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利用三大法人的處分效果與過度自信現象在景氣循環下建立交易策略 / Trade strategies based on deposit effect and over confidence effect of three institutional investors in business cycle葉乃華, Yeh, Nai Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要研究外資、投信及自營商這三大法人是否有「處分效果」及「過度自信」行為上的偏誤,並想要進一步探討投資人是否可以透過觀察三大法人在不同景氣狀態下的異常行為建立投資組合以獲得顯著的超額報酬,故利用Weber and Camerer(1998)所提的處分係數(The disposition coefficient)來表示處分效果及黃坤興(2006)提出的修正過度自信係數(The overconfidence coefficient)代表過度自信現象,並採用二情境轉換模型,以馬可夫鏈描述情境轉換行為,觀察三大法人在2005年至2013年台灣股票市場上的行為。
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Le traitement des porteurs minoritaires de titres de sociétés par actions publiques dans un contexte transactionnel : où en sommes-nous?Proulx, Olivier 11 1900 (has links)
Dans une perspective pratique et axée sur le droit transactionnel, l'auteur dresse un portrait
global du régime juridique s'appliquant aux actionnaires minoritaires de sociétés par actions
publiques canadiennes. Pour ce faire, il aborde, dans un premier temps, les divers mécanismes
transactionnels utilisés par les sociétés désirant procéder à une opération de changement de
contrôle. Dans un deuxième temps, il enchaîne en expliquant les enjeux entourant la protection
des actionnaires minoritaires pour, par la suite, décrire les obligations afférentes au Règlement
Q-27. Finalement, il propose une analyse du traitement des porteurs minoritaires à la lumière,
d'une part, de la gouvernance d'entreprise et, d'autre part, de l'activisme des investisseurs
institutionnels. / In a practical perspective based on transactionallaw, the author shows a global portrait of the
legal regime applicable ta minority shareholders of Canadian publicly listed corporations.
Firstly, he tackles the various transactional mechanisms used by corporations that want ta
proceed ta a change of control operation. Secondly, he continues by explaining the issues
surrounding the protection of minority shareholders. Then, he describes the obligations related
ta Rule Q-27. Finally, he proposes an analysis of minority shareholders treatment in light of, on
one hand, corporate governance and, on the other hand, institutional investors activism. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître en Droit (LL.M) Option Droit des Affaires"
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法人說明會資訊對供應鏈機構投資人投資行為之影響-以我國半導體產業為例 / The Effect of Up-stream Company’s Conference Call Information on Down-stream’s Company’s institutional investors– An Example From Semi-conductor Industry in Taiwan劉士豪, Liu, Shih Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本篇研究試圖探討半導體產業供應鏈上游的IC設計業者召開法人說明會後,基於我國半導體產業供應鏈緊密連結之特性,同屬半導體供應鏈的其他中、下游製造和封測廠之機構投資人的交易行為是否將受到IC設計業者宣告之法人說明會資訊影響,亦即證明法人說明會資訊在半導體供應鏈中是否具有垂直資訊移轉效果。實證結果發現在法人說明會召開訊息首次見報日時,供應鏈上游公司之法人說明會訊息確實會影響其中、下游公司之機構投資人的持股變化,於宣告好(壞)消息時買進(賣出),顯示機構投資人藉由其專業團隊和私有資訊能早一般大眾提前調整其交易策略,而此資訊移轉效果也會隨著公司在供應鏈上之距離而逐漸稀釋。此外,結果亦顯示外資由於地緣限制,相較於投信和自營商更會倚賴法人說明會宣告之資訊調整其持股策略,於宣告好(壞)消息時買進(賣出)。 / This research examine the conference call which hold by the IC design companies will transfer useful information to the institutional investors of IC manufacturing and packaging companies in the supply chain downstream. I am interested in if there is a vertical information transfer in the semi-conduct industry. The empirical results show that the conference call information is significantly influence the holding percentage of the institutional investors of the downstream supply chain companies after the information of conference call first reported in the newspapers. The institutional investors will increase the holding percentage after the good news released and vice versa. It is showed that the institutional investors can gather more information before the conference call and adjust their invest strategy in advance. Furthermore, this vertical information transfer effect will dilute by degrees as distance increases. Lastly, the result also shows that the foreign institutional investors more rely on the information released from the conference call to adjust their invest strategy than native institutional investors.
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Mitigating high ‘equity capital’ risk exposure to ‘small cap’ sector in India: analysing ‘key factors of success’ for ‘Institutional Investors’ whilst Investing in small cap sector in IndiaNarang, Anish 30 October 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Anish Narang (anish.narang2015@fgvmail.br) on 2015-02-25T13:01:52Z
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Previous issue date: 2014-10-30 / This paper deals with the subject of mitigating high ‘Equity Capital’ Risk Exposure to ‘Small Cap’ Sector in India. Institutional investors in India are prone to be risk averse when it comes to investing in the small cap sector in India as they find the companies risky and volatile. This paper will help analyse ‘Key Factors of success’ for ‘Institutional Investors’ whilst investing in Small Cap sector in India as some of these Indian small cap stocks offer handsome returns despite economic downturn. This paper has been harnessed carefully under the influence of expert investors, which includes Benjamin Graham (Security Analysis); Warren Buffet; Philip Fisher (Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits); and Aswath Damodaran.
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Gerenciamento de resultados e ambiente institucional: um estudo da América LatinaGuimarães, Daniel Monfort de Alencastro 08 February 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Cristiane Oliveira (cristiane.oliveira@fgv.br) on 2011-06-03T20:46:44Z
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-08 / This paper investigates whether the institutional environment, related to the level of investor protection in Latin American countries, contributes to reducing earnings management by firms. We use four models to detect earnings management (the Jones Model, Modified Jones Model, Modified Jones Model with ROA and the Kang & Sivaramakrishna Model). Our sample comprises 313 publicly held companies listed in the stock exchanges in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, during the period from 2006 to 2010, a total of 9,986 statistics company-year. The discretionary accruals were estimated using a twostage regression, firstly with panel data models and then with the model residuals as the dependent variable and the level of investor protection as the independent variable. The score for each country, published in the Latin American Venture Capital Association (LAVCA) Scorecard, is used as a proxy for the level of investor protection. There is evidence in line with the theory that a better institutional environment contributes to reducing not only earnings management, but also the variability in earnings management. These findings reveal that investor protection is an important factor in the development of countries in Latin America. Countries with systems that provide incentives for private investment, with better tax treatment, creditor protection, corporate governance and a standardized accounting system, present companies with a lower level of earnings management. / Nesta dissertação analisamos se o ambiente institucional relacionado ao nível de proteção dos investidores dos países da América Latina contribuiu para uma redução na prática de gerenciamento de resultados das empresas. Utilizamos quatro modelos para detectar a prática de gerenciamento de resultados (Jones Model, Modified Jones Model, Modified Jones Model with ROA e o Kang & Sivaramakrishna Model). A nossa amostra é formada pelas empresas de capital aberto e listada em bolsa nos países da Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, México e Peru, somando 313 empresas, para os anos de 2000 a 2009, totalizando 9.986 dados de empresa-trimestre. Utilizamos uma regressão em duas etapas, primeira usamos os modelos com dados em painel para estimar o discretionary accrual, em seguida, com o resíduo do modelo como variável dependente na segunda regressão sendo a variável independente o nível de proteção do investidor. A nota alcançada pelo país na pesquisa da Latin America Venture Capital Association (LAVCA) é usada como proxy para o nível de proteção ao investidor.. Há evidências em linha com a teoria de que um melhor ambiente institucional contribui para a diminuição não só da prática de gerenciamento de resultado, mas também as variabilidades do gerenciamento de resultados essas evidências reforçam a importância do fator proteção ao investidor para o desenvolvimento dos países da América Latina. Os países que possuem um sistema que incentive o investimento privado, com melhores tratamentos tributários, proteção aos credores, governança corporativa e padronização do sistema contábil, apresentam empresas com um menor nível de gerenciamento de resultado.
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Institutionella investerares preferenser för ES-kriterier : En kvantitativ studie inom området företagsekonomi / Institutional investors preferences on ES-criteria : A quantitative study in the field of business administrationTatarevic, Melisa, Berg Nordström, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
Titel: Institutionella investerares preferenser för ES-kriterier Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Melisa Tatarevic och Alexandra Berg Nordström Handledare: Jan Svanberg Datum: 2022 - Januari Syfte: Intressenternas ökade behov av insyn i miljö-, sociala- och styrningsfrågor har givit stor vikttill hållbarhetsrapportering världen över. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka huruvidainstitutionellt ägande beror av ES-kriterier och ger nytt ljus åt forskningen med fokus på bådepositiva och negativa aspekter av ES-kriterier. Ökar/minskar det institutionella ägandet beroende pånärvaron av policyer hos företag? Existerar det ett samband mellan ESG-betyget och policyer? Metod: Med sekundärdata från databasen Refinitiv Eikon har denna kvantitativa studie medtvärsnittsdesign analyserat 2653 publika företag i IBM: s statistikprogram SPSS. Studien presenterarbeskrivande statistik, en korrelationsmatris, kontroll av felkällor samt multipla regressionsanalyser. Resultat & slutsats: Studien ger bevis för att det institutionella ägandet huvudsakligen ökar vidnärvaron av specifika policyer. Emellertid minskar institutionellt ägande vid närvaron av en specifikpolicy. Studien finner även stöd för ett existerande samband mellan ESG-betyget och policyer. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar med ny information till forskningen inom ESG-betygetoch för institutionella investerare genom ett unikt tillvägagångssätt att studera institutionellainvesterares preferenser för olika ES-kriterier med fokus på både styrkor och svagheter. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Kvantitativ forskning kan svara på huruvida liknande resultat hadeuppnåtts vid val av andra indikatorer. Kvalitativ forskning kan från institutionella investeraresperspektiv, förklara hur de faktiskt beaktar ES-kriterier och dess indikatorer vid investeringsbeslut. Nyckelord: Hållbarhetsprestanda; ESG-betyg; Företagens sociala ansvar (CSR); Socialt ansvarsfullainvesteringar (SRI); Institutionella investerare; Miljö- och social prestanda / Title: Institutional investors preferences on ES-criteria Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Melisa Tatarevic and Alexandra Berg Nordström Supervisor: Jan Svanberg Date: 2022 - January Aim: Stakeholders' increased need for transparency in environmental, social and governance issueshas given great importance to sustainability reporting worldwide. This study aims to investigatewheather institutional ownership depends on ES criteria and sheds new light on research by focusingon both positive and negative aspects of ES criteria. Does institutional ownership increase/decreasedue to the presence of policies in companies? Is there a link between the ESG rating and policies? Method: With secondary data from the Refinitiv Eikon database, this quantitative study with crosssectional design analyzed 2653 public companies in the IBM: s statistics program SPSS. The studypresents descriptive statistics, a correlation matrix, control of error sources and regression analyzes. Result & Conclusions: The study provides evidence that institutional ownership mainly increases inthe presence of specific policies. However, institutional ownership decreases in the presence of aspecific policy. The study also finds support for an existing link between ESG ratings and policies. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes new information to the research within the ESGrating and for institutional investors through a unique approach to studying institutional investors'preferences for different ES criteria with a focus on both strengths and weaknesses. Suggestions for future research: Quantitative research can answer whether similar results had beenachieved by choosing other indicators. Qualitative research can explain how they actually considerES criteria and its indicators when making investment decisions. Key words: Sustainability performance; ESG Score; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); SocialResponsibility Investments (SRI); Institutional investors; Environmental and social performance
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Building an effective framework for institutional investor activism and minority shareholder protection in Saudi Arabia : lessons from the UKAljahdali, Hani January 2014 (has links)
Corporate governance practice differs regionally and nationally, depending on how each legal environment protects minority investors, capital markets and company ownership structure. Governance can also change spectacularly in regions or countries with comparatively high levels of institutional investment. The notion of institutional investors' activism is increasingly important in developed markets as the ideal corporate governance mechanism to monitor corporate managers and overcome agency problems arising from dispersed corporate ownership in modern companies. These institutions can work together on an improved corporate governance framework more effectively than individual investors, monitoring corporate controllers of listed companies in emerging and developing markets, using their influence more vigorously and in ways more fitting to a concentrated ownership environment such as that in Saudi Arabia. Consequently, the role of institutional investors in emerging and developing markets will depend strongly on institutional investors' activism and the arrangements determined and undertaken by the corporate governance regulatory framework in these markets. In considering the influential role of institutional investors to improve corporate governance practice, a high level of minority shareholder protection thus remains an indicator of good corporate governance and regulatory pressure of rights and incentives, which are necessary to empower non-controlling shareholders in these concentrated ownership markets to exert a strong activist influence in monitoring corporate activities, thus improving the corporate governance practices of investee companies. In this context, this thesis contends that in Saudi Arabia in particular, shareholder involvement in corporate governance is inadequate, as a result of a variety of economic and regulatory obstacles. It goes on to identify what improvements are necessary and where, to ensure a sound framework for effective institutional investor activism and to improve the level of minority shareholder protection. It also cautions Saudi legislators against erecting hurdles to the future engagement of Saudi and foreign institutional investors in monitoring corporate activities which may affect the conditions for access, allocation and monitoring of equity, which is so important for value creation and sustainable economic growth. The main benefit to be derived from this research is that it facilitates a fuller understanding of the Saudi approach to corporate governance, the corporate ownership environment and trends in the capital market. The analysis also deepens knowledge of corporate governance regimes, including the role of institutional investors, and of their characteristics and investment behaviours. In short, it considers whether institutional investors are willing or have been encouraged to use their power to engage in the companies in which they invest and whether they are qualified to solve the agency problem.
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非傳統金融機構的聯合貸款行為研究 / Loan Syndications by Non-Banks Financial Institutions李宗霈, LI, Zong Pei Unknown Date (has links)
近來非傳統(Non-banks)金融機構(非銀行機構),不論在聯合貸款市場或是在一般貸款市場所參與的程度愈來愈多,所承作的借款金額也逐年增加。這樣的趨勢尤其以歐美市場更為明顯。而一般文獻對於非銀行機構在聯合貸款市場與傳統金融機構在貸款條件差異的相關研究較少,因此本文研究非銀行機構利用1995至2007年美國企業在聯合貸款市場的資料,透過結合「Thomson Reuters LPC’s Dealscan」以及「Compustat」資料庫,分析包括融資公司(Finance Company)、投資銀行(Investment Bank)、保險公司(Insurance Company)、機構投資者(Institutional Investors) 的聯貸條件,實證結果發現非銀行機構參與的聯貸案件,通常都會要求較高的借款利率,其中又以保險公司所要求的借款利率為最高,可見非銀行機構是屬於追求較高風險的中介機構,但是本文也發現非銀行機構卻也會承作貸款期間較長的契約。
本文同時探討2000年美國通過金融服務業現代化法案是否對於非銀行機構造成影響,實證結果發現母公司為金融控股公司的非銀行機構在通過金融服務業現代化法案後,會放款給較高風險的公司,說明了在允許跨業經營下,隸屬金控的非銀行機構子公司承做風險較高的貸款業務非銀行機構。 / Non-bank institutions have participated in the commercial lending market and syndication market in recent years, especially in the U.S market. However, the literature addressing this issue is sparse. This paper aims to analyze the effects of participation by Non-bank lenders in the syndicated loan markets.We examine the loan contracts which started from 1995 to 2007, and use 「Thomson Reuters LPC’s Dealscan」and 「Compustat」datasets to analyze the lending behavior of Non-banks. Empirical results show that when the Non-banks participate in the loan market, they tend to charge higher credit spreads. However, when Non-banks participate in the facility, they also provide longer-maturity loans.
Furthermore, this research also examines the effect of Financial Services Modernization Act‘s influence on lending behavior. The results show that after the Act was put into force, non-banks that are associated with Financial Holding Company tend to be more risk-taking. We find that Financial Holding Company would transfer the more risky operation into non-bank subsidiaries after they are allowed to cross sell their products.
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Le gouvernement d’entreprise en droit européen et brésilien comparéLaranjeira, Rodrigo de Almeida 08 September 2016 (has links)
Corporate Governance hat einen radikalen Wandel in Europa seit den 1990er Jahren durchgemacht. Der Wandel ist konsolidiert und ist nun Teil des Rechts der modernen Aktiengesellschaften. Brasilianisches Recht wird immer durch die europäische Gesetzgebung inspiriert. Unsere Studie fragt, aus einer vergleichenden Sicht, ob sich das brasilianische Unternehmensrecht auf die europäische Corporate Governance bezieht. Wir konzentrieren uns in Europa auf das deutsche Recht, das englische Recht, das französische Recht und das europäische Recht. Unsere Analyse geht über die Herzen der Unternehmensführung und umfasst Teile, die dem Kapitalmarkt- und dem Umweltrecht angehören, da sie selbstverständlich auch eine Verbindung mit der Corporate Governance und dem Aktienrecht haben. Das Verständnis des Kerns der Unternehmensführung, welcher die Organisation der Verwaltungsorgane der börsennotierten Aktiengesellschaft ist, hängt von der Analyse der rechtlichen Behandlung von Neben-Themen, die aber verwandt sind, ab, wie die Regeln über die Haftung. / Corporate governance has undergone a radical change in Europe since the 1990s. Change has now consolidated and is part of the company law. Brazilian law has always been inspired by European legislation. Our study asks, from a comparative perspective, if the Brazilian corporate law relates to the European corporate governance. In Europe, we focus on German law, English law, French law and Community law. Our analysis goes beyond the heart of corporate governance and includes parts of capital markets law and environmental law, because they obviously also have a connection with corporate governance and company law. The understanding of the core of corporate governance, which is the organization of administrative bodies of the listed company on a regulated market, depends on the analysis of the legal treatment of incidental subjects, but related, as the regime of liability.
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An Empirical Analysis of Herd Behavior in Sweden's First North Growth Market on NASDAQ NordicSingh, Bavneet, Maslarov, Boris January 2024 (has links)
In this paper, market participants’ tendency to form investor herds in the stocks listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market of Sweden is examined for the period from 2018 to 2023. The models used in this study to detect herd behavior in stocks consist of two measures of dispersions, Cross-Sectional Standard Deviation of returns (CSSD) and Cross-Sectional Absolute Deviation of returns (CSAD), which were proposed by Christie and Huang (1995) and Chang, et al. (2000), respectively. An equally-weighted index consisting of all of the stocks that have traded on this market during the period is created and a quantitative analysis is conducted. Evidence showed absence of herd behavior when using both models, as well as when accounting for robustness tests consisting of small, mid-and large cap portfolios. Our results also support the prediction of rational asset pricing models, which suggest that stock return dispersions around the market returns increase during periods of market stress.
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