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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Die Mauer im Kopf": Aesthetic Resistance against West-German Take-Over

Puteri, Arwen 17 March 2014 (has links)
Even 24 years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall, modern day Germans are still preoccupied with the contentious dynamics of the post-Wall unification process. Concern with geo-political fractiousness is deeply rooted in German history and the reason for Germany's desire to become a unified nation. The Fall of the Wall, and the subsequent rejection of socialism, was a chance to recover and unify what was perceived to be an "incomplete" nation. Yet, despite these actions, social unity between East and West Germans has never occurred and the Wall still persists as a metaphorical barrier in the minds of German citizens. Thus, the unification process should be critically evaluated so that the lingering (social) disunity between East and West Germans may be better understood and potentially remedied. This thesis examines how two post-Wall films, Good Bye, Lenin! (2003) and Berlin is in Germany (2001) reveal patterns that explain the lingering disunity between East and West from an underrepresented lens: an East German perspective. I do so by investigating whether these films offer insights into the culture of the former GDR, which was ideologically, institutionally, and socio-economically divided from the West for over 40 years. This argument is supported by an analysis of how Good Bye, Lenin! and Berlin is in Germany confront the audience with a new (East German) hero who has to navigate a "foreign" terrain and is expected to adapt to and embrace this entirely new culture. Both films allude to the East German sentiment of longing for GDR culture and values as an attempt to maintain an East German identity while being threatened by overpowering "colonization" by the West.

Crítica de El estado y la revolución de Lenin a través de la lectura de los escritos de juventud de Marx

Fuentes Salvo, Mauricio January 2012 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Magister en Axiología y Filosofía Política / El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo general demostrar la falta de comprensión por parte de Lenin del fenómeno moderno de la separación (enajenación) de lo político (Estado político) con respecto a lo social, que tendría como consecuencias teóricas concretas la imposibilidad, de comprender el proceso de burocratización del “Estado Soviético”, y de plantear teóricamente la temática de la extinción del Estado. Para realizar lo anterior se justifica la importancia atribuida a los textos de Marx escritos en los años 1843 y 1844 (“Crítica de la Filosofía del Derecho de Hegel” en adelante “La Crítica”, “La cuestión judía”, “Para una crítica de la Filosofía del Derecho de Hegel. Introducción” y “Glosas críticas al artículo „El rey de Prusia y la reforma social. Por un prusiano”). No serán analizados ni los llamados “Manuscritos económico-filosóficos”, ni tampoco, los escritos de Marx posteriores a 1844. Solamente nos referiremos a estos últimos para mostrar: (1) la permanencia de conceptos como, por ejemplo, el de alienación/enajenación en los escritos llamados de madurez; y, (2) en qué medida las experiencias reales del movimiento obrero influyeron en el devenir intelectual del revolucionario alemán. Luego, se expone la teoría leninista del Estado que podemos encontrar en su texto “El Estado y la Revolución”. Se concluye que: (1) existen diferencias importantes en las diversas interpretaciones de los escritos llamados de juventud; tanto desde un punto de vista “epistemológico”, como de un punto de vista “político”; (2) Leninconfundióel fenómeno del Estado moderno con el hecho de que el pueblo se encontrase separado e imposibilitado de participar de las funciones estatales, pudiendo ser así oprimido por la clase dominante mediante el poder del Estado; (3) con respecto al problema de las formas políticas que permitirían la extinción de todo Estado, Lenin no encontraría una solución satisfactoria. Finalmente se deja abierta la siguiente pregunta: ¿no cabría preguntarse acaso, si la posibilidad de una crítica de “la filosofía política”, y por lo tanto de la posibilidad de una teoría del Estado, debería partir de la crítica de “la economía política”?

On the Creation of Gods: Lenin’s Image in Stalin’s Cult of Personality

Dreeze, Jonathon Randall 09 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.


Nealy, James Allen, Jr. 03 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.


朴鐘凡, PU, ZHENG-FAN Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要研究目的在於探討中共四部害法之演變與社會變遷的互動關係,主要參考 文獻中外所出版的社會變遷理論書籍;中共方面所出版的「憲法」論文選;香港方面 所出版的中共「憲法」論文集;與中華民國方面所出版的有關研究中共「憲法」之書 籍與文章。本論文所採取的研究方法主要是以「社會變遷理論」與「比較憲法」研究 途徑為主,來分析並評述中共憲法之演變及其特性。本論文要研究內容重點為探討社 會主義憲法的特性及與一般自由世界憲法之區別;中共四部憲法制定過程;中共四部 憲法條文之演變及其所代表的意義;及中共憲法在法理上的規定及實際運作之間的差 距……等各部份。本論文研究結果顯示﹕社會主義憲法與一般自由世界憲法最大的差 別,在於社會主義憲法是以馬列主義學說為依據的,共產黨人將它視為階級鬥爭的總 結,是統治階級的意志表現和專政工具;社會主義憲法的內容是隨著階級力量的對比 關係的演變而變化,因而乃產生不斷更換憲法與修改憲法的現象。作為社會主義類型 憲法的中共憲法,其最大的特色,在於它是做為偽裝民主的「必需品」,憲政精神從 未真正貫徹,從研究中共憲法演變與社會變遷的過程中吾人得知,中共憲法所具體表 現的特性為「黨」大於「法」,「人治重於法治」,「權責不明,憲政不分」等現象 。


鄭祖邦 Unknown Date (has links)
在本篇論文中,筆者試圖從「戰爭」的角度來描繪現代性的樣貌。戰爭如何刻劃著現代性呢?如何從戰爭與現代性的相互理解中來認識我們的時代、我們的生活呢?從西方歷史的發展軸線來看,在過去三百多年來有三件標誌著時代變化的重大事件:1789年的法國大革命(伴隨著十九世紀初的拿破崙戰爭)、1906年與1917年的俄國革命(伴隨著第一次世界大戰1914-1918年)、2001年美國紐約世貿大樓所經歷的911恐怖攻擊。這些事件都在一定程度上為我們揭示了現代性的深層變動。所以,在本篇論文中,筆者嘗試依循著這些重大的歷史事件,從社會學的知識發展傳統來提出整理和說明,並且,也希望從戰爭與現代性的切入角度來對未來的發展提出一些可能的思考方向。 在導論中,筆者從兩個小節來分別切入主題。首先,在「研究動機」這一節所提出的問題是:「社會學為何缺乏戰爭的研究?」我們試圖從十八世紀後半葉以來社會學知識發展的脈絡來加以回答。基本上,我們會發現到,以資本主義生活為基底所形成的「社會」這個概念,抑制了戰爭在社會學中的發展。其次,在第二節「問題意識」中,主要是從「社會學要如何研究戰爭?」這樣的提問,來檢討「民族國家與戰爭」這個命題。在其中我們可以發現到,社會學往往從「民族國家」出發來觸及戰爭現象的研究;但是,這容易落入只是對國家軍事「制度」和「組織」的研究,對於戰爭的思考可以引發的知識作用,以及戰爭理論和概念的建構就顯得相對匱乏。所以,我們試圖從政治社會學中「國家-社會」之間關係的討論,以及克勞塞維茲所提出的「政治-戰爭」之命題,從兩者的結合中進一步提出整體論文的分析架構(三個思考戰爭的典範)。 從第二章到第四章的討論中,筆者依序整理出三個具代表性的思考戰爭議題的社會學典範:「民族國家-總體戰」、「階級鬥爭-游擊戰」、「生命政治-社會內戰」。三種「政治-戰爭」的類型也正分別代表三種不同的政治社會學立場與分析的延伸(韋伯的「民族國家就是社會」、馬克思主義者的「國家與市民社會的對抗」、傅柯的「從權力分析國家與社會」)。我們最終希望能在三個類型彼此之間形成一個對話與思考的空間,從而呈顯出一種現代性的戰爭考察。 基本上,在三個類型的建構上,是沿著與克勞塞維茲的對話來前進的。首先,「民族國家-總體戰」這個類型是具有原型的意義,因為,以民族國家為主體的戰爭正是現代性的根本特點之一。民族國家的戰爭標示出有限戰爭(封建)與絕對戰爭(現代)的差異,而二十世紀上半葉的歷史也早已告訴我們集合全民意志的「總體戰」所帶來的驚人效果。此外,從韋伯的分析中,我們也企圖賦予克勞塞維茲的戰爭理論更多的社會學內涵。不同於克勞塞維茲將民族國家等同於社會這樣的整體觀,列寧依循著馬克思的思考傳統,強調社會內部階級差異的重要性,並且,配合著對於當時資本主義的帝國主義性質之理解,而提出以「階級戰爭」來面對總體戰(第一次世界大戰)的戰略想法,這也就導致了民族國家與階級鬥爭兩者政治思考的融合。此後,在二次大戰與冷戰時代的第三世界革命中,游擊戰成為了最重要的戰鬥形式,這樣的形式也挑戰了以民族國家為戰爭主體的正規性框架。正規戰(總體戰)╱非正規戰(游擊戰)所帶來的差異為現代性的戰爭研究帶來了深刻的思想衝擊。傅柯則更進一步地拆解了整體同質社會的看法,不僅存在於階級這組權力關係,權力會在各個微觀的層面上不斷地運作。他翻轉了克勞塞維茲的戰爭命題,以戰爭(略)的權力模式批判了霍布斯的主權-法律模式。戰爭不僅是存在於國界邊境上的實際戰鬥,而是會瀰漫在整體社會的權力關係中。由權力關係形塑的個體(主體)如何整合進社會整體之中,正是現代民族國家生存與強化實力的重大任務,治安的政治技術扮演了關鍵的角色,傅柯延續著治安的想法,而以「生命政治」來作為描述當代政治理性的核心概念,替代過去國家理性的想法。有別於傳統的戰略思想,從生命政治的角度,傅柯對後現代與全球化的戰爭思考帶來了深遠的影響。最後,筆者也希望去凸顯出,在戰爭的歷史發展軸線中,「人民」形象的變化,並且,當「戰爭」的議題置入政治社會學三種「國家-社會」關係的思考模式時,不同的知識典範之間所形成的一種知識上的緊張性與相互撞擊,進而能夠使我們對於民族國家與社會之間的關係有更深度的思考。 在第五章中,我們嘗試從戰爭的角度來切進全球化的議題。從「全球化與戰爭」這樣的面向,來提出兩個主要的思考脈絡:「全球化與民族國家」以及「民主與戰爭」。儘管諸多全球性的危機和發展都使得民族國家的權力顯得軟弱無力,但是,從戰爭的角度來切入思考,全球化是否真的或如何改變了長期以民族國家為戰爭主體的現代性。此外,在全球政治秩序的形成過程中,民主作為當前的普世價值卻弔詭地成為發動戰爭的語意,其中的成因也是我們探究的焦點。為了釐清上述的問題,我們整理出兩個主要的理論思考模式:哈伯瑪斯的「後民族格局」以及Hardt和Negri的「帝國」模式。基本上,我們並不試圖採取上述任何一種立場,而是提出以戰爭的角度,來重新思考民族國家此一現代戰爭主體在全球化進程中的變化。 在結論中,筆者指出當前相關的理論發展糾結在下面三種可能的思考取徑之中:馬基維利的國家理性、康德的永久和平、傅柯的戰爭與秩序(社會內戰、生命政治)。並且,還進一步地從國內外當前的學術潮流與發展情形,來評估本論文的意義與未來可能性。同時希望「戰爭」作為新的理論元素,能為政治社會學的發展開拓出更多的思考面向。

Um estudo sobre Lenin e as defesas da reforma agrária no Brasil / A study on Lenni and on land reform defense in Brazil

Soares, Paulo de Tarso Presgrave Leite 29 September 1992 (has links)
As defesas da reforma agrária, no Brasil, é o mote para estudar o relacionamento cidade-campo no desenvolvimento do capitalismo. A primeira parte mostra que os inúmeros argumentos pró-reforma agrária, em essência, reduzem- se a apenas a uma alegada capacidade para atingir três objetivos: 1) produto: aumentar a oferta de produtos do campo; 2) renda: aumentar a demanda pelos produtos industriais; e, 3) emprego: conter o êxodo rural. A segunda parte apresenta o resultado de outra extensa pesquisa bibliográfica, agora nos trabalhos de Lênin. Ela começa por mostrar a maneira como esse autor tratou cada um daqueles objetivos e que a reforma agrária não tem qualquer relacionamento com eles. Mostra, em seguida, que, no capitalismo não existe a possibilidade de um desenvolvimento não-capitalista do campo. Termina por mostrar que há, em Lênin, um critério bem definido para determinar o tipo de intervenção no campo que o marxista deve realizar. A terceira parte, com base em alguns autores sobre o desenvolvimento do campo, no Brasil, alguns deles inclusive defensores da reforma agrária, mostra que, de acordo com o critério estabelecido por Lênin, não faz o menor sentido propor uma reforma agrária. / This text, well-grounded on Lenin\'s early writings, before 1917 revolution, is a study about Agrarian Reform like an instrument to reach so publicized targets in agricultural economic literature: to widen the market, to expand production and to avoid rural exodus. This study\'s conclusion, the main thesis, is the following: 1) the Agrarian Reform is not an effective instrument to reach those targets; 2) is not an orthodox marxist-leninist proposal; 3) on Leninist perspective, the sound proposal is the land nationalization; 4) but it ought to be defended before the bourgeois revolution in the rural sector; 5) the radical suppression of private property of land is an instrument of political struggle, extinction of latifundium class, to hasten capital penetration in the rural sector; 6) the land nationalization target is to improve the triumph of large production, rather than social work; 7) on Leninist perspective, neither land nationalization nor land reform are sound proposals to Brazil in nowadays.

Leninsko-stalinska ideologie jako pseudonáboženství / Leninist-stalinist Communistic Ideology as a Pseudo-religion

PEKÁREK, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis presented points out the presence of religious elements in Marxist-Leninist ideology. It examines the writings of the godfathers of this ideology(Marx, Engels, Lenin, or other less familiar Marxist, focusing specifically on their attitude to religion and religious thought in general. The thesis draws attention to the cognate elements of Christianiny and the very essence of Marxist-Leninist ideology, especially in terms of similar perception of historic eras of social development. The exposition is not limit to a description of Marxist theoretical attitudes assumed towards religious thoughts; the practical realization of these attitudes in Lenin- and Stalin-governed Russia is also investigated.

Um estudo sobre Lenin e as defesas da reforma agrária no Brasil / A study on Lenni and on land reform defense in Brazil

Paulo de Tarso Presgrave Leite Soares 29 September 1992 (has links)
As defesas da reforma agrária, no Brasil, é o mote para estudar o relacionamento cidade-campo no desenvolvimento do capitalismo. A primeira parte mostra que os inúmeros argumentos pró-reforma agrária, em essência, reduzem- se a apenas a uma alegada capacidade para atingir três objetivos: 1) produto: aumentar a oferta de produtos do campo; 2) renda: aumentar a demanda pelos produtos industriais; e, 3) emprego: conter o êxodo rural. A segunda parte apresenta o resultado de outra extensa pesquisa bibliográfica, agora nos trabalhos de Lênin. Ela começa por mostrar a maneira como esse autor tratou cada um daqueles objetivos e que a reforma agrária não tem qualquer relacionamento com eles. Mostra, em seguida, que, no capitalismo não existe a possibilidade de um desenvolvimento não-capitalista do campo. Termina por mostrar que há, em Lênin, um critério bem definido para determinar o tipo de intervenção no campo que o marxista deve realizar. A terceira parte, com base em alguns autores sobre o desenvolvimento do campo, no Brasil, alguns deles inclusive defensores da reforma agrária, mostra que, de acordo com o critério estabelecido por Lênin, não faz o menor sentido propor uma reforma agrária. / This text, well-grounded on Lenin\'s early writings, before 1917 revolution, is a study about Agrarian Reform like an instrument to reach so publicized targets in agricultural economic literature: to widen the market, to expand production and to avoid rural exodus. This study\'s conclusion, the main thesis, is the following: 1) the Agrarian Reform is not an effective instrument to reach those targets; 2) is not an orthodox marxist-leninist proposal; 3) on Leninist perspective, the sound proposal is the land nationalization; 4) but it ought to be defended before the bourgeois revolution in the rural sector; 5) the radical suppression of private property of land is an instrument of political struggle, extinction of latifundium class, to hasten capital penetration in the rural sector; 6) the land nationalization target is to improve the triumph of large production, rather than social work; 7) on Leninist perspective, neither land nationalization nor land reform are sound proposals to Brazil in nowadays.


胡蓬春, HU, PENG-CHUN Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究目的 試圖藉由中共現階段推行「國」營企業利改稅制度的觀,以茲探究歷年其賦稅措施的 演展、訴求目標,特別是著重於探討中共對「國」營企業所採取賦稅措施之過去與現 在的轉變及未來的可能走向,以及其對「國」營企業經營上的影響,並進而對「利改 稅」制度淺作評估。惟因資料不全,僅能以一九八六年以前之資料為限。 二、參考文獻 (1)國「共黨問題研究」、「中國大陸研究」、「匪情研究」等期刊 (2)中國大陸上探討則經之「財政」、「經濟管理」、「經濟問題探索」、「財務 與會計」 (3)西方有關租稅理論的書籍及刊物等 三、研究方法 本論文係採取「歷史敘述」與「統計量化」二者並重的方法來從事問題的探討與分析 。 四、研究內容 本論文中將專章探討中共特有的社會主義賦稅理論,及其與資本主義賦梲理論的異同 點。另設專章對中共的賦稅制度演變作一歷史性的回顧,主要以稅收和利潤上繳兩種 形式為探討的對象,藉以觀察「國」營企業利改稅制度施行的背景及原因。另設一專 章論利改稅制度本身,包括利改稅實施的具體內容、改革的主要特點及其實施的主要 成效及結果。 五、研究結果 過去中共以馬列主義賦稅理論為根據而否定稅收存在的重要性,但現實環境中卻不得 不恢復稅收制度,重新肯定稅收存在價值。從現阰段利改稅制度的推行來看,對中共 的賦稅體制及經濟改革雖是利弊互現,然較之以往的賦稅體制,確實已獲得部分的改 善,惟受制於共黨意識型態的矜持,未來能否步上正軌走向制度化,迄難定論。而共 此番對共黨賦稅理論及過去賦稅體制的修正,則在在顯示出其賦稅理論的窒礙難行及 原有賦稅體制的偏差。 戈 戈

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