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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La présentation des exigences de profitabilité, de responsabilité sociale et de leur articulation dans les messages des dirigeants : le cas Carrefour / The presentation of requirements of profitability,social responsibility and their articulation in the CEO letters : carrefour case

Badran, Jana 10 January 2011 (has links)
La présentation des exigences de profitabilité, de responsabilité sociale et de leur articulation dans les discours des dirigeants : le cas Carrefour. Notre recherche a pour objet d'analyser comment les dirigeants –au nom de leur entreprise- présentent et articulent, dans leurs discours, les deux exigences majeures du capitalisme d'aujourd'hui : celle de maximisation de la valeur pour l'actionnaire et celle de Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises (RSE). La première, portée par les investisseurs institutionnels dans le cadre d'un « capitalisme financier », s'est constituée à l'adresse des entreprises cotées et de leurs dirigeants, et semble s'imposer au modèle français de gouvernement d'entreprise. La seconde, l'exigence de RSE -portée par les acteurs de la société civile- pousse les entreprises et leurs dirigeants à se préoccuper des dimensions sociales et environnementales de leur activité. Dans cette perspective, une étude empirique longitudinale a été menée sur les messages des Rapports Annuels et des Rapports de Développement Durable du Groupe Carrefour sur la période 1993-2007. Elle a permis d'observer une domination de plus en plus totale des critères du capitalisme financier sur les discours des dirigeants et de renforcer les thèses de la concomitance de l'émergence du discours de la maximisation de la valeur pour l'actionnaire et de la RSE et de la faible articulation des deux discours. / The presentation of requirements of profitability, social responsibility and their articulation in the CEO letters: Carrefour group case. Our research aims to analyze how leaders -in the name of their company- present and articulate, in their speeches, the two major requirements of today's capitalism: On the one hand, the requirement of maximizing shareholder value -driven by institutional investors through a "financial capitalism"- to public companies and their leaders seem to win the French model of corporate governance. On the other hand, the requirement for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) -originated by the actors of civil society- is forcing companies and their leaders to be concerned about social and environmental dimensions. In this perspective, an empirical study was conducted on the messages of the Annual and Sustainability Reports of Carrefour Group over the period 1993-2007. It was possible to observe a progressive domination of the criteria of financial capitalism in the speeches of CEOs and strengthen the arguments of the concomitance of the emergence of the discourse of maximizing shareholder value and CSR and the poor articulation of two discourses

Are solar home systems a more financially viable method of electrifying Ghana households?

Radebe, Thandwefika 24 February 2021 (has links)
Africa still has the lowest electrification rates in the world with over 600 million people estimated to be living without access to electricity. What makes the challenge even greater for Africa is that the continent is so sparsely populated that building grid infrastructure is not viable in many cases. However, “pay-as-you-go” solar home systems have provided the continent with the opportunity to correct its electrification deficit. These innovations are not new and many of the costs of operating these systems have reached grid parity when one considers the Levelized Cost of Energy Model. However, these projects still fail to meet institutional investors' bankability criteria. The aim of this study is to try and understand whether solar home systems provide the investor with an opportunity to make a larger risk-adjusted return versus existing grid-based power station projects being considered on the continent. This study uses Ghana's recently built Kpone power station as a case study to complete this analysis. The study also seeks to assess what viability criteria is employed by a broad base of investors if they were to consider funding off-grid power. The study makes use of the Net Present Value model to compare the returns for Kpone and Zola Electric's Infinity solar home system. The study also conducts inductive qualitative analysis to try and ascertain what criteria is assessed for project viability and then builds a conceptual framework for assessing future projects. The study found that Kpone provided a better risk-adjusted return to that of Zola Electric's solar home system, largely because of Kpone's project finance structure reducing the risk of the investment. Our findings also show that investment ticket size, company track record and management track record are among the most highly considered criteria for investments into off-grid companies.

Sustainable investment strategies and the impact of the EU taxonomy : A study on Swedish institutional investors / Hållbara investeringsstrategier och EU-taxonomins påverkan

Eriksson, Marcus, Seth Wenzel, William January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the current sustainable investment strategy of Swedish institutional investors that are not covered by the EU Taxonomy and how the Taxonomy will affect their work with sustainable investments. As a basis, 7 semi-structured interviews have been conducted. The respondent group consists of three institutional asset owners and four Swedish public pension funds. The former group, not having asset management as their core business, mainly use negative and norms-based screening whereas the latter are professional investors and they combine several other SRI strategies. The difference in SRI strategies between the investor groups is mainly explained by the professional investors having a more extensive ESG risk awareness and a greater organizational capacity. Except the screening strategies, the following SRI strategies are commonly used; corporate engagement and shareholder action, sustainability themed investing and ESG integration which is in line with the literature. Though, the institutional investors in this study are employing positive/best-in-class screening to a much less extent than the literature states. The investors agree with the literature and have a general positive view of the implementation of the Taxonomy and that there is a need of a consistent, global reporting standard. However, the investors raise criticism of the EU Taxonomy only including certain sectors, European countries and the exclusive climate focus which decreases the utility and is in line with the current literature. None of the interviewed investors has implemented the EU Taxonomy in their work with sustainable investments yet and do not believe that the EU Taxonomy will affect their investment strategies. This contradicts the current literature where private investors see the EU Taxonomy as a long awaited common framework with standardized KPI:s which will improve comparability on the market. However, a majority of the investors believe that the EU Taxonomy will- or probably will affect their work with sustainable investments in the future as an additional reporting tool where the professional investors show a greater belief than the asset owners. This study shows that Swedish institutional investors will probably use the EU Taxonomy as a reporting framework in the future but the implementation will not change the investor's SRI strategies. Professional investors are more likely to report according to the EU Taxonomy than institutional asset owners. Furthermore, the Taxonomy's level of impact depends on the investor’s Taxonomy knowledge; a more extensive knowledge increases the possibility to start reporting according to the Taxonomy. / Denna studie undersöker svenska institutionella investerares nuvarande hållbara investeringsstrategier, som inte omfattas av EU-taxonomin, samt hur taxonomin kommer att påverka deras arbete med hållbara investeringar. Som underlag har 7 semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts. Respondentgruppen består av tre institutionella kapitalägare och fyra svenska publika pensionsfonder. Den förstnämnda gruppen, som inte har kapitalförvaltning som sin kärnverksamhet, använder främst negativ- och normbaserad screening medan de professionella investerarna kombinerar flera olika SRI-strategier. Skillnaden i SRI-strategier mellan investerargrupperna kan främst förklaras av att de professionella investerarna har en mer omfattande ESG-riskmedvetenhet och en större organisatorisk kapacitet. Förutom screeningstrategierna är följande SRI-strategier populära bland investerarna; aktivt ägande, hållbarhetstematiska investeringar och ESG-integration, detta i linje med litteraturen. De institutionella investerarna i denna studie använder sig dock av positiv/bäst-i-klassen-screening i mycket mindre utsträckning än vad litteraturen säger.  Investerarna är samstämmiga med litteraturen och har en generellt positiv syn på genomförandet av taxonomin och är eniga om att det finns ett behov av en konsekvent, global rapporteringsstandard. Däremot väcker investerarna kritik mot att EU-taxonomin endast inkluderar vissa sektorer, europeiska länder och det snäva klimatfokuset, vilket är i linje med befintlig litteratur. Ingen av de intervjuade investerarna har ännu implementerat EU-taxonomin i sitt arbete med hållbara investeringar och tror inte att EU-taxonomin kommer att påverka deras investeringsstrategier. Detta går emot den nuvarande litteraturen som menar att privata investerare ser EU-taxonomin som ett efterlängtat ramverk med standardiserade KPI:er som kommer att förbättra jämförbarheten på marknaden. En majoritet av investerarna tror att EU-taxonomin kommer att påverka deras arbete med hållbara investeringar i framtiden som ett ytterligare rapporteringsverktyg. De professionella investerarna har en betydligt större tro på EU-taxonomins genomslagskraft än kapitalägarna. Denna studie visar att svenska institutionella investerare med hög sannolikhet kommer att börja rapportera enligt EU-taxonomin i framtiden, men att taxonomin inte kommer att påverka investerarnas investeringsstrategier. Professionella investerare kommer med större sannolikhet börja rapportera enligt EU-taxonomin än instutionella kapitalägare. Taxonomins genomslagskraft beror på investerarnas taxonomikunskap; en mer omfattande kunskap ökar sannorlikheten att börja rapportera enligt taxonomin.

Betydelsen av ESG för kapitalanskaffning : Hur institutionella investerare värderar ESG och vad de söker för information / The importance of ESG for capital acquisition : How institutional investors assess ESG and what information they seek

Bergh, Henrik, Skog, Emil January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Till följd av att ESG är ett icke-finansiellt bedömningsområde har många investerare historiskt valt att inte profilera sin egen verksamhet med ambitiösa hållbarhetsmål. De senaste årens åtstramade regulatoriska omgivning och ökande ESG-engagemang hos intressenter ställer alltmer krav på institutionella investerare att integrera ESG-bedömningar när de utvärderar nya investeringsmöjligheter. SME-bolag har sämre förutsättningar att tillhandahålla konkurrenskraftiga ESG-data och riskerar således få sämre tillgång till kapital. Effekterna ESG perspektivet har för kapitalanskaffning och vilken ESG-information som är viktigast för att attrahera kapital är relativt outforskat och bör utredas dels för att hjälpa bolag att behålla konkurrenskraft, dels för att förbereda dem för kraven på hållbarhetsrapportering som ställs ur ett kapitalförvaltningsperspektiv, vilket kan vara särskilt angeläget för SME-bolag. Syfte: Syftet med rapporten är att analysera institutionella investerares syn på ESG för att utreda hur det påverkar deras utvärderingar av nya investeringsmöjligheter. Utifrån detta ämnar studien utreda vilken information som är viktigast att tillhandahålla för att sammanställa hållbarhetsrapporter som är i linje med investerarnas önskemål. Metod: Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod med en abduktiv ansats och det empiriska underlaget har analyserats med en tematisk analys. Resultat: Samtliga bolag, även SME-bolag, bör integrera ESG perspektivet i sin rapportering för att öka investeringsviljan och anpassa sig till omvärldsförändringar och intressenter. ESG-engagemanget är högt bland institutionella investerare eftersom hållbara bolag bidrar till att skapa avkastande och resistenta portföljer. Det viktigaste inom ESG utgår från vad som är relevant och materiellt för respektive bolag och bransch. Med detta vill investerare kvantifiera ESG-relaterade störningar och effekter för att förstå potentiell påverkan på ett företags resultat och värdering.

Sustainable Investments : Sustainability reporting from the institutionalinvestors point of view / Hållbara investeringar : Hållbarhetsrapportering från institutionella investerares perspektiv

Blomström, Sofia, Bokfors, Sofie January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines the type of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) information that institutional investors seek when making and monitoring investment decisions, as well as the possibilities for this information to be presented in sustainability reports. As a basis, twelve semi-structured interviews were conducted with Swedish state institutional fund holders in the category regions and municipalities. Furthermore, five interviews were conducted with six employees at a large Swedish-Norwegian fund company. The results show that the basic demand for ESG information is governed by the content that the investor's organization's financial policy requires, for example, that the fund company has signed the UN Principles for Responsible Investments (PRI) or follows frameworks such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Furthermore, sustainability motivations are sought in qualitative form, for example about the fund's sustainability strategy, corporate inclusion and justifications about the fund's actual sustainability impact in the portfolio companies. In addition, motivations for potential future business exclusions is also desired. However, this wish is difficult to cater for as it could potentially create discontent between fund companies and portfolio companies. Such a justification could also contribute to market disorders for the company in question, which could degrade the value of the fund holding. Quantitative data are also requested, such as carbon dioxide emissions for the fund portfolio. However, this cannot always be met in the report as reported data from companies are missing. Furthermore, a necessity for the sustainability reports to be used properly by the investors is that data is presented similarly between funds, so that comparisons between funds are facilitated. Finally, investors point out that much of the ESG information they seek is only useful if all funds report in a similar format, and that the ESG information only becomes truly valuable after a unanimous definition of sustainability is introduced. / I detta examensarbete undersöks vilken typ av ESG-information som institutionella investerare eftersöker när de ska genomföra och övervaka investeringsbeslut, samt hur möjligheterna ser ut för denna information att kunna presenteras i hållbarhetsrapporter. Som underlag genomförs tolv stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer med svenska statliga institutionella fondinnehavare inom kategorin regioner och kommuner. Vidare genomfördes fem intervjuer med sex stycken anställda på ett stort Svenskt-Norskt fondbolag. Resultaten visar att den grundläggande efterfrågan av ESG information styrs av det innehåll som investerarens organisations finansiella policy kräver, exempelvis att fondbolaget signerat PRI eller följer ramverk såsom GRI. Vidare så eftersträvas hållbarhetsmotiveringar i kvalitativ form, exempelvis kring fondens hållbarhetsstrategi, företagsinkludering samt motiveringar kring fondens faktiska hållbarhetspåverkan i portföljbolagen. Utöver dessa efterfrågas även motivering av potentiella framtida företagsexkluderingar. Denna önskan är dock svår att tillgodose då denna potentiellt skulle kunna skapa osämja mellan fondbolag och portföljbolag. En sådan motivering skulle även kunna bidra till marknadsoroligheter för det aktuella bolaget, vilket kan försämra värdet på fondinnehavet. Slutligen efterfrågas även kvantitativ data, exempelvis koldioxidutsläpp för fondportföljen. Denna kan dock inte alltid tillgodoses i rapporten då nog lång tillbakagången klimatdata saknas. En nödvändighet för att hållbarhetsrapporterna ska nyttjas ordentligt av investerarna är vidare att data presenteras liknande mellan fonder, så att en jämförelse mellan fondalternativ underlättas. Investerarna poängterar slutligen att stor del av den ESG-information de eftersträvar bara är användbar om alla fonder rapporterar på liknande sätt, samt att ESG-informationen först blir riktigt användbar då en samstämmig definition av hållbarhet införs.

Three essays on mispricing and market efficiency

Qin, Nan 23 July 2014 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays. The first essay studies the impact of indexing on stock price efficiency. Indexing has experienced substantial growth over the last two decades because it is an effective way of holding a diversified portfolio while minimizing trading costs and taxes. In this paper, we focus on one negative externality of indexing: the effect on efficiency of stock prices. Based on a sample of large and liquid U.S. stocks, we find that greater indexing leads to less efficient stock prices, as indicated by stronger post-earnings-announcement drift, greater deviations of stock prices from the random walk and greater return predictability from lagged order imbalances. We conjecture that reduced incentives for information acquisition and arbitrage induced by indexing are probably the main cause of the degradation in price efficiency, but we find no evidence supporting a direct impact from passive trading or any effect through liquidity. The second essay investigates the effect of price inefficiency on idiosyncratic risk and stock returns. I finds that price inefficiency in individual stocks contributes to expected idiosyncratic volatility. If idiosyncratic risk is priced, greater price inefficiency could be associated with higher expected returns. Consistent with this hypothesis, this paper then finds a positive relation between price inefficiency and future stock returns. This return premium of price inefficiency is not explained by traditional risk factors, illiquidity, or transactions costs. It is also evidently different from the return bias related to Jensen's inequality. This paper thus provides new insights about the determinants of expected stock returns, and new supporting evidence that idiosyncratic risk is priced. The third essay examines whether the upward return bias generated by Jensen's inequality could lead to better performance of equally-weighted (EW) indexes than value-weighted (VW) index when stock prices are not fully efficient. We find that, for a wide range of U.S. stock indexes, EW indexes deliver better four-factor adjusted returns than VW ones do even after deducting transaction costs. Consistent with our hypothesis that the outperformance of EW indexes comes from mispricing, we find that this outperformance concentrates in stocks with greater mispricing, as measured by deviation of stock prices from random walk. Findings in this essay not only imply a potentially winning investment strategy, but also provide new insight into a long-term debate on causes of the outperformance of the EW indexes. / Ph. D.

Bransch kontra börsvärde : En studie angående den förväntade reporäntans effekt på small- och large-cap bolag inom olika branscher

Basic, Aldin, Wallin, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
Trenden inom världsekonomin har på senare år indikerat på en mognad där tillväxten ligger på låga tal historisk. Detta har tvingat centralbanker runt omkring jorden att drastiskt ta till åtgärder för att stimulera tillväxten. Reporäntan har använts som det mest centrala instrumentet för detta ändamål. Sverige är ett levande exempel på detta, där de har sänkt räntan lägre än den fruktade nollnivån och har i dagsläget en ränta på -0,5 %. Effekterna av reporänteförändringar på aktievärdering har studerats brett och den ackumulerade åsikten bland forskare är att räntan påverkar aktiemarknaden direkt. De historiska studierna som har utförts fokuserar på hur marknaden som helhet påverkas där de individuella företagseffekterna hamnar i skymundan. Därför har denna studie fokuserat på att undersöka dessa branschrelaterade effekter av en ränteförändring på individuella företag inom de valda branscherna. Detta område har undersökts med hjälp av en eventstudie.  Resultaten från studien visar på homogena effekter för mindre bolag där dessa får en större påverkan vid förändringar än stora bolag. Detta visar sig även mellan de olika branscherna. De observerade branscherna är sällanköpsvaror och dagligvaror, de branschspecifika effekterna som studien visar är att dagligvaror påverkas signifikant mer än sällanköpsvaror. Vidare visar resultatet att företagsstorlek har en större påverkan än branschtillhörighet, där small-cap bolag inom sällanköpsvaror har större påverkan än large-cap bolag inom dagligvaror. En negativ förändring går även att hänvisa till mer homogena rörelser för branscherna samt de olika storlekarna. Vidare gav positiva nyheter en mer heterogen rörelse där de mindre bolagen ej korrelerade med dem större. / In recent years, the trend in the world economy has indicated a maturity in growth which is low in historical terms. This has forced central banks around the world to drastically act to stimulate growth. The prime rate has then been used as the most central instrument for this purpose. Sweden is a living example of this as they have lowered interest rates below the dreaded zero level and currently have an interest rate of -0.5 %. The effects of prime rate changes on stock valuation have been studied widely, and the accumulated opinion among researchers is that interest rates directly affect the stock market. The historical studies that have been carried out focus on how the market as a whole is affected where individual effects on businesses end up in the dark. Therefore, this study has focused on investigating these industry-related effects of an interest rate change on individual companies in the chosen industries. The results from the study show homogenous effects for smaller companies, where the impact is greater on them in addition to larger companies. This is also apparent between the different industries. This area of concerns has been studied with an event study. The observed industries are consumer discretionary and commodities, the industry-specific effects shown by the study are that commodities are significantly more affected than consumer discretionarys’. Furthermore, the results show that company size is a greater indicator than industry due to the greater effect on small companies within consumer discretionary than on larger companies in the commodities sector. A negative change can also be referred to more homogeneous movements for the industries as well as the different business sizes. In addition, positive news gave a more heterogeneous move where the smaller companies did not correlate with the larger ones.

La gouvernance d'entreprise et l'hybridation : le cas de l'Asie / Corporate governance and hybridization : the case of Asia

Lee, Ji-Yong 06 June 2011 (has links)
La tentative pour comprendre les changements affectant les modèles de gouvernance d’entreprise est un des débats sur les transformations du capitalisme à l’heure actuelle. L'Asie ne fait pas exception à ce phénomène. Les modes de gouvernance ont connu une évolution importante depuis la crise financière de 1997. Cette thèse cherche à rendre compte de ces transformations dans un cadre d’analyse du changement institutionnel. La conception de la gouvernance est appréhendée comme étant dépendante de l’environnement institutionnel dans lequel évolue la firme. L’étude de l’évolution des modes de gouvernance nécessite donc la compréhension du changement institutionnel.Sur cette base, nous développons l’hypothèse de l’hybridation et notre propre interprétation des changements de la gouvernance. L’hybridation est soumise à deux séries de forces : celles qui sont favorables aux changements et celles qui leur résistent. Le processus d’adaptation des nouvelles pratiques introduites génère à terme un modèle adapté aux conditions locales. Notre analyse empirique révèle que les évolutions récentes ont fait émerger une pluralité de modèles sur la zone asiatique : 3 modèles hybrides et 1 modèle qui est resté inchangé face aux réformes d’inspiration anglo-saxonne. Nous étudions également empiriquement les forces qui favorisent le changement ainsi que les facteurs de la résistance. Ce travail permet d’apporter une vision globale des mutations rencontrées dans la gouvernance dans la région asiatique. / Understanding of the changes in corporate governance lies at the heart of contemporary debates about transformation of capitalism. Asia is no exception to this phenomenon. Asia’s corporate governance has undergone significant changes since the financial crisis of 1997. Our study, based on the theory of institutional change, seeks to examine current transformations. The concept of corporate governance is viewed as being dependent on institutional environments in which the firm evolves. The analysis of the changes in corporate governance is therefore needed to understand institutional change.On this basis, we argue that the current transformation is experiencing a process of hybridization and we suggest a framework to understand ongoing corporate governance reform. Hybridization carries two opposed forces: drivers for change and resistance to change. But the dynamic process of adaption of newly imported practices leads to new model adapted to local conditions. Our empirical analysis allows us to apprehend the diverse pattern of corporate governance in the region of Asia even within the current context of adherence to the Anglo-Saxon model: we find three hybrid models and one other model which has not committed to the reform. We also study the sources of change and the factors that give rise to resistance. We provide an overview of the recent changes in corporate governance practice in Asian countries.

Le traitement des porteurs minoritaires de titres de sociétés par actions publiques dans un contexte transactionnel : où en sommes-nous?

Proulx, Olivier 11 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître en Droit (LL.M) Option Droit des Affaires" / Dans une perspective pratique et axée sur le droit transactionnel, l'auteur dresse un portrait global du régime juridique s'appliquant aux actionnaires minoritaires de sociétés par actions publiques canadiennes. Pour ce faire, il aborde, dans un premier temps, les divers mécanismes transactionnels utilisés par les sociétés désirant procéder à une opération de changement de contrôle. Dans un deuxième temps, il enchaîne en expliquant les enjeux entourant la protection des actionnaires minoritaires pour, par la suite, décrire les obligations afférentes au Règlement Q-27. Finalement, il propose une analyse du traitement des porteurs minoritaires à la lumière, d'une part, de la gouvernance d'entreprise et, d'autre part, de l'activisme des investisseurs institutionnels. / In a practical perspective based on transactionallaw, the author shows a global portrait of the legal regime applicable ta minority shareholders of Canadian publicly listed corporations. Firstly, he tackles the various transactional mechanisms used by corporations that want ta proceed ta a change of control operation. Secondly, he continues by explaining the issues surrounding the protection of minority shareholders. Then, he describes the obligations related ta Rule Q-27. Finally, he proposes an analysis of minority shareholders treatment in light of, on one hand, corporate governance and, on the other hand, institutional investors activism.

外國機構投資人交易策略及交易行為對我國股市衝擊之研究 / Trading behavior of foreign institutional investors and its market impact on stock prices

劉慧欣, Liu, Hui-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討外國機構投資人交易行為及其對股票市場的衝擊,參考 Chan and Lokonishok(1995)的交易期間(trading package)觀念,分析外國機構投資人的持股內容及易行為,以了解其選股決策,並驗證其交易行為是否存在正向回應現象;及研究外國機構投資人的交易行為所產生的市場衝擊,以了解外資進出對國內股票市場穩定性的影響,並進一步研究交易完成後的股價回復現象及短期績效表現。 本研究的樣本期間為包括民國 84 年至民國 86 年底,樣本資料包含每日股價資料、每日外國機構投資人的持股明細、以及所有上市個股的財務資料。經實驗後發現,可能是基於風險控管和模擬臺灣股價指數的考量,外國機構投資人傾向買賣大型績優個股;在相同交易行為上,通常有持續十日的現象,且每一次交易的張數並不大。此外,明顯存在著正向回應情形、顯著的市場衝擊和短暫的股價回復現象,如同國外相同的研究結果,本研究亦發現外國機構投資人在買和賣不同的交易行為上,存在著不對稱的影響。 / The study is to Investigate the trading behavior of foreign institutional investors and its market impact on stock prices. The purposes of the study are as follows: First, to analyze the holding characteristics and trading behavior of foreign institutional investors in order to understand their stocks selection decisions and test if positive feedback behavior exists. Second, to analyze the market impacts on Taiwan stock market stability. Finally, after finishing each trading behavior, to observe the trend of stock prices in order to test if price reversion exists and how their short-term performance are. Form empirical studies, foreign institutional investors tend to hold stocks of large-size firms probably because of controlling investment risk and simulation Taiwan stock index. Besides, analyzing their trading activities, positive feedback bahavior, market impacts and price reversion really exist and are significant. According to our study, we found that buying and selling activities have asymmetric impact on stock prices. The conclusion is the same as foreign studies.

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