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Representaciones sobre la maternidad, características y posibilidades a partir del análisis de la obra “Mi madre y yo” de Christian BendayánTavolara Gembs, Josephine Marie 02 September 2017 (has links)
Esta tesis analiza el lienzo Mi madre y yo que plantea una forma específica de
representar la maternidad, lo cual nos ha permitido sospechar que existen múltiples formas de representarla. Esto en sí mismo, responde críticamente a aquella posición esencialista que defiende una sola representación de la maternidad. Mientras el discurso hegemónico propone una sola representación de la maternidad basándose en la naturalización de la diferencia sexual, nosotros nos hemos servido de los aportes de Foucault para observar que dicha naturalización invisibiliza otras formas de representar la maternidad, por lo cual sostenemos que la representación de la maternidad del discurso hegemónico depende más bien de prácticas y relaciones de poder que han sido invisibilizadas a través de dicha naturalización. En este lienzo, los cuerpos ocupan un lugar protagónico, y desde los aportes de Elizabeth Grosz y Lucy Lippard podemos leer al cuerpo como una categoría política que tiene todo el poder que necesita para interpelar explicaciones racionalistas, naturalistas o biológicas deterministas a favor de procesos corpopsico-y socio libidinales, que son mas culturales que naturales. Así mismo, los aportes de Norma Fuller, Elizabeth Badinter y Robert Connell, nos han permitido entender que la representación de la maternidad es una categoría relacional, por lo cual la hemos contrapuesto a la categoría de la masculinidad hegemónica. Consiguientemente, los aportes de Freud nos han permitido tomar consciencia de una angustia masculina que surge en los varones al confrontarse con su carácter bisexual. Opinamos que dicha ansiedad está ligada a la
representación de la maternidad por que concibe a la diferencia sexual a partir de
una oposición jerárquica entre los sexos que es característica del discurso
hegemónico. Hemos analizado los elementos de la obra a partir de categorías psico analíticas, postcoloniales y estéticas a fin de esclarecer la importancia de dichos elementos en relación a la representación de la maternidad. El fondo de la obra ha sido analizado desde la categoría psico analítica freudiana de la madre de la cloaca,
con el fin de evidenciar el repudio hacia lo femenino. El cuadro del florero que aparece en la representación de la maternidad de Christian Bendayán ha sido 3
interpretado como un símbolo de la pintura de bodegón que, entendido desde
una perspectiva feminista y post colonial a través de los aportes de María Lugones, Oyéronké Oyewùmí y Griselda Pollock visibilizan la segregación de las mujeres en las artes entre los siglos XVI y XVIII a nivel institucional, y, por último, hemos debatido la presencia del anillo matrimonial cuestionando tanto su materialidad simbólica, como los fundamentos del contrato social y sexual desde las perspectivas de Gayle Rubin y Carol Pateman. Concluimos este análisis mostrando cómo el artista utiliza estrategias “antiestéticas” para socavar sistemas hegemónicos. Palabras claves: representación de la maternidad, masculinidad hegemónica, diferencia sexual, bisexualidad, Christian Bendayán, “Mi madre y yo”. / This thesis analyzes the painting “Mi madre y yo” (My mother and I) which is a
work of art which uniquely displays motherhood. This allows us to suspect that
there are multiple ways of representing motherhood which is in itself a way to
respond critically to an essentialist position that considers only one-way of
representing maternity. While the hegemonic discourse proposes only one
representation of maternity based on the naturalization of sexual difference, we
have used Foucault’s contributions to observe that this naturalization actually
blinds us from conceiving other ways of representing maternity. We rather hold
a view by which the hegemonic discourse’s representation of motherhood
depends on practices and relations of power that have been naturalized
In this painting, bodies occupy a prominent place, and from Elizabeth Grosz’s
and Lucy Lippard’s contributions we can read the body as a political category
which has all the power it needs to question rationalist, naturalist, or biological
determinist explanations in favor of corporeal, psychological and socio libidinal
processes which are more cultural than natural. As well, the contributions of
Norma Fuller, Elizabeth Badinter and Robert Connell, have allowed us to
oppose the category of hegemonic masculinity to the representation of maternity
understanding it as a relational category. Consequently, Freud’s contributions
have made us aware of a male anxiety that appears when he has to deal with its
bisexual character. We believe that this anxiety is linked to the representation of
motherhood because its way of conceiving sexual difference is characteristic of a
hegemonic discourse that is based on a hierarchical opposition between sexes.
We have analyzed the elements of the picture from psychoanalytical, post
colonial and esthetic categories in order to clarify the importance of these
elements in relation to the representation of motherhood. The background of
the painting has been analyzed from a Freudian psychoanalytic theory called the
cloaca mother to evoke a rejection towards the feminine. The painting of the
flowerpot in Christian Bendayan’s representation of motherhood has been
approached from a feminist and postcolonial perspective through the
contributions of authors like María Lugones, Oyéronké Oyewùmí and Griselda
Pollock to show that the still life genre can be understood as part of an
institutional segregation towards women in the arts between the xvi and xviii
centuries. And finally, we have debated the presence of the matrimonial ring in
its symbolic materiality and from the foundations set by Gail Rubin and Carol
Pateman in relation to the matrimonial social and sexual contract.
We have concluded this analysis by showing how the artist uses anti esthetic
strategies to undermine hegemonic systems.
Key words: Representation of motherhood, hegemonic masculinity, sexual
difference, bisexuality, Christian Bendayán, “Mi mother and I”.
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Dumais, Bieler, Labrosse et Cie: les Canadiens français dans les forces spéciales britanniques lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale (1939-1945)Tremblay, Audrey 05 1900 (has links)
Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la Grande-Bretagne tente de diviser les forces allemandes et de nuire à leur effort de guerre en envoyant des agents dans les pays conquis en Europe et en Asie. Ces agents sont chargés de rapatrier les soldats alliés, de saboter les lignes de communication ennemies ou encore de coordonner la Résistance. Parmi tous les agents parachutés se trouvent une quarantaine de Canadiens recrutés pour leur connaissance du français et envoyés infiltrer la France. L’étude suivante fait état de leur parcours dans les forces spéciales britanniques, de l’importance que prend le caractère francophone des agents, mais surtout de la collaboration entre Londres et Ottawa entourant leur prêt. Comment le Canada soutient-il la Grande-Bretagne dans ses opérations derrière les lignes ennemies? Quel rôle les agents canadiens y occupent-ils? Comment sont-ils perçus par les Britanniques?
Grâce aux archives militaires canadiennes et britanniques, particulièrement les correspondances entre les deux pays au sujet des agents et les dossiers militaires des agents, nous explorons la participation canadienne aux forces spéciales britanniques, plus précisément dans le Special Operations Executive et le MI 9. Notre étude s’étend de la création de ces organisations à leur dissolution, de leurs opérations en France à celles en Asie, du recrutement des Canadiens jusqu’à leur retour à la vie civile. Ce mémoire montre que l’expérience et les capacités des agents canadiens acquis en France les rend intéressants auprès des opérations spéciales britanniques au-delà des capacités linguistiques ayant initialement mené à leur recrutement. / During World War II, Britain attempted to divide German forces and undermine the Nazi war effort by sending agents behind enemy lines in the conquered countries of Europe and Asia. These agents were tasked with repatriating allied soldiers, sabotaging enemy communication lines, and coordinating the resistance movements. Among the agents were around thirty Canadians recruited for their knowledge of French. The following study outlines their journey in the British special forces, highlighting the need of French-speaking agents and how London organize its use of soldiers from its former colony. How does Ottawa support Britain in its operations behind enemy lines? What role do Canadian agents play? How are they perceived by the British?
Through Canadian and British military archives, notably the correspondence between the two countries regarding Canadian agents and the soldier’s military records, we explore Canadian participation in British special forces, specifically in the Special Operations Executive and MI9. This study explores the creation of those organizations to their dissolution, their operations in France to those in Asia, the Canadian agents’ recruitment and their return to civilian life. This paper shows that the experience and capabilities the Canadian agents acquired in France made them interesting to the British special operations beyond the linguistic skills that initially led to their recruitment.
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Integrated Sensing and Communication in Cell-Free Massive MIMO / Integrerad avkänning och kommunikation i cellfri massiv MIMOBehdad, Zinat January 2024 (has links)
Future mobile networks are anticipated to not only enhance communication performance but also facilitate new sensing-based applications. This highlights the essential role of integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) in sixth-generation (6G) and beyond mobile networks. The seamless integration of sensing and communication poses challenges in deployment and resource allocation. Cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) networks, characterized by multiple distributed access points, offer a promising infrastructure for ISAC implementation. However, the effective realization of ISAC necessitates joint design and resource allocation optimization. In this thesis, we study ISAC within cell-free massive MIMO systems, with a particular emphasis on developing power allocation algorithms under various scenarios. In this thesis, we explore two scenarios: utilizing existing communication signals and incorporating additional sensing signals. We propose power allocation algorithms aiming to maximize the sensing performance while meeting communication and power constraints. In addition, we develop two maximum a posteriori ratio test (MAPRT) target detectors under clutter-free and cluttered scenarios. Results indicate that employing additional sensing signals enhances sensing performance, particularly in scenarios where the target has low reflectivity. Moreover, although the clutter-aware detector requires more advanced processing, it leads to better sensing performance. Furthermore, we introduced sensing spectral efficiency (SE) to measure the effect of resource block utilization, highlighting the integration advantages of ISAC over orthogonal resource sharing approaches. In the next part of the thesis, we study the energy efficiency aspects of ISAC in cell-free massive MIMO systems with ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC) users. We propose a power allocation algorithm aiming to maximize energy efficiency of the system while meeting communication and sensing requirements. We conduct a comparative analysis between the proposed power allocation algorithms and a URLLC-only approach which takes into account only URLLC and power requirements. The results reveal that while the URLLC-only algorithm excels in energy efficiency, it is not able to support sensing requirements. Moreover, we study the impact of ISAC on end-to-end (including radio and processing) energy consumption. Particularly, we present giga-operations per second (GOPS) analysis for both communication and sensing tasks. Two optimization problems are formulated and solved to minimize transmission and end-to-end energy through blocklength and power optimization. Results indicate that while end-to-end energy minimization offers substantial energy savings, its efficacy diminishes with sensing integration due to processing energy requirements. / Framtida mobila nätverk förväntas inte bara förbättra kommunikations-prestanda utan även mögliggöra nya applikationer baserade på sensorer. Dettaunderstryker den avgörande rollen för Integrerad avkänning och kommunika-tion (ISAC) i sjätte generationens (6G) och efterföljande mobila nätverk. Densömlösa integrationen av sensorer och kommunikation medför utmaningar iutrullning och resursallokering. Cellfria massiva flerantennsystem (MIMO-nätverk), kännetecknade av flera distribuerade åtkomstpunkter, erbjuder enlovande infrastruktur för implementering av ISAC. Dock kräver den effektivarealiseringen av ISAC samverkande design och optimering av resursallokering.I denna avhandling studerar vi ISAC inom cellfria massiva MIMO-system,med särskild tonvikt på att utveckla effektallokeringsalgoritmer under olikascenarier.Vi utforskar två scenarier: att utnyttja befintliga kommunikationssignaleroch att inkludera ytterligare sensorssignaler. Vi föreslår effektallokeringsalgo-ritmer med målet att maximera sensorsprestandan samtidigt som kommunika-tions och effektbegränsningar uppfylls. Dessutom utvecklar vi två detektorerbaserade på maximum a posteriori ratio test (MAPRT) under störningsfriaoch störda scenarier. Resultaten visar att användning av ytterligare sensors-signaler förbättrar sensorsprestandan, särskilt i scenarier där målet har lågreflektivitet. Dessutom, även om den störkänsliga detektorn kräver mer avan-cerad bearbetning, leder den till bättre sensorsprestanda. Vidare introducerarvi sensorerspektral effektivitet (SE) för att mäta effekten av resursblocksan-vändning och framhäva integrationsfördelarna med ISAC över ortogonala re-sursdelningsmetoder.I den andra delen av avhandlingen studerar vi energieffektivitetsaspek-terna av ISAC i cellfria massiva MIMO-system med användare med ultra-tillförlitlig låg-latens (URLLC) kommunikation. Vi föreslår en effektalloke-ringsalgoritm med syfte att maximera systemets energieffektivitet samtidigtsom kommunikations- och sensorskraven uppfylls. Vi utför en jämförande ana-lys mellan de föreslagna effektallokeringsalgoritmerna och ett URLLC-ensamttillvägagångssätt som tar hänsyn enbart till URLLC- och effektkrav. Resul-taten avslöjar att medan URLLC-ensamma algoritmen utmärker sig i energi-effektivitet, kan den inte stödja sensorskraven. Dessutom studerar vi effektenav ISAC på slut till slut (inklusive radios och bearbetning) energiförbruk-ning. Särskilt presenterar vi giga-operationer per sekund (GOPS) analys förbåde kommunikations- och sensorsuppgifter. Två optimeringsproblem formu-leras och löses för att minimera överförings- och slut till slut energi genomblocklängd- och effektoptimering. Resultaten indikerar att medan slut till slutenergiminimering erbjuder betydande energibesparingar, minskar dess effek-tivitet med sensorintegrationen på grund av bearbetningsenergikrav. / <p>QC 20240513</p>
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Subsystems of Social Innovation in Brazil: The Society of São Paulo as a New Actor in the Education System and InnovationMaldonado-Mariscal, Martha Karina 24 November 2017 (has links)
Neue Verfahren, neue Organisationen oder neue Formen des Denkens sind alles
Arten der Innovation. Trotz einer beschleunigten Verstärkung des Aufwands für
Bildung in Brasilien startend in 2005 sind soziale Innovationen nur in Form von
Bildungsinitiativen von kommunitären und Nichtregierungs-Organisationen (NGO)
weit über das Land verteilt. In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, inwieweit
Bildungsinnovationen in Brasilien auf diese Vernachlässigung durch den Staat
reagieren und welche Akteure Innovationen auf lokaler Ebene unterstützen.
Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird dabei der Rolle der Lehrer in Sozialinnovationen
gewidmet. Durch einen historischem Ansatz wird in dieser Arbeit die Beziehung von
Sozialinnovationen und großen radikalen Umbrüchen, Sozialbewegungen und
Reformen in Brasilien beobachtet. Durch Nutzung von Interviews und Fokusgruppen
werden zwei Fallstudien in São Paulo analysiert: eine an einer Schule am Stadtrand
und eine in einer NGO im Stadtzentrum. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass durch
Innovationen neue Regeln und Verfahren eingeführt werden, die ein Subystem
erzeugen, das die lokalen Machtverhältnisse verändert. Die NGO hat neue
Verbindungen zwischen Schulen, privaten Akteuren, NGOs und der
Kommunalverwaltung hergestellt und mit sozialen Netzwerken basierend auf
Bildung und Kunst gearbeitet. die Schule hat ein neues Modell eingeführt bei dem
Schule und Gemeinschaft zusammen die gemeinsamen Probleme von Unsicherheit
und Bildung lösen. Sozialinnovationen umfassen die dringendsten Probleme in einer
Gemeinschaft, die nicht auf ein Feld beschränkt sein müssen. Diese Forschung trägt
zum besseren Verständnis von Sozialinnovationen, mit Fokus auf Brasilien, in den
Sozialwissenschaften und in der Politikwissenschaft bei. / New methods, new organizations or new forms of thinking are all forms of
innovation. Despite the increased spending on education in Brazil from 2005
onwards, social innovations have only spread in the country in the form of
community participation and non-governmental organization’s initiatives for
education. This study investigates to what extent innovations in education in Brazil
respond to omissions on the part of the state and the drivers that foster innovation
at a local level. Particular attention is devoted to the role of teachers in social
innovation. Through a historical approach this study observes the relationship
between social innovation and major radical changes, social movements and
reforms in Brazil. Drawing on semi-structured interviews and focus groups, two case
studies in São Paulo were analysed: one in a school in the urban periphery of the
city and an NGO in the city centre. The findings suggest that innovations introduce
new rules and practices, creating a subsystem which modifies local relations of
power. The NGO established new relations between schools, private actors, NGOs
and local government and worked with social networks through education and art.
The school implemented a new model that brought the school and community
together to solve common problems of insecurity and education. Social innovations
embrace the most urgent needs in a community, which are not limited to one field.
This research contributes to sociology and political science for a better
understanding of social innovations and community participation, specifically in the
Brazilian context.
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Authoritarian Learning during crisis: Egypt & Morocco in the Arab Uprisings / An explorative study into pathways of authoritarian learning in Morocco and Egypt during 2011Saliba, Ilyas 12 December 2024 (has links)
Die Dissertation untersucht, wie Bedingungen und Dynamiken auf der Makro-, Meso- und Mikroebene autoritäres Lernen während Krisen beeinflussen. Die Studie verfolgt einen Mehrebenenansatz, der Informationen und Daten auf drei Ebenen in einem analytischen Rahmen und einem Forschungsdesign kombiniert, das sich auf mehrere Methoden stützt. Auf der strukturellen Makroebene findet Analyse, dass die Bedingungen für autoritäres Lernen in Ägypten aufgrund der Sequenz der Protestdiffusion während der arabischen Aufstände weniger förderlich waren als in Marokko. Auf der Mesoebene stürzte die tägliche Mobilisierung das ägyptische Regime innerhalb weniger Tage in eine existenzielle Krise, während in Marokko die wöchentlichen Proteste weniger Druck auf den Palast ausübten und dadurch Regimeeliten ermöglichten, zu lernen. Auf der Mikroebene zeigt die Studie, dass die ägyptischen Eliten unter Mubarak die Parallelen zwischen ihrer Situation und den Entwicklungen in Tunesien unterschätzt haben. Dies führte dazu, dass die ägyptischen Eliten die Bedrohung durch die Proteste unterschätzten. In Marokko haben sich die Wahrnehmungen der Regimeeliten im Laufe der Zeit verändert. Während die Proteste in Tunesien und Ägypten, nicht besonders relevant schienen, änderte sich diese Wahrnehmung, als die Proteste auf Monarchien wie Bahrain und Jordanien übergriffen. Die Anerkennung der Parallelen zwischen der eigenen Situation und der von Regimen, die bereits von den Protesten betroffen waren ermöglichte autoritäres Lernen in Marokko. Die geringe Bedrohungswahrnehmung der ägyptischen Regimeeliten führte dazu, dass Sie die Gefahr falsch einschätzten. Die Studie entwickelt einen analytischen Rahmen und einen methodischen Ansatz zur Untersuchung von autoritärem Lernen in Krisen, der empirisch zwei Fallstudien zu Ägypten und Marokko während der arabischen Aufstände untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen vielversprechende neue Wege für die Erforschung autoritären Lernens in der Krise aufzeigen. / This study explores how conditions on the macro-, meso- and micro- levels affect authoritarian learning during crisis. It combines data from three levels into a multi-level analytical framework and research design relying on various methods of data collection. On the macro-level, the study finds that the sequence of protest diffusion during the Arab Uprisings in Egypt were much less conducive to authoritarian learning than those in Morocco. On the meso-level, the massive daily mobilisation plunged the Egyptian regime into an existential crisis in a matter of days, while in Morocco, weekly protests allowed the palace more opportunity to learn. On the micro-level, the study finds that bounded elite perceptions led the Egyptian regime elites to underestimate similarities between their situation and developments in Tunisia. Leading them to reject that they can learn anything from events in Tunisia. In Morocco, perceptions amongst regime elites shifted over time. While they did not consider the initial protests particularly relevant to their situation, this perception shifted when the protests spilled into other monarchies. Acknowledging parallels between their situation and those of regimes that were deposed by protests led to authoritarian learning affecting regime calculations. Lastly, relatively low threat perceptions amongst Egyptian regime elites led them to misjudge the threat that the protests posed for their rule, rendering it less likely that authoritarian learning impacted regime calculations. In contrast, before the protests in Morocco even erupted, the palace elites acknowledged the threat posed by mass mobilisation for the hegemonic position of the monarchy. Further, this study develops an analytical framework and methodological approach to investigate authoritarian learning applied in a comparative case study of Egypt and Morocco during the Arab Uprisings. The findings provide promising avenues for researching authoritarian learning during crisis.
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Mental health and Cognitive Functioning in Healthcare Workers and Public Safety PersonnelFlorek, Brandon January 2025 (has links)
Healthcare workers (HCWs) and public safety personnel (PSP) are at an elevated risk for adverse mental health outcomes, including PTSD, anxiety, depression, and increased suicidality. Workplace challenges and burdens were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which further highlighted the physical and mental health vulnerabilities of HCWs and PSP. As a result, there has been a growing interest from mental health professionals and researchers in understanding the unique stresses and mental health risks these individuals face. Moral injury (MI), a phenomenon linked to the unique experiences of HCWs and PSP, has been associated with adverse mental health outcomes. Cognitive impairments, such as memory disturbances, are also frequently observed in these populations. This thesis explored the relation between MI and memory disturbances and how this relation was impacted by emotion regulation (ER) and self-compassion (SC). In addition, we investigated how SC and ER influenced the relation between MI and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). In the first study of this thesis, we explored these relations through a series of correlational, moderated mediation analyses of self-report measures collected among HCWs and PSP during the COVID-19 pandemic. These analyses revealed significant relations between MI and memory disturbances, where higher levels of moral injury were associated with elevated levels of memory disturbances, particularly in relation to subscales of guilt and shame. Interestingly, these effects were moderated by ER and mediated by SC at high levels of ER difficulties. In the second study of the thesis, we conducted various correlational analyses as well as explored the relation between MI and ACEs alongside the impacts of SC and ER through moderated mediation analysis. The analyses in this study revealed significant relations between MI and ACEs regarding the mediating effect of SC and the moderating effect of ER at medium and low levels of ER difficulties. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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Fonctionnement du triangle de la subjectivité intériorisée ; monologue intérieur, discours indirect libre et point de vue, dans le roman moderne (Marcel Proust, Claude Simon et Nathalie Sarraute.) / Functioning of the triangle of internalized subjectivity; An internal monologue, free indirect speech and a point of view, in the modern novel (Marcel Proust, Claude Simon and Nathalie Sarraute)Bouslahi, El Houcine 05 April 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour titre Fonctionnement du triangle de la subjectivité intériorisée dans le roman moderne. Elle a pour but d’étudier la parole et les pensées intérieures du sujet de l’énonciation dans des œuvres romanesques souvent marquées par le décrochage et le "brouillage" des pistes énonciatives. Les trois procédés discursifs et narratifs ciblés sont le monologue intérieur (MI), le discours indirect libre (DIL) et le point de vue (PDV). L’examen des trois piliers du langage intérieur prend appuie sur les apports de la linguistique de l’énonciation, de la polyphonie et de la pragmatique. Cette recherche cible neuf œuvres romanesques que nous plaçons sous l’étiquette de "roman moderne". Ces romans appartiennent à trois auteurs français qui ont développé des récits dont la source locutrice et énonciatrice pose problème. La difficulté de traiter de l’énonciation romanesque dans un corpus choisi en l’occurrence est due essentiellement à l’effacement des frontières entre discours citant et discours cité. Marcel Proust, Claude Simon et Nathalie Sarraute n’appartiennent certes pas aux mêmes courants esthétiques et idéologiques, mais ils ont ceci de commun qu’ils offrent une configuration romanesque qui conduit à s’interroger sur le statut du locuteur et de l’énonciateur dans une forme d’expression qui n’est pas toujours verbalisée. / This research is entitled Functioning of the Triangle of Internalized Subjectivity in the Modern Novel. It aims at studying the speech and the inner thoughts of the subject of enunciation in fiction often marked by the "interference" in enunciation tracks. The three targeted discursive and narrative processes are internal monologue (MI), free indirect speech ( DIL) and the point of view (PDV) . The examination of the three pillars of the inner language relies on the contributions of linguistics of enunciation, of polyphony and pragmatic. This research targets nine novels that we can classify as belonging to the "modern novel" category. These novels belong to three French authors who have developed narratives in which the source of speaker and enunciator is a cause of ambiguity. The difficulty of dealing with the novelistic enunciation in a textual corpus chosen in this case is mainly due to the blurring of boundaries between reporting speech and reported speech. Marcel Proust, Claude Simon and Nathalie Sarraute do not belong to the same aesthetic and ideological trends, but what they have in common is that they all offer a novel configuration that makes us raise questions about the status of the speaker and the enunciator in a form of expression that is not always verbalized.
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"In this body and life" / the religious and social significance of hermits and hermitages in Eastern Tibet today and during recent historyTurek, Magdalena Maria 14 March 2013 (has links)
Tantrische Praktiken von Meditation in Zurückgezogenheit sind auf der tibetischen Hochebene seit mindestens einem Jahrtausend verbreitet, doch ihre äußerst elitäre und geheime Natur hat ihre Erforschung bisher verhindert. Diese Dissertation definiert die vormoderne Struktur der eremitischen Tradition in Khams, die von der Ris med-Bewegung festgelegt wurde, und widmet sich der Wiederbelebung dieser Tradition im modernen Khams unter der chinesisch-kommunistischen Herrschaft. Die Fallstudie bildet die ’Ba’ rom bKa’ brgyud- "Meditationsschule von La phyi" (La phyi sgom grwa) mit Fokus auf den gTum mo-Verwirklicher Tshul khrims mthar phyin (geb. 1947), der als zeitgenössische Verkörperung des Mi la ras pa gilt. Gemäß der Dissertation liegt die rituelle und soziale Macht des tibetischen Eremiten in der Ausführung, Verkörperung und Aussöhnung von Paradoxa: das Erreichen von soteriologischen Zielen im weltlichen Leben sowie die Lösung der Dilemmas der Tibeter in Krisenzeiten. So wird Entsagung zu einer affirmativen Strategie, die Netzwerke aktiviert, die wiederum Eremiten, ihre Linien, Praktiken und Trainingsstätten seit Jahrhunderten unterstützten. Der Antrieb für soziale Ermächtigung der Einsiedler liegt in der Radikalität ihrer Entsagung, bei der nicht nur erwartet wird, Befreiung und Erleuchtung unvermeidlich zu generieren, sondern diese wie Mi la ras pa "in diesem Leib und Leben" zu verwirklichen. Eine solche wahrgenommene Transformation des Körpers durch Meditation ist entscheidend für die Befähigung der Eremiten, Widersprüche zu versöhnen und Einsiedeleien zu gründen, die als Orte für eine effektive Identitätskonstruktion und Sphären der Autonomie und Macht, die aus der lokale Geschichte und heilige Stätten gewonnen werden, dienen. Gerade in Krisenzeiten neigen Einsiedeleien dazu, Netzwerke zu bilden und zu einer alternativen Bewegung zu werden, die die etablierten Machtstrukturen umgeht oder gegen sie spricht, zugleich aber ihren religiösen Charakter behält. / Tantric practices of meditation in retreat have been prevalent across the Tibetan Plateau since at least a millennium, yet their highly elitist and clandestine nature has hitherto prevented their exploration and analysis. This thesis defines the pre-modern structure of the hermitic tradition in Khams, codified by the nonsectarian Ris med movement, but devotes most attention to the examination of its revival in contemporary Khams under the Chinese communist rule through the case study of the ’Ba’ rom bKa’ brgyud “meditation school of La phyi” (La phyi sgom grwa), centered around the cotton-clad gtum mo-accomplisher Tshul khrims mthar phyin (b. 1947), eulogized as the contemporary embodiment of Mi la ras pa. The main claim of this dissertation is that the ritual and social power of the Tibetan hermit lies in the performance, embodiment and final reconciliation of paradox – generally attaining soteriological goals in mundane life and specifically, resolving the dilemmas of Tibetans during times of perceived crisis. Acts of renunciation become an affirmative strategy, activating networks that have sustained hermits, their lineages, practices, and training venues for centuries. The reason for social empowerment of hermits lies in the radical nature of their training, which by social agreement is not only bound to generate liberation and enlightenment, but is even able to yield fruit “in this very body and life,” in emulation of Mi la ras pa. Such transformation of the body through meditation is crucial to the hermit’s ability to reconcile contradictions and to establish hermitages as venues for effective identity construction and spheres of autonomy and power, extracted from local history and sacred geography. Especially in times of crisis, hermitages tend to form networks and evolve into a movement for counter-culture, which circumvents or speaks against the established power structures of the day, but at the same time, maintains its essentially religious character.
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An exploratory study of the methods and strategies implemented to integrate unaccompanied minors in five residential home in SwedenDao, Catherine. H January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to explore what methods the personnel in five residential care homes in Götaland, Sweden, implement to integrate unaccompanied minors. The study investigated how and what methods are constructed as well as how the social interaction between the unaccompanied minors and the personnel at the homes bring about the learning of the methods. Five face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed through the perspective of social construction and social learning theory. The result revealed that the methods are not clearly identified by the personnel. The personals are still learning how to work with unaccompanied minors from their experiences. This indicates that the practice is at its infant stage. The study found a wide variety of methods, which were based on the child and where some methods intend to build good relationship, to integrate the children into society and to facilitate the development of strategies and methods. The study also addresses the issue of how the methods and strategies can be affected by the dynamic migratory flow and the question of evidence based practice within this field.
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To see with serpent and eagle eyes = tradução e literatura chicana / To see with serpent and eagle eyes : translation and Chicano literatureBueno, Thaís Ribeiro, 1982- 03 January 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Viviane do Amaral Veras / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T03:48:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Historicamente, a tradução tem sido pensada em função de pares dicotômicos (original/tradução; autor/tradutor; domesticação/estrangeirização; língua-fonte/línguaalvo), raciocínio que revela a crença na possibilidade de uma língua homogênea e estanque. Contudo, em comunidades cuja política e sociedade são fortemente marcadas por fatores de heterogeneidade étnica e linguística, tal crença fica abalada, sobretudo, quando se nota a enorme diversidade de línguas decorrente dessa heterogeneidade, tanto nas interações entre os falantes quanto na literatura. Esse é o caso da literatura chicana, que constitui o corpus desta pesquisa, sendo representada por Gloria Anzaldúa e Rolando Hinojosa, autores de Borderlands/La Frontera - The New Mestiza e Dear Rafe/Mi Querido Rafa, respectivamente. Tais obras, guardadas suas singularidades, apresentam marcas de heterogeneidade linguística (a escrita construída a partir do inglês, do espanhol e até mesmo do nahuatl, língua falada no império asteca; o codeswitching [ou alternância de código]; o braiding languages [ou entrelaçamento de línguas]; a subversão dos limites dos gêneros textuais) que desafiam qualquer projeto tradutório que se paute por noções tradicionais de língua e tradução. Com base nesse panorama, analisamos neste trabalho as possibilidades de reflexão que as obras do corpus podem oferecer ao campo dos estudos da tradução e as consequências de tal reflexão para a ética e para o tradutor (se é possível pensarmos em um único perfil). Tal reflexão é feita com base em conceitos e ideias propostos por linguistas, tradutores e teóricos da tradução de linha pós-estruturalista, tais como Lawrence Venuti, Kanavillil Rajagopalan e Alexis Nouss, pensadores de orientação pós-moderna, como Jacques Derrida, e teóricos de linha pós-colonialista, como Homi Bhabha / Abstract: Translation theories have been historically based on dichotomies (original/translation; author/translator; domestication/foreignisation; source language/target language). Such discourse unveils the belief in the possibility of linguistic homogeneity. Nevertheless, such belief becomes unsustainable in communities which politics and society are expressly marked by ethnic and linguistic heterogeneity issues, and mainly by the enormous range of linguistic diversity due to such heterogeneity, among speakers and in the literature. Chicano literature is an example, and two of the major Chicano works constitute the corpus of this research: Gloria Anzaldúa's Borderlands/La Frontera - The New Mestiza and Rolando Hinojosa's Dear Rafe/Mi Querido Rafa. Besides their own singularities, these two books are marked by linguistic heterogeneity (the writing is based on English, Spanish and Nahuatl, originally spoken in the Aztec empire; the codeswitching, the braiding languages; the transgression of genre boundaries) and defy any attempt of translation based on traditionalist language conceptions. Based on that, we propose an analysis of how the corpus of this research allows new possibilities of thinking translation and the consequences of these analyses for a translation ethics and for the translator (if we can think in such terms). Such analysis is based on concepts and ideas proposed by poststructuralist linguists, translators and translation theorists such as Lawrence Venuti, Kanavillil Rajagopalan, and Alexis Nouss. We also base our study on the works of postmodern thinkers, such as Jacques Derrida, and postcolonialist writers, such as Homi Bhabha / Mestrado / Teoria, Pratica e Ensino da Tradução / Mestre em Linguística Aplicada
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