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"Det sköna, som ett komplement till det sanna" En studie om elevens lärande, delaktighet och utveckling-genom dans, rytmik och musik som estetiska lärprocesser på fritidshemmetAndersson, Annica January 2022 (has links)
“The beautiful, as a complement to the true” A study of the student's learning, participation and development - through dance, rhythmic and music as aesthetic learning processes at the after-school center. The purpose of the study was to investigate how the teachers in after-school centers work with students' learning, development and participation through aesthetic learning processes, and also to investigate how the work looks from a gender equality perspective. My research questions were: How do teachers work with students' learning and participation through aesthetic learning processes such as dance, rhythmic and music in the after-school center? Also: Does it look different when it comes to boys and girls participation in aesthetic learning processes? How and why in such a case? The method I used in my study was a qualitative research study with semi-structured interviews with two teachers in after-school centers and with a dance teacher and a rhythmic and music teacher. In the analysis of my material and as a theoretical perspective, I have used the knowledge forms episteme, techne and fronesis, as well as from a gender equality perspective.The results of the study show that the aesthetically trained teachers had a lot of experience and many thoughts about how to work with learning around aesthetic learning processes and from a subject-integrated way, including through language and mathematics. Unlike afterschool teachers who partly felt that there was a certain resistance or difficulty in working with dance, music and rhythmic as aesthetic learning processes at the after-school center, when the feeling of not feeling comfortable or not having the right knowledge existed. However, the teachers could see great joy and learning in the students in working with the aesthetic forms. Here, the most common aesthetic subject was arts and craft, which they started from at the after-school center. There were also many thoughts and ideas on how the work with dance, rhythmic and music could be developed more at the leisure center. When it comes to looking at it from a gender equality perspective, the answer was largely that the majority of girls choose the activity, but that the desire to work more with a broader gender equality perspective was present in everyone.
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Dans som estetisk lärprocess : Hur dans kan användas som uttrycksform och estetisk lärprocess i förskolan / Dance as an aesthetic learning process : How dance can be used as a form of expression and aesthetic learning process in preschoolRamtjärn, Laura, Pirttikangas, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med vår undersökning är att ta reda på hur pedagogerna arbetar med dans som uttrycksform och estetisk lärprocess och vilka utmaningar detta kan medföra. Denna undersökning har utgått ifrån ett fenomenologiskt perspek-tiv för att ta reda på pedagogernas erfarenheter och upplevelser idag. Under-sökningen har genomförts genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem verksamma pedagoger som sedan transkriberats och analyserats för att hitta centrala be-grepp. Resultatet visar på omfattande möjligheter som dans kan ha i förskolans verksamhet och vilka områden som kan utvecklas. Det är viktigt att pedagoger integrerar hela läroplanen (Skolverket, 2018) i förskolan och tar vara på alla möjligheter till lärande. Därför behöver pedagoger få tillgång till grundläg-gande kunskap om dans och andra uttrycksformer för att kunna utmana barnen i deras lärande. / The purpose of this study is to find out how educators in preschool use dance as a form of expression and as an aesthetic learning process and what chal-lenges this may result in. The study is based upon a phenomenological per-spective to find out the educators personal and professional experiences today. Through qualitative interviews with five active educators which have been transcribed and analysed we found some key concepts to our study. The results show extensive opportunities that dance can have in the preschool's activities and which areas can be developed. It is important that educators integrate the entire curriculum (Skolverket, 2018) in preschool and take advantage of all opportunities for learning. Therefore, educators need to have access to basic knowledge about dance and other forms of expression in order to challenge children in their learning.
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Arbeta hemma : En kvalitativ undersökning av ett förändrat arbetsliv våren 2020Langwagen, Olivia January 2020 (has links)
Work from home: A qualitative study of an altered working life in early 2020, takes the global spread of coronavirus and its impact on Sweden in early 2020, as its starting point. Restrictions limiting crowds, the closing of workplaces and universities are some among the many ways in which people and societal institutions are facing the pandemic. The purpose of this essay is to examine the participating individuals’ experiences of an altered working life, in regards of them working from home, using technology in order to do so. Research questions asked are: How do the participants experience working from home? In what ways have their everyday practices and routines changed? Based on the climate crisis being part of my research area of concern, an extending question is: What can be learnt from the experiences that are made during this time? The essay is based on questionnaires responded to by eight people, whereof six participated in in qualitative interviews. Analyses show how participants negotiate ideas of home and work as the two categories become integrated in one and the same place. Drawing on theory that emphasizes the agency of materiality and its entanglement with social practices, sociomaterial aspects of working from home are discussed. The participants partake in learning processes where they acquire knowledge that is useful when working from home. Basic digital skills become practical necessities when coping with technical difficulties during virtual meetings. Besides affecting individuals’ everyday experiences, to work remotely seems to have implications at an organizational level as well. Social and material relations are highlighted as constitutive of organizations and effected by the distancing of employees and workplaces. The concluding discussion reconnects to the initial attempt at bringing together individuals’ experiences of working from home with the need of transformation towards sustainable ways of life.
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Multimodal undervisning i skolämnet franska genom estetiska uttrycksformerHerrlin, Charlotte January 2007 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är ett försök i att utföra ett estetiskt projekt i ett språkämne nämligen franska. Jag genomförde detta projektet för att uppleva hur elever arbetar estetiskt i ett teoretiskt ämne. Eleverna skulle gruppvis utföra en tecknad serie och ett rollspel på franska, med utgångspunkt från den tecknade serien. Från empirin av mitt estetiska projekt med eleverna har jag analyserat hur eleverna upplevde projektet och därmed sitt lärande i ett teoretiskt ämne. Elevernas engagemang och motivation i arbetet var stort. De uppfattade arbetet som intressant och upplevde arbetsprocessen som målet, inte resultatet. / This exam project is an experiment in aesthetic work with language teaching, namely French. I performed this project in order to investigate how pupils work aesthetically with a theoretical subject. The pupils were divided into groups and asked to create a cartoon and, based on the cartoon, a role-play in French. On the empirical background of my aesthetic project with the pupils I studied how the pupils experienced the project and their learning of theoretical subject. The pupils' involvement and motivation was big. They found the task interesting and experienced the work process, not the result, as the goal.
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Group works impact on the cognitive learning processes in the ESL classroomNilsson, Oskar, Hay, Patricia January 2016 (has links)
AbstractThis empirical research thesis examines the role group work impacts towards the traditional practices in the classroom when developing language skills, and encouraging children to communicate inside the Swedish ESL classroom. For this study we examined the theoretical standings of the socio-cultural views in the classrooms and what the group researchers say about the practice of working inside the classroom through group work. We did this through a method called qualitative analysis where we sent out questionnaires to our target group, and then from these results had a written interview with a Swedish teacher working in an ESL classroom. Since the Swedish curriculum (2011) does not bring up any forms of how to work with language development only explains that it should be learned through interaction we choose to examine how teachers work in the ESL classroom with group work. In the discussion part of this paper we will present our findings from a social learning point of view and present our findings in accordance with Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theories.
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“Vi lär oss ju med kroppen för att det ska stanna i knoppen” : En kvalitativ studie om hur estetiska lärprocesser i relation till språkutveckling tolkas och används av högstadielärare inom svenska som andraspråkHolm, Emmy January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how aesthetic learning processes in relation to language development are interpreted and used by three upper secondary teachers within the subject of Swedish as a second language. To do this, the study analyzes interviews with three teachers and their classroom teaching designs. The results show that all three teachers emphasize that aesthetic learning processes can function as means of language development - as long as you have a clearly defined learning object and cognitive resistance in the tasks. It also shows that aesthetic learning processes can be particularly relevant for students whose thoughts are ahead of their second language learning skills. Additionally, the teachers believe that students access to other linguistic resources as well as to previous experiences and interests are important. In summary, two of the three teachers show a wide variety of the aesthetic learning processes such as theatre, pictures, music, painting and small group discussions. The third teacher expresses a desire to include them more, but points out the lack of organizational support.
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Vad ska vi sjunga idag? : Förskollärares val av musikaliska texter för förskolan / What shall we sing today? : Preschool-teachers choices of musical lyrics in preschoolLiljerud, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att bidra till en ökad medvetenhet kring vad som påverkar personal i förskolan i urvalet av musikaliska texter för verksamheten. Detta dels genom att lyfta hur förskollärare väljer sånger, visor, låtar och ramsor, samt vad de vill förmedla till barngruppen genom dessa. Dels genom att synliggöra förskollärarnas föreställningar kring vad som är lämpliga musikaliska texter att använda sig av i arbetet med barn. Metoden som använts för datainsamling är mailintervjuer. En kommun med tio förskolor deltog i undersökningen genom att en förskollärare per verksamhet mottog och besvarade såväl grundfrågor som följdfrågor via mail. Studiens resultat visar hur förskollärarna använder sig av musikaliska texter de har med sig från sin egen barndom och tidigare erfarenheter. Många av de sånger som används mest finns också med i den sångkanon som länge varit representativ i förskolan. Hur musiken används som metod för annat ämneslärande kopplat till arbetet med Lpfö-98 synliggörs också genom förskollärarnas beskrivningar, samt hur många av dem skriver nya texter till välkända melodier. Syftet med omskrivningarna varierar, men en slutsats blir ändå att det finns en gemensam upplevelse av att det saknas texter som är anpassade till dagens kunskapande förskoleverksamhet. / The purpose of this essay has been to contribute to an increast awareness about what affects preschool staff in their choice of musical lyrics for preschool. This partly by elevating how they select songs, ballads and tracks, and what they wishes to mediate to the children by theese. Partly by revealing the preschool-teachers believes about what’s suitable musical lyrics to use in working with children. The method that’s been used for datacollecting is email interviews. One municipality with ten preschools participated in the study by how one preschool-teacher per preschool received and responded to interview questions as well as follow up questions via email. The studys result shows how the preschool-teachers uses musical lyrics they know from their own childhood and previous experiences. A lot of the songs that’s used the most are also a part of the song cannon wich for a long time has been representative for preschool. How music is used as a method for learning other subjects in connection with Lpfö-98 is also made visible by the preschool-teachers descriptions, and how many of them writes own lyrics to wellknown tunes. The purpose of the paraphrases varies but one conclusion yet is how there’s a common experience of a lack of lyrics that are customized to the knowledge spirited preschool of today
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Kreativa lärproccesers påverkan och möjligheter i matematikundervisningen / Creative learning processes influence and oppertunity in mathematics educationWattengaard, Sanna, Vigren, Ida January 2024 (has links)
In this knowledge overview the purpose was to explore the impact of the creative learning process on teaching and how creativity engages the students in mathematics. Articles were collected to answer two main questions for the knowledge review (SAG). The focus is to define the creative learning process and see the impact of creativity in both students' ability to grasp knowledge and their engagement in mathematics education. It also contains the traditional teaching method and how that affects students' creativity and engagement. The discussion section analyzes the findings from the result section. Questions were raised about which students were included in the research. The study points out the relevance and bearing in mind relative teaching approaches and the possibility of using creativity in education to enhance students' engagement and their academic performance. In the end further research will be proposed.
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Designing a knowledge management tool to support knowledge sharing networksBarber, Kevin D., Perez-Aros, A., Munive-Hernandez, J. Eduardo, Eldrige, S. January 2007 (has links)
No / The purpose of this paper is to present a knowledge management (KM) tool which has been designed to support the creation of virtual knowledge sharing networks (KSNs). It is a software-based application that enables the sharing of knowledge related to the implementation of manufacturing excellence (ME) best practices and improvement tools. A survey of SMEs was carried out to investigate the implementation of ME best practices. The results indicated that that the main barrier to the implementation of best practices, quality models and improvement tools is a lack of knowledge about these initiatives due to the resource constraints experienced by SMEs. This led to the development of a KM tool to support the creation of virtual networks to enable SMEs to manage improvement projects and share effectively the generated knowledge. The KM tool is currently at the stage of validation and its future implementation is also under consideration. The KM tool supports the creation of KSNs through an explicit KM approach to share ideas, experiences and knowledge about implementation of best practices and improvement tools; helping SMEs to become more competitive. This research has demonstrated that is possible to provide a KM tool that is suitable for use by a KSN of SMEs. This approach allows transferring some of the tacit and explicit knowledge generated during the implementation of improvement initiatives into electronic documents for future consultation by KSN members.
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Pedagogisk dokumentation i förskolan : En intervjustudie om några förskollärares uppfattningar om begreppet pedagogisk dokumentation och dess innebörd / An interview study about the perception of preschool teachers regarding the term educational documentation and its meaningHadrovic, Amina January 2016 (has links)
I dagens förskoleverksamhet är det i regel ett måste att dokumentera lärandeprocesser för att kunna uppfylla samtliga mål i utbildningsplaner och bistå med god utbildningskvalitet. Pedagogisk dokumentation – som grundades av Reggio Emilia – är ett utvärderingsverktyg som skall observera barnets lärandeprocesser samt förskollärarnas förhållningssätt. I vardagliga situationer i förskoleverksamheten har pedagogisk dokumentation många fördelar som kan kartlägga och ge bra förutsättningar genom att skapa förståelse för hur barn lär sig och utvecklas bäst. Syftet med denna studie var att genomföra en litteraturstudie i kombination med kvalitativa intervjuer som utgick ifrån följande frågeställningar: Hur definierar förskollärare begreppet dokumentation respektive pedagogisk dokumentation? Hur beskriver förskollärare arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation? Och hur menar förskollärare att arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation utvecklar verksamheten? Intervjuerna transkriberades och kategoriserades sedan kring hur förskollärarna använder pedagogisk dokumentation, hur synen på pedagogisk dokumentation ser ut samt vilka olika arbetssätt som används. Vid färdigställande av resultatet framgick det att tre av fyra respondenter upplevde pedagogisk dokumentation som något positivt och modernt. En respondent av fyra fann inte pedagogisk dokumentation som ett bra hjälpmedel för utvärdering, då verktyget kan vara oetiskt på så sätt att det kan användas som ett bedömningsverktyg på det enskilda barnet. Diskussionsavsnittet kopplar samman tidigare forskning med förskollärarnas svar kring hur de ser på pedagogisk dokumentation, hur de beskriver arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation och hur arbetssättet kan utveckla verksamheten. / In today's preschool it is generally a need to document the learning processes in order to meet all the targets in education plans and provide good quality education. Pedagogical documentation is an assessment tool that will observe the child's learning process and reception, as well as preschool teachers' own attitude and was founded in Reggio Emilia. In everyday situations, the preschool has pedagogical documentation many benefits that can identify and provide good conditions by creating an understanding of how children learn and develop best. The purpose of this study was to conduct a literature review combined with qualitative interviews were based on the following questions: How do you define the concept of pre-school pedagogical documentation and documentation? Describes how preschool teachers work with pedagogical documentation? And describes how preschool teachers are to work with pedagogical documentation develops business? The interviews were transcribed and analyzed since around how preschool teachers use pedagogical documentation, how perceptions of educational documentation looks and highlighted their own work. Upon completion of the results showed that three out of four respondents experienced pedagogical documentation as something positive and modern. While one respondent out of four did not find pedagogical documentation as a good tool for evaluation, the respondent meant that the tool can be used as unethically tool on the individual child. The discussion then reconnects to the purpose of the study with arguments based on the results and questions; what the preschool teacher answered on how they view pedagogical documentation, how they describe the work of pedagogical documentation and how operation is developing the activity.
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