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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La coordination des relations intra- et inter-organisationnelles au sein de l'usine mondiale : le cas Renault Trucks (groupe Volvo) / The coordination of intra- and inter-organizational relationships within the global factory : the case of Renault Trucks(Volvo Group)

Melin, Christopher 27 November 2014 (has links)
Face à la dispersion géographique de leurs activités, les firmes multinationales (FMN) sont amenées à gérer des relations intra- et inter-organisationnelles de plus en plus complexes. Cette recherche doctorale porte sur la coordination de ces relations dans le contexte de l’usine mondiale (global factory), qui constitue une forme particulière de l’entreprise-réseau. Elle s’appuie sur une recherche-action menée auprès de l’entreprise Renault Trucks (groupe Volvo). L’étude empirique est fondée sur 63 entretiens, des groupes de discussion interactifs et l’organisation de deux workshops, complétés par des données secondaires. Les résultats obtenus mettent en avant le rôle prépondérant de la firme-pivot dans le pilotage des relations avec les partenaires internationaux. Selon la configuration du partenaire (niveau d’autonomie opérationnelle et fréquence de la transaction), il est recommandé de choisir des mécanismes de coordination spécifiques. Un jeu de 21 propositions vise à améliorer notre compréhension de l’usine mondiale en termes d’agencement et de fonctionnement interne. Enfin, un design organisationnel de l’usine mondiale est développé. / Facing the geographic dispersion of their activities, multinational companies (MNCs) are involved in the management of increasingly complex intra- and inter-organizational relationships. This doctoral research focuses on the coordination of these relationships in the context of the global factory, which represents a particular form of the network-firm. It is based on an action research project conducted at Renault Trucks (Volvo Group). The empirical study covers 63 interviews, interactive panels and the organization of two workshops, completed by secondary data. The results highlight the important role played by the lead firm for the management of relationships with international partners. Depending on the configuration of the partner (level of operational autonomy and frequency of the transaction), it is recommended to choose specific coordination mechanisms. A set of 21 proposals intends to improve our understanding of the global factory in terms of configuration and internal operations. Finally, an organizational design of the global factory is developed.

Anatomie de la légitimité des hôpitaux publics tunisiens / Anatomy of the Tunisian Public Hospital's legitimacy

Abid, Lobna 31 March 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à une analyse synoptique de la légitimité des hôpitaux publics tunisiens. Cette légitimité de l’hôpital étant construite en interne et en externe par le personnel qui y travaille et les patients qui le fréquentent, nous l’avons soumise à une catégorisation spatiale en légitimité « intra-organisationnelle » et en légitimité « extra-organisationnelle ». Au niveau intra-organisationnel, les hôpitaux publics tunisiens, ayant fait l’objet d’une réforme débutée depuis un peu plus de deux décennies, l’étude de leur légitimité ne pouvait se faire à l’insu de cet évènement. Par ailleurs, étant donné le caractère professionnel des hôpitaux publics et leur organisation en plusieurs services spécialisés, nous avons procédé à une scission de leur légitimité en légitimité « professionnelle » et en légitimité de « service ». Ces « sous-légitimités » agrégées ensemble ont permis de reconstituer la légitimité globale de l’hôpital. L’analyse de la légitimité « intra organisationnelle » s’est faite au moyen d’une analyse qualitative par étude de cas dans deux EPS tunisiens. Pour le cas de la légitimité de la réforme hospitalière et des mécanismes qui lui ont servi de support, nous avons postulé l’existence d’une relation de causalité circulaire entre institutionnalisation et légitimation, la deuxième étant un préalable à la première. Les analyses menées sur l’ensemble des mécanismes de la réforme ont conclu à une faible institutionnalisation, laissant augurer d’une faible légitimation. Pour le cas des légitimités au niveau professionnel et de service, les résultats ont affiché une grande diversité des légitimités en jeu entre les services hospitaliers et une plus grande homogénéité au sein des mêmes groupes professionnels. Ces résultats attestent du caractère discriminant de l’appartenance au service et professionnelle pour juger de la légitimité de l’hôpital. Au niveau extra-organisationnel, la légitimité de l’hôpital renvoie à celle développée par les patients en externe. Nous avons considéré deux catégories de patients : des patients appelés « classiques » qui s’adressent à l’hôpital pour l’obtention de soins et des patients personnel de l’hôpital, qui en leur qualité de citoyens peuvent s’y présenter pour se soigner. C’est ainsi que nous avons distingué entre légitimité extra-organisationnelle « profane » et entre légitimité extra-organisationnelle « expertale ». Ces deux sous-légitimités relèvent d’une légitimité « expérientielle ». Les patients « profanes » et « experts » vont juger de la légitimité de l’hôpital en s’appuyant sur leur expérience personnelle. Ces deux catégories de légitimité, soumises à une classification hiérarchique ascendante, ont affiché des divergences considérables, les patients étant plus portés vers des aspects moraux pour juger de la légitimité contrairement au personnel, qui maintient intact son ancrage professionnel, en accordant plus d’importance aux aspects techniques et financiers. / This dissertation aims to analyze synoptically the legitimacy of Tunisian public hospitals. This hospital’s legitimacy is constructed internally and externally by both the employees and the patients, has been submitted to a spatial categorization in “intra-organizational legitimacy” and “extra- organizational legitimacy”. At intra-organizational level, Tunisian public hospitals have been subject of a reform that started a little over two decades; the study of their legitimacy could not be done without the knowledge of this event. In addition, given the professional characteristic of the public hospitals and their organization in several specialized services, we conducted a split of their legitimacy in “professional legitimacy” and “service’s legitimacy”. These sub legitimacies aggregated together helped restore the overall legitimacy of the hospital. The analysis of “intra organizational” was made using a qualitative analysis, by case studies in two Tunisian public hospitals. In the case of the reform’s legitimacy and the mechanisms that have served as support, we postulated the existence of a circular causality between institutionalization and legitimization, the second is a prerequisite to the first. The analysis conducted on all the mechanisms of reform have concluded to a weak institutionalization revealing a weak legitimacy. In the case of “professional legitimacy” and “service’s legitimacy”, the results showed a wide range of legitimacy at stake between and hospital services and a greater homogeneity within the same professional groups. These results attest to the discriminatory nature of the professional and service membership to judge the hospital’s legitimacy. At extra-organizational level, the hospital’s legitimacy refers to that developed by the patients. We considered two categories of patients: patients called “classic” that go to the hospital to obtain medical care and others hospital staff patients, who in their capacity as citizens may present themselves for treatment. Thus we distinguished between “profane extra-organizational legitimacy” and “expertal extra organizational legitimacy”. These two sub-legitimacies refer to “experiential legitimacy”. Both profane and expert patients will judge hospital’s legitimacy based on their personal experience. These two categories of extra-organizational legitimacy submitted to a hierarchical cluster analysis, showed significant differences, patients are more likely to judge legitimacy based on moral aspects, unlike staff who maintain intact their professional anchor paying more attention to technical and financial aspects.

Leitung und Kooperation in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken Berlins - eine empirische Untersuchung

Paul, Gerhard 01 January 1998 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit greift ein im bibliotheks- und IuK-wissenschaftlichen sowie im fachprofessionellen Diskurs bisher weitgehend vernachlässigtes, aber immer bedeutsameres Thema auf: das vertikale soziale Geschehen in der Arbeitsorganisation ?wissenschaftliche Bibliothek". Die Absicht der Untersuchung lag darin, einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Interaktionsverhalten der Leitungspersonen einerseits und der Mobilisierung von Leistungs- und Innovationspotentialen bei den Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern andererseits auszumachen. Es geht damit genaugenommen um die Funktionsfähigkeit dieses Typs von Informationseinrichtung vor dem Hintergrund eines zunehmenden Wandlungs- und Innovationsdrucks, der gespeist wird durch Reduzierung bei den Zuwendungen und Ressourcen, durch wachsende Kundenansprüche an Leistungsfähigkeit und Dienstleistungsqualität und nicht zuletzt durch den rasanten technologischen Wandel (Stichworte: Digitalisierung und Vernetzung). Wandlung und Innovation werden hier nicht nur als technologische Modernisierung verstanden und auf technische oder lediglich formal-organisatorische Maßnahmen reduziert. In den Blick genommen werden vielmehr die Akteure, deren Umgang und Einstellungen, Verhalten und Wahrnehmungen. Die Nutzung von Forschungsergebnissen aus verschiedenen Fachdisziplinen (voran Betriebs- und Organisationssoziologie, Managementlehre, Arbeitspsychologie und Kommunikationswissenschaften) lieferte den theoretisch-systematischen Zugang zur Deskription und Analyse des innerorganisatorischen Sozialgeschehens. Als dessen Basiskonstituenten konnten für die wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken Kommunikation, Partizipation, Autonomie, Konflikt sowie Motivation und Kooperation identifiziert werden. Das Betriebsklima bildete - theoretisch wie empirisch hergeleitet - den geeigneten Indikator für die sozio-emotionale Qualität der Interaktionen und den Zusammenhang zwischen Leitungsverhalten, sozialem Geschehen und Erreichen des Organisationszwecks. Eine historische Betrachtung der Fachwissenschaft und -kommunikation ergab: Lediglich einige weitsichtige Vertreter der Profession wie Joachim Stoltzenburg hatten wesentliche Komponenten und Konsequenzen der Entwicklung für das Bibliothekswesen frühzeitig erkannt und aufgegriffen und deren soziale und soziologische Dimension gegen den vorherrschenden Konsens und Zeitgeist in der Fachprofession artikuliert. Ansonsten blendet(e) die - ohnehin spärliche - "Reform"-Diskussion die Interaktionsebene in der Arbeitsorganisation Bibliothek bis heute weitgehend aus. In der empirischen Untersuchung selbst kam ein Methodenmix zum Einsatz, der mehrere Qualitätskriterien sicherstellen sollte: Das gemischt qualitativ-quantitative Erhebungsinstrument diente der breiten Absicherung der Ergebnisse und deren fundierter Interpretation. Das Prinzip von Wahrnehmung und Gegenwahrnehmung in Form der Selbsteinschätzung der Leitungspersonen und deren Fremdeinschätzung seitens der Mitarbeiterschaft zielte auf größtmögliche Wirklichkeitsnähe und Konkretion. Mit dem regionalen Bezugsfeld und dem genau definierten Gegenstandsbereich der Untersuchung wurde nahezu eine repräsentative Vollerhebung für diesen Typus von Bibliotheken im Raum Berlin möglich. Die Einteilung in verschiedene Betriebsklima-Klassen erlaubte schließlich weitreichende komparative Schlüsse. Auf höchstaggregierter Ebene der Datenanalyse zeigte sich eine deutliche Trennlinie zwischen zwei (Arbeits-)Welten: der in den Bibliotheken mit gutem und jener in den Einrichtungen mit durchschnittlichem oder schlechtem Betriebsklima. Für die zentrale Frage, welches Leitungsprofil die Leistungs- und Innovationspotentiale der Beteiligten bestmöglich zu mobilisieren imstande ist, ergab sich: Transparentes, kommunikativ-partizipatives Verhalten der Leitungspersonen,deren fachliche Egalisierungs- und Kooperationsfähigkeit,deren Einhalten der formalen Positionsmacht,deren explizit leistungs- und innovationsorientiertes Verhalten mit entsprechenden Zielvorgaben sowiederen Konfliktsensibilität und -fähigkeit bedingen in hohem Maße das Engagement der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, ebenso deren Identifikation mit und innovationsorientierte Einstellung gegenüber ?ihrer" Einrichtung. Allgemein - und unabhängig von diesen Befunden mit Bezug zum Betriebsklima - gilt für die Mehrheit aller Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter: Ihr Tätigkeitsprofil ist strukturell durch hochgradig segmentierte Werkstückbearbeitung und Innendienstorientierung geprägt. Sie verfügen über ausgesprochen liberale Arbeitsbedingungen, hohe Gestaltungsautonomie innerhalb ihres (eingegrenzten) Arbeitsbereichs und geringe Aufstiegs- oder materielle Gratifikationsmöglichkeiten als Leistungsanreize. Entsprechend hoch ist ihre intrinsische Motivation zu bewerten. Für die Leiter und Leiterinnen gilt unabhängig vom Betriebsklima, daß ihren Handlungsspielräumen strukturell (Stichworte: starre Arbeitsorganisation, öffentlicher Dienst) und budgetär (Stichwort: geringe Investitionsmittel) enge Grenzen gesetzt sind. Im Ergebnis plädiert die Untersuchung für einen Paradigmenwechsel im (Selbst-)Verständnis zeitgemäßer funktionaler Leitungstätigkeit im wissenschaftlichen Bibliothekswesen und verwandten/angrenzenden Dienstleistungsbereichen: Leitungskompetenz ist unabdingbar als eine Mischung aus Fach-, Management- und Sozialkompetenz zu begreifen. Hieraus folgen Konsequenzen für Wissenschaft und Praxis: Professionelle Qualifizierung der sozialen Kompetenzen und Fertigkeiten zur Wahrnehmung und Ausfüllung der Leitungsfunktion ist systematisch zu entwickeln, in die Aus- und Weiterbildung zu implementieren und in der Praxis der Einrichtungen sicherzustellen. / Management and Cooperation in Research Libraries of Berlin The present work addresses an increasingly important-but hitherto largely neglected-topic in library science, in the field of information and communication, and among professional librarians: vertical social interaction in the research library as a work system. The intention behind this study was to find out in what way interaction between managers and their subordinates is linked to the latter group's job performance and innovativeness. With pressure to change and innovate being steadily increased by reduced subsidies, dwindling resources, growing customer demands for efficiency and quality service, and headlong technological change such as digitalization and networking, this dissertation presents an inquiry into the ability of this type of informational facility to function. Change and innovation are not understood in this analysis only as technological modernization and are not reduced to technical or merely formal organizational measures. Instead, the focus is on the actors and their attitudes, social behavior on the job, and perceptions. Research results from a variety of disciplines (especially industrial and organizational sociology, management theory, human-factors engineering, and communication sciences) provided the systematic, theoretical basis for describing and analyzing the social interaction that takes place within an organization. Communication, participation, autonomy, conflict, motivation, and cooperation were identified as the basic constituents of those dynamics in research libraries. Theoretically and empirically, the work climate served as the appropriate indicator of the socioemotional quality of interaction and was the link between managers' behavior, social interaction, and achievement of the organization's purpose. A historical review of library science and communication shows that only a few far-sighted librarians, such as Joachim Stoltzenburg, quickly recognized and discussed key components of development and their implications for library management. Articulating the social and sociological dimension of these facets, such thinkers argued against the Zeitgeist and prevailing consensus of their contemporaries in the profession. Apart from such efforts, however, social interaction in the library as a work system has continued to be a subject largely ignored in discussions of "reform" in this area, an exchange that has been meager in other respects as well. For reasons of quality control, a number of methods were used in the empirical part of the study. The survey itself consisted of both qualitative and quantitative elements in order to lay a broad, solid basis for generating and interpreting results. To ensure that the data was as realistic and well-founded as possible, the principle of comparing subjective and objective perception was observed by having managers assess themselves in addition to having them assessed by their colleagues. The study's regional scope and sharply defined subject of investigation made it possible to conduct a representative survey that included nearly every library of this type in the federal state of Berlin, Germany. At the highest level of aggregation, data analysis showed a distinct demarcation between two worlds of work: one in libraries with an agreeable working atmosphere, the other in libraries with an average or poor working atmosphere. In answer to the central question of which management style is best able to enhance the job performance and innovativeness of the participants, it was found that their commitment to, identification with, and innovativeness on behalf of "their" organization was greatly conditioned by the managers' transparent, communicative, participatory behavior,ability to interact and cooperate as equals with their subordinates in professional matters,observance of their formal authority,explicit meritocratic and innovation-minded behavior when accompanied by appropriate targets, andsensitivity to and ability to deal with conflict. Irrespective of these findings on work climate, it was generally true that most of the nonmanagerial employees in the study performed activities characterized by very segmented processing of materials and an orientation to office work. They had decidedly liberal working conditions and wide latitude to organize their own, albeit narrowly circumscribed, sphere of work, but they had little opportunity for advancement or material gratification. Nevertheless, their intrinsic motivation was high. Regardless of work climate, the scope for action by the managers in the study was severely restricted by structural factors (rigid work systems, public service) and budgetary constraints (low level of investment). Ultimately, the study is a call to change the paradigm of the way in which contemporary functional management activity is understood in the field of research libraries and related service areas. It is essential for managerial competence to be grasped as a blend of technical, managerial, and social expertise. The implications for both research management and practice in libraries in general are that social competencies and skills for perceiving and performing managerial functions should be systematically developed in a professional manner, made part of basic and advanced training, and routinely practiced in research libraries.

Estrutura formal e redes sociais informais: um estudo comparativo entre organização pública e privada / Formal structure and informal social networks: a comparative study between public and private organization

Nishi, Juliana Mayumi 27 March 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this multi-cases study was to analise the influence of formal structure in the emergence of Informal Social Networks in public and private organizations. The study was carried out in a public and a private school in order to determine the implications, attitudes, and behaviors of individuals inserted in the two contrasting situations. Regarding the nature of the investigation, this is a qualitative and quantitative research and the nature of the study outlines a descriptive approach. To define the organizational structure and the formal relationships of the schools we analyzed documents, performed interviews and made observations. For the mapping and characterization of Informal Social Networks of Information, Friendship and Trust, we used the questionnaire by Kuipers (1999) and Silva (2003), and results were obtained by Ucinet 6.0 software in parallel with NetDraw. Sixty-six employees of the public school were identified as types of flowers and seventy-three employees of the private school were called by names of Brazilian trees. In order to understand the reasons that justify the citation of a specific actor, a semi-structured interview based on Sozen (2012) was performed with all participants. The data analysis was divided into three categories: dependence, motives, and consequences of non-relationship. This way, we could observe the relationship between macro-structural and micro-behavioral power based on the counting of words using the NVivo and SAS softwares. Through the degree of centralization of Informal Social Networks it was possible to identify the central actors and their roles according to the classification of Cross and Prusak (2002). The main findings revealed that the networks of both schools analyzed showed a high potential for relationships to be developed. The size and density of the Informal Social Networks of Information and Trust were higher in the private school, whereas the Informal Social Networks of Friendship was higher in the public school. Although the public school used more informal contacts, the private school had a larger number of groups and cohesive subgroups. We, therefore, verified the influence of the formal structure in the formation of informal relationships, mainly in the private school; however, the strengthening of connections is not only sustained by the duties of the position, but also by the personal qualities of those actors. / O presente estudo de multicasos teve como objetivo analisar a influência da estrutura formal no surgimento de Redes Sociais Informais em organizações pública e privada. Optou-se pela pesquisa ser em escolas dos setores público e privado a fim de constatar as implicações, atitudes e condutas dos indivíduos inseridos nas duas situações contrastantes. Dessa forma, no que tange o caráter da investigação, trata-se de uma pesquisa quali-quantitativa e quanto à natureza do estudo delineia uma abordagem descritiva. Para definir a estrutura organizacional e as relações formais das escolas foram utilizadas as análises de documentos, entrevistas e observações da pesquisadora. Para o mapeamento e caracterização das Redes Sociais Informais de Informação, Amizade e Confiança foi aplicado o questionário de Kuipers (1999) e Silva (2003), sendo os resultados obtidos pelo software Ucinet 6.0 em paralelo com o NetDraw, cujos sessenta e seis colaboradores da Escola Pública foram codificados por tipos de flores, e os setenta e três funcionários da Escola Privada denominados por árvores de nacionalidade brasileira. A fim de compreender as razões que justificam a citação de determinado ator, foi realizada entrevista semi-estruturada, baseada em Sozen (2012), com todos os participantes. A análise dos dados foi dividida em três categorias, sendo elas, dependência, motivos e consequências do não relacionamento, de modo a observar as relações de poder macro-estrutural e micro-comportamental existentes por meio da contagem de palavras por meio dos softwares NVivo e SAS. A partir dos graus de centralidades das Redes Sociais Informais identificaram-se os atores centrais e os papéis desempenhados de acordo com a classificação de Cross e Prusak (2002). Os principais resultados encontrados expõem que as redes das duas escolas analisadas denotam um alto potencial de relacionamento a ser desenvolvido. O tamanho e densidade das Redes Sociais Informais de Informação e Confiança foram maiores na Escola Privada, e a Rede Social Informal de Amizade foi superior na Escola Pública. Apesar de a Escola Pública utilizar mais contatos informais, a Escola Privada apresenta um maior número de grupos e subgrupos coesos. Confirma-se, portanto, a influência da estrutura formal na formação das relações informais, principalmente na Escola Privada, todavia, o fortalecimento dos laços não está sustentado apenas pelas atribuições do cargo, mas também pelas qualidades pessoais desses atores.

Intra - Organizational Purchasing Synergy : Reengineering of Periodic Price Adjustment (PPA) Process

Muratov, Askar January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose is to investigate and analyse the impact of intra-organizational purchasing synergy on periodic price adjustment (PPA) process. Specifically, paper provides a view on how  purchasing process synergy through an operational IT platform can increase process reengineering opportunities within PPA.  Methodology: So, to fulfil the purpose of the research, the in-depth case study approach is chosen as a strategy that goes along with exploratory nature of the study, aimed at gaining rich insights in the context in which the phenomenon happens. Findings: The findings emphasize the importance of global process standardization and balanced governance among regional affiliates in successful implementation of PPA process synergy. We also identify a set of specific process reengineering needs  in PPA such as company wide information sharing,  standardization of part specifications and cost bases, and joint world-wide cost reduction activity within global buyer community (BGC). Then it is observed that all these process reengineering initiatives will not be possible without solid and flexible IT infrastructure  to improve buyer productivity and support their further development.   Research limitations/implications: Primarily, this study was conducted on single in-depth case study which makes it difficult to completely generalize the findings. Next, there are many factors impacting intra-organizational pricing processes besides global synergy projects. In fact, regional and organizational contexts are of high importance, which are addressed but not analysed in detail in the current study.   Practical implications: Together, the findings contribute to our understanding of the step-by-step pricing activity from industrial customer perspective and how buyers can improve cost competitiveness through various tangible and commercial part cost reduction activities.   Originality/value: Current study has addressed the pricing process from industrial customer perspective. It has two main theoretical contributions: (1) Detailed step-by-step description of PPA process between OEMs and their suppliers happening after SOP; and (2) groundwork for implementation guidance on intra-organizational price revision process synergy.

Étude de la compétence d'agilité : facilitateurs, freins et coordination des deux capacités dynamiques qui la composent (vigilance et action) / A study of agility competency : micro-foundations, inhibitors, and alignment between its two dynamic capabilities (sense and respond)

Davoust Grignon, Audrey 02 December 2016 (has links)
Notre projet de recherche vise à comprendre comment les organisations peuvent s’adapter à leur environnement et le faire évoluer en tirant partie de la richesse d’informations auxquelles le marketing a accès. Pour cela, nous avons mobilisé un cadre d’analyse croisant la littérature sur l’agilité en marketing, sur les capacités dynamiques et les compétences, et sur l’apprentissage organisationnel. Grâce à une démarche abductive, qui se compose de trois études qualitatives, nous répondons à la problématique : Quelles sont les ressources, capacités et compétences qui influencent la compétence d’agilité pour le marketing ? Nos résultats mettent en évidence l’importance de facilitateurs de l’agilité en termes de structure, de culture et de technologie. Ils montrent par ailleurs que l’objectif du transfert d’informations entre les chargés d’études et le marketing opérationnel, ainsi que le degré de contrôle sur l’interprétation des informations par le marketing opérationnel influence la coordination des activités qui composent l’agilité. / The aim of this project is to understand how organizations are able to adapt to their environment and to make it evolve in making use of the wealth of market information. For that purpose, we used an analytical framework based on the literature on customer agility, on dynamic capabilities and core competencies, and on organizational learning.An abductive approach based on three qualitative studies helped us answer the following research problem: What resources, capabilities and competencies influence customer agility?Our results show that micro-foundations of customer agility, in terms of structure, culture and technologies, are needed.We also show the importance of the objective of the intra-organizational transfer between market analysts and product managers and of the level of control over the receiver on the coordination of the two activities of customer agility.

Interorganisatorisk och intraorganisatorisk samverkan för klienter med komplexa behov : Kvalitativa intervjuer med socialarbetare om perspektiv på samverkan / Interorganizational and intraorganizational collaboration for clients with complex needs : Qualitative interviews with social workers about perspectives on collaboration

Haglund Josefsson, Andréa January 2023 (has links)
Based on an assumption that legal space can contribute to improved collaboration in social work, while at the same time it with its scope for interpretation can create obstacles to collaboration, this study has been made. This qualitative study has been limited to a smaller municipality in southern Sweden, where all interviewees, work at the social services in the adult unit, but in different sections thus problems specialized specializations. During the course of the study, another study was discovered on collaboration between the police and social services, where collaboration and cross-border cooperation work better in smaller municipalities. Based on interviewee statements, this can be confirmed even if these cannot generalize all municipalities' social workers' experience of collaboration. The social services on which the study is conducted are focused on problems for adults and collaborate with a number of different actors, units and authorities at the same time, including within the unit. In order to be able to understand and explain how collaboration takes place and is experienced, the study has been structured in such a way that the social services as the organization are described and explained based on, among other things, organizational theory. The social services are clarified based on which structure, the social secretaries work. Where both collaboration theory and complexity theory can be applied, it is also explained in more detail about internal and external collaboration, intraorganizational collaboration, interorganizational collaboration. The social secretaries are then described in their role and work performance, with a special focus on collaboration.Where specialization, legitimacy and profession form the basis for a desirable and evidence-based practice (EBP) performance of social work.  Finally, based on previous research and interviewees' statements, it has been possible to make a reflection from the clients' perspective of how they experience collaboration. This structure has facilitated the explanation of each component for a functioning collaboration and created an overview to be able to develop and clarify the social workers' experience of the collaboration.

Повышение привлекательности HR-бренда строительной компании как результат внедрения внутриорганизационного маркетинга : магистерская диссертация / Increasing the attractiveness of the HR brand of a construction company as a result of the introduction of intra-organizational marketing

Кудинова, Л. А., Kudinova, L. A. January 2024 (has links)
В данной работе проводится развитие теоретических положений повышения привлекательности HR-бренда строительной компании посредством внедрения и развития внутриорганизационного маркетинга. / In this paper, the development of theoretical provisions for increasing the attractiveness of the HR brand of a construction company through the introduction and development of intra-organizational marketing is carried out.

師父工作不安全感與師徒功能關係之探討:組織競爭氣候知覺與師徒關係類型之調節效果 / Job insecurity and mentoring support: the moderating roles of intraorganizational competitiveness climate perception and mentorship formality

周廷穎, Chou, Ting Ying Unknown Date (has links)
師徒關係是組織中重要的人際關係,而師父是師徒功能的提供者,故探討影響師父是否提供師徒功能的因素有其理論與實務上的的意涵。然而,現有文獻大多從徒弟特質或環境因素來探討促進師父提供師徒功能之因素,而忽略了師父本人的動機因素。有鑑於此,本研究將反向思考,探討降低師父提供師徒功能之因素。本研究首先探討師父工作不安全感與師徒功能之負向關係。並進一步探討師父的組織競爭氣候知覺與師徒關係類型是否調節前述之負向關係。本研究以便利抽樣之方法進行資料收集,共獲得170份有效問卷。根據迴歸分析結果顯示,師父工作不安全感與師徒功能有負向關係,但僅有師父的組織競爭氣候知覺調節前述之負向關係。當師父的組織競爭氣候知覺高時,前述負向關係的強度更強。但師徒關係類型(正式或非正式)則不對於上述關係具有調節效果。本論文也針對研究結果的理論與管理意涵進行討論。 / Mentors are the providers for mentoring support to protégés. However, the available studies focus on factors relevant to protégés or contexts and overlooked the role of mentors. Given that mentor plays an indispensable role in mentoring relationships, understanding the mentor-related factors that contribute to mentors’ provision of mentoring support has theoretical and practical implications. To this end, the current study examined the factors that prevent mentors from providing mentoring support to their protégés. Specifically, I argue that mentors’ job insecurity will be negatively related mentoring support provided. Furthermore, mentors’ intra-organizational competitiveness climate perception and mentorship formality will moderate the above negative relationship. Using a convenience sampling strategy, data from 170 mentoring pairs were collected. Results of hierarchical regression analysis indicated that job insecurity was negatively related with mentoring functions. Furthermore, intra-organizational competitiveness climate perception moderated the negative relationship between job insecurity and mentor functions such that the negative relationship was stronger for mentors who have high intra-organizational competitiveness climate perception. Finally, mentorship formality failed to moderate the above relationship. Theoretical and practical implications of this research were discussed.

Développer les talents par la mobilité interne dans les grandes entreprises françaises / Developping talent through intra-organizational mobility in large french companies

Janand, Anne 08 November 2013 (has links)
La mobilité interne est un outil de GRH fréquemment proposé aux cadres des grandes entreprises en France. La mobilité interne est en effet associée, tant dans la littérature économique que gestionnaire, à de nombreux enjeux. En particulier, l’exploration théorique suggère, au travers de la théorie de l’apprentissage de Bateson, de l’approche par les motivations intrinsèques développée par Thomas et de la sociologie de la traduction, que la mobilité interne permet de développer et de diffuser le talent des collaborateurs au sein de l’entreprise. A partir d’une démarche qualitative, nous avons observé la mise en place de la mobilité interne au sein de trois grandes entreprises : la Société Générale, « Vénus » et EDF. La recherche montre que la mobilité interne se heurte à un certain nombre de freins qui en limitent la portée en termes de développement des talents. Dans des organisations en transition, la mobilité interne est l’objet de découplages et de logiques contradictoires qui la rendent ambiguë. Dans d’autres organisations, le nomadisme interne de carrière qui s’est développé, conformément au courant des carrières nomades, peut conduire à une perte de Sens chez les salariés et aboutir à un sentiment de mouvement brownien. Seule la mobilité chez Vénus développe l’ « agilité apprenante » des collaborateurs et leur motivation intrinsèque de Progrès, grâce à une philosophie managériale conférant le droit à l’erreur, mais au prix d’un investissement psychique important de la part des salariés. Ainsi, la mobilité interne apparait comme un outil de GRH séduisant, mais complexe quant à sa mise en oeuvre dans les organisations. L’analyse inter cas conduit à mettre en avant que la mobilité interne comporte en effet une forte dimension psychique et culturelle. De ce fait, elle a une signification beaucoup plus large et plus symbolique et reflète le teneur du lien entre le salarié et l’organisation. / Large French companies usually propose intra-organizational mobility to their employees. Intra-organizational mobility presents many relevant issues highlighted in the economic and managerial literature. In particular, theoretical frameworks, such as the learning theory of Bateson, the intrinsic motivation approach developed by Thomas and the sociology of translation, suggest that intra-organizational mobility can develop and spread employees’ talent through the organization. Through a qualitative research, we observed the implementation of intra-organizational mobility inside three large companies: Société Générale, Venus and EDF. The research finds difficulties that limit the impact of intra-organizational mobility in terms of talent development. For organizations in transition, intra-organizational mobility suffers from logical inconsistencies and disconnects that make its effects ambiguous. In other organizations, the boundaryless model of career development that applies inside the organization can lead employees to a lack of sense in career development and be compared to a Brownian motion. Only intra-organizational structure at Venus develops “learning agility” and an intrinsic motivation of Progress, thanks to a managerial philosophy that considers trial and error an intrinsic element of learning but at the cost of an important psychic involvement from individuals. Thus, intra-organizational mobility is an attractive tool for HR professionals but it is rather complex to implement in organizations. Inter case analysis shows that intra-organizational mobility actually includes strong psychological and cultural dimensions and reflects aspects of the employment relationship.

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