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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays on the eclectic paradigm and foreign direct investment into India

Wagner, Chris 12 February 2021 (has links)
Since the 2000s, India has emerged as one of the top recipients of foreign direct investment (FDI) amongst the emerging markets. Yet, the international business (IB) literature on FDI flows into India is still nascent. Recent developments have not been adequately covered and a coherent theoretical framework guiding a contextualized discussion is rarely utilized. This three paper dissertation seeks to explore the idiosyncrasies of post-millennial India and how they connect to the current motivation of foreign multinational enterprises (MNEs) to invest into the Indian market. While the research is theory-driven, the empirical findings provide a new perspective to the IB debate by helping to better understand the sensitivity of FDI decisions to various phenomena in India’s economic, institutional and social fabric in the 2000s. Both the recent diversification within knowledge-intensive industries and the various pro-market reforms that are increasingly bearing fruits have created new opportunities for foreign MNEs – especially for those targeting India’s tertiary sector and its large specialized talent base.

Hållbar utveckling för förskolor i Sverige och Indien : en diskursanalys av ett begrepp i vår tid / Sustainable development for preschools in Sweden and India : a discourse analysis of a concept of our time

Roobol, Thina January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att öka kunskapen om lärande för hållbar utveckling, Education for sustainable development (ESD) i ett svenskt såväl som indiskt förskoleperspektiv. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsansats och använder sig av en induktiv metod med diskursanalys som redskap. Empirin består av öppna skriftliga intervjufrågor i en enkät som har besvarats via mejl av sju förskollärare i Sverige och Indien, samt en jämförelse mellan de svenska och indiska styrdokumenten. Den empiriska undersökningen har besvarat syftet utifrån följande frågeställningar: Hur beskriver förskollärare i Indien och Sverige hållbar utveckling och sitt arbete med det? Vilken bild av hållbar utveckling framträder i läroplanerna? Vilka diskurser framträder i analysen av förskollärarnas svar och de båda styrdokumenten? Återspeglar data vissa sociala, politiska eller historiska förhållanden under vilka de producerades och i så fall på vilket sätt?  Detta examensarbete ger en bild av komplexiteten i ett lärande för hållbar utveckling i ett indiskt såväl som svenskt förskoleperspektiv och föreliggande studie ger exempel på att det finns många olika sätt att beskriva, tolka och förstå begreppet hållbar utveckling. I analysen framträder skillnader som återspeglar sociala, politiska och historiska förhållanden i Indien och Sverige och olika diskurser gällande hållbar utveckling i de båda länderna kan urskiljas i analysen av resultatet.

L'internationalisation du management en Inde par la formation : les effets du "PGPMX" sur des managers indiens de grandes entreprises industrielles publiques / Internationalization of Management in India by Advanced Training : the Effects of the PGPMX on Indian Managers in Large Public Companies

Martin-O'Brien, Josiane 05 October 2016 (has links)
Dans le contexte des effets de la mondialisation sur une économie émergente, le travail de recherche présenté ici s’attache à démontrer le processus d’ouverture internationale du manager industriel indien. Face aux mutations auxquelles sont confrontées les entreprises de la dixième économie mondiale, il est à la fois l’acteur de l’internationalisation et l’objet des transformations induites par celle-ci. Une recherche empirique et qualitative menée dans des entreprises industrielles indiennes décrit et modélise cette ouverture internationale pour la catégorie des managers intermédiaires, par le biais d’un programme de formation supérieure en gestion international indien, qui sert de cas d’étude : le Post Graduate Diploma in Management for Exécutive – PGDMX- dont le modèle réfèrent est américain. S’appuyant sur une analyse réflexive du discours de managers indiens diplômés PGPMX, ce travail s’attache à s’interroger sur l’homogénéité des pratiques et des théories managériales vis-à-vis de la spécificité de la culture du management à l’indienne. La mobilisation des concepts de la théorie de la pratique de Pierre Bourdieu, conduit à porter son attention sur l’existence d’un habitus international, et d’un gain en capital symbolique, culturel et social pour le manager diplômé du PGPMX. Les résultats montrent aussi une tension entre les nouveaux principes managériaux et les valeurs ancrées dans la culture indienne, en même temps qu’un processus « d’indigénisation sociale » du diplôme. Ce travail s’adresse, certes, aux entreprises publiques indiennes et en particulier aux services RH sur la gestion des talents, mais aussi aux Ecoles de management en Inde et en Occident; ainsi qu'aux entrepreneurs étrangers qui souhaitent développer des activités en Inde, en mettant en évidence la force de la violence symbolique, liée à toute intrusion culturelle, et source de résistance de par la nature autonome de la tradition indienne, à la fois industrielle, culturelle, et humaine. / In the context of the effects of globalization on an emerging economy, the research presented here is aimed at demonstrating the process of internationalization of middle managers in Indian industrial enterprises, via advanced management training. These very large public enterprises are both, key actors engaged in deploying globalization effects, and the objects of those transformations. Based on empirical and qualitative study, using semi-structured interviews carried out in these large Indian industrial enterprises, what follows is a report describing and modeling the internationalization of a panel of former participants of a Post Graduated Diploma in Management for Executives (PGPMX), of American MBA inspiration. The originality of this research is to offer a reflexive report of the nature of this training, as the participants experienced it, and the consequences for them professionally and personally. This allows the investigation of the fit of managerial practices and theory as offered by business schools, using the US model vis-à-vis the managerial demands in Indian enterprises, wrapped in the specificities of the Indian culture. As an interpretative strategy, the data gathered from the extensive field work was treated in reference to the project of Pierre Bourdieu—with particular attention to the figure of habitus, and special focus on modifications of capital’—symbolic, cultural and social; Result show a gain in all three, and reveal a residual tension between the new management principles, and the traditional values. This research, should be of value for the Human Resource Development function of Indian Industrial Enterprises, and for the schools of management—both Indian and Western, that offer these training programs. It should also interest foreign enterprises that seek entry into the Indian market, by enabling a better comprehension of the ‘symbolic violence’, associated with the intrusion of foreign cultural practices and values.

Kulturkrock och skrivchock : En jämförande undersökningav elevtexter från årskurs 5 i indisk respektive svensk skola / Culture clash and writing smash : A comparative study of student texts from 5th grade in Indian and Swedish schools

Sandberg, Malin January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Quantification et étude du transport des polluants dans la troposphère tropicale de l'océan Indien / Quantification and study of the pollutants transportation in the troposphere of the Indian Ocean

Duflot, Valentin 05 November 2011 (has links)
Ces travaux de recherche se sont focalisés sur la zone Océan Indien austral et ont permis d'améliorer les connaissances scientifiques sur la provenance des masses d'air polluées, sur leur distribution spatiale, sur la contribution relative des zones sources à la charge en polluant mesurée, et sur les propriétés optiques des aérosols détectés. La prépondérance de l'influence du transport des masses d'air polluées en provenance d'Afrique Australe et d'Amérique Latine à la concentration en polluant dans le sud-ouest de l'océan Indien a ainsi été démontrée en utilisant des mesures par spectrométrie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier et des modèles de dispersion de panache couplés à des bases de données d'émission. Une voie de transport privilégiée reliant l'Asie du sud-est au sud-ouest de l'océan Indien dans la haute troposphère en Juillet-Août, ainsi que l'apport en CO résultant, ont été identifiés pour la première fois. La variation saisonnière de la concentration en ozone troposphérique dans le sud de l'océan Indien a également été mise en évidence, ainsi que son lien avec les émissions de précurseurs d'ozone provenant des feux de biomasse se produisant en Afrique Australe et en Amérique Latine. L'analyse des données photométriques AERONET a permis d'établir une climatologie des caractéristiques optiques des aérosols à la verticale de la Réunion, qui apparaît comme étant un site relativement propre dont la troposphère est principalement affectée par les aérosols marins tout au long de l'année, et également par les aérosols de feu pendant la saison des feux australe. De plus, des campagnes de mesure avec lidar et photomètre embarqués à bord d'un navire sillonnant l'océan Indien austral a donné accès à l'évaluation de l'extension verticale et des propriétés optiques d'un panache d'aérosols de feux provenant principalement d'Amérique Latine et d'Afrique Australe, mais aussi d'Asie du sud-est. / This thesis focused on the southern Indian Ocean area and contributed to improve our scientific knowledge on the origin of polluted air masses, on their spatial distribution, on the relative contribution of the identified source regions to the measured pollutant loading, and on the optical properties of the encountered aerosols. The potential primary sources for CO throughout the south-western Indian Ocean troposphere are southern Africa and South America. A secondary potential contribution from Southeast Asia and Indonesia-Malaysia was identified in the upper troposphere, especially in July and August. The seasonal variation of tropospheric ozone concentration in the southern Indian Ocean is highlighted, and its link to wintertime long range transport of tropospheric ozone precursors emitted in biomass burning plumes from southern America and Africa is evidenced. The analysis of sun photometer measurements gave access to a climatology of the optical properties of aerosols in Reunion Island, showing this site can be considered as a clean site, mostly influenced by marine aerosols throughout the year, and also by biomass burning aerosols during the southern hemisphere biomass burning season. A unique data set of shipborne measurements has been collected with a dual Rayleigh-Mie lidar and a handheld sun photometer aboard a research vessel crossing the southern Indian Ocean, and the time evolution of the encountered marine and biomass burning aerosols extinction properties and vertical extension are documented.

Millennial-scale variations of the intermediate water circulation in the Indian Ocean since the last glacial period inferred from assemblages and geochemistry of benthic foraminifera. / Variations à l’échelle millénaire de la circulation intermédiaire dans l’océan Indien depuis la dernière période glaciaire reconstruites d’après les assemblages et la géochimie des foraminifères benthiques.

Ma, Ruifang 10 July 2019 (has links)
L'objectif principal de cette thèse était de reconstituer l'évolution de la circulation intermédiaire depuis la dernière période glaciaire à partir de carottes de sédiments marins prélevées dans le golfe du Bengale GB, la Mer d’Arabie MA et l’océan Indien équatorial oriental OIEO. La stratégie scientifique mise en œuvre inclut l’étude des assemblages et de la géochimie des foraminifères benthiques, afin de reconstruire les changements de source et de ventilation des masses d’eau. Les résultats obtenus dans le GB ont permis de restituer les changements hydrologiques à profondeur intermédiaire à haute résolution temporelle au cours des derniers 40 ka. Les enregistrements témoignent de changements dans la source des masses d’eau, entre l’Océan austral avec les eaux antarctiques intermédiaires AAIW et les eaux Nord Atlantique NADW, à l’échelle glaciaire-interglaciaire mais aussi lors des événements millénaires. Ce travail a aussi permis de fournir les premiers enregistrements à haute résolution temporelle des rapports élémentaires des foraminifères benthiques (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, U/Ca et Li/Ca) dans le GB et en MA. Ces résultats permettent notamment de mieux contraindre la pénétration des AAIW vers le nord depuis la dernière période glaciaire. La reconstruction de la concentration en ion carbonate permet également de discuter des relations entre les variations de la circulation intermédiaire et les changements profonds du cycle du Carbone à l’échelle globale, notamment via les échanges se produisant dans l’Océan Austral. Nous avons également fourni dans ce travail les premiers enregistrements de Cd/Ca et de Ba/Ca continus et à haute résolution dans le nord de l’océan Indien, pour reconstituer les modifications passées de la teneur en éléments nutritifs. Les enregistrements géochimiques dans l’OIEO témoignent de profonds changements des propriétés des masses d'eau intermédiaires, associées aux changements de circulation. / The main objective of this study was to reconstruct the evolution of the intermediate water circulation since the last glacial period by the investigation of marine cores collected from the Bay of Bengal (BoB), Arabian Sea (AS) and Eastern Equatorial Indian Ocean (EEIO). The scientific strategy involves benthic foraminiferal assemblages and geochemical proxies to better constrain past changes in the source and ventilation of water masses. Records from the BoB allowed reconstructing hydrological changes at intermediate depth over the last 40 cal kyr. The records highlight changes in the source of water masses, with a balance between the contribution of southern Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) versus North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) at glacial-interglacial timescale as well as during millennial events. This work also provided the first high-resolution benthic foraminifera elemental ratio records (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, U/Ca and Li/Ca) from the BoB and the AS. These records especially help to better constrain the northward penetration of AAIW over the last glacial period. The reconstruction of the carbonate ion concentration allowed to discuss the relationships between the intermediate water circulation and deep changes in the global Carbon cycle, with a special interest for the Southern Ocean. This work also provides the first continuous and high-resolution benthic Cd/Ca and Ba/Ca records in the northern Indian Ocean, could reconstruct past changes in the nutrient content. Geochemical records from the EEIO exhibit strong changes in the chemical properties of the intermediate water masses, related to global circulation changes in the area.

Kontinuiteten av bilaterala relationer : En förklarande studie om kontinuiteten i EU-Indien relationerna trots aktörernas skilda positioneringar

Marcus, Lundström January 2024 (has links)
This study explores the bilateral relationship between the European Union (EU) and India amidst the critical juncture that has been the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022. The study was motivated by the simultaneous empirical and theoretical puzzle that was theseemingly continuous development of bilateral relations, albeit the differing positions of the EU and India in relation to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Through a content analysis, and a theoretical explanation with the use of two compatible hypotheses derived from Alexander Wendt’s Lockean and Kantian cultures of anarchy, the study analyzed documents, and a sample of statements, speeches and press releases, from the European Commission and India’s Ministry of External Affairs during the period of 2021-02-24 through 2023-11-13. The results of the study suggest that the development of EU-India relations have been characterized by a continuity, albeit the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, and the actors differing positions thereto. The continuity can, to a greater extent, be explained by the existence and reproduction of shared ideas derived from a Lockean cultural anarchy(hypothesis 1), and to a lesser extent by shared ideas derived from a Kantian cultural anarchy(hypothesis 2), which together however, have constituted the actions of the actors during the period of study, explaining the continuity of the relations. The results both confirm and challenge relevant previous studies, showcasing social structures of relevance using theory.

Financial inclusion as a source of organizational learning for banks: Exploratory evidence from India

Geisler, Gregor 21 December 2022 (has links)
This study investigates the role of organizational learning in financial inclusion in India using qualitative research methods. Financial inclusion refers to the appropriate and affordable access to financial products and services and is targeting the part of the population that is unbanked or underbanked. In India, the government has formulated financial sector goals and policies in the last years to alleviate the situation of that part of the population. The study specifically investigates the private banking sector in India as a key protagonist in implementing those policies. The study finds that private banks operate in an overall context that is beneficial towards organizational learning. It identifies the tension between exploration and exploitation as the core of the organizational learning process in financial inclusion. Areas in which organizational learning occurs are related to products and customers, technology, information processing, monitoring and internal/ external training. In those areas, knowledge creation, transfer and retention drive the development of, e.g., new products, internal processes, and guidelines.

Urbanization-related sustainability challenges of the emerging megacity of Pune, India: an interdisciplinary analysis

Karutz, Raphael 03 January 2024 (has links)
Viele Länder des globalen Südens erleben aktuell die doppelte Dynamik von rasanter Urbanisierung und globaler Umweltveränderung. Die Schaffung nachhaltiger und widerstandsfähiger Städte ist ein globales Ziel der UN (SDG11). Die Urbanisierung wird mit zahlreichen Vorteilen auf gesellschaftlicher und individueller Ebene in Verbindung gebracht. Gleichzeitig birgt sie jedoch negative Auswirkungen auf die natürlichen Ressourcen, kann städtische Versorgungssysteme überfordern und neue Verwundbarkeiten schaffen. Da die verschiedenen Herausforderungen miteinander verknüpft sind, bedarf es eines interdisziplinären Forschungsansatzes. Im Laufe des letzten Jahrzehnts hat sich der Food-Water-Energy (FWE)-Nexus für sektorübergreifende Analysen etabliert. In dieser Dissertation wird ein Beitrag zum Verständnis des FWE-Nexus in schnell urbanisierenden Regionen des globalen Südens geleistet und es werden Defizite in der aktuellen Debatte adressiert. Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit steht die Millionenstadt Pune in Indien. Um ein umfassendes Systemverständnis zu erlangen, wird in Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Stakeholdern zunächst eine Sammlung von 22 FWE-Herausforderungen auf verschiedenen Ebenen erstellt. In den anschließenden vertieften Analysen werden ausgewählte urbanisierungsbezogene Herausforderungen untersucht, insbesondere die zukünftige Entwicklung des Stadtwachstums und die Zuwanderung nach Pune. Letztere ist einer der wichtigsten Wachstumstreiber. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein neuartiger Modellierungsansatz vorgestellt, bei dem nationale sozioökonomische Szenarien auf die Stadtebene herunterskaliert, und in räumlich explizite Darstellungen von bebauter Fläche und Bevölkerungsdichte übersetzt werden. Diese erlauben Analysen potenzieller FWE-Nexus-Herausforderungen in Zukunft. Die Untersuchung der Zuwanderung nach Pune basiert auf qualitativen und quantitativen Datenquellen mittels Mixed-Methods-Verfahren. Das in allen Szenarien erwartete signifikante Stadtwachstum ist mit einer Konzentration des Ressourcenbedarfs in der Stadt, einem erheblichen Verlust an fruchtbarem Land und einer Zunahme von Überschwemmungsrisiken verbunden. In Bezug auf Zuwanderung nach Pune spielt der Klimawandel in Form von Dürren eine signifikante, wenn auch unterbelichtete, Rolle. Neuankömmlinge, die aus dem ländlichen Raum oder aus anderen Bundesländern stammen, sowie jene, die gegenwärtig in informellen Siedlungen leben, waren zum Zeitpunkt der Migrationsentscheidung überproportional stark von Dürren betroffen. Die Analysen beleuchten die bidirektionalen Verflechtungen zwischen Urbanisierung und FWE-Nexus-Aspekten: Die wachsende Stadt ist bereits heute Treiber und zugleich Leidtragende von FWE-Nexusproblemen. Diese müssen umfassend angegangen werden, um Wege zu einer nachhaltigen und resilienten urbanen Zukunft zu sichern.:1. General Introduction: Context, Approach, and Summary of Results 1.1. Background and Research Motivation 1.2. Case study site Pune 1.3. Knowledge Gaps 1.4. Problem Definition and Research Questions 1.5. Research Approach and Methodological Overview 1.5.1. Identification of the main sustainability challenges related to urbanization 1.5.2. Modeling of future urban growth 1.5.3. In-depth investigation of mobility to Pune 1.5.4. Integration 1.6. Summary and Linking of Results 1.6.1. Results of Paper 1 1.6.2. Results of Paper 2 1.6.3. Results of Paper 3 1.7. Discussion 1.8. Conclusion and Outlook Paper 1: Capturing Stakeholders’ Challenges of the Food–Water–Energy Nexus— A Participatory Approach for Pune and the Bhima Basin, India Paper 2: On Farmland and Floodplains – Modeling Urban Growth Impacts Based on Global Population Scenarios in Pune, India Paper 3: Exploring the Relationship Between Droughts and Rural-to-urban Mobility – a Mixed-Methods Approach for Pune, India Appendix / Many countries in the global South are experiencing the combined dynamics of rapid urbanization and global environmental change. The provision of sustainable and resilient cities is a declared global goal (SDG11). Urbanization has been associated with multiple benefits on societal and individual level. However, it can also entail adverse impacts on natural resources, overstrain supply systems, and create new vulnerabilities. The interlinked nature of challenges requires an interdisciplinary research approach. Over the last decade, the Food-Water-Energy (FWE) nexus has been popularized for inter-sectoral analyses. This thesis attempts to add to the understanding of the FWE nexus in rapidly urbanizing regions of the global South and to address shortcomings in the current debate. The work is centered around the emerging megacity of Pune in India. For a comprehensive understanding of the system under investigation, a set of 22 FWE challenges on various levels is co-produced with local stakeholders. Subsequent analyses investigate selected urbanization-related challenges in-depth, namely future trajectories of the city’s growth and in-migration as one of its main drivers. To that end, a novel modeling approach is presented, downscaling established high-level socioeconomic scenarios to the city level and translating them into built-up area mapped by a cellular automaton. Population surfaces are then generated via dasymetric mapping. The resulting spatial configurations of built-up and population scenarios are analyzed in terms of potential FWE nexus challenges. The analysis of in-migration to Pune is based on qualitative and quantitative data sources and their mixed methods analysis. The significant demographic, economic, and spatial growth expected in all scenarios is associated with a concentration of resource demands in the city, significant loss of fertile land, and an increase in flood-affected population and infrastructure. As to in-migration, climate change has played a role in mobility to Pune in the form of droughts, especially for recent arrivals. Rural-origin migrants, those who came from other states, and who currently live in informal settlements were disproportionately affected by droughts at origin. The results shed light on the bidirectional interlinkages between urbanization and FWE nexus issues: Today already, the growing city of Pune drives, and suffers from, nexus challenges. These have to be addressed comprehensively in order to secure pathways to a sustainable and resilient urban future.:1. General Introduction: Context, Approach, and Summary of Results 1.1. Background and Research Motivation 1.2. Case study site Pune 1.3. Knowledge Gaps 1.4. Problem Definition and Research Questions 1.5. Research Approach and Methodological Overview 1.5.1. Identification of the main sustainability challenges related to urbanization 1.5.2. Modeling of future urban growth 1.5.3. In-depth investigation of mobility to Pune 1.5.4. Integration 1.6. Summary and Linking of Results 1.6.1. Results of Paper 1 1.6.2. Results of Paper 2 1.6.3. Results of Paper 3 1.7. Discussion 1.8. Conclusion and Outlook Paper 1: Capturing Stakeholders’ Challenges of the Food–Water–Energy Nexus— A Participatory Approach for Pune and the Bhima Basin, India Paper 2: On Farmland and Floodplains – Modeling Urban Growth Impacts Based on Global Population Scenarios in Pune, India Paper 3: Exploring the Relationship Between Droughts and Rural-to-urban Mobility – a Mixed-Methods Approach for Pune, India Appendix

A Concept for the Investigation of Riverbank Filtration Sites for Potable Water Supply in India / Ein Konzept für die Untersuchung von Uferfiltrationsstandorten für die Trinkwasserversorgung in Indien

Sandhu, Cornelius Sukhinder Singh 31 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Uferfiltration (UF) ist eine potentielle Alternative zur konventionellen Oberflächenwasseraufbereitung in Indien, da Trübstoffe, pathogene Mikroorganismen und organische Wasserinhaltsstoffe effektiv entfernt werden. In dieser Arbeit wurde erstmals ein umfangreicher Überblick zu bestehenden UF-Anlagen in Indien erarbeitet. Für die Standorterkundung und -bewertung wurde ein Konzept erarbeitet, das an drei Standorten entlang des Ganges getestet und weiterentwickelt wurde. Das Konzept umfasst vier Stufen: Standortvorerkundung, Bestimmung von Grundwasserleiterparametern, Erfassung von hydraulischen und Beschaffenheits-parametern sowie numerische Grundwasser-strömungsmodellierung. Entlang des oberen Flusslaufes des Ganges (Haridwar und Srinagar) wurden günstige geohydraulische Verhältnisse identifiziert (kf = 10E-4 bis 10E-3 m/s, Grundwasser leitermächtigkeit 11 bis 20 m). Entlang des unteren Flusslaufes (Patna) gibt es in Abhängigkeit von der Mächtigkeit der Sedimentablagerungen im Ganges nur bei erhöhter Schleppkraft im Monsun eine gute hydraulische Verbindung zwischen dem Fluss und dem Grundwasserleiter. In Haridwar wurde der Uferfiltratanteil im Rohwasser mittels Isotopenanalysen (δ18O) und Leitfähigkeitsmessungen im Fluss- und Rohwasser ermittelt. Der Uferfiltratanteil in den auf einer Insel und südlich davon gelegenen Brunnen liegt bei bis zu 90%. An den untersuchten Standorten wird durch die UF eine effektive Entfernung von E. coli um 3,5 bis 4,4 Log10 und der Trübung bis >2 Log10 Einheiten erreicht. Eine Entfernung von 3 Log10 Einheiten wurde bereits bei einer Fließzeit des Uferfiltrats von zwei Tagen beobachtet. Die erhöhte Anzahl an Coliformen in einigen Brunnen am Standort Haridwar resultiert aus Verunreinigungen des landseitigen Grundwassers. Bei Hochwässern und Starkregenereignissen muss eine Kontamination durch den direkten Eintrag von Wasser durch undichte Brunnenabdeckungen, Risse in den Schächten bzw. unsachgemäßen Brunnenbau berücksichtigt werden. Die Anwendung des angepassten Untersuchungskonzepts an 15 weiteren UF-Standorten in Indien hat gezeigt, dass die niedrigen DOC-Konzentrationen im Flusswasser (0,9 bis 3,0 mg/L) und im Brunnenwasser (0,4 bis 2,3 mg/L) günstig für die Anwendung der UF sind. Bei erhöhten DOC-Konzentrationen (Vormonsun) im Flusswasser konnte in Delhi und Mathura im Monsun eine 50%ige Verminderung erreicht werden. Bei der Erkundung neuer UF-Standorte in bergigen Gebieten sind die Grundwasserleitermächtigkeit mit geophysikalischen Erkundungsverfahren, die Strömungsverhältnisse in den alluvialen Ablagerungen sowie lokale Hochwasserrisiken zu untersuchen. / Riverbank filtration or bank filtration (RBF / BF) is a potential alternative to the direct abstraction and conventional treatment of surface water by virtue of the effective removal of pathogens, turbidity, suspended particles and organic substances. A comprehensive overview of existing RBF systems in India has been compiled for the first time. To systematically select and investigate new and existing potential RBF sites in India, a methodological concept was developed and tested at three sites along the Ganga River. The four stages of the concept are: initial site-assessment, basic site-survey, monitoring of water quality and quantity parameters and determination of aquifer parameters and numerical groundwater flow modelling. Suitable geohydraulic conditions for RBF (hydraulic conductivity: 10E-4 to 10E-3 m/s, aquifer thickness: 11 to 20 m) exist along the upper course of the Ganga (Haridwar and Srinagar). Due to the presence of fine sediment layers beneath the river bed along the Ganga’s lower course (Patna), river-aquifer interaction occurs during increased shear stress on the riverbed in monsoon. The portion of bank filtrate abstracted by the wells in Haridwar was determined from isotope analyses (Oxygen 18) and electrical conductivity measurements of river and well water and is up to 90% for wells located on an island and between the river and a canal. The results were confirmed by groundwater flow modelling. A high removal of E. coli (3.5 to 4.4 Log10 units) and turbidity (>2 Log10 units) was observed at the investigated sites. An E. coli removal of 3 Log10 units was observed for short travel times of 2 days. Higher coliform counts in some wells occur due to contamination from landside groundwater. During floods and intense rainfall events, contamination of RBF wells from direct entry of flood water, seepage of surface runoff into the well through leaky covers, fissures in the well-heads / caissons and in-appropriately sealed well-bases has to be considered. The application of the adapted investigation concept to 15 other sites in India showed that the low DOC concentrations in river water (0.9 to 3.0 mg/L) and well-water (0.4 to 2.3 mg/L) are favourable for the application of RBF. A 50% decrease of the high (pre-monsoon) DOC concentration was observed during monsoon in Delhi and Mathura. For the exploration of new RBF sites in hilly / mountainous areas, investigations of the aquifer thickness using geophysical methods, subsurface flow conditions in the alluvial deposits and the risk from floods should be conducted.

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