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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Från information till interaktion : En studie om hur en visualiserad digital patientjournal kan påverka patientkonsultationen. / From Information to Interaction : A study of how visualization of patient data in the patient’s journal can affect the consultation.

Eurenius, Kerstin January 2015 (has links)
Swedish healthcare are in need of radical changes to meet the requirements from both the government and the patients to create organisational working methods that better support the patients through their healthcare processes. Digitalization of patient data has been going on for decades in order to increase participation and understanding among patients in their care processes. However, availability of information does not ensure understanding. Therefore, resources should be devoted to create conditions to enable participation. The purpose of this study is to explore how visualization of patient data in the patient’s journal can affect the consultation in the encounter between the doctor and the patient. Qualitative interviews were conducted with both patients and doctors. The study suggests that a visualized digital journal could represent a educational tool and contribute to a greater understanding between the patient and the doctor, required that it’s features correspond rather comlex visualization. According to this study, greater understanding in the patient would reasonably generate more and different questions than today, which would not necessarily improve the efficiency in the konsultation. According to the study, greater understanding in the patient would reasonably generate more and different questions than today, which would not necessarily improve the efficiency in the konsultation. Furthermore, a visualized patient's journal may influence the salutogenic effect in the care process why demands regarding the way the resource should be used has to be established.

Upplevelsen av flimmer från ljusreglerade filament LED-ljuskällor / The experience of flicker from light-regulated filament LED light sources

Karlsson, Eric, Nyström, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie har genomförts i form av en undersökning med 25 respondenter. Arbetet harsyftat till att fackmän inom belysningsbranschen samt privatpersoner och intressenter ska fåen indikation på hur människan uppfattar ljuset från fasdimrade LED-ljuskällor i privata hem.Studien har studerat två frågeställningar gällande människans upplevelse av flimmer blandannat hur känslig människan är för flimmer hos en ljusreglerad LED-ljuskälla innan detuppfattas som obekvämt. Vetenskaplig litteratur har använts för att få en förståelse och djuparekunskap kring problematiken gällande människans hälsopåverkan vid exponering av flimmer,samt vilka riktlinjer och möjliga tillvägagångssätt som finns för att lösa denna problematik. Föratt ta reda på hur väl människan uppfattar flimmer samt hur upplevelsen av obekvämlighetenpåverkas har en enkät tagits fram till studien. Undersökningen konstaterar att människoruppfattar flimmer i olika mängd, trots frekvenser över 90Hertz (Hz). Genom data från digitalamätningar och inhämtad empiri från arbetets undersökningsstudie kan man konstatera att detinte enbart är frekvensnivån som påverkar människans uppfattning av flimmer, utan ävenljuskällans andel flimmerprocent. Ett samband mellan upplevd obekvämlighet och flimmer kananas, men inte fastslås som ett tydligt resultat. Arbetet avgränsades genom att undersökningenenbart utfördes under en kortare period med ett färre antal respondenter. / This study has been carried out in the form of a survey with 25 respondents. The work has aimedto give professionals and individuals an indication of how people perceive the light from phasedimmedLED light sources in private homes. The study has investigated two issues regardingthe human experience of flicker, and how sensitive human beings are to flicker from a phasedimmedLED light source before it will be perceived as inconvenient. Scientific literature hasbeen reviewed to gain an understanding and deeper knowledge about the impact of flicker onhuman health, and which guidelines and possible approaches there are to solve the problem. Asurvey has been developed to find out if flicker is perceived by humans, and how the perceptionof inconvenience is experienced. The study found out that people perceive flicker differently,despite measured frequencies above 90 Hertz (Hz). Through data from digital measurementsand acquired empirical evidence from the study’s results, it is not only the frequency level thataffects humans perception of flicker, but also the percentage of light emitted from the lightsource. A correlation between perceived inconvenience and flicker can be noted, but notdetermined as a clear result. The work was limited by only investigating a small population ofrespondents over a short period of time.

Designing for Usable Privacy and Transparency in Digital Transactions / Designing for Usable Privacy and Transparency in Digital Transactions : Exploring and enhancing the usability and user experience aspects of selected privacy and transparency technologies

Angulo, Julio January 2015 (has links)
People engage with multiple online services and carry out a range of different digital transactions with these services. Registering an account, sharing content in social networks, or requesting products or services online are a few examples of such digital transactions. With every transaction, people take decisions and make disclosures of personal data. Despite the possible benefits of collecting data about a person or a group of people, massive collection and aggregation of personal data carries a series of privacy and security implications which can ultimately result in a threat to people's dignity, their finances, and many other aspects of their lives. For this reason, privacy and transparency enhancing technologies are being developed to help people protect their privacy and personal data online. However, some of these technologies are usually hard to understand, difficult to use, and get in the way of people's momentary goals. The objective of this thesis is to explore, and iteratively improve, the usability and user experience provided by novel privacy and transparency technologies. To this end, it compiles a series of case studies that address identified issues of usable privacy and transparency at four stages of a digital transaction, namely the information, agreement, fulfilment and after-sales stages. These studies contribute with a better understanding of the human-factors and design requirements that are necessary for creating user-friendly tools that can help people to protect their privacy and to control their personal information on the Internet. / People engage with multiple online services and carry out a range of different digital transactions with these services. Registering an account, sharing content in social networks, or requesting products or services online are a few examples of such digital transactions. With every transaction, people take decisions and make disclosures of personal data. Despite the possible benefits of collecting data about a person or a group of people, massive collection and aggregation of personal data carries a series of privacy and security implications which can ultimately result in a threat to people's dignity, their finances, and many other aspects of their lives. For this reason, privacy and transparency enhancing technologies are being developed to help people protect their privacy and personal data online. However, some of these technologies are usually hard to understand, difficult to use, and get in the way of people's momentary goals. The objective of this thesis is to explore, and iteratively improve, the usability and user experience provided by novel privacy and transparency technologies. To this end, it compiles a series of case studies that address identified issues of usable privacy and transparency at four stages of a digital transaction, namely the information, agreement, fulfilment and after-sales stages. These studies contribute with a better understanding of the human-factors and design requirements that are necessary for creating user-friendly tools that can help people to protect their privacy and to control their personal information on the Internet.

Knowing and the art of IT management : an inquiry into work practices in one-stop shops

Eriksén, Sara January 1998 (has links)
New information technology is developing faster than the models, metaphors and methods in use for conceptualizing the sharing and managing of information in organizations, in communities and in society in general. The way we utilize information technology today does not seem to succeed in supporting the everyday work practices through which organizations accomplish their work. In this PhD dissertation, the results of a research project about skill, cooperation and computer support in public service one-stop shops are presented and discussed. Based on these results, alternative metaphors are presented for understanding the constructive aspects of front office work practices, One hypothesis is, that there is added value in not only being aware of multiperspectivity as an issue, but of making use of it in design. A problem here is that many traditional research methods, as well as most methods for systems development, are designed to diminish rather than make use of ambiguity and diversity. The metaphor of inverted indexicality of language is introduced in order to conceptualize the construction of meaning in action. New ways of conceptualizing IT management on the shop floor - including design issues - are proposed. Metaphors like the art of IT management, gardening and caring for are indicative of the issues at stake. / <p>This book is for sale! The Hardcopy-version of this thesis is available for 200 SEK, not including postage. Please contact the author if you are interested! mailto:sara.eriksen@bth.se</p>

Appar i matematikundervisningen : En intervjustudie om lärares användning av appar i matematikundervisningen / To use apps in mathematics education : An interview study of teachers’ choice and use of apps in mathematics education An interview study of teachers’ choice and use of apps in mathematics education

Gunnarsdotter, Ylva January 2017 (has links)
I skolans matematikundervisning inkluderas ibland surfplattor och appar. En app är ett dataprogram som används på surfplattor. Syftet med denna studie är att bilda kunskap om hur lärare i årskurs 1–3 undervisar matematik med hjälp av olika appar. Studien genomfördes genom kvalitativa intervjuer med sex lärare som arbetar kontinuerligt med appar i matematikundervisningen. Resultatet visar att om appar ska användas i undervisningen bör det finnas ett tydligt mål och ett syfte med användandet, samt att det ska kunna kopplas till läroplanen och matematikboken. Vidare framkommer att användandet av appar sker på olika sätt och oftast med flera syften. Främst beskrivs appar som ett kompletterande verktyg och som en tillgång för att introducera ett centralt innehåll. Lärarnas syften med användandet var bland annat för mängdträning, individualisering eller för att skapa en högre måluppfyllelse. Andra syften med att använda appar var tidsbesparing, höjd motivation, direkt återkoppling, eller för bedömning och uppföljning. Lärarna använde olika appar i sin undervisning och det framkom vid intervjuerna att urvalet gjordes på tre olika sätt: Genom ett fritt val, via en IKT-ansvarig på skolorna eller via kommunens IT- avdelning. / Tablets and apps are more and more often used in math teaching. An app is a software program used for tablet computers. The purpose of this study is to create knowledge about how teachers in classes 1–3 teach math with help of different apps. The study was made through qualitative interviews with six teachers who work continuously with applications in math teaching. The result shows that if apps are to be used in teaching there should be a clear goal and purpose of the use. It should also be possible to relate to the curriculum and the course book. Furthermore, the study reveals that there are different ways and purposes of using apps. The apps are mainly described as complementary tools and as an asset in order to introduce a mathematical area. The teachers’ purposes were, for example, to increase the amount of practice, individualization, or to create a higher accomplishment rate. Other purposes of using apps were to produce direct feedback, increase student motivation, or for evaluation and follow-up. The selections of apps which were used for teaching varied and were chosen in three different ways; through free choice, via an ICT responsible, or via an IT office.

Train more people to save more lives : Teaching Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in compulsory schools in Sweden

Olgac, Selvi January 2020 (has links)
Globally, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) occurs ranging between 20 to 140 per 100 000 people, with only 2-11% surviving. Immediate bystanders, i.e. a person close to the victim, performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) have a vital role to play in the chain of survival from OHCA. Today CPR training takes place in many different contexts as workplaces and schools, but there is still a lack of knowledge concerning CPR in society at large. The overarching aim for this thesis is to find new ways of delivering CPR in order to train more laypeople and save more lives. By initially exploring CPR training in both workplaces and compulsory schools in Sweden, my final design question for this thesis has been: How might we empower the teachers to enable them to carry out CPR training at school? Ethnographic fieldwork both exploring CPR training in workplaces and schools including interviews with mainly instructors, teachers, and laypeople as well as participatory observations in CPR training, have been carried out. In addition, the fieldwork included being a participant in a CPR training course myself. The results from my research process were clustered into insights and potential opportunity areas. Departing from these insights a decision was made to continue the thesis with CPR training in schools as reaching out to children and young people already at school can open the path for more long-term sustainable knowledge. Despite CPR training being core content from year 7 in compulsory schools in Sweden, it is not carried out in a majority of them. My research shows that lack of CPR material as well as an unclear syllabus in Physical Education and Health in how to involve CPR in your teaching, are some of the main obstacles for teachers and reasons for why CPR training is not being carried out in every school today. Potential future scenarios were explored through creative workshops and idea sessions with the users and main stakeholders. The explorations led to focusing on the teachers, as they have a vital role in being the bridge between the CPR knowledge and the pupils. My final proposal is CiPRA: a collaborative CPR education platform for teachers and schools, with the aim to increase the knowledge and the conditions for teachers to carry out CPR training, starting already from six years of age. The structure of the platform follows the years of the Swedish school system and the recommended steps fromThe Swedish Resuscitation Council for CPR training and first aid. The platform enables teachers to plan and prepare CPR training, both long a short term irrespective of previous experience. The platform is based on three main parts; knowledge contributions from teachers, teaching content both through pre-made lessons and an idea bank as well as a shared booking system for practical CPR material. Together these parts unify in an individual lesson planning for every teacher. In my final design proposal, it has been important to emphasise the main insights as well as making sure that every involved stakeholder is represented.

Konstnärliga uttrycksformer i socialt arbete: En väg till empowerment?

Abu Jacobsson, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Abu Jacobsson, S. Artistic expression in social work. A road to empowerment? Degree project in social work 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö University: Faculty of Health and Society, Department of social work, 2018.One of the main tasks of social work is to contribute to the empowerment of individuals and groups, and by doing so, also promoting values such as democracy, participation, equality and liberation of resources. During the last decades the development of social work has been characterized by processes of rationalization and higher demands on scientific evidence and evaluation. Social workers use standardized models and forms in the interaction with individuals, creating clients and needs that suit the system. From a critical perspective this type of rationalized practices contribute less to empowerment and liberation of resources, and more to social stratification, limitation and marginalization of those who do not “fit in”.This qualitative study aims at highlighting the potential of artistic expression in social work in the quest to promote empowerment at individual, group and community level. The results show that artistic expression, offering opportunities of reflecting human diversity, promote empowerment of individuals and groups in various ways, and contributes to processes of participation, social inclusion and democracy.Keywords: Artistic expression, empowerment, human development, participation, social inclusion, social justice, social work.

Post-Truth Worlds and ICT3D : Comparing two approaches to the thematic content analysis of meta-deliberation between legislators and digital platforms in the US, the UK and Brazil

Monteiro, Raero January 2021 (has links)
As a consequence of the burgeoning awareness about the degree to which communication and information technologies transformed democratic deliberation, political struggles over disinformation ensued in a number of countries. This master’s Degree Project focuses on the politics of falsehood to answer the following question: to which degree does the theory on post-truth worlds (PTW) explain the main themes articulated by legislators and platform representatives at parliamentary hearings about disinformation in comparison to a MCD-inspired perspective defined as ICT3D? The theoretical framework explains the main concepts in PTW (Farkas &amp; Shou, 2020) and ICT3D, which is defined by this DP as the contentious field concerning the mediation of collective affairs by the intersection of deliberation systems, data politics and development dimensions within and across societies worldwide. The empirical section presents a thematic content analysis of three study cases that are used to compare both approaches, consisting of 15 parliamentary inquiries of digital platforms in the United States, the United Kingdom and Brazil within the context of right-wing ruling between 2017 and 2020. The results confirm the relevance of PTW as an interpretative key to the meta-deliberation between legislators and platform representatives, but also identify many contents that either go beyond the scope of PTW or present nuances and tensions within PTW-related codes. The findings also provide a number of conclusions on the potential of ICT3D as a theoretical approach: the contentious intertwining of data politics, deliberative systems and development dimensions was demonstrated to be present in meta-deliberation; the wide array of development dimensions raised in all cases shows the pertinence of ICT3D to Comdev; and ICT3D has also proven to be of value in demonstrating the absence of certain themes and contents that should be expected in meta-deliberation from a critical perspective. The discussion elaborates on the explanatory potential and limits of PTW and ICT3D, concluding that they operate at different levels: PTW are specific discursive formations - among others - that articulate themes and contents about ICT3D.

"Daglig dator" : Combating computer anxiety through daily online exercises

Johansson Åhed, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
It’s well known that the contemporary rapid development of technology has created a digital divide between those who adopt and use the emerging digital services, and those who don’t. The ones who fail to adapt to the new digital society, is at great risk of being completely excluded from it, which strips away both social, health related and economical opportunities. These people are often seniors, and multiple factors weigh in on their non-participation. One of the more common factors are technology relates stress, and in extension, computer anxiety. While there exists literature on how to reduce computer anxiety, it’s often linked to physical training courses that the user can sign up for. The purpose of this study is to explore a completely digital solution, based upon the loose principles identified by Dos Santos and Santana (2018). This is done through the creation and evaluation of a senior-oriented website, that offers the user daily exercises in basic computer management, knowledge, and safety, with the goal of reducing computer anxiety. The results show both that the principles indeed can be used as design guidelines, and that my design has potential, although some adjustments have to be made.

Är vi som Sisyfos? : Vad Camus filosofi om det absurda säger oss om vår mänskliga existens / Are we like Sisyphus? : What Camus philosophy of the absurd tells us about our human existence

Schlottau Eckerström, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
This essay is an attempt to understand what Albert Camus philosophy of the absurd entails, using the figure of Sisyphus in The myth of Sisyphus as a reference. We all face the absurd: the discordance that results from the confrontation of the human longing for the absolute with the worlds non-absolute character. Camus illustrates this condition with Sisyphus among other “absurd heroes”. But what does he want to tell us about our existence with this metaphor? Is life a punishment? Or is it completely indifferent as Sisyphus improbable happiness might indicate? And how can Sisyphus represent us although he is not mortal in the original myth? In order to answer these questions, I investigate the following aspects of the absurd in this essay: what it tells us about the human condition or even the human nature; if it entails a life in indifference; how it is related to finitude; and finally in which sense Sisyphus is an adequate analogy for our existence. My analysis is a combination of an in-depth study of Camus book and a critical discussion of the commentaries of Robert C. Solomon, Arnaud Corbic, and Avi Sagi on The myth of Sisyphus. I conclude that the image of Sisyphus contains some inconsistencies, but that its main goal is to illustrate the constant act of balance, the conscious effort that never reaches its goal which life is for Camus. Such a life does however not need to be dark or indifferent, but rather on the contrary is an authentic life in knowledge of one’s boundaries and possibilities, a life where finitude highlights the value of what it restrains, a life worth living despite its difficulties. While arguing for this reading of Camus, I also attempt to show how this philosophy of the absurd already contains key elements of an ethical position which according to a common view on Camus only appears in his later works.

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