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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contra legem och in fraudem legis i svensk och tysk rätt / Contra legem and in fraudem legis in Swedish and German law

Lindberg, Christina January 2003 (has links)
<p>The legal conception of contra legem derives from Roman law and is translated into "against the law". A decision contra legem arises when the text of law and the legislators purpose of law are disregarded. A paradoxal consequence is that there will always be a decision contra legem, when the text of lawand the legislators purpose of law are contradictory. It is therefore important that decisions contra legem are based on legitimate motives to ensure law and order. In fraudem legis is another legal conception from Roman law and is translated into "evasion of law". Eventhough both Swedish and German law in theory wants to separate in fraudem legis from legal acts made up for apperence, Swedish Supreme Court (HD) often treats them more or less the same. In practise it has often been regarded as too difficult to separate the parties intentions from the actual performed legal act.</p>

Contra legem och in fraudem legis i svensk och tysk rätt / Contra legem and in fraudem legis in Swedish and German law

Lindberg, Christina January 2003 (has links)
The legal conception of contra legem derives from Roman law and is translated into "against the law". A decision contra legem arises when the text of law and the legislators purpose of law are disregarded. A paradoxal consequence is that there will always be a decision contra legem, when the text of lawand the legislators purpose of law are contradictory. It is therefore important that decisions contra legem are based on legitimate motives to ensure law and order. In fraudem legis is another legal conception from Roman law and is translated into "evasion of law". Eventhough both Swedish and German law in theory wants to separate in fraudem legis from legal acts made up for apperence, Swedish Supreme Court (HD) often treats them more or less the same. In practise it has often been regarded as too difficult to separate the parties intentions from the actual performed legal act.

The Prostitute, the soldier, and the individual girl : the fight for morality in World War I, Lancaster and beyond /

Parks, Elizabeth. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Department Honors) - Franklin & Marshall College, 2009. / Double click the URL for full text access. Includes bibliography pg. 73-76.

DEN GAMLA VÄGEN FÖR EN NY TID : En idéanalys av konservatismen applicerat på segregationens kontemporära problem i Sverige

Wredling, Carl, Bäckebo, Joel January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the study at hand is to convey a conservative theoretical perspective on the contemporary issues of segregation in Sweden. The aim has been to forth bring answers from a presented definition of conservatism through an idea analysis, which contains the main points of the conservative formation of ideas. The execution of the study is made through the method of Badersten’s “given-that analysis”. The aforementioned ideas are based on the works of mostly prominent conservative thinkers; Edmund Burke, Michael Oakeshott, Russell Kirk, John Kekes and, last but not least, Sir Roger Scruton. These are furthermore applied to three aspects of the concept of segregation, namely ethnic, socioeconomic, and city-and-landsegregation.  In conclusion, the result contains a variety of possible solutions that are contextually bound to the situation in Sweden. These solutions, or answers, are based on typical conservative beliefsand perceptions of concepts concerning rationalism, the little platoons, historical experience, freedom, class and justice, and nationalism. The solutions that are drawn from these concepts consists of answers such as the need to increase the level of individual responsibility both in terms of the individual herself as well as in relation to the state. Another point made is that regarding the importance of a common culture with a set of norms that firmly stands as the reference point throughout society. Also, a reactive response to increase the respect and authority of the law enforcement is determined.

These are their stories : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om hur huvudkaraktärerna porträtteras i Law &amp; Order: Special Victims Unit

Johansson, Elin, Långberg, Patrik January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to investigate how the main characters of Law &amp; Order: SpecialVictims Unit are portrayed by using a list of gender-coded attributes. By using aquantitative content analysis the authors of this study examined the behaviour of 14different characters over 19 seasons to find similarities and differences in how thefemale and male characters were portrayed. The findings showed that both thefemale and male characters had a higher amount of male coded attributes thanfemale coded attributes, and that the highest showing attributes varied very littlebetween both the individual characters and the gender groups as a whole. This kindof study has scarcely been done regardless of genre, and so it serves as a solidfoundation for future research.

治安意向與職場、家庭意識之研究-以臺北縣政府警察局為例 / 無

張傳忠 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟狀況不景氣,失業率居高不下,社會治安日趨惡化。因此政府不斷進行各種維護治安、掃蕩犯罪組織專案工作,但從各種民意調查資料顯示,民眾對於政府在「治安」、「交通」施政滿意仍然未見上升。警察除了維持治安、疏導交通或處理一般民眾爭端,甚至還需要協助他單位執行公權力。在警力不足的情形下,往往必須犧牲家庭甚至個人身心健康,以貫徹治安使命。繁重的工作、身心健康及家庭生活難以兼顧,但並無相關配套鼓勵措施或者健全的福利制度,使得員警在工作崗位上負擔極大的壓力。部分員警家庭因此破碎,或鋌而走險、甚有自戕及從事違法犯紀之行為,造成警察形象為民眾所詬病的原因。 研究者自警察大學畢業迄今,已從事警察領導職務多年,經常接觸基層執行勤務員警。由於警察任務性質屬於全時及經常處於高度壓力的狀況下,相對地造成員警對於自己所從事的工作,有相當不同的工作意向。尤其警察工作經常於深夜服勤,生活方式日夜顛倒,與家人共處時間短暫,工作上面又臨績效壓力。在此種品質不佳的生活與工作條件下,家庭問題及婚姻生活與工作特性對於員警工作意向影響極大。 為瞭解員警治安意向、職場與家庭意識,本研究採問卷調查法針對治安、職場與家庭三大項目,調查ㄧ三六題次的問題,以確認受試者認為作好哪一項措施,對於治安之維護有重大影響力以及對該項措施的滿意程度。並在進行問卷調查後,再針對所得資料處裡,採取「理想型」之建構模式,進行質化分析。即以多元方法交叉檢視,採取「主─輔設計」方式,以質化的研究為主,以量化方式作為輔助之功能。 本研究發現如下: 壹、治安意向方面:其原因不外為重案緩判,影響治安(本研究發現員警認為法官對於飛車搶案量刑寬鬆,交保容易,再犯率偏高,使警方疲於奔命);層級偏低,受制於人(警察組織層級偏低未能發揮整體治安決策及協調整合之功能);升遷無望,難有鬥志(基層員警未能循序晉升至巡官以上職務,因升遷無望,喪失鬥志);警力不足,裝備破舊(基層警力配置失衡,難以因應民眾需求,警察素質未能有效提升,難以發揮應有效能);疊床架屋,浪費資源(受理案件表格無法有效整合、簡化。程序繁雜,文書未能有效數位化);設計不良,品質低落(績效掛帥取向,只管移送不問起訴,案件草草移送,偵辦品質低落)。 貳、職場意識方面:其原因不外為超時工作,休息不足(職務代理制度未能有效落實);關說干擾,升遷難平(升遷的公平性遭質疑,關說情形的存在,人事主導權遭侵蝕,影響升遷公平);主管好惡,勞逸不均(往往有工作能力者承辦繁重之業務,資歷較深者承辦功奬多之業務等不公平現象);工作不滿,投訴無門(大多認為長官會官官相護,將大事化小、小事化無,且對申訴處理人員欠缺信任)。 參、家庭意識方面:其原因不外為工作繁忙,身心俱疲(員警多半因勤務時間過長,休息時間不足);勤休不定,難得相處(員警認為休假未能正常,不利夫妻溝通,影響家庭和諧)。 本研究建議如下: 其歸結之重點不外為適時修法,速審速決(建議對於該等案件速審速 決,提高交保的條件,從嚴量刑);提高位階,預算獨立(建議提高 警政署位階,有效整合資源並將預算回歸中央統一編列);增加警 力,提升裝備(建議增加警力,適當配置至基層單位服務並注重素質 控管);減少文書、業務,縮短工時(推行E化作業,建構無紙辦公 環境以提高工作效率與效能);改善評比,檢討績效(減少各項專案, 避免影響正常勤務運作,造成員警彈性疲乏);升遷公開,勞逸平均 (升遷公開透明,競爭公平,擇優遴選);建立核心,業務明確(確 立「治安、交通、為民服務」為警察工作核心並致力於主管業務,摒 除協辦業務);暢通員警申訴管道(定期舉辦員警座談會,傾聽員 警心聲,秉持公平公正,嚴禁秋後算帳);加強溝通,和樂相處(建 議員警同仁勤餘、休假,多與家人相處,唯有和樂的家庭是專心工作 的基礎)。 / In the advent of economic downturn, in addition to employment rate staying high, maintaining the law and order for the society is getting worse daily. Therefore, the government has been consistently in proceeding to various measures of protecting the law and order as well as conducting projects in fighting back the crime organization. Nevertheless, from various polls indicated that the general populace views on the governmental efforts in “law and order” and “traffic” categories, still remained to be low and needed to be enhanced as result. The police force, no matter whether in maintaining law and order, directing traffic or processing the resolution of disputes for the general public, may need to go out of its way to assist other organizations in executing the authority from the mandate at large. Under the constant lack of police manpower, they must confront the choices of sacrificing the family life, even worse, personal health so as to protect the law and order as demanded. Work loads and personal well-beings in addition to family life are difficult to manage all at the same time. This is a given, still other encouragement measures without proper planning and supports or comprehensive welfare system, these would create tremendous strains on the police forces at work. Portions of the police force member are suffering family breakups, or go-out-on-the-limb, even committing suicides as well as conducting behaviors of breaking the law and order instead, these all are responsible of creating negative images to the general populace. This researcher has been involved with the leadership role at the basic level of police forces since college graduation, with experiences of frequent contact with local law and order enforcement personnel. Since the mission of police force can be attributed as under constant high pressurized situations, relatively speaking, this caused significantly different job orientations for policeman when reviewing the jobs that they occupy. Especially for those police works that require serving throughout night, with upside down lifestyle to say the least, the short and precious moment sharing with the family in addition to facing the job performance stress from work, this is very demanding. As consequence, under conditions of lack of quality in both the lifestyle and work, family problems and marital lives in addition to work characteristics are casting great impacts on policeman in regards to the work preferences. Therefore, to understand the policeman orientation in maintaining law and order, job environment and family consciousness, this research adopted survey query method in regards to law and order, job environment and family as three main items, as well as surveying the 136 questions in the questionnaire, so as to confirm that the recognitions from the persons under survey in regards to which measurement must be carried out as intended, and this measurement does carry great weight in maintaining the law and order in addition to the satisfaction levels for this very specific measurement. Moreover, after the survey is conducted, this research focused on the datum gathered and processed these datum with adopting the constructs of “ideal type” to proceed further qualitative analyses. Then it is inspected and reviewed in crisscross fashion through multi-variable methods, and adopted “Primary-secondary design” approach which is primarily relied upon the qualitative research and supplemented with quantitative approaches as the secondary. The findings of this research are as follow: 1. The aspects of law and order intention: The main causes are more or less centered at the area of slow court process as well as prosecuting the major crimes, which heavily impact the law and order (This research findings indicated that, the policeman acknowledged the judge would sentence the motorcyclist robbing the pedestrians with the least sentencing possible, in addition to easy suspect bailout with crime recommitting rate relatively high. These are all frustrating the policemen in suspect arrests.) Policemen are at the low level status in the organization, and constantly under the constraints imposed by others. (The policeman organization level is rather low in the overall organization chart, and this results with unable to perform the functions of carrying out the law and order policies in addition to coordinating with other departments in integration efforts.) Hopeless in getting promoted, difficult in obtaining the fighting will. (The local policemen can not be promoted through rank and files as high as the patrolling officer. Since it is hopeless in promotion, therefore they all are lack of fighting will as result.); Lack of police manpower, outdated equipments and supplies(The manpower deployment at local level of police force is out of balance, it is difficult to meet the general populace demand, in addition, the police quality can not be effectively enhanced so as to perform as demanded); Overlapping in the sense of organization, waste of resources(Can not effectively integrate, simplify the forms for filing cases. Complex and redundant procedures, the paperwork can not be effectively converted into digital format.); Poor design with low quality demand (Performance driven in a worst sense, only transferring the apprehended and not caring about the prosecution probability. The caseloads are rated as finished when the transferred were processed with low quality in police detection. ) 2. In the aspects of job environment consciousness: And the causes are no exception, like overwork, lack of rest. (The substitute staff system has not been effectively implemented as desired.) Outside interference in human resource decision caused upheavals (The fairness of promotion was questioned, the outside interference still existed. The human resource leadership has been eroded as such which impacted the fairness in promotion); Preferences from the superiors caused unfair assignments. (Often is the case that those with capabilities would have assigned with heavier responsibilities in operation, those with more experience and seniority would be assigned with tasks with more awards and recognitions. These are the phenomenon of unfairness. ); When unsatisfied with the job, there is no channel to vent the frustration of dissatisfaction.(Majority of the superiors would protect themselves which entails with minimizing the effect of not-doing-anything at all. In addition, they do not trust those who processed the petitions.) 3. In the aspect of family consciousness: The causes are almost belonged to heavy work loads, both the mind and body suffer. (The policemen are almost all work too hard with long hours and lack of adequate rest); Irregular work and vacation schedules, it is difficult to get along. (Policemen all acknowledged that, irregular vacation schedule caused husband and wife not be able to communicate, and impacting the harmony of the family.) This research recommends as follow: The summarized focal points can be law and regulation amendments, speedy trials and sentencing.(Recommending the speedy trial and sentencing for these cases, in addition to raise the bailout conditions with heavier sentencing.); Raise the level of status with independent budgeting.(Recommending raise the level of National Police Agency and effectively consolidate the resources in addition to budgeting fallback to central government jurisdiction); Increase police force strength, enhance and upgrade equipments and supplies(Recommending the increase of police force with adequately dispositions down to the local level units in addition to focus on the quality control); Cut down the paperwork, operations with shorter work hours.(Promote ○e operations, construct no-paper work environment so as to elevate work efficiency and effectiveness); Enhance items being criticized and review performance afterwards(Cut down each and every project work load to prevent impact to normal operation which entails with policemen overwork );Bring visibility to promotion and equalize work assignments(Since the promotion has visibility and transparency, the competition would be fair with the best qualified personnel chosen as result);Establish core values with specific operation assignment (Reaffirm “law and order, traffic and serve the people” as the cores for police work in addition to dedication to jurisdiction operations and stopping coordinated operations); Smooth the channels for dissatisfaction petitioning(Conduct scheduled forums for policemen, listen to their concerns with fairness and justice. Absolutely no payback action is allowed.); Enhance communications with pleasant getting-along. (Recommending the policemen spending more time with the family during off hours and vacations. Only the happy and pleasant family life can be the cornerstone for work dedication. )。

La formation des policiers en France - Impact et résonance des politiques de sécurité sur les professionnalités policières en France de 1960 à aujourd'hui / A History of the Vocationnal Training of Police Forces in France. Impact and Conséquences of Governement's Policies in the Field of Law and Order on the Professionnal approach to Police Work in France from 1960 to the Present day

Schlosser, Jean-Michel 28 May 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet la formation des policiers en France de 1960 à nos jours.A partir d’un terrain peu voire pas exploité, celui des différents dispositifs de formation dans la police nationale, est retracée l’évolution des politiques de formation tant initiale que continue par une approche sociohistorique exhaustive. Cette recherche recense largement les formations qui s’adressent aux corps actifs de policiers : commissaires, officiers, gradés et gardiens de la paix.La police nationale, constituée d’une mosaïque de corps et de métiers, a instauré un système de formation qui a connu de nombreuses évolutions au gré des réformes tant structurelles qu’organisationnelles mais également à la faveur des changements politiques.Cette étude a permis d’étudier d’une part, comment s’opèrent, s’articulent les relais, les nouages entre les politiques publiques de sécurité et la formation dans l’institution policière mais également de considérer dans quelle mesure la formation a un impact sur la mise en œuvre de ces politiques.D’autre part, au cours de ces travaux, il s’est agi de jauger la pertinence mais également de souligner les répercussions des formations sur les pratiques professionnelles. Ces recherches s’inscrivant au plus près de l’exercice du métier permettent à l’aune des différents types de formation de tirer quelques observations sur la professionnalisation et sur la socialisation, ces deux notions inhérentes à toute sociologie des professions.La formation est ici présentée comme une entité à part entière. A ce titre, l’étude menée a permis de dégager les grandes tendances en matière d’enjeux que la formation peut représenter et du rôle qu’on entend lui assigner. / This doctoral thesis focuses on the issues raised by the training of police force members in France from 1960 to the present day.The research work retraces the evolution of the succeeding approaches to the training of the national police force from the early stages of police members’ careers to the variety of continuing training programmes they will be expected to follow in the course of their professional lives. This approach is based upon a thorough social and historical method. The thesis provides a wide list of training programmes for all active members of the force —from superintendants, officers and sergeants to constables.The « Police Nationale » includes a very wide range of corps and professional assignments. It has undergone a series of evolutions as the result of a number of reforms —structural and organizational— sometime resulting from changes in domestic politics.This study explores the interconnections between public security policies and the forms of training provided within the police as an institution. It also shows the impact of training upon the implementation of such policies.The thesis also assesses the adequacy of such training programmes and their consequences on field practice. A detailed and close scrutiny of the multiple actual forms of everyday police work leads to draw a few elements of conclusion concerning the notions of professionalization and socialization —these two notions being inherent in the constitution of the social fabric of all social groups. Training is described as an entity per se thus leading the thesis to outline the major tendencies that have emerged in the period of time under scrutiny as well as their consequences in the definition of the future function of training.

Disciplinace poddaných na základě nástrojů vrchnostenské správy na sklonku 16. a v první polovině 17. století / The Disciplination of subordinate inhabitants based on dominion's administration instruments at the end of the 16th and in the first half of the 17th century

Veselá, Jaroslava January 2019 (has links)
(in English): This Master's work attempts to analyze the selected documents of dominion's administration, which were being published by the office workers of the dominion's management during the period from the end of the 16th to the half of the 17th century, and through the metody of comparison it tries to find out the official form of the manor's leading methods and the communication between the owner of domain and his subordinate inhabitants.

En säkerhetisering av brottslighet i Sverige?

Samuelsson, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
Considering the increased focus on law and order and crime in Sweden, the purpose of this thesis is to examine the political rhetoric on crime since 2002 on the Swedish parties the Moderate Party, the Social Democratic Party, and the Sweden Democrats. This is done through an analysis with the theory of securitization developed by Buzan, Wæver and de Wilde. Through analysis of election manifestos, motions, bills, and laws this study shows a shift towards a rhetoric that increasingly explains Sweden as a country “existentially” threatened by crime. At the same time, proposed action in the Swedish context becomes more far-reaching as emergency actions are legitimized by the presented threat of crime rates. The conclusion is that the Moderate Party and the Swedish Democrats today are making a securitization move, however that the question of law and order today is not securitized in Sweden. / Givet att lag och ordning är en av de viktigaste politiska frågorna i Sverige idag syftar studien till att undersöka Moderaternas, Socialdemokraternas och Sverigedemokraternas retorik i frågan sedan 2002. Analysen görs med hjälp av teorin om säkerhetisering av Buzan, Wæver och de Wilde (Köpenhamnsskolan). Genom en idéanalys med hjälp av en innehållsanalys av valmanifest, motioner, propositioner och lagar visar denna studie på ett skifte i partiernas retorik, som i ökad utsträckning målar upp ett säkerhetshot kring brottslighet, vilket alltmer kan liknas vid ett “existentiellt” hot. Samtidigt har föreslagna åtgärder blivit alltmer långtgående. Utifrån säkerhetiseringsteorin kan detta förklaras med att nödåtgärder legitimeras när ett säkerhetshot presenteras. Slutsatserna är att Moderaterna och Sverigedemokraterna gör ett så kallat säkerhetiseringsförsök, men att frågan om lag och ordning idag inte är säkerhetiserad i Sverige.

Modalités de la transgression dans les récits de fan fiction de séries policières contemporaines

Prévost-Levac, Line 13 April 2018 (has links)
La fan fiction est un" phénomène qui se caractérise par la rédaction de récits reprenant l'univers et les personnages d'un auteur et ou créateur. Dans cette étude, nous analyserons les différents types de transgressions que les auteurs de fan fictions peuvent effectuer sur une oeuvre originale. Pour ce faire, nous allons nous pencher sur les fan fictions de trois séries télévisées contemporaines appartenant au genre policier: Due South, CSI et Law and Order. En étudiant les oeuvres apocryphes de ces séries, nous pourrons ' montrer les différentes techniques utilisées par les auteurs de récits faniques pour s'approprier et remodeler un texte d'origine.

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