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Gouverner sans choisir : entre contrainte morale et réalisme politique : l'engagement français dans le processus d'interdiction des armes à sousmunitions (2003-2008)Dufournet, Hélène 25 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
En posant la question de l'influence des ONG sur la décision du gouvernement français d'adopter le traité d'interdiction des armes à sous-munitions à Oslo en décembre 2008, cette thèse offre l'occasion de revisiter tout un ensemble de travaux de Relations Internationales sur les conditions de succès des mobilisations transnationales dans la production et l'adoption des normes internationales. Alors que les théoriciens de relations internationales travaillent presque exclusivement sur ce qui se joue à l'échelle internationale, entre les ONG et les Etats, ce travail propose au contraire de resserrer la focale uniquement sur la prise de décision politique française. Il propose ainsi de chercher les raisons du " succès " des mobilisations transnationales non pas dans leurs caractéristiques propres, mais plutôt dans les logiques politiques et institutionnelles qui façonnent les décisions politiques nationales. Cette thèse décrit un processus de décision politique en partie imposée aux pouvoirs publics par une mobilisation transnationale. Elle montre ainsi comment l'espace des choix se restreint au point d'obliger les pouvoirs publics à adopter un traité de désarmement auquel ils auraient largement préféré se soustraire. Mais elle révèle également comment l'Etat n'en reste pas moins doté d'une capacité de gouverner qui lui permet de récupérer subtilement la main. C'est cette tension que signifie l'expression gouverner sans choisir.
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Pokročilá optimalizace toků v sítích / Advanced Optimization of Network FlowsCabalka, Matouš January 2018 (has links)
The master’s thesis focuses on the optimization models in logistics with emphasis on the network interdiction problem. The brief introduction is followed by two overview chapters - graph theory and mathematical programming. Important definitions strongly related to network interdiction problems are introduced in the chapter named Basic concepts of graph theory. Necessary theorems used for solving problems are following the definitions. Next chapter named Introduction to mathematical programming firstly contains concepts from linear programming. Definitions and theorems are chosen with respect to the following maximum flow problem and the derived dual problem. Concepts of stochastic optimization follow. In the fifth chapter, we discuss deterministic models of the network interdiction. Stochastic models of the network interdiction follow in the next chapter. All models are implemented in programmes written in the programming language GAMS, the codes are attached.
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Fundamentos y límites de la analogía in bonam partem en el derecho penalMontiel Fernández, Juan Pablo 20 September 2008 (has links)
Una adecuada interpretación del principio de legalidad ofrece buenas razones para admitir la analogía in bonam partem en el Derecho penal aunque de un modo limitado. Incluso cuando el juez mediante ésta excluye o limita el ejercicio del ius puniendi, el aplicador del Derecho penal debe seguir apegado a la ley. De este modo, la analogía in bonam partem debe ser vista como un mecanismo excepcional de integración del Derecho penal frente a inconsistencias axiológicas no previstas ni deseadas por el legislador. Estas excepcionales facultades creadoras reconocidas al juez tienen lugar frente a concretas instituciones jurídico-penales y dentro de un determinado marco argumentativo. En este sentido, la analogía in bonam partem es un medio para crear supralegalmente causas de justificación, causas de exculpación y atenuantes, mientras que no para crear excusas absolutorias. Igualmente, el juez puede crear Derecho solamente a partir de la analogía legis o la analogía institutionis, sin resultar posible acudir a la analogía iuris. / An adequate interpretation of the legality principle offers sound reasons to accept analogy in bonam partem in Criminal Law, though only in a limited way. Even when the judge excludes or limits the ius puniendi through the use of analogy, she should still be strictly subjected to the norm. Therefore the analogy in bonam partem must be seen as an exceptional mechanism of Criminal Law's Integration in the presence of axiological inconsistencies that the Parliament didn't foresee and didn't want. These exceptional law-making powers awarded to the judge refer to specific Criminal law institutions and in a specific argumentative framework. In this sense, analogy in bonam partem is an instrument to supra-legally create justifications, excuses, and mitigating circumstances, but not other types of punishment excluding institutions. In the same manner, the judge can create new Criminal Law only through legis Analogy and institutionis Analogy but not through iuris Analogy.
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Le changement de comportement du créancier en cours d'exécution du contrat. Étude de droit français et anglais / The promisor’s change of behaviour during the performance stage of the agreement. A study in French law and English lawLardaud-Clerc, Caroline 04 December 2015 (has links)
Le changement de comportement correspond à une situation dans laquelle, pendant l’exécution du contrat, le créancier adopte une attitude contraire au contenu de l’accord originel, pour ensuite exiger l’application de ce dernier. Confronté aux règles classiques du droit des contrats (intangibilité, consideration), cette volte-face ne devrait avoir aucune force juridique. Malgré cela, en interdisant au créancier de réclamer l’exécution de l’accord initial, les juges français et anglais introduisent cette situation dans la sphère juridique.Comme l’imprévision, le changement de comportement bouleverse l’exécution du contrat ; comme la bonne foi, il est fondé sur la morale ; comme l’abus de droit, il sanctionne l’inconstance ; comme l’apparence, il est à la frontière entre le fait et le droit. Il se singularise pourtant, car il ne se confond avec aucune autre insitution juridique. Par ailleurs distinct de la confiance légitime et de l’interdiction de se contredire auxquelles il est rattaché, il est en quête d’un régime juridique propre. Une construction s’impose alors. Elle est facilitée par le miroir de la comparaison des droits français et anglais.Le changement de comportement révèle une renonciation du créancier à la créance, rendue possible par les prérogatives contractuelles qu’il tient, elles-mêmes autorisées par sa propriété sur la créance ou le renforcement de sa titularité. L’efficacité de cette appréhension flexible du contenu contractuel requiert cependant l’anéantissement d’éventuels remparts procéduraux : l’interdiction du changement ne doit alors plus seulement être un moyen de défense contre la contradiction, mais exprimer un comportement juridiquement contraignant. / The change of behaviour refers to a situation in which, during the performance stage of the contract, the promisor behaves in a manner which is contrary to the existing contractual rights, but later neverthless insists on their application. Faced with the classic rules of contract law (sanctity of contracts, consideration), this volte-face should have no legal force. Yet, by prohibiting the promisor’s demand to perform the original agreement, French and English judges nevertheless introduce this situation in the law of contracts.Like frustration, the change of behaviour disrupts the performance of the contract ; like good faith and Equity, it is based on morality ; like an abuse of right, it punishes inconsistency ; like the theory of « apparence », it is in between facts and law. In spite of this, the change of behaviour stands out ; as it does not share the exact same scope as the expectations theory or the inconsistent behaviour theory, no other legal theory can wholly translate it into the law of the contracts. The change of behaviour therefore needs its proper legal framework which must consequently be found. The search is helped by the prism of comparative law, between French and Englis laws.The change of behaviour reveals a waiver of the promisor’s debt. The waiver is made possible by the contractual prerogatives he holds, prerogatives which are justified by the ownership of the debt. The efficiency of this flexible understanding of contractual content requires the obliteration of any litigation shield. As a consequence, forbidding the change should not only be seen as a defense against inconsistency, but should highlight a legally binding behaviour.
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The Limits of Fire Support: American Finances and Firepower Restraint during the Vietnam WarHawkins, John Michael 16 December 2013 (has links)
Excessive unobserved firepower expenditures by Allied forces during the Vietnam War defied the traditional counterinsurgency principle that population protection should be valued more than destruction of the enemy. Many historians have pointed to this discontinuity in their arguments, but none have examined the available firepower records in detail. This study compiles and analyzes available, artillery-related U.S. and Allied archival records to test historical assertions about the balance between conventional and counterinsurgent military strategy as it changed over time.
It finds that, between 1965 and 1970, the commanders of the U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV), Generals William Westmoreland and Creighton Abrams, shared significant continuity of strategic and tactical thought. Both commanders tolerated U.S. Army, Marine Corps, and Allied unobserved firepower at levels inappropriate for counterinsurgency and both reduced Army harassment and interdiction fire (H&I) as a response to increasing budgetary pressure. Before 1968, the Army expended nearly 40 percent of artillery ammunition as H&I – a form of unobserved fire that sought merely to hinder enemy movement and to lower enemy morale, rather than to inflict any appreciable enemy casualties. To save money, Westmoreland reduced H&I, or “interdiction” after a semantic name change in February 1968, to just over 29 percent of ammunition expended in July 1968, the first full month of Abrams’ command. Abrams likewise pursued dollar savings with his “Five-by-Five Plan” of August 1968 that reduced Army artillery interdiction expenditures to nearly ten percent of ammunition by January 1969. Yet Abrams allowed Army interdiction to stabilize near this level until early 1970, when recurring financial pressure prompted him to virtually eliminate the practice. Meanwhile, Marines fired H&I at historically high rates into the final months of 1970 and Australian “Harassing Fire” surpassed Army and Marine Corps totals during the same period. South Vietnamese artillery also fired high rates of H&I, but Filipino and Thai artillery eschewed H&I in quiet areas of operation and Republic of Korea [ROK] forces abandoned H&I in late 1968 as a direct response to MACV’s budgetary pressure. Financial pressure, rather than strategic change, drove MACV’s unobserved firepower reductions during the Vietnam War.
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