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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Charakterisierung der durch Tribec-Virus induzierten Hemmung der Interferon-β-Induktion / Characterization of the Tribec-virus induced inhibition of the Interferon-β-induction

Besse, Matthias 04 February 2015 (has links)
Das Tribec-Virus wird zur Gattung der Orbiviren gezählt und wurde erstmals 1963 aus Blutproben aus dem Tribec-Gebirge in der Slowakei isoliert. Mittlerweile ist das Virus auch in vielen anderen Ländern Europas nachgewiesen worden. Wie für die Orbiviren typisch, besteht sein Erbgut aus insgesamt zehn Segmenten Doppelstrang-RNA. 2010 konnte das Genom des Tribec-Virus vollständig sequenziert werden. Das Virus wird meist über Zecken übertragen und steht in Verdacht, bei Säugetieren eine Entzündung des ZNS hervorrufen zu können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass es im Rahmen einer Infektion mit dem Tribec-Virus zu einer verminderten Induktion von Interferon-β in der infizier-ten Wirtszelle kommt. Dies ist auch dann der Fall, wenn gleichzeitig eine Infektion mit einem Interferon-induzierenden Virus vorliegt, was auf eine aktive Hemmung der ange-borenen Immunantwort durch das Tribec-Virus schließen lässt. Neben einer geringeren Aktivierung der Transkription des Interferon-β-Gens konnte in Zellkultur auch gezeigt werden, dass die Menge an freigesetzten Interferon-β nach einer Tribec-Virus-Infektion vergleichsweise gering ist. Als Folge dieser Unterdrückung der angeborenen Immunan-twort trägt es bei Typ-I Interferon-kompetenten Zellpopulationen nach Infektion mit Tribec-Virus zur Induktion eines zytopathischen Effekts bei der besonders stark ausfällt, wenn gleichzeitig mit dem Kontrollvirus RVFV-Clone-13 infiziert wird. RVFV-Clone-13 löst selbst nur einen sehr limitierten zytopathischen Effekt aus. Des Weiteren wurde nachgewiesen, dass bei mit Tribec-Virus infizierten Zellen die Translokation von IRF-3 aus dem Zellzytoplasma in den Zellkern unterbleibt, die einen notwendigen Schritt zur Aktivierung des Interferon-β-Promotors darstellt. Die Hemmung der IRF-3-Transloka-tion konnte auch über die verminderte Induktion von ISG56 nachgewiesen werden. Dies war auch für Zellen möglich, die sowohl mit Tribec-Virus als auch mit RVFV-Clone-13 infiziert worden waren, was den Rückschluss zulässt, dass es auch in diesen Zellen nicht zu einer Translokation von IRF-3 kommt. Von den 10 Segmenten des Erbguts des Tribec-Virus wurden in dieser Arbeit die Segmente 6 und 8 daraufhin untersucht, ob ihre Expression Einfluss auf die Interferoninduktion hat. Es konnte jedoch gezeigt werden, dass keines der beiden Segmente für ein Protein kodiert, welches die Interferonantwort hemmen würde.

Altérations génomiques des carcinomes hépatocellulaires liées au virus de l'hépatite B / Pas de titre traduit

Amaddeo, Giuliana 14 October 2013 (has links)
Contexte: Le carcinome hépatocellulaire (CHC) est la plus fréquent des tumeurs primitives du foie. Près de 50% des CHC sont causés par une infection par le virus de l'hépatite B (VHB). Au cours des différents stades de l’infection par le VHB, des multiples altérations génétiques et/ou chromosomiques s'accumulent et favorisent ainsi le développement tumoral. Objectives: a) étudier, in vitro et in vivo, le rôle potentiel d’un nouveau gène susceptible d’être impliqué dans la carcinogénèse hépatique : IRF-2 (Interferon regulatory factor 2). Ce gène a été identifié comme fréquemment délété par analyse CGH-SNP dans les CHC liés à l’infection par le VHB. b) caractériser une série de CHC liés au VHB en étudiant le statut viral, les altérations génétiques et l’expression de différents gènes afin de mieux comprendre le rôle du VHB dans l’hépato-carcinogenèse et comparer ces différents paramètres avec une série de CHC non liés au VHB. Résultats : a) Dans une série de 125 CHC, Sandrine Imbeaud, au sein du laboratoire, a effectué une analyse CGH-SNP microarray et a identifié une région commune de délétion homozygote localisée en 4q34.3-35 comprenant le gène IRF-2 dans 4 échantillons. Nous avons ensuite mis en évidence par séquençage des mutations somatiques inactivatrices dans 2 autres tumeurs. In vitro, la sousexpression d’IRF-2 a entrainé une augmentation de la prolifération cellulaire et sa sur-expression a induit une promotion de l'apoptose cellulaire. In vivo, l’extinction d’IRF-2 était responsable de la formation de tumeurs de grande taille. Les 6 tumeurs inactivées pour IRF-2 étaient associées au VHB (p = 0.0003), et les mutations de TP53 et d’IRF-2 étaient mutuellement exclusives. La sousexpression de IRF-2 induisait une sous-expression de TP53 et une forte corrélation entre les expressions protéiques de p53 et de IRF-2 a été observée (r2 = 0,72, p = 0,004). En plus, on a observé que l’expression des gènes cibles directs de TP53 était modulée par le niveau d‘expression d’IRF-2. Nous avons émise l'hypothèse que IRF-2 pourrait altérer la fonction de p53 car IRF-2 est connue pour se lier à MDM2, un régulateur négatif de l’expression de p53. Le traitement des cellules inactivées pour IRF-2 avec MG132, un inhibiteur du protéasome, a induit la restauration de l'expression de p53. In vivo, le traitement avec bortézomib, un inhibiteur du proteasome utilisé en oncologie, a entrainé une régression des tumeurs inactivées pour IRF-2. b) Nous avons caractérisé sur le plan clinique et moléculaire une série de CHC liés au VHB et, ensuite, nous avons comparé nos résultats avec ceux d’une série de CHC liés à autres étiologies. Nous avons montré que les CHC liés au VHB présentaient des caractéristiques cliniques et pathologiques différentes de celles des CHC non liés au VHB : ils survenaient chez des patients plus jeunes (P < 0.0001), d'origine Africaine ou Asiatique (P < 0.0001), avec un taux sérique d'alpha-foeto protéine élevé (P = 0.008) et étaient sur le plan histologique des tumeurs peu différenciés (P = 0.04). Nous avons identifié des mutations inactivatrices du gène HBX dans 71% des tumeurs et dans 33% des tissus non tumoraux adjacents (P < 0.0001). Dans 63% des cas, le nombre de copies virales dans les tumeurs était plus faible que dans les tissus non tumoraux adjacents (P < 0.0001). Le gène TP53 était le gène le plus fréquemment muté dans les CHC liés au VHB (41%, P = 0.0002), avec des mutations R249S présentes dans 14 échantillons (16%, p < 0.0001). Ce type de mutation est classiquement associé à l'aflatoxine B1. Nous avons observé que les mutations de TP53 étaient un prédicteur indépendant de survie uniquement pour les patients infectés par le VHB. Enfin, ... / Pas de résumé en anglais / Introduzione: Il carcinoma epatocellulare (HCC) è il tumore primitivo più comune del fegato. Nel mondo, quasi il 50% di tutti gli HCC sono causati dal virus dell'epatite B (HBV). Durante le fasi dell’ infezione da HBV, si possono accumulare alterazioni genetiche e / o cromosomiche e quindi promuovere lo sviluppo del tumore. Obiettivi: a) analizzare in vitro e in vivo il ruolo potenziale di un nuovo gene potenzialmente coinvolto nella carcinogenesi epatica: IRF-2 (Interferon regulatory factor 2). Questo gene è stato identificato mediante l’analisi CGH-SNP come frequentemente deleto negli HCC correlati all’ HBV. b) caratterizzare una cohorte di HCC correlati all’HBV studiandone lo stato virale, le alterazioni genetiche e l’espressione di differenti geni al fine di comprendere meglio il ruolo di HBV nella carcinogenesis epatocellulare e confrontare questi parametri con una cohorte di HCC a diversa eziologia. Risultati: a) In laboratorio, Sandrine Imbeaud ha condotto un'analisi SNP-CGH microarray su una cohorte di 125 HCC che ha evidenziato una regione deleta in maniera omozigote localizzata sul braccio lungo del cromosoma 4 (4q34.3-35) in 4 campioni tumorali. La regione comprende un unico gene: IRF2. In altri due campioni sono state identificate mutazioni somatiche inattivatrici mediante sequenziamento della regione codante di IRF-2. In vitro, la soppressione di IRF-2 ha indotto un aumento della proliferazione cellulare, al contrario, la sua sovra-espressione ha causato un aumento dell’apoptosi cellulare. In vivo, la soppressione di IRF-2 è responsabile della formazione di tumori più grandi nei topi nude. I 6 tumori mutati per IRF2 sono tutti correlati all’ HBV (p = 0,0003. Nella cohorte di tumori studiati, le mutazioni di TP53 e di IRF-2 erano vicendevolmente esclusive. Inoltre, la soppressione dell’espressione della proteina IRF-2 induceva una riduzione dell’espressione della proteina p53 ed una stretta correlazione tra l’espressione delle due proteine è stata osservata (r2 = 0,72, p = 0,004). Inoltre, abbiamo dimostrato che il livello di espressione di IRF-2 è in grado di modulare l'espressione di alcuni geni target di TP53. Abbiamo, quindi, ipotizzato che IRF2 possa alterare la funzione di p53. Come è noto IRF2 può legarsi a MDM2, un regolatore negativo di p53 che induce la sua degradazione proteasomica. Il trattamento di cellule inattivate per IRF2 con MG132, un inibitore del proteasoma, induceva il restauro dell’espressione di p53. In vivo, il trattamento con bortezomib, chemioterapico inibitore del proteasoma, ha determinato la regressione del tumore inattivato per IRF2. b) 86 HCC correlati all’HBV sono stati caratterizzati dal punto di vista clinico e molecolare ed in seguito sono stati confrontati una serie di 90 HCC correlati ad altre eziologie. Gli HCC correlati all’HBV hanno delle caratteristiche cliniche e patologiche diverse da quelle degli HCC d’altra eziologia: insorgenza in pazienti più giovani (p <0,0001), di origine africana o asiatica (P <0.0001), alfa-fetoproteina sierica elevata (P = 0.008) e scarsa differenziazione istologica (P = 0,04). Mutazioni inattivatrici del gene HBX sono state identificate nel 71% dei tumori e il 33% dei tessuti non tumorali adiacenti (P <0.0001). Nel 63% dei casi, il numero di copie virali nel tessuto tumorale era inferiore rispetto al tessuto non tumorale adiacente (p <0,0001). Il gene TP53 è stato il gene più frequentemente mutato nella serie di HCC correlati a HBV (41%, p = 0,0002), con una considerevole presenza di mutazioni al codone 249 (R249S) (16%, p <0,0001). Questo tipo di mutazione è associate classicamente all’ aflatossina B1. Abbiamo osservato, inoltre, che TP53 mutato era un predittore indipendente di sopravvivenza solo per i pazienti infetti da HBV. Infine, ...

"Man känner att man verkligen lyckas fånga dom" : En lärares uppfattningar om och användning av kunskapsreproducerande och kunskapsutforskande samtal / “You feel that you really succeed in capturing them” : A teacher’s perceptions and use of presentational and exploratory talk

Åstrand, Isabelle, Sandberg, Michelle January 2023 (has links)
Denna studies syfte är att ge djupgående kunskap om en lågstadieläraresuppfattningar om och användning av kunskapsreproducerande och kunskapsutforskande samtal i svenskundervisning. Studien har en teoretisk utgångspunkt i fenomenologi och är utformad som en fallstudie med tre klassrumsobservationer i årskurs 1 och en uppföljande intervju med klassläraren. Den insamlade datan har analyserats med en innehållsanalys som sorterat materialet i kategorier och underkategorier. Resultatet är att läraren inte benämner begreppen som kunskapsreproducerande och kunskapsutforskande samtal men använder och anpassar samtalen till sin undervisning efter hur gruppdynamiken i klassen fungerar. Vidare framkommer att det kollegiala samarbetet är viktigt för planeringen av klassrumssamtalen. När läraren reflekterade över de observerade lektionerna framkom det att hon var nöjd med att blanda samtalstyperna med såväl slutna som öppna frågor och att hon kunde styra lektionerna med valet av samtal. Hon hade planerat lektionerna så att eleverna skulle ta det största talutrymmet, vilket observationerna visade stämde.

Analyse der Regulationsmechanismen des humanen Tumorsuppressor Gens H-REV107-1

Reich, Steffen 03 July 2006 (has links)
H-REV107-1 wird in normalen Geweben ubiquitär exprimiert, während die Expression in humanen Mamma-, Ovarial-, und Lungentumoren unterdrückt ist. H-REV107-1 hemmt das Tumorwachstum in vitro und in vivo. Die Expression und Regulation des H-REV107-1 Gens wurde in verschiedenen, humanen Zelllinien untersucht. In Tumor Zelllinien wird die H-REV107-1 Expression durch IFNgamma induziert Eine Korrelation der H-REV107-1 und der IRF1 Expression nach Induktion mit IFNgamma wurde gezeigt. H-rev107-1 konnte nach konditionaler IRF1 Expression, Proteinsynthese-unabhängig, nachgewiesen werden und ist ein direktes Zielgen von IRF1. Die H-rev107-1 Expression ließ sich durch Unterdrückung des MEK/ERK Signalwegs mit dem MEK1 Inhibitor PD98059 aktivieren. Dies bedeutet, dass H-REV107-1 durch mindestens zwei verschiedene Signalwege, IFNgamma und MEK/ERK, reguliert wird. Der in vitro amplifizierte H-REV107-1 Promoter enthält keine TATA-Box, sondern ein Initiator Element sowie, in dem für eine TATA-Box definierten Abstand, eine ATF2 Bindungsstelle. Die Inkubation von transient transfizierten Zellen mit TNF alpha, cAMP und IFN gamma steigerte die Luciferase Aktivität. Mit Hilfe von Deletions- und Mutationskonstrukten wurden die regulatorischen Bereiche des Promoters bestimmt. Eine Mutation der cRel-Bindungsstelle, potentiell über NFkappaB reguliert, resultierte in einer Luciferase Aktivität von nur 9% des Wildtyp Promoters. Die Mutation der CREB/ATF2 Bindungsstelle reduzierte die Luciferase Aktivität auf 37%. Die Ko-Transfektion eines NFkappaB Suppressor reduzierte die Luciferase Aktivität um 53%. Diese Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass NFkappaB und ATF2 die H-REV107-1 Expression positiv regulieren. In einem EMSA wurde die Bindung von ATF2 an die CREB/ATF-2 Bindungsstelle gezeigt. Die Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass H-REV107-1 durch eine IFNgamma induzierte, möglicherweise PKR vermittelte, Signalkette von den Faktoren IRF1 und ATF2 direkt, sowie von NFkappaB indirekt, reguliert wird. / The H-REV107-1 class II tumor suppressor gene is ubiquitously expressed in normal tissues and down regulated in human breast, ovarian and lung tumors. H-REV107-1 has the capacity to suppress growth of tumor cells in vitro and in vivo. H-REV107-1 is up regulated after treatment with IFN gamma. A NIH3T3 cell line harboring an estrogen inducible IRF.1/hER fusion protein showed a protein synthesis independent up regulation of H-rev107-1 expression after induction of IRF-1. H-rev107-1 is a direct target of IRF-1. Inhibition of the MEK/ERK pathway, using the MEK1 inhibitor PD 98059, leads to a restored expression of H-rev107-1. Therefore, H-REV107-1 can be a target of the MEK/ERK-pathway. Thus, H-REV107-1 is regulated by at least two different pathways. To understand the regulatory mechanisms of the expression of the H-REV107-1 gene, the putative promoter region was analyzed in silico. The sequence was amplified and cloned. Induction of the promoter constructs with TNF alpha, cAMP and IFN gamma increased the luciferase activity. Several deletions constructs and constructs with putative transcription factor binding sites mutated were used to narrow down the important regulatory elements of the promoter. The mutations of a cRel binding site and a CREB/ATF-2 binding site decreased the luciferase activity by 91% and 63%, respectively. Co transfection of the full length promoter construct with a repressor of NFkappaB activation, reduced the luciferase activity to 47%. As a result of the investigation H-REV107-1 is directly regulated by IRF-1 and probably indirectly regulated by NFkappaB and the MEK/ERK signaling pathway. In an Electro Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA), the binding of ATF-2 to the CREB oligonucleotid was demonstrated by the use of a specific antibody. The ATF.2 binding site in the posititon –30 bp - 23 bp of the human, TATA-less H-REV107-1 promoter replaces the TATA-like element, which can be found in the H-rev107-1 promoter of rat and mouse.

Rosetta Langmuir probe performance

Johansson, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
Several Langmuir probe voltage sweeps by a model of the ESA spacecraft Rosetta was simulated in a plasma with solar wind parameters using the ESA open source software SPIS 5. The simulations were carried out to in- vestigate the features of the spacecraft’s environment in the solar wind and the effect of photoemission from the spacecraft surface on the measurements made by the Langmuir probes on board Rosetta. We report a best fit to an existing probe sweep result in the solar wind near the Earth at 1 AU from 9 Nov 2009 for a 4 million particle simulation in SPIS of an 8 V positively charged spacecraft with the following parameters: Tph = 2 eV, Te = 12 eV, Ti = 5 eV, ne = 5 cm−3. We also report that the spacecraft is shielding the Langmuir probes on Rosetta from plasma electrons, and particularly low energy electrons. In one instance, this blocking is shown to lead to an over- estimation of solar wind electron temperature by 12% and underestimate the plasma density by 24% by the Langmuir Probe for a +10 V charged spacecraft in ne= 5 cm−3, Te = 12 eV solar wind. Two models used in lit- erature on photoemission, one for isotropical emission from a plane and the other for radial emission from a point, was used and compared. We report a clear preference to the approximation of a Maxwellian energy distribution of photoelectrons emitted radially from a point source model with our sim- ulation result on the Langmuir Probe aboard Rosetta. We also report the solar aspect angle dependence on the plasma potential and plasma density result, which are in overall agreement with Rosetta measurements from the second Earth fly-by.

Vliv interferon regulujícího faktoru 3 na imunitní odpověď proti viru vakcínie v atopickém organismu / Effects of the Interferon regulatory factor 3 on immune responses to vaccinia virus in the atopic organism

Pilná, Hana January 2019 (has links)
Vaccinia virus (VACV) is an enveloped DNA virus, member of the Orthopoxviridae genus. VACV genome size is about 200 kbp. This huge genome capacity allows VACV to encode a set of factors that are non-essential for virus replication and spread in vitro. While these factors are needed for interfering with host immune responses, VACV remains strongly immunogenic. Cell-mediated and humoral immune responses in atopic disorders are deregulated to a certain extent, leading to complications in case of infection or vaccination with vaccines based on replicating viruses, such as eczema vaccinatum caused by VACV. VACV effects on immune responses consist among others in the inhibition of expression of type I interferon (IFN) at various levels - for example in a specific inhibition of phosphorylation of the interferon regulatory factor-3 (IRF-3) via inhibition of the activity of TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK 1) that normally phosphorylates IRF-3. Phosphorylation allows IRF-3 to translocate into the nucleus where it initiates transcription of IFNβ followed by induction of expression of IFN and interferon stimulated genes. Expression of these genes is shut down when IRF-3 activity is inhibited. To overcome this block, a recombinant VACV expressing murine IRF-3 under VACV p7.5 promotor (WR-IRF3) was generated....


Robinson, Cory Michael 02 August 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Rôles des kinases IKK et IKK-related dans les maladies inflammatoires chroniques : implications dans l’athérosclérose et la réponse hypoxique

Gravel, Simon-Pierre 12 1900 (has links)
L’inflammation est un procédé complexe qui vise l’élimination de l’agent causal de dommages tissulaires en vue de faciliter la réparation du tissu affecté. La persistance de l’agent causal ou l’incapacité à résoudre l’inflammation mène à un dérèglement homéostatique chronique qui peut avoir une incidence sur la morbidité et la mortalité. L’athérosclérose est une condition inflammatoire chronique des vaisseaux sanguins dont l’origine est multifactorielle. L’hypertension et l’état infectieux représentent respectivement des facteurs de risque classiques et émergents du développement de cette maladie. Les fondements initiaux de l’inflammation font intervenir l’immunité innée, la première ligne de défense dont disposent les cellules pour répondre à un signal de danger. Le but de cette thèse est d’examiner le rôle pro-inflammatoire d’une famille de kinases essentielles à l’immunité innée, soit celle des kinases de IkappaB (IKK) et des kinases IKK-related. Les kinases IKKalpha et IKKbeta forment le complexe IKK avec la molécule adaptatrice NEMO/IKKgamma. Ce complexe est chargé d’effectuer la phosphorylation de l’inhibiteur de NF-kappaB, IkappaBalpha, ce qui mène à sa dégradation et à la libération du facteur de transcription NF-kappaB. Nous montrons que le peptide vasoactif angiotensine II (AngII) induit l’activité phosphotransférase d’IKKbeta dans les VSMC par immunoprécipitation de NEMO puis essai kinase in vitro. Grâce à une approche ARN interférence (ARNi) dirigée contre IKK, nous montrons que cette kinase est responsable de la phosphorylation de p65/RelA. Nous montrons que le mécanisme d’induction de NF-kappaB par l’AngII est atypique, puisqu’il ne module pas IkappaBalpha, et montrons à l’aide d’inhibiteurs pharmacologiques que l’activation de p65 est indépendante des voies MEK-ERK-RSK, PI3K et de la transactivation du récepteur de l’EGF. Les kinases IKK-related Tank-binding kinase 1 (TBK1) et IKK-i sont quant à elles principalement activées suite à une infection bactérienne ou virale. Ces kinases phosphorylent directement le facteur de transcription interferon regulatory factor (IRF)-3. Nous montrons que le cytomégalovirus humain, un pathogène associé à l’athérosclérose, a la capacité d’induire l’activation de TBK1 dans les VSMC. L’usage d’ARNi dirigé contre TBK1 et IKKi montre que les 2 kinases sont impliquées dans l’activation d’IRF-3. De plus, nous montrons à l’aide d’une lignée de VSMC exprimant une version dominante négative d’IRF-3 que ce dernier est essentiel à la synthèse des chimiokines RANTES et IP-10, tel qu’analysé par RT-PCR. Par ailleurs, il a récemment été montré que les kinases IKK-related étaient étroitement liées à la transformation oncogénique, et que TBK1 était pro-angiogénique. Or, l’angiogenèse est le plus souvent modulée par la réponse hypoxique qui est d’ailleurs commune à la majorité des processus inflammatoires. Le facteur de transcription hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1 module l’angiogenèse, l’inflammation et la survie cellulaire. Nous montrons à l’aide de cellules Tbk1 et Ikbke -/- et d’une approche lentivirale que TBK1 est spécifiquement impliquée dans l’induction traductionnelle de HIF-1alpha en condition de stress hypoxique. L’expression de TBK1 est induite sous ces conditions, et cette kinase module la phosphorylation de ERK, RSK, Akt et TSC1. Les résultats originaux présentés dans cette thèse montrent donc que les kinases IKK et IKK-related exercent leurs actions pro-inflammatoires par des mécanismes distincts. / Inflammation is a complex process that allows elimination of tissular damaging agents and thus facilitates wound repair. Persistance of a damaging agent or the incapacity to resolve the inflammatory state leads to chronic homeostatic deregulation with putative incidence on morbidity and mortality. Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory state of blood vessels which origins are multifactorial. Hypertension and the infectious state represent classical and emerging factors of atherosclerosis development, respectively. The innate immune response takes place in the initial steps of inflammation, and represents the first cellular line of defense against danger signals. The goal of this thesis is to examine the pro-inflammatory roles of the IkB kinases (IKK) and the IKK-related kinases, which are essential innate immune response protein kinases. IKKalpha and IKKbeta form, together with NEMO/IKKgamma, the IKK complex. This complex is responsible of the phosphorylation of the inhibitor of NF-kappaB, IkappaBalpha, a process that leads to its degradation and NF-kappaB release. By immunoprecipitation of NEMO and assessment of the IKK complex activity in vitro, we show that the vasoactive peptide angiotensin II (AngII) induces IKKbeta phosphotransferase activity in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). The use of RNA interference (RNAi) against IKKbeta reveals that this kinase is responsible for p65/RelA phosphorylation. AngII modulation of NF-kappaB is atypical since it does not modulate IkappaB. Moreover, the use of pharmacological inhibitors shows that p65 induction is independent of both MEK-ERK-RSK and PI3K pathways, and that it does not involve EGF receptor transactivation. IKK-related kinases Tank-binding kinase 1 (TBK1) and IKK-i are known to be induced by bacterial and viral infections. These kinases are able to phosphorylate directly interferon regulatory factor (IRF)-3 transcription factor. Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) seropositivity was shown to be linked to atherosclerosis development. We show that TBK1 activity is induced in HCMV-infected VSMC. RNAi directed against TBK1 and IKK-i reveals that both kinases are required for IRF-3 activation. The use of a VSMC line that express a dominant negative version if IRF-3 shows that this transcription factor is involved in the induction of RANTES and IP-10 chemokines, as assessed by RT-PCR. In addition, IKK-related kinases were recently shown to be implicated in oncogenic transformation. TBK1 was also shown to be pro-angiogenic. Angiogenesis is known to be regulated by the hypoxic response, a common condition of inflammatory processes. Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1 is a transcription factor that modulates angiogenesis, inflammation and cell survival. We show with the use of Tbk1 and Ikbke -/- cells combined with the use of a lentiviral approach that TBK1 is specifically involved in HIF-1alpha translational induction under hypoxic stress. We also show that TBK1 expression is enhanced under theses conditions, and that this kinase modulates the phosphorylation of ERK, RSK, Akt and TSC1. In conclusion, the results presented in this thesis show that the IKK and IKK-related kinases are both pro-inflammatory, and exert their actions by distinct mechanisms.

Ensino de língua estrangeira na educação infantil: um estudo sobre a fala institucional de sala de aula

Araujo, Luciana Gossmann 26 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:11:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este estudo investiga o papel do uso da seqüência Iniciação – Resposta – Avaliação & Iniciação – Resposta – Follow up (doravante IRA & IRF), bem como o papel dos fantoches em promover o uso da língua alvo e contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novas identidades na sala de aula de língua estrangeira pesquisada. Para tanto, adotam-se princípios e procedimentos da pesquisa-ação e, por isso, da metodologia qualitativa de análise. A professora-pesquisadora utilizou, em sala de aula, material didático elaborado por ela mesma em um estudo anterior. As aulas de inglês gravadas para este estudo ocorreram em uma turma de educação infantil de uma escola particular do Vale dos Sinos. A geração de dados, que ocorria uma vez por semana, durante três meses e meio, foi realizada em uma turma composta por 20 alunos, sendo que 10 eram meninas e 10 eram meninos. À primeira vista, as filmagens pareciam revelar grande recorrência de seqüências IRA nas interações. Contudo, a análise empreendida sugere outra interpretação das ações / This study seeks to investigate the role of using the Initiation – Response – Evaluation & Initiation – Response – Follow up sequences (hereafter IRE & IRF), as well as the role of puppets in fostering the use of the target language and the development of new identities in the second language classroom researched. In order to do so, principles and procedures of action-research, and therefore, from qualitative methodology of analysis were adopted. The researcher-teacher applied, in her classroom, didactic material that she had elaborated in a previous study. The classes of English recorded for the present study took place in a kindergarten class of a private school located in Vale do Rio dos Sinos. The recordings, which occurred once a week, during three months and a half, were made in a class composed by 20 students, of whom 10 were boys and 10 were girls. In a preliminary analysis, the recordings seemed to disclose a great deal of IRE sequences in the interactions. However, upon closer inspection, the analys

Optimization of Cubesat-Compatible Plasma Ion Analyzer for Asteroid Composition Analysis

Zankov, Ivan January 2019 (has links)
Many space probes have conducted in situ explorations of asteroids, in recent decades, intent on identifying evidence of the solar system's earliest processes of formation within the asteroids' interiors. Several future asteroid missions are planned, among which include ESA's Hera mission to explore the Didymos binary asteroid pair. An ion mass analyzer is currently being designed at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics for use as part of the Hera mission. This thesis aims to optimize the instrument such that each of its parameters meets the requirement for performance. A computer simulation is used to calculate the trajectories of low-energy ions inside the instrument, where the electrostatic potential are imposed by grids and electrodes embedded inside the instrument. From the data analysis of the simulation results, the performance for each parameter can be derived. By changing the settings of the grids and electrodes (e.g., positions and voltages), the instrument parameters are to be optimized. Two tasks are set up in this project--- the first task is to optimize the focusing system of the incoming ions at the instrument's entrance, and the second task is to investigate the reflectron system so that the mass resolution of the instrument can be optimized via reducing the spread of the ions' time of flight spectra. The focusing system is found to already be optimized, but instead, a relation between its position of the grid at the instrument's entrance and the instrument's performance is derived. The method of and parameters for optimization within the reflectron are extensively tested individually during this project. Although several performances in each trial from the reflectron analysis cannot meet at least one of the requirements, enough scenarios are examined such that every parameter tested ends with a value suitable to be applied individually to optimize the ion mass analyzer. The findings from the individual tests done in this project can be applied to further optimization, particularly to optimize multiple parameters simultaneously in the near future.

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