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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A efetividade das políticas públicas voltadas às pequenas empresas no contexto do tratamento diferenciado

Osório, Carlos Willians 08 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:33:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Willians Osorio.pdf: 1082658 bytes, checksum: 73921d0f02d430dfae4fa6fce3d3d35c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-08 / The small business is one of the main pillars of the economy, both the number of establishments and geographical desconcentration, as its ability to generate jobs statistically proven facts. For this reason, they become deserving of public policies to support and encourage the growth, profitability and business sustainability. From this evidence, the limitation of the study includes understanding the importance of this segment to the country, combined with the effectiveness of public policies intended for, in the context of differential treatment guaranteed by the fundamental rule. / A empresa de pequeno porte constitui um dos principais pilares de sustentação da economia, tanto pelo número de estabelecimentos e desconcentração geográfica, quanto pela sua capacidade de gerar empregos fatos comprovados estatisticamente. Por essa razão, tornam-se merecedoras de políticas públicas de apoio e incentivo ao seu crescimento, rentabilidade e sustentabilidade empresarial. A partir dessa constatação, a limitação do estudo abarca a compreensão da relevância desse segmento para o país, articulada com a efetividade das políticas públicas a ele destinadas, no contexto do tratamento diferenciado garantido pelo Texto Fundamental.

Uma análise econômica das mudanças regulatórias no setor de petróleo no Brasil

Ferreira Neto, Antonio Primo 27 May 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Antonio Ferreira (primo.ferreira@globo.com) on 2013-08-02T02:04:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marco Regulatório Petróleo_Antonio Ferreira.pdf: 766935 bytes, checksum: 130462476dcbdfbda36ca094c516be06 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2013-08-15T12:56:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Marco Regulatório Petróleo_Antonio Ferreira.pdf: 766935 bytes, checksum: 130462476dcbdfbda36ca094c516be06 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-08-15T12:56:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marco Regulatório Petróleo_Antonio Ferreira.pdf: 766935 bytes, checksum: 130462476dcbdfbda36ca094c516be06 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-27 / Esta dissertação analisa o marco regulatório brasileiro do petróleo e gás sob a ótica da Teoria Econômica e faz uma comparação entre o regime de concessão, instituído pela Lei 9.478/97, e o de partilha de produção, adotado após a descoberta do Présal através da Lei 12.351/10. As características do modelo de concessão brasileiro são revistas assim como os resultados obtidos no setor de Exploração e Produção ao longo dos últimos quinze anos. O estudo faz uma abordagem sucinta sobre a descoberta do Pré-sal que ocasionou a alteração do marco regulatório pelo governo brasileiro. Os problemas relacionados à incerteza, poder de incentivo dos contratos, assim como as falhas de mercado relacionadas à assimetria de informação, externalidade e especificidade dos ativos são analisados para ambos os regimes. Ao longo do estudo também são abordadas questões de ordem prática como a insegurança jurídica, o papel da agência reguladora e a mudança do perfil das empresas interessadas em investir no país. / This paper analyses the Brazilian Oil & Gas regulatory framework in light of the Economic Theory, making a comparison between the concession regime, implemented in 1997 by the Law 9.478, and the production sharing model, introduced in 2010 by the Law 12.531, after the discovery of the Pre-salt province. The characteristics of the Brazilian concession regime are revisited, as well as the effects of its implementation in the Exploration & Production sector during the last fifteen years. This study makes an overview of the Pre-salt discovery, which triggered the change in regulation by the government. The issues related to uncertainty, contract incentives, and market failures related to asymmetric information, externalities and sunk costs are examined for both regimes. Also, the paper covers practical questions like the legal uncertainty, the role of the regulatory agency and the change in the profile of the companies interested in investing in Brazil.

Fiscalité et innovation / Taxation and innovation

Sioncke, Yoann 21 December 2017 (has links)
L'innovation est aujourd'hui l'une des variables essentielles de la croissance économique et de l'emploi. Toutefois, son financement est complexe. Ce qui justifie l'intervention des pouvoirs publics. Ainsi en France, la puissance publique dispose de deux outils principaux pour inciter les entreprises à augmenter leurs dépenses de R&D, les aides directes et apparentées et les incitations fiscales. Toutefois, c'est une mesure d'aide fiscale, le crédit d'impôt recherche (CIR), qui constitue le dispositif majeur de soutien à l'innovation en France. Puissant instrument d'encouragement à la R&D depuis 1983, il est devenu depuis sa dernière grande réforme, en 2008, le dispositif incitatif le plus prisé des entreprises et la deuxième dépense de l'État. Une sortie de l'anonymat suivie d'une entrée dans la polémique car en raison de son poids de plus en plus prégnant dans l'économie française, le CIR soulève plusieurs interrogations. La plus partagée concerne naturellement la réalité de son efficacité, opposant partisans et détracteurs de la mesure. Mais celle-ci appelle pourtant d'autres questions et d'autres observations. Car s'il semble partagé que ce crédit présente de nombreux avantages pour ses bénéficiaires, la sécurité fiscale de ceux-là apparaît néanmoins fragile. Puis, le choix même de la dépense fiscale comme mesure de soutien interpelle, tant s'agissant de son opportunité réelle dans l'ordre interne que de son articulation avec la réglementation européenne des aides d'État. Ce qui pourrait justifier une adaptation du mécanisme à partir des modalités d'un autre dispositif opérant dans un autre secteur et ne souffrant pas à ce jour des mêmes carences que le CIR. / Today, innovation is one of the essential variables of the growth of the economy and employment. However, its financing is complex. This justifies the intervention of public authorities. In France, the public powers therefore have two main tools for encouraging companies to increase their R&D expenses, direct aids (and similar) and tax incentives. However, the main mechanism in support of innovation in France is a fiscal aid measure, namely the research tax credit. A powerful instrument for encouraging R&D since 1983, it has become, since its last major reform in 2008, the preferred incentive measure of companies and, at the same time, the State's second leading expenditure. A departure from anonymity followed by a step into controversy, since due to its increasing weight within the French economy, the research tax credit is prompting many questions. The most widely-shared question naturally relates to the reality of its efficiency, with supporters and detractors in equal measure. But this mechanism also elicits other questions and other observations. Since while it seems to be agreed that this credit offers many advantages for its beneficiaries, the fiscal security of the latter nevertheless appears to be fragile. Moreover, the very choice of a fiscal expenditure as a support measure is of concern, both with regard to its actual advisability within the internal order and in terms of its linkage with the European regulations relative to State aid. This could justify an adaptation of the mechanism on the basis of the provisions of another system used in another sector, but that does not currently have the same deficiencies as the research tax credit.

Incentivizing user participation in cooperative content delivery for wireless networks

Barua, B. (Bidushi) 04 May 2018 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this thesis is to propose an array of novel cooperative content delivery (CCD) methods and related incentive mechanisms for future fifth-generation (5G) and beyond networks. CCD using multiple air interfaces is a powerful solution to mitigate the problem of congestion in wireless networks, in which the available multiple air interfaces on smart devices are utilized intelligently to distribute data content among a group of users that are in the vicinity of one another. The requirements for higher capacity, reliability, and energy efficiency in the 5G networks have warranted the development of methods focusing on CCD. Moreover, critical to the efficiency of a CCD process are incentive mechanisms to induce cooperation among the mobile users engaged in CCD. The first part of the thesis studies an ideal condition of reliable and error-free distribution of content using cellular and short-range links. The main contribution is to introduce different device selection CCD methods that take into account only the link quality of the devices’ primary (cellular) interfaces. The proposed methods provide frequency carrier savings for the operator while allowing users to enjoy higher downlink rates. The second part of the thesis studies a more realistic CCD situation where users with low data rate wireless links can be a bottleneck in terms of CCD performance. The main contribution is to propose a novel device selection CCD method that considers the link quality of both primary (cellular) and secondary (short-range) interfaces of the devices. Additionally, a carrier aggregation-based incentive mechanism for the proposed method is introduced to address the challenge of selfish deviating users. The proposed mechanism maximizes individual and network payoffs, and is an equilibrium against unilateral selfish deviations. The third part of the thesis addresses the adverse selection problem in CCD scenarios. The operator is assumed to have incomplete information about the willingness of the users to participate in CCD. The main contribution is to introduce contract-based methods through which the operator could motivate users to reveal their true willingness towards participation. The proposed methods incentivize users according to their willingness and improve system performance in terms of the utility of the operator and the users. / Tiivistelmä Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on kehittää menetelmiä yhteistyössä tapahtuvaan sisällön jakamiseen (cooperative content delivery, CCD) sekä siihen liittyviä kannustinmekanismeja viidennen sukupolven (5G) ja sen jälkeisille matkaviestinverkoille. CCD:n käyttö hyödyntämällä älylaitteessa olevia useita ilmarajapintoja on tehokas ratkaisu välttää langattomien verkkojen ruuhkautumista. CCD-menetelmissä laiteen ilmarajapintoja käytetään älykkäästi datan jakamiseen käyttäjäryhmälle, kun käyttäjät ovat lähellä toisiaan. 5G-verkkojen vaatimukset korkeammalle kapasiteetille, luotettavuudelle ja energiatehokkuudelle ovat motivoineet CCD-menetelmien kehitystyötä. Erityisen tärkeää CCD-menetelmien tehokkuudelle on kannustinmekanismien kehittäminen mahdollistamaan yhteistyö mobiilikäyttäjien välillä. Väitöskirjatyön ensimmäinen osuus käsittelee ideaalista tilannetta luotettavalle ja virheettömälle sisällön jakamiselle hyödyntämällä solukkoverkkoa ja lyhyen kantaman linkkejä. Tässä osuudessa päätuloksena on kehitetty käyttäjien valinnalle menetelmiä, jotka huomioivat linkin laadun solukkoverkon ilmarajapinnassa. Ehdotetut menetelmät tuovat operaattorille säästöjä taajuusresurssien käytön osalta ja käyttäjät saavuttavat korkeampia laskevan siirtotien datanopeuksia. Työn toinen osuus tutkii todenmukaisempaa CCD-tilannetta, jossa alhaisen datanopeuden linkkien käyttäjät voivat olla pullonkaula CCD:n suorituskyvylle. Päätulos tässä on uusi käyttäjien valintamenetelmä, joka ottaa huomioon linkkien laadun sekä solukkoverkossa että lyhyen kantaman linkeissä. Lisäksi esitellään eri taajuuksien yhdistämistä hyödyntävä kannustinmenetelmä, joka ottaa huomioon itsekkäiden käyttäjien aiheuttamat ongelmat. Ehdotettu mekanismi maksimoi yksittäisen käyttäjän ja verkon hyödyt ja saavuttaa tasapainotilan käyttäjien yksipuolista itsekkyyttä vastaan. Väitöskirjan kolmannessa osuudessa tutkitaan haitallisen valikoitumisen mahdollisuutta CCD:ssä. Operaattorilla oletetaan olevan epätäydellistä tietoa käyttäjien halukkuudesta osallistua yhteistyöhön CCD:ssä. Tämän osuuden päätulos on esitellä sopimuksiin perustuvia kannustinmenetelmiä, joiden avulla operaattori voi motivoida käyttäjiä paljastamaan heidän todellinen tahtotilansa osallistua yhteistyöhön. Ehdotetut menetelmä kannustavat käyttäjiä heidän todellisen tahtotilan perusteella ja parantavat järjestelmän suorituskykyä operaattorin ja käyttäjien saavuttamien hyötyjen osalta.

Three essays on bank profitability, fragility, and lending

Shahin, Mahmoud January 2015 (has links)
We present three chapters on theoretical issues of banking. These deal with bank runs, risk sharing, lending and profitability. In the first chapter, we examine the agency problem in the bank-depositor relationship. Depositors are the principals and banks are the agents. Banks choose investment portfolios and are subject to moral hazard in that they have incentive to take on more risk than desirable to depositors because they are residual claimants. We study an incentive-compatible mechanism that prompts banks to follow a safe investment policy. This mechanism leaves the bank a profit margin in a similar manner to a CEO being paid a bonus by a company. In the second chapter, we extend Allen and Gale (1998) by adding a long-term riskless investment opportunity to the original portfolio of a short-term liquid asset and a long-term risky illiquid asset. Through portfolio diversification, we identify the risk-sharing deposit contract in a three-period model that maximizes the ex-ante expected utility of depositors. Unlike Allen and Gale, there are no information-based bank runs in equilibrium. In addition, our model can improve consumers' welfare over the Allen and Gale model. I also show that the bank will choose to liquidate the cheaper investments, in terms of the gain-loss ratios for the two types of existing long-term assets, when there is liquidity shortage in some cases. Such a policy reduces the liquidation cost and enables the bank to meet the outstanding liability to depositors without large liquidation losses. In the third chapter, we study the role of banks in providing loans to borrower firms. This paper extends the theory of designing optimal loan contracts (for profits) in the Bolton and Scharfstein (1996) model to a setting where asymmetry of information exists. Based on the verifiability of information structure, we analyze complete and incomplete contracts. Through this analysis, optimal, incentive-compatible loan contracts that maximize the expected profit of the bank are characterized. Our analysis suggests that a bank could be induced to liquidate a borrower's project under specific conditions. Furthermore, we identify implementable mechanisms for the renegotiation game given the bargaining power between a borrower and a bank.

The role of communities in the recruitment and retention process of medical doctors for rural South Africa

Marinus, Thurston Walter January 2013 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / The purpose of this research study is to explore the variables that contribute to improving the process of recruiting and retaining rural doctors within the South African context. The aim is to explore rural doctors’ perceptions of the role which the rural community can and ought to play in respect of the latter process. A basic recognition is that the emphasis on the Mainstream Approach (which elevates health workforce planning and management as well as market-related interventions and solutions) cannot exclusively achieve the desired result of effective and efficient recruitment and retention of rural doctors. The ‘active’ role which communities can and ought to play in the recruitment/ retention process, is an overlooked and neglected aspect within the South African research and healthcare service-delivery context. Even though the notion of collaborative management and governance of human resources within the health sector is generally mandated from a policy and legislative perspective, the practical manifestation and implementation thereof remain limited or at best piece-meal. An alternative governance model with reference to the humanresources- in-health system outlines the Partnership Approach advocating the need for the establishment of practical working relationships, amongst an identified range of multiple-stakeholders. This study examines the notions of ‘passive’ vis-à-vis ‘active’ community participation equated to the Utilitarian and Community Empowerment/ Development Perspectives continuum. The study introduces the ‘Principle of Balancing Model’ as well as the notion of a ‘hybrid perspective’ as key underpinnings of an efficacious rural-doctor recruitment and retention process.

Institutions and Development : Analysis of the Effects of Institutional Environment on Agricultural Performance in Cambodia / Institutions et développement : analyse des effets de l’environnement institutionnel sur la performance agricole au Cambodge

Vin, Pheakdey 02 April 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de découvrir si l’environnement institutionnel affecte la performance agricole dans le cas du Cambodge et comment le premier influe sur la dernière. Pour répondre à cet objectif, trois hypothèses sont formulées : (1) l’environnement institutionnel joue un rôle important dans la protection des droits de propriété foncière ; (2) les droits de propriété foncière sécurisés augmentent la productivité agricole par la stimulation des incitations d’investissement des agriculteurs ; (3) les droits de propriété foncière sécurisés accroissent la productivité agricole par la facilitation de l’accès au crédit formel. Méthodologiquement, la recherche est basée sur les différentes théories de la Nouvelle Economie Institutionnelle, qui expliquent que les institutions déterminent la structure des incitations des acteurs économiques dans une société. Spécifiquement, les institutions politiques déterminent les institutions économiques, c’est-à-dire les droits de propriété, qui à leur tour affectent la performance économique en général et la performance agricole en particulier. La recherche est également basée sur les données venant de diverses sources, telles que des agences gouvernementales, des instituts de recherche locaux, des organisations non-gouvernementales et des organisations internationales, qui sont susceptibles de servir de base pour des analyses empiriques. En outre, le cas de l’Afrique subsaharienne est également étudié à titre de comparaison. Le résultat de la thèse confirme fortement les deux premières hypothèses, mais peu la dernière. Le résultat indique que l’impact de l’environnement institutionnel sur la productivité agricole via la protection des droits de propriété foncière est lié au contexte particulier parce qu’il devrait être complété par un environnement économique favorable, tel que l’infrastructure physique et la technologie agricole améliorées et les institutions du marché développées. De plus, on apprend que les résultats désirés ne sont pas obtenus si les institutions formelles (c’est-à-dire, l’enregistrement formel des terres) sont imposées via l’approche top-down dans les régions où les institutions informelles existantes sont fortement encastrées. / The purpose of this dissertation is to find out if the institutional environment affects agricultural performance in the case of Cambodia and how the former exerts an influence on the latter. To respond to this purpose, three hypotheses are formulated: (1) the institutional environment plays an important role in protecting property rights in land; (2) secure property rights in land increase agricultural productivity through the stimulation of farmers’ investment incentives; (3) secure property rights in land raise agricultural productivity through the facilitation of access to formal credit. Methodologically, the research is based on different theories of New Institutional Economics, which explain that institutions determine the incentive structure of economic actors in society. Specifically, political institutions shape economic institutions, i.e. property rights, which in turn affect economic performance in general and agricultural performance in particular. The research is also based on the data from various sources, such as government agencies, local research institutes, non-governmental organizations, and international organizations, which can serve as a basis for empirical analyses. In addition, the case of Sub-Saharan Africa is also studied for comparison. The result of the dissertation confirms strongly the first two hypotheses but slightly the last one. The result indicates that the impact of institutional environment on agricultural productivity through the protection of property rights in land is context-specific because it should be complemented by a favorable economic environment, such as improved physical infrastructure and agricultural technology and developed market institutions. Furthermore, it is learned that, in developing countries, the desired outcomes will not be obtained if formal institutions (i.e., formal land registration) are imposed through a top-down approach in areas where the existing informal institutions are strongly embedded.

Design Of Truthful Allocation Mechanisms For Carbon Footprint Reduction

Udaya Lakshmi, L 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Global warming is currently a major challenge faced by the world. Reduction of carbon emissions is of paramount importance in the context of global warming. There are widespread ongoing efforts to find satisfactory ways of surmounting this challenge. The basic objective of all such efforts can be summarized as conception and formation of protocols to reduce the pace of global carbon levels. Countries and global companies are now engaged in understanding systematic ways of achieving well defined emission targets. In this dissertation, we explore the specific problem faced by a global industry or global company in allocating carbon emission reduction units to its different divisions and supply chain partners in achieving a required target of reductions in its carbon reduction program. The problem becomes a challenging one since the divisions and supply chain partners are often autonomous and could exhibit strategic behavior. Game theory and mechanism design provide a natural modeling tool for capturing the strategic dynamics involved in this problem. DSIC (Dominant Strategy Incentive Compatibility), AE (Allocative Efficiency), and SBB (Strict Budget Balance) are the key desirable properties for carbon reduction allocation mechanisms. But due to an impossibility result in mechanism design, DSIC, AE, and SBB can never be simultaneously achieved. Hence in this dissertation, we offer as contributions, two elegant solutions to this carbon emission reduction allocation problem. The first contribution is a mechanism which is DSIC and AE. We first propose a straightforward Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism based solution to the problem, leading to a DSIC and AE reverse auction protocol for allocating carbon reductions among the divisions. This solution, however, leads to a high level of budget imbalance. To reduce budget imbalance, we use redistribution mechanisms, without affecting the key properties of DSIC and AE. The Cavallo-Bailey redistribution mechanism, when applied to the above reverse auction protocol leads to reduced budget imbalance. To reduce the imbalance further, we propose an innovative forward auction protocol which achieves less imbalance when combined with the Cavallo-Bailey redistribution mechanism. The forward auction protocol also has the appealing feature of handsomely rewarding divisions that reduce emissions and levying appropriate penalties on divisions that do not participate in emission reductions. The second contribution is a DSIC and SBB mechanism. Even though the first mechanism tries to reduce the budget imbalance, there is always a surplus which cannot be distributed among divisions and is wasted. So, in this part, by slightly compromising on efficiency, we propose a mechanism which is DSIC and SBB. The SBB property guarantees that there is no need for any monetary support from an external agency for implementing the mechanism and there is no leakage of revenue.

Intégration de la production éolienne aux réseaux électriques : approches techniques et économiques / Electrical supply networks, systems of economic incentive and distributed production of energy

Ruiz Gomez, Lina Maria 24 October 2012 (has links)
La Directive européenne et les politiques de prévention du changement climatique conduisentà un développement important des Énergies Renouvelables pour la production d'électricité. Cecontexte politique est en train d'induire l'insertion massive de production intermittente d'origineéolien dans les réseaux électriques. Pour répondre à la question des limites de l'intégration de l'éoliendans les réseaux électriques, nous nous appuyons sur l'étude des aspects technique et économiques.Dans ce cadre, cette thèse s'intéresse d'une part à l'étude de l'efficacité des dispositifs d'incitationéconomique du point de vue de leur efficacité à stimuler la croissance de l'énergie éolienne et d'autrepart, aux problématiques techniques de court et long terme liées à l'intermittence de l'éolien. Dans lecourt-terme, les problèmes du réseau électrique ainsi que les ajustements dans le marché del'électricité sont abordés. Dans le long terme, l'impact de l'éolien sur la sûreté de fonctionnement estévalué au moyen d'un algorithme de calcul du crédit de capacité de l'éolien. / The development of Renewable Energy for electricity production has increased due to theEuropean policies and directives to prevent climate change. This political context is promoting amassive insertion of intermittent wind electricity production into electrical networks. There are stilldoubts about the limitations of integrating wind power into the electrical networks. For this reason,we focus on the study technical and economic aspects to approach these limitations. The firstpurpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of the economical incentives policies inorder to stimulate growth in the wind power production. The second one is to evaluate the technicalproblems in the short and long term caused by the intermittency of wind power. In the short-term,the problems of power systems as well as the adjustments in the electricity market are discussed. Inthe long term, the impact of wind power reliability (in the network) is evaluated by using an algorithmto calculate the capacity credit of wind power.

Inovação e desenvolvimento regional no Brasil : indicadores de desempenho e mecanismos de financiamento

Souza, Vanusa Maria de 17 June 2016 (has links)
The innovation and the technological progress are considered fundamental themes for economic development of the country, being directly related to increased firms competitiveness. This is reflected even when the subject involves regional development, with implications for productivity and firms performance. Considering the high financial costs and the risks and uncertainties inherent in the innovation process, it is essential to observe financing policies required in this process, particularly with the participation of public funding agencies. In Brazil, these policies are consolidated from the “Lei de Inovação (nº 10.973/2004)”, the “Lei do Bem (nº 11.196/2005)” and the new legal march in Science, Technology and Innovation (nº 13.243/2016), seeking provide a favorable environment for innovation and scientific and technological research in the national and regional productive system of the country. This study aimed to analyze the evolution of technological innovation and public funding to regional innovation activities. For this, a descriptive statistical analysis of the performance of innovative indicators was carried out, from the data provided by the Technological Innovation Research (PINTEC) – editions in 2005, 2008 and 2011 – the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), the Funding of Studies and Projects (FINEP) and the National Bank for Social and Economic Development (BNDES), covering the period 2005-2014. The results confirm the positive evolution of Technology innovation in all regions of Brazil - as the number of beneficiary firms and the volume of funds granted - but the data indicate a higher concentration of public resources for innovation in the Southeast region, followed by the South region, representing a percentage of approximately 90% of the total invested in Brazil, showing that, in general terms, the innovation support policies were not able to reverse the clear regional concentration, with significant continuity of these initiatives focused on expanding opportunity for regions least developed in the country. / A inovação e o avanço tecnológico são considerados temas fundamentais para desenvolvimento econômico do país, estando diretamente relacionados ao aumento da competitividade das empresas. Isso se reflete inclusive quando a temática envolve o desenvolvimento regional, com implicações sobre a produtividade e o desempenho das empresas. Considerado os altos custos financeiros, bem como os riscos e incertezas inerentes ao processo de inovação, é fundamental observar as políticas de incentivos requeridas nesse processo, sobretudo com a participação de agências públicas de fomento. No Brasil, essas políticas são consolidadas a partir da Lei de Inovação (nº 10.973/2004), da Lei do Bem (nº 11.196/2005) e do novo marco legal da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (nº 13.243/2016), que buscam proporcionar um ambiente favorável à inovação e à pesquisa científica e tecnológica no sistema produtivo nacional e regional do país. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar, em nível regional, a evolução da inovação tecnológica no Brasil, a partir dos indicadores de desempenho das empresas inovadoras, bem como do financiamento público às atividades inovativas. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise estatística descritiva desses indicadores, a partir dos dados disponibilizados pela Pesquisa de Inovação (PINTEC) – nas edições 2005, 2008 e 2011 – pelo Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI), Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP) e Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), contemplando o período de 2005 a 2014. Os resultados comprovam a evolução positiva da inovação tecnológica em todas as regiões brasileiras – quanto ao número de empresas beneficiadas e ao volume de recursos concedidos –, porém os dados apontam maior concentração de recursos públicos para inovação na região Sudeste, seguida da região Sul, representando um percentual de aproximadamente 90% do total investido no Brasil, evidenciando que, em termos gerais, as políticas de apoio à inovação não foram capazes de reverter a evidente concentração regional, sendo relevante a continuidade dessas ações com foco na oportunidade de expansão para as regiões menos desenvolvidas no país.

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