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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O mal-estar subjetivo derivado da fragmentação do trabalho / Not informed by the author

Jonny Javier Orejuela 02 October 2014 (has links)
O trabalho como atividade humana intencional de transformação da natureza e da sociedade e a criação de valor tem um significado inegável na definição da condição humana. Esta é uma variável multideterminada, subordinada pelos fatores econômicos, ideológicos e tecnológicos, entre outros; multideterminante enquanto cumpre várias funções psicossociais. Assim, é evidente a centralidade social e subjetiva do trabalho para os seres humanos em relação à sua luta pela conquista da dignidade e da felicidade pessoal e social. Isso torna o trabalho reconhecido em várias das suas funções: econômicas, sociais e psicológicas. Porém, o trabalho também tem a condição dialética de ser tanto potencialmente uma fonte de realização pessoal e de emancipação quanto uma fonte de mal-estar social e alienação, isto é, o trabalho pode ser uma força de integração ou de desintegração no nível social e subjetivo. No entanto, no contexto do trabalho atual, caracterizado por um conjunto de reestruturações contínuas orientadas a assegurar o máximo ganho econômico das empresas, impõe-se um sistema de flexibilidade e constante reestruturação que envolve uma maior heterogeneidade, complexidade, forte individualização e desregulamentação das relações de trabalho, resultando na fragmentação significativa do trabalho: tarefas, horários, equipes, trajetórias de indivíduos e mercados de trabalho. Este contexto por sua vez, define um novo cenário sociolaboral que pode estar impactando de modo diferente o papel psicossocial reconhecido do trabalho e tornando-se um elemento essencial para uma experiência, mais ou menos generalizada, mas não absoluta, de mal-estar subjetivo no trabalho. O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa teórica é descrever e analisar como a anatomia atual de fragmentação sociolaboral pode tornar-se numa condição de possibilidade para a experiência de sofrimento subjetivo no trabalho, uma tendência mais ou menos geral. Compreende-se que embora existam situações de sofrimento no campo do trabalho, não poderia ser considerado que são elas apenas que se manifestam como parte da experiência subjetiva no trabalho. Certamente, no mundo do trabalho, há pessoas que recebem os ganhos sublimatórios de articular seu desejo à atividade, embora alguns podem vivenciar a tensão difusa e desgastante que pode ser identificado como mal-estar subjetivo; mas nem todo mundo experimenta no trabalho uma tensão psíquica desgastante, intolerável e sem possibilidade de ser simbolizado pelo inconsciente, que pode ser descrito como sofrimento no trabalho. Para alcançar este objetivo, esta tese começa com uma descrição do estado da arte das pesquisas relacionadas com o prazer e o sofrimento no trabalho, destacando as já feitas no Brasil. Posteriormente reconstrói-se a identidade da avaliação subjetiva do trabalho mostrando a evolução das tendências funcionalistas, e sua ênfase na satisfação, às tendências psicodinâmicas e sua ênfase sobre o prazer / sofrimento. Na sequência é feita uma discussão sobre o mal-estar, o sofrimento e o sintoma no mundo do trabalho seguido da descrição da anatomia da fragmentação sociolaboral e seus resultados no mal-estar no trabalho, descrevendo logo depois as condições que propiciam sua aparição. É discutido o valor do significado do trabalho como uma variável moderadora da significação do mal-estar no trabalho. Tomando como referência a teoria da luta pelo reconhecimento de Honneth e os conceitos da psicodinâmica do reconhecimento trabalhados pelo Dejours, é feita uma discussão sobre o reconhecimento não feito e seus efeitos de mal-estar subjetivo no trabalho. A discussão culmina com uma reflexão sobre as possíveis contribuições da clínica do Lacan para a escuta do mal-estar e o sofrimento no trabalho / Work is an intentional human activity the aim of whih is the transformation of nature, of society and the value creation. It has undeniable weight in the disclosure of the human condition. The latter is a multidetermined variable subjected to economic, ideological and technological factors among many others and as such fulfills several psychological functions. These conditions open to light the social and subjective centrality of jobs to the human struggle to dignity, personal and social happiness. That power reveals the economic, psychological and social functions of work. Work exposes a dialectical condition as a source of personal fulfillment and emancipation and the cause of discontentment and alienation, i.e., an integrative as well as a disintegrative force on subjectivity. Within the current organizational context, characterized by continuous restructuration, flexibility and heterogeneity, complexity and constant deregulation in view of the optimization of economic outcomes, work ends up fragmented concerning its tasks, shifts, equipment and trajectories. These conditions create a new socio-occupational setting the outcome of which is the proneness to distress and suffering. The purpose of this thesis is a theoretical analysis of the current anatomy of socio-occupational fragmentation of work as a condition of the general subjective distress stemming from work engagement. The aim here is the understanding the manifestations of suffering and some of the range of consequences of the present day working conditions. Certainly, there are people enabled to sublimate their desires in their tasks but others unable to do so gain exhaustion and distress. In order to achieve its aim, this work starts with the description of the issue of work pleasure and suffering from research accomplished in Brazil. Thence it goes on reconstruction the identity of he subjective evaluation of work the within functionalism and psychodynamics. Then the discomfort, suffering and symptoms are discussed followed by an explanation of the anatomy of the social and labor impacts of the work fragmentation, its triggering factors and the resulting sensation of upsetting. Those considerations are followed by the discussion of the meaning of work a moderating factor. Drawing on both Honneth`s theory of the struggle for recognition and Dejours`theory of psychodynamic of the recognition, another discussion of spared recognition and the effects of subjective distress are carried out. The thesis is closed with an analysis of the possible contributions of the Lacanian clinic related to the listening of the discomfort and suffering in today`s working context

Contingências do trabalho docente na escola pública: ensinar a ler e a escrever num contexto de mudança / Contingencies of the theacher´s work in public schools: teaching to read and write within a context of change.

Gema Galgani Rodrigues Bezerra 30 August 2010 (has links)
O problema que deu origem a essa investigação foi o conflito resultante do descompasso entre opções teóricas conscientes e a prática de ensino que conseguíamos efetivamente implementar, ao assumirmos aulas de Língua Portuguesa para turmas do ciclo II do Ensino Fundamental, em uma escola pública estadual, logo após a conclusão do mestrado em Educação. No intuito de priorizarmos práticas que favorecessem a formação de alunos leitores e produtores de textos, e não apenas copistas e decifradores, verificávamos a interferência de diversos aspectos que repercutiam negativamente em nossa prática. Assim, partindo do pressuposto de que o desenvolvimento dessas capacidades requer um ensino deliberado e contínuo ao longo de toda a escolaridade básica, por professores de diferentes disciplinas, propusemo-nos a buscar respostas para as seguintes questões: qual a natureza das dificuldades enfrentadas pelos professores ao buscarem promover a aprendizagem dos seus alunos? Que contingências relacionadas ao ensino da leitura e da escrita, deliberado ou não, estão presentes no trabalho do professor da escola pública, facilitando ou dificultando os processos de ensino e aprendizagem? Para responder a essas questões, empreendemos um estudo situado no paradigma da pesquisa qualitativa em educação, empregando, em algumas etapas, procedimentos inspirados na etnografia educacional (Ezpeleta e Rockwell, 1986; Fonseca, 1998; Erickson, 1989). A análise dos dados fundamentou-se em um critério essencialmente semântico, à luz de parâmetros da análise do conteúdo (Bardin, 1978). Os trabalhos de Tiramonti (2005), Azanha (1990, 2004), Souza (2002, 2006) e Lapo (2005), entre outros autores, subsidiaram teoricamente a nossa investigação, na medida em que propõem considerar aspectos do contexto mais amplo em que atuam os professores, focalizando situações concretas das quais emergem fontes de mal-estar e de bem-estar docente que intervêm em suas práticas. Os dados indicaram que o contexto da sala de aula não é, muitas vezes, propício ao trabalho cotidiano focado em práticas de leitura e produção de texto, em função de diversos fatores: número elevado de alunos, dificuldade de acompanhamento particularizado desses alunos pelos professores; necessidade de gerir demandas individuais e coletivas do grupo; dificuldades inerentes à manutenção de certa ordem que permita a realização de atividades complexas e significativas na sala de aula; interesses pessoais divergentes e por vezes conflitantes; recursos materiais às vezes escassos ou precários; tempo acelerado para gerir inúmeros procedimentos cotidianos, que acabam ocupando grande parte do tempo das aulas em questões não diretamente relacionadas ao ensino e aprendizagem dos conteúdos, entre uma infinidade de outros fatores. Além de questões de ordem objetiva, interferem também nas situações concretas de sala de aula aspectos de ordem subjetiva, que envolvem conhecimentos e características pessoais dos docentes, seus valores, crenças, necessidades e desejos, os quais determinam maneiras muito peculiares de avaliar o contexto, agir e reagir às contingências cotidianas. Todos esses elementos precisam ser considerados quando se propõem ações de melhoria da educação pública. É preciso, pois, relativizar as expectativas quanto ao papel da escola e dos professores, que parecem superestimadas no conjunto de ações que a sociedade precisa implementar para que a qualidade do ensino melhore de modo significativo. / The problem that gave rise to this investigation was the conflict resulting from the dissonance between theoretical conscious options and the teaching practice that we have actually managed to implement when we took over the Portuguese Language classes for Cycle II groups of Brazilian Middle School at a state public school, soon after completing the Masters Degree in Education. Aimed at prioritizing practices that would favor the education of text readers and producers, not just copyists and decoders, we verified the interference of many aspects that had a negative impact on our practice. Thus, starting from the premise that the development of such skills requires a deliberate and continuous teaching during the whole basic education by teachers of different subjects, we have proposed to look after the answers for the following questions: what is the nature of the difficulties faced by teachers when trying to promote their students learning? Which contingencies related to teach reading and writing, deliberate or not, are present in the work of public school teachers, making the teaching and learning processes easy or difficult? To answer such questions, we undertook a study within the paradigm of the qualitative research in education, using, in some steps, procedures inspired in the educational ethnography (Ezpeleta and Rockwell, 1986; Fonseca, 1998; Erickson, 1989). The data analysis was grounded on essentially semantic criteria, in the light of content analysis parameters (Bardin, 1978). The works of Tiramonti (2005), Azanha (1990, 2004), Souza (2002, 2006) and Lapo (2005), among other authors, gave theoretical support to our investigation, insofar they propose to consider aspects of the broader context where teachers act, focusing on concrete situations from which sources of teachers uneasiness and easiness emerge that intervene in their practices. Data indicated that the classroom context is often not proper for the everyday work focused on the practices of reading and producing texts, in view of many factors: high number of students, difficulty of individualized follow-up of these students by teachers; need of managing the groups individual and collective demands; difficulties inherent to maintaining a certain order that allows performing complex and meaningful activities in classroom; divergent and often conflicting personal interests; sometimes scarce or precarious material resources; having to rush to manage multiple everyday tasks that eventually take large amount of class time in issues not directly related to teaching and learning of contents, among a multitude of other factors. Besides questions of objective order, aspects of subjective order do also interfere with concrete classroom situations, which involve knowledge and personal characteristics of teachers, their values, beliefs, needs and desires, which determine very peculiar ways of evaluating the context, acting and reacting to everyday contingencies. All these elements must be considered when improvement actions in public education are proposed. Thus, it is necessary to frame the expectations as to the role of school and teachers, which seem to be overestimated in the set of actions that the society must implement so that there is significant improvement in the teaching quality.

Héritages baudelairiens (1931-2013) / Baudelairean heritage (1931-2013)

Labbé, Mathilde 06 December 2014 (has links)
Bien que le scandale qui a accompagné la publication des Fleurs du mal ne soit plus un obstacle à leur diffusion, il continue à jouer un rôle dans la lecture de l’oeuvre de Baudelaire : le XXe siècle a fait du poète l’archétype de l’artiste censuré. En analysant la réévaluation de l’oeuvre de Baudelaire et la manière dont certaines Fleurs du mal ont été mises à distance, notre étude vise à faire l’histoire de la fortune du poète après le processus d’institutionnalisation qui a fait de lui un classique à la fin des années 1920. Nous nous intéressons au rituel de la commémoration littéraire à travers l’analyse d’un corpus d’articles et d’ouvrages publiés lors de trois anniversaires : le centenaire du procès des Fleurs du mal, celui de la mort de Baudelaire et le cent-cinquantenaire du même procès. Nous envisageons également la fortune littéraire de Baudelaire en France à partir de 1930, date à laquelle son oeuvre est considérée comme l’origine de la poésie moderne. Une analyse critique de la notion d’influence permet de réévaluer le statut du poète, à la fois modèle et antimodèle pour Pierre Jean Jouve, Yves Bonnefoy, Philippe Jaccottet, Michel Deguy, André Frénaud ou André du Bouchet, et de montrer que son apparent oubli, entre le centenaire de 1967 et les années 1990, est suivi d’un retour au lyrisme de La Cloche fêlée. Nous voulons enfin montrer que la patrimonialisation de l’oeuvre de Baudelaire n’a pas été suivie d’une complète intégration à la culture nationale : la « survie culturelle » de Baudelaire à travers les adaptations de son oeuvre, ses biographies ou ses portraits ne s’inscrit pas dans un processus de panthéonisation mais dans un culte multiforme de l’écrivain, résultat de l’institutionnalisation du scandale. / While the scandal raised by the publication of Les Fleurs du mal is no longer an obstacle to the diffusion of the book, it still plays a role in the reading of Baudelaire: the 20th century made the poet into the archetype of the censored artist. By investigating the re-evaluation of Baudelaire’s work and the rejection of some Fleurs du mal, my study aims at accounting for the history of Baudelaire’s fortune after the institutionalization process that made him a classic, in the late 1920’s. I am interested in the ritual of the literary commemoration, through the analysis of a collection of articles and of works published during three anniversaries: the centenary of Les Fleurs du mal’s trial, the one of Baudelaire’s death and the one hundred and fifty years anniversary of the same trial. I also consider Baudelaire’s literary fortune in France since 1930, a time where his work began to be seen as the origin of modern poetry. A critical analysis of the notion of “influence” makes it possible to re-evaluate the poet’s status – he is at the same time a model and an anti-model for Pierre Jean Jouve, Yves Bonnefoy, Philippe Jaccottet, Michel Deguy, André Frénaud or André du Bouchet – and to show that his apparent disappearance between the 1967 centenary and the early 1990s is followed by a return of La Cloche fêlée’s lyric. I finally want to show that the patrimonialization of Baudelaire’s work was not followed by its complete integration to national culture: the “cultural survival” of Baudelaire through his works’ adaptations, his biographies or his portraits does not belong to a pantheonization process, but to a multifaceted cult of the writer, resulting from the scandal’s institutionalization.

Joint super-resolution/segmentation approaches for the tomographic images analysis of the bone micro-architecture / Approches conjointes de super-résolution / segmentation pour l'analyse des images tomographiques de la micro-architecture osseuse

Toma, Alina 09 March 2016 (has links)
L'analyse de la microstructure osseuse joue un rôle important pour étudier des maladies de l'os comme l'ostéoporose. Des nouveaux scanners périphériques haute résolution (HR-pQCT) permettent de faire des acquisitions de la micro-architecture osseuse in-vivo sur l'homme. Toutefois la résolution spatiale de ces appareils reste comparable à la taille des travées osseuses, ce qui limite leur analyse quantitative. L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer de nouvelles approches jointes super-résolution/ segmentation pour une analyse quantitative plus fine des images HR-pQCT in-vivo de la structure osseuse trabéculaire. Dans une première étape nous nous sommes concentrés sur des méthodes 2D de super-résolution avec régularisation par variation totale (TV) puis par variation totale d'ordre plus élevé (Higher Degree TV), avec minimisation par un algorithme ADMM (Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers). Ensuite, nous avons proposé une méthode itérative combinant le principe de Morozov et la méthode de Newton pour estimer le paramètre de régularisation TV. Comparé à la méthode UPRE (Unbiased Predictive Risk Estimator), la méthode proposée est plus rapide et ne requiert pas un balayage exhaustif des valeurs des paramètres. Nous avons développé dans une deuxième étape une méthode de super-résolution/segmentation conjointe avec un a priori basé sur la Variation Totale et une relaxation convexe (Tvbox), qui permet d'améliorer les paramètres quantitatifs de l'os et de la connectivité 3D. La méthode a été validée sur des images expérimentales micro-CT déteriorées artificiellement. Finalement, en vue de l'application à des images réelles HR-pQCT, nous nous sommes intéressés à une approche conjointe semi-aveugle super-résolution/segmentation qui vise à estimer à la fois l'image binaire super-résolue et le noyau de convolution. Des résultats sur des images micro-CT et HR-pQCT sont présentés. En conclusion, notre travail montre que les méthodes d'optimisation basées sur la régularisation TV sont prometteurs pour améliorer la quantification de la micro-architecture osseuse sur des images HR-pQCT. / The investigation of trabecular bone micro-architecture provides relevant information to determine the bone strength, an important parameter in osteoporosis investigation. While the spatial resolution of clinical CT is not sufficient to resolve the trabecular structure, the High Resolution peripheral Quantitative CT (HR-pQCT) has been developed to investigate bone micro-architecture in-vivo at peripheral sites (tibia and radius). Despite this considerable progress, the quantification of 3D trabecular bone micro-architecture in-vivo remains limited due to a lack of spatial resolution compared to the trabeculae size. The objective of this thesis is to propose new joint super-resolution/segmentation approaches for improving the quantitative analysis of in-vivo HR-pQCT images of the trabecular bone structure. To begin with, we have investigated 2D super-resolution methods based on Total Variation (TV) and Higher Degree Total Variation (HDTV) and Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) minimization. Afterwards, an iterative method combining the Morozov principle and the Newton method was proposed in order to estimate the TV regularization parameter. The proposed method provides a very good regularization parameter only in few iterations compared with the UPRE method that requires an extensive scanning of parameter values. Furthermore, we have developed a 3D joint super-resolution/segmentation method based on a TV a prior with a convex relaxation (TVbox). The validation of the proposed methods was made on experimental micro-CT bone images artificially deteriorated. The results showed an improvement of the bone parameters and 3D connectivity with the TVbox method. Moreover, we have investigated a semi-blind joint super-resolution/ segmentation approach aiming to estimate both the binary super-resolved image and the assumed Gaussian blurring kernel that is not known for the real HR-pQCT images. Results on micro-CT and HR-pQCT experimental bone images were presented. In conclusion, our work has shown that TV based regularization methods promise to improve the quantification of bone micro-architecture from HR-pQCT images.

La fascination de la corruption: étude de l'héroïne maléfique dans le mélodrame filmique américain (1940-1953)

Andrin, Muriel January 2000 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Conséquences rénales de l’activation de la réponse UPR (Unfolded protein response) par des stress toxique et ischémique / Renal consequences of toxic and ischemic stress-induced unfolded protein response

Bouvier, Nicolas 28 November 2012 (has links)
Le rein natif et le greffon rénal peuvent être soumis à de multiples agressions conduisant à la détérioration progressive du parenchyme. Ces agressions peuvent être spécifiques (stress toxique, immunologique) et/ou non spécifiques (stress ischémique) et vont engendrer des réponses pouvant entraîner à la fois une diminution de la consommation d’énergie, une augmentation des apports afin de maintenir l’homéostasie tissulaire et la survie mais aussi une réaction inflammatoire et l’apoptose pouvant conduire à la fibrose. Parmi celles-ci, on peut nommer les voies HIF1α, mTOR, le stress du réticulum endoplasmique (RE), l’autophagie, l’activation de l’immunité innée et acquise. La réponse adaptative qui suit le stress du RE, la réponse UPR (Unfolded protein response), est une voie adaptative dont les implications sont actuellement encore peu connues dans le domaine de la pathologie rénale. Celle-ci se compose de trois effecteurs principaux : Perk, Ire1 et ATF6. A l’aide de deux modèles de stress toxique (ciclosporine) et ischémique (carence en glucose) sur deux modèles cellulaires distincts (cellulaires endothéliales artérielles et cellules tubulaires rénales), et dans des modèles in vivo, nous avons montré que le stress du RE était impliqué à la fois dans l’apparition de modifications phénotypiques endothéliales évocatrices de transition endothélio-mésenchymateuse induites par la ciclosporine et à la fois dans l’induction de réponses inflammatoire (régulation de NF-κB par Ire1) et angiogénique (régulation distincte de VEGF, bFGF et angiogénine par Perk et Ire1) induites par la carence en glucose. La réponse UPR semble modulée de façon subtile au cours de ces stress car les trois effecteurs n’engendrent pas des réponses identiques. Ces travaux apportent ainsi une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes d’adaptation au cours de stress variés, montrent que le stress du RE est impliqué dans ces réponses adaptatives et que la réponse peut être différente selon les effecteurs de la réponse UPR. Cette meilleure compréhension pourra permettre de valider des biomarqueurs précoces et des modulateurs de la réponse UPR afin de prévenir la dégradation du parenchyme rénal. / Native and grafted kidneys are stressed by multiple specific or non-specific insults leading to progressive structural deterioration. Responses to these insults are adaptive and preserve cell survival but may also promote inflammation, fibrosis and apoptosis. The most important of these adaptive pathways are HIF1α pathway, mTOR pathway, autophagy, unfolded protein response (UPR). The consequences of the UPR in kidney injuries are not well known. The objective of this study is to delineate the mechanisms and consequences of the activation of the UPR in response to toxic (cyclosporine) and ischemic (glucose starvation) stresses in two distinct cellular models (arterial endothelial cells and renal tubular cells). Here, we showed that UPR was engaged in cyclosporine-induced endothelial phenotypic changes, glucose starvation-induced inflammatory and angiogenic responses: NF-κB regulation by Ire1; distinct VEGF, bFGF and angiogenin regulation by Perk and Ire1. UPR is subtly modulated since its transducers do not induce identical processes. In conclusion these comprehensive works, we demonstrate the UPR is implicated in stress-induced adaptive pathways with different downstream responses according to the effector. Renal tissue degradation could be prevented by discovering and validating early biomarker and UPR modulators.

La quête d’individualisation du personnage féminin : les Jolies Choses de Virginies Despentes : amor, curiosidad, prozac y dudas de Lucía Etxebarria : surtout ne te retourne pas et Cette Fille-là de Maïssa Bey / The quest for the individuation of female character : les Jolies choses, Virginie Despentes : amour, Prozac et autres curiosités, Lucía Etxebarria : cette fille-là and Surtout ne te retourne pas, Maïssa Bey

Gambus, Aurélie 17 December 2009 (has links)
En ce début du XXIème siècle, un nombre d’auteurs sans cesse plus important développe un véritable enthousiasme pour des thématiques féminines. Plus précisément, il s’agit pour eux de mettre en exergue la quête identitaire des femmes dans notre société. Cette littérature révèle une omniprésence du corps et de la sexualité en lien étroit avec la société et les schémas culturels imposés tenant ainsi un discours novateur sur les femmes. Le but de cette recherche est de montrer comment un discours littéraire, en reprenant les discours socioculturels, féministes et psychanalystes du moment, conçoit la question de la femme et quelle représentation de la femme il produit. Face à cette réflexion sur la question de la femme et son identité, cette thèse centre son étude sur les romans de trois auteurs, Virginie Despentes, écrivain français, Lucía Etxebarria, écrivain espagnol et Maïssa Bey, écrivain algérien francophone. L’être femme est représenté dans un rapport avec la violence masculine mais aussi avec sa propre violence, dans son rapport au corps et à la sexualité, par des relations humaines conflictuelles ainsi que par une aliénation sociale et culturelle. Le personnage féminin est un personnage seul, enfermé dans une identité dans laquelle il ne se reconnaît plus et qu’il rejette. La quête de soi et de la reconnaissance de soi laisse apparaître leurs aspirations, en contradictions avec leurs attributions. A la fin de chaque roman, l’individualisation de la femme est envisagée par la reprise de parole. La reconstruction de soi ne peut être permise que par la maîtrise de la parole sur soi, et la quête d’individualisation doit se poursuivre / In our early 21th century, an increasingly number of writers gets a real enthusiasm for woman-related themes. More precisely, their purpose is to underline the identity quest of women in our society. This kind of literature uncovers a constant involvement of body and sexuality closely linked to society and to cultural schemes that society imposes - thus leading these authors to hold an innovative discourse about women. Our research aims to show how a literary discourse, drawing from actual sociocultural, feminist and psychoanalytic discourses, conceives the Woman issue and which representation of woman it can create. At the hands of this reflection about the Woman issue and her identity, the study focuses on three female authors’ novels, Virginie Despentes, a french writer, Lucia Extebarría, a spanish writer and Maïssa Bey, an algerian French-speaking writer. The woman being is portrayed in her relations with male violence but also with her own violence linked to her relation to body and sexuality, and through human struggles and a social and cultural alienation. The female character is lonely, confined to an identity in which she does not recognize herself anymore and that she rejects. The quest for self-knowledge and for self-recognition lets its longings emerge, in contradiction with their remit. In the end of each novel, woman’s individualization is imaged through a takeover of speech. Self-reconstruction can only be possible thanks to a control of speech about oneself and the individuation quest has to keep going

L'inopérance des moyens dans le contentieux administratif français / The ineffectiveness of pleas in the french administrative judicial procedure

Poulet, Florian 24 November 2014 (has links)
La notion d’inopérance des moyens a acquis, en particulier depuis ces dernières années, une place majeure dans le contentieux administratif français. Le juge l’utilise fréquemment dans ses décisions et les membres de la doctrine ne manquent pas de l’employer dans leurs travaux. Pourtant, aucune étude d’ampleur, consacrée spécifiquement à la notion et appréhendant l’ensemble de ses aspects, n’a, jusqu’à présent, été entreprise. Ceci explique qu’elle soit, aujourd’hui, mal connue et apparaisse, au premier abord, difficile à cerner. Les manifestations de ce caractère insaisissable sont multiples : ainsi, par exemple, l’inopérance se voit souvent confondue avec l’irrecevabilité ; de même, les raisons pour lesquelles le juge constate, dans telle ou telle espèce, l’inopérance du moyen invoqué, sont mal identifiées ; de même encore,lorsqu’ils ne sont pas tout simplement niés, les effets procéduraux de l’inopérance sont largement sous-estimés. À partir d’un examen approfondi de la jurisprudence et des pratiques adoptées par la juridiction administrative, l’étude a eu pour objet de procéder à une clarification de la notion d’inopérance des moyens. Il s’est agi, d’abord, d’en délimiter les contours et d’en déterminer le contenu, en proposant une définition de l’inopérance. Il s’est agi, ensuite, de présenter, de façon raisonnée, les facteurs susceptibles d’entraîner le caractère inopérant des moyens, en proposant une systématisation des causes de l’inopérance. Il s’est agi, enfin, d’expliciter les éléments du régime juridique de l’inopérance et la façon dont le juge les met en oeuvre, en proposant une analyse détaillée de ses conséquences. / The notion itself of the ineffectiveness of pleas has acquired, especially in recent years, a major place in the French administrative judicial procedure. The judge often refers to it in his/her decisions and the members of the legal doctrine use it in their own work. However, no significant study, devoted entirely to this concept and focusing on all its aspects, has so farbeen undertaken. This is why today this notion is little known and appears at first difficult to apprehend. Manifestations of this elusive aspect are numerous : for instance, theineffectiveness of pleas is often mistaken with the inadmissibility of pleas ; in the same way,the reasons why a judge declares, in a given case, that a plea is ineffective are poorly identified; similarly, when they are not just denied, the procedural effects of ineffective pleas are seriously underestimated. From an in-depth examination of case law and practices adopted by administrative courts, the purpose of this thesis is to clarify the notion of the ineffectiveness of pleas. First, in order to set the contours and determine the content of this concept, we will propose a definition of the ineffectiveness of pleas. Then, to describe and present, in a reasoned manner, the factors that might cause a plea to be declared ineffective, we will propose a systematization of the causes of ineffectiveness of pleas. Finally, to make explicitthe elements of the legal regime of ineffectiveness of pleas and how the judge implements them, we will provide a detailed analysis of its consequences.

Mal-estar na cultura: das articulações discursivas à emergência dos sintomas sociais

Silva, Edson Flávio Barbosa e 15 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:08:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edson Flavio.pdf: 1017575 bytes, checksum: fe3defd2ec0f680bfb9e4827341393da (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-15 / Humankind faces its dilemmas and conflictis over the years and history. The human being condition does not seem to have any cure. Since the self and object, as well as the being and the nature tore apart, the human being established many particular ways of survival, differently from the rest of the natural beings. This paper comes to highlight some aspects of conflicts which embody this being in language; all tensions face to others, all ideals that contribute to one of the most passionate human practices: politics. Herein, politics undesrtands the symbolic and imaginary measurement, that is one more invention which takes a format from an emptiness of real, such as the piece of the potter, and goes through a variety of acquirements of the ideal, the same ideal that, sooner or later, creates ideologies, once called from metaphors or metonymies up to reasoning, and rhetorical arguments. The politics is a pratice of verbum, effectively. Upon being verbal, politics is both subscribed and underlined onto the discourse, onto the symptoms, and onto history. This paper comes to understand language as a trinonym part from the discourse itself, and apart from topology: history and a-history coming to meaning an approach of real within a subjective transition. In order to mention the project, this paper intends to separate the rationale into three parts: the historical narratives, in others words, the historical significants; the discoursive constellations; and the social symptoms. It is also to mention that the symptom has its function as a vehicle of historical contents; starting from the discoursive injunctions, according to Lacan s theoretical resources. The methodology used in this paper concerns to a rationale that considers the real object and its immiscion, its repetition over historical objects. This paper also intends to compose a narrative that embodies the reality, just like the Poetic does. It also comes to highlight the meaning of words and their disorder int the utterance, coming to understand that real is not what it means, but what it does not mean through errors by the sense of grammar correctness. Such errors come from both subjectiveness and inconscienceness; from the fact that the object does not have its origin in reality, but from its non-meaningful significant, as well as the assintotics, e.g., the ones that denote the impossible, by the understanding of psychoanalysis. All those aspects above mentioned come to show the dimension of indisposition in culture and civilization, in other words, the civilization in indisposition that disguises, not only the syntax, but the semantics of the symptom which comes the discourse true, and therefore, it promises a well-fare for both psycho economy and political-social economy / Ao longo do tempo e da história, o homem vive os seus dilema e conflitos. A condição humana não tem cura. A apartação entre sujeito e objeto, entre o ser e a natureza, estabeleceu para a espécie humana modos muito singulares de sobrevivência, distinto dos demais seres, os seres da natureza. O que este projeto intenta é ressaltar alguns aspectos do conflito em que se engendra esse ser da linguagem, as tensões frente ao outro, os ideais que concorrem para uma de nossas práticas mais apaixonante: a política. Aqui a política tem as medidas simbólicas e imaginárias, é mais uma invenção que toma forma a partir do vazio do real, como a peça do oleiro, e se lança nas mais variadas captações dos ideais, esses que de um modo e de outro, dão versos às ideologias, chamem-nas de metáforas, metonímias, argumentos, retóricas etc.; a política é fundamentalmente uma prática do verbum. E em sendo verbal, a política está inscrita e escrita nos discursos, nos sintomas e na história. Ei-la num trinômio que é um autêntico nó borromeu, que de certo modo foi o meu esforço ao lançar-me na aventura que no plano diverso dos discursos e da topologia: história e a-história, a saber, num deslizamento a dizer de uma abordagem do real, a qual, intento algo da ordem de uma transição subjetiva. Para tal, este projeto discorre em três partes: as narrativas históricas, digo: os significantes da história; as articulações discursivas e os sintomas sociais. Aqui o sintoma tem a função de fornecer conteúdos para a história, a partir das injunções discursivas tal a elaboração de Lacan. A metodologia que sigo se assenta numa proposição teórica que aborde os objetos reais em sua imisção, e repetição, nos objetos da história, pretendendo, quiçá, uma composição narrativa que serpenteie o real, como numa poética, que enuncie um molejo, um requebro das palavras em função que dizer o real é fazê-lo não pela busca de sentido, mas pela errância que concerne essa gramática, errância que é a da subjetividade a partir do inconsciente, e que é do fato de que os objetos nesse enredo não são os da realidade, são os da quebra de sentido, a saber, são os das inserções do significante e são também os assintóticos, os intangíveis, quer seja, os que denotam o impossível, via a que nos aponta a psicanálise. Que aponta para uma dimensão do mal-estar na cultura e na civilização, digo: a civilização como mal-estar, a que se recobre, portanto, não apenas a sintaxe, mas a semântica do sintoma, isso que faz discurso e que é da lógica da diferença, no que articula o laço social, problematizado aqui na querelas ideológicas de nosso tempo e nas promessas de gozo seja na economia psíquica seja na economia política-social

Les effets du genre sur la charge mentale : une étude sur le mal-être en milieu professionnel

Lanteigne, Amélie 04 1900 (has links)
Ce projet de mémoire a pris forme dans le but d’étudier comment l’effet du genre module la charge mentale au travail, en s’intéressant à l’impact des rapports de genre sur le sentiment de surcharge mentale et comment ils influent sur l’expression du mal-être individuel. L’analyse d’entretiens réalisés auprès de sept femmes et cinq hommes révèle divers facteurs contribuant à l’impression d’être mentalement surchargé au travail : les contraintes temporelles ; l’imprévisibilité ; la précarité au niveau économique et des conditions de travail ; le caractère exigeant des responsabilités professionnelles ; les contradictions du travail ; l’insuffisance du soutien organisationnel ; le manque de reconnaissance au travail ; le faible soutien social ; ainsi que la difficulté à concilier travail et famille. Ces multiples éléments colorent le discours des participants à la fois selon leur genre individuel et selon le type de métier qu’ils occupent : ceux-ci s’inscrivent dans une division relativement bien définie entre métiers majoritairement féminins et métiers majoritairement masculins. Suite à l’analyse des entretiens, il a été possible de cerner des tendances spécifiques à chaque type de métier, qui s’observent dans la relation entre demande psychologique et latitude décisionnelle. Appliqués au modèle de Karasek (1979), les résultats indiquent une conjoncture surchargeante pour les participants occupant un métier à prédominance féminine, où apparaît un cadre organisationnel oppressant. Enfin, de par les effets pernicieux de la non-valorisation du travail traditionnellement féminin et du travail reproductif associé à la gestion familiale, les résultats de cette présente recherche suggèrent que les femmes sont particulièrement à risque d’être surchargées mentalement et de vivre un profond mal-être. / This thesis was developed with the aim of studying how the effect of gender modulates mental burden at work, focusing on the impact of gender relations on the feeling of mental overload and how they influence the expression of individual malaise. The analysis of interviews with seven women and five men reveals various factors contributing to the impression of being mentally overloaded at work: time constraints; unpredictability; economic precariousness and working conditions; the demanding nature of professional responsibilities; the contradictions of work; inadequate organizational support; lack of recognition at work; weak social support; as well as the difficulty of reconciling work and family. These multiple elements colour the participants' discourse both according to their individual gender and according to their type of occupation : they are part of a relatively well-defined division between predominantly female occupations and predominantly male occupations. Following the analysis of the interviews, it was possible to identify trends specific to each type of occupation, which are observed in the relationship between psychological demand and decision latitude. Applied to the model of Karasek (1979), the results indicate an overburdening situation for participants in a predominantly female occupation, where an oppressive organizational framework emerges. Finally, because of the pernicious effects of the non-valorization of the traditionally female work and of the reproductive work associated with family management, the results of this research suggest that women are particularly at risk of being mentally overloaded and experiencing a profound malaise.

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