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Jaunimo dalyvavimas įgyvendinant regioninę jaunimo politiką Lietuvoje / Youth participation in the implementation of regional youth policy in lithuaniaKeršys, Ramūnas 26 June 2014 (has links)
Ramūnas Keršys (darbo vadovė Doc. Jolita Kašalynienė). Jaunimo dalyvavimas įgyvendinant jaunimo politiką. Magistro darbas. V.: VU Socialinio darbo katedra, 2009. 87 p. SANTRAU KA JAUNIMO DALYVAVIMAS ĮGYVENDINANT JAUNIMO POLITIKĄ Regioninės jaunimo politikos formavimas ir įgyvendinimas priskirtas savivaldybių institucijoms. Savivaldybių jaunimo politikos efektyvumas ir kokybė priklauso nuo dialogo užtikrinimo tarp savivaldybės institucijų ir jaunų žmonių sprendžiant jiems aktualius klausimus. Jaunimo politikos pagrindų įstatyme įtvirtintais pariteto, subsidiarumo, tarpžinybinio koordinavimo, dalyvavimo, informavimo, savivaldos, savanoriškumo, savarankiškumo, bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo principais yra grindžiamas kokybiškas jaunimo politikos įgyvendinimo procesas. Tyrimo problema – neefektyvus jaunimo politikos formavimo ir įgyvendinimo sistemos pritaikymas savivaldybėse užtikrinant jaunimo dalyvavimą jam aktualių sprendimų priėmimo procese. Šio magistrinio darbo tikslas: išsiaiškinti savivaldybių jaunimo politikos formavimo ir įgyvendinimo sistemos funkcionalumą įtraukiant jaunus žmones į jiems aktualių sprendimų priėmimo procesą. Tyrimo objektas - jaunimo dalyvavimas įgyvendinant regioninę jaunimo politiką. Tyrimas apėmė 32 savivaldybėse esančias jaunimo politiką formuojančias ir įgyvendinančias sistemas. Tyrime metu buvo analizuojama jaunimo politikos sistemos formavimo principai savivaldybėse, savivaldybių jaunimo reikalų tarybų veiklos produktyvumas, jaunimo reikalų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Ramūnas Keršys (Master’s paper advisor Doc. Jolita Kašalynienė). Youth participation in bringing out youth's politics. Master paper. V.: VU Department of Social Work, 2009, 87 p. SUMMARY YOUTH PARTICIPATION IN BRINGING OUT REGIONAL YOUTH'S POLITICS Regional youth politics' formation and accomplishing is attached to institutions of local administration. Local administration's youth politics' efficiency and quality depends on dialogue's assurance between institutions of local administration and young people, when discussing general questions that are related to youth. The quality of youth politics' bringing out process is based in youth politics foundation's statutes which strengthen in parity, subsidiary, interdepartmental coordination, participation, information, self-government, voluntariness, communication and collaboration principles. Investigation problem - non effective youth politics' formation and bringing out system's adaptation in local administrations, when ensuring youth's participation in the process of making decisions in today's problems. The main purpose in this master: find out local administration politic's formation and bringing out system's functionation when drawing in young people into the process of making decisions in today's problems. Investigation object - youth's participation while bringing out regional youth's politics. The investigation included 32 local administration's systems, which form and bring out youth's politics. During the investigation... [to full text]
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Vadovų komandos darbo ypatumai jaunimo mokykloje / A Youth is an initiator to implement the innovations and fluctuationsBardauskas, Balys 21 June 2005 (has links)
A Youth is an initiator to implement the innovations and fluctuations. The all school’s has to become the subject – character with his face, traditions and swings of activities, not a object which is just administer something externally. The conditions to become this kind of subject are close relationship among all participants of the educational process and particular self-support and autonomy of these members. The concept of scholl often includes only the pupils and teachers. Parents or the pupils often are like an addition to educational process, which takes part only in solving school daily living needs problems and is informed about the pupils learning. The rapports between the parents and school have not wait for the reform of the education system. It must change now, for the successful work of school.
The team of administration of the schools play a very big role in all the chantes of education system. Their authorities, competence, possibilities of managing and managing style have a big influence on this process wiht no doubt. Today’s institutions, related to education system, have many problems to introduce their main objectives into everyday life. We think that only strong-minded, team of administratores, who work is based on the knowledge and who has very good competence in his work area, coulp help for schools, as an instutions, to keep abreast with the times and to improve themselves.
The concept of socialization means the process when the individual become a... [to full text]
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Jaunimo integravimosi į darbo rinką teisinis reguliavimas ir socialinis veiksmingumas / Juvenile Integration into Legal Regulation and Social EfficiencyKibildaitė, Jūratė 08 June 2005 (has links)
This work aims to investigate the means of legal regulation of youth integration into labour market, and their social effectiveness. The first part of the work analyzes the notion of labour market in the social-economic and institutional aspect, reveals the significance of the legal regulation handling the employment opportunities of the persons with lower possibilities on the labour market. Statistical labour market research data suggest the youth to be one of the social groups experiencing difficulties with the integration into the labour market. 16-25 year old youth and/or young person beginning his work activities for the first time is infixed in the labour code of Lithuania as a person additionally supported in the labour market. The law on the support of unemployed people regulates youth employment support programs.
Second part of the work analyzes the documents anchoring the integration of youth into the labour market on the level of the European Union, national and that of municipalities. The present labour market policy of the country is determined by the direct application of employment increase principles set in the legal documents of the European Union, and the implementation of recommendations in the national legislation. For the purpose of expansion of the possibilities for the youth integration into the labour market, the European Union applies the increase of the mobility of young people and the support provided by the Social fund to the member countries... [to full text]
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Nevyriausybinių jaunimo organizacijų dalyvavimas formuojant ir įgyvendinant jaunimo politiką vietos lygmeniu: Pasvalio rajono savivaldybės atvejis / Participation of non-governmental youth organizations in the formation and implementation of youth policy at the local level: Pasvalys district municipality caseKačianauskaitė, Reda 03 April 2014 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamas nevyriausybinių jaunimo organizacijų dalyvavimas formuojant ir įgyvendinant jaunimo politiką vietos lygmeniu: Pasvalio rajono savivaldybės atvejis. Konceptualioje dalyje analizuojama institucinė sistema, atsakinga už jaunimo politikos formavimą ir įgyvendinimą nacionaliniu ir vietos lygmeniu, nevyriausybinių jaunimo organizacijų samprata, vaidmuo viešajame valdyme ir bendradarbiavimas su savivaldybės institucijomis. Išaiškintos ir aprašytos pagrindinės nevyriausybinių jaunimo organizacijų dalyvavimo jaunimo politikos formavime ir įgyvendinime vietos lygmeniu sąlygos ir priemonės. Tiriamojoje dalyje atlikus Lietuvos teisinių dokumentų, reglamentuojančių jaunimo politiką nacionaliniu ir vietos lygmeniu analizę ir pusiau struktūrizuotą ekspertų interviu, išsiaiškintos nevyriausybinių jaunimo organizacijų dalyvavimo formuojant ir įgyvendinant jaunimo politiką Pasvalio rajono savivaldybėje galimybės bei tobulintinos sritys. Remiantis gautais rezultatais pateiktos išvados ir rekomendacijos nevyriausybinėms jaunimo organizacijoms ir Pasvalio rajono savivaldybei dėl nevyriausybinių jaunimo organizacijų įsitraukimo į jaunimo politikos formavimą ir įgyvendinimą tobulinimo. / Bachelor’s thesis analyses the participation of non-governmental youth organizations in the formation and implementation of youth policy at the local level: Pasvalys district municipality case. The conceptual part analyses institutional framework responsible for the formation and implementation of youth policy at the national and the local levels, the concept of non-governmental organizations and its role in public management and cooperation with municipal authorities. The main conditions and means of the participation of non-governmental youth organizations in the formation and implementation of youth policy at the local level have been found out and described. In the exploratory part, after having carried out analysis of the Lithuanian legal documentation regulating youth policy at the national and the local levels and semi-structured expert interview, there have been clarified possibilities and areas while improving the participation of non-governmental youth organizations in the formation and implementation of youth policy in Pasvalys district municipality. With the reference to the obtained results, conclusions and recommendations to non-governmental youth organizations and Pasvalys district municipality concerning improvement of the involvement of non-governmental youth organizations in the formation and implementation of youth policy have been submitted.
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Lietuvos jaunimo užimtumo perspektyvos vieningoje ES darbo rinkoje / The perspectives of lithuanian youth employment in single eu labour marketUscilaitė, Simona 23 June 2014 (has links)
Darbas jaunam žmogui yra ne tik pajamų šaltinis, bet ir saviraiškos bei sėkmingos integracijos visuomenėje priemonė. Be to, aukštas jaunimo užimtumo lygis yra stabilios bei ekonomiškai stiprios visuomenės pagrindas. Tuo tarpu jaunimo nedarbas vis dar išlieka rimta problema tiek Lietuvoje, tiek daugelyje kitų Europos Sąjungos šalių. Jaunimo nedarbo lygis tebėra dvigubai aukštesnis nei bendras nedarbo lygis. Atsižvelgiant į jaunimo užimtumo problemos aktualumą, šiame darbe buvo siekiama ištirti Lietuvos jaunimo užimtumo perspektyvas vieningoje Europos Sąjungos darbo rinkoje bei pasiūlyti problemos sprendimo būdus. Šiam tikslui pasiekti buvo pasirinkti jaunimo užimtumo politikos dokumentų bei statistinių rodiklių analizės ir kokybinio ekspertų ir jaunimo interviu tyrimo metodai. Iš viso buvo atlikta 10 struktūruotų interviu (5 su ekspertais ir 5 su jaunimo atstovais). Respondentai buvo atrinkti derinant tikslinės atrankos ir sniego gniūžtės metodus. Pirmiausia šiame darbe apžvelgiamos pagrindinės jaunimo užimtumo teorinės prielaidos: aptariama jaunimo sąvokos vartojimo problematika, jaunimo situacijos darbo rinkoje raida bei jaunimo nedarbo priežastys. Toliau analizuojamos ES bei Lietuvos užimtumo politikos bei programos, įvertinamas jose konkrečiai jaunimo užimtumo problemoms skiriamas dėmesys. Trečioje šio darbo dalyje yra pristatomi ekspertų ir jaunimo kokybinio tyrimo rezultatai, kurie atskleidžia pagrindines Lietuvos jaunimo užimtumo problemas bei siūlo jų sprendimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The job for young people is not only source of income, but also the way of successful self realization and integration into society. Moreover, the high level of youth employment is the ground of stable and economically strong society. Unfortunately youth unemployment is a serious problem not only in Lithuania, but in more other EU countries also. Youth unemployment rate is twice biger than general unemployment rate. Because of the actuality of youth employment problem, the main purpose of this master thesis is to study the perspectives of the Lithuanian youth employment in single EU labour market and to refer the ways to solve the problem. The methods of youth employment policy documents, employment statistics analysis, and qualitative expert and youth interviews were used for the research. Were made 10 structured interviews with 5 experts and 5 youth respondents. First of all the theoretical presumptions about youth employment are reviewed in this work. The problematic use of youth conception, the development of youth situation in labour market and reasons of youth unemployment are discussed. The EU and the Lithuanian employment policy and programs with its specific attention to youth employment problems in the general employment policy were discussed. The third part of this work presented the results of qualitative expert and youth research, which name the main youth employment problems in Lithuania and propose measures to solve them. The study also studies the effects of... [to full text]
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14 – 16 metų merginų ir vaikinų nuomonė apie subkultūras / 14-16 Years Old Teenagers approach to Subcultures compared by genderČereškaitė, Lina 20 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: 14 – 16 metų merginų ir vaikinų nuomonė apie subkultūras. Tyrimo tikslas: išsiaiškinti 14-16 metų merginų ir vaikinų nuomonę apie subkultūras. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Pateikti merginų ir vaikinų sampratą apie subkultūras. 2. Išsiaiškinti dėl kokių priežasčių dažniausiai merginos ir vaikinai įsitraukia į subkultūrų veiklą. 3. Išsiaiškinti kokioms jaunimo subkultūroms paaugliai priklauso ir palyginti lyties aspektu. Išvados: 1. Vaikinai dažniau nei merginos nežinojo kas ta subkultūra. Merginos dažniau nei vaikinai teigė, jog subkultūra tai „tam tikros elgesio normos, principai, kurių privalu laikytis“. Dalis vaikinų ir merginų rinkosi atsakymą, kad tai tiesiog „neformalai“. Kiti - subkultūras įvardino kaip gyvenimo būdą. 2. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, jog merginos subkultūras renkasi dažniausiai dėl naujų draugų, tuo tarpu vaikinai dažniausiai renkasi dėl galimybės būti suprastais (p<0,05). 3. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad paaugliai priklauso arba neseniai priklausė kokiai nors subkultūrai (fyfoms, marozams, reperiams, gotams, pankams, forsams). Merginos nurodė jog priklauso fyfoms, gotams, vaikinai – forsams, pankams. Marozų, reperių subkultūros yra mišrios, joms priklauso ir vaikinai ir merginos. / Object of the study: 14 – 16 years old teenagers opinion about subcultures and participation in them. Objective of the study: to find out the opinion of teenagers subcultures and their ownership. Goals of the study: 1. Half of the 50% of guys do not know what the subculture, while the girls did not know - 30%. 54% of girls said that the subculture is "certain norms of behavior, principles that must be respected, as well as thought, almost half boys - 32.1%. A similar number of boys and 14.3% girls and 12% chose the answer is simply "informal". 3.6% of boys and 4% girls subcultures named as a lifestyle. 2. The results showed that girls usually prefer subcultures for new friends - 14%, while boys tend to congregate on the possibility to be understood - by 8.9%. "Being able to experience" lured 7.1% of boys and 6% of girls. 3. The results showed that 47% of teens owned or recently belonged to any subculture (fyfa, marozas, reperis, gotas, pankas, forsas). 22% of girls said that depends fyfa, gotas, 25% of boys - forsas, pankas. Marozas, reperis subculture are mixed, they belong to and the guys and girls from both subcultures 5.4% of boys and 2% of girls.
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Vaikų ir jaunimo klubų prieinamumo ir organizacinės sklaidos prielaidos / Preconditions for Accessability and Organizational Spread of Child and Youth ClubsVidžiūnaitė, Elvyra 27 June 2006 (has links)
One of forms of informal education — Children and Youth Clubs. According to club’s constitution, club is institution of informal education, which works in social, educational and cultural areas and provides for members of community such services as: organizing purposeful leisure for children and youth, permitting of positive socialization, artistic activity and self-expression of children and youth.
Proper organization and realization of informal education — interesting activity after classes — pull away children and youth from empty, senseless leisure, herewith away from bad addictions and crime. Artistic, technical, sportive and other activities help children and youth to realize their demand for self-expression and communication, form national and cultural self-awareness.
Purpose of this work — to analyze possibilities and preconditions for accessability and organizational spread of child and youth clubs in Vilnius.
For implementation of this purpose the following methods were used:
• Qualitative method — structured interview with directors of Vilnius’ Children and Youth Clubs;
• Quantitative method — questioning of youth of age 14-18 (special questionnaires were uses);
• Budgeting and costs analysis.
Research shoes that children and youth don’t have equal possibilities to participate in informal education activities, because these possibilities depend on financial potential of their parents.
Informal education is important part of educational system. Children and youth... [to full text]
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Parapijinės bendruomenės narių požiūris į aktualias dorovines šiuolaikinio jaunimo problemas / Parish community members’ attitudes towards the relevant moral problems of the contemporary youth are analyzed in this workPetrauskas, Šarūnas 17 June 2005 (has links)
Parish community members’ attitudes towards the relevant moral problems of the contemporary youth are analyzed in this work. In the first part of the work the analysis of the community concept, Church mission and its influence on the community, the peculiarities of the parish community and Church’s educational role in it is given. The second part studies the conception of the moral orientation and the factors which influence the development of the youth’s moral orientation and education. The analysis of the research results is given in the third part. Moral attitudes of the youth residing both in the city and in the country are discussed. The attitudes of active parish community members towards the moral youth problems were analyzed. The research showed that the main problem of the contemporary youth is the drinking problem. Community members tend to relate the appearance of moral problems with the negative influence of the people of some consequence. One third of the community members suggest solving these problems together with other community institutions: family, school, local government, church. One fourth of the respondents think that it would be useful to have culture clubs where children could spend their spare time meaningfully.
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Besikreipiančiųjų į Kauno ir Sandneso jaunimo centrus prieinamumo ir pasitenkinimo vertinimas / The estimation of satisfaction and ability of people who take medical advice in youth centers in Kaunas and SandnesSunelaitytė, Laura 13 July 2007 (has links)
Tikslas – įvertinti Kauno ir Sandneso jaunimo centrų prieinamumą ir besikreipiančiųjų į juos asmenų pasitenkinimą suteiktomis paslaugomis.
1. Nustatyti bei įvertinti besikreipiančių jaunų žmonių socio-demografinę struktūrą Kaune ir Sandnese, jų nusiskundimus bei kreipimosi profilį.
2. Nustatyti Kauno ir Sandneso jaunimo centrų prieinamumą.
3. Įvertinti jaunų žmonių pasitenkinimą Kauno ir Sandneso jaunimo centrų teikiamomis paslaugomis.
Metodika: Tyrimas vyko 2005-2006 m. Kauno ir Sandneso jaunimo centre. Apklausai naudota anoniminė anketa. Anketavimo vykdymas ir organizavimas suderintas su jaunimo centrų administracija. Tiriamųjų imtį sudarė 165 Kauno Dainavos jaunimo centro ir 182 Sandneso jaunimo centro lankytojų, besikreipiantys dėl įvairių priežasčių. Statistinė duomenų analizė buvo atlikta naudojant MS Excel ir SPSS statistinius paketus.
Rezultatai: Išanalizavus gautus duomenis buvo nustatyta, kad tiek į Kauno, tiek į Sandneso jaunimo centrus dažniau kreipėsi moteri��kos lyties atstovės. Kaune dažniau kreipėsi besimokantis jaunimas (61,3 proc.), o Sandnese daugiau kreipėsi jaunuolių, kurie niekur nedirba ir niekur nesimoko (23,9 proc.). Atskirai nuo tėvų gyvena (37,2 proc.) besikreipiančiųjų į Kauno jaunimo centrą ir (26,4 proc.) Sandneso jaunimo centrą. Besikreipiantys į Sandneso jaunimo centrą (23,3 proc.) dažniau lankėsi dėl ligos, nei į Kauno jaunimo centrą (13,3 proc.). Kauno jaunuoliai reikšmingai dažniau nei Sandneso jaunuoliai kreipėsi dėl nesutarimų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the work – identify the accessibility and satisfaction of visitors of youth centers in Kaunas and Sandnes.
The objectives of the work:
1. To determine and measure the socio-demographic structure of young people, their complaints and profile of consulting in Kaunas and Sandnes.
2. To identify the possibilities of young people to have the use of services of the youth centers in Sandnes and Kaunas.
3. To identify the young people satisfaction with service of the youth centers in Kaunas and Sandnes.
Methods: The study was followed in 2005-2006. The anonymous questionnaire was used for research. Questioning was agreed with authority of youth center. There were questioned 165 visitors of Kaunas and 182 visitors of Sandnes, who visited the youth center for various reasons. The statistical analysis was done using the statistical package of MS Excel and SPSS.
Results: After exploring the sociodemographic structure of visitors of Kaunas and Sandnes youth centers the dependence between visitors of the centers and their gender was identified. According to that in both countries the youth centers are more popular between women than men. The dependence between the subject of research and young people age was also identified: in Kaunas the youth center was mostly visited by students (61.3 proc) while in Sandnes the same centers were popular among unemployed and those who didn’t go to school or university. 23.9 percent. Separate from their parents live 37.2 percent visitors’ in... [to full text]
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Globalūs tinklai ir politinės sferos kaita: iššūkiai jaunimo NVO veiklai Lietuvoje / Global networks and the shift of politics sphere: the challenges for the activity of youth NGO in LithuaniaKėrytė, Živilė 26 August 2008 (has links)
Globalizacija kaip socialinis reiškinys susilaukia tiek daug dėmesio socialiniuose moksluose, kad netgi labai daug įvairiausių paaiškinimų ir sampratų nesustabdo ketinimo suprasti jį dar labiau. Socialinio bei politinio gyvenimo vidiniai procesai bei kokybė reikalauja naujos socialinę realybę charakterizuojančios sampratos. / The social phenomenon of globalization is attending so much consideration in the social sciences, that very different explanation and meanings don’t stop the intention to understand it even more. The inner life of social and political processes demands for the new social reality with the new social categories.
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