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La division de l'immeuble : contribution à une théorie de la propriété / The division in the building : contribution to a theory of propertyLotz, Johanne 03 June 2014 (has links)
La nature du droit du copropriétaire immobilier et du droit du propriétaire d’un volume immobilier est généralement présentée en termes d’opposition. L’opposition entre ces deux droits est la résultante de la définition classique de la propriété comme une somme d’attributs sur la chose. La nature de droit réel de la propriété a pareillement exclu une lecture commune de ces droits. Pourtant, en présence d’une copropriété des immeubles bâtis comme d’un volume immobilier, une chose complexe identique existe : une chose-lot, laquelle est dotée d’un statut juridique. Seule une lecture nouvelle de la propriété permet de mettre en lumière cette identité de nature juridique. S’en suit une évolution possible des régimes de la copropriété des immeubles bâtis et de la division en volumes. Parce que la nature de ces droits est semblable, les domaines d’application respectifs de ces structures de division de l’immeuble peuvent être repensés. Des concepts communs aux divisions de l’immeuble peuvent être dessinés. Une nouvelle catégorie juridique pourra alors être proposée : celle d’une propriété insérée dans une division de l’immeuble. / The legal nature of the co-ownership of built property and division by volumes is generally presented in terms of opposition. The opposition between these two rights is the result of the traditional definition of property as a sum of attributes over the property. The right in rem nature of ownership has similarly excluded a reading of these two rights as complex properties. However, in the presence of co-ownership of built property or a volume within a property, an identical complex property exists : a lot property, which is endowed with legal status. Only a new reading of ownership can shed light on the legal nature of this identity. This entails a possible change to their legal systems. Because the nature of these rights is similar, a fresh look can be taken at their respective scope. Concepts common to the divisions in the building can be sketched out. A new legal category could then be proposed : that of a property inserted into a division in the building.
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Influence of Lot Sizing on Lead Time Error Costs in M.R.P. Systems- a Computer Simulation StudySridhar, H K 08 1900 (has links)
Timing of ordering of inventory items is of very great importance in Materials Requirement Planning. Uncertainties in timing can have an adverse effect on the system performance. Most often the lead time variation contribute to timing uncertainties; and their effects are reflected in added costs.
Lead time error effects are investigated in this thesis. The study attempts to estimate the effects through some relevant costs, and their variations across the lot sizing rules.
The hypotheses for this study are 1) Between any two lot sizing rules, there will be a significant difference in error coats due to combined effect of purchased lead time error and manufacturing lead time errors; 2) Relative cost performance of lot sizing rules in MRP is influenced by the lead time errors; 3) There will be a difference in error cost between lot for l o t rule and least total cost rule even with single source of lead time variation.
To carry out the study a MRP programme was developed, in FORTRAN 77 with provisions to include the lot sizing rules while exploding the structure. The lot sizing rules used in the study are Lot for Lot, Silver and Meal heuristics, Wagner-Whitin algorithm, Least total cost, Least unit cost and Part Period balancing.
A simulation model is developed using GPSS/PC, to test the hypotheses. An hypothetical production situation with three end items, each with a different product structure is designed. In addition, a master production schedule and a job shop are also structured. Appropriate distributions are assumed for both manufacturing lead times and purchase lead times. These provide the stochastic variables in the simulation experiments.
A series of experiments were carried out with the model to investigate into the variations of costs amongst lot sizing rules. Results of the simulation experiments prove that there are costs associated with lead time errors in MRP. These error costs vary significantly with different lot sizing rules.
It is also found that the resultant error costs vary significantly even with a single source of lead time variation. Least unit cost rule gives the beat performance having least error costs. Lot for Lot rule has shown the worst performance amongst the lot sizing rules considered. Other interesting results have emerged out of the study.
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Programmation par contraintes pour le dimensionnement de lots de production / Constraint programming for lot-sizing problemsGerman, Grigori 05 March 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif d'étudier l'utilisation de la programmation par contraintes pour développer un solveur de planification de production. Nous nous concentrons sur des problèmes de dimensionnement de lots de production (lot-sizing) qui sont des problèmes majeurs et difficiles de la planification de la production et profitons d'une des principales forces de la programmation par contraintes, à savoir les contraintes globales. Nous définissons une contrainte globale LotSizing qui s'appuie sur un problème générique de lot-sizing mono-produit à un seul niveau, qui tient compte des capacités de production et de stockage, des coûts unitaires de production et de stockage et des coûts fixes. Cette contrainte globale est un outil de modélisation intuitif pour les problèmes complexes de lot-sizing car elle permet de modéliser chaque nœud des réseaux de distribution. Nous utilisons des techniques de programmation dynamique classiques du lot-sizing pour développer des algorithmes de filtrage pour la contrainte globale. Nous modélisons également des problèmes multi-produits.Enfin, nous introduisons un nouvel algorithme de filtrage générique s'appuyant sur la programmation linéaire. Nous montrons que la cohérence d'arc pour les contraintes considérées peut être obtenue avec la résolution d'un seul programme linéaire lorsque la contrainte a une formulation idéale et nous généralisons le résultat pour faire du filtrage partiel lorsqu'aucune restriction n'est faite sur ces contraintes. Cette technique peut être pertinente lors de la résolution de sous-problèmes de flot ou de séquence sous-jacents au lot-sizing. / In this thesis we investigate the potential use of constraint programming to develop a production planning solver. We focus on lot-sizing problems that are crucial and challenging problems of the tactical level of production planning and use one of the main strengths of constraint programming, namely global constraints. The goal of this work is to set the grounds of a constraint programming framework for solving complex lot-sizing problems. We define a LotSizing global constraint based on a generic single-item, single-level lot-sizing problem that considers production and inventory capacities, unitary production and inventory costs and setup costs. This global constraint is an intuitive modeling tool for complex lot-sizing problems as it can model the nodes of lot-sizing networks. We use classical dynamic programming techniques of the lot-sizing field to develop powerful filtering algorithms for the global constraint. Furthermore we model multi-item problems that are natural extensions of the core problem.Finally we introduce a new generic filtering algorithm based on linear programming. We show that arc consistency can be achieved with only one call to a linear programming solver when the global constraint has an ideal formulation and adapt the result to provide partial filtering when no restriction is made on the constraints. This technique can be useful to tackle polynomial lot-sizing underlying flow and sequence sub-problems.
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Maillage et implantation du socialisme en Aquitaine (acteurs, réseaux, mobilisations électorales) de 1958 à la fin des années 1990 / Territorial network and presence of socialism in Aquitaine (policy actors, network and elections) (1958-at the end 1990 s)Ayache, Nadia 07 November 2017 (has links)
L'Aquitaine se singularise par une instabilité des votes au niveau législatif, paradoxe dans une région où l'on voit la constitution de véritables fiefs municipaux de droite comme de gauche, comme en témoignent les longs mandats municipaux des socialistes René Cassagne, Michel Sainte-Marie ou encore André Labarrère. Des travaux ont étudié les instances nationales du Parti socialiste, les dirigeants et les différents courants, cependant l'analyse de l'implantation du socialisme au niveau régional reste lacunaire. Le sujet d'étude de cette thèse est le maillage et l'implantation du socialisme en Aquitaine de 1958 à 1993. L'objectif est la compréhension de l'influence d'une force politique sur un espace régional donné, les contraintes ou les facteurs facilitateurs de cette implantation. Plusieurs échelles d'analyse semblent pertinentes. Le socialisme dans toutes ses composantes peut être vu en tant que mobilisateur de masse au niveau local, mais l'étude porte également sur les réseaux mis en place afin d'enraciner une implantation et de créer des fiefs politiques. Enfin l'étude tendra à analyser le rapport de la SFIO puis du Parti socialiste en Aquitaine pris entre les aspirations des électeurs et les directives des instances nationales. Une différenciation peut être faite selon l'importance du maillage, la force de l'organisation politique, le déploiement de réseaux d'influence, d'un département à l'autre mais également à l'intérieur d'un même département. / Aquitaine stands out for being unstable in its votes at the legislative elections. This is paradoxical in a region where real local right-wing and left-wing stronghold has developed, as can be seen from the long local mandates of the socialists René Cassagne, Michel Sainte-Marie or André Labarrère. Research has studied the national authorities of the socialist party, its leaders and the different trends, however, the analysis of the reasons of the strong presence of the socialist party in the region remains incomplete. The subject for this thesis is the creation of a regional network and presence of socialism in Aquitaine from 1958 to 1993.The purpose here is to understand how a given regional area was influenced by political forces, the constraint or the factors which made its presence easier. Several levels of analysis seem to be relevant. Socialism in all its various elements can be seen as capable of attracting a large people’s support at a local level, however the study is also about the networks set up to fix the presence and to create political stronghold . Finally, the study will aim at analyzing the attitude of the elected Socialists caught between the hopes of the voters and the directive of the party leadership. A differentiation can be made according to the importance of the territorial coverage, the strength of the political organization, the display of network of influence, from one department to the other but also within a same department.
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Contributions to static and adjustable robust linear optimization / Contributions à l’optimisation linéaire robuste statique et ajustableCosta Santos, Marcio 25 November 2016 (has links)
L'incertitude a été toujours présente dans les problèmes d'optimisation. Dans ce travail, nous nous intéressons aux problèmes d'optimisation multi-niveaux où l'incertitude apparaît très naturellement. Les problèmes d'optimisation multi-niveaux avec incertitude ont suscité un intérêt à la fois théorique et pratique. L'optimisation robuste fait partie des méthodes les plus étudiées pour traiter ces problèmes. En optimisation robuste, nous cherchons une solution qui optimise la fonction objective pour le pire scénario appartenant à un ensemble d'incertitude donné. Les problèmes d'optimisation robuste multi-niveaux sont difficiles à résoudre, même de façon heuristique. Dans cette thèse, nous abordons les problèmes d'optimisation robuste à travers le prisme des méthodes de décomposition. Ces méthodes décomposent le problème en un problème maître (MP) et plusieurs problèmes satellites de séparation (AP). Dans ce contexte, les solutions et les relaxations heuristiques ont une importance particulière. Même pour les problèmes d'optimisation combinatoires, les relaxations sont importantes pour analyser l'écart de l'optimalité des solutions heuristiques. Un autre aspect important est l'utilisation des heuristiques comme integrés dans une méthode exacte. Les principales contributions de ce travail sont les suivantes. Premièrement, nous proposons une nouvelle relaxation pour les problèmes multi-niveaux basée sur l’approche dite d’information parfaite dans le domaine de l’optimisation stochastique. L'idée principale derrière cette méthode est d'éliminer les contraintes de non anticipativité du modèle pour obtenir un problème plus simple. Nous pouvons ensuite fournir des algorithmes combinatoires ad-hoc et des formulations de programmation mixte en nombres entiers compactes pour ce problème. Deuxièmement, nous proposons de nouveaux algorithmes de programmation dynamique pour résoudre les problèmes satellites apparaissant dans une classe spécifique de problèmes robustes pour un ensemble d'incertitude de type budget. Ce type d'incertitude est basé sur le nombre maximum d'écarts autorisés et leur taille. Ces algorithmes peuvent être appliqués à des problèmes de lot-sizing et à des problèmes de tournées de véhicules. Enfin, nous proposons un modèle robuste pour un problème lié à l’installation équitable de capteurs. Ce modèle fait le lien entre l'optimisation robuste et l'optimisation stochastique avec contraintes probabilistes ambigües. / Uncertainty has always been present in optimization problems, and it arises even more severely in multistage optimization problems. Multistage optimization problems underuncertainty have attracted interest from both the theoretical and the practical level.Robust optimization stands among the most established methodologies for dealing with such problems. In robust optimization, we look for a solution that optimizes the objective function for the worst possible scenario, in a given uncertainty set. Robust multi-stage optimization problems are hard to solve even heuristically. In this thesis, we address robust optimization problems through the lens of decompositions methods. These methods are based on the decomposition of the robust problem into a master problem (MP) and several adversarial separation problems (APs). The master problem contains the original robust constraints, however, written only for finite numbers of scenarios. Additional scenarios are generated on the y by solving the APs. In this context, heuristic solutions and relaxations have a particular importance. Similarly to combinatorial optimization problems, relaxations are important to analyze the optimality gap of heuristic solutions. Heuristic solutions represent a substantial gain from the computational viewpoint, especially when used to solve the separation problem. Because the adversarial problems must be solved several times, good heuristic solution may avoid the exact solution of the APs. The main contributions of this work are three-fold. First, we propose a new relaxation for multi-stage problems based on the approach named perfect information in the field of stochastic optimization. The main idea behind this method is to remove nonanticipativity constraints from the model to obtain a simpler problem for which we can provide ad-hoc combinatorial algorithms and compact mixed integer programming formulations. Second, we propose new dynamic programming algorithms to solve the APs for robust problems involving budgeted uncertainty, which are based on the maximum number of deviations allowed and on the size of the deviations. These algorithms can be applied to lot-sizing problems and vehicle routing problems among others. Finally, we study the robust equitable sensor location problem. We make the connection between the robust optimization and the stochastic programming with ambiguous probabilistic constraints. We propose linear models for several variants of the problem together withnumerical results.
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Tactical production planning for physical and financial flows for supply chain in a multi-site context / Planification tactique de production des flux physiques et financiers d’une chaîne logistique multi-siteBian, Yuan 19 December 2017 (has links)
En période de crise financière, les entreprises ont besoin de trésorerie pour réagir efficacement aux aléas et assurer leur solvabilité. Cette thèse se situe à l’interface entre l’opérationnel et la finance pour développer des modèles de planification tactique gérant simultanément les flux physiques et financiers dans la supply chain. Le coût de financement des opérations basé sur le besoin en fond de roulement (BFR) est intégré comme un nouvel aspect financier jamais considéré dans la littérature de lot-sizing. Nous débutons par une extension du modèle EOQ considérant les coûts de financement du BFR. L’objectif est la maximisation du profit. Une quantité de production optimale est obtenue analytiquement ainsi que l’analyse de la sensibilité du modèle. De plus, les comparaisons avec le modèle EOQ et un modèle qui considère le coût du capital sont étudiées. Ensuite, un modèle basé sur un lot-sizing dynamique est établi. La propriété ZIO est démontrée et permet l’utilisation d’un algorithme en temps polynomial. Enfin un scénario multi-niveau à capacité infini est étudié avec une approche séquentielle puis centralisée. La propriété ZIO est prouvée dans ces deux cas. Des algorithmes de programmation dynamique sont utilisés pour obtenir une solution optimale. Cette thèse peut être considérée comme un premier, mais significatif, travail combinant la planification de production et la gestion du besoin en fond de roulement dans des modèles de planification tactique. Nous montrons que les aspects financiers ont un impact significatif sur les plans de production. Les cas étudiés dans cette thèse peuvent être considérés comme des sous-problèmes dans l’étude de scénario plus réalistes. / In financial crisis, companies always need free cash flow to efficiently react to any uncertainties to ensure solvency. Thus, this thesis serves as an interface between operations and finance to develop tactical production planning models for joint management of physical and financial flows in the supply chain. In these models, the financing cost of operation-based working capital requirement (WCR) is integrated as a new financial aspect never before considered in the lot-sizing literature. We first focus on extending the classic EOQ model by considering the financing cost of WCR with a profit maximization objective. The optimal analytic production quantity formula is derived as well as sensitivity analysis of this model. Moreover, a comparison with the EOQ model and with the formula which considers the cost of capital are discussed. Secondly, a dynamic lot-sizing-based, discounted cash flow model is established based on Uncapacitated lot-sizing model. The zero-inventory ordering property is proven valid for this case and a polynomial-time algorithm can thus be established. Thirdly, multi-level and infinite capacity scenario is investigated with both sequential and centralized approaches. The ZIO property is demonstrated valid in both cases. Dynamic-programming based algorithms are constructed in order to obtain an optimal solution. This thesis should be considered as a first, but significant setup of combining production planning and working capital management. It is shown the significant financial consequences of lot-sizing decision on production planning. The cases investigated in this thesis may be tackled as subproblems in the study of more realistic scenarios.
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Article classification and inventory management of the materials within the health and social care sector at Linköping`s municipality / Artikelklassificering och lagerstyrning av vård- och omsorgsartiklar för ökad styrning på Linköpings kommunIshak, Diana January 2021 (has links)
Linköpings kommun erbjuder hälso- och sjukvårdsinsatser för brukare i alla åldrar genom olika typer av vårdenheter. Det finns verksamheter inom äldreomsorg och LSS som tillsammans skapar olika former av stöd. För att kommunen ska kunna erbjuda dessa typer av tjänster krävs ett fungerande materialflöde av vård- och omsorgsartiklar. Vård- och omsorgsartiklar innefattas av både förbrukningsmaterial och skyddsmaterial. Förbrukningsmaterial består bland annat av omläggningsmaterial och inkontinensskydd, medan skyddsmaterial består av exempelvis handdesinfektion och munskydd. I samband med Covid-19 pandemin uppstod brist på skyddsmaterial och problem i materialförsörjningen. Vidare så finns det finns i dagsläget inget system för att styra eller kontrollera materialflödet av vård- och omsorgsartiklar, inköpen på vårdenheterna planeras på olika sätt vid varje inköpstillfälle. Kommunen är därför intresserad av hur en kategorisering av vård- och omsorgsartiklar kan se ut, där en differentierad lagerstyrning skapas för varje kategori och på så sätt ökas styrningen av vård- och omsorgssortimentet. Studiens syfte är att, utifrån en artikelklassificering, föreslå en differentierad lagerstyrning för varje artikelklass och därmed säkerställa ett fungerande materialflöde av vård- och omsorgsartiklar på Linköpings kommun. För att uppfylla syftet har fyra huvudfrågor ställts upp: Vilka utgångspunkter kan artikelklassificeringen och lagerstyrningen baseras på? Hur ska artiklarna klassificeras för att möjliggöra för styrning av materialflödet? Hur ska lagerstyrningen för de framtagna artikelklasserna utformas för att uppfylla behovet av vård- och omsorgsartiklar? Vilka effekter kan den framtagna lagerstyrningen leda till? För att uppfylla syftet och besvara huvudfrågorna har metoder så som intervjuer, litteraturstudier och datainsamling tillämpats. Genom dessa metoder har information kring lämpliga utvärderingskriterier hämtas som sedan möjliggjort för en artikelklassificering som baserats på volymvärde och uttagsfrekvens. Artikelklassificeringen resulterade för Äldreomsorgen och LSS Funktionsstöd i fem artikelklasser som den differentierade lagerstyrningen baserades på. Resultaten gav att A-artiklar och skyddsmaterial ska styras med lagerstyrningsmetoden periodbeställningssystem med återfyllnadsnivå och resterande artikelklasser ska styras med lot-for-lot. De artiklar med hög uttagsfrekvens bör ha säkerhetslager, såväl som A-artiklarna och skyddsmaterialet. Den framtagna lagerstyrningen kommer att påverka styrningen på vårdenheterna, eftersom den kräver uppföljning av efterfrågan i föregående period såväl som inventering av lager. På sikt antas lagerstyrningen dessutom påverka kostnader av transport, lager och administration, då samtliga påverkas av nya arbetssätt. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>
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RFID as an enabler of improved manufacturing performanceHozak, Kurt 10 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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OPTIMIZATION OF INVENTORY LEVELS FOR LOGISTICS CENTER DIMENSIONING: A simulation-based approach for the determination of safety stock levels and storage dimensions / OPTIMERING AV LAGERNIVÅER VID DIMENSIONERING AV LOGISTIKCENTER: En simuleringsbaserad metod för bestämning av säkerhetslagernivåer och lagerdimensioneringHolmner Härgestam, Olivia, Wallström, Julia January 2024 (has links)
Volvo GTO in Umeå is the largest production unit for cabs of Volvo’s heavy trucks. Currently, the company has three external storage facilities around the Umeå region used for storage of steel coils, pressing tools, and production material. A project regarding the construction of a new logistics center has been initiated, with the aim of combining the current storage facilities into one. This in order to make the logistics flows more efficient, while decreasing costs and emissions. The creation of a new logistics center served as a starting point for this thesis. Emphasis has been placed on determination of optimal inventory levels of steel coils, which is the main component in their production of cabs. The primary aim was to minimize costs while ensuring a sufficient stock available for all coils. To accomplish this, both an optimization model and a simulation model have been developed in order to ascertain optimal order quantities and appropriate safety stock levels based on required service levels. These quantities and safety stocks have later been used to determine the size of the storage area in the logistics center. A significant aspect of this project involved the generation of input data corresponding to demand. Leveraging the resampling technique multivariate moving block bootstrapping on historical demand data from last year has enabled the creation of realistic demand scenarios. The conclusions drawn from the study is that the optimal inventory levels are strongly dependent on anticipated future demand, as evidenced by the different scenarios. Important to state is that the calculations made are based solely on demand variability and not on other crucial factors, such as lead time variability. Future investigations of optimal inventory levels should incorporate additional parameters to obtain a more comprehensive understanding for the management of the inventory system. / Volvo GTO i Umeå är den största produktionsenheten för Volvos hyttproduktion till tunga lastbilar. I dagsläget har Volvo GTO tre externa lagerlokaler i Umeåområdet, som används till lagring av stålcoils, pressverktyg och produktionsmaterial. Ett projekt gällande ett nytt logistikcenter har initierats, som syftar till att slå samman nuvarande lagerlokaler till en. Detta för att skapa mer effektiva logistikflöden, samtidigt som kostnader och utsläpp minskar. Skapandet av ett nytt logistikcenter utgör utgångspunkten för detta projekt. Tyngdpunktenhar legat på att fastställa optimala lagernivåer för stålcoils, vilka utgör huvudkomponenten i Volvos hyttproduktion. Den primära målsättningen var att minimera kostnader och samtidigt säkerställa att tillräckligt med lager finns tillgängligt för samtliga stålcoils. För att uppnå detta skapades både en optimeringsmodell och en simuleringsmodell för att fastställa optimala orderkvantiteter och lämpliga säkerhetslagernivåer, baserat på nödvändiga servicenivåer. Dessa orderkvantiteter och säkerhetslagernivåer användes senare vid bestämning av storleken på lagerytan i logistikcentret. En betydande del av detta arbete utgjordes av generering av indata motsvarande efterfrågan. Nyttjande av återsamplingsmetoden multivariate moving block bootstrapping gjord på historisk data över efterfrågan år 2023 har möjliggjort skapandet av realistiska efterfrågescenarier. Slutsatser som dras från studien är att de optimala lagernivåerna är strikt beroende av den förväntade framtida efterfrågan, vilket visas i de olika scenarierna. Viktigt att poängtera är att beräkningarna gjorda enbart är baserade på variation i efterfrågan och inte på andra avgörande faktorer, såsom variationer i ledtider. Framtida utredningar av optimala lagernivåer bör inkludera ytterligare parametrar för att erhålla en mer övergripande och rättvis förståelse för hanteringen av lagersystemet.
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Modeling, Analysis and Solution Approaches for Some Optimization Problems: High Multiplicity Asymmetric Traveling Salesman, Primary Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Scheduling, and Lot Streaming in an Assembly SystemYao, Liming 10 July 2008 (has links)
This dissertation is devoted to the modeling, analysis and development of solution approaches for some optimization-related problems encountered in industrial and manufacturing settings. We begin by introducing a special type of traveling salesman problem called "High Multiplicity Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem" (HMATSP). We propose a new formulation for this problem, which embraces a flow-based subtour elimination structure, and establish its validity for this problem. The model is, then, incorporated as a substructure in our formulation for a lot-sizing problem involving parallel machines and sequence-dependent setup costs, also known as the "Chesapeake Problem". Computational results are presented to demonstrate the efficacy of our modeling approach for both the generic HMATSP and its application within the context of the Chesapeake Problem.
Next, we investigate an integrated lot-sizing and scheduling problem that is encountered in the primary manufacturing facility of pharmaceutical manufacturing. This problem entails determination of production lot sizes of multiple products and sequence in which to process the products on machines, which can process lots (batches) of a fixed size (due to limited capacity of containers) in the presence of sequence-dependent setup times/costs. We approach this problem via a two-stage optimization procedure. The lot-sizing decision is considered at stage 1 followed by the sequencing of production lots at stage 2. Our aim for the stage 1 problem is to allocate batches of products to time-periods in order to minimize the sum of the inventory and backordering costs subject to the available capacity in each period. The consideration of batches of final products, in addition to those for intermediate products, which comprise a final product, further complicates the lot-sizing problem. The objective for the stage 2 problem is to minimize sequence-dependent setup costs. We present a novel unifying model and a column generation-based optimization approach for this class of lot-sizing and sequencing problems. Computational experience is first provided by using randomly generated data sets to test the performances of several variants of our proposed approach. The efficacy of the best of these variants is further demonstrated by applying it to the real-life data collected with the collaboration of a pharmaceutical manufacturing company.
Then, we address a single-lot, lot streaming problem for a two-stage assembly system. This assembly system is different from the traditional flow shop configuration. It consists of m parallel subassembly machines at stage 1, each of which is devoted to the production of a component. A single assembly machine at stage 2, then, assembles products after components (one each from the subassembly machines at the first stage) have been completed. Lot-detached setups are encountered on the machines at the first and second stages. Given a fixed number of transfer batches (or sublots) from each of the subassembly machines at stage 1 to the assembly machine at stage 2, our problem is to find sublot sizes so as to minimize the makespan. We develop optimality conditions to determine sublot sizes for the general problem, and present polynomial-time algorithms to determine optimal sublot sizes for the assembly system with two and three subassembly machines at stage 1.
Finally, we extend the above single-lot, lot streaming problem for the two-stage assembly system to multiple lots, but still, for the objective of minimizing the makespan. Due to the presence of multiple lots, we need to address the issue of the sequencing of the lots along with lot-splitting, a fact which adds complexity to the problem. Some results derived for the single-lot version of this problem have successfully been generalized for this case. We develop a branch-and-bound-based methodology for this problem. It relies on effective lower bounds and dominance properties, which are also derived. Finally, we present results of computational experimentation to demonstrate the effectiveness of our branch-and-bound-based methodology. Because of the tightness of our upper and lower bounds, a vast majority of the problems can be solved to optimality at root node itself, while for others, the average gap between the upper and lower bounds computed at node zero is within 0.0001%. For a majority of these problems, our dominance properties, then, effectively truncate the branch-and-bound tree, and obtain optimal solution within 500 seconds. / Ph. D.
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