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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimering av 3D-miljöer med hjälp av teorier om visuell perception / Optimization of 3D environments using theories about visual perception

Olsson, Agnes January 2017 (has links)
Studien undersöker hur användandet av teorier kring visuell perception påverkar uppfattningen av modulärt uppbyggda 3D-miljöer i spel, samt om användandet av teorier kring visuell perception kan underlätta arbetet med att skapa visuellt intressanta miljöer. Dessa teorier undersöks genom skapandet en stadsmiljö i 3D, där sammansättningen utformades efter de utvalda teorierna. Frågeställningen undersöks sedan med speltest, enkät, och intervjuer. Vid undersökningen konstaterades det att informanterna noterade upprepningar i miljön, men inte upplevde att dessa påverkade sin spelupplevelse. Frågeställningens svar går inte att fastställa helt, då undersökningen enbart prövade en miljö utan att denna jämfördes med en kontrollgrupp, men studien pekar mot att användandet av teorierna kring visuell perception hjälpte till att göra att testpersonerna såg upprepningarna som naturliga. Framöver skulle frågeställningen kunna undersökas närmare och mer exakt genom att göra en mer omfattande studie, där en kontrollgrupp används i kontrast till miljöerna med teorierna kring visuell perception applicerat.

Visualisering av avatarens hälsa och dess effekt på spelarens prestation : En studie av in-game information i det grafiska gränssnittet

Andersson, Hans January 2017 (has links)
Allteftersom tekniken för digitala spel har utvecklats och spelen blivit mer avancerade har mängden av information som spelaren kan få om sin avatar (digital representation av spelaren) ökat. Beroende på spelets upplägg och design är denna information mer eller mindre lättillgänglig. Den information som alltid tycks ha en mer eller mindre given plats i spelets HUD (statiska delar av det grafiska gränssnittet) är avatarens hälsotillstånd. Inom den litteratur som finns skriven om speldesign finns flera riktlinjer om hur denna information ska visualiseras men speldesigners utforskar hela tiden nya sätt att applicera detta på. För- och nackdelar med hur informationen implementeras diskuteras av spelare och speljournalister på flera forum. Ofta med fokus på spelupplevelse och utmaning.Forskning som tidigare berört avatarens hälsa har undersökt hur olika mekaniker bakom den grafiska visualiseringen påverkar spelupplevelsen. Det finns dock ett forskningsgap när det kommer till hur den grafiska visualiseringen av avatarens hälsa påverkar spelarens prestation.I detta arbete undersöks hur en spelares prestation påverkas av att få information om sin avatars hälsa genom det grafiska gränssnittet. Studien grundar sig i en pågående diskussion om hur mekaniken bakom avatarens hälsa och dess visualisering påverkar spelets utmaning.För arbetet har en litteraturstudie genomförts om ämnet speldesign med fokus på hur det grafiska gränssnittet för ett spel bör utformas. Efter detta utvecklades för studien en prototyp där litteraturstudien låg till grund för hur en grafisk representation av avatarens hälsa implementerades. I prototypen lades funktionalitet till för att helt utesluta den grafiska representationen av avatarens hälsa varannan gång spelet startar. Funktionalitet applicerades också i prototypen för att lagra data som samlats in under spelets gång, i en databas som satts upp för studien.Genom prototypens två lägen genomfördes en kvalitativ förstudie i form av 12 övervakade spelsessioner vilka följdes upp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. En komparativ studie utfördes genom att hälften av deltagarna fick spela med en synlig hälsomätare och hälften utan. Testpersonernas resonemang kring frågor som berör frågeställningen analyserades för att ge djupare förståelse för den kvantitativa data som sedan samlades in genom att prototypen gjordes tillgänglig via webben.Efter varje avslutat spel av prototypen registrerades resultat i poäng och om spelet hade en synlig hälsomätare eller inte tillsammans med annan information som avsåg att besvara frågeställningen för studien. Efter förstudien publicerades prototypen på webben, vilket resulterade i att data från 259 spelrundor lagrades i databasen. Efter urval enligt studiens avgränsningar har data från 62 spelrundor använts i det kvantitativa forskningsunderlaget för studien.Sammanfattningsvis skiljer sig resultaten mellan de kvalitativa och kvantitativa studierna. Under den kvalitativa studien noterades en skillnad i resonemanget mellan de som fått spela med en synlig hälsomätare och de som fått spela utan. Detta användes för att analysera och jämföra den insamlade datan från den webbaserade prototypen. Den insamlade kvantitativa datan kunde i en jämförelse mellan de som spelat med en synlig hälsomätare och de som spelat utan inte visa på en skillnad i prestation med någon statistisk säkerhet. / As digital gaming technology has evolved and the games has become more advanced, the amount of information that the player can get about their avatar (the player's digital representation) has increased. Depending on the layout and design of the game, this information is more or less readily available. The information that always seems to have a more or less evident place in HUD (static parts of the graphical interface) is the avatar's state of health. There are several guidelines on how to visualize this information, but game designers are constantly exploring new ways to apply it. Pros and cons of how the information is implemented is discussed by players and game journalists in several forums. Frequently focusing on what it does for the game's challenge and the gaming experience.Previous research that attended the avatar's health has investigated how different mechanics behind the graphic visualization affect the gaming experience. However, there is a research gap when it comes to how the graphic visualization of the avatar's health affects the player's performance.This study examines how a player's performance is influenced by obtaining information about the avatar's health through the graphical interface. The study is based on an ongoing discussion of how the mechanics of the avatar's health and its visualization affects the game's challenge.A literature study was conducted on the subject game design focusing on how the graphic interface of a game should be designed. After that, a game prototype was developed for the study in which the literature study formed the basis for how a graphic representation of the avatar's health was implemented. In the prototype, functionality was added to completely exclude the graphic representation of the avatar's health every other time the game started. Functionality was also applied in the prototype to collect data during the game. The data was saved in a database set up for the study.With use of the two game modes of the prototype, a qualitative preliminary study was conducted in the form of supervised game sessions with follow-up semi-structured interviews. A comparative study was conducted by letting half of the participants play with a visible health bar and the other half without. The participant's reasoning on issues related to the research question was analyzed to give a deeper understanding of the quantitative data that was collected by making the prototype available through the web.After each completed game of the prototype, it was registered alongside the score if the game had been played with a visible health bar or not. Other information intended to answer the research question for the study was also registered. After the preliminary study was conducted the prototype was published on the web, this resulted in data from 259 game rounds was collected and stored in the database. After selection according to study delimitations, data from 62 game rounds have been used for the for the study's quantitative research backing.To conclude, the results differ between the qualitative and the quantitative studies. During the qualitative study, a distinction was made in the reasoning between those who played with a visible health bar and those who had been playing without. This was used to analyze and compare the collected data from the web-based prototype. The collected quantitative data, however, does not show any statistically safe difference in performance between those who played with a visible health bar and those who played without one.

Can sound be used to effectively direct players' attention in a visual gameplay oriented task?

Kristal-Ern, Alfred January 2017 (has links)
In this study, the understanding about multimodal perception from previous studies has been used to create a perceptually demanding visual search task inside a game. Also, a subtle multimodal cue was created to be in-directly informative about the visual search target’s location by attracting subjects’ attention. 20 subjects were divided equally among the experiments two conditions, one where the subjects had no access to the multimodal information and one where the subjects did have access to the multimodal information. The multimodal information conveyed to the subjects in this experiment was temporal synchrony between a visual light pulsating and a sound being modulated using level and low-pass filtering. Results showed that the subjects that were given the multimodal information improved more on the search task than the group without multimodal information, but the subjects in the multimodal group also perceived the pace of the task as higher. However, it is unclear exactly how the multimodal cue helped the subjects since the playing subjects did not seem to change their search movement pattern to favor the location of the search target, as was expected. Further, the difficulties and considerations of testing in a game environment is discussed and it is concluded that the gamer population is a very varied group which has big impacts on methodology of in-game experiments. To identify sub-groups, further research could study why different players use different search behaviors.

The effects of distortion : Investigating how different types of distortion affect timbral attributes and subjective preference

Waldton Lézin, André January 2020 (has links)
The effects of distortion has been investigated prior to this study, however most of these studies focus on the objective physicalities of a certain type of distortion or they might apply distortion in static amounts to examine effects of loudspeaker distortion. Objectively the varying types of distortion may be different, however there are little explanations on how these types subjectively might sound different. This study aimed to investigate how subjective preference and perception of the timbral attributes warmth and roughness may vary between types of distortion, and if there was a pattern between these using three different types of distortion (zero-crossing, solid state and tube), applied at two different levels (high and low) and to two different instruments (guitar and vocals). The outcome indicated that subjects most prefer tube distortion and that this distortion was considered to provide the most amounts of warmth while also the least amounts of roughness. There were also interaction effects indicating guitar being less sensitive about the level of distortion while being more sensitive about the type of distortion for the measures of preference and amounts of roughness, when compared to vocals.

A comparison between phantom center and a central loudspeaker source : How does the listener position affect the stereophonic image in contemporary sound reinforcement systems?

Lundström Thunderlin, Joacim January 2020 (has links)
In live sound reinforcements scenarios, the majority of the audience is placed in a non- optimal listening position and will not experience the stereophonic image as intended by the mixing engineer. This study was conducted to examine the impact of a central loudspeaker source and phantom center, on the stereophonic image from different listening positions. Sixteen subjects, consisting of audio engineering students and professionals, were subjected to an optimal and non-optimal listening position and a three channel and stereo system, and was asked to estimate the perceived location of a stimulus, consisting of a 40 ms 1 kHz tone, placed on five different locations within the panorama. The results of these test were then summarized and analyzed by utilizing three t-tests in order to examine; the difference between perceived and intended location for each combination of system configuration and listening position, the difference between the listening positions and the difference between system configurations. The results show that a three-channel system is less affected by the listening position than a stereo system, indicating that a three-channel system can provide a more similar experience to audience members regardless of their listening position. However, the preference of system configuration is not examined and should be examined before making the claim that one system configuration is superior. The number of t-test conducted may also have impacted the results and provided a false significance. Subsequent studies could be made to confirm or reject the results of this study.

Marknadsföra känslan : En undersökning om visuell attraktion vid marknadsföring för unga

Ivicic, Marco, Daag, Carl January 2020 (has links)
Marknadsföringens grund är spridning av information. Upplysning sker genom distribution till riktad intressegrupp som konsumerar marknadsföringens budskap. Marknadsföringen slår igenom om åskådaren köper budskapets känsla. Upplevelse av känslan utgår ifrån innehållets kontext som tilltalar individen emotionellt. Detta kandidatarbete syftar till att undersöka hur emotion och autobiografisk minne kan utnyttjas vid marknadsföring. Därmed utforska hur kontext i film engagerar ungdomar för rekrytering inom en teknisk nischad bransch. Kontext formas utifrån hur individen upplever den estetiska bilden. Därtill skapas ett sammanhang som individen relaterar till och sprider vidare i sitt sociala nätverk. I detta fall har denna undersökning experimenterat med representation av ventilationsbranschen för rekrytering. Omvärldsanalys användes för informationssökande om ventilationsbranschen. Designmetoder har använts för kommunikation av vision vid godkännande under iterativ designprocess. Till sist har bildmanipulation använts under filmproduktion som resulterade en rekryteringsfilm som involverar dess målgrupp. Rekryteringfilmen gestaltar ungdomar som ska rekryteras inom ventilationsbranschen och två utomstående som visar vilja till rekrytering. Estetisk symbolik förmedlar kontext som gestaltar känslan av anställning istället för beskrivning av upplevelsen. Skådespelarnas naturliga utförande reflekteras hos mottagaren som upplever känslan. Däremot har utmaningar under produktion fått oss att omstrukturera iterationer av detta projekt. Dilemman som COVID-19 pandemin och vår kommunikation till ventilationsbranschen utvecklade vår designförmåga. Med Löwgrens och Stoltermans exempel på hur designen hanterar dilemman med retrospektiv reflektion (Löwgren & Stolterman, 2004), har vår egen kreativitet använts vid reflektion över vad som vi kunde åstadkomma trots dilemmat. Rekryteringsfilmen kommer att distribueras efter COVID-19 pandemin har avtagit och marknadsföringen sätts på prov. Filmmediets emotionella koppling till människor kan därmed testas för vidare forskning. / The basis of marketing is dissemination of information. Enlightenment is provided through distribution towards targeted interest groups who consume the marketing message. The marketing works when the viewer buys into the emotion of the message. Experience of that emotion is based on the content´s context that appeals to the individual emotionally. This bachelor thesis aims at examination of how emotion and autobiographical memory can be used in marketing. Therefore investigate how context in film engages young people for recruitment in a technical niche industry. Context is formed based on how the individual perceives the aesthetic image. In addition, a context is created that the individual can relate to and spread it further in her social network. In this case, this study has experimented with the representation of the ventilation industry for recruitment. External analysis has been used for seeking information about the ventilation industry. Design methods have been used for communication of a vision upon approval during the iterative design process. Finally, image manipulation during film production was used to result in a recruitment film involving its target audience. The recruitment film depicts young people being recruited into the ventilation industry and two outsiders who show a desire for recruitment. Aesthetic symbolism conveys a context that embodies the feeling of employment rather than description of the experience. The actors' natural performance is reflected by the recipient who is experiencing the emotion. However, challenges during production have led us to revamp iterations of this project. Dilemmas such as the COVID-19 pandemic and our communication with the ventilation industry developed our design ability. With Löwgren’s and Stolterman’s example of how the designer handles dilemmas with retrospective reflection (Löwgren & Stolterman, 2004), our own creativity has been used in reflection upon what we could achieve despite the dilemma. The recruitment film will be distributed after the COVID-19 pandemic have diminished and the marketing will be put to the test. The film medium’s emotional connection to people can therefore be tested for further investigation.

How does the user experience of a progressive web application compare to native application? : A case study on user's attitude in context of social media.

Sedkowska, Justyna January 2020 (has links)
Purpose–The purpose of this thesis paper was to measure differences in the user experience provided by the Progressive Web App technology in comparison to native application in a context of social media. The study investigated users attitude towards different user interfaces implemented in the PWA and the native application. Method–This paper isqualitative research in the field of user experience. Usability tests paired with semi-structured interview were chosen as research methods for this study. The study has been conducted on Twitter's PWA and Android application. Ten participants took part in the study. Findings–The results have shown that most of the participants can identify differences in the user interfaces of both apps. Although both applications provided the same functionalities, the different UI solutions were the major factor influencing users feelings. On top of that, different user interfaces did not change the user's perception of the platform's consistency. As a result, more participants preferred the PWA over the native app. Moreover, results suggest that PWA can provide native-like experience in the context of social media. Implications–The main contribution of this bachelor thesis is a comparison of user experience on PWA and native app technology in the context of social media. This research opens a discussion about the need for companies to broader their digital presence by implementing PWA technology as it can bring benefit to users and businesses. Limitations–The main limitation of this study is a low number of participants caused by restrictions of social distancing inthe times of global pandemic. On top of that, the convenient sampling method has been used. Keywords–User Experience, Progressive Web Application,User Interface, Native Mobile Application, Attitude

Modelling how sound engineers counter global gain rise in live mixes to evaluate possible implementations of automatic gain adjustments

Lindström, Hannes January 2020 (has links)
Smart tools for audio production have been making its way into modern audio production and is getting more popular in studio and postproduction work. In live sound however, there is few alternatives that exist. In this study live sound engineers experienced in live music sound reinforcement were interviewed about how they use gain and what considerations they make when adjusting gain. The aim of this study was to use their answers to create the foundation of a framework to an algorithm that can adjust gain automatically. The interviews were semi-structured, and the transcriptions were analysed using grounded theory. From the transcripts five categories were created and further divided into subcategories for deeper analysis. The study showed that the data in the study could not easily be proceduralized but instead two alternative ways of implementing this in practice, one that monitors the input signals and passes the information to the engineer. And another that adds a control layer to the monitoring where the parameter can be selected based on mixing strategy and the algorithms control can be switched on or off.

Att fälla murar med sociala medier : En undersökning om användning av medier för att dela världsliga perspektiv

Uddén, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
Detta arbete syftar till att undersöka internet som medium för att sprida information genom bildproduktion, både stillbilder och rörliga bilder. YouTube är intressant idag som kommunikationsmedel då det är en av de mest populära internettjänsterna globalt. Med YouTube är det möjligt för vem som helst att skapa och dela sina bildproduktioner till en internationell publik och monopolet ligger inte längre hos de traditionella mediekanalerna så som television och pappersmedia. Tillgängligheten bidrar enormt till spridning av kunskap men används också tyvärr för att sprida destruktiva budskap efter personliga agendor vilket bidrar till ett polariserat internet och samhälle.  Metoderna som används i arbetet är situerad kunskap och visuell etnografi. Arbetets analys grundar sig i politiska event, beslut och befattningar som direkt eller indirekt kan komma att stärka främlingsfientlighet och polarisering mellan människor, minska mobilitet, frihet och förståelse mellan olika nationer som den gemensamma nämnaren. För att kunna ge ett så trovärdigt och ”verklighetsbaserat” perspektiv som möjligt krävs det att medieproducentens tolkningar är baserad på en djup kunskap samt att producenten redogör kontexten för sitt perspektiv. Den största svårigheten med att skapa produktioner för en potentiellt internationell publik är att alla människor uppfattar budskap olika beroende på individuellt bagage och kultur. Jag har försökt utnyttja detta till min fördel. Under 3 veckor utgick jag från visuell etnografi när jag lärde mig om Venedig och dess människor, för att utifrån mitt skriftliga arbete skapa en filmproduktion som genom att vara abstrakt öppnar upp för mer tolkning. / This work aims to investigate the internet as a medium for spreading information through image production, both still images and moving images. YouTube is interesting today as a means of communication since it is one of the most popular internet services globally. With YouTube, it is possible for anyone to create and share their productions and images to an international audience and the monopoly no longer lies with the traditional media channels such as television and paper media. Accessibility contributes enormously to the dissemination of knowledge but is also unfortunately used to spread destructive messages according to personal agendas which contributes to a polarized internet and society. The methods used in the work are situated knowledge and visual ethnography.  The analysis of the work is based on political events, decisions and positions that may directly or indirectly strengthen xenophobia and polarization between people, reduce mobility, freedom and understanding between different nations as the common denominator. In order to provide as credible and "reality-based" perspectives as possible, it is necessary that the media producer's interpretations are based on a deep knowledge and that the producer describes the context of his/her perspective.  The main difficulty in creating productions for a potentially international audience is that all people perceive messages differently depending on individual baggage and culture. I have tried to use this to my advantage. For 3 weeks I started from visual ethnography when I learned about Venice and its people, to create a film production based on my written work. By being an abstract film it opens up for more interpretation.

Icke-musikers perspektiv på musik och genrer : En etnologisk studie om hur musik kan tolkas

Geite, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
This paper examines the perspective of non-musicians on the subject of music and how they interpret its content. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with three people who do not study nor practice music. The results show that non-musicians can, to an extent, show musical knowledge in terms of instruments and genres and that they share similarities in how they view music as a whole. It is also shown that music productions not produced by an established music industry can still hold up to non-musicians' criteria by studying their personal preferences and their connection to music in their everyday life.

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