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"Sequenciamento da região NS5A do genoma do vírus da hepatite C, genótipo 3, de pacientes brasileiros com infecção crônica" / Sequencing of NS5A region of HCV genotype 3 in brazilian patienwith chronic diseaseFernanda de Mello Malta 05 September 2006 (has links)
No presente estudo, foram selecionados 33 pacientes infectados com HCV genótipo 3a, tratados com IFN e Ribavirina, incluindo pacientes cirróticos (C) e não-cirróticos (NC), respondedores (R) e não-respondedores (NR). Foi realizado o seqüenciamento das regiões E2 e NS5A do genoma do HCV. As seqüências geradas foram analisadas quanto a presença de mutações para correlacionarmos com a resposta virológica sustentada ao tratamento e com a presença de cirrose. Na análise estatística as mutações na região E2 não apresentaram diferença significante. As mutações conservadoras encontradas nas regiões NLS e V3 da NS5A apresentaram diferença significante. Estudos funcionais envolvendo a proteína NS5A são necessários para que possamos avaliar o valor preditivo das mutações conservadoras e não-conservadoras encontradas na NS5A / The aim of this study was to analyse the sequences of fragments of E2 and NS5A regions from 33 outpatients infected with HCV genotype 3, including cirrhotic (C) and non-cirrhotic (NC) patients that have responded (R) or not (NR) to treatment. In the E2 region, we did observe few amino acids changes between patients without statistical significance. In the NLS region and in V3 domain, we found conservatives mutations with statistical significance. In conclusion, our results confirm that the ISDR domain is not predictive for treatment success in patients infected with HCV genotype 3. The carboxy-terminal region and especifically V3 domain region showed most of variations. Structure-function studies are required to identify precisely how NS5A and IFN interact
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Avaliação na linhagem endotelial tEnd dos efeitos diretos da transferência gênica de IFNbeta e p19arf e efeitos parácrinos mediados pela linhagem B16 transduzida pelos mesmos vetores adenovirais / Distinct roles of direct transduction versus exposure to the tumor secretome on murine endothelial cells after melanoma gene therapy with interferon-? and p19ArfIgor de Luna Vieira 18 March 2016 (has links)
A vascularização tem um papel central na progressão tumoral e representa um alvo terapêutico de grande interesse. A inibição da angiogênese tem potencial de retardar a progressão tumoral e inibir metástase. Em decorrência disto, terapias anti-angiogênicas têm demonstrado ser promissora no controle do crescimento tumoral. Segundo a literatura, interferon-? (IFN?, ativador do sistema imune inato e adaptativo) e p19Arf (supressor de tumor e parceiro funcional de p53), quando estudados individualmente, alteram a vasculatura tumoral. Nosso grupo construiu e utilizou vetores adenovirais recombinantes portadores dos cDNAs de INFbeta e p19Arf e observou que a transferência desta combinação de genes induziu morte celular e diminuiu progressão tumoral, resultados foram observados em modelos murinos de melanoma B16 de terapia genica in situ, vacina profilática e vacina terapêutica. Neste trabalho, exploramos a ideia que a combinação dos vetores adenovirais portadores de INFbeta e p19Arf proporcionam efeitos anti-angiogênicos através de seu impacto em células endoteliais. Para averiguarmos essa hipótese, células endoteliais murinas (tEnd) foram transduzidas com os vetores adenovirais, revelando que o vetor Ad-p19 confere inibição da proliferação, formação de tubos, migração e induz aumento na expressão de genes relacionados a via de p53 e morte celular. O vetor Ad-IFNbeta sozinho ou adicionado em combinação com Ad-p19, não teve impacto significante nestes ensaios. Alternativamente, a influencia indireta, ou parácrina, nas células tEnd cultivadas juntamente com as células B16 transduzidas com os vetores adenovirais também foi investigada. Quando as células B16 foram transduzidas com Ad-IFNbeta ou a co-transdução Ad-IFNbeta+Ad-p19 em co-cultura com a linhagem tEnd, houve inibição da proliferação. Não observamos efeito inibitório na tEnd da co-cultura quando as células da B16 foram transduzidas somente com Ad-p19. Seguindo o ensaio de co-cultura, produzimos meio condicionado da B16 transduzida com os vetores e aplicamos esses meios nas células tEnd. Observamos que Ad-IFN, sozinho ou em combinação com Ad-19, diminuiu a viabilidade, proliferação e levou a morte das células tEnd. Neste trabalho, constamos que inibição de células endoteliais pode ser realizada por transdução direta com Ad-19 ou quando estas células são expostas ao ambiente modulado por células tumorais transduzidas com o vetor Ad-IFNbeta. Mesmo que a transferência gênica de ambos IFNbeta e p19Arf não demonstrou ser uma abordagem superior à aplicação dos genes isolados, observamos que nossa abordagem pode ter um impacto importante na inibição da angiogênese pelas células endoteliais / The vasculature plays a central role in tumor progression and represents a therapeutic target of great interest. Inhibition of angiogenesis has the potential to slow down tumor progression and inhibit metastasis. As a result, anti-angiogenic therapies have been shown to be promising for the control of tumor growth. According to the literature, interferon ? (IFN?, activator of the innate and adaptive immune systems) and p19Arf (tumor suppressor and functional partner of p53) when studied individually alter tumor vasculature. Our group has constructed and used recombinant adenovirus vectors carrying the cDNAs of INFbeta and p19Arf and noted that the transfer of this combination of genes induced cell death and decreased tumor progression, as observed in the B16 murine model of in situ melanoma gene therapy as well as prophylactic and therapeutic vaccine approaches. In this study, we explore the idea that the combination of adenoviral vectors bearing INFbeta and p19Arf produce anti-angiogenic effects due to their impact on endothelial cells. To test this hypothesis, murine endothelial cells (tEnd) were transduced with adenoviral vectors, revealing that Ad-p19 vector confers inhibition of proliferation, tube formation, migration and induces increased expression of genes related to the p53 cell death pathway. The Ad-IFNbeta vector alone had no significant impact on these tests. Alternatively, influences on paracrine effects are evaluated on endothelial cells co-cultured with B16 cells that were previously transduced with adenoviral vectors. When the B16 cells were transduced with Ad-IFNbeta or co-transduced with Ad-IFNbeta + Ad-p19, co-culture resulted in the inhibition of proliferation of the endothelial cells. When B16 cells were transduced with Ad-p19 only, co-culture did alter endothelial cell behavior. Following the co-culture assay, we produce conditioned medium from B16 cells that were transduced with the vectors and applied the media on tEnd cells. We noted that conditioned medium derived from B16 transduced with Ad-IFN alone or in combination with Ad-19 decreased the viability and proliferation and induced cell death of tEnd. In this work, we show that inhibition of endothelial cells can be performed directly by transduction with Ad-19 or when such cells are exposed to the environment modulated by tumor cells transduced with Ad-IFNbeta. Even though the gene transfer of both IFNbeta and p19 was not found to be superior to the application of single genes, we observed that our approach may have an important impact on the inhibition of angiogenesis through endothelial cells
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Células-tronco mensequimais como carreadoras de adenovírus no microambiente tumoral / Mesenchymal stem cell as carrier of adenovirus in the tumor microenvironmentRuana Calado da Costa 02 May 2017 (has links)
As muitas formas diferentes de câncer representam uma grande dimensão no âmbito da saúde pública mundial. Embora os esforços da medicina diagnóstica, vários tumores permanecem sem resposta à terapia tradicional. Uma alternativa é o uso de terapia gênica, a qual consiste a transferência de um gene terapêutico para a célula tumoral com a expectativa de inibição da progressão tumoral. Nosso laboratório desenvolveu uma série de vetores adenovirais onde a expressão do transgene é controlada pela p53 e usamos esses vetores para mostrar que a presença de p19Arf (um parceiro funcional de p53) sensibiliza células de melanoma murino, B16-F10 (p53-tipo selvagem), associado à ação do interferão-beta (IFNbeta, uma citocina pleiotrópica) quando testado in vitro. Mesmo que os vetores adenovirais representem o sistema de transferência gênica mais utilizado para a terapia de genes de câncer, seu uso por via sistêmica é limitado principalmente por inativação pelo sistema imune. Diferentes técnicas visam proteger as partículas de vírus do sistema imunológico e direcioná-las para o leito tumoral. Uma dessas técnicas envolve a utilização de células estaminais mesenquimais (MSCs). As propriedades dos MSC incluem a auto renovação, o potencial de diferenciação, bem como a sua capacidade de migrar e infiltrar tumores. Para este fim, nosso objetivo era utilizar MSCs murinos como portadores de adenovírus que expressam IFNbeta e para verificar se a presença de p19Arf nas células tumorais aumentaria a sua sensibilidade para IFNbeta. Para itso, os CTMs foram isolados da medula óssea ou do tecido adiposo de ratinhos C57BL/ 6 machos. Foi verificada a presença de marcadores de CTM (Sca1, CD29) e a ausência de marcadores para linhagens hematopoiéticas (CD31, CD11b, CD45). Sendo as CTM do tecido adiposo foram mais fáceis de cultivar, estes foram utilizados nos seguintes ensaios. In vitro, a aplicação do vector adenoviral que codifica um gene repórter (eGFP) resultou em mais de 70% de eficiênciamde transdução de CTM, sem indução de alterações morfológicas até 72 horas após o tratamento. A aplicação de vector portador de IFNbeta também foi bem tolerada, no entanto transdução com p19Arf sozinho ou em combinação com IFNbeta induziu alterações morfológicas nas CTMs. Em seguida, as células B16-F10 foram transduzidas ou não com o vetor codificando p19Arf e co-cultivadas com MSCs que foram transduzidas ou não com IFNbeta, demonstrando que a presença de p19Arf confere sensibilidade aumentada de células B16-F10 ao tratamento com IFNbeta . Em ensaios preliminares, os tumores B16-F10 foram estabelecidos subcutaneamente em camundongos C57BL / 6 e, posteriormente, as MSC marcadas com eGFP foram aplicadas na circulação após a injeção da veia da cauda. Após 48 horas, estes tumores foram recuperados e a presença de células positivas para eGFP foi confirmada, indicando que os MSCs se infiltraram no microambiente do tumor / The many different forms of cancer represent a tremendous investment for public health all over the world. Although the efforts of both diagnostic and therapeutic medicine have reduced the number of deaths due to cancer, many tumor types remain impervious to traditional therapy. An alternative is the use of gene therapy which entails the transfer of a therapeutic gene to the tumor cells with the expectation of inhibiting tumor progression. Our laboratory has developed a series of adenoviral vectors where transgene expression is controlled by p53 and we have used these vectors to show that the presence of p19Arf (a functional partner of p53) sensitizes murine melanoma cells, B16-F10 (p53-wild type), to the action of interferon-beta (IFNbeta, a pleiotropic cytokine) when tested in vitro. Even though adenoviral vectors are the most utilized gene transfer system for cancer gene therapy, their systemic application is limited principally by immune inactivation. Different techniques aim to protect the virus particles from the immune system and to direct them to the tumor bed. One of these techniques involves the utilization of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The properties of MSCs include self-renewal, the potential for differentiation as well as their ability to migrate to and infiltrate tumors. To this end, our objective was to utilize murine MSCs as carriers of adenovirus that express IFNbeta and to verify if the presence of p19Arf in the tumor cells would enhance their sensitivity to IFNbeta. For this, MSCs were isolated from bone marrow or adipose tissue from male C57BL/6 mice. The presence of MSC markers (Sca1, CD29) was verified as was the absence of markers for hematopoietic lineages (CD31, CD11b, CD45). Since the MSCs from adipose tissue were easier to cultivate, these were utilized in the following assays. In vitro, application of the adenoviral vector encoding a reporter gene (eGFP) at a multiplicity of infection of 1000 resulted in the transduction of more than 70% of the MSCs and without the induction of morphological alterations even by 72 hours post treatment. The application of a vector encoding IFN? was also well tolerated, however transduction with p19Arf alone or in combination with IFNbeta induced morphologic alterations in the MSCs. Next, B16-F10 cells were transduced or not with the vector encoding p19Arf and co-cultivated with MSCs that had been transduced or not with IFNbeta, demonstrating that the presence of p19Arf confers enhanced sensitivity of B16-F10 cells to the treatment with IFN?. In preliminary assays, B16-F10 tumors were established subcutaneously in C57BL/6 mice and later MSCs labeled with eGFP were applied in the circulation upon tail vein injection. After 48 hours, these tumors were recovered and the presence of eGFP-positive cells was confirmed, indicating that the MSCs infiltrated the tumor microenvironment
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Influência dos polimorfismos do gene IL-28B na resposta à terapia com interferon peguilado e ribavirina em pacientes tratados por hepatite C crônica / Influence of IL-28B gene polymorphisms in the response to pegylated interferon and ribavirin therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis CLuciane Lilian Cristina Patricio Martins 19 August 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Estima-se que a infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C (VHC) acometa 3% da população global constituindo a maior causa de cirrose hepática e hepatocarcinoma. Nos pacientes infectados pelo genótipo 1 do VHC, a terapia em vida real com interferon peguilado (PEG-IFN) e ribavirina (RBV) resulta em 30% a 50% de resposta virológica sustentada (RVS). Este desfecho é determinado por fatores de associados ao VHC (carga viral, genótipo, quasispécies), características do hospedeiro (etnia, gênero, fatores genéticos, comorbidades, adesão) e fatores ligados aos medicamentos. Estudos de associação genética ampla (GWAS) têm demonstrado que a presença dos polimorfismos (SNP) no gene da interleucina 28B (IL-28B) associam-se a resposta à terapia baseada em interferon. Os SNPs rs12979860, rs8099917 e rs12980275 têm sido amplamente estudados e pacientes com o perfil favorável têm maiores chances de alcançar a RVS ou a eliminação espontânea do VHC. Objetivos: Avaliar a frequência relativa e a influência dos polimorfismos rs12979860 (C > T), rs8099917 (T > G) e rs12980275 (A > G) no gene IL-28B em brasileiros portadores de infecção crônica pelo VHC tratados com PEGIFN/ RBV em uma casuística de pacientes atendidos pelos médicos do Ambulatório de Hepatites DMIP/LIM-47 e avaliar retrospectivamente a possibilidade de predição de resposta à partir do perfil IL-28B na população estudada. Materiais e Métodos: Após aprovação ética, foram selecionados 171 pacientes com coleta retrospectiva e sistematizada das informações de interesse. O DNA destes pacientes foi purificado e foram desenhados primers e sondas específicas para a genotipagem dos SNPs através da técnica de reação em cadeia de polimerase em tempo real. Resultados: entre os SNPs selecionados na análise univariada rs12979860 e rs12980275 associaram-se com RVS (p < 0,05). rs8099917 não teve associação com RVS. Na análise multivariada apenas rs12980275 manteve associação com RVS (p < 0,05). Conclusão: Ao contrário do descrito na Literatura Internacional nos pacientes brasileiros apenas o pouco estudado SNP rs12980275 associou-se à RVS / Introduction: Currently, infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) affects 3% of people worldwide, and is the major cause of chronic hepatitis C, liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. In patients infected by genotype 1 of HCV, 30%- 50% of patients achieve sustained virological response, when they are treated with pegylated interferon (PEG-IFN) and ribavirin (RBV). This outcome is determined by VHC factors (mutations, genotype, quasispecies), host factors (gender, ethnic, genetic factors, comorbidities, adherence to treatment) and factors related to drugs. Genome wide association studies (GWAS) demonstrated that the presence of polymorphisms in interleukin 28B gene (IL- 28B) are associated with response to interferon based therapy. SNPs rs12979860, rs8099917 and rs12980275 have been widely studied and patients with the favorable profile are more likely to achieve SVR. Objectives: To evaluate the relative frequency and influence of the polymorphisms rs12979860 (C > T), rs8099917 (T > G) and rs12980275 (A > G) in Brazilian patients treated for chronic hepatitis C with PEG-IFN/RBV, and to evaluate, retrospectively, the prediction of the response possibility from IL-28B profile in the selected patients. Material and Methods: It was selected 171 patients. Medical history was evaluated retrospectively. A real time polymerase chain reaction assay was realized in order to analyze the polymorphisms. Results: In univariate analysis the polymorphisms rs12979860 and rs12980275 were associated with SVR (p < 0,05). The SNP rs8099917 was not associated with SVR. Multivariate analysis revealed that only rs12980275 maintained an association with SVR (p < 0,05). Conclusion: It is described on international literature that rs12979860 is strongly associated with SVR, however in Brazilian patients only the less studied SNP rs12980275 was associated with SVR
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Avaliação do papel da imunidade adaptativa na obesidade: estudo experimental em animais / Evaluation of the role of adaptative immunity in obesity: study in animalsViviane Zorzanelli Rocha Giraldez 23 July 2014 (has links)
O desenvolvimento gradual e recente de uma epidemia mundial de obesidade alavancou sobremaneira o estudo dessa condição e de suas comorbidades metabólicas. No âmbito fisiopatológico, múltiplos estudos demonstraram a expressão aumentada de mediadores inflamatórios no tecido adiposo de animais e humanos obesos, o acúmulo local de macrófagos, e um papel central da inflamação no desequilíbrio da homeostase metabólica local e sistêmica na obesidade. A definição de um papel ativo dos macrófagos, e portanto da imunidade inata, na rede inflamatória do tecido adiposo, evocou a hipótese de que, similarmente a outras condições inflamatórias crônicas como a aterosclerose, a obesidade também contaria com a importante participação de elementos da imunidade adaptativa, como as células T e suas citocinas, em sua fisiopatologia. Com base nessas considerações, os objetivos principais desse estudo foram: 1) avaliar a presença das células T e o papel do interferon-gama (IFNy), clássica citocina T-helper 1 (ou Th1), na inflamação do tecido adiposo; e 2) estudar mecanismos de acúmulo das células T no tecido adiposo na obesidade, particularmente a participação do receptor CXCR3 nesse processo. Experimentos de citometria de fluxo mostraram que o tecido adiposo visceral de camundongos C57BL/6 obesos após consumo de dieta rica em gorduras apresentou maior número de macrófagos e também de células T, CD4+ e CD8+, em comparação a controles que receberam dieta pobre em gorduras. A expressão de I-Ab, marcador do complexo de histocompatibilidade principal classe II (MHC II) murino, também foi maior no tecido adiposo dos animais obesos, sugerindo a presença local da atividade de apresentação de antígeno com consequente ativação das células T. Quando estimuladas in vitro, células T derivadas do tecido adiposo de camundongos obesos produziram mais IFNy do que aquelas isoladas de controles, novamente sugerindo a ativação dessas células em um contexto de obesidade. Na análise das possíveis funções do IFNy no tecido adiposo, a estimulação da linhagem de células 3T3-L1 diferenciadas em adipócitos com IFNy recombinante resultou na produção aumentada de quimiocinas de macrófagos, como a proteína quimiotática de monócito (MCP-1), e de quimiocinas de células T, como a proteína 10 induzida por IFNy (IP-10) e monocina induzida por IFNy (MIG). A estimulação de adipócitos com o sobrenadante de células Th1 cultivadas in vitro, com abundante concentração de IFNy, também levou à produção aumentada de IP-10. Em análise mais ampla, através de microarray, dos possíveis efeitos do IFNy na expressão gênica de adipócitos, o tratamento dessas células com 100 U/ml de IFNy resultou na expressão aumentada de diversas quimiocinas e seus receptores em comparação ao grupo tratado com placebo. Similarmente à estimulação de células isoladas com IFNy, a incubação de tecido adiposo ex vivo de camundongos com essa citocina também resultou em secreção aumentada de IP-10, MIG e fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNFy). A investigação do papel do IFNy na inflamação do tecido adiposo in vivo envolveu camundongos com deficiência de IFNy e controles, ambos os grupos submetidos a dieta rica em gorduras (obesos) ou pobre em gorduras (não obesos). Camundongos obesos deficientes em IFNy apresentaram expressão reduzida de mRNA de genes inflamatórios como TNFalfa e MCP-1 no tecido adiposo; acúmulo local reduzido de macrófagos; e melhor tolerância à glicose em comparação aos controles sob mesma dieta. Animais com deficiência de apolipoproteína E (ApoE) e também do receptor de IFNy também apresentaram em seu tecido adiposo a expressão reduzida de mRNA de genes inflamatórios, particularmente relacionados às células T, como IP-10, MIG, e o receptor CXCR3, em comparação aos controles com deficiência única de ApoE. Resultados in vitro e in vivo sugerem conjuntamente um importante papel do IFNy, e portanto, das células T e da imunidade adaptativa, na rede inflamatória do tecido adiposo na obesidade, com consequente impacto metabólico sistêmico. A presença de células T ativadas no tecido adiposo e seu acúmulo diferencial na obesidade motivaram também a pesquisa de potenciais mecanismos quimiotáticos reguladores desse processo. CXCR3, receptor das quimiocinas de células T, IP-10, MIG e quimiocina alfa de células T IFNy-induzida (I-TAC), é expresso preferencialmente em células T ativadas, e detém papel central na migração dessas células em outras condições inflamatórias crônicas, como a aterosclerose. Em camundongos com deficiência de CXCR3 e que receberam dieta rica em gorduras por 8 ou 16 semanas, o tecido adiposo apresentou significativamente menos células T, incluindo as células CD4+ e CD8+, em comparação a controles submetidos a mesma dieta. Os números similares de células T e outras populações de leucócitos no baço e sangue periférico dos animais deficientes em CXCR3 e controles fortalecem o conceito de um efeito do CXCR3 sobre o acúmulo de células T no tecido adiposo, independentemente do número de células circulantes e periféricas. Os camundongos deficientes em CXCR3 apresentaram também maior tolerância à glicose e expressão reduzida de mRNA de mediadores inflamatórios em seu tecido adiposo em comparação aos controles após 8 semanas de dieta rica em gorduras. No entanto, a diferença na tolerância à glicose entre os dois grupos tornou-se não significativa após 16 semanas de dieta gordurosa, coincidindo com redução substancial na expressão de mRNA de mediadores anti-inflamatórios (como interleucina-10 [IL-10] e Arginase 1), e número reduzido de células T regulatórias no tecido adiposo de camundongo s deficientes em CXCR3 em relação a controles. Esses resultados sugerem que o CXCR3 é capaz de regular o acúmulo de células T de diferentes subtipos, com perfil proinflamatório ou anti-inflamatório. Em conclusão, nossos resultados revelam um importante papel da citocina Th1 IFNy na rede inflamatória do tecido adiposo na obesidade em camundongos, sugerindo a participação fundamental das células T e portanto, da imunidade adaptativa nesse cenário. Além disso, o receptor CXCR3 contribui significativamente para o acúmulo das células T, incluindo as células T regulatórias, no tecido adiposo desses animais / The gradual and recent development of a worldwide epidemic of obesity greatly leveraged the study of this condition and its metabolic comorbidities. In the pathophysiologic context, multiple studies have demonstrated increased expression of inflammatory mediators in adipose tissue of obese animals and humans, the local macrophage accumulation, and a central role of inflammation in the imbalance of local or systemic metabolic homeostasis in obesity. The concept of an active role of macrophages and thus of innate immunity in the inflammatory network of adipose tissue, suggested the hypothesis that, similar to other chronic inflammatory conditions such as atherosclerosis, obesity also count on the participation of important elements of adaptive immunity such as T cells and their cytokines in its pathophysiology. Based on these considerations, the main objectives of this study were: 1) to evaluate the presence of T cells and the role of interferon-gamma (IFNy), classic T-helper 1 (Th1) cytokine, in adipose tissue inflammation, and 2) to study mechanisms of T cell accumulation in adipose tissue in the context of obesity, particularly the involvement of CXCR3 receptor in this process. Flow cytometry experiments showed that the visceral fat tissue of C57BL/6 obese mice fed a high fat diet showed a greater number of macrophages and also T cells, including CD4+ and CD8+ cells, compared to controls fed a low-fat diet. The expression of I-Ab, murine marker of class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC II), was also higher in adipose tissue of obese animals, suggesting the presence of local antigen presentation and consequent T cell activation. When stimulated in vitro, T cells derived from adipose tissue of obese mice produced more IFNy than those isolated from controls, again suggesting the activation of these cells in the context of obesity. In the analysis of possible functions of IFNy in adipose tissue, stimulation of 3T3 -L1 cells differentiated into adipocytes with recombinant IFNy resulted in enhanced production of macrophage chemokines, such as monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) and T-cell chemokines, such as interferon gamma-induced protein 10 (IP-10) and monokine induced by gamma interferon (MIG). The stimulation of adipocytes with the supernatant of in vitro cultured Th1 cells, with abundant levels of IFNy, has also led to increased IP-10 production. In a broader analysis, by microarray, of the possible effects of IFNy on adipocyte gene expression, treatment of these cells with 100 U/ml of IFNy resulted in increased expression of chemokines and their receptors in comparison to the placebo group. Similarly to the stimulation of isolated cells with IFNy, incubation of ex vivo adipose tissue with this cytokine also resulted in increased IP-10, MIG and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) secretion
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Optimisation of the lion (Panthera leo) specific interferon gamma assay for detection of tuberculosis in lions in South AfricaKhumalo, Nozipho Lindiwe 01 1900 (has links)
Mycobacterium bovis is the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis (BTB)
which has a diverse host range. The maintenance host of BTB in South
Africa is the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer). It is believed that lions get
infected by feeding on infected buffalo or through wounds. The spread of
the disease amongst lions has raised concern regarding the future of the
animals and the impact on tourism in the country. Diagnoses of
tuberculosis in free ranging wildlife is often dependent on post-mortem
samples due to logistical challenges, the use of the lion specific interferon
gamma release assay as an antemortem test offers a simpler
methodology to testing live animals. The aim was to optimise an already
developed assay by Maas et al.,2012 and to harmonise it with the
Rhinoceros specific interferon gamma assay developed by Morar-Leather
et al 2007. Optimisation of the interferon gamma specific ELISA included:
determination of optimal concentrations for the capture and detection
monoclonal antibodies; optimal concentrations for the conjugate and
evaluation of alternative blocking agents. Different mitogens and
incubation times were evaluated for the stimulation of whole blood as
positive control in the assay. The optimum concentration for coating the
plates with the capture monoclonal antibody was 2 g/ml. An optimum
dilution of 1:5000 was selected for both the biotinylated detection
monoclonal antibody and the streptavidin horseradish peroxidase
conjugate. The assay was optimised using recombinant lion interferon
gamma and the lower detection limit was calculated to be 109 pg/ml.
Phosphate buffered saline with 1% bovine serum albumin was found to be
Chapter 1
© University of South Africa iii
a suitable blocking agent. Native interferon gamma was detected in whole
blood samples from 5 lions and a 24 hour incubation time with PMA and
ionomycin was selected as the optimal mitogen positive control. This
assay system demonstrated good potential as an ante mortem test for the
diagnosis of tuberculosis in lions.
In conclusion, the assay can detect IFN- from supernatants harvested
from whole blood cultures stimulated with specific antigens and mitogens / Agriculture and Animal Health / M. Sc. (Agriculture)
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Phenotypic Variability in a Family with Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome Due to the Common A177T RNASEH2B MutationTüngler, Victoria, Schmidt, Franziska, Hieronimus, Steve, Reyes-Velasco, Claudio, Lee-Kirsch, Min Ae 09 July 2014 (has links)
Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS) is a rare inflammatory encephalopathy mimicking in utero acquired viral infection. Cardinal findings comprise leukodystrophy, basal ganglia calcifications and cerebral atrophy along with cerebrospinal fluid lymphocytosis and elevated interferon-α. In the majority of cases AGS is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait and caused by mutations in six genes including RNASEH2A, RNASEH2B, RNASEH2C, TREX1, SAMHD1 and ADAR1, all of which encode enzymes acting on nucleic acid species. Most patients present with first neurological signs in early infancy and experience severe global developmental delay. Here, we report on the unusual divergent phenotype of two siblings who both carry the most frequent AGS causing p.A177T (c.529G > A) RNASEH2B mutation in the homozygous state. While one sibling showed a typical AGS presentation with early onset and severe statomotor and mental impairment, the older sibling was intellectually completely normal. She was only diagnosed because of mild spasticity of the legs and serological signs of autoimmunity. These findings highlight the phenotypic variability of AGS and suggest that AGS may be underdiagnosed among children with mild cerebral palsy.
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Innate Immune Signaling Drives Pathogenic Events Leading to Autoimmune DiabetesQaisar, Natasha 26 April 2018 (has links)
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by the immune-mediated destruction of insulin-producing beta-cells of pancreatic islets, culminating in critical insulin deficiency. Both genetic and environmental factors likely orchestrate an immune-mediated functional loss of beta cell mass, leading to the clinical manifestation of disease and lifelong dependence on insulin therapy. Additional evidence suggests the role of innate and adaptive immune mechanisms leading to inflammation in beta cells mediated by proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines, activation of beta-cell-reactive T cells,and failure of immune tolerance. Viral infections have been proposed as causal determinants or initiating triggers for T1D but remain unproven. Understanding the relationship between viral infections and the development of T1D is essential for T1D prevention. Importantly, virus-induced innate immune responses, particularly type I interferon (IFN-I, IFN-a/b), have been implicated in the initiation of islet autoimmunity and development of T1D. The goal of my thesis project is to investigate how the IFN-I signaling pathway affects the development of T1D using the LEW.1WR1 rat model of autoimmune diabetes. My hypothesis is that disrupting IFN-Isignaling via functional deficiency of the IFN-I interferon receptor (IFNAR) prevents or delays the development of virus-induced diabetes.For this purpose, I generated IFNAR subunit 1(IFNAR1)-deficient LEW.1WR1 rats using CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing and confirmed the functional disruption of IFNAR1. The absence of IFNAR1 results in a significant delay in onset and frequency of diabetes following poly I:C challenge and reduces the incidence of insulitis after poly I:C treatment. The frequency of diabetes induced by Kilham rat virus (KRV) is also reduced in IFNAR1-deficient LEW.1WR1 rats. Furthermore, I observe a decrease in CD8+T cells in spleens from KRV-infected IFNAR1-deficient rats relative to that in KRV-infected wild-type rats. While splenic regulatory T cells are depleted in WT rats during KRV-infection, no such decrease is observed in KRV-infected IFNAR1-deficient rats. A comprehensive bulk RNA-seq analysis reveals a decrease of interferon-stimulated genes and inflammatory gene expression in IFNAR1-deficient rats relative to wild-type rats following KRV challenge. Collectively, the results from these studies provided mechanistic insights into the essential role of virus-induced, IFN-I-initiated innate immune responses in the early phase of autoimmune diabetes pathogenesis.
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The Contribution of IFNα-Stimulated Immune Cell Populations to B6.NbA2 Lupus-likeDiseaseKeller, Emma Jean 01 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Verlauf der zellulären Immunantwort bei Lebendnierenempfängern - Messung von IFN-γ und IL-17 im Elispot-AssayGrehn, Conrad 21 September 2015 (has links)
Die Nierentransplantation ermöglicht Patienten die Wiederherstellung der Nierenfunktion. Aufgrund der begrenzten Verfügbarkeit an Organen nimmt dabei die Zahl der Transplantationen von einem lebenden Spender stetig zu. Zudem ermöglichen die präzisen und genauen Vorbereitungen und Abläufe bei Lebendnierenspenden eine bessere 5-Jahres-Überlebensrate als bei Kadaverspenden. Die genetische Verschiedenheit zwischen Spender und Empfänger bedingt jedoch eine lebenslange immunsuppressive Therapie, um Abstoßungsreaktionen und damit das Scheitern einer Organtransplantation zu verhindern. An den Universitätskliniken Leipzig und Halle/Saale besteht diese Therapie aus einer Dreifachkombination von Tacrolimus, Mycophenolat-Mofetil
und Prednisolon, wobei mögliche Nebenwirkungen wie opportunistische Infektionen, kardiovaskuläre und metabolische Erkrankungen sowie Tumore in Kauf genommen werden. Zudem besteht für den immunsupprimmierten Organismus die ständige Gefahr einer Abstoßungsreaktion. Diese Aspekte führen bei den Empfängern zu einer massiven Einschränkung der Gesundheit und Lebensqualität.
Inwieweit die ausgeprägte Immunsuppression notwendig ist, bleibt unklar und muss
individuell festgelegt werden. Bisher existiert kein geeignetes Verfahren für ein
Immunmonitoring, weshalb in vielen Fällen eine umfangreiche und überdosierte
Immunsuppression in Kauf genommen wird.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein geeignetes Testverfahren, der Elispot-Assay, für die Expression der beiden proinflammatorischen Zytokine IFN-γ und IL-17 erstellt. Dafür wurden die PBMC der Spender und Empfänger aus Vollblut separiert, um sie
anschließend sowohl separat als auch in einer Lymphozytenmischreaktion zu untersuchen. Die Darstellung von IL-17 konnte nur aufgrund einer zusätzlichen Stimulation mit OKT3 gelingen, während der IFN-γ-Elispot sowohl im Leerwert als auch unter Stimulation mit IL-2 zu ausreichenden Spotanzahlen führte. Die Spotanzahlen der Spender-PBMC wurden mit Hilfe von γ-Strahlung signifikant reduziert (IFN-γ: p=0,047 | IFN-γ + IL-2: p=0,007 | IL-17: p = 0,001), um in den Lymphozytenmischreaktionen die alleinige Zytokinausschüttung der Empfänger-PBMC messen zu können. Die Spender- PBMC fungierten dabei nur als Antigene.
Insgesamt konnten zwischen 2009 und 2012 zwölf von siebzehn Patientenpaaren in die Studie eingeschlossen werden. Die Spotanzahlen der Paare wurden dabei sowohl im IFN-γ- als auch im IL-17-Elispot-Assay zu vier unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten gemessen (vor Transplantation | 21±3 d postoperativ | 28±3 d postoperativ | 75±15 d postoperativ). In den meisten Fällen zeigte sich vor Transplantation eine erhöhte Spotanzahl im Vergleich zu den drei postoperativen Werten. Zudem stiegen die Spotanzahlen sowohl für IFN-γ als auch für IL-17 nach niedrigen Messergebnissen kurz nach der Transplantation im postoperativen Verlauf wieder an und erreichten in einigen Fällen die Spotanzahl der präoperativen Ausgangswerte. Ein signifikanter Unterschied konnte aufgrund der geringen
Fallzahl nicht erreicht werden. Die kurzfristige Reduktion der Spotanzahlen postoperativ ist dabei aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach auf die hohen Dosen an immunsuppressiven Medikamenten zurückzuführen. Insgesamt zeigten die Verläufe der IFN-γ- und der IL-17- Elispot-Assays ähnliche Verläufe. Daraus lässt sich schlussfolgern, dass der IL-17-Elispot- Assay in Bezug auf mögliche Abstoßungsreaktionen eine ähnliche Aussagekraft besitzen könnte wie der bereits vielfach untersuchte IFN-γ-Elispot-Assay. Weiterhin wurden die Messergebnisse mit der Serumkreatininmolarität verglichen. Diese zeigte präoperativ höhere Molaritäten als postoperativ, wobei die postoperativen Molaritäten im Verlauf, im Gegensatz zu den Elispot-Messungen, abnahmen, was das Einsetzen der Nierenfunktion widerspiegelt. Unter den zwölf Patientenpaaren gab es keine einzige nachgewiesene akute Abstoßungsreaktion, der Verlauf der Serumkreatininmolaritäten war bei allen zwölf Empfängern vergleichbar. Demzufolge konnten die Werte der Elispot-Assays nicht herangezogen werden, um an ihnen eine Abstoßungsreaktion der transplantierten Nieren erkennen zu können. Das präoperative Abschätzen einer möglichen Abstoßungsreaktion anhand der Elispot-Assays konnte aufgrund fehlender Abstoßungsreaktionen ebenfalls
nicht untersucht werden.
Zusätzlich wurde bei den Patienten eine HLA-Typisierung vorgenommen, wobei der
Bereich von optimalen bis maximal ungünstigen Konstellationen reichten (HLA-Mismatch: 0-0-0 bis 2-2-2). Auch hier konnten die Ergebnisse nicht mit möglichen Abstoßungsreaktionen verglichen werden.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zahlreiche Varianten untersucht, die das Abschätzen einer Immunreaktion nach Nierentransplantation (Immunmonitoring) ermöglichen könnten. Aufgrund fehlender Abstoßungsreaktionen bei den Empfängern konnte das Testverfahren nicht an den klinischen Verläufen validiert werden. Mit dem in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Messverfahren kann jedoch eine neue und größer angelegte Studie erfolgen, die in Zukunft ein Immunmonitoring bei Patienten nach Nierentransplantation ermöglicht.:I Inhaltsverzeichnis................................................................I
II Bibliographische Beschreibung....................................................................IV
III Abkürzungsverzeichnis...................................................................................V
1 Einleitung...........................................................................................................01
1.1 Die T-Zell-vermittelte Immunität..................................................................01
1.1.1 Die verschiedenen Klassen der T-Lymphozyten................................ 01
1.1.2 Interferon-gamma als proinflammatorisches Zytokin......................... 04
1.1.3 Interleukin-17............................................................................................. 04
1.2 Die Nierentransplantation........................................................................... 05
1.2.1 Einführung.................................................................................................. 05
1.2.2 Besonderheiten der Lebendnierenspenden........................................ 06
1.3 Therapeutika bei Lebendnierenspenden................................................. 07
1.3.1 Calcineurininhibitoren............................................................................... 07
1.3.2 Prednisolon.................................................................................................. 08
1.3.3 Mycophenolat-Mofetil................................................................................. 09
1.4 Komplikationen bei Transplantationen....................................................... 10
1.4.1 Opportunistische Infektionen..................................................................... 10
1.4.2 Kardiovaskuläre und metabolische Erkrankungen................................ 11
1.4.3 Maligne Tumore.............................................................................................11
1.5 Transplantatrejektion........................................................................................ 12
1.5.1 Akute Abstoßungsreaktion............................................................................12
1.5.2 Chronische Transplantatnephropathie......................................................13
1.6 Zielsetzung der Arbeit.......................................................................................15
I2 Materialien und Methoden................................................................................. 16
2.1 Studiendesign.................................................................................................... 16
2.2 Materialien.......................................................................................................... 17
2.3 Methoden............................................................................................................ 19
2.3.1 Blutentnahmen................................................................................................ 19
2.3.2 Lymphozytenseparation.................................................................................19
2.3.3 Bestimmung der Zellzahl............................................................................... 20
2.3.4 Kryokonservierung der Zellen...................................................................... 20
2.3.5 Auftauen von kryokonservierten Zellen...................................................... 20
2.3.6 Bestrahlung von Zellen...................................................................................21
2.3.7 Stimulanzien.................................................................................................... 21
2.3.8 Durchflusszytometrie...................................................................................... 22
2.3.9 Elispot-Assay.................................................................................................... 23
3 Ergebnisse............................................................................................................... 29
3.1 Charakteristika der Patienten............................................................................ 29
3.2 Medikamentöse Therapieschemata nach Nierentransplantationen.......... 32
3.3 Versuche zur Etablierung des Elispot-Verfahrens......................................... 33
3.3.1 Vorversuche zum Nachweis von IFN-γ........................................................ 34
3.3.2 Vorversuche zum Nachweis von IL-17........................................................ 36
3.3.3 Versuche mit FKS-freiem Medium.................................................................37
3.3.4 Vitalitätsmessung in der Durchflusszytometrie.......................................... 38
3.4 Vergleich von Buffy Coats mit Patientenproben im Elispot-Assay..............38
3.5 Elispot-Assays der Spender-Empfänger-Paare............................................ 39
3.5.1 Ergebnisse der Elispot-Assays zum Nachweis von IFN-γ........................40
3.5.2 Ergebnisse der Elispot-Assays zum Nachweis von IL-17....................... 45
II3.6 Elispot-Ergebnisse unter Berücksichtigung der HLA-Kompatibilität........49
4 Diskussion............................................................................................................... 50
4.1 Bewertung der Methoden.................................................................................. 51
4.1.1 Patientenauswahl und -akquirierung........................................................... 51
4.1.2 Durchflusszytometrie....................................................................................... 51
4.1.3 Elispot-Assay..................................................................................................... 52
4.2 Vitalitätsmessung................................................................................................. 53
4.3 Elispot-Ergebnisse............................................................................................... 53
4.3.1 Vergleich der unbestrahlten und bestrahlten Elispot-Assays................... 53
4.3.2 Elispot-Assays der Patienten.......................................................................... 54 IFN-γ-Elispot-Assay........................................................................................ 54 IL-17-Elispot-Assay.........................................................................................56 IFN-γ-Elispot-Assay und IL-17-Elispot-Assay im Vergleich.................... 57
4.4 HLA-Merkmale und Serumkreatininmolarität...................................................58
4.5 Schlussfolgerung und Ausblick...........................................................................59
5 Zusammenfassung...................................................................................................62
6 Abstract...................................................................................................................... 65
7 Literaturverzeichnis................................................................................................. 67
8 Tabellenverzeichnis.................................................................................................83
9 Abbildungsverzeichnis........................................................................................... 84
10 Erklärung über die eigenständige Verfassung der Arbeit............................. 85
11 Lebenslauf..............................................................................................................86
12 Danksagung.......................................................................................................... 87 / Introduction
Since the first kidney transplantation in the 1950ies, kidney transplantation is still being challenged by graft dysfunction and complete graft failure. Permanent immunsuppressive treatment is mandatory to avoid an unfavourable outcome. The treatment with Prednisolone, Tacrolimus and Mycophenolat-Mofetil may cause toxic side effects resulting in Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, infections and cancer.
In the present study we tried to demonstrate that the amount of spots in the Enzyme linked immunospot assay (Elispot-Assay) of IFN-γ and IL-17 correlates with the probability of graft dysfuction and complete graft failure. We also compared the results to clinical parameters.
Between the years 2009 and 2012, twelve pairs of related living kidney transplantations were included in this study. From each pair blood samples were taken at four time points (before transplantation, and at 21±3, 28±3 and 75±15 days after kidney transplantation, respectively). After establishing the technique of IFN-γ- and IL-17-Elispot-Assays, we separated the periphale blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and performed follow up examinations at the four time points mentioned above. The PBMC of each donor and each recipient were examined separatly, and in addition together in a lymphocyte mixed reaction. We stimulated the PBMC of the IFN-γ-Elispot with Interleukin-2 (IL-2) and the PBMC of the IL-17-Elispot with OKT3 to get significant characteristics. PBMC of the donors were irradiated with 30 Gy before mixing them with the PBMC of the recipients. We also took the HLA-matches and serum creatinine molarity to compare important clinical parameters with the results of the Elispot-Assays.
Sufficient spots were measured using the unstimulated and stimulated IFN-γ-Elispot and the stimulated IL-17-Elispot. Radiation was significant at all three tests (IFN-γ: p=0,047 | IFN-γ + IL-2: p=0,007 | IL-17: p = 0,001). All twelve recipients showed a high number of spots before transplantation in both types of Elispot-Assays and most of them an increasing number of spots after a minimal turning point three weeks after transplantation. Due to the small number of cases, no significant results could be obtained at follow up.
Non recipient developed a graft rejection as proven by biopsy or graft failure. The molarity of serum creatinine was permanently reduced whereas it was high before transplantation. Because of the abscence of any rejection episodes, HLA matches could not be compared.
Due to the absence of rejection episodes or graft failure, no prediction for rejection by the IFN-γ- and IL-17-Elispot was possible. The low number of cases of living related kidney transplantation demonstrated the challange of the investigation of living related kidney transplantation. Although we could prove a significant effect of the irradiation of PBMC, there was no significant result in the follow up investigations. A higher number of cases are needed in future investigations. The established method of the IFN-γ- and IL-17-Elispot can be used in a future study with an extended number of cases and a longer follow up of time.:I Inhaltsverzeichnis................................................................I
II Bibliographische Beschreibung....................................................................IV
III Abkürzungsverzeichnis...................................................................................V
1 Einleitung...........................................................................................................01
1.1 Die T-Zell-vermittelte Immunität..................................................................01
1.1.1 Die verschiedenen Klassen der T-Lymphozyten................................ 01
1.1.2 Interferon-gamma als proinflammatorisches Zytokin......................... 04
1.1.3 Interleukin-17............................................................................................. 04
1.2 Die Nierentransplantation........................................................................... 05
1.2.1 Einführung.................................................................................................. 05
1.2.2 Besonderheiten der Lebendnierenspenden........................................ 06
1.3 Therapeutika bei Lebendnierenspenden................................................. 07
1.3.1 Calcineurininhibitoren............................................................................... 07
1.3.2 Prednisolon.................................................................................................. 08
1.3.3 Mycophenolat-Mofetil................................................................................. 09
1.4 Komplikationen bei Transplantationen....................................................... 10
1.4.1 Opportunistische Infektionen..................................................................... 10
1.4.2 Kardiovaskuläre und metabolische Erkrankungen................................ 11
1.4.3 Maligne Tumore.............................................................................................11
1.5 Transplantatrejektion........................................................................................ 12
1.5.1 Akute Abstoßungsreaktion............................................................................12
1.5.2 Chronische Transplantatnephropathie......................................................13
1.6 Zielsetzung der Arbeit.......................................................................................15
I2 Materialien und Methoden................................................................................. 16
2.1 Studiendesign.................................................................................................... 16
2.2 Materialien.......................................................................................................... 17
2.3 Methoden............................................................................................................ 19
2.3.1 Blutentnahmen................................................................................................ 19
2.3.2 Lymphozytenseparation.................................................................................19
2.3.3 Bestimmung der Zellzahl............................................................................... 20
2.3.4 Kryokonservierung der Zellen...................................................................... 20
2.3.5 Auftauen von kryokonservierten Zellen...................................................... 20
2.3.6 Bestrahlung von Zellen...................................................................................21
2.3.7 Stimulanzien.................................................................................................... 21
2.3.8 Durchflusszytometrie...................................................................................... 22
2.3.9 Elispot-Assay.................................................................................................... 23
3 Ergebnisse............................................................................................................... 29
3.1 Charakteristika der Patienten............................................................................ 29
3.2 Medikamentöse Therapieschemata nach Nierentransplantationen.......... 32
3.3 Versuche zur Etablierung des Elispot-Verfahrens......................................... 33
3.3.1 Vorversuche zum Nachweis von IFN-γ........................................................ 34
3.3.2 Vorversuche zum Nachweis von IL-17........................................................ 36
3.3.3 Versuche mit FKS-freiem Medium.................................................................37
3.3.4 Vitalitätsmessung in der Durchflusszytometrie.......................................... 38
3.4 Vergleich von Buffy Coats mit Patientenproben im Elispot-Assay..............38
3.5 Elispot-Assays der Spender-Empfänger-Paare............................................ 39
3.5.1 Ergebnisse der Elispot-Assays zum Nachweis von IFN-γ........................40
3.5.2 Ergebnisse der Elispot-Assays zum Nachweis von IL-17....................... 45
II3.6 Elispot-Ergebnisse unter Berücksichtigung der HLA-Kompatibilität........49
4 Diskussion............................................................................................................... 50
4.1 Bewertung der Methoden.................................................................................. 51
4.1.1 Patientenauswahl und -akquirierung........................................................... 51
4.1.2 Durchflusszytometrie....................................................................................... 51
4.1.3 Elispot-Assay..................................................................................................... 52
4.2 Vitalitätsmessung................................................................................................. 53
4.3 Elispot-Ergebnisse............................................................................................... 53
4.3.1 Vergleich der unbestrahlten und bestrahlten Elispot-Assays................... 53
4.3.2 Elispot-Assays der Patienten.......................................................................... 54 IFN-γ-Elispot-Assay........................................................................................ 54 IL-17-Elispot-Assay.........................................................................................56 IFN-γ-Elispot-Assay und IL-17-Elispot-Assay im Vergleich.................... 57
4.4 HLA-Merkmale und Serumkreatininmolarität...................................................58
4.5 Schlussfolgerung und Ausblick...........................................................................59
5 Zusammenfassung...................................................................................................62
6 Abstract...................................................................................................................... 65
7 Literaturverzeichnis................................................................................................. 67
8 Tabellenverzeichnis.................................................................................................83
9 Abbildungsverzeichnis........................................................................................... 84
10 Erklärung über die eigenständige Verfassung der Arbeit............................. 85
11 Lebenslauf..............................................................................................................86
12 Danksagung.......................................................................................................... 87
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