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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stressade medarbetare<em> </em> : en empirisk undersökning av hinder för hantering av stress i en organisation / Stressed co-workers : an empirical study of obstacles when handling stress within an organization

Hanevik, Sara, Keen, Camilla January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka hinder som finns i företaget X för att hantera och minska den upplevda stressnivån.</p><p>Undersökningsföretaget är ett medelstort företag som ingår i en större koncern. De har under flera år genomfört medarbetarundersökningar och sett att den upplevda stressen ökat bland de anställda. I dagens samhälle ställs allt högre krav på den enskilda individen samtidigt som möjligheterna ökar. Ansvaret för hälsa och prestation vilar på individen och vi finner det intressant att undersöka om organisationens hantering av den upplevda stressnivån påverkas av detta. Enligt tidigare forskning finns det områden på organisationsnivå som orsakar stress och som inte kan lösas av den enskilde individen. Stressminskning kan betraktas som en förändringsprocess och utifrån den lärande organisationens idé att lära av erfarenheter för att bättre klara svårigheter i verksamheten avser vi undersöka företaget X:s hantering av den upplevda stressen. Vi har även utgått från befintlig forskning om stress i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön i form av bland annat krav-kontroll-stödmodellen, företagets egen medarbetarundersökning, sju intervjuer med anställda och en enkät riktad till hela företaget för att undersöka vad medarbetarna upplever orsakar stressen samt vilka åtgärder som vidtagits.</p><p>Resultatet visar att orsakerna till medarbetarnas stress till stor del beror på brister i organisationsstruktur, organisationskultur, ledarskap och intern kommunikation. Åtgärderna som företaget tagit för att minska stressen har främst varit inriktade på individnivå, endast i ett fall var åtgärderna på organisatorisk nivå. De brister som orsakar stressen i företaget X utgör samtidigt hinder för det organisatoriska lärande som krävs för att organisationen ska kunna minska den upplevda stressnivån.</p>

Specialistų pritraukimas į Gruzijos energetikos sektorių / Attracting specialists to Georgian energy sector

Šoliūnaitė, Raminta 16 June 2009 (has links)
Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe analizuojama specialisų pritraukimo į Gruzijos energetikos sektorių problema. / This final bachlor thesis analyzes object: Attracting specialist to Georgian energy sector.

Šiaulių apskrities darbo rinkos analizė ir 2010-2012 m. perspektyvų vertinimas / Labour market analysis of Šiauliai region and assessment of prospects in 2010-2012

Skudraitė, Ieva, Zakaitė, Aistė 02 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama viena opiausių šių dienų ekonominių ir socialinių problemų – spartus nedarbo augimas ir gyventojų užimtumo mažėjimas. Tokius ryškius darbo rinkos pokyčius sąlygojo pasaulinė ekonominė ir finansų krizė ir ją lydintis ekonomikos nuosmukis. Teoriniu aspektu atskleista darbo rinkos samprata, ją sudarantys elementai, nedarbo pokyčius lemiančios priežastys. Taip pat, remiantis kitų šalių patirtimi, atskleista, kaip ekonominiai svyravimai įtakoja darbo rinką, užimtumą ir nedarbą, koks ryšys egzistuoja tarp ciklinio ekonomikos svyravimo ir nedarbo lygio. Empirinėje darbo dalyje įvairių statistinių metodų pagalba įvertinta ir atskleista situacija Šiaulių apskrities darbo rinkoje. 1999-2009 m. laikotarpiu analizuojama Šiaulių apskrities nedarbo lygio ir BVP augimo tempo dinamika, vyrų, moterų ir jaunimo nedarbo bei struktūriniai darbo rinkos pokyčiai. Vertinamas Šiaulių apskrities užimtųjų ir bedarbių skaičiaus kitimas Lietuvos Respublikos kontekste. Atlikus Šiaulių apskrities darbo rinkos analizę, buvo statistiškai įvertintos 2010-2012 m. optimistinės, pesimistinės ir labiausiai tikėtinos darbo rinkos perspektyvos. / Bachelor Final work examines one of the most delicate economic and social problems of nowadays – the rapid growth of unemployment growth and employment declining. Such sharp changes of labour market were caused by global economic and financial crisis and the consequence of this crisis is economic downturn. Theoretical aspect disclosed the concept of labour market, its composition and determining causes of unemployment. It is also based on experience of other countries. Theoretical part of the work shows what influence the economic fluctuations have on the labour market, employment, unemployment, and basically what kind of relationships can be reflected between cyclical economic fluctuations and unemployment. A variety of statistical methods were used to identify and disclose the actual situation of Šiauliai region labour market in empirical part. During the period between in 1999-2009, the analysis of Šiauliai region unemployment rate and GDP growth rate dynamics, men, women and youth unemployment and the structural changes in the labour market was accomplished. It identified the changes in numbers of employed and unemployed people of Šiauliai region in the context of the Republic of Lithuania. After the analysis of Šiauliai region labour market, the optimistic, pessimistic and most likely labour market prospects based on statistical in 2010-2012 were evaluated.

Development of IT-supported Inter-organisational Collaboration : A Case Study in the Swedish Public Sector

Hagdahl, Anneli January 2002 (has links)
Collaboration across the organisational boundaries takes place for different reasons. One of them is to solve complex problems that cannot be dealt with by a single organisation. The area of vocational rehabilitation constitutes an example of inter-organisational collaboration motivated by a need for joint problem solving. Individuals are admitted to vocational rehabilitation with the aim of entering or re-entering the labour market. These individuals constitute a heterogeneous group with different kinds of problems, based on e.g. their social situation, long-term diseases and/or substance abuse. As a result, they are handled at more than one welfare state agency at the time, and the practitioners working at these agencies need to collaborate to find individual solutions for their clients. The expected positive effects of such collaboration are long-term planning, increased quality of the casee management, and reductions of invested time and money. In this thesis, an interpretive case study of inter-organisational teamwork within the vocational rehabilitation is presented. The aim of the study was to investigate how the collaboration could be supported by information technology. During a time period of two years, practitioners from three welfare state agencies took part in the research project, The activities included observations of the teamwork, individual interviews with the practitioners and design of information technology that should support the teamwork. An essential part of the design activities was the user representatives' direct participation in the design group, composed by practitioners and researchers. To stimulate the participation, methods with its origin in the participatory design approach were used. The design requirements that were defined included support for the team's communication and joint documentation of cases, and also information sharing about previous, present and future rehabilitation activities. The teamwork was characterised by an open, positive atmosphere where the practitioners were trying to find solutions for the clients within the frames of the current rules and regulations, limited by the resources allocated for vocational rehabilitation activities. However, the environment was also found to be dynamic with changing, and in some cases conflicting, enterprise objectives, Furthermore, the enterprise objectives were not broken down into tangible objectives on the operational level. The physical team meetings and the meetings with the clients constituted essential parts of the work practices and it is concluded that these meetings should not be substituted by technology. The case management could, however, be supported by a flexible tool that meets the users' needs of freedom of action.

Effective training for job creation in the South African education system / Johannes Cornelius Erasmus

Erasmus, Johannes Cornelius January 2002 (has links)
It is generally accepted that the quality of a country's labour force is a crucial factor in successful competition in the global economy. South Africa's richness in human resources unfortunately does not in itself make us a winning nation. Because of the low educational attainment of our labour force, we have to compete in the global economy at a disadvantage. The global labour market is characterised by constant change (benefiting skilled workers) and the progressive destruction of jobs (affecting in particular semiskilled and unskilled workers). The purpose of the study is to investigate the structural changes taking place in the workplace, the effects thereof on the demand for human resources, and how education and training in South Africa can respond to these changes to the benefit of individuals, organisations and the country as a whole. An intensive literature survey cast light on the development of economies, how such development influences the demand for worker skills and how different nations have attempted to meet the requirements of their productive systems through appropriate education and training. South Africa's economy, labour problems and strategies to enhance human capital and create jobs were also examined. Consistent with trends observed in the advanced economies of the world, the pattern of activity in the South African economy has shifted from the primary and secondary sectors to the tertiary and service sectors, shedding jobs requiring lower levels of skills and creating jobs for highly qualified workers. A historical overview of the provision of education and training in South Africa highlights how apartheid policies contributed to vast disparities in the skills levels of the different population groups in South Africa. Many innovative measures to enhance skills levels and job creation have been introduced since 1994 by the democratically elected government. These measures were evidently informed by the experience of other countries. The formidable task of implementing these measures or strategies successfully is exacerbated by the fact that the different provinces in South Africa are in different stages of economic development and have different educational outputs, leading to differences in the skills levels of their respective labour forces. Research on how unemployed people participate in the labour market served as the basis for the empirical input to the study. The data collected in Gauteng and the Eastern Cape were interpreted to ascertain how such people interact with the labour market in these provinces. The survey results revealed that the effects of low educational levels, people's interaction with the labour market, their job interest and the way job creation strategies are implemented may influence the efficacy of strategies to enhance people's skill levels and to create jobs. Factors influencing the demand for labour and factors that may impact on the success of education and training interventions were considered in the construction of a model to prioritise skills formation strategies. The model should be a versatile planning tool for identifying target groups, and for prioritising and implementing skills development strategies in the context of local socio-economic structures, as well as in the context of the national socio-economic structure and the global economy. As proposals for job creation by experts throughout the world have not been able to arrest increasing unemployment rates, it would be presumptuous to claim that this study provides a solution to the problem. Nevertheless, ways need to be found to optimise the impact of skills formation and job creation efforts. The following recommendations are made on the basis of the findings of the present study: • The structural and attitudinal changes taking place in the workplace should be investigated and workplace demands should be matched with the skills needed by workers. • Efficient, modern systems of administration staffed by technically competent officials should be established to manage the implementation of skills formation and job creation strategies. • A close relationship should be established between government, business and labour. • All persons over the age of 15 years who enter the labour market (and those who are already in the labour market) without the prospect of becoming employed should be registered as job seekers. • All young people should have a minimum of 12 years general education and enhanced forms of technical education. • Educational and training institutions should disabuse learners of the idea that they have to be dependent on someone else to give them a job. • The general and further education and training system should provide learners with the basic skills in mathematics, language, science and technology required by industry. • Qualified mathematics and science teachers should receive recognition through higher salaries. • Appropriate assistance should be provided to education leavers and to the unemployed. • The basic skills of those already in jobs should be improved. • Employers should be assisted on how to organise and implement workplace training. • Organisations should double their investment in training to at least 2% of their payrolls. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2002

Capable of change? : the impact of policy on the reconciliation of paid work and care in couples with children

Graham, Helen Marion January 2012 (has links)
This research examines the impact of work-family reconciliation policies on gender inequality in the labour market, and on the division of paid work and care in the household. Policies designed to help families meet their work and care responsibilities have undergone considerable reform over the last fifteen years. The research aims to understand how this has affected the way that earning and caring are divided between mothers and fathers, and the implications of this for mothers’ labour market outcomes. The research compares two cohorts; the National Child Development Study (NCDS) tracks individuals born in 1958, and the British Cohort Study (BCS) those born in 1970. These cohorts experienced the key childbearing years of their early thirties on either side of a fairly sharp discontinuity in work-family reconciliation policy. The research aims to link this difference in policy environments to differences the way that couples in each cohort divide paid work and care, and in the labour market behaviour of mothers and the penalties they face when they are in employment. Logistic regression models are employed to quantify the magnitude and significance of the impact of cohort membership on the work and care outcomes of interest, controlling for other variables that affect these outcomes. Some case-level analysis of the data is also carried out; individuals representing typical family arrangements are highlighted, to demonstrate the relevance of the theoretical model and assist with hypothesis generation. Case stories illustrate the interplay of individual circumstances with policy and other external factors, in a way that is difficult to achieve using statistical methods. A key finding is that the younger cohort is less likely to report equal sharing of childcare than the older cohort, even after controlling for other factors that might influence the division of labour. This is also in spite of the finding that mothers in the younger cohort are more likely to be in work. This suggests progress to some extent, in that mothers perhaps find it easier to be in employment. However at the same time it represents a regressive step at the household level, as they not only continue to shoulder the majority of the care work, but are even more inclined to do so. Analysis of pay and status gaps also yields interesting results. The findings suggest that the penalty to motherhood in terms of labour market status accrues by virtue of the interrupted human capital accumulation that results from periods out of the labour market or working part time. However, the motherhood penalty in pay persists even after controlling for other wage determinants, suggesting that these gaps are a direct result of motherhood itself and not of the labour market behaviour changes that occur as a result. The research contributes theoretically and substantively to the wider literature on this topic. It brings together human capital perspectives with theories of gender, power and resources, and of the impact of policy on family life, and uses Amartya Sen’s capability approach to reconcile and move forward these ideas. It also contributes to the practical understanding of the impact of policy on the way that families reconcile work and care, and in particular the implications of policy for gender equality. Finally, its methodological contribution is in the use of a narrative approach to large-scale quantitative data, alongside more conventional statistical techniques, in order to further exploit the detailed, longitudinal data available.

Ergebnisse der Absolventenstudie 2013, Institut für Soziologie, Universität Leipzig

Wittgrebe, Franziska, Baumeister, Bastian 26 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Diesem Bericht liegt eine Befragung, die sich an alle SoziologieabsolventInnen der Jahrgänge 1990 bis 2013 der Universität Leipzig richtete, zugrunde (N = 1219). Sie wurde im Rahmen eines Forschungspraktikums mit Bachelorstudierenden verwirklicht. Die Befragung dauerte von Juli bis Oktober 2013 und war sowohl über einen Papier- als auch über einen Onlinefragebogen durchführbar. Ein besonderes Augenmerk dieser Studie ist die Erklärung des Verbleibs der SoziologInnen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt: die Dauer der Stellensuche, der Art des Arbeitsbereichs und dem Einstiegsgehalt. Außerdem enthielt der Fragebogen Module zum Studienverlauf und -abschluss, anderen Ausbildungen und Qualifikationen (z.B. Auslandsaufenthalten und Berufstätigkeit während des Studiums) sowie Fragen zur Soziodemografie. Um die berufliche Biografie der AbsolventInnen zu erfassen, wurde ein Zeitstrahl verwendet, der eine detaillierte Auswertung der Zeit nach dem Studium zulässt.

"Mit Arbeit – ohne Arbeit" - Erwerbsverläufe seit der Wende

Mühler, Kurt, Kropp, Per 22 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Im Zentrum der Erhebung standen die beruflichen Karrieren und Veränderungen persönlicher Netzwerke in Ostdeutschland 10 Jahre nach der Wende. Das vorliegende Codebook dokumentiert das Erhebungsinstrument, den Ablauf der Erhebung und die für eine Auswertung zur Verfügung stehenden Datensätze.

Abschlussbericht zur Erhebung "Mit Arbeit – ohne Arbeit" - Erwerbsverläufe seit der Wende

Mühler, Kurt, Kropp, Per 22 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Im Zentrum dieser Untersuchung standen die gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen in Ostdeutschland seit der Wende und dabei insbesondere die der Beschäftigungssituationen (reguläre Arbeitsverhältnisse, Perioden der Arbeitslosigkeit und Qualifikationsmaßnahmen). In dem vorgelegten Bericht wird die Datenerhebung geschildert und es werden beschreibende Ergebnisse der im Fragebogen erhobenen Teilgebiete präsentiert. Dazu zählen Angaben zu privaten Veränderungen bei den Befragten seit der Wendezeit sowie ihren aktuellen Lebensumständen. Daran schließt sich eine Betrachtung der aktuellen Berufssituation und eventueller beruflicher Zukunftspläne an. Dem folgt eine nähere Analyse des Freundeskreises und der Mitarbeit in Organisationen. Als nächstes sollen die erhobenen Beschäftigungsepisoden – Arbeitslosigkeit, Qualifikation und reguläre Beschäftigung – die zentraler Untersuchungsgegenstand dieser Befragung waren, genauer betrachtet werden. Im nachfolgenden Teil erfolgt dann die Beschreibung der wichtigste Daten des Netzwerkgenerators und zum Abschluss des Berichtes werden die wichtigsten Ergebnisse dieser Erhebung zusammengefasst.

Sverige är mitt hemland : En kvalitativ studie av unga muslimska kvinnors upplevelser i det svenska arbetslivet

Byman, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Det finns en utbredd diskriminering på arbetsmarknaden med islamofobisk grund. Syftet med studien var att undersöka unga muslimska kvinnors upplevelse av det svenska arbetslivet i relation till deras muslimska identitet och för att undersöka just upplevelsen valdes en kvalitativ metod då det ansågs kunna bidra till en förståelse. Datainsamlingsmetoden var semistrukturerade intervjuer och urvalet var ett så kallat snöbollsurval. Intervjupersonerna var kvinnor i åldrarna 18-26 år, bosatta i Sverige och hade samtliga varit föremål för både rekrytering, arbetssökande och anställning. Analysmetoden var en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Fem intervjuer gjordes, och det som framkom under analysen var att det i synnerhet diskuterades fem kategorier; Omgivningens attityder, delaktighet i arbetslivet, särskilt bemötande, islam i media och utveckling av strategier. Kvinnornas upplevelser var varierande, men resultatet var att majoriteten hade upplevt negativt bemötande på grund av sin religiösa tillhörighet, att de ansåg att det fanns svårigheter med att bli anställd som muslimsk kvinna, att omgivningen i någon utsträckning reagerar på deras slöja och att media har ett stort inflytande på hur människor uppfattar muslimer. Slutsatsen var att intervjupersonerna upplevt annorlunda bemötande på grund av sin religiösa tillhörighet, att de upplever en skepsis mot muslimer i Sverige och att islam förknippas med terrorism och extremism. / There is a widespread discrimination on the labour marked with Islamophobic basis. The aim of this study was to investigate young Muslim women ́s experiences of the Swedish work life in relation to their muslim identity and in order to gain an understanding, a qualitative method was chosen. The data collection method was semi-structured interviews and the selection was a snowball sampling. The interviewees were women aged 18-26 and had all been subject to both recruitment, job search and employment. The analytical method used was a qualitative content analysis. Five interviews were conducted and five themes were to identify within those interviews; the attitudes of the surrounding community, participation in labour market, special treatment from others, Islam in the media and the developement of strategies. The women ́s experiences were all different, but the result was that the majority had experienced negative treatment because of their religious beliefs, they felt that there were difficulties being employed as a Muslim woman, that the enviroment to some extent reacts to their veil and that the media has a big influence on how people perceive Muslims. The conclusion was that the interviewees had been subject to a different treatment due to their religious beliefs, that they experienced a scepticsm against Muslims in Sweden and that Islam was associated with terrorism and extremism.

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