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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'avocat et l'argent (1790-1972) / Lawyers and money (1790-1972)

Lamarque, Marie 02 December 2016 (has links)
Depuis l’antiquité, les avocats entretiennent avec l’argent une relation particulière.Jouant à la fois un rôle sur le plan social et professionnel, il constitue un élémentdéterminant de la profession.Le XIXe et le XXe « siècles de l’argent », symboles de la révolution industrielle,des mutations sociales et de l’avènement de la bourgeoisie ne peuvent qu’influencer lesrapports entre l’avocat et l’argent. Toutefois, si elles demeurent toujours très proches, laprofession à travers sa déontologie tente d’éloigner ces deux notions en instaurant leconcept du désintéressement et l’idée de mission sociale.Mais c’est sans compter sur la force et la puissance des transformations sociétales.Refuser de vivre avec son temps expose aux critiques et attise la suspicion. Plus quejamais il est l’heure pour les avocats de considérer leur profession comme un métier etde lever le voile sur des siècles de mystère dans ce lien les unissant à l’argent. / Since antiquity, lawyers have a special relationship with money. As a key elementof the profession, it plays both a social and a professional role in it.The 19th and 20th « money centuries », symbols of the industrial revolution, ofdeep social changes and of the advent of the middle class, obviously influenced thelinks between lawyers and money. However, as close as these two notions may remain,the profession tries, through its deontology, to keep a distance between them, institutingthe concept of disinterest and the idea of social mission.But it has to take into account the strength and power of societal changes.Refusing to move with the times can only raise criticisms and stir suspicion. More thanever, it is time for lawyers to consider their profession as a metier and to lift the veilfrom centuries of mystery about their links with money.

La représentation juridique des personnes en situation d’itinérance par les avocats de la défense criminelle et pénale

Spallanzani-Sarrasin, Nicolas 08 1900 (has links)
La recherche démontre que les personnes en situation d’itinérance (PSI) sont contrôlées, exclues, (sur)judiciarisées et qu’elles sont confrontées à de nombreux obstacles lorsqu’elles se retrouvent devant les tribunaux (accès à un avocat, capacité à négocier, sentences mésadaptées, etc.). Toutefois, malgré leur influence sur les procédures judiciaires et l’accès à la justice, nous en savons peu sur le travail des avocats de la défense qui représentent les PSI. Comment identifient-ils une situation d’itinérance (visible ou cachée) et de quelle manière adaptent-ils leur pratique lorsqu’ils travaillent avec cette clientèle ? Quelles stratégies utilisent-ils pour négocier avec les autres acteurs impliqués (procureurs, juges, intervenants socio-judiciaires, etc.) aux différentes étapes du processus judiciaire, notamment le cautionnement et la détermination de la peine ? Enfin, dans quels contextes collaborent-ils avec les programmes de justice thérapeutique et quels sont les impacts de leurs interactions avec les parties prenantes non juridiques, comme les travailleurs sociaux ou les intervenants communautaires ? Pour répondre à ces questions, je me base sur les données provenant d’entretiens semi-dirigés réalisés auprès d’avocats de la défense criminelle et pénale (N=41) œuvrant dans la région du Grand Montréal (Montréal, Laval, Longueuil) entre juillet et décembre 2021. Suivant une analyse de type « codebook » fondée sur les entretiens et la littérature socio-légale, je soutiens que les avocats qui représentent des PSI sont limités dans leur capacité de négociation, principalement en raison du manque de ressources (sous-financement de l’aide juridique, manque de logements abordables, de services en santé mentale et de thérapies, etc.) ainsi que du fonctionnement même du système judiciaire (rythme expéditif, emphase mise sur la responsabilité individuelle, etc.). Afin de pallier les obstacles, ils sont appelés à remplir diverses tâches extrajudiciaires (accompagnement pour la demande d’aide juridique, référencement vers ressources psychosociales, collaboration avec intervenants, etc.), allant parfois jusqu’à adopter un rôle s’apparentant à celui d’un travailleur social. Ces constats soulignent l’importance de modifier les lois qui ciblent disproportionnellement les PSI, d’investir dans le soutien communautaire et d’offrir les outils nécessaires aux professionnels du droit afin qu’ils puissent dégager des alternatives à la judiciarisation non seulement des PSI, mais aussi de plusieurs accusés socio-économiquement défavorisés et/ou marginalisés. / Research shows people experiencing homelessness (PEH) are controlled, excluded, (over)criminalized and that they face many obstacles when they find themselves in court (access to a lawyer, ability to negotiate, inappropriate sentences, etc.). Despite the influence they have on legal proceedings and access to justice, we know little about the work of defense lawyers representing PEH. How do they identify who is experiencing homelessness (visible or hidden) and how do they adapt their practice when working with this clientele? What strategies do they use to negotiate with other actors involved (crown attorney, judges, socio-judicial stakeholders, etc.) at different stages of the judicial process, in particular bail and sentencing? Finally, in what contexts do they collaborate with therapeutic justice programs and what are the impacts of their interactions with non-legal actors, like social workers or community stakeholders? To answer these questions, I rely on data from semi-structured interviews conducted with criminal defense lawyers (N=41) working in the Greater Montreal area (Montreal, Laval, Longueuil) between July and December 2021. Following a “codebook” type analysis based on interviews and socio-legal literature, I argue that lawyers who represent PEH are limited in their ability to negotiate, mainly due to lack of resources (underfunding of legal aid, lack of affordable housing, mental health services and therapies, etc.) as well as the very functioning of the judicial system (fast pace, emphasis on individual responsibility, etc.). To overcome these obstacles, criminal defense lawyers are called upon to perform various extrajudicial tasks (accompaniment for the application for legal aid, referral to psychosocial resources, collaboration with community organizations, etc.), sometimes going as far as adopting a role similar to the one of a social worker. My findings underscore the importance of modifying laws that disproportionately target PEH, investing in community support and providing the necessary tools to legal professionals so that they can find alternatives to the criminalization not only of PEH, but also of several socio-economically disadvantaged and/or marginalized defendants.

Developing an appropriate adjudicative and institutional framework for effective social security provisioning in South Africa

Nyenti, Mathias Ashu Tako 28 June 2013 (has links)
Developing an adjudicative institutional framework for effective social security provisioning in South Africa entails the establishment of a system that gives effect to the rights (of access) to social security and to justice. These rights are protected in the Constitution and in various international law instruments. In the Constitution, the Bill of Rights guarantees everyone the right to have access to social security, including appropriate social assistance for persons who are unable to support themselves and their dependants. It further requires the State to take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realisation of the right to access to social security. Since a dispute resolution (adjudication) framework is an integral part of any comprehensive social security system, it is included in the constitutional obligation of the State. The establishment of a social security adjudication system is an intersection of the right of access to social security and the right of access to justice. The Constitution states that everyone has the right to have any dispute that can be resolved by the application of law decided in a fair public hearing before a court or, where appropriate, another independent and impartial tribunal or forum. In addition, other rights protected in the Constitution have a bearing on the realisation of the rights of access to social security and to justice. There is a close correlation between all the rights in the Bill of Rights, as they are interrelated, interdependent and mutually supporting. They must all be read together in the setting of the Constitution as a whole and their interconnectedness must be taken into account in interpreting rights; and in determining whether the State has met its obligations in terms of any one of them. These rights, which include the right to equality (section 9), the right to human dignity (section 10) and the right to just administrative action (section 33) must thus be considered in establishing a social security adjudication system. Also to be considered are other constitutional prerequisites for the establishment of a social security adjudication system, such as the limitation and enforcement of rights (sections 36 and 38 respectively); principles relating to courts and the administration of justice (Chapter 8) and basic values and principles governing public administration (Chapter 10). In establishing a social security adjudication system in South Africa, international law standards and developments in comparative systems must also be taken into account. The Constitution adopts an international law- and comparative law-friendly approach. It states that when interpreting fundamental rights, international law must be considered while foreign law may be considered (section 39). This thesis aims to develop an adjudicative and institutional framework for effective social security provisioning in South Africa that realises the rights of access to social security and to justice in the South African social security system. This is achieved by exploring the concept of access to justice, and its application in the social security adjudication system. The current social security adjudication system is evaluated against the concept of access to justice applicable in international and regional law instruments, comparable South African (non-social security) systems and comparative international jurisdictions. Principles and standards on the establishment of a social security adjudication system are distilled; and a reformed system for South Africa is proposed. / Mercantile Law / LL.D.

Etude comparative des droits garantis aux justiciables en application de l'article 6 de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme et de leur traduction en droit interne en France et en Pologne

Rajska, Dagmara Marta 25 May 2013 (has links)
La Pologne est un ancien État communiste qui a signé la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme en 1991 et l'a ratifiée en 1993. Le droit de recours individuel a été reconnu en 1993. Le changement de régime a exigé de revoir le système juridique polonais, dont les principes du procès équitable, afin de pouvoir se conformer aux exigences de la Convention. La France a signé la Convention en 1950, l'a ratifiée en 1974. Le droit de recours individuel a été reconnu en 1981. C'est un des plus anciens signataires de la Convention et actuellement un acteur majeur de la société internationale dont l'attachement aux droits de l'homme constitue un élément caractéristique de sa politique extérieure. Cette étude comparative détermine si les exigences concernant les tribunaux et le procès, ainsi que les droits garantis en matière pénale, imposés par l'article 6 de la Convention, sont respectés dans les deux États. D'un côté, cela permet de voir les différences et les similitudes entre la France et la Pologne qui peuvent sembler différentes à cause de leur histoire et de leur tradition de respect des droits de l'homme, mais qui également se ressemblent dans les mécanismes de protection des droits de l'homme mis en place et rencontrent les problèmes similaires, comme par exemple la durée excessive de la procédure ou le non-Respect du principe de l'égalité des armes.D'un autre côté, cela permet de vérifier si les organes internes ont bien appliqué et, le cas échéant, réparé les violations de la Convention, notamment par les réformes de la loi interne. / Poland is a post-Communist state which signed the Convention in 1991, and ratified it in 1993. The right to the individual application was established in 1993. The change of the regime required to reform the Polish legal system, including the principles of fair trial, to comply with the requirements of the Convention. France signed the Convention in 1950, and ratified it in 1974. The right to the individual application was established in 1981. It is one of the oldest members of the Convention and at the moment one of the major actors of the international society, whose attachment to human rights is one of the characteristics of its foreign policy. This comparative study sets out to determine whether the requirements concerning the courts and the trials, and the rights guaranteed in criminal matters imposed by the article 6 of the Convention are respected in both states. On the one hand, this enables us to see the differences and the similitudes between France and Poland. These two states can seem to be different because of their respective histories and traditions when it comes to the respect of human rights. However, in the final analysis, they deal with similar problems, as, for example, the excessive length of proceedings, or non-Respect of the principle of equity of arms. On the other hand, this enables us to verify if the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights have been entirely implemented by the two states, and, where necessary, if the infringements of the Convention were repaired, including the reforms of the internal law.

Acesso à justiça e carência econômica / Acess to justice and poverty

Costa Neto, José Wellington Bezerra da 24 February 2012 (has links)
Inicialmente buscou-se traçar o arcabouço teórico sobre o qual seria analisado o objeto do trabalho, os reflexos da carência econômica sobre as potencialidades de acesso à justiça. Este alicerce consistiu em pontuar a linha evolutiva do caráter da função jurisdicional desde os lindes do Estado Liberal, passando ao Estado do Bem-Estar Social e culminando no Estado Pós-Social, com o principal enfoque no caráter que a garantia de acesso à justiça recebeu em cada um destes contextos. Foram tratados temas paralelos, como a questão do conhecimento acerca dos direitos, bem como a eliminação de custas, solução bastante alvitrada por alguns, intensamente rechaçada por outros. Depois passou-se à averiguação dos reflexos que a disparidade de condição econômica das partes causa sobre a igualdade destas no processo, e o instrumental conferido ao juiz para a correção das distorções, seguindo-se com o enquadramento da assistência jurídica no quadro de garantias processuais que constitui o que se denomina na doutrina processo justo e équo. Foram realizadas as distinções básicas ente assistência jurídica; assistência judiciária e justiça gratuita. Fez-se ainda uma breve análise de direito comparado, com alguns elementos históricos, concluindo-se com a indicação de pontos que poderiam ser eficazmente aplicados ao sistema brasileiro. Entra-se então pela segunda parte do trabalho, voltada para a práxis, e que se prende primordialmente na análise do direito positivo brasileiro naquilo que concerne à assistência ao carente no exercício da garantia constitucional de acesso à justiça. Ao final são apresentadas de forma pontuada as conclusões gerais. / Initially we tried to trace the theoretical framework on which the object of the work would be analyzed, the effects of poverty over the possibilities of access to justice. This foundation was to point the evolution of the character of judicial function from the Liberal State, to the Welfare State and ending in Pos Welfare State, focusing most on the character of access to justice guarantee in each context. Parallel subjects were explored, like the question of knowledge about rights, as also the elimination of judicial fees, solution indeed defended by some, and intensely rejected by others. Following we searched the effects of economic disparity of the parts over the equality of them in lawsuit, and the instruments given to the judge to correct this distortions, concluding with the contextualization of legal aid in face of procedural guarantees that form what doctrine calls fair and equal trial. There were made the basic distinctions between legal aid in consulting; providing counselors and gratuity from fees. There is a small analysis of comparative law, including some historical elements, concluding with the pointing out of some suggestions that could be profitable in Brazilian system. We enter the second half of the work, facing the praxis, specially analyzing Brazilian law system concerning legal aid in exercising the constitutional right of access to justice. At the end, the general conclusions are presented in topics.


CLEBER FRANCISCO ALVES 03 April 2006 (has links)
[pt] A Constituição da República, de 1988, estabelece que os Estados e a União Federal têm a obrigação de prestar assistência jurídica integral e gratuita aos necessitados devendo fazê-lo por intermédio da Defensoria Pública. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo permitir uma melhor compreensão acerca desse modelo brasileiro de prestação de assistência jurídica, tal como estabelecido na Constituição, com o propósito de averiguar se realmente é o mais apto para garantir o pleno acesso de todos à Justiça e, conseqüentemente, assegurar a efetividade dos direitos fundamentais das pessoas desprovidas de recursos econômicos para atingir esses fins por meios próprios. Para cumprir com esse objetivo, realizou-se inicialmente uma análise crítica na perspectiva histórica e das principais referências normativas do ordenamento jurídico constitucional e infraconstitucional em vigor no país, que regem o exercício do direito à assistência jurídica integral, ou seja, a assistência que é prestada tanto em âmbito judicial quanto extrajudicial, e um estudo das normas que regem o funcionamento da Defensoria Pública. Outro caminho percorrido foi o de investigar mais a fundo os modelos de assistência jurídica gratuita em funcionamento na França e nos Estados Unidos. Tais sociedades foram escolhidas não apenas pela grande influência histórica que têm tido na evolução das instituições jurídico-políticas brasileiras, mas também porque apresentam características bem diversificadas em seus sistemas jurídicos, o que contribuiu para a ampliação dos horizontes do estudo realizado. Para melhor compreensão desses sistemas alienígenas, realizamos duas temporadas consecutivas de estudos no exterior, permanecendo seis meses nos Estados Unidos e seis meses na França. Utilizando a metodologia de caráter etnográfico (observação e entrevistas), tivemos a oportunidade de acompanhar de perto o funcionamento real desses dois modelos de assistência jurídica, com visitas a instituições e acompanhamento de seu trabalho cotidiano, entrevistas com personalidades do mundo jurídico e, também, realizando amplo levantamento bibliográfico acerca do tema nos respectivos países. A partir da análise crítica na perspectiva histórica e das referências normativas atuais que regem o funcionamento desses dois sistemas estrangeiros de assistência jurídica aos necessitados, foi possível realizar um contraste com o modelo brasileiro, destacando-se as virtudes e os defeitos que, como é próprio de toda obra humana, se fazem presentes em cada um desses três sistemas analisados. Espera-se que um conhecimento mais profundo acerca do modelo nacional que foi estabelecido na Constituição Federal para a prestação desses serviços de assistência jurídica integral e gratuita venha a contribuir para que os atores institucionais envolvidos no sistema possam potencializar as virtudes e busquem neutralizar os defeitos existentes, de modo que se atinja plenamente a meta de garantir igualdade no acesso à Justiça e de ampla efetividade dos direitos fundamentais de todos os brasileiros, independentemente de sua condição social ou econômica. / [en] The 1988 Constitution of the Brazilian Republic mandates that the States and the Federal Union provide full and free legal assistance to every citizen in need, through the Office of the Public Defender. The following study seeks to develop a better understanding of this Brazilian model of constitutionally mandated legal assistance, and determine whether it is really the best mean of assuring full access to justice for every person, regardless of their financial means. The study approaches this issue from an historical perspective, with reference to the constitutional and statutory legal system operating in Brazil, requiring full legal assistance to the poor (i.e. legal advice and right to counsel in civil and criminal cases), as well as the rules that govern the operations of the Public Defender`s Office. We will also review alternative models of free legal assistance offered in France and the United States. These systems were selected not only for their historical influence over Brazilian political and judicial institutions, but also because they reveal diverse characteristics in their judicial systems that broaden the horizon of our study. In two consecutive seasons of ethnographic research (participant and no participant observation and interviews), six months in the USA, and six months in France, we are able to closely observe the day-to-day functioning of these two models of legal assistance, with visits to offices, interviews with key figures in the judicial system, and an extensive bibliographical review of the literature on legal assistance in the respective countries. Through this critical historical and normative analysis of the operation of these two foreign systems of legal assistance to the poor, we believe it has been possible to throw into greater relief the virtues and defects of the Brazilian model. We hope that this study will produce a deeper understanding of the national model of free and comprehensive legal assistance established in the Brazilian Constitution, and encourage those responsible for administering the system to optimize its virtues and overcome its defects to better achieve its goals of equal access to justice and the guarantee of the fundamental rights of all Brazilians, regardless of theirs social or economic condition. / [fr] La Constitution de la République du Brésil, de 1988, établit que les États et l´Union Fédérale sont tenus de fournir l´assistance juridique intégrale et gratuite aux démunis par l´intermédiaire du Bureau de la Défense Publique. Le présent exposé a pour but permettre une meilleure compréhension de ce modèle brésilien d´aide juridique, tel que l´a établi la Constitution, avec l´intention de vérifier si c´est vraiment mieux conçu pour garantir le plein accès de tous à la Justice et, par conséquent, d´assurer l´effectivité des droits fondamentaux des personnes démunies de conditions économiques pour atteindre ces objectifs avec leurs propres moyens. Pour accomplir ce dessein on a développé premièrement une analyse critique sous la perspective historique ainsi que des principales réferences normatives de l´ordonnance juridique constitutionnelle et infraconstitutionnelle en vigueur au Brésil, qui régissent l´exercice du droit d´aide juridique intégrale, soit l´assistance qui est proposée aussi bien en matière judiciaire qu´extrajudiciaire, et une étude des normes qui définissent le fonctionnement de du Bureau de la Défense Publique. Une autre voie parcourue a troit à l´énquête plus à fond des modèles d´assistance juridique gratuite en vigueur en France et aux États-Unis. Ces societés ont été choisies, non seulement en raison de leur grande influence historique dans l´évolution des institutions juridico- politiques brésiliennes, mais aussi parce-qu´elles présentent des caractéristiques bien diversifiées dans leurs systèmes juridiques, ce qui a contribué à l´ouverture des horizons de l´étude réalisé. Pour mieux comprendre ces systèmes d´autres Pays, nous avons fait deux séjours consécutifs d´études à l´étranger, passant six mois aux États-Unis et six mois en France. En utilisant la métodologie de l´observation participative, nous avons eu l´occasion d´accompagner de près le fonctionnement réel de ces deux modéles d´assistance juridique, visitant des institutions et accompagnant leur travail quotidien, obtenant des entrevues avec des personalités du monde juridique et aussi, en organisant une importante bibliographie au sujet du thème dans les Pays respectifs. À partir de l´analyse critique de la perspective historique et des réferences normatives actuelles qui régissent le fonctionnement de ces deux systèmes étrangers d´assistance juridique aux démunis(ies) a été possible d´établir une comparaison avec le modèle brésilien, en soulignant les qualités et les points faibles qui, comme il est propre à toute oeuvre humaine, sont présents en chacun de ces trois systèmes analisés. On espère qu´une connaissance plus profonde, au sujet du modèle national juridique établi par la Constitution Féderale pour la prestation de ces services d´assistance juridique intégrale et gratuite, viendra contribuer pour que les acteurs institutionnels engagés puissent multiplier les qualités autant que neutraliser les points faibles existants, de façon a que l´on puisse atteindre pleinement le but d´assurer l´égalité à l´accès à la Justice et une grande effectivité des droits fondamentaux de tous les brésiliens, indépendamment de leur condition sociale ou économique.

Rights Without Remedies: The Court Party Theory and the Demise of the Court Challenges Program

Salter, Shannon 25 August 2011 (has links)
The author argues that the Court Challenges Program’s 2006 cancellation was based on claims that judicial review is undemocratic, including those made by three academics, Rainer Knopff, F.L. Morton and Ian Brodie; the Court Party Theorists (the “CPT”). Through a study of Charter equality cases, this paper examines the CPT’s arguments regarding judicial activism, interest groups and interveners and finds they are largely unsupported by statistical evidence. Further, the debate about judicial review and democracy obscures judicial review’s important auditing function over the legislature’s constitutional adherence. This audit depends on individuals’ capacity to pursue Charter litigation, an ability compromised by the access to justice crisis. The author examines this crisis and the efforts to fill the funding gap left by the CCP’s cancellation and concludes that a publicly-funded program like the CCP is best-placed to ensure that the Charter remains a relevant tool for enforcing fundamental human rights in Canada.

Rights Without Remedies: The Court Party Theory and the Demise of the Court Challenges Program

Salter, Shannon 25 August 2011 (has links)
The author argues that the Court Challenges Program’s 2006 cancellation was based on claims that judicial review is undemocratic, including those made by three academics, Rainer Knopff, F.L. Morton and Ian Brodie; the Court Party Theorists (the “CPT”). Through a study of Charter equality cases, this paper examines the CPT’s arguments regarding judicial activism, interest groups and interveners and finds they are largely unsupported by statistical evidence. Further, the debate about judicial review and democracy obscures judicial review’s important auditing function over the legislature’s constitutional adherence. This audit depends on individuals’ capacity to pursue Charter litigation, an ability compromised by the access to justice crisis. The author examines this crisis and the efforts to fill the funding gap left by the CCP’s cancellation and concludes that a publicly-funded program like the CCP is best-placed to ensure that the Charter remains a relevant tool for enforcing fundamental human rights in Canada.

Developing an appropriate adjudicative and institutional framework for effective social security provisioning in South Africa

Nyenti, Mathias Ashu Tako 28 June 2013 (has links)
Developing an adjudicative institutional framework for effective social security provisioning in South Africa entails the establishment of a system that gives effect to the rights (of access) to social security and to justice. These rights are protected in the Constitution and in various international law instruments. In the Constitution, the Bill of Rights guarantees everyone the right to have access to social security, including appropriate social assistance for persons who are unable to support themselves and their dependants. It further requires the State to take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realisation of the right to access to social security. Since a dispute resolution (adjudication) framework is an integral part of any comprehensive social security system, it is included in the constitutional obligation of the State. The establishment of a social security adjudication system is an intersection of the right of access to social security and the right of access to justice. The Constitution states that everyone has the right to have any dispute that can be resolved by the application of law decided in a fair public hearing before a court or, where appropriate, another independent and impartial tribunal or forum. In addition, other rights protected in the Constitution have a bearing on the realisation of the rights of access to social security and to justice. There is a close correlation between all the rights in the Bill of Rights, as they are interrelated, interdependent and mutually supporting. They must all be read together in the setting of the Constitution as a whole and their interconnectedness must be taken into account in interpreting rights; and in determining whether the State has met its obligations in terms of any one of them. These rights, which include the right to equality (section 9), the right to human dignity (section 10) and the right to just administrative action (section 33) must thus be considered in establishing a social security adjudication system. Also to be considered are other constitutional prerequisites for the establishment of a social security adjudication system, such as the limitation and enforcement of rights (sections 36 and 38 respectively); principles relating to courts and the administration of justice (Chapter 8) and basic values and principles governing public administration (Chapter 10). In establishing a social security adjudication system in South Africa, international law standards and developments in comparative systems must also be taken into account. The Constitution adopts an international law- and comparative law-friendly approach. It states that when interpreting fundamental rights, international law must be considered while foreign law may be considered (section 39). This thesis aims to develop an adjudicative and institutional framework for effective social security provisioning in South Africa that realises the rights of access to social security and to justice in the South African social security system. This is achieved by exploring the concept of access to justice, and its application in the social security adjudication system. The current social security adjudication system is evaluated against the concept of access to justice applicable in international and regional law instruments, comparable South African (non-social security) systems and comparative international jurisdictions. Principles and standards on the establishment of a social security adjudication system are distilled; and a reformed system for South Africa is proposed. / Mercantile Law / LL.D.

Acesso à justiça e carência econômica / Acess to justice and poverty

José Wellington Bezerra da Costa Neto 24 February 2012 (has links)
Inicialmente buscou-se traçar o arcabouço teórico sobre o qual seria analisado o objeto do trabalho, os reflexos da carência econômica sobre as potencialidades de acesso à justiça. Este alicerce consistiu em pontuar a linha evolutiva do caráter da função jurisdicional desde os lindes do Estado Liberal, passando ao Estado do Bem-Estar Social e culminando no Estado Pós-Social, com o principal enfoque no caráter que a garantia de acesso à justiça recebeu em cada um destes contextos. Foram tratados temas paralelos, como a questão do conhecimento acerca dos direitos, bem como a eliminação de custas, solução bastante alvitrada por alguns, intensamente rechaçada por outros. Depois passou-se à averiguação dos reflexos que a disparidade de condição econômica das partes causa sobre a igualdade destas no processo, e o instrumental conferido ao juiz para a correção das distorções, seguindo-se com o enquadramento da assistência jurídica no quadro de garantias processuais que constitui o que se denomina na doutrina processo justo e équo. Foram realizadas as distinções básicas ente assistência jurídica; assistência judiciária e justiça gratuita. Fez-se ainda uma breve análise de direito comparado, com alguns elementos históricos, concluindo-se com a indicação de pontos que poderiam ser eficazmente aplicados ao sistema brasileiro. Entra-se então pela segunda parte do trabalho, voltada para a práxis, e que se prende primordialmente na análise do direito positivo brasileiro naquilo que concerne à assistência ao carente no exercício da garantia constitucional de acesso à justiça. Ao final são apresentadas de forma pontuada as conclusões gerais. / Initially we tried to trace the theoretical framework on which the object of the work would be analyzed, the effects of poverty over the possibilities of access to justice. This foundation was to point the evolution of the character of judicial function from the Liberal State, to the Welfare State and ending in Pos Welfare State, focusing most on the character of access to justice guarantee in each context. Parallel subjects were explored, like the question of knowledge about rights, as also the elimination of judicial fees, solution indeed defended by some, and intensely rejected by others. Following we searched the effects of economic disparity of the parts over the equality of them in lawsuit, and the instruments given to the judge to correct this distortions, concluding with the contextualization of legal aid in face of procedural guarantees that form what doctrine calls fair and equal trial. There were made the basic distinctions between legal aid in consulting; providing counselors and gratuity from fees. There is a small analysis of comparative law, including some historical elements, concluding with the pointing out of some suggestions that could be profitable in Brazilian system. We enter the second half of the work, facing the praxis, specially analyzing Brazilian law system concerning legal aid in exercising the constitutional right of access to justice. At the end, the general conclusions are presented in topics.

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