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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kontorsbyggnad för Riksarkivet i Marieberg

Hellström, Pontus January 2013 (has links)
Riksarkivet i Stockholm är i behov av mer kontorsutrymme i anslutning till den befintliga byggnaden i Marieberg. Det här projektet försöker lösa uppgiften att lägga till en liten kontorsbyggnad – med omkring trettio cellkontor och två konferensrum – bredvid och i anslutning till den befintliga. Riksarkivet är en av de äldsta offentliga institutionerna i Sverige och dess huvudsakliga uppgift är att ta emot och bevara svenska myndigheter and det svenska parlamentets arkiv. Till uppgiften hör även att övervaka arkivhanteringen runt om i Sverige samt att göra material tillgängligt för allmänheten. Fokus i detta projekt har legat på hur den nya byggnaden förhåller sig till Riksarkivet och till dess omgivning, både volymmässigt och vad gäller hur fasaderna utformas.  Projektet har även handlat om hur program, konstruktion och material kan sättas ihop i en sammanhängande helhet. Organiseringen av programmet i den nya byggnaden försöker att svara mot och förhålla sig till den i Riksarkivet. / The National Archive i Stockholm needs additional office space in con­nection to its existing building in Marieberg. This project tries to solve the task of adding a small office build­ing, with around thirty cell office rooms and two conference rooms, next to the existing one. The National Archives is one of the oldest public agencies in Sweden and the main duty of the agency is to receive and preserve the archives of the Swedish Parliament and the various departments and authorities of the State. They are also to supervise man­agement of archives throughout Sweden and are also required to make the material available for research. The main focus of the project have been the relationship to the National Archive and its surroundings, both volumetrically and regarding the facades.  The project has also dealt with the question of how program, construction and materials can be put together into a coherent whole. The project also deals with the question of how to deal with already built and its surroundings. The internal layout of the new building and the organization of the program tries to respond to and speak the same language as the existing one.

Möjligheter och utmaningar för demand response i byggnader : En utvärdering av effektbesparingar kontra påverkan på inomhusklimatet i kontorsbyggnader / Possibilities and challenges for buildings to contribute with demand response

Ersson, Lisbet January 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines the possibilities and limitations of connectingoffice buildings to demand response (DR) programs, with emphasis on the effect it has on indoor climate. Heating, ventilation and airconditioning (AC) systems was used as sources to scale power, and thereby contribute with power to capacity markets related to the electrical grid. By simulations performed in MatLab, as well as livetests in one of Vasakronan’s buildings, this work contributes with knowledge of DR in office buildings in the Swedish environment, which to date have been lacking in literature. All systems considered in thisreport has potential to contribute with power to DR programs. Heating and AC systems has greater power saving potential than the ventilation system. However, ventilation also holds potential as a source of power savings and is applicable to a larger portion of the building stock.Indoor air carbon dioxide level is affected to varying degrees depending on the extent of power reduction, where a reduction up to 90 % of ventilation is possible without exceeding approved limits. Reduction of ventilation caused the highest rise in carbon dioxide levels during mid- day and especially during the winter. Flexibility is key for the control system, especially when considering future climate challenges andtrends. DR strategies should include control of all systems both during the active DR time but also when returning to normal activity to reduce the risk of compensation from other systems.

Kylsystem i en kontorsbyggnad : Funktionsanalys av ett ventilationssystem i en modern kontorsbyggnad ur energi- och termiskkomfort synpunkt under en sommarperiod / Cooling system in an office building: Functional analysis of a ventilation system in a modern office building from an energy and thermal comfort point of view during a summer period

Tesfamhret, Abiel January 2020 (has links)
In this master thesis, cooling systems are studied in a modern office building in Umeå during a summer period. The project has been done in collaboration with the municipality of Umeå and aims to analyze the cooling system’s task in the building depending on the various systems that makes up the ventilation system. This was done by examining its operation and determining where improvements could be made. The ventilation system is equipped with two types of geo-energy systems for preheating and cooling the outdoor air, Earth to Heat Exchanger (EAHE) and Borehole Heat Exchange (BHE). The ventilation system also includes a thermal wheel and a heat battery that handles the building’s heating demands. In order to get an idea of how these systems contribute to the ventilation system, cooling effects and temperature relationships for each system were investigated. The study showed that the various systems that make up the ventilation system complement each other well to meet the cooling needs during the summer period. The building’s ventilation system contributed to a total temperature reduction of the outdoor air up to 8 ◦C. The BHE system seems to be the one that contributed most to the cooling system with air temperature reduction of 4 ◦C. However, the system was constantly running and contributed to unnecessary cooling of the incoming air. This could have been avoided by programming the system to switch off at specific outdoor temperatures. The air intake that is a part of the EAHE system contributed to high cooling effects in the morning, which corresponds to large temperature reductions of the outdoor air. A conceivable reason may be due to the material property of the air intake. The air intake that is made of steel is cooled by the cold summer nights and has the ability to preserve the cold. When the ventilation system starts operating in the morning, the outdoor air flows through the cooled air intake and leads to large temperature reductions. Contrary to this, when it is hot outside, the air intake can contribute to large temperature increases. This is a concern because the air intake acts primarily as an air filter for the EAHE system and heating the already hot outdoor air before it reaches the ventilation units is not beneficial. To study this, a model of the air intake was built in COMSOL and simulated. The simulation showed that the air intake heats up significantly and leads to uneven temperature distribution through the surface when the outdoor temperature is 28 ◦C and the sun shines straight on the surface. It was also found that the air temperature inside the air intake is affected by the surface temperature. To see if there is a difference with the temperature distribution, the air intake was then simulated with other material types such as brick, wood and PEX. This resulted in the distribution of temperature through the surface becoming more uniform and the air temperature inside the air intake barely being affected by the surface temperature. Therefore, it is recommended to change the material type of the air intake in order to avoid unintended heating of the outdoor air before it reaches the ventilation unit.

Projektering av kontorsbyggnader i tidigt skede : Med hänsyn till dagsljus, energi och inneklimat enligt certifiering med Miljöbyggnad / Office buildings design in an early stage : Based on daylight, energy and indoor climate according to a Swedish building certification

Ljung-Duarte, Paulina, Lundberg, Tilda January 2013 (has links)
Miljöcertifiering av byggnader ökar i takt med efterfrågan hos bland annat fastighetsägare, potentiella kunder och hyresgäster. Allt fler beställare väljer därmed att låta certifiera sina projekt med något av dagens miljöcertifieringssystem. För arkitekter innebär detta en stor utmaning, då det ställs hårda krav på byggnaden för att den ska uppnå den önskade certifieringen. Dessa certifieringskrav påverkar till stor del utformningen av byggnaden, och att då som arkitekt uppnå ett estetiskt uttryck samtidigt som kraven måste uppfyllas är inte enkelt.  Det är dessutom viktigt att projektera rätt redan från början. Det här projektet syftar till att utöka arkitekters kunskaper kring projektering i ett tidigt skede av lokalbyggnader som ska miljöcertifieras med miljöcertifieringssystemet Miljöbyggnad. Studierna genomförs med hänsyn till de gestaltningspåverkande indikatorer beträffande områdena dagsljus, energi och innemiljö som bedöms enligt Miljöbyggnad samt är viktiga att beakta i ett tidigt skede. Undersökningarna görs på en fiktiv kontorsbyggnad med representativa och vedertagna förutsättningar för en vanlig kontorsbyggnad enligt dagens byggnormer. Beräkningar och analyser har gjorts med avseende på dagsljus, värmeeffektbehov, energianvändning, solvärmelast och termiskt inneklimat. Resultaten visar på att det är möjligt att projektera lokalbyggnader med en relativt stor fönsterandel, upp mot 40 % i förhållande till fasad, och trots det uppnå Miljöbyggnads certifieringsnivå silver. Det som dock tycks vara en förutsättning för detta är att byggnaden har rörlig solavskärmning. Alternativt annan solavskärmning, men som då tillåter ett högt dagsljusinsläpp samtidigt som stor del av den totala energin från solen stängs ute de molnfria och varma dagar under året. Ett ytterligare villkor för att uppnå certifieringsnivån i fråga är att en värmekälla placeras vid fönsteren, för att under vintern uppnå ett behagligt inneklimat. Det som till synes är svårast att uppnå är balansen mellan ansenligt dagsljus, låg solvärmelast samt ett tillfredsställande termiskt klimat sommartid. / Environmental certification of buildings becomes more important as demand from e.g. property owners, potential customers and tenants increases. More and more investors therefore choose to certificate their building projects with some of today’s environmental systems of certification. For an architect it means a more extensive challenge, since it requires higher claims for the building to achieve the desired certification. Some requirements for the authorisation affect big parts of the design of the building. The task is for the architect to achieve a good balance between the requirements and the design of the building. It is therefore very important to plan properly from the start of the process. This project aims to increase the knowledge among architects in the early stage of building process when it comes to office buildings with a certification according to the system Miljöbyggnad. The analysis will be made of calculations for every indicator that directly affects the design of the building and have a special importance in the early stage of the building process. Daylight, energy and the indoor environment judged according to Miljöbyggnad. The studies will be made by a fictitious building placed in Stockholm with the representative properties of a normal office building recording to the building standards of today. Our results in this thesis show that there is a possible way to build an office building with a relatively high portion of window of the building façade, and considered that still accomplish the requirements to achieve the level Silver Miljöbyggnad. There is one thing that seems to be an assumption for this kind of office building, it has to be mobile shading for the windows. Alternatively some other kind of shading that also allow an highly inlet of daylight which at the same time let big part of the total energy from the sun out of the building during warm and sunny days. One other condition to accomplish the level of Silver is that a heat source will be placed under the windows, to make the indoor climate pleasant during winter season. As a conclusion of our analyses it seems that the hardest thing to accomplish is the balance between a good daylight factor, low solar load and at the same time a satisfying thermal climate during summer time.

När ett blir två / When one becomes two

Nyström, Amanda January 2013 (has links)
Kandidatuppgiften som vi blev tilldelade innefattade utmaningen att bygga en tillbyggnad till en mycket historisk byggnad i centrala Stockholm. Den existerande byggnaden, som står i behov av en tillbyggnad, huserar Nationalmuseum. Museet var från början en gest till folket att få ta del av den kungliga konstskatten. Idag fyller museet inte bara de kungliga samlingarna utan all form av nationell konst och design från långt bak i tiden fram till modern tid.  Dessutom innehåller byggnaden en administrativ avdelning med administrativ personal samt magasin och ateljéer. På grund av mängden konst och ökade krav på arbetsmiljö och säkerhet så behöver man nu bygga ut. Utmaningen var komplex då den innehöll svårigheter på programnivå men samtidigt så skulle detta komma att bli ett nytt inslag i Stockholms hjärta med utblick över från de flesta stadsdelar. Mitt förslag blev ett tillägg som med ett relativt fritt formspråk skapats utifrån stadens linjer och människornas användande. / The task we were assigned included the challenge of building an addition to a very historic building in central Stockholm. The existing building, which is in need of an addition, houses the National Museum. The museum was originally a gesture to the people to take part of the royal art treasure. Today there is not only the royal collections within the museum, but all form of national art and design from way back in time to the modern day. As well, the building houses the administrative department with administrative staff and warehouses and studios. Because of the amount of art and increased demands on health and safety, they need to now build out. The challenge was complex as it contained the problems at the programme level but at the same time, this would become a new element in the heart of Stockholm with a view over most neighborhoods. My suggestion was a supplement that with a relatively free-form language created from the city lines and human use.

Modellering och simulering av uppvärmning och nedkylning av kontorsbyggnad, via HVAC system där fjärrvärme och fjärrkyla jämförs med borrhålslager som energikälla

Forsberg, Anton January 2018 (has links)
An office building (sthlm new hus 4) located in the south of Hammarbyhamnen overlooking Hammarbybacken is planned in 2018. Climate control of the office building are via radiators, high-temperature chilled beam and pre-treated supply air. The building is currently being designed for district heating and remote cooling. The study aims to investigate whether borehole thermal energy system (BTES) are a reasonable alternative to provide the office building with heat and cooling, from an environmental- and life cycle cost (LCC) perspective. The aim of the study is to generate an energy requirement for the office building, which is done by construct a model of the building using IDA ICE, a simulation software. The energy requirement is covered by either district heating/-cooling (energy system I) or BTES (energy system II) as the primary energy source. A model of the BTES is constructed in excel based on data from experience input. Life cycle cost analysis are used for economical comparison between the energy systems. The environmental assessment is based on Nordic electricity mix, which controls the impact of the energy systems. Energy system II entails a need for energy support to avoid over dimension the heat pump, which is done by complementing the surplus need through district heating and remote cooling. LCC shows an economic breakpoint at 11-year calculation period, where BTES becomes economically advantageously. Environmentally, energy system II releases 14.3 tonnes of CO2eq compared to energy system II which results in a reduced emission of 47 tonnes of CO2eq based on Nordic electricity mix.

Hälsocertifieringssystemet WELL : Analys av dess användning i befintlig kontorsbyggnad / Health certification system WELL : Analysis of its use in existing office building

Isaksson, Emelie, Hamberg, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Environmental certification of buildings plays an important role in reducing the impact of our buildings on the environment. When certification systems have been created, it has been done with the aim of creating and developing properties that will reduce their environmental impact and be climate-friendly. Environmental certification schemes largely assess the performance of the building, rather than the well-being and health of those who use it. The International WELLBuilding Institute realized that a separate system focusing on people was needed and in 2014created the WELL Building Standard health certification system. WELL is a certification system for buildings with the aim of putting people and the environment as its focus. This thesis work has been carried out in collaboration with Sweco and the aim of the report is to investigate how to go about certifying an existing building with the WELL Building Standard, and whether and how WELL differs from the other Swedish certification systems. The methodology of the study is interviews with representatives from the industry and a direct observation. A literature review has been conducted on WELL and other Swedish certification- and regulatory systems. Using this, a result has been produced that can help companies and building owners understand what WELL means and how it can be applied to existing buildings. Out of the total 11 indicators in WELL, five indicators are assumed to be easier to achieve and two are assumed to be more difficult to achieve. In the remaining four, there are both easy and difficult indicators to score in. The conclusion of this study is that the most important thing is to check the performance of the building, to know how to proceed with the challenging indicators. Handling time is the main difference in management between WELL and other certification schemes, which is due to two factors: annual monitoring and lack of knowledge. The conclusion that can be drawn is that it is mainly due to the 24 mandatory requirements of WELL, where several must be accounted for and reported every year. The study also shows that a Swedish version of WELL will not be constructed in the closest future

Energieffektiviserande åtgärder för befintlig kontorsfastighet på Umestans företagspark : Energy-efficiency measures for existing office building at Umestans Business Park

Persson, Erica January 2016 (has links)
The work was conducted in the spring of 2016 on behalf of the ÅF Industry in Umeå. This project aimed to provide proposals on energy-saving measures for house 2 at Umestans Business Park based on the total specific purchased energy for 2015. Also for the 3rd floor in the same house suggestions on energy-saving measures were given. This was done with regard to the expected electricity use during 2016. Finally, an investigation on the possibility to classify the floors using of business-electricity was done.Initially was a literature study of today's classification system for buildings done. The focus was to see whether there is a possibility or not to classify leased office space. Both Swedish and international classification systems have been evaluated during the project.All the systems in the building were investigated and the total specific energy could be mapped. All the systems in the building were investigated and the total specific energy could be mapped. Based on the results of the operational-electricity that were emerged during the mapping of house 2, and based on the values of the electricity meter 83353 the business-electricity for floor 3 could be determined. Also for this area a mapping was made to see which areas the business-electricity went to.The results of the mapping of the building showed that the average energy consumption for the total specific purchased energy was 141,1 kWh/m2 per year. Of these districts heating stands for 63%. Of the total share of district heating 81% went to the radiators, this suggests that the building has large transmission losses. The inventory shows that the building's has a low use of electricity. This indicates that the technical systems were well installed with well-adapted operating times. The energy-saving measures that were found to reduce the building's losses were in the areas of windows, ventilation and solar shading. Energy-saving measures for the energy supplied were found in pumps, cooling and lighting.The result of floor 3 shows that the average use of business-electricity is at 36,36 kWh / m2 per year. Of these, 50% goes to lighting.From the results floor 3 could be classified to a Class B using the report "Energy performance of buildings - Energy Classification". To achieve a better classification requires change in the lightning on floor 3 as well as an analysis of any thinkable behavior change among the employees. / Examensarbetet utfördes under våren 2016 på uppdrag av ÅF Industry i Umeå. Detta projekt syftade till att ge förslag på energibesparande åtgärder för hus 2 vid Umestans företagspark baserat på den totalt specifikt köpta energin för år 2015. Även för våningsplan 3 i samma hus gavs förslag på energibesparande åtgärder. Detta skedde med avseende på den verksamhetsel som beräknas användas under år 2016. Slutligen utreddes möjligheten till att klassa våningsplanets användning av verksamhetsel.Inledningsvis utfördes en litteraturstudie på dagens klassningssystem för byggnader där fokus låg på att se till huruvida det finns en möjlighet att klassa hyrda kontorslokaler. Både Svenska och internationella klassningssystem har utvärderats under projektet.Sedan inventerades byggnadens samtliga system och den total specifik köpta energin kunde kartläggas. Utifrån de resultat för verksamhetsel som framkom under kartläggningen av hus 2 samt utifrån värden på elmätare 83353 kunde verksamhetselen för våningsplan 3 fastställas. Även för detta område gjordes en kartläggning för att se till vilka områden våningsplanets verksamhetsel gick.Resultatet för kartläggningen av byggnaden visade att den genomsnittliga energianvändningen för den totalt specifikt köpta energin var 141,1 kWh/m2,år. Av dessa utgjordes 63 % fjärrvärme. Av den totala andelen fjärrvärmen gick 81 % till radiatorerna, detta tyder på att byggnaden har stora transmissionsförluster. Den inventerade byggnadens låga användning av el visade på väl installerade tekniska system med väl anpassade drifttider. De energibesparande åtgärder som återfanns för att minska byggnadens förluster låg i områdena fönster, ventilation och solavskärmning. För den tillförda energin var det områdena pumpar, kyla och belysning som energibesparande åtgärder återfanns.Resultatet för våningsplan 3 visar att den genomsnittliga användningen av verksamhetsel ligger på 36,36 kWh/m2, år. Av dessa går 50 % till våningsplanets belysning.Ur resultatet kunde våningsplan 3 klassas till en klass B med hjälp av rapporten ”Byggnaders energiprestanda – Energiklassning”. För att nå en bättre klassning krävs åtgärder för våningsplanets belysning samt en analys av eventuella beteendeförändringar hos de anställda. / <p>roek0001</p>

Stegljud i två moderna universitetsbyggnader med trästomme : en utvärdering av enkätundersökningar och mätningar / Impact sound in two modern university buildings with wooden lightweight structure : an evaluation of questionnaires and measurements

Bengtsson, Maja January 2011 (has links)
Denna avhandling behandlar stegljudet i två trähus på campus i Växjö. Staden lyfts ofta fram som en bra förebild inom miljö- och klimatfrågor. Det kommunala fastighetsbolag som äger, förvaltar och bygger universitetets byggnader är intresserade av dessa frågor när nya hus ska byggas. De två senast byggda husen är byggda med trästomme, som anses vara ett bra miljöval. Framtida hus förväntas även de byggas med trästomme. Dessvärre lyfts ofta problem angående akustiken upp i hus med trästomme. Ett av de befintliga husen på universitetsområdet sägs ha problem med stegljud och fastighetsägaren vill att detta potentiella problem bör förbättras för framtida byggnader. Syftet med denna studie är att konstatera hur akustiken i en framtida universitetsbyggnad med trästomme bör uppfattas och vilka stegljudskrav som bör ställas på byggnaden för att upplevelsen ska vara tillfredställande. För att få den kunskap utförs en enkätundersökning och stegljudsmätningar av de befintliga husen för att kartlägga vad som uppfattas som en tillfredsställande ljudmiljö. / This thesis deals with the impact sound of two wooden buildings on the campus site in Växjö. The city is highlighted frequently as a good model on environmental and climate issues. The municipal real estate company that owns, manages and builds the university's buildings, is interested in these issues when building new houses. The two most recently built houses are constructed with wooden frames, which is considered a good environmental choice. Future house is also expected to be built with wooden frames. Unfortunately problems due to acustics are often raised. One of the existing houses at the university are said to have problems with its impact sound and the property owner want this potential problem to be improved for future buildings. The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge from two existing wooden houses in the area. To do this a survey investigating how the acoustics of the buildings are perceived is compared with measurement of impact sound measurements.

Identifiering av energianvändningen hos en kontorsfastighet i en svensk tätort : - en fallstudie med beräkningsinslag

Karlsson Falk, Susanne January 2017 (has links)
The current climate changes require a global response immediately. Every year the use of energy increases, which means that more and more greenhouse gases are released. Which in turn helps accelerate global warming. To reduce the energy use will not be an easy task for mankind. Household and service accounts for about 40% of Sweden’s energy use, and office buildings prove to be among the most energyintensive. Previous research shows that heat-, ventilation- and cooling systems along with lightning are the systems that provide the highest energy consumption and that there is also a great savings potential. In this study, the energy use of a property in a Swedish urban area has been investigated and how the energy is being used by the different systems has been identified. The purpose of this research is to see which measures can give the greatest cost-effective savings. Method used is a case study, which was an energy survey, combined with a literature review of relevant information. Data collection consisted of information from the property owner,inspection of the building and electricity measurements. The result shows that there are great savings to be made. If proposed measures are implemented (see section 4.6), energy consumption for heating can be reduced by 144,9 MWh/year or 32,4%. Energy used by lightning can be reduced by 46,8 MWh/year or 40,3%and other measures can be reduced by 41 MWh/year or 53%. Measures that can be performed for free were considered the most cost-effective, such as lowering the indoor temperature or turning off equipment between days. For measures with investment cost, isolation of the attic was considered most cost -effective with a payoff time of 5 years. To invest in sun cells would reduce the bought electricity with 56,8 MWh/yr. Due to lack of information, assumptions and simplifications were made that could have caused sources of error.

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