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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O tratamento lexicográfico de vocábulos de cores na perspectiva da semântica cognitiva

Brangel, Larissa Moreira January 2011 (has links)
As definições de cores encontradas nos dicionários semasiológicos do português estão passíveis a uma série de críticas. A análise dos verbetes de cores dos dicionários AuE (2004), HouE (2001), MiE (2001) e AnMS (1813) revelou que nenhuma destas obras apresentam verbetes de cores satisfatórios no que diz respeito à elucidação do significado de uma cor. Além disso, foi constatado que poucas foram as modificações sofridas nas definições de cores das obras do século XXI quando comparadas à obra do século XIX. O fato de os verbetes de cores dos dias atuais apresentarem falhas semelhantes às dos verbetes de cores de obras editadas há quase 200 anos parece indicar uma lacuna nos estudos lexicográficos que trate das cores nos dicionários. O presente trabalho se dispõe a discutir e tentar preencher esta lacuna. Para tanto, se procurou estabelecer uma relação entre os problemas encontrados nos verbetes de cores e a teoria lexicográfica, a fim de explicar o problema e, se possível, solucioná-lo. A partir dessa primeira análise, foi constatado que os verbetes de cores precisavam ser reestruturados. Para tanto, foi necessário estabelecer parâmetros que elencassem os segmentos informativos realmente necessários em um verbete de cor, para depois, se pensar em reelaborar estes segmentos. Os segmentos informativos reestruturados foram as paráfrases explanatórias e os exemplos, e esta reestruturação se deu com base nos postulados da Semântica Cognitiva. A visão prototípica de categorização, bem como a noção de corporeidade e de experiencialismo trazidas pela Semântica Cognitiva foram bastante proveitosas na discussão a respeito do fenômeno cromático no âmbito da Lexicografia. Através da relação entre teorias lexicográficas e a Semântica Cognitiva, chegou-se à conclusão de que as paráfrases de cores simples devem ser do tipo paráfrase explanatória analítica por metalinguagem do signo extensional e contarem com exemplares universais de cor no seu viés extensional para elucidar a cor. Em relação aos exemplos, eles devem estar alicerçados em padrões sintáticos curtos e frases de construções simples, além de contarem com exemplares prototípicos culturalmente situados das categorias de cor. Em complementação a isto, as cores simples devem contar com o mecanismo de substituição ostensiva, localizado nos textos externos do dicionário, que traga uma gravura da cor definida. A gravura oferecida pelo dicionário deve corresponder à elucidação de uma categoria inteira de cor, em conformidade com os postulados da Semântica Cognitiva sobre categorias prototípicas. Em relação às cores complexas, a Teoria da Mesclagem Conceitual aponta que este tipo de cor não necessita de uma definição, uma vez que seu significado é construído através da decodificação do próprio vocábulo. A proposta oferecida para as cores complexas é que o dicionário faça uma remissão para a cor simples da qual a cor complexa deriva e localize, dentro da categoria de cor simples, a zona correspondente à cor complexa. O desenvolvimento do presente estudo levou à conclusão de que o planejamento e reestruturação dos três segmentos informativos aqui elencados (paráfrase explanatória, exemplos e elementos iconográficos) permite a elaboração de definições mais satisfatórias para vocábulos de cores em dicionários semasiológicos. / Color definitions in Portuguese semasiological dictionaries are subject to much criticism. The analysis of color entries in AuE (2004), HouE (2001), MiE (2001), and AnMS (1813) revealed that none of these dictionaries have satisfactory entries when it comes to elucidating the meaning of colors. Moreover, it was observed that color definitions are quite similar when 21th century dictionaries and a 19th century dictionary are contrasted. Finding the same problems in color definitions of current and old dictionaries may indicate a gap in lexicographic studies concerning colors. This thesis aims to discuss and fill this gap. To do so, we tried to relate problems found in color entries to lexicographical theories, in order to explain these problems and, if possible, to solve them. This first analysis led us to conclude that color entries should be restructured. So it was necessary to set parameters, which could establish necessary informative segments to a color entry, and then restructure them. The restructured informative segments were explanatory paraphrases and examples. The restructuring was based on tenets of Cognitive Semantics. The Prototypical Theory and beliefs in Embodiment and Experientialism were very useful to the discussion about the chromatic phenomenon in lexicographical fields. From relating lexicographical theories to Cognitive Semantics, we concluded that simple color paraphrases should be explanatory, analytical paraphrases based on the metalanguage of the extensional sign, and they should rely on universal models of colors in their extensional part. Examples must be founded on short syntactic patterns and sentences with simple construction, relying on culturally situated, prototypical models of color categories. Besides this, simple colors must rely on ostensive replacement, situated in additional sections of the dictionary, which offer a picture of the related color. The picture has to represent/illustrate the entire category of that color, in accordance with the tenets of Cognitive Semantics about prototypical categories. Regarding complex colors, Conceptual Blending Theory shows that this kind of color does not require a definition, once its meaning is constructed by the decoding of the word itself. Our proposal concerning the lexicographical treatment of complex colors is to indicate them within the picture of simple colors. This study led us to conclude that, if one plans and restructures the three informative segments showed here (explanatory paraphrases, examples, and pictures), it is possible to provide more complete definitions of color words in semasiological dictionaries.

Proposta teórico-metodológica para a geração de paráfrases explanatórias em dicionários voltados para crinaças : uma abordagem cognitiva

Brangel, Larissa Moreira January 2016 (has links)
A inclusão dos dicionários escolares de língua portuguesa no Programa Nacional do Livro didático, no início dos anos 2000, alavancou consideravelmente o interesse por este tipo de obra no Brasil, tanto por parte de estudiosos da linguagem, como por parte de editoras e órgãos governamentais. No entanto, ainda que o aumento na demanda tenha impulsionado a produção dicionarística do mercado editorial brasileiro, pouco se tem refletido sobre como compilar dicionários voltados ao público escolar à luz de parâmetros teóricos e metodológicos. Como resultado, verifica-se a proliferação de obras elaboradas sob critérios demasiadamente impressionistas e que pouco atendem aos anseios de seus potenciais consulentes. Com o objetivo de preencher uma das tantas lacunas da pesquisa lexicográfica brasileira, a presente tese doutoral elabora uma metodologia que, fundamentada nos princípios da semântica cognitiva, almeja auxiliar a geração de paráfrases explanatórias voltadas a alunos do segundo ciclo do ensino fundamental. Para tanto, foi necessário reavaliar a atual proposta do PNLD Dicionários, com especial atenção ao primeiro e ao segundo ciclo do ensino fundamental, e reformular a classificação das obras lexicográficas escolares deste período. A partir desta reformulação, propôs-se a elaboração de um dicionário intermediário, voltado para o segundo ciclo do ensino fundamental, e especificaram-se as características essenciais da obra (enquadramento taxonômico, perfil do usuário e função). Fixadas estas informações, passou-se ao desenvolvimento da metodologia propriamente dita, cuja aplicação se restringiu ao grupo dos substantivos. A elaboração da metodologia pressupôs (a) o enquadramento das paráfrases em uma taxonomia de paráfrases explanatórias, (b) a formulação de padrões sintáticos tendo em vista as especificidades do tipo de substantivo a ser definido, e (c) a aplicação de princípios da semântica cognitiva na seleção das informações vinculadas pela paráfrase. Os resultados obtidos permitiram a elaboração de paráfrases ad hoc orientadas teórica e metodologicamente ao público ao qual se destinam. Ao final da tese, avaliou-se o nível de inteligibilidade das paráfrases por intermédio de uma ferramenta de processamento da linguagem natural. Os resultados da análise sugerem que, de maneira geral, as paráfrases elaboradas estão em consonância com a capacidade de interpretação de alunos do segundo ciclo do ensino fundamental, cumprindo, assim, os objetivos da tese e propiciando um avanço à lexicografia pedagógica brasileira. / The inclusion of school dictionaries in Programa Nacional do Livro Didático [Brazilian textbook national programme], in the early 2000s, has dramatically increased the interest of language experts as well as publishing companies and government entities in this kind of reference work. However, although the increase in demand has expanded dictionary production among Brazilian publishing houses, there has been very little thought on how to compile school dictionaries taking into account theoretical and methodological parameters. As a result, there is a proliferation of school dictionaries produced based on impressionistic criteria and which do not really help their potential users. To fulfill one of the many gaps of the Brazilian lexicographical research, this PhD dissertation proposes a methodology which, based on cognitive semantics principles, will contribute to the writing of lexicographical definitions for children aged 9 and 10. Therefore, the current lexicographical proposal by the Brazilian textbook national programme had to be re-evaluated and reformulated, with special attention to the first five years of primary school. After that, it was suggested an intermediate dictionary, which would be suitable for the 4th and 5th years of primary school, and the main features of this specific dictionary (taxonomic classification, user profile and function) were established. Bearing in mind all those items, the methodology itself could be developed, with its application restricted to the noun class, only. The methodology combined (a) the classification of the definitions into a taxonomy of lexicographical definitions, (b) the formulation of distinct syntactic patterns according to the different kinds of nouns, and (c) the use of cognitive semantic principles to select the information offered by the definition. The results allowed the creation of ad hoc definitions sustained by a theoretical and methodological framework which takes into account the target audience of the definition. At the end of the dissertation, the readability level of the definitions was evaluated using a natural language processing tool. The analysis results suggest that, in general, the definitions created using the methodology are in consonance with the interpretative capacity of students in the 4th and 5th years of primary school, hence reaching the dissertation goals and providing the Brazilian pedagogical lexicography with major improvements.

Edição semidiplomática e estudo lexicográfico de habilitações à herança setecentistas do Juízo de Órfãos de São Paulo / Semidiplomatic editing and lexicographical study of enable to heritage the eighteenth century of the Orphan Court of São Paulo

Fabio Gimenez 28 January 2015 (has links)
Os objetivos deste trabalho são apresentar a transcrição semidiplomática justalinear, fidedigna, numerada a cada cinco linhas, de cinco autos cíveis de habilitação à herança lavrados no século XVIII, na cidade de São Paulo, pelo Juízo dos Órfãos, que poderá ser lida sem perdas de informação dos documentos originais, sendo de interesse para o estudioso acadêmico que pesquise tanto dados históricos quanto linguísticos; estruturar o vocabulário de todas as palavras que constam nesses documentos, usando como ferramenta o software AntConc3.2.4w; e traçar um panorama da história interna dos documentos, do Juízo de Órfãos, das leis orfanológicas vigentes e trazer uma breve análise tipológica. / The objectives of this work are present semidiplomatic justalinear transcription, reliable, numbered every five lines, five civil cases enable the inheritance drawn up in the eighteenth century, the city of São Paulo, by the Orphans Court, which can be read without loss of information from the original documents, being of interest to the academic scholar who search for both historical and linguistic data; structure the vocabulary of all the words contained in these documents, using as a tool the AntConc3.2.4w software; and draw a picture of the inside story of the documents, the Orphan Court, the existing orfanológicas laws and bring a brief typological analysis.

Um estudo da lexia bem (português-francês) pela linguística de corpus / A study of the lexical item BEM (Portuguese - French) by Corpus Linguistics

Gisele Galafacci 29 September 2014 (has links)
No contexto de ensino e aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira, o dicionário bilíngue aparece como um instrumento linguístico que se propõe a auxiliar os aprendizes na construção do conhecimento em relação à língua de aprendizagem. No entanto, esse instrumento tem apresentado muitas lacunas, o que resulta em dificuldades aos aprendizes no que concerne à compreensão e, sobretudo, à expressão em língua estrangeira. Tais lacunas se referem ao conteúdo informacional contido na sua microestrutura, que apresenta geralmente uma quantidade reduzida de definições, as quais não são acompanhadas de exemplos de uso na maioria dos casos. Por isso, este trabalho considera a descrição do item lexical BEM em obras lexicográficas, tanto monolíngues como bilíngues, com o objetivo de verificar se os conteúdos informacionais, sua estruturação e organização são funcionais para os consulentes em contextos de ensino e aprendizagem. Além disso, propõe uma descrição baseada em corpora do mesmo item lexical realizada com auxílio do instrumental da Linguística de Corpus, utilizada como metodologia neste trabalho. Consideramos a hipótese de que a descrição lexicográfica baseada em corpora pode se constituir num diferencial para a compreensão de uso de itens lexicais em situação de ensino e aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira. Este estudo se justifica pela necessidade que observamos na prática docente de fornecer aos estudantes instrumentos linguísticos que possam lhes melhor auxiliar na compreensão do uso das lexias em francês, especialmente em situações de produção oral e escrita. / In the context of teaching and learning a foreign language, bilingual dictionaries appear as a linguistic tool that aims to assist learners in constructing knowledge related to language learning. However, this instrument shows many gaps, which results in difficulties for learners to understand and speak in a foreign language. Such gaps generally refer to the informational content contained in its microstructure, which offers a reduced amount of definitions that, in the majority of cases, are not followed by examples of their use. Therefore, this work considers the description of the lexical item BEM in lexicographical works, both monolingual and bilingual, with the goal of checking whether the informational content, its structure and its organization are functional for users in the context of teaching and learning. It also proposes an approach based on corpora of the same lexical item performed by using the tools of Corpus Linguistics, which comprises the methodology of this work. We consider the hypothesis that the lexicographical description based on corpora may constitute an increase in the understanding of the use of lexical items when teaching and learning a foreign language. This study was justified by the need to provide students with linguistic tools that can help them better understand the use of words in French, especially in speaking and writing situations.

Instrumentalização e (des)colonização linguística: estudo discursivo do Diccionario integral del español de la Argentina / Instrumentalization and linguistic (de)colonization: discursive study of Diccionario integral del español de la Argentina

Michele Costa 15 January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise discursiva de alguns aspectos do Diccionario integral del español de la Argentina (DIEA), produção lexicográfica publicada em 2008 na Argentina e considerada o primeiro dicionário não diferencial elaborado e publicado em um país hispano-americano. Ao tomarmos o DIEA como objeto de estudo, situamo-nos, teórica e metodologicamente, na articulação entre a Análise de Discurso de linha francesa, tal como vem sendo desenvolvida no Brasil, e o campo da História das Ideias Linguísticas. Dessa forma, concebemos o dicionário ao qual nos dedicamos como um instrumento linguístico e o abordamos como um objeto discursivo elaborado em um espaço de enunciação que, de nossa perspectiva, é atravessado por um processo de (des)colonização linguística. Tendo em conta que nesse espaço a língua espanhola funciona sob um efeito de injunção à homogeneidade, partimos da hipótese de que a análise discursiva do DIEA nos permitirá detectar marcas do modo como nesse instrumento é significada a separação ou a disjunção obrigada à qual o real da história submete uma língua em um espaço de (des)colonização. Para o desenvolvimento da análise à qual nos propomos, colocamos o DIEA em relações de sentido com uma série de outros instrumentos, em especial com o Diccionario de la lengua española, comumente conhecido como Diccionario de la Real Academia española, e o Diccionario del español de México. Como base para a construção de nossa reflexão, primeiramente, tratamos questões relativas à lexicografia em língua espanhola que entendemos como essenciais para considerar as condições de produção de nosso objeto de estudo. Abordamos, portanto, algumas obras relativas ao território político da atual Espanha; refletimos sobre a publicação de dicionários integrais na América Hispânica e construímos um panorama da produção de dicionários na Argentina. A partir das considerações acerca da conjuntura da lexicografia hispânica, analisamos alguns aspectos do paratexto do DIEA a capa, a quarta capa, a apresentação e o prólogo e um recorte de verbetes que compõem a nomenclatura da letra P do dicionário. Tratando-se de uma aproximação a esse objeto, este estudo apresenta uma leitura interpretativa do DIEA com base na qual detectamos diferentes posições que esse instrumento ocupa no processo de (des)colonização linguística e a partir das quais produz diferentes efeitos de sentido. / This masters degree study presents a discursive analysis of some aspects of the Diccionario integral del español de la Argentina (DIEA), lexicographical work published in 2008 in Argentina and considered the first non-differential dictionary elaborated and published in a Hispanic American country. As we take DIEA as an object of study, we situate ourselves, theoretically and methodologically, on the relationship between the Discourse Analysis with its French origin, as it has been developed in Brazil, and the field of the History of Linguistic Ideas. Thus, we understand the dictionary to which we dedicate this work as a linguistic instrument and approach it as a discursive object drawn in a space of enunciation that, from our point of view, is crossed by a process of linguistic (de) colonization. Taking into account that in this space the Spanish language works under the tendency to homogeneity, we assume that the discursive analysis of the DIEA will allow us to detect traces of how the separation or \"compulsory disjunction\" is meant in this instrument, in which the real of the history submits a language in a space of (de) colonization. For the development of the analysis that we propose, we put the DIEA in sense relations with a number of other instruments, in particular the Diccionario de la lengua española, commonly known as Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, and the Diccionario del español Mexico. As a basis for the construction of our reflection, first, we deal with issues related to lexicography in the Spanish language that we understand as essential to consider the production conditions of our object of study. Therefore we address some works on the political territory of present-day Spain; reflect on the publication of comprehensive dictionaries in Hispanic America and build an overview of the production of dictionaries in Argentina. From considerations about the situation of Hispanic lexicography, we analyze some aspects of the DIEA paratext - the cover, the back cover, the presentation and the prologue - and a cutting of entries that compose the nomenclature of the letter P from the dictionary. Since this is an approximation to this object, this study presents an interpretive reading of DIEA under which we detect different positions occupied by this instrument in the the linguistic (de)colonization process and from which it produces different meaning effects.

Mil e um verbos árabes: uma proposta lexicográfica / A thousand and one Arabic verbs: A lexicographical proposal

Elias Mendes Gomes 13 September 2011 (has links)
Embora a língua árabe com a poesia altamente desenvolvida na época da Jahiliyya (período que antecede ao Islã) tivesse seu indiscutível lugar na Península Arábica, foi somente com o advento e expansão do Islamismo que ela ganhou a projeção que a levou para além de suas fronteiras linguísticas históricas. Através dos séculos, a religião continuou a desempenhar um papel primordial na expansão da língua árabe, visto ser esta a língua litúrgica do islamismo, entretanto, ultimamente, outros fatores têm contribuído para um interesse maior pelo idioma, pouco, porém, tem sido feito para facilitar a sua aprendizagem, especialmente entre os lusófonos. Esta pesquisa, preocupada com a falta de apoio didático para a aprendizagem e o aprofundamento no conhecimento linguístico que, via de regra, se adquire com a decodificação de textos no idioma almejado, propõe a elaboração de um dicionário monodirecional de verbos árabe-português. O dicionário proposto nessa dissertação singulariza os mil e um verbos mais frequentes nos corpora jornalístico e literário e será compilado tendo por base princípios descritivos científicos da lexicografia moderna, não estando limitado a uma teoria particular, entretanto, privilegiando a lexicografia pedagógica de Welker (2004 e 2008). Em seu trabalho, Welker (2008) discute a lexicografia pedagógica (LP), apresentando técnicas que, se seguidas, auxiliarão os consulentes em sua tarefa de compreensão e decodificação de textos em língua estrangeira. Esse arcabouço teórico é interpretado sob a ótica da Escola de Filologia de Kufa que considerava o verbo como o originador do universo léxical árabe. Essa posição é sustentada por vários arabistas modernos que reconhecem que, embora nem todas as palavras possam ser rastreadas a uma raiz verbal, a maioria de seus lexemas deriva-se de um verbo simples. O levantamento do corpus verbal será primordialmente baseado nos trabalhos de Moshe Brill (1940) e Jacob Landau (1959) que, seguindo os parâmetros da linguística de corpus, compilaram as palavras mais frequentes na mídia e literatura árabes. Devido ao escopo do árabe padrão moderno como a lingua franca entre todos os países árabes, e por ser esta a vertente mais usada no ensino de árabe para estrangeiros, escolheu-se essa variante para este trabalho. / Even though the Arabic language with the poetry highly developed during the Age of Jahiliyya (period that precedes the coming of Islam) had its indisputable place in the Arabian Peninsula, it was only with the advent and expansion of Islam that it gained the projection to beyond its historical borders. Through the centuries, religion continued to play a primordial role in the expansion of the Arabic language, as this is the liturgical language of Islam, but, recently, other factors have contributed to a greater interest in the language, few things, however, have been done to facilitate its learning, especially among the Brazilians. This research, concerned with lack of didactic support for the learning and deepening of linguistic knowledge that, as a general rule, is acquired with the decoding of texts in the desired language, proposes the elaboration of a mono-directional dictionary of Arabic-Portuguese verbs. The dictionary proposed in this thesis singles out the most frequent one thousand and one verbs in the journalistic and literary corpora and will be compiled according to the scientific descriptive principles of modern lexicography, not limited to particular theory, but the pedagogical lexicography of Welker (2004; 2008) will be favoured. Welker (2008) discusses the pedagogical lexicography (PL), presenting techniques that, if followed, will help the dictionary user in the task of comprehending and decoding texts in foreign language. This theoretical background is interpreted through the view of the Philological School of Kufa that considered the verb as the originator of the Arabic lexical universe. This position is undertaken by several modern Arabists who acknowledge that, although not all words can be traced back to a verbal root, the majority of the languages lexemes come from a simple verb. The verbal corpus will be based on the works of Moshe Brill (1940) and Jacob Landau (1959) who, following the parameters of the corpus linguistics, compiled a list of the most frequent words in the Arabic media and literature. Due to the scope of the Modern Standard Arabic as the lingua franca in all Arab countries, and because this is the most used variety in the teaching of Arabic to foreigners, it was chosen as the variant for this research.

Frazémy ve dvojjazyčném slovníku / Phrasemes in a Bilingual Dictionary

Ježková, Jaroslava January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with area of set phrasemes processing in dictionary, specifically processing of somatisms. The thesis consists of theoretical and practical part. The aim of theoretical part is phraseology in general, phrasemes (occasionally phraseologisms) and their application in Czech and German linguistics. Field of phrasemes like somatisms in order to language unit character is taken into account in the first section as well as dependence of phrasemes like their meaning explanation on the context in which they appear. Furthermore, there are listed and described main phrasemes characteristics which distinguish them from other language phenomenons. Conclusion of theoretical part analyzes area of corpus linguistics and its application based on corpus and co-occurrence analysis. Built on first part of thesis, practical part deals with processing of somatisms in bilingual dictionary particularly in lexicography point of view whereas proposal of specific solutions are given. As the attachment there are processed results of search into database input which may be considered as a part of bilingual dictionary. Keywords: phrasem, bilingual dictionary, corpus lexicography, corpus analysis, somatism

A study of the culture-oriented approach adopted by Robert Morrison in A dictionary of the Chinese language

Che, Wai Lam 01 January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

A study of dialectal and inter-linguistic variations of Khoekhoegowab: towards the determination of the standard orthography

Fredericks, Niklaas Johannes January 2013 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Nama is a Khoekhoe-language variety spoken in more than three countries namely Namibia, South Africa, Botswana and Angola. The language was previously called the Nama language, however, for pragmatic reasons, to cater for a Damara/Nama union, it is called Khoekhoegowab in Namibia. As far as I know there has been no comprehensive study on Nama/Damara/Khoekhoegowab. A preliminary study was done by Haacke, Eiseb and Namaseb (1997). However, as can be seen from the title of this study, it was ‘preliminary’ which means the authors are the first to admit that their study was not complete. The aim of this thesis was to undertake an extensive linguistic analysis of Khoekhoegowab as a way to come up with a comprehensive dialectal inventory. The established dialectal inventory will not only help in the linguistic development of Khoekhoegowab, but also in the determination of a standard linguistic code, leading to development of materials. This is important in grammatical descriptions needed for literacy material development and language policy implementation. Following Haacke, Eiseb and Namaseb (1997) and Guldenmann (2000, 2003, 2008), the study employed a dialectal difference or comparative approach. Considering the nature of the study, a mixed research design was used to collect the data. The data was drawn from the few available studies on Nama/Damara or Khoekhoegowab dialects such as those by Haacke, Eiseb and Namaseb (1997) and Du Plessis (2009). This was supplemented and complemented by document analysis and the various Khoekhoegowab literature. Interviews of limited key informants and focus groups were undertaken in various regions namely (Hardap, Karas and Kunene). The narratives from these interviews were used to determine the dialects currently in place as well as the differences and similarities. The collected data was then treated to a linguistic and dialectal analysis (cf. Guldenmann 2000, 2003, 2008; Du Plessis, 2009) as a way to discover similarities and differences, which will in turn inform the proposal on a possible standard form and composite orthography. The phonological differences of the three dialects under discussion were identified where the vowel system was discussed. With regard to the plain vowels, an argument was made that the Central Nama and Central Damara are in fact similar in terms of vowel inventory compared to Central Nama and the Bondelswarts dialects. The phonetic aspects of the consonant system of the identified dialects were also discussed. A discussion on clicks and click consonants was also made where a distinction was drawn between plain clicks and complex clicks. The morphosyntax of Khoehoegowab was also discussed where it was obvious that there were mainly more similarities than differences between the dialects. The phonetic inventories identified in chapters 4 and 5 were assessed using data from different sources such as the Bible, the Social Security booklet, the grade 9 school textbook, Facebook (a social media page), Google maps, Khoekhoegowab orthography (2003), and the Ministry of Health booklet. The aim of this was to account for differences and similarities between various materials in terms of symbols used for writing Khoekhoegowab. There were differences observed which were because of the influence of modern technology (especially the electronic keyboard) on the writing practices of Khoekhoegowab speakers. The proposed orthography takes technological developments into account. As a contribution, this study provides new insight into the issues of voicing, and voiced and voiceless consonants. In terms of theory the handling of tone and length was discussed in detail where it was established that tone is phonemic and not vowel length. The issue of whether or not complex clicks should be treated as units or clicks plus an accompaniment was discussed where I argued that the sounds are co-articulated and should be treated as one. Regarding the orthography, although there is orthography, the existing orthography is clearly not adequate as some of the sounds were not correctly captured. This has an implication on teaching the language in the schools. It will help in the revitalizing of Khoekhoegowab compared to more established Bantu languages.

Some problems of dialect lexicography with particular reference to the preparation of a draft of an illustrative, experientially categorised Dictionary of South African English

Branford, Jean January 1976 (has links)
This dissertation consists in essence of an experiment and a commentary upon it. The text which constitutes Part II is a lexicographical experiment incorporating some features and treatments not usual in lexicography, and Part I consists of a discussion of the problems encountered, principles applied and procedures followed. Neither the matter nor the manner of the experiment, however, lends itself in the present state of our knowledge to the fully impersonal objectivity that is often claimed for the experiments in the physical sciences. At the same time every effort has been made to establish an unbiased record of the data and to maintain a certain methodological consistency. The main experimental feature of Part II is that it is an attempt to combine an orthodox, alphabetical dictionary with an experiential categorisation of the vocabulary, without repeating the entire data for each type of treatment. This has been done by means of a series of numbered, classified word-lists with a limited subject index as a guide to their use. The entries themselves, instead of being repeated in the order of their classification, are numbered according to the category or categories to which the word defined belongs. It can then, by means of its number(s), be found in its own lexical or experiential set (or sets) in the categorised section. This part of the work might be better described as lexicology rather than lexicography but does, I think, prove itself to be a useful adjunct to the A - Z lexicon proper. Apart from the detailed categorisation system the text contains three features not normally included in dictionaries of small compass: illustrative quotations, etymologies and a number of tentative parallels between South African and other varieties of English by means of cross-references to items of similar or related meaning or form in the English of Australia, Canada, the U.S.A., Hong Kong, Anglo-India and other 'overseas' English speech communities. Introduction, p. 1.

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