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Le paradoxe des stéréotypes de sexe reproduits dans les dispositifs d’insertion : effets sur les projets professionnels des femmes immigrées et issues de l’immigration / The paradox of gender stereotypes into help workers : impacts on professional projects of immigrant women and Women of immigrant backgroundKamara, Assa 13 July 2016 (has links)
Titre de la thèse : Le paradoxe des stéréotypes de sexe reproduits dans les dispositifs d’insertion : effets sur les projets professionnels des femmes immigrées et issues de l’immigration Les projets professionnels des femmes immigrées et issues de l’immigration ont un sexe (généralement féminin). Ici le « sexe des métiers » (Amossé, 2013), est étudié du point de vue sociologique, dans deux dispositifs d’insertion, en tenant compte des trajectoires des bénéficiaires (en amont de l’entrée dans le dispositif), et des projets professionnels (avant entrée et au moment du parcours dans le dispositif). La thèse confirme que le sexe des métiers est connu, intériorisé par les bénéficiaires comme les intervenants des dispositifs même quand leurs discours sont égalitaires. Il arrive que le projet change en cours de dispositif, mais même en ce cas, il reste le plus souvent de même sexe (féminin pour les femmes). Cet aspect est étudié en mobilisant une démarche de sociologie principalement qualitative alors que les études existantes sur le sujet sont souvent quantitatives. L’étude menée montre également que la variable immigration a peu d’influence sur le sexe des métiers visés dans les projets professionnels des femmes (généralement féminin). En effet, les femmes non immigrées et non issues de l’immigration s’orientent, comme les femmes immigrées et issues de l’immigration, vers des métiers féminins, sans que les résultats obtenus justifient de les différencier de ce point de vue. Ce résultat confirme les études existantes qui en revanche, distinguent généralement 3 catégories sur le critère de la précarité : les femmes immigrées s’orientant vers les emplois les plus précaires, les femmes non immigrées et non issues de l’immigration vers les emplois les moins précaires et les femmes issues de l’immigration se situant de manière intermédiaire (Merckling, 2012). Toutefois dans les 2 dispositifs observés, le résultat est différent : il n’y a pas de différence entre les femmes non immigrées et les femmes issues de l’immigration, accueillies dans le même dispositif et qui ont des projets professionnels avec des niveaux de précarité similaires. En revanche, que les femmes immigrées, accueillies dans l’autre dispositif observé, s’orientent vers des métiers plus précaires. Pour l’expliquer, l’analyse montre comment les spécificités des publics (difficultés d’alphabétisation notamment) interagissent avec les différentes formes de prise en charge. Enfin, pour affiner l’influence de la dimension genrée sur les projets professionnels, la thèse analyse la manière dont d’autres variables interagissent avec elle, soit pour la renforcer soit pour la contredire. Par exemple, la non reconnaissance des compétences (diplômes, formations, expériences) des femmes immigrées renforce la dimension genrée des projets professionnels, en induisant un repli sur les compétences « naturelles » de genres (babysitting etc). D’autres variables atténuent l’effet de genre comme (parmi d’autres) l’effet des politiques d’adaptation au marché du travail local, qui peuvent aboutir à proposer aux femmes des métiers masculins, pour lesquels il existe un besoin de main d’œuvre non satisfait sur le territoire du dispositif. Mais même s’il existe des contre-exemples, ils sont présentés et vécus par les acteurs comme exceptionnels, donc ne remettant pas en cause le modèle genré dominant. / The issue of « gender profiled trades » (« le sexe des métiers », Amossé, 2013) is being adressed from a sociological viewpoint, in two job integration agencies, taking into account participants’ trajectories before thier enrolment and their work projects throughout the integration process. Using a qualitative approach, this research diverts from most studies on the subject which are quantitatively oriented. The present study reveals that « gender of work » is a marker internalized by both participants and their trainers in spite of their gender neutral discourse. Even as shifts occur in their work projects, gender orientations do not change significantly women’s preference towards typical female jobs. The study shows that immigration status does not impact deep-rooted patterns. However findings somehow differ from one agency to the other : in the former, both natives and immigrants shared similarities as they engaged in low level precarious jobs, while in the latter, only immigrants pursue such kind of trajectory. This outcome can be explained by certain charactéristics such as low level of literacy, interacting with differenciated forms of supervision and trainership. Further analysis is provided in order to explain those particular interactions in the production of gender profiled trades. In the end, even in the presence of counter examples, actors consider such instances as atypical, leaving uncontested dominant gender oriented job models.
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Ethics in personnel recruitment and selection process in the Department of Human Settlements, Mpumalanga ProvinceManyange, Tsakani Mavis January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (MPA.) -- University of Limpopo, 2017 / In the pre-democratic era, recruitment and selection practices in South Africa were generally based on segregationist policies and legislation that reserved most skilled jobs for white employees. The post 1994 Constitution brought a new dimension by introducing principles that promote fair, non-bias, objective and equitable recruitment. The motivation is derived from section 195 1 (i) of the Constitution of Republic of South Africa of 1996 which states that employment of personnel should be fair, without prejudice, objective and should represent the demographics of South Africa. Section 195 (i) stipulates that the employment of personnel should be “…based on ability, objectivity, fairness, and the need to redress the imbalance of the past…”. The Public Service Act 103 of 1994, section 11 stipulates that in the filling of posts in the public service due consideration must be given to democratic values and principles, and appointments should be based on qualifications, skills and competencies. Furthermore, the Public Service Regulation 2001 states that the persons who are recommended for appointment in a position must have the necessary skills and competencies, and that the process must be fair and unbiased. Equally, the Employment Equity Act (1998) prohibits discrimination in employment that is based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, etc.
Within this context, the aim of the study was to determine if the Mpumalanga Department of Human Settlements adheres to ethics in its recruitment and selection processes as stipulated by various legislations. The ethics would include recruiting and selecting people with relevant qualifications, skills, and competencies in a fair and unbiased manner by following the right procedures. Relying on a mixed methods research design, the study used interviews and questionnaires to elicit data from 50 employees in the Mpumalanga Department of Human Settlements. The study found that the MDHS had policies and strategies to promote ethics in its recruitment and selection processes; although these were hampered by weak implementation efforts. Incidents of
favouritism, nepotism, political interference and lack of confidentiality were experienced in recruitment and selection of employees.
In some cases, appointed candidates lacked the necessary skills and qualifications. Given this, it was recommended, inter alia, that implementation of ethics policies and strategies should be improved to ensure integrity and compliance in recruitment and selection processes within the MDHS environment.
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Missed Opportunity: Three Baseline Evaluations of Federal Opportunity Zones PolicySnidal, Michael January 2023 (has links)
The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act contained the largest federal initiative for place-based investment in over half a century. Opportunity Zones (“OZs”) are expected to cost the US government over $15 billion in forgone tax revenue through 2026, exceeding both the Clinton Era Empowerment Zones and the Great Society programs of Lyndon Johnson. Have OZs increased neighborhood investment and, if so, what types of projects and neighborhoods have benefitted? This dissertation presents three baseline evaluations of OZ.
The first essay discusses the findings from 76 interviews with community and government officials, program managers, developers, businesses, and fund managers about OZ outcomes in West Baltimore. The second essay uses a difference-in-differences (DID) event study framework, an adjusted interrupted time series analysis, and census tract matching techniques to compare small business and residential lending outcomes in OZs with areas that were eligible but not designated. The final essay combines an online search for OZ supported affordable housing projects, a DID design that examines Low-Income Housing Tax Credit outcomes, and 16 interviews with community development experts to evaluate whether and how OZ is having an impact on affordable housing production.
These three analyses show that OZ is a missed opportunity. OZ is stimulating investment conversations and local government capacity, but it is failing at oversight and community engagement and not changing outcomes for distressed community development or affordable housing. OZ is failing because it provides weak incentives for capital gains investors seeking market rate returns, because it does not support investors and developers already active in distressed neighborhoods, and because of several related design flaws that inhibit mission driven development. The essays propose specific policy changes necessary for OZ to encourage investment in highly distressed neighborhoods and to support affordable housing production.
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Trade Unions and Green Jobs in the post-Fordist Economy: Just Rhetoric or a Fundamental Shift?Kojola, Erik 12 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Pratiques d’entreprises et extension de l’informalisation au secteur minier formel ouest-africain : analyse comparée des réponses d’acteurs francophones et anglophones.Viagbo, Komi Mawunam 01 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse part du constat que les cadres théoriques explicatifs des relations d’emploi sont plus adaptés au contexte occidental et ne permettent pas d’expliquer les réalités des pays en développement en général et de l’Afrique subsaharienne en particulier. Elle s’appuie sur les pratiques d’informalisation des emplois miniers par l’externalisation au Ghana et en Côte d’Ivoire pour proposer une théorie appropriée au contexte de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. La question principale de la recherche est la suivante : quelles logiques orientent les acteurs dans leur positionnement face au processus d’informalisation des emplois miniers en Afrique de l’Ouest ? De cette question principale ont découlé les questions secondaires à savoir : que comprendre de l’option des entreprises minières pour les pratiques d’informalisation des emplois? Comment expliquer les stratégies gouvernementales dans l’encadrement ou non de ces pratiques? Et que dire des stratégies de l’acteur syndical ou des communautés locales (autorités/chefferies traditionnelles) face à ces pratiques?
Pour répondre à ces questions, la thèse s’est appuyée sur une comparaison des contextes coloniaux anglophone et francophone de l’Afrique de l’Ouest pour s'interroger sur l’influence des trajectoires et traditions institutionnelles sur les logiques des acteurs contemporains des relations d’emploi. Elle a mobilisé des ressources théoriques complémentaires issues de l’institutionnalisme historique, des variétés de capitalismes, de l’histoire des pays et des théories du système monde et du capitalisme périphérique. La méthodologie est quant à elle basée sur un devis qualitatif, avec une analyse multiniveau et des études de cas comparatives d’entreprises minières au Ghana et en Côte d’Ivoire. Au total, quatre entreprises minières à raison de deux par pays (une entreprise originaire du Canada et une autre originaire de l’Inde dans chacun des pays hôtes) ont été étudiées. Des entrevues ont été réalisées auprès de 33 personnes ressources identifiées au sein de ces entreprises et dans les institutions sectorielles et nationales des relations industrielles. Cette approche méthodologique a permis d’appréhender les contextes nationaux des relations d’emploi dans les deux pays étudiés, mais aussi les logiques mobilisées par les acteurs, aux échelles nationales et des entreprises, face aux pratiques d’externalisation des emplois.
L’analyse des données collectées a permis de constater qu’au niveau des acteurs gouvernementaux des deux pays, la logique a évolué de l’organisation juridique autour de l’emploi formel à durée indéterminée comme norme à la déréglementation et à l’intégration des pratiques d’externalisation grâce aux réformes introduites dans le cadre des programmes d’ajustement structurel. Dans les deux pays, l’influence des organisations internationales notamment le FMI et la BM est déterminante dans l’adoption de cette posture idéologique de la régulation flexible des relations d’emploi. Les logiques patronales d’informalisation des emplois dans les deux pays s’inscrivent, quant à elles, dans des dynamiques de rationalisation de la gestion et donc de maximisation des profits. Toutefois, la thèse a permis de mettre en évidence un effet « pays d’origine de la mine » qui peut affecter la forme de la pratique d’externalisation adoptée, particulièrement en Côte d’Ivoire où les mécanismes de suivi de l’application de la loi ne sont pas aussi contraignants qu’au Ghana. Enfin, les logiques syndicales s’inscrivent davantage dans le cadre institutionnel national d’organisation de l’action syndicale. Au Ghana, la nature décentralisée de l’organisation syndicale est plus favorable à l’exclusion des travailleurs externalisés alors que le cadre centralisé ivoirien se prête davantage à l’unité d’action entre travailleurs externalisés et travailleurs de l’entreprise utilisatrice.
En somme, la thèse soutient que pour comprendre les logiques d’acteurs syndicaux et gouvernementaux face aux pratiques d’informalisation des emplois, il convient de considérer le degré d’autonomie des États par rapport à l’influence des institutions internationales notamment la BM, le FMI et l’OIT. Au-delà de ces organisations, il importe aussi de savoir la façon dont le facteur colonial continue d'influencer les pratiques et logiques d’acteurs de ces pays notamment par le maintien des modèles juridiques hérités, l’utilisation par les tribunaux de la jurisprudence des anciennes puissances colonisatrices et l’alignement des pratiques institutionnelles contemporaines sur les modèles de ces anciennes puissances. Pour ce qui est des entreprises, les données de la thèse appuient l’idée que les pratiques d’externalisation s’inscrivent dans une logique de maximisation des profits, mais elles sont modulées en fonction du contexte national d’implantation des entreprises. Dans un environnement où il y a un mécanisme de suivi rigoureux de l’application des lois, toutes les entreprises ont tendance à avoir des pratiques similaires. En revanche, dans un contexte où le mécanisme de suivi est moins efficace et moins rigoureux on a tendance à observer des comportements d’entreprises qu’on peut relier à leurs pays d’origine.
Finalement, les niveaux de responsabilités et la place accordés aux autorités locales dans les contextes nationaux peuvent entraîner l'implication plus ou moins importante de ces dernières dans les pratiques d’emploi. / This thesis starts from the observation that the theoretical frameworks explaining employment relations are more adapted to the Western context and make it difficult to explain the realities of developing countries in general and sub-Saharan Africa in particular. It draws on the practices of informalization of mining jobs through outsourcing in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire to propose an appropriate theory to the West African context. The main question of the research is the following: what logic guides the actors in their positioning facing the process of informalization of mining jobs in West Africa? From this main question arose secondary questions, like: What to understand from the practice of jobs informalization in the mining companies? How can we explain government strategies regarding the regulation or lack of regulation of these practices? And what can we say about the strategies of the union actor or local communities (traditional authorities/chiefdoms) regarding these practices?
To answer these questions, the thesis relied on a comparison of the English-speaking and French-speaking colonial contexts of West Africa to question the influence of trajectories and institutional traditions on the logics of contemporary actors of employment relations. It mobilized complementary theoretical resources from historical institutionalism, varieties of capitalism, the history of countries and theories of the world system and peripheral capitalism. The methodology is based on a qualitative estimate, with a multilevel analysis and comparative case studies of mining companies in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire. A total of four mining companies, two companies per country one from Canada and another one from India in each of the two countries, were studied. Interviews were conducted with 33 individuals selected within these companies and in sectoral and national industrial relations institutions. This methodological approach made it possible to understand the national contexts of employment relations in the two countries studied, but also the logics mobilized by the actors at the national and company levels, relating to jobs outsourcing.
The analysis of the data collected has shown that at the level of the government actors of the two countries, the logic has evolved from the legal organization around formal permanent employment to deregulation and the integration of outsourcing practices through reforms introduced under structural adjustment programs. In both countries, the influence of international organizations, particularly the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, is decisive in the adoption of this ideological posture of flexible regulation of employment relations. The employers' logic of jobs informalization in the two countries is more in line with the dynamics of rationalization of management and therefore maximization of profits. However, the research has revealed a "country of origin effect" in those mining companies. This effect affects the form of the outsourcing practice adopted, particularly in Côte d'Ivoire where the mechanisms for monitoring the application of the law are not as restrictive as in Ghana. Finally, Union logics are aligned with the national institutional framework, which organize union action. In Ghana, the decentralized nature of union organization is more favorable to the exclusion of outsourced workers, while the Ivorian centralized framework lends itself more to unity of action between outsourced workers and workers from the mining company.
Ultimately, the thesis argues that to understand the logics of union and government actors faced with the practices of informalization of mining jobs through outsourcing, it is appropriate to consider the degree of autonomy of countries in relation to the influence of international institutions, notably the WB, the IMF and the ILO. Beyond these organizations, it is also important to know the way in which the colonial factor continues to influence the practices and logic of actors, particularly through the maintenance of inherited legal models, the use by courts of case law of the former colonizing powers and the alignment of contemporary institutional practices on the models of these former powers. As for companies, the data from the thesis supports the idea that outsourcing practices are part of a profit maximization logic, but they are modulated according to the national context in which the companies are established. In an environment where there is a rigorous monitoring mechanism for law enforcement, all companies tend to have similar practices. On the other hand, in a context where the monitoring mechanism is less effective and less rigorous, we tend to observe behaviors of companies that can be linked to their countries of origin. Finally, the levels of responsibilities and the place granted to local authorities in national contexts can lead to more or less significant involvement in employment practices.
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社會閒散之研究-酬賞分配方式、工作性質工作能力對團體中個人表現的影響程懷琳, CHENG, HUAI-LIN Unknown Date (has links)
團體工作的個人比單獨1 人時不努力,且團體越大、個人越不努力。Latane等人稱此
現象為社會閒散(Social Loafing)。
本研究採實驗室實驗法,操弄3 個一般工作情境中常見變項:工作性質(總和性、非
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Minorities, gender, managerial jobs, and income, 1960-1990McDanel, Rodney A 08 1900 (has links)
Changes in income and representation in managerial occupations is explored separately for women and men among the United States' eight largest race/ethnic minority groups for each decennial census of 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990 to determine how much change has occurred between 1960 and 1990 in race and ethnic inequality, and in gender inequality within each race/ethnic group. Insights from gender theory are applied to minority group inequality and insights from minority group theory are applied to gender inequality with some degree of success. Economic change is uneven among the groups, with the largest specific change being the movement of women into managerial jobs. A clear pattern also emerged indicating that the higher the average representation of a minority group in managerial jobs, the greater the gap between women and men. The income of all persons with income, however, did not exhibit such a clear pattern across the different groups.
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Rapport salarial, rationalisation des modèles productifs et relation de service : le cas des centres d'appels téléphoniques / Wage earner relation, rationalization of productive models and service relation : the case of call centersFeriel, Emilie 18 October 2011 (has links)
Notre thèse se propose d’analyser les transformations des rapports salariaux à partir d’une lecture croisée de la dynamique des modèles productifs et de l’expansion de la relation de service. Nous formulons l’hypothèse que la relation entretenue avec le client devient, sous différentes facettes, une source de profit obtenue à partir du travail salarié, ce qui conduit à une transformation des modes de production caractérisée par une division du travail et des emploi plus prononcée. L’exploration de cette hypothèse est effectuée pour le cas particulier des centres d’appels téléphoniques, sur la base d’une analyse empirique réalisée à partir d’entretiens sectoriels et de huit études de cas. Au regard de l’abondante littérature portant sur cet objet d’étude, notre recherche propose d’adopter un angle d’analyse original, qui consiste à prendre en compte les centres d’appels du point de vue de leur ancrage au sein des organisations productives. Nous partons de l’idée que l’activité des centres d’appels n’est pas totalement nouvelle et qu’elle résulte d’une transformation de situations antérieures. Il s’agit alors d’étudier cette activité au regard de son insertion au sein d’un processus de division du travail. L’application de la grille d’analyse d’un modèle productif permet dans ce cadre de mettre en exergue une recomposition et un découpage des différentes dimensions de la relation de service à travers l’ensemble de l’entreprise, qui entraîne une segmentation flexible des emplois et une rationalisation commune du travail empruntant à la fois à une logique industrielle et professionnelle, mais qui mobilise fortement l’implication subjective des salariés. / Our thesis offers to analyze the transformation of wage earner relations through a cross reading of the productive models dynamics and the growth of the service relation. We venture the hypothesis that the relationship with the customer becomes a source of profit achieved by paid work at different level, which leads to a transformation of productive models characterized by a stronger division in work and employment. The analysis of this hypothesis is made for the specific case of call centers on the basis of a purely practical analysis carried through sectorial interviews and eight case studies. With regard to abundant sources about this study, our research offers to adopt an original angle of analysis consisting in taking into account call centers regarding their base within productive organization. We start by assuming that call centers activity isn’t entirely new and that it ensues from a transformation of former situation. Thus we have to study the activity with regard to its integration within a work division process. The implementation of the frame of reference of a productive model allows us to underline in this context a reconstruction and a division of the various dimensions of service relation through the whole industry. It leads to a flexible segmentation of jobs and a common rationalization of works borrowing an industrial and professional reasoning but which highly uses employees subjective commitment.
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Ensaios sobre os acidentes do trabalho no Brasil / Essays on labor accidents in BrazilPereira, Rafael Mesquita 12 March 2019 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo geral apresentar dois ensaios sobre os acidentes do trabalho à luz da teoria dos diferenciais salariais compensatórios sobre os empregos de risco no Brasil. Para tanto, a partir da base de dados da Relação Anual de Informações Sociais (RAIS), fornecida pelo Ministério do Trabalho (MT), são construídas variáveis relacionadas às taxas de ocorrência de acidentes do trabalho (fatal, lesão e doença) para as subclasses da Classificação Nacional de Atividades Econômicas (CNAE). No primeiro, intitulado \"O Valor estatístico de uma vida: estimativas para o Brasil\", é calculado o valor estatístico de uma vida para diferentes amostras de trabalhadores (homens, mulheres e trabalhadores blue-collars) com o objetivo de fornecer um parâmetro financeiro referente às indenizações a serem pagas a trabalhadores (e às suas famílias, em caso de acidentes fatais) que sofreram algum dos tipos de acidentes listados anteriormente no exercício de sua atividade laboral. No segundo ensaio, intitulado \"O impacto da \"Lei do Descanso\" nas horas trabalhadas, nos salários e nos acidentes não-fatais do trabalho dos caminhoneiros brasileiros\", é estimado o método de diferenças em diferenças generalizadas para avaliar se a Lei de Descanso, implementada em 2012 no Brasil, visando regular a jornada diária de trabalho e de descanso dos caminhoneiros brasileiros, com o intuito de melhorar as condições de trabalho e de reduzir os acidentes envolvendo estes profissionais, gerou diferenças estatísticas nas horas mensais trabalhadas, nos salários e nos acidentes não-fatais do trabalho (por lesão ou doença) destes trabalhadores. / The purpose of this thesis is to present two essays on labor accidents in the light of the theory of compensatory wage differentials on hazardous jobs in Brazil. To do so, based on the data base of the \"Relação Anual de Informações Sociais (RAIS), provided by the Ministry of Labor (MT), I use variables related to the rates of occurrence of labor accidents (fatal, injury and illness) constructed for the subclasses of the \"Classificação Nacional de Atividades Econômicas\" (CNAE). In the first essay, entitled \"The Value of a Statistical Life: Estimates for Brazil\", the value of a statistical life is estimated for different samples of workers (men, women and blue-collar workers) with the objective of providing a financial parameter related to the indemnities to be paid to workers (and their families in case of fatal accidents) who suffered any of the types of accidents listed, previously, in the exercise of their work activity. In the second essay, entitled \"The Impact of the \"Rest by Law\" on hours worked, wages, and non-fatal accidents of Brazilian truck drivers\", the method of generalized differences-in-differences is estimated to assess whether the \"Rest by Law\", implemented in 2012 in Brazil, aimed to properly regulate the daily work of the Brazilian truck drivers, with the purpose of improving their working conditions and reducing accidents involving these professionals, generated statistical differences on monthly hours worked, in wages and in non-fatal accidents of work (injury or illness) of these workers.
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Essays on Macroeconomics and Labor EconomicsAndrew D Compton (6623969) 14 May 2019 (has links)
<pre>This dissertation consists of three independent chapters at the intersection of macroeconomics and labor economics. The first chapter studies the job-search trade-offs between full-time employment, part-time employment, and multiple job holdings. The second chapter explores the macroeconomic relationship between property crime and output in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium framework. The third chapter studies the causal effect of property crime on output.</pre>
<pre>The first chapter develops a search-matching model of the labor market with part-time employment and multiple job holdings. The model is calibrated to data from the CPS between 2001 and 2004. Workers are able to choose their search intensity and are allowed to hold two jobs while firms can choose what type of worker to recruit. When compared to the canonical Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides model, this model performs quite well while capturing some empirical regularities. First, the model generates recruiting and vacancy posting rates that move in opposite directions. Second, part-time employment is up to 10 times more responsive than full-time employment. Third, the model suggests that multiple job holding rates are more flexible than observed in the data with the rate changing by as much as 4 percentage points compared to 0.1 percentage points in the data. Finally, the full model is able to capture compositional changes during recessions with the full-time rate declining and the part-time rate increasing. It also produces an empirically consistent increase in the unemployment rate as well as a decrease in output. The DMP model is more muted than in the data for both.</pre>
<pre>The second chapter explores how property crime can affect static and dynamic general equilibrium behavior of households and firms. I calibrate a model with a representative firm and heterogeneous households where households have the choice to commit property crime. In contrast to previous literature, I treat crime as a transfer rather than home production. This creates a feedback loop wherein negative productivity shocks increase property crime which further depresses legitimate work and capital accumulation. These responses by households are particularly important when thinking about the effect of property crime on the economy. Household and firm losses account for 24% of compensating variation (CV) and 37% of lost production. This suggests that behavioral responses are quite important when calculating the cost of property crime. Finally, on the margin, decreasing property crime by 1% increases social welfare by 0.19%, but the effect is diminishing suggesting that reducing crime entirely may not be optimal from a policymakers perspective.</pre>
<pre>The third chapter estimates the causal effect of property crime on real personal income per capita. Running system GMM on an unbalanced panel of MSA-year pairs suggests that property crime reduces real personal income per capita by a highly statistically significant 13.3%. This implies that the average person loses $4,869 (2009 dollars) per year with real annual personal income per capita totaling $36,615. The effect is driven primarily by larceny-theft and burglary with highly statistically significant coefficients of -0.179 and -0.110 respectively. Estimates for the effect of robbery are unstable, and the effect of motor vehicle theft is statistically significant, but smaller with a coefficient of -0.060.</pre>
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