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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mobile Journalism : Using smartphone in journalistic work

Mohammedsalih, Salah January 2017 (has links)
Mobile phones have had a drastic influence on media production, by providing a ubiquitous connection. This revolution has come about when smartphone turned into a powerful tool to do almost all the production-related work that was done previously by specialized equipment and computers. This has encouraged ordinary individuals to involve in media work and emerging the phenomenon of mobile journalism, where citizens and individuals can engage in journalism work carry out a job that was supposed to be done only by journalists for a long time ago. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of prosumers and amateurs who are making and covering news by their smartphones and contributing to journalism work. This has become particularly apparent in relation to reporting from remote and risky areas, where journalists cannot reach easily or may not arrive on time while important events occur. This was obvious during the Arab-spring - The role of smartphones in feeding both social media and traditional media with instant photos and videos taken by protesters themselves. This thesis focuses on the role of the smartphone in facilitating the work of journalists. As a part of the literature review, the author has gone through many texts, watched videos and listened to radio shows with journalists and workers in media spheres, in which journalists talk about their own experience with practicing mobile journalism. Then from a phenomenological perspective and framework the experience of technology and user aspects of mobile journalism are investigated. As the aim of this thesis is not to validate a hypothesis or a theory, a qualitative research method is used to come to an evaluation and explanation of the phenomenon of using mobile in journalism. For that purpose, several qualitative methods have been used to collect data such as auto-ethnography, observation, interviews and focus groups. The data are collected mainly from Kurdistan region in northern Iraq where journalists were covering news of war in dangerous and risky battle fields.   The findings from the results showed that the main factors that make smartphones powerful tools for journalists are: the low budget required for acquiring a smartphone compared to expensive equipment used in traditional media, the freedom and independence that a mobile can give to a journalist, the design aspects which provide a pocket-size tool with unsuspiciousness feature that make it possible to be carried and used even in areas where journalistic work is not allowed. The ubiquity feature of mobile has helped to cover news in areas where traditional media cannot be existing or cannot reach easily. The ability of individuals to obtain a smartphone in one hand and the universal design of mobile in another hand have helped to be used in journalism work by many people with no necessary training courses. This situation has created a good opportunity for media institutions and TV stations to expand their correspondents’ network all over the countries.

"Åh, titta! Titta hur det ser ut!" : Små barns interaktion med digital teknik i naturvetenskapligt utforskande / "Oh, look! Look at that!" : Toddlers interaction with digital technology in scientific exploration

Ericsson, Cim, Triumf, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att synliggöra hur små barn interagerar med ett mikroskop-ägg i utforskandet av naturvetenskapliga fenomen. I förskolans uppdrag ingår att arbeta med natur-vetenskap och teknik i barnens vardag. Förskollärarens kompetens och deras förhållningssätt gentemot barnen är betydelsefull för att möjliggöra för små barns digitala utforskande. Tidigare forskning visar att utforskande handlar om att få pröva, undersöka och på ett lekfullt sätt ta reda på mer om något.    Det teoretiska ramverk som legat till grund för studien är social construction of technology, SCOT, vilket gett möjlighet att beskriva hur mening skapas i barns interaktion med olika tekniska artefakter.    Studien genomfördes på en medelstor förskola i Luleå kommun med tre grupper barn i två-års ålder. Data samlades in med hjälp av filminspelning och ljudupptagning vid planerade aktiviteter. Bearbetningen har sketti en abduktiv analysprocess där en växelverkan mellan att härleda materialet till teoretiska utgångspunkter och en öppenhet för nya förklaringar och upp-täckter har varit vägledande.    I resultatet framträder olika interaktionsramar som visar på vilket sätt barnen interagerar med den digitala teknologin utifrån tidigare erfarenheter och upplevelser. Resultatet visar även hur mikroskop-ägget på olika sätt kan möjliggöra för små barns naturvetenskapliga utforskande.

A Norm Creative Perspective : Understanding users through norm creative theories

Karlsson, Stefan January 2018 (has links)
There is a saying that we should not attempt to fix what is not broken, but we cannot afford to stick tothat mindset if we want to be able to design products and services that matter to the user. We shouldbroaden our views, explore new things and see what we can learn from them and use that knowledge toexpand on our existing methods. In recent years there have been a lot of work regarding how normsinfluence us to act and feel in certain ways, what if the knowledge behind norms could be utilized withindesign? To answer this question a study was conducted where two so called norm creative methodswere tested in a series of focus groups to see what potential the methods held in regard to improvingexisting methods or serve as basis for the creation new methods within user research.

Keep your screen happy: Improving the usability of screen time tracking apps

Pacherazova, Milena January 2019 (has links)
The adoption of technology in our daily activities increased the time that we spend in front of the screen and changed the way we communicate and work. In recent years, many big companies started to develop and implement screen time management tools in their products to educate the user on how to improve their digital health. Those tools are an important step in the process, they bring awareness and help the users to change their habits. Several studies have focused on screen time tracking apps but not from the design perspective. Therefore, this thesis aims to explore the design of screen time management apps by developing two prototypes, which were used to evaluate different design elements and features. The results of this thesis present a guideline on how to improve the design of the existing screen time tracking tools and what additional features could be added to fulfil their aim and encourage users to change their behaviour.


Efstathiou, Teresia January 2019 (has links)
Automatiska flygningssystem och kontrollpresentationsenheter utvecklas hela tiden inom flygteknik. Avionik företag skapar datoriserade system som ska kunna automatisera ytterligare aspekter av de operationer som sker i cockpit. Att flyga ska inte bedömas vara något riskfyllt och för att säkerställa säkerhetssynen är det betydelsefullt att ta reda på om människor uppfattar teknikens framgång som positiv. Syftet är att ta reda på människans uppfattning och inställning till automatiserade flygplan. Frågeställningen besvaras genom en empirisk studie där först en noggrann bakgrundsundersökning gjorts för att få fram information om var automatiserade flygplan befinner sig gällande dess utveckling och framgång. Med hjälp av en gedigen bakgrund har en kvantitativ enkät undersökning genomförts som på bästa sätt ger svar på frågeställningen om automatiserade flygplan anses vara ett säkert transportmedel. Majoriteten av respondenterna, 86,9%, anser det vara viktigt eller väldigt viktigt att det finns en pilot som styr flygplanet. Automatiserade fraktflygplan är det som ligger närmast i framtiden jämfört med civila flygplan. Det har framförts att ökad förståelse om teknik ger en ökad tillit till AI och ju mer tillit till AI desto större chans till att skapa en bättre trygghetskänsla till automatiserade flygplan. Det kan även konkluderas att pilotlösa flygplan som styrs från kontrollrum på marken inte bör agera som en övergång till helt automatiserade flygplan. Istället föredras en stegvis automatisering i form av en digital andrepilot som hjälpmedel. Det måste dessutom skapas en större medvetenhet i hur flygplanen opererar för att få passagerare mottagbara till vidare utveckling. Slutligen måste inte automatiserade flygplan vara helt perfekta och eftersträva en omöjlig standard. / Automatic flight systems and control presentation units are constantly being developed in aviation technology. Avionic companies create computerized systems that will be able to automate additional aspects of the operations that take place in the cockpit. Flying should not be judged to be somewhat risky and to ensure safety, it is important to find out whether people perceive the technology's success as positive. The purpose is to find out about the people’s perception and attitude towards automated aircraft. The question is answered through an empirical study in which a thorough background study was first made to obtain information about where automated aircraft are located in relation to its development and success. With the help of a solid background, a quantitative questionnaire survey has been conducted that best answers the question of whether automated aircraft are considered a safe means of transport. The majority of respondents, 86.9%, consider it important or very important that there is a pilot who controls the aircraft. Automated cargo aircraft are the closest in the future compared to civil aircraft. It has been argued that increased understanding of technology gives increased confidence in AI and the more confidence in AI the greater the chance of creating a better sense of security for automated aircraft. It can also be concluded that pilotless aircraft controlled from control rooms on the ground should not act as a transition to fully automated aircraft. Instead, a step-by-step automation in the form of a digital second pilot is preferred. In addition, a greater awareness must be created in how the aircraft operate to get passengers susceptible to further development. Finally, automated aircraft need not be perfectly perfect and strive for an impossible standard.

Intelligent Body Monitoring / Övervakning av mänskliga rörelser

Norman, Rikard January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this project was to make a shirt with three embedded IMU sensors (Inertial Measurement Unit) that can measure a person’s movements throughout an entire workday. This can provide information about a person’s daily routine movements and aid in finding activities which can lead to work-related injuries in order to prevent them. The objective was hence to construct a sensor fusion framework that could retrieve the measurements from these three sensors and to create an estimate of the human body orientation and to estimate the angular movements of the arms. This was done using an extended Kalman filter which uses the accelerometer and magnetometer values to retrieve the direction of gravity and north respectively, thus providing a coordinate system that can be trusted in the long term. Since this method is sensitive to quick movements and magnetic disturbance, gyroscope measurements were used to help pick up quick movements. The gyroscope measurements need to be integrated in order to get the angle, which means that we get accumulated errors. This problem is reduced by the fact that we retrieve a correct long-term reference without accumulated errors from the accelerometer and magnetometer measurements. The Kalman filter estimates three quaternions describing the orientation of the upper body and the two arms. These quaternions were then translated into Euler angles in order to get a meaningful description of the orientations. The measurements were stored on a memory card or broadcast on both the local net and the Internet. These data were either used offline in Matlab or shown in real-time in the program Unity 3D. In the latter case the user could see that a movement gives rise to a corresponding movement on a skeleton model on the screen.

Design Probes : A Good Method for Designing with Children

Rönnberg, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Design probes are a User-centered Design method with focus on close involvement of users in design. This is done by creating a package of artefacts that participants can complete wherever and whenever the individual sees fit. Further, children are a user group that differentiate from other user groups having other needs and attributes within design. This study investigated how design probes motivate children in the design process. A focus of the study is also to compare the applicability of thematic and non-thematic design probes with children.  The study was conducted with a qualitative approach where the empirical data was in the shape of four different design probes that were created and tested by students from Linköping University from the program of Design and Product Development. The tests they carried out were performed on children at the age of 10 to 13. Data analysis were made through coding and thematic analysis.  The study concludes that design probes is an adequate method for designing with children. Although, there are additional challenges in terms of playfulness, motivation, language, rewards, time-sense, creativity, influences and reflection. If design probes with children are managed correctly, they will yield results of great value to design. Also, having a theme in the design probe might help to motivate children. Although, themes are no guarantee for success since it will not solve challenges that are independent of themes. Keywords: Design probe, children, designing with children, User-centered Design, motivation

Designing Communication for Dialogue and Engagement : The Volkswagen Emission Scandal in Sweden

Bradson, Christopher, Amanuel, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Title: Designing Communication for Dialogue and Engagement Authors: Christopher Bradson & Sofia Amanuel Level: Master Thesis, 30p  Keywords: Dialogue, Communication Design, Stakeholder engagement, Stakeholder communication, CSR communication.  Background: The changed attitudes about the role of business in today's contemporary society alongside with globalization and the evolved media-information environment has enlarged the pressures on businesses in regards to how they should pursue profitability, while responding to demands about accountability that is motivated beyond financial gain. There is a need for a better understanding about communication choices and how these are perceived by intended stakeholders, in order to accelerate effective communication that initiates stakeholder engagement. Research Questions:(1)How is Volkswagens communication design constructed in creating dialogue and engagement after a corporate scandal with its customers? (2)How does Swedish Volkswagen customers, in attribute of being external stakeholders, perceive the opportunities for engagement based on the four selected Volkswagen tools? What challenges does Volkswagen encounter when trying to create dialogue through these tools? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine how Volkswagen is creating opportunities for stakeholder dialogue and engagement through the theoretical perspective of communication design. By engagement we mean one-way or two-way communication, where stakeholders seek out or take part of communicative messages provided by the organisation.The study aims to examine how Volkswagen has designed their communication efforts, after being subjected to a global corporate scandal which proposed public demands for accountability and responsibility. Theoretical Framework: The framework consists of Communication theories, giving considerable space to literature from theorists Aakhus and Bzdak whom developed the framework for communication design used in this study. Additionally, the framework includes a smaller selection of CSR, Public Relation, and Media research focusing on stakeholder engagement.  Method: We have taken two parallel methodological pathways. The first method involved applying for elements provided by Aakhus and Bzdak framework for reconstructive design, while doing a thematic analysis on the media texts provided by the tools. The second research question was examined by conducting semi-structured interviews with Swedish Volkswagen stakeholders in order to gain a deeper understanding if Volkswagens communicative instruments were enabling engagement.   Findings & Conclusions: Our study concludes that Volkswagen is showcasing constructs in their design that aims to reduce scepticism among stakeholders, addressing important issues for stakeholders, providing solutions and articulating progress in multi-stake issues. Wealso conclude that Volkswagens communication messages are conveyed in a calculated way, with a persuasive nature to create an identity of being a ‘corporate good citizen’.There is a complexity in terms of diminishing scepticism, since stakeholders are being more demanding in today's society, particularly after a corporate scandal such as the one Volkswagen has been subjected to. Stakeholders are becoming more aware that companies are dictating the dialogic discourse, which affects the communication design in what motives a company incorporates in their communication. We conclude that customers felt that the opportunities to engage with the company was fairly low, and highly depended on how they where processing the nature of the messages (intrinsic/extrinsic),as well as how they defined engagement from personal beliefs and values.

Not (B)interested? Using Persuasive Technology to Promote Sustainable Household Recycling Behaviour : An Identification and Implementation of Key Elements with Focus on Young Adults in Sweden

Bremer, Christina January 2018 (has links)
As waste is separated at the source, the success of the Swedish recycling system largely depends on an active participation of households. However, especially young people were found to not consistently follow their local recycling schemes. A recent and promising approach to tackle such suboptimal household recycling behaviour (HRB) is the use of persuasive technology. To understand and further its context-specific potential, this research aims to explore the key elements of persuasive technology which aspires to promote sustainable household recycling behaviour among adults in Sweden. The chosen methodology is research through design. Based on the results of a literature review and online survey among target users (N=50), a mobile phone application was designed in an iterative manner. Through these activities, the following key elements were established: (1) easy access to information about optimal household recycling behaviour, (2) employment of several motivational strategies, (3) recognition of differences between local recycling schemes, (4) regard of users as equals and (5) use of a readily accessible technology channel. The impact of these elements depends on the users’ ability to carry out the target behaviour and therefore on a well-functioning recycling system. The technological format of persuasive technology interventions was found to spark the target users’ curiosity. Using this as a ‘carrot’, a well-designed content is argued to encourage repeated use and a reflection process to help break unsustainable household recycling habits. / Eftersom avfall separeras vid dess källa, beror Sveriges återvinningssystems framgång i stor utsträckning på aktivt deltagande hushåll. Studier har visat att särskilt unga inte följer lokala återvinningsrutiner på ett konsekvent sätt. Ett nytt och lovande tillvägagångssätt för att hantera detta suboptimala hushållsåtervinningsbeteende (English: household recycling behaviour (HRB)) är användningen av övertygande teknik. Syftet med denna studie är att utforska de viktigaste delarna av övertygande teknik som strävar till att främja ett hållbart hushållsåtervinningsbeteende hos vuxna i Sverige. Den valda metodiken är forskningsdriven design. Baserat på resultat från en litteraturstudie samt en online enkätundersökning fokuserad på målgruppen unga (N=50), designades en mobilapplikation genom ett iterativt tillvägagångssätt. Studien identifierade följande nyckelelement för en övertygande design i domänen: (1) Lättillgänglig information angående optimalt hushållsåtervinningsbeteende, (2) Användning av flera motivationsstrategier, (3) Identifiering av skillnader mellan lokala återvinningsrutiner, (4) Betrakta användare som jämställda och (5) Användning av lättillgänglig teknikkanal. Effekterna av dessa element är beroende av att användarna även har möjlighet att utföra den önskade sopsorteringen, och därför på ett välfungerande återvinningssystem. Designlösningen att använda sig av övertygande teknik i form av en app visade sig väcka målanvändarnas nyfikenhet. Studien visar att en väldesignad app kan fungera som en 'morot' för att uppmuntra användning över en längre tid, och skapa en reflektionsprocess som kan bryta ohållbara återvinningsvanor.

Should I stay or should I go? : Developing the Narrative model as a tool for game design

Mörtsell, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
In 2015, the Narrative model was created as a result of a study exploring how episodic games keep player’s interests through combining narrative and gameplay. In this thesis, the Narrative model is used as a framework for designing a language game for children to see whether that makes players more inclined to keep playing than a game not designed based on the model. Two games were created and evaluated in a within subject controlled experiment. Player enjoyment was measured by using GameFlow as a basis for interview questions and Likert scales. The results indicated that the game based on the model more successfully achieved GameFlow than the game that was not. As such, it was concluded that the model can be used as a tool for game design to increase the desire to keep playing a game, but that it needs further study to be validated.

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