, os contextos de produtividade das construções com objetos cognatos eventivos (Leung, 2006) são os mesmos contextos de produtividade dos adjetivos adverbiais. Além disso, apesar das aparências, o comportamento dos itens lexicais em questão não é tão adverbial quanto parece: ao contrário dos advérbios, eles não flutuam na sentença, mas têm que ser, obrigatoriamente, adjacentes ao verbo. Outro fator é que, via de regra, eles não podem co-ocorrer com um objeto temático, o que deveria ser possível se esses itens fossem, de fato, adverbiais. / In this work, I analyze the phenomenon known as \"the adverbial use of adjective\" (or \"adverbial adjectives\"). Such phenomenon, common in Brazilian Portuguese (PB), occurs in sentences such as A Maria falou claro (cf. A Maria falou claramente) and raises a question about the categorial status of the modifier, since it presents adjective form, but behaves like an adverb. Some authors say that, in fact, they are adverbs: the adjectives undergo a morphological process called improper derivation or conversion, which consists of the \"shift of a word from a grammatical class to another\" (Basílio, 2006:60). Some other authors, such as Carnie (2000) and Negrão, Scher e Viotti (2003), suggest that adjectives and adverbs belong to an unique grammar category. One of the arguments used by the authors is the fact that adjectives and adverbs carry out the same role in sentence: they attribute properties to the items modified by them. These and other existing suggestions in literature have good arguments on their side. However, when we look at some language data, all these suggestions become unsatisfactory, since none of them can explain the following facts: in some contexts, both the adverbial and adjectival forms is possible (A Maria falou claro/claramente); in other contexts, only the adjectival form is possible (A Maria namora firme/*firmemente), and still in others contexts, only the adverbial form can appear in the sentence (Os soldados resistiram heroicamente/*heróico). Based on a generative model for grammar studies, it is necessary to investigate not only the categorial status of the lexical items in question, but also what there is in the subjacent structure of these sentences, that determines the context in which they can or cannot be used. In this work, I suggest that the adverbial adjectives are, in fact, adjectives, since they can modify either an implicit noun in the sentence, namely, the cognate object related to the verb, or, in Levinson (2006)\'s terms, an individual denoted by the same root as the verb\'s. In fact, the productivity contexts of these constructions with eventive cognate objects (Leung, 2006) are the same productivity contexts where one can find the adverbial adjectives. Besides, the behavior of the lexical items in question is not so adverbial as it looks: differenty from adverbs, they don\'t float in the sentence, but they are, obligatorily, adjacent to the verb. Another important factor is that, generally, they can\'t occur with a thematic object, what should be possible if these items were, in fact, adverbs.
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Racial Disproportionality as Experienced by Educators of Color: Recruiting and HiringPatterson, Leslie M. January 2018 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Lauri Johnson / This qualitative case study explored how educators of color experienced recruitment and hiring practices in the Cityside Public School District (pseudonym). It was part of a larger group case study that sought to capture the perceptions of educators of color related to racial disproportionality and its impact on the educator pipeline and schools. Two research questions guided this individual study: (1) How do Cityside educators of color experience Cityside’s recruitment and/or hiring processes? (2) What practices and policies might Cityside school and district level leaders utilize to increase the number of educators of color recruited and hired? Data for this study were collected from semi-structured interviews with nine Cityside faculty of color and with six Cityside administrators (of different races), as well as from a document review. Analysis of these data through the lens of Critical Race Theory (CRT) revealed study participants’ perception that implicit racial bias had the potential to negatively impact Cityside's hiring of educators of color. Additionally, leveraging social networks as an essential recruitment strategy to increase the presence of educators of color, and the benefits of hiring committees with a racially diverse membership, emerged as key findings. Finally, this study illuminated counter narratives that powerfully captured instances of microaggressions and perceived racism experienced by Cityside educators of color. Recommendations include requiring professional development with an anti-bias focus for all hiring committee participants, increasing the utilization of social networks to enhance recruitment efforts, ensuring a racially diverse composition of hiring committees, and actively seeking the counter narratives of Cityside educators of color. / Thesis (EdD) — Boston College, 2018. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Leadership and Higher Education.
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Aquisição e uso de memória implícita / Implicit memory: acquisition and useHelene, André Frazão 11 August 2006 (has links)
A idéia de que memória possa ser segregada em diferentes sistemas e processos possui uma longa história. O desenvolvimento desta concepção esteve associada a casos clínicos envolvendo pacientes amnésicos, estimulando a noção da existência de funções cognitivas específicas relacionadas ao funcionamento de regiões específicas do sistema nervoso. Considerando o contexto histórico no qual se inserem os modelos de memória de longa duração explícita e implícita, a proposta do presente trabalho foi avaliar (1) a extensão da aquisição de conhecimento implícito percepto-motor por meio da imaginação vista aqui como um mecanismo de manipulação de informações na memória operacional, por controle da atenção, e (2) se conhecimento implícito adquirido num dado contexto de treino pode ser utilizado em novos contextos, contrariando conceitos estabelecidos na área, de que esse tipo de conhecimento está firmemente associado ao contexto em que se deu a aquisição. O Experimento 1 mostrou inequivocamente que há aquisição de habilidades motoras por meio de treino imaginativo e, adicionalmente, que essa aquisição segue um curso temporal idêntico àquele observado na aquisição por treino real, sugerindo que ambos os tipos de aquisição exibem propriedades similares, podendo ser equivalentes. O Experimento 2 mostrou que a aquisição de conhecimento implícito envolvendo leitura de texto cujos caracteres foram submetidos a variados tipos de rotação favorece o desempenho na leitura de texto com rotação completamente nova, indicando que o conhecimento implícito adquirido previamente foi flexivelmente empregado no desempenho da nova tarefa. No conjunto, esses resultados mostram que a manipulação de conteúdos na memória operacional permite adquirir conhecimento implícito de-cima-para-baixo" e que a utilização desse tipo de conhecimento não está restrita ao contexto de sua aquisição, podendo ser empregado flexivelmente em novas situações. Esses resultados indicam para a necessidade de revisão dos conceitos vigentes sobre a interação entre sistemas de memória e sobre as propriedades do sistema de memória implícita / The notion that memory may be dissociated in distinct systems is antique. The development of this assumption seems to be associated with studies involving amnesic patients, which contributed for the notion that specific cognitive functions are underlied for specific brain regions. Taking into account the historic context in which the models for explicit and implicit long-term memory developed, the aims of this study was to evaluate (1) to which extent there is acquisition of perceptual-motor implicit knowledge by way of imagery - seen here as a manner of handling information in working memory by control of attention, and (2) to which extent implicit knowledge acquired in a specific context may be used to solve problems in novel contexts, confronting established assumptions that this type of knowledge is strongly associated to the context of its acquisition. The Experiment 1 showed that there is acquisition of perceptual-motor implicit knowledge by way of imagination; the time-course for this acquisition is similar to that seen when acquisition occurs by actual task performance, suggesting that similar properties underlie both types of acquisition. The Experiment 2 showed that prior implicit knowledge acquisition related to reading rotated texts favors performance for reading texts with completely novel types of rotations, indicating the occurrence of transfer of training and, more importantly, that implicit knowledge was flexibly used for performance of a novel task. Taken together, these results show that handling information in working memory promotes top-down" acquisition of perceptualmotor implicit knowledge and that this type of knowledge is not strictly associated to the specific context of its acquisition, being used for novel tasks. These results indicate the need for a review of the current assumptions about the interaction of memory systems and about the admitted properties of the implicit memory system.
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Aproximação poligonal robusta de curvas implícitas / Robust polygonal approximation of implicit curvesNascimento, Filipe de Carvalho 19 May 2016 (has links)
Modelagem geométrica envolvendo objetos implícitos é um tema de intensa pesquisa em Computação Gráfica. Portanto, obter técnicas eficientes para representar esses objetos é de extrema importância. Dois grupos de objetos implícitos relevantes para Computação Gráfica são as curvas implícitas e superfícies implícitas. As técnicas tradicionais para se aproximar curvas e superfícies implícitas envolvem dividir o domínio e buscar em suas partições partes da curva ou da superfície. Neste projeto propomos um novo métodos de poligonização robusta de curvas implícitas usando uma ferramenta numérica auto-validada chamada de Aritmética Afim. O método consiste na poligonização adaptativa de curvas implícitas em malhas triangulares tridimensionais. / Geometric modeling involving implicit objects is a topic of intense research in Computer Graphics. Thus, obtain efficient techniques for representing these objects is of utmost importance. Two groups of relevant implicit objects for Computer Graphics are implicit curves and implicit surfaces. Traditional techniques for approximating implicit curves and surfaces involve splitting the domain and searching for parts of the curve or the surface. In this project we propose a new methods of robust polygonization of implicit curves using the self-validated numerical tool called Affine Arithmetic. The method consists in the adaptive polygonization of implicit curves in three-dimensional triangular meshes.
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Analyse de la complexité des programmes par interprétation sémantique / Program complexity analysis by semantics interpretationPéchoux, Romain 14 November 2007 (has links)
Il existe de nombreuses approches développées par la communauté Implicit Computational Complexity (ICC) permettant d'analyser les ressources nécessaires à la bonne exécution des algorithmes. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement au contrôle des ressources à l'aide d'interprétations sémantiques. Après avoir rappelé brièvement la notion de quasi-interprétation ainsi que les différentes propriétés et caractérisations qui en découlent, nous présentons les différentes avancées obtenues dans l'étude de cet outil : nous étudions le problème de la synthèse qui consiste à trouver une quasi-interprétation pour un programme donné, puis, nous abordons la question de la modularité des quasi-interprétations. La modularité permet de diminuer la complexité de la procédure de synthèse et de capturer un plus grand nombre d'algorithmes. Après avoir mentionné différentes extensions des quasi-interprétations à des langages de programmation réactifs, bytecode ou d'ordre supérieur, nous introduisons la sup-interprétation. Cette notion généralise la quasi-interprétation et est utilisée dans des critères de contrôle des ressources afin d'étudier la complexité d'un plus grand nombre d'algorithmes dont des algorithmes sur des données infinies ou des algorithmes de type diviser pour régner. Nous combinons cette notion à différents critères de terminaison comme les ordres RPO, les paires de dépendance ou le size-change principle et nous la comparons à la notion de quasi-interprétation. En outre, après avoir caractérisé des petites classes de complexité parallèles, nous donnons quelques heuristiques permettant de synthétiser des sup-interprétations sans la propriété sous-terme, c'est à dire des sup-interprétations qui ne sont pas des quasi-interprétations. Enfin, dans un dernier chapitre, nous adaptons les sup-interprétations à des langages orientés-objet, obtenant ainsi différents critères pour contrôler les ressources d'un programme objet et de ses méthodes / There are several approaches developed by the Implicit Computational Complexity (ICC) community which try to analyze and control program resources. In this document, we focus our study on the resource control with the help of semantics interpretations. After introducing the notion of quasi-interpretation together with its distinct properties and characterizations, we show the results obtained in the study of such a tool: We study the synthesis problem which consists in finding a quasi-interpretation for a given program and we tackle the issue of quasi-interpretation modularity. Modularity allows to decrease the complexity of the synthesis procedure and to capture more algorithms. We present several extensions of quasi-interpretations to reactive programming, bytecode verification or higher-order programming. Afterwards, we introduce the notion of sup-interpretation. This notion strictly generalizes the one of quasi-interpretation and is used in distinct criteria in order to control the resources of more algorithms, including algorithms over infinite data and algorithms using a divide and conquer strategy. We combine sup-interpretations with distinct termination criteria, such as RPO orderings, dependency pairs or size-change principle, and we compare them to the notion of quasi-interpretation. Using the notion of sup-interpretation, we characterize small parallel complexity classes. We provide some heuristics for the sup-interpretation synthesis: we manage to synthesize sup-interpretations without the subterm property, that is, sup-interpretations which are not quasi-interpretations. Finally, we extend sup-interpretations to object-oriented programs, thus obtaining distinct criteria for resource control of object-oriented programs and their methods
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Explicitgjorda kompetenser och implicita kunskaper : Fokuseringen på villkor för ett vetenskapligt skrivande med elevers högre studier som mål i tre tryckta läroböckerLangenheim, Nora January 2018 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks vetenskapligt skrivande i tre läroböcker för ämnet svenska på gymnasiet. Detta görs mot bakgrund av den debatt som pågått sedan tidigt 70-tal där elevers och studenters bristfälliga skrivförmåga diskuterats. Vilket utrymme vetenskapligt skrivande får i läroböckerna undersöks där explicitgörandet av kompetenser granskas och implicit kunskap urskiljs. Kunskap och kompetens som undersöks kategoriseras efter Asks (2007) huvudkategorier kritisk-analytisk kompetens, akademiska textkonventioner och lyhördhet för stil- och skriftspråkskonventioner. Resultatet visar att implicit kunskap förekommer i läroböckerna där tydliga förklaringar och sammanbindande resonemang ofta utelämnas samt att den kunskap som tolkas vara implicit ofta explicitgörs ju längre in i läroböckerna som läsaren kommer. Resultatet av studien visar även att det är mer vanligt att vad och hur explicitgörs beträffande kunskap och kompetens, mer ovanligt är det att varför är tydligt explicit uttryckt. I läroböckerna får både text kopplad till vetenskapligt skrivande och text som behandlar vetenskapligt skrivande olika stort utrymme. Kunskap om och utveckling av den kompetens som får störst utrymme och fokus i läroböckerna är lyhördhet för stil- och skriftspråkskonventioner. Akademiska textkonventioner och kritisk-analytisk kompetens får minst utrymme i läroböckerna. Den senare kompetensen är enligt tidigare forskning den typ av kompetens som elever och studenter har svårast att uttrycka skriftligt. I de undersökta läroböckerna förekommer träning av kompetensen till övervägande del då källkritik behandlas.
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The Influence of Patient Race and Socioeconomic Status on Providers' Assessment and Treatment Recommendations for Chronic PainTracy Marie Anastas (6576719) 10 June 2019 (has links)
<p></p><p> Compared
to White and high socioeconomic (SES) patients, Black and low SES patients are
less likely to receive adequate pain care, including receiving fewer analgesic
medications. Providers may, inadvertently or not, contribute to these
disparities in pain care via biased decision-making. Prior work suggests there
is a complex relationship in which race and SES uniquely and interactively affect
providers’ clinical decisions, but few studies have examined the influence of
patient race and SES simultaneously on providers’ pain-related decisions.
Furthermore, previous studies suggest that providers’ attitudes about race and
SES influence their clinical decisions. The present study examined the
influence of patient race and SES and providers’ implicit and explicit
attitudes about race and SES on providers' pain-related decisions. Four hundred
and seven medical residents and fellows made pain assessment (interference and
distress) and treatment (opioids, opioid contracts, and workplace
accommodations) decisions for 12 computer-simulated patients with chronic back
pain that varied by race (Black/White) and SES (low/high). Subjects completed
Implicit Association Tests to assess implicit attitudes and feeling
thermometers to assess explicit attitudes about race and SES. Repeated measures
ANOVAs indicated that patient race and/or SES had main effects on all
pain-related decisions and had interaction effects on providers’ ratings for
interference, distress, and workplace accommodations. Providers’ implicit
attitudes about race and explicit attitudes about race and SES predicted their
pain-related decisions, but these effects were not consistent across all
decisions. The current study highlights the need to examine the effects of
patient race and SES together, along with providers’ implicit and explicit attitudes,
in the context of pain care. Results inform future work that can lead to the
development of evidence-based interventions to reduce disparities in pain care.</p><br><p></p>
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