Spelling suggestions: "subject:"masculinity.""
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Negotiating Identity and Constructing Masculinities: A Narrative Case Study of Men in Early Childhood EducationLuginbill, Matthew C. 15 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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"Do You Want Excitement? Don't Join the Army, Be a Nurse!": Identity Work and Advantage among Men in Training for the Female ProfessionsLoMascolo, Anna F. 10 July 2008 (has links)
This study examines the identity work strategies that men students in nursing, elementary education, and social work programs employ in order to manage and assert their masculinity in the face of negative gender assessment, as well as the identity work involved in verifying their professional identities. It also examines the perceived benefits and disadvantages that men experience as numerical minorities in their fields of study. Interviews with 12 men students majoring in these disciplines reveal that while men do perceive disadvantages as men in these educational spheres, they believe that the advantages and benefits they enjoy in the form of special treatment, recognition, and access to opportunity far outweigh them. A key perceived disadvantage is the ongoing challenges they face to their social identity as men and their role identity as rising professionals. These men employ identifiable identity work strategies for doing masculinity; some of which have implications for gender equality in the educational setting, as well as in on-site training (i.e., workplace) settings as well. This study contributes to an understanding of how men verify contradictory identities, and how gender shapes, privileges, and constrains their lives. In addition, it builds on extant literature focusing on men's experiences in higher education as they prepare for careers in gender-nontraditional occupations. / Ph. D.
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Les représentations du genre dans la littérature jeunesse québécoise publiée entre 2020 et 2022Bernier, Sophie 04 1900 (has links)
La littérature jeunesse est essentielle dans l'apprentissage de la lecture, mais elle permet aussi
d'initier l'enfant à la culture et de transmettre certaines idéologies (Dionne, 2009). Depuis les
années 1970, de plus en plus de critiques ont émergé à l’égard des stéréotypes de genre mis de
l’avant dans les manuels scolaires et les livres adressés à la jeunesse puisque ceux-ci
contribueraient au maintien et même au renforcement de ces représentations stéréotypées des
genres (Brugeilles et al., 2002). Il y a eu ensuite un souci de la part des parents et des professeurs
de présenter aux jeunes des livres qui ne véhiculent pas ou, du moins, qui véhiculent moins de
stéréotypes de genre. L’objectif de la présente étude est donc d’analyser de façon synchronique les
représentations de genre dans la littérature jeunesse québécoise pour voir si la tentative
d’effacement des stéréotypes de genre décrite plus haut est reflétée dans les titres publiés entre
2020 et 2022. L’analyse se concentre donc sur différents éléments linguistiques utilisés pour
décrire les personnages, soit les rôles thématiques assignés, les caractéristiques psychologiques et
physiques soulignées et les termes utilisés pour décrire les émotions. Plus spécifiquement, cette
étude se concentre sur la manière dont on décrit les personnages féminins, masculins ou autres
selon l’âge auquel l’ouvrage s’adresse. Les résultats de cette étude démontrent que, malgré des
portraits globaux similaires, certains stéréotypes de genre ont persisté, particulièrement en ce qui
a trait au physique féminin. / Children's literature is essential in learning to read, but it also allows for initiating children into culture and
transmitting certain ideologies (Dionne, 2009). Since the 1970s, more and more criticism has emerged
regarding gender stereotypes promoted in school textbooks and books aimed at youth, as they are believed to
contribute to the maintenance and even reinforcement of these stereotypical gender representations
(Brugeilles et al., 2002). Subsequently, there has been concern from parents and teachers about presenting
young people with books that do not convey, or at least convey fewer, gender stereotypes. The objective of
this study is therefore to analyze synchronically the gender representations in Quebecois children's literature
to see if the attempt to erase gender stereotypes described above is reflected in titles published between 2020
and 2022. The analysis focuses on various linguistic elements used to describe characters, including the
assigned thematic roles, emphasized psychological and physical characteristics, and terms used to describe
emotions. More specifically, this study focuses on how female, male, or other characters are described
depending on the target age of the book. The results of this study demonstrate that, despite similar overall
portrayals, some gender stereotypes have persisted, particularly concerning the female physique.
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Masculinities in Transcultural Spaces / Negotiations of Masculinities in Ang Lee’s FilmsZhang, Yumin 27 March 2018 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Interpretation vier ausgewählter Filme des Filmemachers Ang Lee – Pushing Hands, The Wedding Banquet, Brokeback Mountain und Hulk, die in den Jahren 1992 bis 2005 entstanden. Sie erforscht die unterschiedliche Inszenierung von Konzepten der Männlichkeit im chinesischen und US-amerikanischen Kontext, sowie den Männlichkeitsdiskurs in Räumen des kulturellen Üergangs.
Die Untersuchung Lees männlicher Figuren und Männlichkeitskonzepte macht sich sowohl die chinesische als auch die westliche erkenntnistheoretische Perspektive zu eigen, dabei ist Untersuchung sowohl konzeptionell als auch analytisch angelegt. Auf der konzeptionellen Ebene soll sie zeigen, wie sich die Konstruktion von Männlichkeitskonzepten unter der Einbeziehung nicht nur der westlichen konzeptionellen Argumentation von transkulturellen Räumen (Transdifferenz), sondern auch von andersartigen erkenntnistheoretischen Perspektiven, hier der chinesischen, besser erklären lässt. Auf der analytischen Ebene werden in der Untersuchung der Inszenierung männlicher Figuren audio-visuelle Textanalysen benutzt.
Die Analyse hat deutlich die Komplexität und Vielfältigkeit der Aushandlung von Männlichkeitskonzepten in transkulturellen Räumen gezeigt, wobei die Rekonstruktion und die Neuverhandlung von Männlichkeit sowohl emanzipatorisch als auch repressiv von statten gehen kann. Männliche Protagonisten bei Lee finden drei unterschiedliche Wege, ihre männliche Identität zu konstruieren. Als erste Lösung unterdrücken sie den transdifferenten Aspekt und wählen die klare Zugehörigkeit zu einer der Kulturen, die dann als Ursprung für die Restauration der Männlichkeit dient. Die zweite Lösung ist das Annehmen der Transdifferenz um eine mehrdeutige maskuline Identität im transkulturellen Raum aufzubauen. Als letzte Lösung gelingt es einen männlichen Figuren, kulturelle Grenzen zu überschreiten und eine transkulturelle Männlichkeit zu manifestieren. / This dissertation consists of readings of four selected films by Ang Lee — Pushing Hands, The Wedding Banquet, Brokeback Mountain and Hulk, ranging over a decade from 1992 to 2005. It explores Lee’s representation of diverse Chinese and American masculinities, discussing negotiations of masculinities in transcultural spaces.
My exploration of Lee’s representation of men and masculinities is equipped with double epistemological perspectives, namely, both Chinese and Western. My project is both conceptual and analytical. On the conceptual level, I intend to demonstrate how constructions of masculinities can be more productively explained by employing not only the Western conceptual arguments of transcultural space (transdifference) but also by reading this space from different epistemological perspectives, namely the Western and Chinese. On the analytical level, I employ audio and visual textual analysis in my examination of Lee’s portrayal of male figures.
My analysis has clearly demonstrated the complexity and multiplicity in negotiations of masculinities in transcultural spaces, which can be both emancipatory and repressive in re-constructing and re-negotiating one’s masculinity. Male subjectivities in Lee’s films turn to three different ways to construct or reconstruct their manliness. First, men suppress trandifference and opt for a clear belonging to a certain culture, in particular, the culture of origin for masculinity restoration. Second, men embrace transidifference to construct an ambiguous masculine identity in transcultural spaces. Third, men might transcend cultural boundaries to demonstrate transcultural manhood.
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‘Good Soldiers’, ‘Bad Apples’ and the ‘Boys’ Club’: Media Representations of Military Sex Scandals and Militarized MasculinitiesBickerton, Ashley Jennifer January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines news representations of Canadian, American and Australian military personnel involved in military 'sex scandals'. I explore what the representations of military personnel involved in well-publicized sex scandals reveal about scripts of soldiering and militarized masculinities. Despite a history of systemic violence in the military, I ask how and why the systemic nature of militarized masculinities are able to remain invisible, driving representations to focus on the ‘bad’ behaviour of individuals? By engaging with feminist scholarship in International Relations, I present the longstanding culture of misogyny, racism, homophobia and ableism in the Canadian, American and Australian militaries, focusing on the ways in which militarized masculinities are guided by these violent structures, and fundamental to the military's creation of soldiers. My dissertation uses the tools of critical discourse analysis to unpack the ways blame is individualised in cases of sexual and racist violence involving military personnel, while the military’s ableism, rape culture and imperial militarized masculinities are commonly naturalized or celebrated without regard for how they are fundamentally violent. My thesis presents an intersectional feminist project that intervenes in emerging questions in the field of transnational disability studies, tracing how militarism, hegemonic militarized masculinities and imperial soldiering (re)produce categories of ability and disability.
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Men and meanings of murder: discourses and power in narratives of male homicide in South AfricaStevens, Garth Raymond 08 1900 (has links)
The extant South African literature base on male homicide is relatively small and reveals a
paucity of qualitative studies. This study aimed to elicit discourses embedded within the
narratives of men involved in homicidal encounters, and to analyse them from a social
constructionist perspective. Semi-structured, individual interviews were conducted with 30
male prisoners who were convicted of murder. An analysis of narrative forms, followed by a
critical discourse analysis of the narrative contents, was conducted and aimed to assess the
social and ideological significance, functions and effects of these discourses. Participants'
talk included masculine performances that allowed for positive self-presentation and ways of
constructing meaning of their actions for themselves, the interviewer and an `invisible
audience'. Narrative forms of stability/continuity, decline, and transformation/growth that
relied on normalising, reifying, tipping point, propitiatory and rehabilitatory lexical registers
were deployed as a means to position participants as reasonable, normal, rehabilitated, and as
`successful' men. Within the narrative contents, participants constructed homicide through
exculpatory and justificatory discourses to rationalise and minimise their agency, and drew
on essentialist, moral and deterministic notions of male violence. Discourses of spectacular
and instrumental violence were also evident. References to male honour, status and power; a
defence against emasculation; the assertion of control over commodified female partners; the
maintenance of referent familist and ageist discourses; and the normalisation of male
violence as a utilitarian tool to access resources in unequal social contexts, underpinned these
discourses. The homicidal acts thus represented adapted performances of hegemonic
masculinity in a noxious context where this dominant form of masculinity is often
unattainable. While participants' talk reproduced hegemonic constructions of masculinity
within broader social contexts, it also contested hegemonic orders of moral discourses that
govern the legitimacy or illegitimacy of violence. The findings reveal how contexts of
discoursal production have a contradictory response to violence - denouncing it, but also
simultaneously acting as a pernicious incubatory environment for male homicide. It
concludes that the prevention of male homicide must involve the de-linking of masculinities
and violence at material, structural and institutional levels, but also within systems of
signification, if non-violent masculinities are to gain ascendancy. / Psychology / D.Litt. et Phil.(Psychology)
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Funny little witches and venerable-looking wizards: a social constructionist study of the portrayal of gender in the Harry Potter seriesRodrigues, Debbie June 02 1900 (has links)
In this study I apply social constructionism as propounded by Vivian Burr (1998) to show that although J. K. Rowling uses stereotypes in the Harry Potter series as a reflection of how gender is constructed across a wide range of societal institutions in contemporary Britain, she created complex characters who on an individual level subvert social constructs and thereby offers her readers alternatives to culturally defined concepts of gender. I explore the all-pervasive social phenomenon of gender and examine how it is constructed in present-day Britain and reflected in the series (bearing in mind that the first book was published in 1997 and the last one in 2007). My analysis of female and male characters in the books, and their interpersonal relationships, shows that Rowling's often tricky portrayal of femininities and masculinities gives us an honest view of teenagers’ lives and contemporary gender relations in an ever-changing, complex world. / English Studies / M. A. (English)
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Borders and Belonging: Using Oral History to Renegotiate Salvadoran TransnationalismBarreno, Jessica 01 January 2016 (has links)
This thesis elucidates new perspectives on transnational migration. The analysis draws from three oral histories that recount border-crossings and their unique impact on Salvadoran immigrant self-realization. The oral histories presented refine the study of transnational migration by providing valuable qualitative information that supplements and nuances empirical fact.
The first subject, whose story takes place in the 1970s just before the outbreak of the Salvadoran civil war, constructs identity through an embrace of assimilationist practices. The second narrative, occurring just after the civil war, is of a woman who navigates hegemonic Anglo structures by appropriating a space of her own. The third subject, a man who immigrates in the wake of post-9/11 heightened security concerns, desires permanent settlement; however, his undocumented status prevents him from fully integrating into American mainstream society. Additionally, an analytical focus on transnationalism reveals an important relationship with gendered identities. Through close analysis, these narratives reveal how Salvadoran immigrants have renegotiated what it means to belong in the United States. Overall this thesis contributes to a relatively young and undeveloped line of research on Salvadoran migration, particularly through its focus on gender.
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Les masculinités dans les films musicaux et les mélodrames de Jacques Demy et Vincente Minnelli / Masculinities in the musical films and melodramas by Vincente Minnelli and Jacques DemyBouarour, Sabrina 11 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse explore les masculinités comme un terrain pluridisciplinaire pour penser les rapportsde pouvoir. A partir d’un rapprochement entre les films musicaux et les mélodrames réalisés parJacques Demy et Vincente Minnelli, ce travail examine les performances masculines dans lecontexte de l’après-guerre. Cette période de transformations sociales voit l’avènementd’une culture filmique transatlantique qui interroge et remet en cause les normes liées au genreet à la sexualité. Articulant approches esthétique et actorale, l’étude de la mise en scène met aujour la production de discours genrés ambivalents, historicisés en fonction des spécificités socio-culturelles propres aux cadres de production hollywoodien et français. Le film musical et lemélodrame, dans leur esthétique camp, se révèlent des lieux de négociations identitaires où seconstruit un rapport inédit au politique. On montre ici que les deux cinéastes, réunis par leur stylemélodramatique analogue, imaginent et rêvent des modèles de masculinités alternatives fondéessur des valeurs empathiques. Devant la caméra, la vulnérabilité, les émotions et les grandssentiments deviennent des armes politiques pour refonder et réinventer la communauté. / This thesis explores masculinities as a multidisciplinary field for thinking power relations. By connecting musical films and melodramas by Jacques Demy and Vincente Minnelli, this work examines male performances in the post-war context. This period of social transformations has given rise to the emergence of a transatlantic film culture that questions and challenges normsrelated to gender and sexuality. Articulating aesthetic and cultural studies approaches, the study of mise en scène brings to light the production of ambivalent gendered discourses, historicized according to the specific socio-cultural aspect of Hollywood and French film production environments. Musical films and melodramas, through their camp aesthetics, reveal themselvesas spaces of identity negotiation where an unprecedented rapport with politics is constructed. Both filmmakers, united by their similar melodramatic style, imagine and dream about models of alternative masculinities based on empathic values. In front of the camera, vulnerability, emotions and strong feelings become political weapons to refound and reinvent the community.
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Masculinidades possíveis em um grupo de homens apenados pela lei Maria da PenhaSilva, Carla Simone 31 October 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-10-31 / The research aims to analyse the discursive practices of men punished by Maria da Penha Law, in reason of the practice of domestic and family violence against women, referred for a reflective group,
according to the articles 35 and 45 in the same law. Taking references on Cultural Studies, the research search to relate speeches from a possible hegemonic pattern of masculinity with the practice of domestic and family violence against women, and identify new meanings in the speeches of these men due to of them participation in reflective group. The research is documental and the corpus consists in written material, resulting from de-recording the speeches of participants. Additional informations were drawn from the file of the criminal proceedings, consulting to the police reports, judgment and other documents in order to determine the profile of the participants of reflective group. The work is organized from the exposure of informations about the study group, as the format of carrying out of meetings, the facilitators, the strategies and rules, the difficulties of de-recording, the profile of participants, the ethical issues and some methodological possibilities of working with groups men. After that, it presents the legislative developments, statistics data and public policies developed in confronting of domestic and family violence against women in Brazil. It articulates theoretical notes
about the reflexive groups with the speeches of the participants men of the research group in order to demonstrate how participants men perceive their referral to the reflexive group. Based on the concept
of identities, it relates the search for the pattern of hegemonic masculinity, unattainable for the vast majority of men, one of the causes of this such violence; behiond it there are men‟s perceptions about the reflection process developed inside the group. The main results point to the importance of the work of reflective groups of men to confronting of violence against women as an effective way of
deconstructing masculinities closely related to violence, and a hegemonic, heteronormative and patriarchal model. On the other hand, emerges the problem of violence used by both partners as a
means of conflict resolution, which implies the need for treatment the phenomenon in a relational bias. / A pesquisa tem como objetivo principal fazer a análise das práticas discursivas de homens apenados pela Lei Maria da Penha, em razão da prática de violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher,
encaminhados para um grupo reflexivo, de acordo com o previsto nos artigos 35 e 45 da mesma Lei. Busca, a partir de um referencial teórico dos Estudos Culturais, relacionar discursos de um possível
padrão hegemônico de masculinidade com a prática da violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher, bem como identificar ressignificações nos discursos desses homens em razão da participação no grupo reflexivo. A pesquisa é documental e o corpus consiste em material escrito, resultante da degravação das falas dos participantes. Informações complementares foram extraídas
dos autos dos processos criminais, consultando os boletins de ocorrência, sentença e outros documentos com a finalidade de apurar o perfil dos participantes do grupo reflexivo. O trabalho parte da exposição das informações sobre o grupo pesquisado, como o formato da realização dos encontros, os facilitadores, as estratégias e as regras, as dificuldades da degravação, o perfil dos participantes, questões éticas e algumas possibilidades metodológicas de trabalho com grupos de homens. Em seguida, apresenta a evolução legislativa, dados estatísticos e políticas públicas desenvolvidas no enfrentamento da violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher no Brasil. Articula
apontamentos teóricos sobre os grupos de reflexão de autores de violência com as falas dos homens participantes do grupo pesquisado no intuito de demonstrar como os homens participantes percebem
o seu encaminhamento para o grupo reflexivo. Partindo do conceito de identidades, relaciona a busca pelo padrão de masculinidade hegemônica, inatingível para a grande maioria de homens, uma das
causas desse tipo de violência, somada a isso, seguem as percepções que os homens apresentam sobre o processo de reflexão desenvolvido no grupo. Os principais resultados apontam para a importância do trabalho dos grupos reflexivos de homens para o enfrentamento da violência contra a mulher como uma forma efetiva de desconstrução de masculinidades muito relacionadas à violência, e a um modelo hegemônico, heteronormativo e patriarcal. Por outro lado, emerge o problema da violência utilizada por ambos os parceiros como uma forma de solução de conflitos, o que implica na necessidade do tratamento do fenômeno em um viés relacional.
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