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Optimisation des réseaux : réseau actif et flexible / Networks optimization : active and flexible networkTouré, Sellé 20 October 2014 (has links)
Le Système Électrique est soumis ces dernières années à plusieurs évolutions, depuis la dérégulationdu marché d'énergie à l'intégration de plus en plus importante de Générateurs Dispersés (GED). Ainsi,dans le cadre du concept de Smart Grid, les nouvelles technologies de l'information et de lacommunication (NTIC) offrent de nouvelles perspectives pour la gestion et l'exploitation des réseauxde distribution.Dans ce contexte, de nouveaux outils sont étudiés. Encore appelés Fonctions Avancéesd’Automatisation (FAA), le but principal de ces outils est d’utiliser tous les composants du réseau dedistribution de manière coordonnée en vue de les rendre plus actifs, flexibles et d’augmenter leurefficacité opérationnelle. Dans notre cas, nous avons étudié les fonctions associées à la reconfigurationen régime normal, du réglage de la tension et l’hybridation de ces deux derniers, tout en tenant comptede la présence des GED. En partant du comportement physique inhérent aux composants du réseau,plusieurs modèles ont été proposés. Certains sont tirés de la théorie des graphes et d’autres sur l’outilpuissant de la reformulation mathématique pour « convexifier » nos modèles. Cette modélisationadoptée répond à la fois à la nécessité de prendre en compte tous les moyens de réglages qui peuventêtre discrets (prises des transformateurs avec régleurs en charge ou des gradins de condensateurs),binaires (état de connectivité des composants) et continues (puissance réactive de la DG) et par lechoix des outils et des algorithmes d'optimisation mixte. En effet, la complexité de ces problèmes sonttelles que nous avons exploré à la fois des algorithmes méta-heuristiques (ACF : Algorithme desColonies de Fourmis) que déterministes (Décomposition de Benders Généralisée, Algorithme duBranch and Cut). / The Electric Power System is undergoing a lot of evolutions in recent years, including the energymarket deregulation and the increasing integration of Dispersed Generators (DG). Therefore, withinthe framework of Smart Grid concept, the New Information and Communication Technologies (NICT)provide new perspectives to manage and operate distribution networks.In this context, new tools, called Advanced Distribution Automation functions (ADA, are beingstudied). The main objective of these tools is to use all the distribution network components in acoordinated manner to make them more active and flexible, in addition to increasing their operationalefficiency. In our case, we studied the functions associated with the reconfiguration problem, thevoltage control problem and the hybridization of these two, while taking into account the presence ofthe DG. Based on the inherent components of network physical models, several models have beenproposed. Some are derived from the graph theory and others use powerful mathematicalreformulation to make our models convex. The adopted models answer to the necessity of taking intoaccount all regulation means, which can be discrete (On Load Tap-Changer and capacitor banks),binary (components connectivity such as lines or transformers) and continuous (DG reactive power ),and by the choice of tools and algorithms of mixed optimization. Indeed, the complexity of theseproblems is such that we have explored both algorithms: meta-heuristic (ACA, Ant Colony Algorithm)and deterministic (Generalized Benders Decomposition, Branch and Cut Algorithm).
1072 |
[pt] Na indústria do petróleo e gás, uma das atividades de maior importância é a intervenção em poços para serviços de manutenção, a qual é necessária para garantir a produção de petróleo. Estas intervenções são realizadas por sondas workover que são disponibilizadas para atender uma grande quantidade de poços
segundo um itinerário. Nesta tese são propostos três modelos de programação linear inteira para abordar eficientemente o problema de intervenção em poços terrestres de petróleo. O primeiro modelo determina o itinerário de um conjunto de sondas homogêneas, visando minimizar a perda total de produção. Este modelo é um aprimoramento do modelo proposto por Costa e Ferreira Filho (2004). O segundo modelo é uma extensão do anterior e considera também o dimensionamento de uma frota de sondas heterogênea, procurando minimizar o custo de perda de produção e o custo de aluguel de sondas. O terceiro modelo é
uma abordagem estocástica que estende o segundo modelo e consiste em dimensionar uma frota de sondas considerando o tempo de intervenção incerto. A incerteza do tempo de intervenção é representada mediante a geração de cenários, usando para este fim os métodos de Monte Carlo, Redução de Cenários e Quasi-Monte Carlo. Os testes de estabilidade propostos por Kaut e Wallace (2003) são aplicados para avaliar os métodos de geração de cenários e estabelecer o número de cenários adequados para resolver o problema. Para avaliar o desempenho dos modelos propostos, diversos experimentos computacionais foram realizados em instâncias de pequeno, médio e grande porte. Todas as instâncias são baseadas em casos reais no Brasil. Os resultados mostram que os modelos propostos foram capazes de resolver todas as instâncias utilizadas, inclusive aquelas de grande porte, demonstrando serem eficientes quando comparadas com várias metaheurísticas, pois produzem soluções exatas em um curto tempo computacional. Uma análise do impacto nas soluções quando ocorre uma mudança no preço de petróleo e no horizonte de planejamento também é realizada. A metodologia de resolução empregada no terceiro modelo mostrou que o método Quasi-Monte Carlo proporcionou os melhores cenários para representar a incerteza e também o potencial do modelo para resolver problemas de grande porte. / [en] In the oil and gas industry, one of the most important activities is the intervention in wells for maintenance services, which is necessary to ensure the production of oil. These interventions are performed by workover rigs that are available to serve a large number of wells according to a schedule. In this thesis, we proposed three integer linear programming models to efficiently address the problem of intervention in onshore oil wells. The first model determines the schedule of a set of homogeneous rigs, with the objective of minimizing the total production loss. This model is an improvement of the model proposed by Costa
and Ferreira Filho (2004). The second model is an extension of the previous one and also considers the sizing of a heterogeneous rig fleet, with the objective of minimizing the production loss cost and the rig rental cost. The third model is a stochastic approach that extends the second model and consists of sizing a rig fleet considering the uncertainty in the intervention time. The uncertainty in the intervention time is represented by the generation of scenarios, using for this purpose the Monte Carlo, Scenario Reduction, and Quasi-Monte Carlo methods. The stability tests proposed by Kaut and Wallace (2003) are applied to evaluate the scenario generation methods and to establish the number of appropriate scenarios to solve the problem. To evaluate the performance of the proposed models, several computational experiments were performed in small, medium and large instances. All instances are based on real cases in Brazil. The results show that the proposed models were able to solve all of the instances considered, including the large instances, proving to be efficient when compared to various metaheuristics, as they produce exact solutions in small computational time. An analysis of the impact on the solutions when there is a change in the oil price and the planning horizon is also carried out. The resolution methodology employed in the third model showed that the Quasi-Monte Carlo method provided the best scenarios to represent the uncertainty and also the potential of the model to solve large-scale problems.
1073 |
[pt] O presente trabalho desenvolve um novo modelo para um problema logístico de remanejamento de placas entre pilhas em um Pátio de Placas de uma Laminação, típico da indústria siderúrgica. Esta abordagem inclui uma nova característica que indica o destino das placas remanejadas. Uma nova metodologia de decisão altera sensivelmente o escopo do problema e traz um novo conceito: o balanço entre a escolha ótima das placas e o possível destino das placas remanejadas, ou seja, deve-se pesar a escolha da placa a ser laminada juntamente com a possibilidade de um bom remanejamento das placas que estão acima da
mesma. Esse modelo não linear é linearizado por técnicas de linearização e resolvido através de programação linear inteira. Com isso, o estudo apresenta uma redução no tempo médio de manuseio de placas (TMM) de 5 minutos por placa laminada encontrado na literatura existente, para menos de 4 minutos. Finalmente o modelo proposto incentiva a construção de uma ferramenta de gestão que possa
resolver o problema SSS em situações práticas do dia-a-dia através de redução de custo de operação como forma de viabilizar o investimento nesta ferramenta. / [en] This work develops a new model for a typical logistic problem in the steel industry known as slab stack shuffling problem inside a Slab Yard of a Rolling Mill. This new approach includes a new feature that indicates the destination stacks of shuffled slabs. A new decision methodology changes significantly thescope of the problem and introduces a new concept: the balance between optimal choice of the rolled slabs and possible destinations for shuffled slabs which means it must weigh the choice of the slab to be rolled engaged with a low cost shuffle operation for the slabs that are above the chosen slab. This nonlinear model is linearized through specific modeling techniques and solved by integer linear programming. Thus, this work shows a reduction in average handling time (TMM) from 5 minutes per rolled slab found in the literature, to less than 4 minutes. Finally, the proposed model encourages the construction of a management tool that can solve the SSS problem in practical daily situations through operating costs reduction as a payback of investment in this tool.
1074 |
Nouvelles propriétés de transport dans les systèmes d'électrons multicouches / Novel transport properties in multilayer electron systemsWiedmann, Steffen 01 October 2010 (has links)
Ce travail de cette thèse présente les études sur l'influence du nouveau dégrée de liberté quantique, causé par le couplage tunnel entre les couches, sur les propriétés de transport des multi-puits quantiques dans un champ magnétique, à basse température, et sous irradiation micro-ondes. De nouvelles oscillations de résistance sont observées dans les systèmes d’électrons bi- et multicouches. Elles résultent d'une interférence entre les oscillations entre les sous-bandes et les oscillations induites par les micro-ondes. Des états à résistance nulle apparaissent lorsque les systèmes bicouches de haute qualité sous irradiation micro-ondes même en présence d’une diffusion additionnelle. Le mécanisme inélastique de la photorésistance est la contribution dominante à basses températures et sous un champ électronique modéré. Ce modèle confirme l'intégrité des estimations théoriques pour le temps de relaxation inélastique et mène à une explication satisfaisante de la photorésistance dans les systèmes d’électrons bi-et multicouches. Dans un champ magnétique intense, la suppression de l’effet tunnel entre les couches provoque des nouveaux états corrélés à cause d’une interaction électron-électron entre les différentes couches. Dans cette thèse, les systèmes électroniques tricouches, formés par de triples puits quantiques révèlent de nouveaux états de l’effet Hall Quantique fractionnaire si l’effet tunnel est supprimé par une composante parallèle du champ magnétique aux très basses températures (mK). / This work is devoted to the investigation of the influence of the additional quantum degree of freedom caused by tunnel coupling on transport properties of multilayer electron systems in magnetic fields, at low temperatures and under microwave excitation. Microwave-induced resistance oscillations in bi- and multilayer electron systems are the consequence of an interference of magneto-intersubband and microwave-induced resistance oscillations which leads to peculiar oscillations in magnetoresistance. High-quality bilayer systems exposed to microwave irradiation exhibit zero-resistance states even in the presence of intersubband scattering. The inelastic mechanism of microwave photoresistance is found to be the dominant contribution at low temperatures and moderate microwave electric field. This model confirms the reliability of theoretical estimates for the inelastic relaxation time and leads to a satisfactory explanation of photoresistance in bi- and multilayer electron systems. In high magnetic fields, the suppression of tunnelling between layers causes new correlated states owing to electron-electron interaction in neighboured layers. In this thesis, trilayer electron systems formed by triple quantum wells reveal new fractional quantum Hall states if tunnelling is suppressed by a parallel component of the magnetic field at mK temperatures.
1075 |
Otimizacão da coordenação de relés de sobrecorrente direcionais em sistemas elétricos de potência utilizando a programação inteira binária / Optimization of coordination of directional overcurrent relays in electric power systems using binary integer programmingCorrêa, Rafael 23 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work aims to optimize the coordination of microprocessor-based directional overcurrent relays in power systems using Binary Integer Programming (BIP). Two new mathematical models of BIP are presented. The first determines only the Time Multiplier of each relay, while the second determines simultaneously the Time Multiplier and Current Multiplier of each relay. These models have a great advantage over the Linear Programming (LP) and Nonlinear Programming (NLP) models to determine the relay settings directly within the range provided by these instead of the LP and NLP which use continuous variables. Thus, it avoids the rounding of settings to the closest values available in the relays, which can cause failures in coordination. Still, the algorithms used to solve these BIP models do not require an initial guess, unlike what happens in NLP, and the search from getting trapped in local minima. This paper presents the NLP and LP models considered and the necessary changes in order to obtain the two new BIP models. To validate the new mathematical models of coordination of overcurrent relays and compare them with the models which use continuous variables, the proposed methodology is applied in phase and earth protection of two test systems of different sizes considering whether or not the instantaneous unit of each relay. The results are evaluated in terms of the Objective Function, the obtained settings and operating times of relays for faults within the zone of primary protection. Thus, it is shown that the proposed models have the ability to determine the optimal solution of the problem in a reduced computational time and without the need to make any changes to the final solution. These models can also integrate a software aid to decision making by the protection engineer, allowing to interact in the construction of mathematical model to customize the final solution. / Este trabalho visa otimizar a coordenação de relés de sobrecorrente direcionais microprocessados em sistemas elétricos de potência com o auxílio da Programação Inteira Binária (PIB). Dois novos modelos matemáticos de PIB são apresentados. O primeiro determina somente o Multiplicador de Tempo de cada relé, enquanto que o segundo determina simultaneamente o Multiplicador de Tempo e o Multiplicador de Corrente de cada relé. Esses modelos possuem como grande vantagem em relação aos modelos de Programação Linear (PL) e de Programação Não Linear (PNL) a determinação dos ajustes dos relés diretamente dentro da faixa por estes disponibilizada, ao contrário desses últimos que utilizam variáveis contínuas. Dessa forma, evita-se o arredondamento dos ajustes para os valores mais próximos disponíveis nos relés, o que pode causar falhas na coordenação. Ainda, os algoritmos destinados à resolução desses modelos de PIB não necessitam de um valor inicial, ao contrário do que ocorre na PNL, e evita-se que a solução fique estagnada em ótimos locais durante o processo de busca. Este trabalho apresenta os modelos de PNL e PL considerados e as alterações necessárias para que se obtenha os dois novos modelos de PIB. Para validar os novos modelos de coordenação de relés de sobrecorrente e compará-los com os modelos que utilizam variáveis contínuas, a metodologia proposta é aplicada na proteção de fase e de neutro de dois sistemas teste de diferentes portes considerando, ou não, a unidade instantânea de cada relé. Os resultados são avaliados em termos da Função Objetivo, dos ajustes obtidos e dos tempos de operação dos relés para faltas dentro da zona de proteção primária. Desse modo, é demonstrado que os modelos propostos têm a capacidade de determinar a solução ótima do problema em um tempo computacional reduzido e sem a necessidade de se realizar quaisquer modificações na solução final. Esses modelos podem, ainda, integrar um software de auxílio à tomada de decisões por parte do engenheiro de proteção, permitindo a interação na construção do modelo matemático para que a solução final seja personalizada.
1076 |
Integration of waste heat recovery in process sitesOluleye, Oluwagbemisola Olarinde January 2016 (has links)
Exploitation of waste heat could achieve economic and environmental benefits, while at the same time increase energy efficiency in process sites. Diverse commercialised technologies exist to recover useful energy from waste heat. In addition, there are multiple on-site and offsite end-uses of recovered energy. The challenge is to find the optimal mix of technologies and end-uses of recovered energy taking into account the quantity and quality of waste heat sources, interactions with interconnected systems and constraints on capital investment. Explicit models for waste heat recovery technologies that are easily embedded within appropriate process synthesis frameworks are proposed in this work. A novel screening tool is also proposed to guide selection of technology options. The screening tool considers the deviation of the actual performance from the ideal performance of technologies, where the actual performance takes into account irreversibilities due to finite temperature heat transfer. Results from applying the screening tool show that better temperature matching between heat sources and technologies reduces the energy quality degradation during the conversion process. A ranking criterion is also proposed to evaluate end-uses of recovered energy. Applying the ranking criterion shows the use to which energy recovered from waste heat is put determines the economics and potential to reduce CO2 emissions when waste heat recovery is integrated in process sites. This thesis also proposes a novel methodological framework based on graphical and optimization techniques to integrate waste heat recovery into existing process sites. The graphical techniques are shown to provide useful insights into the features of a good solution and assess the potential in industrial waste heat prior to detailed design. The optimization model allows systematic selection and combination of waste heat source streams, selection of technology options, technology working fluids, and exploitation of interactions with interconnected systems. The optimization problem is formulated as a Mixed Integer Linear Program, solved using the branch-and-bound algorithm. The objective is to maximize the economic potential considering capital investment, maintenance costs and operating costs of the selected waste heat recovery technologies. The methodology is applied to industrial case studies. Results indicate that combining waste heat recovery options yield additional increases in efficiency, reductions in CO2 emissions and costs. The case study also demonstrates that significant benefits from waste heat utilization can be achieved when interactions with interconnected systems are considered simultaneously. The thesis shows that the methodology has potential to identify, screen, select and combine waste heat recovery options for process sites. Results suggest that recovery of waste heat can improve the energy security of process sites and global energy security through the conservation of fuel and reduction in CO2 emissions and costs. The methodological framework can inform integration of waste heat recovery in the process industries and formulation of public policies on industrial waste heat utilization.
1077 |
[pt] No seu planejamento plurianual de investimentos, as organizações do setor de Exploração e Produção (EeP) estruturam alternativas de projetos de produção de petróleo e gás natural, sujeitas a diversas restrições e a incertezas técnicas e econômicas. Como não há como assegurar que os resultados dos projetos ocorram conforme o previsto, é possível que seu retorno seja inferior ao esperado, o que, dependendo da relevância, pode provocar um efeito adverso no resultado operacional e nas condições financeiras da companhia. Nesse mérito, a dissertação apresenta e aplica um modelo de programação estocástica linear inteira mista para seleção de portfólio de projetos que permita a maximização dos resultados, com restrição de risco. A aplicação considerou dados realistas do segmento de upstream de uma empresa do setor. Para representar os cenários econômicos, optou-se pela utilização da simulação de Monte Carlo do modelo Movimento Geométrico Browniano. Com o Valor Presente Líquido como retorno e Conditional Value-at-Risk representando a medida de risco, foi possível estabelecer a fronteira eficiente do risco-retorno, com a qual o decisor pode definir uma solução de portfólio, conforme sua aversão ao risco. / [en] In their multi-annual investment planning, oil and gas companies consider alternatives of production projects, subject to a variety of constraints, and technical and economic uncertainties. Considering that it is not possible to guarantee that these projects will perform as predicted, the return can be less than expected and can lead to a significant adverse effect to the operational results and to financial conditions of a given organization. Therefore, this dissertation proposes a mixed integer linear stochastic programming model for project portfolio selection that maximizes the return with risk constraint. The application considered realistic data from the upstream segment of an oil and gas company. Monte Carlo simulation of the Geometric Brownian Motion model was considered to represent the economic scenarios. Using the Net Present Value as the function and Conditional Value-at-Risk as a risk measure, it was possible to establish the efficient frontier of risk-return, which can assist the decision-maker to define the project portfolio according to their risk aversion.
1078 |
Optimisation convexe non-différentiable et méthodes de décomposition en recherche opérationnelle / Convex nonsmooth optimization and decomposition methods in operations researchZaourar, Sofia 04 November 2014 (has links)
Les méthodes de décomposition sont une application du concept de diviser pour régner en optimisation. L'idée est de décomposer un problème d'optimisation donné en une séquence de sous-problèmes plus faciles à résoudre. Bien que ces méthodes soient les meilleures pour un grand nombre de problèmes de recherche opérationnelle, leur application à des problèmes réels de grande taille présente encore de nombreux défis. Cette thèse propose des améliorations méthodologiques et algorithmiques de méthodes de décomposition. Notre approche est basée sur l'analyse convexe et l'optimisation non-différentiable. Dans la décomposition par les contraintes (ou relaxation lagrangienne) du problème de planification de production électrique, même les sous-problèmes sont trop difficiles pour être résolus exactement. Mais des solutions approchées résultent en des prix instables et chahutés. Nous présentons un moyen simple d'améliorer la structure des prix en pénalisant leurs oscillations, en utilisant en particulier une régularisation par variation totale. La consistance de notre approche est illustrée sur des problèmes d'EDF. Nous considérons ensuite la décomposition par les variables (ou de Benders) qui peut avoir une convergence excessivement lente. Avec un point de vue d'optimisation non-différentiable, nous nous concentrons sur l'instabilité de l'algorithme de plans sécants sous-jacent à la méthode. Nous proposons une stabilisation quadratique de l'algorithme de Benders, inspirée par les méthodes de faisceaux en optimisation convexe. L'accélération résultant de cette stabilisation est illustrée sur des problèmes de conception de réseau et de localisation de plates-formes de correspondance (hubs). Nous nous intéressons aussi plus généralement aux problèmes d'optimisation convexe non-différentiable dont l'objectif est coûteux à évaluer. C'est en particulier une situation courante dans les procédures de décomposition. Nous montrons qu'il existe souvent des informations supplémentaires sur le problème, faciles à obtenir mais avec une précision inconnue, qui ne sont pas utilisées dans les algorithmes. Nous proposons un moyen d'incorporer ces informations incontrôlées dans des méthodes classiques d'optimisation convexe non-différentiable. Cette approche est appliquée avec succès à desproblèmes d'optimisation stochastique. Finalement, nous introduisons une stratégie de décomposition pour un problème de réaffectation de machines. Cette décomposition mène à une nouvelle variante de problèmes de conditionnement vectoriel (vectorbin packing) où les boîtes sont de taille variable. Nous proposons des heuristiques efficaces pour ce problème, qui améliorent les résultats de l'état de l'art du conditionnement vectoriel. Une adaptation de ces heuristiques permet de construire des solutions réalisables au problème de réaffectation de machines de Google. / Decomposition methods are an application of the divide and conquer principle to large-scale optimization. Their idea is to decompose a given optimization problem into a sequence of easier subproblems. Although successful for many applications, these methods still present challenges. In this thesis, we propose methodological and algorithmic improvements of decomposition methods and illustrate them on several operations research problems. Our approach heavily relies on convex analysis and nonsmooth optimization. In constraint decomposition (or Lagrangian relaxation) applied to short-term electricity generation management, even the subproblems are too difficult to solve exactly. When solved approximately though, the obtained prices show an unstable noisy behaviour. We present a simple way to improve the structure of the prices by penalizing their noisy behaviour, in particular using a total variation regularization. We illustrate the consistency of our regularization on real-life problems from EDF. We then consider variable decomposition (or Benders decomposition), that can have a very slow convergence. With a nonsmooth optimization point of view on this method, we address the instability of Benders cutting-planes algorithm. We present an algorithmic stabilization inspired by bundle methods for convex optimization. The acceleration provided by this stabilization is illustrated on network design andhub location problems. We also study more general convex nonsmooth problems whose objective function is expensive to evaluate. This situation typically arises in decomposition methods. We show that it often exists extra information about the problem, cheap but with unknown accuracy, that is not used by the algorithms. We propose a way to incorporate this coarseinformation into classical nonsmooth optimization algorithms and apply it successfully to two-stage stochastic problems.Finally, we introduce a decomposition strategy for the machine reassignment problem. This decomposition leads to a new variant of vector bin packing problems, where the bins have variable sizes. We propose fast and efficient heuristics for this problem that improve on state of the art results of vector bin packing problems. An adaptation of these heuristics is also able to generate feasible solutions for Google instances of the machine reassignment problem.
1079 |
[pt] A relação entre as atividades logísticas desempenhadas nas empresas de telecomunicações e sua prestação de serviço parece, para o público em geral, estarem desassociadas. Entretanto, a necessidade de atendimento de áreas extensas associadas a redução custos, coloca essas atividades, ditas não-essenciais, no grupo de atividades estratégicas. Através da introdução do ambiente de telecomunicações brasileiro, da importância da logística para este serviço e do estudo de problemas de localização, a presente dissertação de mestrado desenvolve um modelo MIP - Mix Integer Programming – dinâmico para o problema de localização de hubs conhecido como: ULP - Uncapacitated Hub Location Problem, sendo este modelo utilizado na análise de um estudo de caso real de uma operadora de serviços de telecomunicações via satélite, onde foram obtidos insights quanto o nível de redução de custo através do redesenho da rede de distribuição e da escolha de novos pontos de armazenagem, sendo comprovados através um estudo estocástico com 500 cenários aleatórios. / [en] The relationship between logistics activities performed on telecommunications companies and their service delivery seems, to the public, is disassociated. However, the need to service large areas associated with reducing costs, puts these activities nonessential into to the group of strategic activities. Through the introduction of the Brazilian telecommunications environment, the importance of logistics for this service and the study location problems, this master thesis develops a dynamic MIP model - Mix Integer Programming - for the hub location problem known as ULP - Uncapacitated Hub Location Problem, and this model is used in the analysis of a real case study of an satellite telecommunications operator. which were obtained insights into the level of reducing cost by redesigning of distribution network and the choice of new warehouse points, being demonstrated by a stochastic study of 500 random scenarios.
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Optimisation de la gestion des avions dans un aéroport : affectation aux points de stationnement, routage au sol et ordonnancement à la piste. / Optimization of airport operations : stand allocation, ground routing and runway sequencingGuepet, Julien 03 December 2015 (has links)
Le cadre de cette thèse est l'optimisation des opérations aéroportuaires. Nous nous intéressons à trois problèmes de gestion des avions dans un aéroport : l'affectation aux points de stationnement, le routage au sol entre les pistes et les points de stationnement, et l'ordonnancement des décollages et des atterrissages.Ce travail a été réalisée en collaboration étroite avec la société Amadeus. Nos approches ont été testées et validées avec des données réelles provenant d'aéroports européens.Nous proposons une formulation en Programme Linéaire en Nombres Entiers (PLNE) du problème d'affectation aux points de stationnement. Nous montrons que trouver une affectation réalisable est un problème NP-Complet et nous proposons diverses améliorations visant à réduire le temps de résolution de notre modèle. Nous obtenons ainsi des solutions de meilleure qualité que celles de la littérature, tout en conservant un temps de calcul raisonnable.Le problème de routage au sol est modélisé en adaptant un PLNE de la littérature. Nous montrons que les indicateurs de l'industrie sont en contradiction avec l'objectif de réduction du temps de roulage, et donc des émissions de pollutions. Nous proposons de nouveaux indicateurs basés sur l'heure de décollage, et non sur l'heure de départ du point de stationnement.Enfin, nous nous intéressons à l'intégration de l'ordonnancement à la piste avec le routage au sol. Nous montrons qu'une meilleure intégration permet de réduire le temps de roulage et d'améliorer la gestion de la piste. Nous proposons une heuristique séquentielle basée sur une modélisation en PLNE innovante du problème d'ordonnancement à la piste. Nous montrons que cette heuristique fournit des solutions de bonne qualité en temps raisonnable, contrairement à l'approche exacte de la littérature. / In this thesis, we address the optimization of aircraft ground operations at airports, focusing on three main optimization problems: the stand allocation, the ground routing between stands and runways, and the sequencing of take-offs and landings.These works result from a close collaboration with Amadeus. Our approaches have been tested and validated with real data from European airports.The stand allocation problem is formulated as a Mixed Integer Program (MIP). We show that finding an allocation plan respecting operational requirements is NP-Complete and we strengthen our model in several directions. We obtain better solutions than the literature withing reasonable computation times for an industrial application.The ground routing problem is modeled by a MIP formulation adapted from the literature. We show that the main indicators of the industry are in contradiction with the objective of reducing taxi times and therefore air pollution. We propose new indicators based on take-off times instead of push back times.Lastly, we focus on the integration of the runway sequencing with the ground routing. We highlight that a better integration allows to reduce taxi times while improving the management of the runway. We propose a sequential heuristic based on an innovative MIP formulation of the runway sequencing problem. This heuristic is shown to provide high quality solutions in reasonable computation times, unlike the exact approach from the literature.
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