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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att åldras tryggt - En kvalitativ studie om äldres val och erfarenhet av att flytta till ett trygghetsboende

Svensson, Pernilla January 2020 (has links)
Satsningen på trygghetsbostäder ligger i en ökad utmaning av äldre som upplever otrygghet eller isolering i sina hem. Kraven för att kunna flytta till ett trygghetsboende är att den äldre ska ha fyllt 70 år, ha stöd av hemtjänst och uppleva sig otrygg eller isolerad. Få studier berör vad som påverkar äldre att vilja flytta till ett trygghetsboende och hur de sedan upplever boendet. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar äldres val av att flytta till ett trygghetsboende och hur de sedan upplever det att bo där. Empirin har samlats in via en kvalitativ studie I form av halvstrukturerade intervjuer med äldre boende på ett trygghetsboende. För att analysera empirin har Nahemow och Lawtons (1973) ekologiska modell använts. Resultatet visar på att äldre väljer att flytta på grund av otillgängliga bostäder, ensamhet, nedsatt hälsotillstånd och begränsad rörelseförmåga. Valet av trygghetsboende som boendeform grundar sig i närheten till andra äldre och omsorgspersonal, tillgängliga utrymmen och gemensamma aktiviteter. Upplevelsen av boendet varierar beroende på den äldres erfarenhet, personlighet och förmåga. De flesta äldre upplever sig självständigare, tryggare och i mindre utsträckning ensamma i deras hem på trygghetsboendet. / The investment in social housing lies in an increased challenge of older people who experience insecurity or isolation in their homes. The requirements for moving to a social housing are that the elderly must have reached the age of 70, have support from home care and feel unsafe or isolated. Few studies are about why the elderly want to move to a social housing and how they then experience the accommodation. The aim of this study is to investigate what factors affect older people's choice of moving to a social housing and how they then experience it to live there. The empirical data has been collected through a qualitative study in the form of semi-structured interviews with elderly residents in a social housing. Nahemow and Lawton's (1973) ecological model has been used to analyze the empirical data. The results show that older people choose to move due to inaccessible housing, loneliness and reduced health status and mobility. The choice of social housing as a form of housing is based on the closeness of other elderly and care staff, accessible spaces and joint activities. The experience of the accommodation varies depending on the experience, personality and ability of the elderly. Most elderly find themselves more independent, safer and feeling less alone in their homes in the social housing.

Information hat viele Gesichter

21 December 2010 (has links)
In Kooperation mit dem Deutschen Bibliotheksverband e.V. und gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung präsentierten sich Bibliotheken in ganz Deutschland vom 24.10. bis 31.10.2010 mit zahlreichen Aktivitäten als Lernorte und Orte der Kommunikation auf vielfältigste Weise. Die Palette der Veranstaltungen reichte von Poetry-Slams, Lesenächten, Autorenlesungen über Ausstellungen und Präsentationen bis hin zu verschiedenen Serviceangeboten wie z.B. Büchertausch. In Sachsen fanden insgesamt 160 Veranstaltungen in den Bibliotheken statt.

Aktivitet är sekundärt : En kvalitativ studie om personalens arbete mot ofrivillig ensamhet hos äldre personer / Activity is secondary

Bytyqi, Arta January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of my study is to investigate how the meeting place's staff’s in a municipality in Halland County, handles the loneliness of the elderly and their needs to activities, and how the meeting place works to prevent involuntary loneliness. I have used a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews. I have interviewed 6 people at different meeting places in the municipalities. In the results section, i have analyzed through the theories used in the study. These theories are the activity theory, the disengagement theory, sense of context and the role theory as the used both by Goffman (2009) and Tornstam (2018). My conclusion is that staff work has a contribution with a description of how meeting places in the municipality handle the loneliness of the elderly and their need for activity and social interaction. The job description in the meeting places has been a central part of the study to shed light on whether it is in line with informal working methods of the stuff, but also based on the used theories in the study. I have tried to shed light with this study on the staff's work in meeting places about the loneliness of the elderly and their need for activities.

Förändrade användningsmönster av Karlstads centrum : En studie om Covid-19:s påverkan på Karlstads centrum som mötesplats / Changed patterns of use of Karlstad city center : A study on the impact of Covid-19 on Karlstad city center as a meeting place

Ekener, Jennifer, Okstam, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och undersöka på vilka sätt Karlstads centrum har en betydande roll för användare av centrum, hur människor har upplevt att Karlstads centrum som mötesplats har påverkats under Covid-19 samt vilka möjliga sociala konsekvenser detta inneburit för dessa användare. Genom en kvantitativ enkätundersökning och teorianknytning åsyftas följande tre frågeställningar att undersökas och analyseras:  Vilka möjliga sociala konsekvenser har Covid-19 haft på Karlstads centrum? På vilket sätt har Karlstads centrum en betydande roll för användare av centrum? Hur har nyttjandet av Karlstads centrum som mötesplats förändrats under Covid-19? Resultaten från studiens empiriska undersökning tillsammans med förankrade teorier visade att Covid-19 pandemin både påverkat det sociala klimatet i Karlstads centrum samt centrum som mötesplats. Minskad vistelse i centrum bland studiens respondenter under Covid-19 påverkar Karlstads centrum som mötesplats negativt, vilket även leder till att den sociala interaktionen parallellt får en negativ utveckling i relation till detta. Enkätens respondenter lyfte Covid-19 restriktioner som exempel på anledning till en minskad vistelse i Karlstads centrum. Studiens andra frågeställning med fokus på vilken roll Karlstads centrum har för användare av centrum visade både att centrum upplevs som en mötesplats av stor betydelse, men även att centrum utgör ett viktigt nav som ger en attraktiv bild av staden ur ett externt perspektiv. Slutsatsen av studien är att Karlstads centrum har förändrats under Covid-19 pandemin, både ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv men även som mötesplats. / The aim of this study is to describe and examine how Karlstad city center has an important role for users of the city center, how people have experienced the change of Karlstad city center as a meeting place during the Covid-19 pandemic and what possible social consequences this has resulted in for these users. Through a quantitative survey research and by the use of theories are the following three research questions meant to be examined and analyzed:  Which possible social consequences has Covid-19 had on Karlstad city center?  In what way has Karlstad city center a meaningful role for users of the city center? How has the use of Karlstad city center as a meeting place changed during Covid-19?  The result from the study’s empirical research together with presented theories, has shown that the Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on the social climate in Karlstad city center and the city center as a meeting place. Reduced visits in the city center among the respondents during Covid-19 affects Karlstad city center as a meeting place negatively, which also leads to a negative development regarding social interaction. The respondents of the survey stated Covid-19 restrictions as an example of reason for reduced visits in Karlstad city center. The second research question regarding the role of Karlstad city center in relation to the users of the city showed both that the city center is regarded as a crucial meeting place, but also that the city center is an important hub that provides an attractive external image of the city. The conclusion of the study shows that Karlstad city center has changed during the Covid-19 pandemic, both regarding social sustainability and as a meeting place.

Participatory Speculative Design : Exploring Ownership-Level of Engagement in Co-Designing Meeting Spaces in Swedish Public Sector Offices / - : -

SARIC, ANDREJA January 2023 (has links)
The involvement of end users in the design process is gaining popularity, particularly through human-centred design (HCD). This case study addresses two practical issues: the lack of engagement of Swedish public sector office workers in designing their workspaces and the need to prioritize user needs in new meeting places. The research examines engagement at the leadership/ownership level using participatory speculative design (PSD), which goes beyond HCD. Through participatory action research (PAR), users are empowered to question their needs and lead the design process. The study employs PSD in two workshops to explore its contribution to the process and outcome. It focuses on identifying ownership-level engagement indicators and assessing how PSD influences reflecting user needs in the initial prototype of future meeting spaces. The central research question revolves around identifying indicators of ownership-level engagement in PSD and assessing how the PSD methodology influences the reflection of user needs in the initial prototype of future meeting spaces. Data collection involves secondary data, literature review, and design workshops, analysing workshop design and participant behaviour’s impact on engagement levels and organizations. The study aims to provide practical solutions and bridge knowledge gaps in participant engagement. Findings demonstrate the practical implications of involving end users at the highest level, including fresh insights, broader perspectives, and the democratization of the design process. PSD at the ownership level proves feasible, offering novel insights within the realm of PSD.

E-commerce and its Effects on Commercial Real Estate and F&B : Space Conversions, the Optimal Meeting Place and Future Expectations on Development in Stockholm CBD / E-handeln och dess påverkan på kommersiella fastigheter samt mat och dryck

von Heideken, Hedda, Höglund, Nina January 2019 (has links)
People are becoming more digital today, and are spending the majority of their time behindscreens. Because of this, the importance to socialize have become more prominent. In thisdigital era, more businesses are establishing online. A structural reformation in the retailmarket is inevitable. One of the reasons for this is the competition which comes frominternational competitor. Consumers can click home goods directly from internationallow-cost production actors. With this change, it has become harder for physical retailbusiness to become profitable. Even though the online retail market is blooming, there is stilla need for physical spaces in Stockholm, and this is because of webrooming and Halo effects.In combination to this, retailers desire fewer and smaller spaces. Further, the effectse-commerce has on physical retail have altered the way real estate owners establish theirspaces. Several real estate owners convert retail stores into food and beverage (F&B). TheF&B sector has become more important and prominent today because of its importance ofcreating a meeting place in today’s society. Due to this, the F&B market is saturated causingcannibalization between actors.The aim of this study is to explore and interpret qualitative data, based on interviews withbranch experts from real estate owners and consultants, retailers, researchers and F&B actors.Considering, if the online retail market affects the F&B market in Stockholm CBD. What willbe the future for physical retail and F&B spaces, based on the change in consumer behaviour?What is the relation between the expanding online market and the conversion from retail toF&B? What will happen when the market is saturated and how will the future meeting placebe established? The thesis will also be based on a case study of Sergelstan, a developmentproject in Stockholm CBD, owned and established by Vasakronan.The conclusion of the research is that e-commerce has an indirect impact on the F&B sector,based on direct effect from retail. The physical retail sector creates vacancy due to a changedconsumer behaviour, which enables other sectors to grow. Due to the importance of ameeting place for society, real estate owners have almost doubled their F&B supply in theCBD of Stockholm. / Dagens människor blir allt mer digitala och spenderar majoriteten av sin tid framför skärmar,så vikten att umgås blivit allt viktigare. Den digitala världen expanderar och allt fler företagöppnar online, vilket har skapat en oundviklig strukturell reform för detaljhandelsmarknaden.Konsumenterna kan klicka hem varor direkt från internationella lågprisaktörer som bidragittill att konkurrensen ökar på marknaden. Utvecklingen gör att det blir allt svårare för denfysiska detaljhandeln att bli lönsam. Trots att onlinehandeln är resultatrik, så finns detfortfarande ett behov av fysiska butiker i Stockholm bland annat på grund av webroomingoch Haloeffekt. En ökad e-handeln har bidragit till butikernas behov av fysiska ytor minskateller försvunnit. Effekterna av e-handeln på fysiska butiker har därmed skapat en förändringför fastighetsägare, däribland hur man väljer att etablera hyresgäster i sina kommersiellafastigheter. Flera fastighetsägare väljer att konvertera de fysiska butikerna till andra mergynnsamma sektorer, exempelvis mat och dryck (F&B). F&B sektorn har blivit viktigare ochmer betydelsefull idag, eftersom det skapar en mötesplats. En överetablering av F&B harmättat marknaden och istället skapat en kannibalisering mellan aktörerna.Syftet är att undersöka och tolka kvalitativa data, baserat på semistrukturerade intervjuer frånfastighetsägare och konsulter, forskare, detaljhandlare och F&B-aktörer. Frågan somundersöks i det här examensarbetet är om e-handeln påverkar F&B marknaden i Stockholmsstadskärna. Vad kommer att hända med de fysiska ytorna för butiker och F&B i framtiden,som grundar sig i ett förändrat konsumetbeteende? Vad är förhållandet mellan expansionenav e-handel och konvertering från fysisk butik till F&B? Vad kommer att hända närmarknaden är mättad och hur kommer den framtida mötesplatsen att utformas?Undersökningen baseras på en fallstudie av Sergelstan, ett kommersiellt fastighetsprojekt,som ägs och utvecklas av Vasakronan.Slutsatsen är att e-handeln har en indirekt påverkan på F&B. Den fysiska detaljhandelnskapar vakanta ytor på grund av ett förändrat konsumentbeteende, vilket möjliggör för andrasektor att växa. På grund av vikten av en mötesplats i dagens samhälle har en fördubbling avF&B skett i CBD Stockholm.

Fortsätt och Gör : En Kvalitativ Studie av Bibliotekens Arbete med HBTQ+-ungdomar.

Munter, Lovisa, Sihlén, Adam January 2024 (has links)
LGBTQ+-youth under the age of 18 is a vulnerable group with few accessible meeting-places. We wanted to examine the library’s role in facilitating a meeting-place for this group, through qualitative interviews with various library personnel. The in-terviews were analyzed using Braun & Clarkes (2006) process for thematic analysis. Audunson’s definition of the library as a low-intensity meeting place was used as basis for our understanding of the function of the public library. The result indicated that the library personnel focused more on creating safe spaces for LGBTQ+ youth, rather than a meeting place specifically. We identified four themes used to create these spaces: knowledge about the group and their needs, activities aimed at the group, an ability to establish social connections with the individual people and a clearly visible position in favor of LGBTQ+-rights.

Den urbana mötesplatsen : en kvantitativ studie av Bysistorgets funktion som offentlig mötesplats

Linde, Simon January 2018 (has links)
Gathering places (mötesplatser in Swedish) is an frequent used concept within the discourse about urban and regional planning in Sweden. It is an ambiguous term that is used in a variety of contexts and with a variety of meanings. Present work aims to investigate and describe the function of an urban square in Sweden as a public gathering place based on a number of given aspects. To achieve the aim of this thesis two different research approaches, in addition to an extensive literature study, is being used; a survey with people in a calculated target area and observations following the methodology created by Metha, 2014. Previous studies have shown that there are a number of variab- les that need to be understood to create a comprehensive insight in the social dimensions of urban public space. Among these, different groups and their perception of different factors are crucial to include. Furthermore, the inclusion and the possi- bility to use the public space is of great importance. As is the possibility to feel safe and calm in the space. Hence, there are numerous factors to include when the social dimensions of a public space is to be studied. These factors can be measured as indicators on how good the public space is, as is done in the Public Space Index developed by Metha (2014). Present study’s findings include a suggested definition of the term “Public gathering place” and data that indicates that Bysistorget is an overall good public gathering place. This is, however, proble- matized when the data is divided by different groups and a more variegated understanding arises.

Att skapa en attraktiv, tillgänglig och välkomnande mötesplats i ett småstadscentrum : En fallstudie av Centralplan i Tierp

Karlborg, Johnny, Larsson, Simon January 2016 (has links)
Tierps kommun upplever demografisk och ekonomisk tillväxt, och Tierps tätort är i behov av förnyelse och upprustning. Människor som lever i en stad som upplever tillväxt har högre förväntningar och ställer högre krav på offentliga miljöers hållbarhet, utformning och design. En centrummiljö som är tryggare, mer attraktivt och tillgängligt eftersträvas av Tierps kommun. Denna fallstudie är avgränsad till Centralplan i Tierps centrum och på platsen finns Tierps resecentrum, butiker och andra verksamheter. Syftet med denna studie är att uppfylla Tierps kommuns mål genom att skapa en social och välkomnande mötesplats för alla människor. Centralplan i Tierp har studerats utifrån Jan Gehls metoder för att studera det offentliga livet. Den avgränsade platsens fysiska förutsättningar har inventerats. Faktorer som sol, vind, material, verksamheter och fysisk utformning har studerats. Platsen har därefter analyserats utifrån Gehls 12 kvalitetskriterier. Kartläggning av människors sociala beteende i relation till platsens byggda miljö har även utförts. Denna kartläggning har bestått av Gehls metoder counting, mapping och tracing. För djupare insikt i platsens fysiska och sociala förutsättningar har förbipasserande intervjuats. Intervjufrågorna bestod av strukturerade frågor med möjlighet för respondenter att svara med öppna svarsalternativ. Detta gav respondenterna möjlighet att fritt beskriva hur de upplevde Centralplan och vad de ville förändra. Sedermera, grupperades och analyserades intervjusvaren för undersökning av statistiska samband. Utifrån observationer, intervjuer samt erhållen kunskap om planeringsteorier, har ett gestaltningsförslag skapats över en mer attraktiv, social och välkomnande mötesplats för alla människor. Studien har, med detta gestaltningsförslag över Centralplan, bidragit till kunskapen om svenska småstäders och deras byggda miljöer, samt hur dessa kan analyseras utifrån Gehls metoder. / Tierp´s municipality is experiencing demographic and economic growth, and Tierp´s urban centre needs renewal and renovation. People living in a city experiencing growth have higher expectations and higher demands on public spaces´ sustainability and design. Tierp´s municipality seeks for an urban environment that is more attractive, more secure and more available. This case study is delineated to Centralplan. The site contains Tierp´s centre for public transport, shops and other businesses. The purpose of this study is to fulfill the municipality goals by creating a social and welcoming meeting place for everybody. Centralplan was studied with Jan Gehl´s methods of studying public life. Centralplan´s built environment was inventoried and factors such as sun, wind, building material, businesses and physical design were documented. Centralplan was analyzed with Gehl´s 12 quality criterias. People´s social behaviour in relation to the built environment was also studied through Gehl´s methods counting, mapping and tracing. For deeper insight into Centralplan´s physical and social conditions, bypassers were interviewed. The interviews consisted of structured questions with possibility to answer openly, giving respondents the chance to freely explain how they experienced Centralplan and what they wanted to change. Subsequently, the answers were grouped and analyzed for statistical significance. Through observations, interviews and obtained knowledge about planning theory, a design proposal has been created over a more attractive, social and welcoming meeting place for everybody. The creation of a design proposal over Centralplan, has contributed to the knowledge of Swedish towns and their built environments, and thus how they can be analyzed with Gehl´s methods.

Samhällets öppna rum : Den samtida debatten om biblioteksrummet / The Open Space Of Society : The contemporary debate of the public library as a physical place and space

Söderblom, Randi January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate and increase the understanding of a present function of today´s public library in a societal context. My aim is to examine how the role of the public library is discussed in Swedish media between 2012 – 2019. I want to get a broader understanding of the public library as a physical place and a space, through the theoretical frameworks of Raber´s ideological model. The theoretical frameworks are used in this study to examine these questions: How is the public library as a room discussed in present Swedish media? The functions of the public library of today is many, how is the different themes actualized in the library as a meeting place? What consequences does the debate contribute regarded to the picture of the public library and is it connected to the work for the legitimacy of the public library? The research field within Library and Information Science (LIS) is interdisciplinary with many references to social science theories. My qualitative study of content analysis builds upon theories of generating social capital. The aspect of the library as a space for inclusiveness and belongingness is a subject that is clearly stated in my study. My conclusion is that Raber´s social strategy is the dominant curse in the debate of the functions of the Swedish public libraries in present media. The legitimacy within the function as the hegemonic literacy discourse meets the legitimacy of the library as an open meeting place in my study.

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