Spelling suggestions: "subject:"marvelous""
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O uso de tablets na educação : “maravilhamento”, “embasbacamento”, possibilidade de contribuição na aprendizagemSouza, Telmo Machado de January 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo explicitar e problematizar os conceitos de Álvaro Vieira Pinto, em específico os de “maravilhamento” e “embasbacamento” encontrados em sua obra “Conceito de tecnologia”, a partir de uma análise dos dados resultantes de pesquisa com uma turma de alunos e seus professores da graduação tecnológica da Fatepa (Faculdade de Tecnologia Porto Alegre), utilizando tablets ao longo do segundo semestre do curso de Graduação Tecnológica de Gestão de Recursos Humanos. Segue-se com a observação da participação, seguida de entrevistas com cinco alunos usuários de tablets e conversas no ambiente acadêmico acerca dos usos do equipamento em sala de aula. Assim, respeitando seus momentos históricos, percorre-se o caminho em busca de respostas, na tentativa de verificar a contemporaneidade destes conceitos. Para auxiliar nesta caminhada, utilizam-se, entre outros, como apoio teórico, os autores Paulo Freire, Gaudêncio Frigotto e Álvaro Vieira Pinto. Os dados coletados foram interpretados segundo os princípios da dialética, utilizando a técnica da triangulação. Os resultados da pesquisa explicitaram que os sujeitos pesquisados maravilham-se e se embasbacam com os equipamentos de engenho tecnológico; entretanto, foi evidenciado o potencial criativo e solidário no processo de ensino aprendizado pelos sujeitos e o importante papel do educador como fio condutor nas práticas pedagógicas, buscando um despertar na utilização das tecnologias de comunicação e informação (TIC’s) e possibilitando a integração qualitativa na educação. Ao se verificar a apropriação do conhecimento nos tablets pelos alunos, e suas visíveis transformações, obtiveram-se algumas pistas possíveis para a continuação desse caminhar. / This paper aims to describe and discuss the concepts of Alvaro Vieira Pinto, in special the "marvel" and "astonishment" ones found in his book "Technology Concept", from an analysis of data obtained from research with a group of students of technological graduation of Fatepa (Faculdade de Tecnologia Porto Alegre) using tablets, during the second half of Human Resource Management Technology Graduate course and their teachers. It describes the viewing participation followed by interviews with five students users of tablets and conversations in academia about this equipment uses in the classroom. Thus, respecting its historical moments, it is seeking answers in an attempt to verify the contemporaneity of these concepts. To support this journey, it is employed, among others, as theoretical support, the authors Paulo Freire, Gaudêncio Frigotto and Alvaro Vieira Pinto. The collected data were interpreted according to the principles of dialectical using the technique of triangulation. The search results made explicit that the research subjects marvel and astonish with technological equipment. However it was evidenced the creative and supportive potential in the teaching learning process by the students and the important role of the teacher as a guide in pedagogical practices seeking an awakening in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and enabling the qualitative integration in education. To verify the appropriation of knowledge in tablets by students and their visible transformation, one can achieve some possible clues to the continuity of this journey.
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Hur rättvis rättskipning gestaltas genom dialog i Batman v Superman (2016) och Captain America: Civil war (2016) / How justice is portrayed by dialogue in Batman v Superman (2016) and Captain America: Civil war (2016)Hammarling, Ted January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker superhjältefilmers syn på rättskipning, lag och rätt och därigenom representation av relationen mellan legalitet, legitimitet och etik. De två superhjältefilmerna jag utgår från är Batman v Superman och Captain America: Civil War. Båda filmerna är väldigt lika varandra, till exempel genom att båda har uttryck för krig och att slåss mot varandra i filmtitlar. Metoden som har använts i uppsatsen är en tematisk analys av dialogerna i båda filmerna. Dialogerna som tagits upp i uppsatsen handlar om brott, rättvisa och ansvar. Det finns intressanta aspekter på rättvisa som också redovisas genom karaktärerna runt om hjälten också. Sådana karaktärer kan vara journalister, författare, flickvänner, betjänter, till och med skurkar. Alla dessa karaktärer har var sin åsikt om hur hjälten ska handla och det är slående hur de skapar en diskussion som visar hur komplexa filmerna gör frågorna som tas upp.
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En plats för förundran / A place of wonderPermert, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
ATT FÖRUNDRAS När man träder in i ett museum händer något.
Man kommer någon annanstans. Man kommer bort från vardagen.Det handlar om mer än själva utställningen.
Det handlar om att komma in i en annan värld. En värld där tid och rum försvinner.Världen utanför skärmas av och bleknar bort för en stund.
Människan i rummen upplever en förskjuten plats, långt ifrån de rum och de ytor man upplever i sin vardag. Uppsalas nya konstmuseum ska beröra besökaren och få dem att fastna i dess värld.Skala, ljus och människans förhållande i rummet skapar olika rumsupplevelser och förutsättningar för olika typer av konst.Museet blir likt kyrkan en plats för reflektion och tro. Konsten, kreativiteten och historien tränger in i jaget.
Besökaren stannas upp i sin vardag. Stannas upp för att få förundras. PROGRAM OCH UPPDELNING Fyra olika konsthallar Fyra olika skalorFyra olika ljus PLATS Slottet och Kyrkan är starka siluetter för Uppsala. Ville belysa det industriområde som finns i anslutning till tomten och inspirerades av dess formspråk och materialitetNYCKELORD Lågt Högt Långt Kort Smalt Brett
Mörkt Ljust Starkt Svagt
Liten Stor Ensam Tillsammans / TO MARVEL When one enters into a museum, something happens.One comes elsewhere. One comes away from everyday life.It's about more than the exhibition itself. It's about entering another world.A world where time and space disappear.The world outside is shielded and fades away for a while. The man in the rooms is experiencing an offset location,far from the room and the surfaces experiencing in their everyday lives. Uppsala's new art museum will touch the visitor.Scale, light and human relation in the room creates different spatial experiences and opportunities for different types of art. Museum is in a way like churches, a place for reflection and faith.Art, creativity and the history penetrates your thoughts. The visitor stops in their everyday lives. Stops to get marvel PROGRAMS AND DIVISION Four different Art GalleriesFour different scalesFour different lightsLOCATION The castle and the church are strong silhouettes of Uppsala.The museum will also try to highlight the industrial area that is adjacent to the plot and witch inspired the design and materiality. KEYWORD Low High Long Short Narrow Wide Dark Light Strong Weak Small Large Alone Together
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No description available.
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Myter om kvinnlighet i Marvel : En feministisk filmanalys av den kvinnliga superhjälten She-Hulk: Attorney at LawWahlstedt, Mathilda January 2023 (has links)
Film och tv-serier är medier som kan bidra till att upprätthålla stereotyper, som i sin tur konstruerar myter om kvinnor och män. Tidigare serier om superhjältar har fått kritik för att ha bidragit med att framställa misogyna ideologier om kvinnor, men på senare år har den stora filmoch serieproducenten Marvel, som skapar superhjälteserier, arbetat aktivt för att skapa ett mer inkluderat superhjälte-universum som innefattar en mer utvecklad syn på kvinnor. Denna studie har som syfte att, ur ett feministiskt filmteoretiskt perspektiv, undersöka hur myter om kvinnlighet konstrueras i den nya superhjälteserien She-Hulk: Attorney at law som kom ut hösten år 2022. Resultatet av analysen, som arbetades fram med hjälp av multimodal kritisk diskursanalys, visar på att det konstrueras flera variationer av myter om kvinnor. I denna serie bekräftas traditionella stereotyper om kvinnlighet, medan den också försöker belysa viktiga utdrag från verkligheten.
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Escrita feminina e laços familiares: Clarice Lispector e Marvel Moreno / Female writing and family ties: Clarice Lispector and Marvel MorenoTriana, Claudia Esperanza Duran 11 April 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa procura desenvolver uma leitura da produção literária de duas mulheres a russo-ucraniana naturalizada brasileira Clarice Lispector e a colombiana Marvel Moreno. Da primeira, foram selecionados contos publicados no volume Laços de família (1960). Da segunda, contos publicados no volume Oriane, tía Oriane (1980). Vale-se, para tanto, de metodologias do comparativismo e de teorias sobre a literatura feminina. E procura problematizar questões referentes a esse universo em que mulheres escrevem sobre o ser feminino, aí considerado num sistema que inclui experiências existenciais, relações sociais e que considera também o campo mais amplo da própria condição humana. Entre os vários aspectos estudados, considerou-se o modo como as autoras comparadas estruturam as personagens femininas, nos seus diversos estágios de desenvolvimento: enquanto crianças e adolescentes em formação, na sua primeira juventude como mulher, na vida de casada e no seu papel de mãe. A análise comparativista dos contos está fundamentada em alguns elementos considerados pela crítica feminista como determinantes do conjunto de obras produzidas por mulheres, ressaltando-se, dentre eles, o uso frequente do discurso indireto livre e da narração em primeira pessoa, recursos que, mediante a mobilização da lembrança do passado, da auto-análise e da auto-descoberta, colaboram para uma problematização da identidade feminina e do significado da existência. / This research aims to develop a reading of the literary work of two women russianucranian naturalized brazilian Clarice Lispector and Colombian Marvel Moreno. Significant stories of both authors were selected for this study; from the first, were chosen some stories published on volume entitled Laços de família (1960), and from the Colombian writer, some stories on volume Oriane, tía Oriane (1980). To do this, methodologies as comparatism and female literature theories are the principal theoretical elements. It also tries to problematize questions related to that universe within women write about female being, thought as a part of a system including being experiences, social relationships, and with regards to the wider field of human condition itself. Among the diverse aspects, the way both authors organize female characters on their different levels of growing was considered: from childhood, teenage years, the first youth as a woman and the life as a wife, until they assume their mother roles. Comparative analysis of the stories is supported by some elements that feminist critic consider as deciding factors to be inserted into the group of writings produced by women, and between them those whose relevancy rests on the frequent use of free indirect speech and first-person narrator; this sources, mediated by past memories, selfexamination and the self-discovery strengthen the complexity of female identity and the meaning of existence.
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Escrita feminina e laços familiares: Clarice Lispector e Marvel Moreno / Female writing and family ties: Clarice Lispector and Marvel MorenoClaudia Esperanza Duran Triana 11 April 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa procura desenvolver uma leitura da produção literária de duas mulheres a russo-ucraniana naturalizada brasileira Clarice Lispector e a colombiana Marvel Moreno. Da primeira, foram selecionados contos publicados no volume Laços de família (1960). Da segunda, contos publicados no volume Oriane, tía Oriane (1980). Vale-se, para tanto, de metodologias do comparativismo e de teorias sobre a literatura feminina. E procura problematizar questões referentes a esse universo em que mulheres escrevem sobre o ser feminino, aí considerado num sistema que inclui experiências existenciais, relações sociais e que considera também o campo mais amplo da própria condição humana. Entre os vários aspectos estudados, considerou-se o modo como as autoras comparadas estruturam as personagens femininas, nos seus diversos estágios de desenvolvimento: enquanto crianças e adolescentes em formação, na sua primeira juventude como mulher, na vida de casada e no seu papel de mãe. A análise comparativista dos contos está fundamentada em alguns elementos considerados pela crítica feminista como determinantes do conjunto de obras produzidas por mulheres, ressaltando-se, dentre eles, o uso frequente do discurso indireto livre e da narração em primeira pessoa, recursos que, mediante a mobilização da lembrança do passado, da auto-análise e da auto-descoberta, colaboram para uma problematização da identidade feminina e do significado da existência. / This research aims to develop a reading of the literary work of two women russianucranian naturalized brazilian Clarice Lispector and Colombian Marvel Moreno. Significant stories of both authors were selected for this study; from the first, were chosen some stories published on volume entitled Laços de família (1960), and from the Colombian writer, some stories on volume Oriane, tía Oriane (1980). To do this, methodologies as comparatism and female literature theories are the principal theoretical elements. It also tries to problematize questions related to that universe within women write about female being, thought as a part of a system including being experiences, social relationships, and with regards to the wider field of human condition itself. Among the diverse aspects, the way both authors organize female characters on their different levels of growing was considered: from childhood, teenage years, the first youth as a woman and the life as a wife, until they assume their mother roles. Comparative analysis of the stories is supported by some elements that feminist critic consider as deciding factors to be inserted into the group of writings produced by women, and between them those whose relevancy rests on the frequent use of free indirect speech and first-person narrator; this sources, mediated by past memories, selfexamination and the self-discovery strengthen the complexity of female identity and the meaning of existence.
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Avenging the Anthropocene : Green philosophy of heroes and villains in the motion picture tetralogy The Avengers and its applicability in the Swedish EFL-classroomVang, Jens January 2019 (has links)
This essay investigates the ecological values present in antagonists and protagonists in the narrative revolving the Avengers of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The analysis concludes that biocentric ideals primarily are embodied by the main antagonist of the film series, whereas the protagonists mainly represent anthropocentric perspectives. Since there is a continuum between these two ideals some variations were found within the characters themselves, but philosophical conflicts related to the environment were also found within the group of the Avengers. Excerpts from the films of the study can thus be used to discuss and highlight complex ecological issues within the EFL-classroom.
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Prvky americké válečné propagandy ve filmových adaptacích komiksu Captain America / Elements of American War Propaganda in the film adaptations of Captain America comicsVosyková, Lenka January 2020 (has links)
The character of Captain America is undoubtedly the most patriotic superhero in the comics world. Just the date of market launch in March 1941 sugests, that there was an intention to support the effort of U.S. Army during the World War II. He managed to highlight american national ideas and patriotismus, so it encouraged men to join the U.S. Army and for other people to buy war bonds to finance military operations. In the beginning of the new millennium the Marvel comics universe have been restored. The first Captain America movie was released in 2011, followed with another two sequels. The whole trilogy is quite in favor of the public. In the theoretical part of my theses, there is a description of different kinds of propaganda and its common use in public. I also ilustrate significance of pop culture and development of Marvel Studios to put it all in the wider perpective. After that follows depiction Captain America as an example of tradional hero displayed with a stereotypical charachteristics. As for the practical part of the theses, I am trying to demonstrate the american propaganda used in movies. In the next chapter I would like to determine if the viewers are able to percept it and respond to it. Part of the research was also to capture the diference in their perception due to their...
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Competitive video gaming, the sport of the futureSalinas, Efren Julian 13 December 2013 (has links)
Competitive video gaming is experiencing exponential growth. Advances in technology and global Internet penetration has created highly dedicated fan bases for games played at a competitive level. Game developing companies are beginning to focus their attention on making games for the new eSports market.
How avid eSports fans view competitive gaming is disrupting traditional consumption models. Twitch.TV a site that streams live gaming content is seeing massive growth.
Now, more than ever, dedicated gamers can live off of playing games – whether by competing in tournaments as sponsored players or running ads on their Twitch.TV live stream while they play.
The communities that have developed around different genres of competitive games are as varied as traditional sports such as Major League Baseball or the National Football League. A new industry with a complex infrastructure is developing in this new market. / text
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