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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psykiska vårdbehov hos intensivvårdspatienten -en utmaning för vårdpersonalen att bemöta och tillgodose. : - En narrativ syntes av kvalitativa artiklar

Bodin, Erika, Dyvik, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: En patient som vårdas på en intensivvårdsavdelning befinner sig i en särskilt utsatt situation då patienten är allvarligt sjuk eller skadad. Patienterna har och upplever vårdbehov som vårdpersonalens uppgift är att identifiera och tillgodose. Att inte ha förmåga att förmedla sina vårdbehov gör patienterna sårbara och vårdbehoven som patienten värdesätter kan inte tillgodoses. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att sammanställa vilka vårdbehov patienter som vårdades på en intensivvårdsavdelning upplevt och undersöka om vårdbehoven tillgodosågs under vårdtiden. Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt med deskriptiv design baserades på 21 vetenskapliga artiklar som sedan sammanställdes till en narrativ syntes. Resultat: Resultatet visar att patienterna under sin intensivvårdstid upplevde både psykiska och fysiska behov. Patienterna uttryckte ett stort behov av mänsklig kontakt och anhöriga tillgodosåg främst det behovet. Att inte kunna uttrycka sig verbalt var ett stort hinder för patienterna som uttryckte ett behov av att göra sig förstådd och att få information om sin situation. En icke fungerande kommunikation mellan patienterna och vårdpersonalen var den största anledningen till att vårdbehoven inte tillgodosågs. Slutsats: Trots tidigare forskning, teorier, värdegrunder, kompetensbeskrivningar och lagar som beskriver vikten av att vårda patientens psykiska hälsa genom ett personcentrerad och ett etiskt förhållningssätt frångår vårdpersonalen ofta detta inom intensivvård. Vårdpersonal behöver bli bättre på att identifiera och tillgodose dessa psykiska behov. Det finns ett behov av att fördjupa specialistutbildningen för intensivvårdssjuksköterskor där det psykologiska patientperspektivet får en större del. / Background: A patient being treated in an intensive care unit is in a particularly vulnerable situation when the patient is often seriously ill or injured. Patients experience care needs that is the healthcare staff's task is to identify and supply. Being unable to convey their care needs makes the patients vulnerable and the care needs that the patient values ​​can not be met by healthcare staff. Aim: The aim of the study was to compile the care needs of patients who were treated in an intensive care unit and to investigate whether care needs were met during the care period.  Method:A qualitative literature review with descriptive design based on 21 scientific articles, then compiled into a narrative synthesis.  Result: The result shows that during the intensive care period, patients experienced psychological and physical needs. Patients expressed a great need for human contact wich their relatives mainly addressed. Being unable to express yourself verbally was a major obstacle for patients who expressed a need to understand and to get information about their situation. Non-functioning communication between patients and healthcare staff was the main reason why care needs were not met. Conclusion: Despite prior research, theories, values, skill descriptions and laws describing the importance of caring for the psychological needs of the patient through an individual and ethical approach, the healthcare staff often abandon this in intensive care. Healthcare professionals need to be better at identifying and meeting these psychological needs. There is a need to deepen specialist education for intensive care nurses, where the psychological patient perspective gets a greater part.

International project finance: review and implications for international finance and international business

Müllner, Jakob 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This literature review analyzes the global phenomenon of international project finance (PF) as both a management and finance instrument, allowing practitioners to realize large scale infrastructure projects in high risk contexts. After describing the characteristics of PF, its historical origins and its unique benefits for empirical inquiry, I summarize the findings of academic research from an interdisciplinary perspective. Based on this integration of Finance, Management and International Business research, I discuss the theoretical implications for each field that emanate from PF. Finally, I identify possibilities for future research and propose a more balanced, interdisciplinary academic treatment of PF.

Faktorer inom vården som har betydelse för det psykiska måendet hos syskon till cancersjuka barn - en litteraturöversikt

Laurén, Ida, Lundin, Moa January 2018 (has links)
Background: When a child in the family is treated for cancer, the invasive roles in the family changes and the focus is on the sick child. Siblings of children with cancer can experience feelings and thoughts that can be difficult to handle on their own.  Purpose: The purpose is to compile knowledge about which supportive and other factors in health care that affects the siblings psychological health after a brother or sisters cancer treatment.  Method: Literature review based on 10 original articles. The research was applied to the database PubMed and the articles had qualitative and quantitative methods.  Results: The results of this literature review can be divided into two categories; information and emotions, and seven subcategories; Cancer disease, involvement in the progression of the disease, before death, healthcare personnel, changes in the family, subjective experiences of having a sibling with cancer and lack of opportunity to talk about feelings and thoughts. The results show that the psychological health of siblings is adversely affected by inadequate information about cancer, disease progression and bodily changes before death. It also appears that the sibling's psychological health is adversely affected by lack of attention from parents and healthcare professionals. Factors that affects sibling's psychological health positively are the opportunity to express feelings and to have the feelings confirmed by parents or healthcare professionals.  Conclusion: This literature review shows that siblings to a brother or sister with cancer need to get information and talk about their feelings and thoughts. Lack of information and emotional support from parents and healthcare professionals can lead to a negative impact of the psychological health. As a nurse it's important to pay attention to the sibling´s needs for support to prevent psychological illness later in life.


PRISCILA DE SOUZA CAVALCANTI 27 March 2017 (has links)
[pt] Em um mercado onde para se manter a competitividade é preciso atender aos requisitos dos clientes o mais rápido possível e com menor custo, os sistemas de medição de desempenho vêm para auxiliar na medição da eficiência e da eficácia das organizações. Por isto, o presente trabalho tem por objetivos propor um framework e uma classificação de temas de sistemas de medição de desempenho e, avaliar sua evolução nos últimos 50 anos. Com esta finalidade, adotou-se uma análise terciária das revisões da literatura sobre o tema e uma análise bibliométrica sobre a evolução dos temas utilizando o software SciMAT. Como resultados, um framework sobre sistemas de medição de desempenho foi desenvolvido, dados das publicações e assuntos do campo de pesquisa nos últimos 50 anos foram reconhecidos e, propostas de futuras pesquisas foram sugeridas. / [en] In a market where to keep competitiveness it is important to respond to the customer requirements as quickly as possible and at a lower cost, measurement performance systems have come to assist in measuring the efficiency and the effectiveness of the organizations. Therefore, this work aims to propose a framework and a classification of themes in measurement performance system and to evaluate its evolution over the past 50 years. For this purpose, a tertiary analysis of the literature was adopted on the subject and a bibliometrics analysis about the evolution of the themes was performed using the SciMAT software. As a result, a framework for performance measurement systems was developed, the data from publications and subjects in the research field in the last 50 years were identified, and proposals for future research were suggested.

Examining the potential of the Creative Pedagogy of Play for supporting cultural identity development of immigrant children in Swedish preschools : A systematic literature review

Kabysh-Rybalka, Anna January 2018 (has links)
This study investigates the literature of the Creative Pedagogy of Play to examine the potential for this pedagogy to support cultural identity development of immigrant preschoolers in the Swedish context. Twelve articles were reviewed in order to characterize outcomes of the Creative Pedagogy of Play potentially relevant for this support. Identified outcomes included: recognizing and promoting children’s agency, co-creation of an imaginary world through diverse forms of expression, emotional involvement (“perezhivanie” as lived through experience), building peer relationships, valuing ambivalence, narrative teaching and narrative learning.  In this thesis, we argue that these outcomes of Creative Pedagogy of Play have the potential to create supportive conditions associated with the development of cultural identity (such as: social inclusion, respect for diversity, care, guidance and teaching offered by adults, recognizing children’s agency, and building relationships with friends and peers). The combination of these conditions creates a potential for the cultural identity formation through the Pedagogy of Play. Implications of this systematic review for early childhood education research and practice are discussed with particular focus on implications for engaging with questions of culture in preschool pedagogy.

Enhancement of academic engagement of students with  intellectual disability using peer support interventions : A systematic literature review

Eberli, Ramona January 2018 (has links)
Children with intellectual disabilities (ID) in inclusive classrooms differ in ways of processing information and learning speed compared to their peers without disabilities. Therefore teaching methods must be adapted to their individual needs. Peer support is seen as an additional form of improving students’ academic engagement. This systematic review focuses on peer supported interventions which facilitate academic engagement of children and youth with mild to profound ID. It contains six studies, which met pre-determined inclusion criteria focusing specifically on academic engagement. The studies were analysed to examine (a) different types of peer support, (b) peer support characteristics, (c) definition of academic engagement of students with ID and (d) if a change in academic engagement as an outcome can be evaluated after a peer support intervention. In this review, the data of 18 students with mild to profound ID and their peers in the age of 8 to 17 years, were included. Four different types of peer support intervention were identified, which included different characteristics mostly focussing on supporting students’ communication, access to information and active participation in class. The different definitions of academic engagement which were found hindered comparison of results. Nevertheless, all studies had a positive effect on the academic engagement of students with ID. Future research is needed to investigate the long-term impact of different types of peer support on academic engagement of students with ID and their need in relation to specific forms of ID.

Proposta de um modelo conceitual de referência para o uso integrado de evidências no processo de projeto de edificações / Proposal of a reference conceptual model for the integrated use of evidences in the building design process

Lima, Lisiane Pedroso January 2014 (has links)
Existe a necessidade de modificar o processo de projeto diante da crescente complexidade envolvida em empreendimentos da construção. Há envolvimento de muitos profissionais, existência de distintas metas e interesses, além da ampliação do escopo dos projetos desenvolvidos. Além disso, o processo tradicional de projeto é geralmente desenvolvido de forma fragmentada, desconsiderando o conhecimento de vários estudos acadêmicos já desenvolvidos, sendo as decisões tomadas geralmente com base na experiência dos projetistas. Nesse sentido, uma das abordagens que vem sendo usada para melhorar os projetos de edificações é o projeto baseado em evidências (Evidence-Based Design - EBD). EBD é um processo que visa a melhorar as decisões de projeto tendo como base o uso das melhores evidências disponíveis de pesquisa, aliadas à prática profissional e a dados relacionados aos requisitos do cliente. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver um modelo conceitual para guiar o uso do EBD no processo de projeto de edificações. A pesquisa foi dividida em três estágios. O primeiro estágio, de caráter exploratório, buscou a compreensão da pesquisadora quanto ao tópico investigado (EBD). No segundo estágio, buscou-se entender a aplicação do EBD no processo de projeto com enfoque na geração de valor Já o terceiro estágio buscou desenvolver formas de disseminação de resultados baseados em evidência. Ao longo dos três estágios, foram realizadas três revisões sistemáticas de literatura e também três estudos empíricos, sendo dois desenvolvidos no contexto de habitação de baixa renda no Brasil, enquanto que o terceiro foi realizado em um empreendimento da área da saúde no Reino Unido. O estudo apresenta tanto contribuições práticas como teóricas. Sob um enfoque prático, a principal contribuição é a possibilidade de integração de evidências existentes no processo de projeto a partir do desenvolvimento de algumas formas de coleta, processamento e análise dessas evidências. Em termos teóricos, este estudo propõe uma nova abordagem conceitual sobre nomenclatura e classificação de evidências para o processo de projeto usando EBD, com foco na geração de valor. É apresentada uma proposta de processo de projeto que busca uma melhor integração entre a prática profissional com conhecimentos produzidos pela academia, por meio de um processo de geração de conhecimento como uma forma de aprendizagem contínua. / There is a need for changing the design process due to the growing complexity of construction projects. There is a large number of stakeholders, which have a diversity of aims and goals, in addition to the broader scope of building projects. Moreover, the traditional design process is usually developed in a fragmented way, based mostly on the designers’ experience, often disregarding knowledge from other stakeholders involved. Evidence based design (EBD) is an emerging approach that aims to address this problem by supporting project decision-making with available evidence from research, in addition to professional experience and clients requirements’ data. This research work has proposed a conceptual model to guide the use of EBD in the building design process. The study was divided into three stages. The first stage had an exploratory character, in which the focus of the researcher was on understanding EBD. In the second stage, the aim was to study the application of EBD in the design process, focusing on value generation. The third stage consisted of devising forms of disseminating evidence-based results Three systematic literature reviews and three empirical studies were developed along those three stages. Two studies were concerned with affordable housing projects in Brazil, and one study involved a care home project in the U.K. This work provides both practical and theoretical contributions. From a practical viewpoint, the model proposed herein integrates evidences in building design process and proposes techniques to collect, process, and analyse such evidences. From a theoretical viewpoint, it introduces a new terminology and classification for evidences that can be incorporated in buildings design by using EBD, for increasing value generation. A proposal for a new design process that improves the integration between the professional practice and knowledge produced by academics, through a process for generating knowledge as a form of continuous learning.

Intersetorialidade e políticas sociais: análise do estado da arte da produção bibliográfica no cenário brasileiro: uma análise a partir do estado da arte / Intersectionality and social policies: analysis of the state of the art of literature production in the Brazilian scenario: an analysis from the state of the art

Ana Maria Eler Mariano 30 August 2013 (has links)
As desigualdades e demais complexidades produzidas pelo sistema capitalista e a retração do Estado na área social vêm produzindo, e reafirmando, problemas e situações frente aos quais conhecimentos e ações focalizados, fragmentados e setoriais são incapazes de explicar e de enfrentar. Partindo deste entendimento, no presente estudo foi realizada uma investigação acerca das proposições e do debate recente sobre a intersetorialidade e a política social no cenário brasileiro, buscando caracterizar o estado da arte das produções acadêmico-científicas elaboradas no período de 1986 a 2013. Consiste, então, em um estudo baseado em revisão bibliográfica, de cunho qualitativo, cujo recorte se volta para as produções identificadas junto às bases bibliográficas do banco de resumos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) e da Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SCIELO). Procurou-se identificar os estudos produzidos sobre a intersetorialidade e as políticas sociais, assim como o tratamento teórico-metodológico dado a este tema a partir do exame das produções bibliográficas identificadas e selecionadas. Buscou-se apreender as concepções e dimensões de análise sobre intersetorialidade e política social e a possível heterogeneidade de abordagens, além de elaborar os principais consensos e dissensos teóricos em torno do tema. Por fim, procedeu-se a demarcação dos principais desafios teóricos e práticos postos à implementação da intersetorialidade no campo da política social. Os resultados apontam a presença de uma diversidade de entendimento em relação ao termo intersetorialidade que, por vezes, tem sido relacionada apenas à dimensão técnica, funcional e gerencial no âmbito da gestão e intervenção social, estando esse debate isento, em grande parte, da análise crítica dos processos contraditórios que perpassam as políticas sociais. A pesquisa demonstrou também o avanço do debate crítico sobre a intersetorialidade e políticas sociais, principalmente nos últimos anos, relacionando as dimensões técnica, ético-política, econômica, cultural e social relacionadas ao debate e proposições acerca da intersetorialidade e as políticas sociais. / Inequalities and other complexities produced by the capitalist system and the retraction of the state in the social area are producing, and reaffirming, problems and situations against which knowledge and actions focused, fragmented and sector are unable to explain and tackle. Based on this understanding, the present study was to conduct an investigation about the propositions and debate recent on intersectionality and social policy in the Brazilian scene, trying to characterize the state of the art productions academic- scientific elaborated in the period 1986-2012. Consists, then, in a study based on literature review, a qualitative, whose cutting it back to the productions identified along with bibliographic databases bank summaries of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO). We sought to identify studies produced on intersectionality and social policies, as well as treatment theoretical and methodological given to this subject from the examination of literature production identified and selected. We attempted to grasp the concepts and analytical dimensions of intersectionality and social policy and the possible heterogeneity of approaches, and develop the main consensus and disagreements theorists around the theme. Finally, we proceeded to the demarcation of the major theoretical and practical challenges put to the implementation of intersectoral cooperation in the field of social policy. The results indicate the presence of a diversity of understanding regarding the term intersectionality that sometimes has been related only to the technical dimension, functional and management in the management and social intervention, with this debate free, in large part, the analysis critique of the contradictory processes that underlie social policies. The research also showed the advancement of critical debate on intersectionality and social policies, especially in recent years, relating the technical, ethical and political, economic, cultural and social-related discussion and propositions about intersectionality and social policies.

Hur patienter med cancer ser på kommunikationen med läkare

Sommar, Lisa, Areskog, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund Antalet diagnostiserade cancerfall ökar i Sverige. Sjukdomen ställer höga krav på hälso- och sjukvården, inte minst gällande kommunikation eftersom patienter med en sådan diagnos är mycket sårbara och påverkas existentiellt. Syftet var att undersöka hur patienter med cancer ser på kommunikationen med läkare. Ett bisyfte var att undersöka hur patienter med cancer ser på sin egen kommunikation med läkare. Metod Med en allmän, beskrivande litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ ansats inkluderades tio originalartiklar efter utförd kvalitetsgranskning. Resultat Patienter uppskattar när läkare är tillgängliga och kommunicerar ärligt, engagerat och med empati, använder en lugn och reflekterande kommunikationsstil och visar hopp om att kunna behandla dem. De uppskattar även när läkare etablerar en god relation och ser patienten som person. De uppskattar inte när läkare använder sig av envägskommunikation med avsaknad empati eller förhindrar patientdeltagande. Inte heller när läkare är otydliga, ger för mycket information eller visar brist på tid. Patienter ser även hinder och möjligheter hos sig själva i kommunikationen med läkare. Patienter ser möjligheter till god kommunikation med läkare när de själva känner ansvar och behov att ta kontroll. Patienter hindras då de störs av sina egna känslor och tankar och har brist på specifik kunskap. Vissa patienter ser det som en möjlighet att få träffa en och samma läkare vid varje sjukhusbesök, medan andra ser det som ett hinder. Slutsats Läkare, men även övrig sjukvårdspersonal, kan dra nytta att veta vad patienter uppskattar och inte uppskattar i sin kommunikation med patienter och ger utrymme för utveckling inom området. / Background The number of diagnosed cancer cases is increasing in Sweden. The disease poses high demands on the healthcare, not least communication, because patients with such diagnoses are very vulnerable and affected existentially. The purpose was to investigate how patients with cancer look at communication with physicians. A second purpose was to investigate how patients with cancer look at their own communication with physicians. Method With a general, descriptive literature review with qualitative approach, ten original articles were included after quality review. Results Patients appreciate when physicians are available and communicate honestly, engaging and empathizing, using a calm and reflective communication style and showing hope to be able to treat them. They also appreciate when physicians establish a good relationship and sees the patient as a person. They do not appreciate when physicians use one-way communication with lack of empathy or prevent patient participation. Neither when physicians are unclear, give too much information or show lack of time. Furthermore, patients see opportunities for themselves to communicate well with physicians when they feel responsibility and the need to take control. Patients are obstructed when they are disturbed by their own feelings and thoughts and lack specific knowledge. Some patients see it as an opportunity to meet one and the same doctor at each hospital visit, while others see it as an obstacle. Conclusion Physicians, but also other healthcare professionals, can benefit from knowing what patientes appreciate and do not appreciate in their communication with patients and provide space for development in the area.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelser och erfarenheter av vård i livetsslutskede på sjukhus : En litteraturöversikt / Nurse experiences about palliative care in hospitalsLiterature review

Back, Therese, Lindberg, Jennie January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vård i livets slutskede bygger på att lindra lidande samt förbättra livskvaliteten för patienten, vilket är en del av sjuksköterskors grundläggande ansvarsområden och ingår i den personcentrerade vården. Beroende på vilket stadie i sjukdomen patienten befinner sig i påverkas vilka vårdinsatser som behövs. Sjuksköterskor ställs inför stora utmaningar och har en definitiv roll i omvårdnaden av patienten i livets slutskede.Syfte: Att sammanställa kunskap om sjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av vård i livets slutskede på sjukhus.Metod: En litteraturöversikt som sammanställer både kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar från databaserna PubMed och CINAHL.Resultat: Resultatet baseras på vetenskapliga artiklar från olika delar i världen. Uppsatsförfattarna har valt att dela in resultatet i huvudkategorier: Känslomässiga reaktioner hos sjuksköterskor, Tids- och resursbrist för att stödja patienten i livets slutskede, Påverkbara aspekter i vårdmiljön, Kommunikation mellan sjuksköterskor och patienten och Behov av kunskap och utbildning i palliativ vård. Sjuksköterskor upplever blandade känslor och delade meningar om att vårda patienter i livets slutskede och möta deras behov i slutet av livet vilket beror på sjuksköterskors yrkeserfarenhet.Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor upplever känslomässiga reaktioner, tids-och resursbrist, brist på utbildning samt olika nivåer av erfarenheter vilket är faktorer som försvårar deras arbete av vård i livets slutskede. Detta gav känslor av otillräcklighet. Sjuksköterskor upplevde även att kommunikationen var svår vilket oftast grundade sig i att sjuksköterskorna kände sig otrygga i sina roller i arbetet med patienter i livets slutskede medan sjuksköterskor med längre erfarenhet och de som hade högre kunskap inte hade några svårigheter att möta dessa patienter. / Background: End of life care based on relieving suffering and improving the quality of life for the patient´s, which is the nurses basic responsibilities, which are part of the person centered care. Depending on the stage of the disease the patient is in, the helath care needs are affected. The nurse´s faces major challenges and has a definite role in nursing care in the final end of life.Aim: To compile the nurse's experiences about palliative care in hospitalsMethod: A literature review which compiles qualitative and quantitative articles from databases PubMed and CINAHL.Results: The result is based on scientific articles from various parts of the world. The authors have chosen to divide the results into main categories: Emotional responses in nurses, Time and resource shortages to support end-life patients, Impactable aspects of the health environment, Communication between nurses and patients and the need for knowledge and training in palliative care. Nurses experience mixed feelings and shared opinions about caring for patients in the end of life and meeting their needs at the end of life, which is due to the nurse's professional experienceConclusion: Nurses experience emotional responses, lack of time and resources, lack of education, and different levels of experience are factors that complicate their work of care at the end of life, which gave feelings of inadequacy. Nurses also felt that communication was difficult, which was mostly based on the fact that nurses felt insecure in their role in working with patients in the final stages of life while nurses with longer experience and those with higher knowledge had no difficulty in meeting these patients.

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