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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur tänker studenter? Miljövetarstudenter beskriver sin informationssökning genom reflektioner vid a-nivåuppsats / How do students think? Students in Environmental Sciences describe their search for information through reflections at first year level

Gustafsson Åman, Kajsa January 2013 (has links)
The object of this master's thesis is to study students writtenappendixes for their first-year-essay, (A-uppsats). In theappendixes the students are asked to describe their search forinformation within five areas; strategy, resources, terminology,analysis and usefulness. The appendixes for the years 2006-2009are studied, 184 appendixes consisting of one A4 page each.This thesis focuses upon the study of resources, processes andfeelings displayed in the appendixes. The theories of Tom Wilson,Carol Collier Kuhlthau and Louise Limberg are used, as results ofother studies within the area. Connections with theories oninformation literacy are also made.The results show that students usually do as they are instructed bylibrarians if it is profitable for their studies. They use theappropriate sources for their assignment but are confused in theirprocesses upon searching for information. The confusion alsoshows in the feelings displayed in the appendixes.The results also show a merge from the use of more specializedarticle databases to more general.The students are in the beginning of their road towards informationliteracy, which is a learning process. The thesis also discusses howlibrarians can meet the students need for training within the area ofinformation searching and information literacy. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Informationskompetens i skolan : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur lärare arbetar med informationskompetens i skolans lägre årskurser och vilken roll skolbiblioteket spelar i den processen.

Fransson, Marie January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this Bachelor thesis is to examine and understand how teachers of younger children teach information literacy and also what part the school library and the school librarian take in this process. I have, in the study, used parts of Limberg & Folkesson´s IDOL project as my theoretical framework and the material was collected through qualitative interviews with four teachers. My result of this study indicates that many teachers have a vague idea of what information literacy is. My study also indicates that teachers only teach information literacy occasionally. This despite the new curriculum (Lgr11) which clearly indicates that information literacy is a priority. Some of the teachers express an opinion that the students, for example; in their source critical ability, develop this skill with age. The older they get the more developed their skills become. This might be one of the reasons why the teachers don’t experience that they teach information literacy so often. My conclusion is that the teachers need further education in both information literacy and how to teach their students in this subject. Another solution is also that the co-operation between the teachers and the school librarian increase. This would help the student to increase his or hers ability to reach their academic goals, to gain experience and develop their skill of information literacy to become a full member of the society.

Är det verkligen sant? Att hitta, sortera och värdera information i skolans undervisning : En litteraturstudie om hur skolan arbetar med källkritik, informationskompetens och kritiskt tänkande

Samuelsson, Elin, Dobros, Christos January 2018 (has links)
Det här är en systematisk litteraturstudie i syfte att utforska hur begreppen och förmågorna källkritik, informationskompetens och kritiskt tänkande tas upp och arbetas med i dagens skola. Vi har här utgått från tre frågeställningar som är: Hur arbetar lärare och elever med att utveckla sin informationskompetens i grundskolan? Vilka undervisningsstrategier används i dagens skola om källkritik och kritiskt tänkande? Varför bör skolan och lärare undervisa i källkritik och kritiskt tänkande? Vi har i denna studie använt oss av databassökning och manuell sökning för att få fram ett sådant bra utbud av litteratur som möjligt. Resultatet av forskningen visade att dessa begrepp är svåra att arbeta med då de är ytterst komplexa. Lärare bör ha dessa begrepp i åtanke under all typ av undervisning som sker i skolan då det har blivit allt viktigare att vara källkritiskt och ha ett kritiskt tänkande i dagens samhälle. Det framgick även i studien att lärare och bibliotekarier anser att det är svårt att veta vems ansvar det är att lära ut om dessa begrepp/förmågor.

Det tar ju sådan tid att söka : sjuksköterskestudenters informationskompetens ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv / But it takes too long to search : student nurses’ information literacy from a sociocultural perspective

Algebrant, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to investigate what prompts student nurses to seek information required to their educational tasks and how they evaluate and utilize that information. The questions addressed in this thesis regard how information retrieval becomes part of student nurses’ social practice; which physical and intellectual tools student nurses make use of in their education; and which mediating resources they use to perform their tasks. Roger Säljö’s sociocultural approach provides the theoretical framework for this thesis. Research findings are that the social practice allows limited capacity for students to look for information according to their own interests. Furthermore, nursing students underestimate their information literacy, but still they succeed in using the available tools to fulfil formal requirements and complete their tasks. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Skolbibliotek + En-till-En = SANT? : En fallstudie av ett skolbibliotek i En-till-En miljö / The school library + One-to-One = TRUE? : A case study of a school library in a One-to-One environment

Lydeén, Mimmi January 2013 (has links)
Projects to equip every student and teacher with a laptop, with the intention to improve academic results, have rapidly spread through the country. New technology, new contents and new ways of learning have changed the learning envi-ronment. The school library, being a part of this environ-ment, faces the same changes and challenges.The purpose of this thesis is to study how the school library is being affected when a One-to-One project is carried out in a learning environment. The research questions concern how the school library is viewed within the organization and also how the change affects both the school library and the school librarian.The empirical material of the thesis includes five qualitative interviews carried out on location, at a single selected school. The interviews are followed by a study of relevant documents, all produced within the organization.To understand the organization in which the school library operates, as well as the school library itself, I chose to divide the theoretical approach in two: Christensen’s et al. organiza-tion theory and Loertscher’s taxonomies for school libraries.As the results show the school library and the school librari-an are considered to be an important participant of the im-plementation process, and to enhance the students ability to reach their academic goals. The school library seems to be-come a natural part of the organization to a higher extent and the librarian is no longer tied only to the physical library. / Program: Bibliotekarie

ISP och uppsats. En kvalitativ studie av Kuhlthaus informationssökningsprocess bland uppsatsskrivande högskolestudenter. / ISP and thesis. A qualitative study of the ISP by Kuhlthau among university students in their thesis course.

Ödlund, Eva January 2000 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the ISP (the Information Search Process) as defined by Carol Kuhlthau is applicable to Swedish University students. Qualitative interviews were carried out with students enrolled in their thesis course at the end of their university education. The selection is based on convenience sample of students visiting the university library. The questions are mainly about how to find out the experiences of the students when they look for documents at the beginning of their thesis work. Other relevant questions are about user-education, information literacy and what the students' opinions are concerning a thesis as a part of their education. The result of the study is presented in two parts. The first in relation to Kuhlthau's ISP and the second part to other relevant questions. The ISP can be identified with small deviations from the way Kuhlthau defines it. The other part of the result tells us that the information literacy among our students is not what we would like it to be. / Uppsatsnivå: D

”Varför ska vi heta som vårt hus?” En studie av marknadsföring av bibliotekarien / “Why should we be named after our building?” A study of marketing the librarians

Perotti, Anna Sofia January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this Master’s thesis is to investigate different ways of illustrating the information literacy of librarians and with a pragmatic view survey what has been written about marketing the librarians. The thesis is based on a marketing theory introduced by Philip Kotler. He believes that marketing is a social process and that everything can be marketed. I have reviewed three marketing strategies and their significance in marketing the information literacy of librarians. The strategies are marketing mix, event marketing and services marketing. The thesis has two parts and the first is a literature exposition of the marketing and the economic frames, investigations about the role, identity and rank of librarians and the marketing of librarians. The second part is an investigation that consists of interviews with four librarians with different experiences of marketing within the library. My conclusion is that there are useful strategies for marketing the information literacy of the librarians. Services marketing in combination with event marketing have good potential for success. A second conclusion is that it is necessary for librarians to market their competence and in that way indirectly also promote the library. With an effective marketing of the librarian competence there is also a reason to keep the title “librarian”. The competence lies not in the name, but within the person. / Uppsatsnivå: D

”Det sade bara klick” : en studie om 15-åriga tjejers Internetanvändning utifrån ett källkritiskt perspektiv / ”It happened so fast” : a study about 15-year old girls and their use of Internet from a source critical perspective

Norrbelius Coleman, Eva January 2006 (has links)
This Masters thesis aims at investigating how 15-year old girls use the Internet, particularly on their free time, taking a source critical perspective. It includes group interviews. The main question of this thesis was whether there is a need for specific user education. The following four questions were asked: What do they do on the Internet during their free time? In what way do the girls learn how to interact with each other on the Internet? How do they relate to different types of web pages and materials from a source critical aspect? What content do they consider to be relevant in a user education? The study is mainly focused on information use and information behaviour in different contexts. The reason for this is that society of today requires explicit skills to manage the increasing information flow. Christine Bruce has presented a theory of information literacy and I wanted to see if it was possible to apply her theory model on my interview groups. My theoretical framework, and analyses, also builds on socio cultural theories. Among other things my empirical material shows that the students need more education in order to handle different demands; this includes information seeking and discussions about moral and ethical dilemmas. The students also believed that teachers couldn’t help out as much as they wanted due to their lack of familiarity with the Internet. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Informationskompetens som mål i högskoleutbildningen : Inställning hos ledning, lärare och bibliotekarier vid en mindre högskola / Information literacy standards in higher education : Attitudes among management, teachers and librarians within a university college

Ekenberg, Anna January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this Master thesis is to study how management, teachers and librarians at the university college Swedish school of sport and health sciences (GIH) view information literacy (IL) as a standard in higher education. I have used a sociocultural theoretical perspective, as the focus being on co-operation within the institutional context. The following questions are focused on: Of what importance are the control documents concerning IL as a standard in the educational program? How do the respondents view the value of, and the responsibility for, IL as a standard in the educational program? What are the conditions for co-operation at GIH to reach the standards of the higher education act? The methodology used is qualitative case study. Six qualitative interviews were carried out in order to describe the attitudes of the management, teachers and librarians related to this subject. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the interviews. The results show that the respondents regard facilities and control documents as important tools for improving the schools strategies to meet IL standards. Improved co-operation between staff and improved IL among teachers, as well as embedding IL in subject courses, was seen as important factors for future development of students’ IL. My conclusion is that it, with a sociocultural perspective, is possible to create adequate prerequisites for learning, where students are seen as responsible for their own education, and where the focus is on preparing students for working life. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Skolbiblioteket : spelar det någon roll? En studie av hur en friskola klarar sig utan skolbibliotek. / The school library : does it matter? A study of how an independent school manages without a school library.

Dahlström, Mona, Hägg, Josefin January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to investigate how one independent senior high school without a school library regards the role of school libraries. (What is their view of information literacy? Do they manage to reach the goals of Lpf 94 and the goals of each school subject without a school library of their own?). We have chosen to interview the principal and two teachers. Our major findings are that the public library in our study has been given the role of a school library, a role we think it can not fulfil. The librarians guide pupils to the bookshelves instead of being collaborators in the learning process to create new knowledge. The principal and the teachers, in our study, do not believe in the pupils’ ability to develop better reading skills even if they have access to more books. Readers will stay readers, non – readers likewise. Earlier research contradicts this statement. The principal and the teachers find pupils information literate. We believe they are computer literate. Earlier research shows that teachers often think pupils are information literate. Although computers might be one of several information sources, they alone do not make students advanced users of information. The principal and the teachers mean to say that this school accomplishes its goals. We think they will have problems reaching their goals without the public library.

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