Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lithiumion"" "subject:"lithiumion""
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Strategies for enhancing the circularity of Lithium-ion Batteries.Malik, Tanveer Ahmad January 2023 (has links)
Li-ion batteries have gained great popularity among researchers and practitioners as an environmentally friendly energy storage solution for more environmentally friendly electric vehicles (EVs). However, because of the increased demand for Li-ion battery-powered EVs, and some issues with battery design, legislation, collection and sorting, recycling, and material recovery, achieving sustainable mobility through the circularity of Li-ion batteries is a major challenge. This study aims to identify the challenges as well as develop strategies for enhancing the circularity of Li-ion batteries in Sweden. Following a systematic literature review, two primary research questions were investigated: 1) what are the current challenges and opportunities for the circular economy in lithium-ion battery end-of-life management? 2) how the circularity of LIBs in Sweden could be enhanced? This study employed PEST and SWOT analysis, as well as 11 interviews with industry experts and researchers are performed, to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the circularity of lithium-ion batteries in Sweden. Following that, various strategies were developed to address the identified challenges and improve the circular economy of these batteries. Finally, the developed strategies are validated through expert interviews, and various recommendations are outlined. The study's findings are significant and can assist policymakers, investors, and industry professionals concerned with the circularity of lithium-ion batteries in developing appropriate decisions and better planning for the Swedish transportation sector.
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Industrialization of Lithium-Ion Prismatic Battery Cell for the Automotive IndustryLiiv, Oliver January 2020 (has links)
Energy systems in every part of the world are experiencing accelerated shifts towards more sustainable solutions which will bring far-reaching changes to our daily lives. These rapid transitions will bring impactful and vital changes to the way we fuel our cars, heat our homes and power our industries in the approaching decades. [1] The automotive sector is in high pace to electrify their cars. The number of electric passengercar sales is expected to increase by more than a factor of 60 between 2018 to 2050. Which means by that time there could be approximately 2 billion EVs on the roads and they all need batteries to run on. [1] ManyEuropean electric vehicle manufacturers have started marketing their future models globally, but automotiveli.-ion battery manufacturing capacity in Europe is merely 2.1% of the total global automotive li-ion batteryproduction. [2] Increase in sales of EV-s and energy storage systems drives the demand for li-ion batteries. This research is conducted in collaboration with Northvolt, one of the newcomers to the li-ion batterymanufacturing market in Europe. Northvolt is a Swedish-founded company in 2016, and despite its young age, Northvolt has prominent partners including BMW Group, Epiroc, Scania and the Volkswagen Group. Northvolt is with global ambition to produce the world's greenest battery cell with minimal possible carbon footprint in its Gigafactory in Sweden with 32GWh annual manufacturing capacity. Also, together with Volkswagen a 50/50 joint venture has been established to produce batteries in a 16GWh factory in Germany. After entering in different supplier agreements, Northvolt has sold a considerable amount of its first Gigafactory NV Ett production capacity to its key customers with a united equivalent of over $13billion until 2030. [3]Setting up lithium-ion battery factories for the automotive industry is a challenging task. It requires high speed and flexibility to keep up with the growing demand in a short time and still meeting all the stakeholder's requirements while keeping the highest environmental standards in place during production. To keep up with the growing demand and customer requirements a state-of.the-art industrialization project management strategy is developed. Therefore, state-of.the-art automotive project management, new product industrialization and development practices are investigated together with the best practices from the wider industry. Furthermore, Northvolt's current industrialization project management strategies are examined, and improvement proposals and tools are developed to ramp-up the current and future factories with shorter time, less cost and highest possible quality. The main aim of the thesis is to develop a project management solutions to lead industrialization of li-ionbattery Giga-factories successfully and help Northvolt fuel our cars, heat our homes, and power our industries more sustainably and innovatively. The expected outcome of the thesis is five tools developed that support the industrialization of LIB production facilities in Europe to increase the EU LIB manufacturing capacity. / Energisystem genomgår en snabb omväxling till allt mer hållbara lösningar, vilket kommer påverka våra liv markant. Dessa snabba omväxlingar kommer påverka samt främja sättet hur vi driver våra bilar, värmer våra hus och försörjer våra industrier, flera år framåt. [1] Bilsektorn som har skiftat sitt fokus till elektrifiering av sina bilar, där antalet sålda elbilar förväntas att öka sextifaldigt mellan 2018 och 2050. Detta kommer att leda till att cirka 2 miljarder elbilar kommer att åka på vägarna globalt och alla dessabilar kommer behöva framförallt litiumjonbatterier. [1] Majoriteten av biltillverkare i Europa har börjatutveckla framtida elektrifierade bilmodeller. Tillverkningen av litiumjonbatterier för elbilar i Europa utgörendast 2.1 % av den globala tillverkningen totalt. [2] En ökad försäljning av elbilar och även av produkterför energilagring, ökar efterfrågan på litiumjonbatterier. Den här undersökningen har tagits fram i samarbete med Northvolt som är en av nykomlingarna inomtillverkningen av litiumjonbatterier i Europa. Northvolt är ett svenskt bolag som startades 2016 och trotsdess tidiga fas, har de lyckats samverka med prominenta samarbetspartners som BMW group, Epiroc, Scania och Volkswagen group. Northvolts ambition är att skapa världens grönaste batteri med ett minimalt klimatavtryck. Denna produkt utvecklas i deras så kallade Gigafactory som ligger i Skellefteå och vars årliga produktion uppnår 32 Gwh. Utöver det har Northvolt i samarbete med Volkswagen fått i uppdrag att bygga upp en batterifabrik i Tyskland, vars tillverkningskapacitet kommer att uppnå till 16Gwh årligen. Efter att ha ingått i flera leverantörsavtal har Northvolt sålt en avsevärd mängd av sin produktionskapacitet för den planerade fabriken Gigafactory NV Ett till sina nyckelkunder. Detta motsvarar en investering på 13 miljarder dollar fram till 2030. [3]Att etablera en fabrik som tillverkar litiumjonbatterier för bilindustrin är en utmanande uppgift. Det kräversnabba beslut och flexibilitet för att hålla jämna steg med den växande efterfrågan på batterier av denna typ. Batterierna ska hålla måttet för de krav som kunderna har, och även ska de uppfylla alla internationella standarder för ett miljövänligt batteri.För att kunna upprätthålla den växande efterfrågan och kundkraven utvecklas nya metoder inom projektledning för att effektivisera produktionen. Det allra senaste praxis i projektledning, produktion och produkttillverkning inom bilindustrin analyseras. Dessutom beaktas senaste metoderna och praxis från andra industrier. Vidare kartläggs northvolts nuvarande strategi för deras hantering av produktionsfasen för att föreslå förbättringar och verktyg, som kan effektivisera uppbyggnaden och driften av framtida fabriker. Huvudsyftet med denna avhandling är att utveckla nya metoder inom projektledning för att kunnautveckla produktionsfasen för framtida fabriker som tillverkar litiumjonbatterier. Detta kommer leda tillatt Northvolt kommer vara en del av våra framtida liv genom att hjälpa oss att driva våra fordon, värma våra hem och driva våra fabriker på ett hållbart och effektivt sätt. Det förväntade resultatet i denna avhandling är fem utvecklade verktyg som stödjer utbyggnaden av Litiumjonbatteri fabriker i Europa föratt öka dess totala årliga produktion.
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Framtida behov av litium och kobolt för produktion av litium-jonbatterier vid Northvolt Ett i Skellefteå / Projecting future demand for lithium and cobalt at Northvolt Ett in SkellefteåStone Pöldma, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
Den ökande efterfrågan på laddbara bilar medför även en ökad efterfrågan på vissa metaller som krävs i framställande av tillhörande batterier. Efterfrågan på metaller som litium och kobolt ökar drastiskt. Samtidigt associeras utvinning av litium och kobolt med ett flertal hållbarhetsproblem som främst påverkar redan sårbara människor. För att minska de ohållbara konsekvenserna av råvaruextraktion är en möjlighet att öka andelen återvunnet material i nyproduktionen av litiumjonbatterier. Visserligen är återvinning en viktig komponent i batteritillverkningen, men det är ej totalt okomplicerat att skifta produktionen från nyutvunnen metall till återvunnen. Dessa svårigheter kan härledas till elbilsmarknadens exponentiella ökning i omfång vilket kräver mer metall för produktion än vad som kan mötas av återvunnet material. Denna studie utvecklar och presenterar matematiska modeller i Microsoft Excel som uppskattar beräknad efterfrågan av nybruten litium och kobolt från år 2022 till 2050 i litium- jonbatterifabriken Northvolt Ett i Skellefteå. Modellerna baseras på antaganden från tidigare studier vilka tolkas i en litteraturgenomgång. Flertalet alternativa scenarion i återvinningsandelar, metallintensitet per energilagringsenhet och framtida batteriteknologi är samtliga konsistenta med litteraturgenomgången och brukas i beräkningarna. Resultaten visar att det, oavsett återvinningsandel och metallintensifiering, finns ett kontinuerligt behov av nyextraktion av litium för att möta efterfrågan vid Northvolt Ett under hela tidsperioden. Nybrytning av kobolt är enligt modelleringen som längst nödvändigt till år 2048. Dessutom, om högre återvinning kan uppnås, eller till och med en utfasning av kobolt i batteriproduktionen, kan behovet av brytning av kobolt för batteriproduktion vid Northvolt Ett nollställas redan 2030. Resultaten visar enhälligt att åtgärder som metallintensifiering och återvinning ej är tillräckligt för att undvika beroende av ny brytning av litium för batteriproduktion, men har motsatt effekt för behovet av nybruten kobolt. / The rising demand for chargeable vehicles entails a rising demand for certain metals needed in the manufacturing of the vehicles’ appurtenant batteries. The demand for metals such as lithium and cobalt are growing drastically. At the same time, the extraction of lithium and cobalt is associated with numerous sustainability issues that primarily affect the already vulnerable. To diminish the unsustainable consequences of primary commodity extraction; recycling is seen as a way of decreasing primary metal in lithium-ion battery production in favour of recycled materials. Admittedly, recycling is an important component of the battery industry. However, there are difficulties in substituting primary metal for recycling. These difficulties come down to the exponential growth of the electric vehicle market which demands more metal for production than can be met by batteries recycled at the end of life. As well as providing secondary commodities for battery production it is important that end of life electric vehicle batteries are recycled in order to prevent harmful pollution caused by landfill. The study develops and presents mathematical models in Microsoft Excel that estimates the projected demand for primary metal between the years of 2022 and 2050 in the lithium-ion vehicle battery production plant Northvolt Ett in Skellefteå, Sweden. The models are based on assumptions from earlier work retrieved from a literature review. Several alternative scenarios in recycling rates, metal intensity per energy storage unit and battery technology in the future all consistent with the literature review are used in the calculations. The results show that regardless of recycling rates and metal intensifying rates there is a need for continuous extraction of primary lithium for electric vehicle battery production at Northvolt Ett during the entire modelled period. Nonetheless, extraction of primary cobalt will at most be needed until 2048. Additionally, if higher recycling rates are adopted or even a phase out of cobalt in production, the need for mining cobalt for battery production at Northvolt Ett could be diminished as early as 2030. The results clarify that decreasing the amount of lithium in batteries and recycling is not enough to avoid a dependence on primary sources as production rates grow, but this could however be the case for cobalt.
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<p> </p>
<p>In the last years, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have become the most important energy storage system for consumer electronics, electric vehicles, and smart grids. The development of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) based on current practice allows an energy density increase estimated at 10% per year. However, the required power for portable electronic devices is predicted to increase at a much faster rate, namely 20% per year. Similarly, the global electric vehicle battery capacity is expected to increase from around 170 GWh per year today to 1.5 TWh per year in 2030--this is an increase of 125% per year. Without a breakthrough in battery design technology, it will be difficult to keep up with the increasing energy demand. To that end, a design methodology to accelerate the LIB development is needed. This can be achieved through the integration of electro-chemical numerical simulations and machine learning algorithms.</p>
<p>To help this cause, this study develops a design methodology and framework using Simcenter Battery Design Studio® (BDS) and Bayesian optimization for design and optimization of cylindrical cell type 18650. The materials of the cathode are Nickel-Cobalt-Aluminum (NCA)/Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt-Aluminum (NMCA), anode is graphite, and electrolyte is Lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6). Bayesian optimization has emerged as a powerful gradient-free optimization methodology to solve optimization problems that involve the evaluation of expensive black-box functions. The black-box functions are simulations of the cyclic performance test in Simcenter Battery Design Studio. </p>
<p>The physics model used for this study is based on full system model described by Fuller and Newman. It uses Butler-Volmer Equation for ion-transportation across an interface and solvent diffusion model (Ploehn Model) for Aging of Lithium-Ion Battery Cells. The BDS model considers effects of SEI, cell electrode and microstructure dimensions, and charge-discharge rates to simulate battery degradation. Two objectives are optimized: maximization of the specific energy and minimization of the capacity fade. We perform global sensitivity analysis and see that thickness and porosity of the coating of the LIB electrodes that affect the objective functions the most. As such the design variables selected for this study are thickness and porosity of the electrodes. The thickness is restricted to vary from 22 micron to 240 microns and the porosity varies from 0.22 to 0.54. </p>
<p>Two case studies are carried out using the above-mentioned objective functions and parameters. In the first study, cycling tests of 18650 NCA cathode Li-ion cells are simulated. The cells are charged and discharged using a constant 0.2C rate for 500 cycles. In the second case study a cathode active material more relevant to the electric vehicle industry, Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt-Aluminum (NMCA), is used. Here, the cells are cycled for 5 different charge-discharge scenarios to replicate charge-discharge scenario that an EVs battery module experiences. The results show that the design and optimization methodology can identify cells to satisfy the design objective that extend and improve the pareto front outside the original sampling plan for several practical charge-discharge scenarios which maximize energy density and minimize capacity fade. </p>
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A Lithium-Ion Battery Management System with Bilevel Equalization.Mubenga, Ngalula Sandrine January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Electrochemical Behavior of the High Entropy Oxide (Mg,Co,Ni,Zn)1-xLixO (x=0,35) / Elektrokemiska Beteenden hos högentropioxiden (Mg,Co,Ni,Zn)1-xLixO (x=0,35)Sandström Kinnane, Rasmus January 2022 (has links)
Today's society is currently developing lithium-ion batteries to eventually replace the use of fossil fuels. High entropy oxides is a new type of material to use as an anode in the lithium-ion battery. These high entropy oxides may consist of a few different transition metals including lithium and oxygen. In this report was (MgCoNiZn)1-xLixO synthesized with a method called Pechini with a molar fraction of x=0.35. This study compares the results from a reference study that has shown the potential of the electrochemical characteristics of (MgCoNiZn)1-xLixO for application as anode in a lithium-ion battery. The synthesis starts with a heating step to remove all the organics in the composition. The powder consists of several structures and, therefore goes through a calcination step to dissolve all of the intermediate phases into the rock-salt structure. The structure of the powder had a lattice constant of 4,138Å. The powder was made into a slurry containing Carbon black, PVDF and NMP to later get coated by a Dr. Blade. After drying the coating the cell was then assembled with lithium as metal cathode and 1M LiPF6 in 1:1 EC/DMC as electrolyte. After the cell was assembled it, went through electrochemical properties test using a potentiostat and the cell being inside a in a climate chamber at 25°C. 7 cycles were done to plot a cyclic voltammetry graph as well as a discharge-charge test was performed. The cyclic voltammetry and discharge-charge test was run with a voltage range of 0,053 V. The discharge-charge test was run at a current density of 100 mA/g and a constant current of 42,68 mA. / Dagens samhälle genomgår en stor utveckling av litium-jon batterier för att kunna ersätta användningen av fossila bränslen. Höga entropi oxider är ny typ av material som används som anod material för litiumjonbatterier. Dessa höga entropi oxider kan bestå av en rad olika övergångsmetaller inklusive litium och syre i sammansättningen. I den här rapporten var (MgCoNiZn)1-xLixO syntetiserad med en metod som heter Pechini med ett molbråk på x=0,35. En studie har visat potentialen i dem elektrokemiska beetenden av (MgCoNiZn)1-xLixO till applicering som en anode i ett litiumjon batteri. Syntetiseringen började med ett uppvärmningsteg för att bränna bort alla organiska föreningar. Resulterade pulvret bestod av olika strukturer, och till ett kalcinerings steg för att lösa upp mellanfaserna till NaCL-struktur. Strukturen på pulvret hade en gitter constant på 4,138 Å. Pulvret gjordes till en slurry som innehåller amorft kol, PVDF och NMP för att sedan belägga elektroden med en Dr.Blade. Efter beläggningen har fått torka monterades cellen med litium som katod och 1M LiPF6 in 1:1 EC/DMC som elektrolyt. Tester utfördes på cellen med hjälp av en potentiostat medans cellen var förvaren i en klimatkammare i 25°C. 7 stycken cykler kördes för att plotta en cyklisk voltametri graf samt en urladdning-laddning prov utfördes. Cykliska voltametrin och urladdning-laddnings prov utfördes med ett spänningsintervall på 0,05-3,0V. Urladdning-laddnings provet hade en strömtäthet på 100 mA/g och en konstant ström på 42,68 mA.
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The Performance of Structured High-Capacity Si Anodes for Lithium-Ion BatteriesFan, Jui Chin 01 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This study sought to improve the performance of Si-based anodes through the use of hierarchically structured electrodes to provide the nanoscale framework needed to accommodate large volume changes while controlling the interfacial area – which affects solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) formation. To accomplish this, electrodes were fabricated from vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNT) infiltrated with silicon. On the nanoscale, these electrodes allowed us to adjust the surface area, tube diameter, and silicon layer thickness. On the micro-scale, we have the ability to control the electrode thickness and the incorporation of micro-sized features. Treatment of the interfacial area between the electrolyte and the electrode by encapsulating the electrode controls the stabilization and reduction of unstable SEI. Si-VACNT composite electrodes were prepared by first synthesizing VACNTs on Si wafers using photolithography for catalyst patterning, followed by aligned CNT growth. Nano-layers of silicon were then deposited on the aligned carbon nanotubes via LPCVD at 200mTorr and 535°C. A thin copper film was used as the current collector. Electrochemical testing was performed on the electrodes assembled in a CR2025 coin cell with a metallic Li foil as the counter electrode. The impact of the electrode structure on the capacity at various current densities was investigated. Experimental results demonstrated the importance of control over the superficial area between the electrolyte and the electrode on the performance of silicon-based electrodes for next generation lithium ion batteries. In addition, the results show that Si-VACNT height does not limit Li transport for the range of the conditions tested.
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Lithium-Ion Battery Electrolyte EvaporationDylan Michael Poe (15348418) 29 April 2023 (has links)
<p> Energy storage has received much attention due to the increasing use of energy, especially renewable energy. Lithium-ion batteries have great characteristics for electrical energy storage. Higher specific energy density, cycle life, cell voltage, shorter charge times gives lithium-ion batteries favorable energy storage characteristics over other battery chemistries. Although lithium-ion batteries are increasing in use for electrical energy storage, their safety still poses an engineering problem. When lithium-ion batteries are abused, they can enter thermal runaway. This event is dangerous as it can eject hot gases and shrapnel. Previous studies focused on different aspects of thermal runaway, for example, heat generation from chemical reactions, propagation to other cells, and the physics of gas venting. One phenomenon that has not received much attention is the evaporation of the electrolyte out of a failed lithium-ion battery. Understanding the effect of electrolyte evaporation is key to having a more complete understanding of thermal runaway. In this thesis, the physics of electrolyte evaporation is studied with the purpose of developing more accurate thermal abuse models. An evaporation model was developed, based on porous drying theory and a 1-D liquid diffusion process. Experiments were conducted to identify the liquid diffusion coefficient which governs the rate of electrolyte transport within the porous separator within the battery. The 1-D liquid diffusion model was then implemented into an existing thermal abuse model and exercised for a typical oven test scenario. Results showed that the physics-based evaporation model resulted in excellent agreement with experimental data at different oven temperatures.</p>
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Development of battery models for on-board health estimation in hybrid vehiclesRiesco Refoyo, Javier January 2017 (has links)
Following the positive reception of electric and hybrid transport solutions in the market, manufacturers keep developing their vehicles further, while facing previously undertaken challenges. Knowing the way lithium-ion batteries behave is still one of the key factors for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) development, especially for the requirements of the battery management system during their operation. Hence, this project focuses on the necessity of robust yet reasonably simple and cost-effective models of the battery for estimating the health status during the operation of the vehicles. With this aim, the procedure and models to calculate the state-of-health (SOH) indicators, internal resistance and capacity, are proposed and the results discussed. Two machine-learning based models are presented, a support vector machine (SVM) and a neural network (NN), together with one equivalent circuit model (ECM). The data used for training and validating the models comes from testing the batteries in the laboratory with standard performance tests and real driving cycles along the battery lifespan. However, data sets measured in actual heavy-duty vehicles during their operation for three years is also analysed and compared. With respect to this matter, a study of the battery materials, behaviour and operation attributes is carried out, highlighting the main aspects and issues that affect the development of the models. The inputs for the models are signals that can be measured on-board in the vehicles, as current, voltage or temperature, and other derived from them as the state-of-charge (SOC) calculated by the internal battery management unit. Time-series of the variables are used for simulation purposes. The management of signals and implementation of the models is done in the environment of Matlab-Simulink, using some of its in-built functions and other specifically developed. The models are evaluated and compared by means of the normalized root mean squared error (NRMSE) of the voltage output profile compared to that of the tested batteries, but also the error of the internal resistance calculations calculated from the voltage profile for the three models, and the internal parameters in case of the ECM. While despite the difficulties faced with the data, the models can eventually perform accurate estimations of the resistance, the results of the capacity estimations are omitted in the document due to the lack of useful information derived. Nevertheless, the calculation procedure and other considerations to take into account regarding the capacity estimation and data sets are undertaken. Finally, the conclusions about the data used, battery materials and methods evaluated are drawn, laying down recommendations as to design the performance tests following the conditions of the driving cycles, and indicating the higher general performance of the SVM respect the other two methods, while asserting the usefulness of the ECM. Moreover, the battery with NMC material composition is observed to be easier to predict by the models than LFP, also showing different evolution of its internal resistance.
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Lithium-ion Battery Recycling : From a Manufacturing Strategy Perspective / Återvinning av litiumjonbatterier : ur ett produktionsstrategiskt perspektivKARLSSON, INGRID, LINDSTRÖM, JENNY January 2018 (has links)
The electrification of the transport sector in combination with an increased demand for storage solutions for renewable energy is contributing to a rapid growth of the battery market. Lithium-ion batteries have shown to be a promising technology for efficient energy storage the last two decades. A rapidly increasing battery production will however cause challenges within waste management and put pressure on current recycling infrastructures. Within research, insufficient attention has been given to how traditional manufacturing strategy is applied within recycling environments. The objective of this study was, therefore, to investigate if and how the unique characteristics of battery recycling affect its manufacturing strategy. A case study of the planning of a battery recycling unit was conducted in collaboration with Northvolt AB to detect challenges and unique characteristics for battery recycling. A framework within manufacturing strategy was applied on the contextual study to identify underlying factors to be considered when building a large scale recycling. Based on multiple interviews with industry expert’s, critical factors were identified and classified according to the literature framework. Our research concludes that the main categories within traditional manufacturing strategy are valid within a recycling environment. On an operational level, however, it was implied that the specific characteristics for recycling have to be considered when formulating a manufacturing strategy. To concretize, it is suggested that attention is given to uncertainties in inflow, of both timing and amount of discarded products. It is important to carefully consider the variety in battery chemistry fed into the recycling process and to design a flexible process, to be prepared for future disruption. Furthermore, managerial implications for battery producers are to facilitate recycling through three key aspects; simplifying the disassembly of battery systems, developing intelligent labelling systems and to push for industry standards. / Elektrifieringen av transportsektorn i kombination med en ökad efterfrågan av förnybar energi, bidrar till en snabb tillväxt av batterimarknaden. Litiumjonbatterier har under de senaste två decennierna visat sig vara en lovande teknologi för effektiv energilagring. En snabbt ökande batteriproduktion skapar dock utmaningar för nuvarande återvinningssystem. Otillräcklig forskning har givits till hur traditionell produktionsstrategi kan appliceras i återvinningsmiljöer. Därav var målet med denna studie att undersöka om och hur återvinningsmiljöns unika karaktär påverkar dess produktionsstrategi. En case studie av en planerad återvinningsanläggning genomfördes i samarbete med Northvolt AB, för att identifiera utmaningar och unika karaktärsdrag för batteriåtervinning. Ett litterärt ramverk inom produktionsstrategi applicerades på den kontextuella studien för att sammanställa och utvärdera underliggande faktorer som bör tas i beaktning för en storskalig återvinningsanläggning. Efter ett flertal intervjuer med experter kunde kritiska faktorer identifieras och klassificeras enligt det litterära ramverket. Studien visar att huvudkategorierna inom traditionell produktionsstrategi även gäller för återvinnig. På en operationell nivå konstateras det dock att den specifika karaktären för återvinning måste tas i beaktning när strategin utformas. För att konkretisera rekommenderas det att osäkerheter i inflöde, gällande fördröjning och mängder av kasserade batterier, hanteras i samarbete med externa aktörer som kan garantera en kontinuerlig leverans. Det är även viktigt att se över variationen av batterikemier som behandlas i återvinningsprocessen samt att designa en flexibel process som snabbt kan anpassas till framtida behov. Slutligen indikerar studien att batteriproducenter bör sträva efter att förenkla batteriåtervinning genom tre huvudpunkter; underlätta demontering av batterisystem, utveckla intelligent märkning och främja industristandarder.
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