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社會閒散之研究-酬賞分配方式、工作性質工作能力對團體中個人表現的影響程懷琳, CHENG, HUAI-LIN Unknown Date (has links)
團體工作的個人比單獨1 人時不努力,且團體越大、個人越不努力。Latane等人稱此
現象為社會閒散(Social Loafing)。
本研究採實驗室實驗法,操弄3 個一般工作情境中常見變項:工作性質(總和性、非
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Zahálení a trest: psychologická studie lenosti / Loafing and punishment: psychological study of lazinessPolák, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
Contrary to our intuitive expectations about a positive group influence on human performance behaviour, there is a vast body of literature proving the opposite. All the research is based on findings of Max Ringelmann who more than 120 years ago proved in the oldest social psychological experiment ever known that people cooperating on a common task tend to exert less effort than what would be their potential. This performance decrement is caused by coordination losses which relate to the very principles of a team work as well as motivation losses. Because of the tendency of people to limit their effort in collective settings the newly discovered phenomenon has been called social loafing. A group influence on individual's performance became also a main subject of this diploma thesis. Compared to a majority of research dealing with the same topic the present one employs a completely new type of interactive task which involves an intensive cooperation of all group members. We have used in our experiment an original simulation where players are in a role of top management in one movie production company and their goal is to make a strategic decision based on the information distributed among all the team members that will bring them the biggest profit. Consequently we have directly analysed behaviour of...
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人際親疏及工作次數對團體中個人工作表現的影響周佩芬 Unknown Date (has links)
人們常為了達成各種目標而加入團體。然而,團體工作效率低落的批評,卻屢見不鮮。實證研究也發現個人在團體中的確會有偷懶的行為,而導致團體無法完全發揮其潛力。這種個人在團體中的努力程度比不上單獨一人工作時的努力程度,而且團體人數愈多,個人努力程度愈趨下降的現象,社會心理學家稱之為社會閒散(social loafing)。
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不同的目標設定方式:指派式、參與式、及指派式配合獎賞對社會閒散之影響張國義, Chang, Cou I Unknown Date (has links)
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Investigating The Role Of Personality And Justice Perceptions On Social LoafingUlke, Hilal Esen 01 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of the study was to investigate the role of Big Five personality dimensions (Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Openness to Experience, Neuroticism and Agreeableness) and justice perceptions (procedural, distributive, informational and interactional justice) on social loafing in a field setting. Another purpose was to explore potential moderation effects of personality and justice dimensions on social loafing.
Data was gathered both from employees and their supervisors working in three leading software companies in Ankara, Turkey. The study was conducted in two phases. In the pilot study, social loafing and perceived coworker social loafing scales were developed. Task visibility scale was adapted to Turkish. The internal consistency reliabilities of the scales were tested by a pilot study with a sample of 53 employees. In the main study, hypothesis and potential moderation effects were tested by gathering data from 156 participants. Results supported only two hypotheses proposing positive relations between extraversion & / social loafing and neuroticism & / social loafing. Investigating potential moderators, distributive justice turned out to be moderator on the relation between extraversion and social loafing. Moreover, conscientiousness had moderation effect on the relation between informational justice and social loafing. The results were discussed along with practical implications, limitations of the study and future directions.
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探討影響社會閑散與社會助長因素鄭美芳, ZHENG, MEI-FANG Unknown Date (has links)
在許多團體現象中,研究者最感關心的是二種現象:一是社會助長(social facilit
ation ),一是社會閑散(social loafing)。社會助長是指當有他人在場時,會使
區別出上述二種現象,並將社會閑散轉為社會助長,故為3 (工作情境,包括單獨、
團體╱可以辨認、團體╱不能辨認三組)×2 (作業難度,包括較簡單與較困難二組
)×2 (參與目標決定方式,包括參與目標設定及分配目標二組)的設計,假設為ぇ
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工作情境、能力高低、與不同激勵策略對工作表現的影響 / Effects of work situation, ability, and different motivation strategies on task performance: A study of social compensation phenomenon黃國倫, Huang, Kuo-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
早期有許多實證研究均發現,個人在團體中的表現,反而不若只有個人獨自一人時的的表現,除了可能有因在團體中彼此協調不足所造成的損失外, Latan'e 等學者 (1979) 更進一步指出,這還有可能是因為當處在團體中時,由於責任分散了而形成混水摸魚的現象,並稱之為「社會閒散」 (social loafing) ,這是一種動機性的損失。
不過,在某些情況下,我們也可能在團體中的表現反而比個人自己一人時更好, Williams 與Karau (1991) 稱此相對於社會閒散的現象為「社會補償」 (social compensation) ,例如,當團體的工作對我們而言是有意義的或重要的,又知覺到團體其他成員的能力較弱時,我們便可能會付出較多的努力工作,以補償同伴能力之不足。本研究之主要目的,即在探討最可能產生社會補償現象的情況。
然而,由於人類行為的複雜性,影響個人是否表現社會補償的因素或許甚多,但本研究者假設,最主要的因素還是在於強化個人主觀覺知的「輸入與輸出的連結強度」以及「不可或缺性」。所以在本研究中,研究者將工作類型限定在不連續性工作上,而操弄工作情境、個人能力高低以及獎懲制度等三個獨變項,而在控制其他變項的情況下,探討獨變項對於引發社會補償現象的影響。因此,本研究實際上為一2×2×2 的三因子受試者間設計。
本研究採實驗室實驗法操弄獨變項,實驗中所要進行的工作為綁提圈作業,研究者藉由指導語的說明及假回饋來操弄175 位大學生對於「輸入與輸出連結強度」及「不可或缺性」的知覺。研究結果顯示,工作情境與個人能力高低在工作表現、知覺到的不可或缺性強度、知覺到的輸入與輸出連結強度、以及個人與他人努力程度差異之預期等方面有交互作用存在,顯示當個人能力高時,團體組受試者比個人組受試者知覺到較高的不可或缺性,而輸入與輸出之連結強度亦變得較緊密;而當個人能力低時,團體組受試者則反而比個人組受試者知覺到較低的不可或缺性,及較弱的輸入與輸出連結強度。
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社會閒散與社會彌補之探討 / Social Loafing and Social Compensation呂錦智, Lu, Chin-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
團體合作的情境對人們工作表現的影響究竟是利抑或是弊?在以往的研究結果大多支持團體合作對人們具有不良的影響,亦即個人在團體中工作會產生偷懶的行為,而且隨著團體愈大,個人的努力程度會愈趨下降,社會心理學家稱之為「社會閒散」現象。然而 Williams 與 Karau(1991)卻發現當工作意義度高且預期到同伴的表現不佳時,團體合作的情境反而會有正面的影響,亦即此時人們會因為重視團體的表現反而較單獨一人時更加努力工作,以彌補同組夥伴表現的不足,故Williams 等人稱之為「社會彌補」現象。此兩種現象均可能發生於團體合作的情境下,但社會彌補現象對組織而言是最有利的,因此若能更進一步地瞭解,則當能有助於組織人力資源的管理及提高組織的生產力。故本研究的目的主要在於以初探的角度,來探討除 Williams 等人所提的條件外,是否存在其他可能的因素會影響社會彌補現象的發生,並再次驗證社會閒散的現象。現象對組織而言是最有利的,因此若能更進一步地瞭解,則當能有助於組織人力資源
的管理及提高組織的生產力。故本研究的目的主要在於以初探的角度,來探討除 Williams 等人所提的條件外,是否存在其他可能的因素會影響社會彌補現象的發生,並再次驗證社會閒散的現象。 本研究採實驗室實驗法,以 180 位大學部同學為受試,並將實驗情境控制在中等意義度的情況下,操弄四個自變項:(1)工作情境(團體組、個別組);(2)知覺低能力同伴(有、無);(3)人際親疏度(親密、疏遠);(4)團體滲透性(高、低)。但因知覺低能力同伴、人際親疏度及團體滲性均無法在個別組中操弄,故本研究採用不完全受試者間實驗設計(2 x 2 x 2 +1),來分析各組受試在腦力激盪作業上的表現。本研究結果發現不論知覺低能力同伴與否、人際關係親疏及團體滲透性高低,團體組的受試者在從事腦力激盪這種勞心性的作業時,與個別組的受試者在工作表現上並無顯著的差異,亦即並未發現所有自變項的主要效果及交互作用,也未能證
實驗社會彌補及社會閒散現象。最後研究者針對上述的結果探討可能發生的原因,並檢討研究的限制及提出未來研究的建議。 / Most of previous research had supported the social loafing
phenomenon, which suggested that people will tend to spend less effort when working collectively than working alone. However, Williams and Karau (1991) suggested people will work harder collectively than alone when they expect their co-workers to perform poorly on a meaningful task, which they named "social compensation". In thispresent study we try to eximine this two phenomenon via people work either collectively or alone on a medium meaningful task ( brainstorming task ). Subjects were 74 male and 106 female collage students. The results show that neither consciousness of low ability co-worker ( feedback, non-
feedback ), group relationships ( roommate, stranger ) nor group permeability ( open, close ) is associated with subject's performance when they work collectively. In addition,the performance of collective group is the same as alone group (basic contrastgroup ). In other words, the results fail to support either social loafing orsocial compensation phenomenon. Ss' performance has no significant differenceamong nine experiment conditions. Discussion and suggestions are included.
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Situated Information and Communication Moralities : An Investigation into the Personal Use of the Internet in the Office WorkplaceCloete, Adrian 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse remet en question la perception négative, dominante dans la littérature et largement répandue dans les organisations, de l'utilisation personnelle d'Internet au travail. Une étude de cas a été réalisée auprès d’environ 80 d’employés et superviseurs dans un bureau d’un département du gouvernement canadien. La thèse confirme que, non seulement ces employés de bureau transgressaient-ils régulièrement des règles explicites conçus pour cadrer l’utilisation des technologies d’information et de communication (TIC), ces comportements étaient largement tolérés au sein du département. L’analyse des pratiques et interactions quotidiennes a révélé une relation entre des gestionnaires et leur personnel basée sur une confiance réciproque, mais pas absolue. Il ressort une moralité située fondée sur la promotion du professionnalisme et le maintien de la productivité. Le relâchement de contraintes organisationnelles autour de l’utilisation de l’Internet à des fins personnelles est utilisé comme outil de gestion par les superviseurs et cette flexibilité accrue est bien accueillie par les employés pour des raisons à la fois pragmatiques et psychologiques. Une sondage, des entretiens approfondis avec un certain nombre d’employés et gestionnaires et l’observation participante ont révélé un désir de paraître professionnel malgré les activités non liées au travail; une perception généralisée de l’utilisation d'Internet comme compensation informelle pour temps et effort; et un sens partagé de confiance entre des salariés et leurs superviseurs, ce qui favorise la satisfaction au travail et productivité. Avec ces observations, on offre des éléments de réponse pour expliquer comment les employés de bureau négocient ce qui est acceptable en termes de leur utilisation d’Internet non liée au travail, et comment les gestionnaires justifient leur application subjective des règles à ce sujet. Finalement, la recherche montre que l'utilisation personnelle d’Internet au travail peut rapporter des bénéfices et ne devrait donc pas toujours être vu comme du "cyber-loafing" ou du "time banditry" comme la littérature l’a principalement représentée depuis que l’Internet est arrivé massivement sur les lieux du travail. La forme et la faisabilité de restrictions organisationnelles sur ces pratiques devront faire objet de réflexion dans le contexte de brouillage accru de frontières entre le travail et la vie personnelle des employés de bureau du 21e siècle. / This case-study investigation challenges the negative perception by organizations and researchers towards the personal use of the Internet in the workplace. While confirming that office employees in the field site were breaking explicit rules governing the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), this thesis provides evidence of informal relations between managers and their staff built on a tacit toleration of rule-violation. Their daily practices and interactions revealed a relationship that was shown to satisfy the conditions of a situated morality in promoting desired occupational identities and relaxing organizational constraints. Survey results, interview responses and observations of about 80 office workers and supervisors in a Canadian government department uncovered a desire to appear professional in spite of the non-work-related activity; Internet use as an informal compensation for time and effort; and a shared sense of trust to foster job satisfaction and productivity. Through these findings, answers are offered to explain how office workers negotiate what is acceptable in terms of non-work-related Internet use, and how supervisors justify their subjective enforcement of rules. Lastly, the research showed that personal Internet use in the workplace can yield positive outcomes and should not always be seen as “cyber-loafing” or “time banditry” as the literature has predominantly portrayed it since the Internet age entered the workplace. Lastly, this thesis raises questions as to the value of employee monitoring and organizational restrictions amid the increasing blurring of work and personal lives of 21st Century office workers.
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