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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Computer-Mediated Communication as Situated Phenomenon in Massive Multiplayer Online Servers : A Minecraft-based investigation

Colombo, Simone January 2021 (has links)
The present study investigated Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) as situated phenomenonin Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) servers. The popular videogame of Minecraft was chosen as a testbed to examine CMC within its simulated environment. Previous research on videogames explored CMC without considering the role of the server. This research suggests that the onlineserver represents an integral part of the digital environment, in which communication is situated. Data were collected from four servers that shared the same game play mode. A total of 11,658 chatmessages were collected and analyzed with Basic Content Analysis based on word frequencies. Codes were developed and sorted into three predetermined categories: socioemotional positive, socioemotional negative and task area. Results showed that communication significantly differed between almost all servers. Furthermore, it also appeared that in three of the four servers, communication varied between the two weeks of recordings. Future research on CMC is encouraged to consider the role of the online servers. The social construct that may be represented by the MMO servers ought to be explored more thoroughly. / I föreliggande studie så undersöks datormedierad kommunikation (CMC) som fenomen baserat iMMO-servrar (Massive Multiplayer Online). Detta utförs genom det populära TV-spelet Minecraft. Tidigare forskning har fokuserat på CMC utan att överväga olika servrar som faktorer. Resultatet av föreliggande studie indikerar att online-servern väsentligen hör ihop med den digitala miljön, där den kontextuella kommunikationen sker. Datainsamling skedde från fyra servrar som har överensstämmande spellägen. Totalt 11 658 chatmeddelanden samlades in samt analyserades genom innehållsanalys vilket baserades på ordfrekvens. Koder utvecklades och sorterades i tre förutbestämda kategorier: socioemotionell positiv, socioemotionell negativ och ”task area”. Resultatet indikerar att kommunikationen skiljde sig signifikant mellan servrar. Dessutom såvarierade kommunikationen mellan de två veckorna av insamlade data på tre av fyra servrar. Framtida forskning rörande CMC bör vidare överväga serverns roll. Därutöver bör det sociala konstrukt som framkommit ur MMO-servrar vidare utforskas.

Ur det andra perspektivet : En interpretativ fenomenologisk analys om hur unga män upplever att det är att leva i Sverige med utomeuropeisk bakgrund / From the other perspective : An interpretative phenomenological analysis about how young men experience living in Sweden with non-European background

Ström, Marie, Koski, Joakim January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to better understand how young men with non-European ethnicity experience life in Sweden, and which expectations they think society has on people with their group affiliation. A qualitative method with an inductive approach was applied where five men with non-European ethnicity, between the ages of 19–25, were interviewed with semi-structured interviews. The interviews were analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). The feeling of “betweenship” was common and many participants had struggled with the shaping of their ethnic identity. The language worked as an in- and out-group marker, where traditional Swedish language and suburban language were used for social categorization. Integration is highlighted as an ideal where people with non-European background are expected to adopt the majority norms. Prejudice and stereotypes against people with non-European background is associated with violence and criminality, which lead to the use of active and passive coping strategies in the form of avoidant and open conversation. / Syftet med denna studie är att förstå hur unga män upplever att det är att leva i Sverige med utomeuropeisk bakgrund och vilka förväntningar de upplever att det finns på personer med deras grupptillhörighet. En kvalitativ metod med en induktiv ansats tillämpades och fem män med utomeuropeisk bakgrund i ålder 19–25 intervjuades genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna analyserades utifrån en interpretativ fenomenologisk analys (IPA). Känslan av mellanförskap var vanligt förekommande och många hade haft svårt att utforma sin etniska identitet. Språket var en in- och utgruppsmarkör, då “rikssvenska” och “förortssvenska” användes vid social kategorisering. Integration lyfts fram som ett eftersträvansvärt ideal eftersom personer med utomeuropeisk bakgrund förväntas anpassa sig till majoritetssamhällets normer. Fördomar och stereotyper om personer med invandrarbakgrund förknippas med våld och kriminalitet, vilket gav upphov till aktiva och passiva copingstrategier i form av undvikande och öppen dialog.

NÄR VÄGLEDNINGSARBETET BYTER ARENA : Studie- och yrkesvägledares upplevelser gällande arbetet med digital vägledning

Fasth, Amanda, Silfvergren, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Studien har till syfte att beskriva och analysera hur studie- och yrkesvägledare på olika gymnasieskolor upplever digitala förändringar i det faktiska vägledningsarbetet med elever under coronapandemin. Tidigare forskning inom ämnet belyser både det historiska användandet av digital vägledning men även hur den används idag. Den teoretiska referensram som använts för studien är sociokulturellt perspektiv och kommunikationsteori. Åtta studie- och yrkesvägledare har intervjuats och därefter har intervjuerna analyserats utifrån en fenomenologisk ansats. I studiens resultat framkommer det att respondenterna har en gemensam upplevelse gällande det faktiska arbetet med digital vägledning, hur den har påverkats av den digitala vägledningen samt vilka möjligheter och hinder det finns i arbetet med digital vägledning. Respondenternas upplevelse är att tillgängligheten har ökat och att studie- och yrkesvägledningen når både fler elever och föräldrar med hjälp av den digitala vägledningen. Ytterligare en möjlighet med den digitala vägledningen är att elever med psykosocial problematik har blivit lättare att nå och etablera relation med. Ett hinder som respondenterna lyfter är att de pauser som tidigare funnits i samband med förflyttning mellan fysiska möten har försvunnit och till följd av detta får de inte tid att mentalt bearbeta ett möte innan de går in i ett nytt. Ytterligare ett hinder med den digitala vägledningen är avsaknaden av att kunna avläsa kroppsspråk och sinnesstämning vilket påverkar relationsskapandet..

Psychologické aspekty asistované reprodukce / Psychological Aspects of Assisted Reproduction

Karel, David January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation work aims to contribute to the understanding and explanation of individual psychological experience during the process of assisted reproduction. The research objective is to understand and describe infertile individual's experience during the process of assisted reproduction techniques treatment. The aim of the project is to immerse into the experience of infertile individuals and try to understand what the individual ascribes to himself, his infertility, reproductive medicine and how the individual perceives reality. The work helps to understand the experience of individual's perception of himself, his partner and his surroundings, in relation to his infertility and assisted reproduction techniques and what feelings and emotions he experiences. The dissertation project is answering four research questions: How do the participants feel about their child? How do the participants experience the process of assisted reproduction techniques? How do participants experience the emotions in the context of assisted reproduction? How do participants think about their partners and the social environments in the context of conception and ART? The nature of the adopted epistemological anthropomorphic attitude and theoretical models of the interaction symbolism and social constructivism, a...

Toward Education and Training the Human Resources: Meeting the Challenge Through a Joint-Venture Process Approach Between the Public and Private Sectors

Rodrigues, Elsa P., Gomes, Carlos F., Yasin, Mahmoud M. 01 January 2015 (has links)
The changing and highly competitive job market is putting pressure on both the private and public sectors to maintain and prepare an educated and well-trained human resource. In this context, a well-integrated educational and training strategy must be formulated and implemented, jointly, by the public and private sectors. This study presents the effort of Portugal in this direction. It emphasises a process orientation to achieve the goal of upgrading the educational skills of Portuguese employees, part of whom are entrepreneurs. For the purpose of this study cluster analysis, regression analysis and the important performance analysis were used. Based on the findings, the implications of the cooperation between the public and private sectors are discussed and a conceptual framework to aid policymakers, decision makers, and future researchers is offered. The benchmarking implications of this process are underscored.

“Their sense of wonder was the same as mine." : Outdoor Educators’ Spiritual Experiences in Wilderness.

Rosenthal, Pascal January 2021 (has links)
This study investigates outdoor educators’ spiritual experiences in wilderness from a retrospective point of view. The aim is to understand their meaning-making and the role of such experiences in their life and career as well as to draw out possible implications for outdoor education (OE) with special regards to a sustainable future of our planet. For that purpose, qualitative, semi-structured interviews were held with six American OE professionals aged 28 to 53, and analyzed in the manner of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The paper examines the concepts of wilderness, nature-based spirituality and OE, describes a number of relevant studies, and dedicates a critical chapter to the philosophical foundations of IPA. Due to participants’ varying comfort levels with spirituality, the paper suggests to refer to awe-inspiring experiences rather than spiritual experiences. The interviews show the significance of such experiences for the individual, and stress the importance of understanding them as part of a personal story, set in a framework in which participants make meaning. The paper identifies a number of elements that foster the awe- inspiring experiences reported in this study, and presents five ways they inspire the beholder on an intra-, inter- and extrapersonal level. In regards to OE, the paper emphasizes the crucial role awe-inspiring experiences may play in a perpetuating positive cycle towards environmental care and stewardship.

Loajalita k destinaci

Vlachová, Šárka January 2018 (has links)
Vlachová, Š. Loyalty to the destination. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2018. The thesis deals with loyalty to the Moravian Karst region and its surroundings. In the first part of the work a literary research was made using Czech and foreign secondary sources. In the second part of the thesis a questionnaire survey was conducted, to which 408 respondents answered. Based on the results of this survey, visitors' satisfaction with the destination and their loyalty to it was examined. With the help of regression analysis and IPA analysis, the factors that most affect the satisfaction and loyalty of visitors were identified and recommendations for destination management were formulated based on this information.

Why Some Women Eat Too Much: A Qualitative Study of Food-Dependent Women

Van Ostrand, GiGi 01 January 2015 (has links)
Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic and limiting one's food intake, or dieting, is usually unsuccessful. The purpose of the study was to explore the effect of food addiction (FA) on the current clinical and behavioral epidemic of obesity. FA, synonymous with food-dependency, is tentatively defined as an eating disorder based on substance dependence, as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Measurement of FA has been operationalized by the Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS) by applying the diagnostic criteria of substance dependence to eating behaviors. This study was based on the biological theory of chemical addiction and the evidence that highly processed, high-fat, and high-sugar foods may be addictive and may contribute to unsuccessful dieting. To explore the difficulty of adhering to healthy food choices, 6 women were identified who satisfied the diagnostic criteria of FA using the YFAS. These women were invited to participate in a qualitative study. The full transcripts, which were coded via interpretative phenomenological analysis, revealed 6 major themes. The most salient master themes were the loss of control over food intake, the need for external control for successful weight loss, and the significant distress caused by food and eating. All the women interviewed agreed that FA is an eating disorder and that (a) best results were obtained from sugar and flour abstinence and (b) success was found in a 12 Step program for FA based on an addiction model. Once identified with the YFAS, FA has a large impact for social change. Those recognized as having a FA can be offered a specific treatment, based on an addiction model, which differs from the usual treatment for obesity and offers a solution for successful weight management.

Ovan molnen skiner alltid solen – trauma, resiliens och utveckling hos militära piloter

Nilsson, Carl January 2023 (has links)
While modern air power theory stresses the importance of operational tempo, self-sufficiency, and the ability to sustain operations, few studies highlight the role of military pilots. Though the profession represents high risk and high stress even in peacetime, during wartime pilots are expected to continuously operate their aircraft, even if returning after being shot down.  Using a qualitative method, this thesis examines the lived experiences of Swe- dish military pilots who have returned to flying duty after mishaps, ejections, and/or crashes. It reflects their experiences as they happened, their process of reintegration, and the effect those experiences has had on their continued pro- fessional career.  The results show that pilots demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity while relying on their squadron colleagues for support and motivation. Even though the questioned pilots indicate post-accident growth, the reintegration process takes time which implies consequences for both operational planning and existing air power theory.

Utforskande diskussioner och elevdelaktighet: Vägen till meningsfull och allsidig sexualundervisning? : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare och deras gymnasieelever upplever och utformar den undervisning i sexualitet, samtycke och relationer som ges inom ämnet naturkunskap / Exploratory discussions and student participation : The path to meaningful and comprehensive sex education?

Ljungqvist, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
Undervisning i sexualitet, samtycke och relationer är ett väl omdebatterat undervisningsområde under ständig utveckling. Den ständiga utvecklingen kan dels tänkas bero på den nyligen införda läroplanen, Lgy22, dels avslöjanden från tidigare forskning vilka tyder på ett elevmissnöje kring den undervisning eleverna fått möjlighet att ta del av. Syftet med denna studie har därför varit att undersöka hur verksamma lärare och deras elever uppfattar den undervisning i sexualitet, samtycke och relationer som ges inom ämnet naturkunskap samt hur Lgy22 influerat arbete. Detta för att försöka skapa en bild av de faktorer elever upplever påverka undervisningen. Studiens resultat tar utgångspunkt i semistrukturerade lärarintervjuer samt elevenkäter vilka analyserats med hjälp av en interpretativ fenomenologisk analysmetod. Enkäterna och intervjuerna möjliggjorde en inblick i de båda studiegruppernas livsvärldar där lärarnas erfarenheter skildrar de många möjligheter samt utmaningar undervisningen inbegriper medan elevernas upplevelser förtäljer vilka utav lärarnas undervisningsval som tycks mer eller mindre önskvärda när det kommer till att organisera en godtycklig undervisning inom ämnesområdet sexualitet, samtycke och relationer. Framgångsfaktorer har kunnat konstateras i form av organisatoriska möjligheter vilka belysts av lärarna och bekräftats av eleverna, dels ett diskussionsorienterat arbetssätt, dels ett undervisningsinnehåll som tar hänsyn till elevernas önskemål. De utmaningar lärarna upplevde undervisningen inbegripa, bland annat med anknytning till okunskap kring elevernas tidigare erfarenheter samt en oro att diskussionerna kan inkräkta på det personliga, tycks däremot inte influera elevernas upplevelser av undervisningen och detsamma gäller den nya läroplanens inverkan på naturkunskapslärarnas arbete. Utifrån elevernas upplevelser synliggörs även en tydlig korrelation mellan undervisningens innehållsliga variation och upplevda förbättringsområden. Föreliggande studie kan med andra ord ses som en tillgång när det kommer till att organisera undervisning inom ämnesområdet sexualitet, samtycke och relationer.

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