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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att känna sina elever : Fem lärares förhållningssätt till att undersöka förkunskaper hos elever med migrationsbakgrund

Andersson, Hanna January 2015 (has links)
This study aims to give an account of five teachers’ views and understandings of second language (L2) learners’ previous knowledge, as well as, their linguistic and cultural backgrounds. This is carried out by the means of qualitative interviews, where the sampling consists of five primary school teachers at various schools. The findings are presented and analyzed using a thematic analysis. Furthermore, the study indicates that teachers in general have a positive attitude to learning more about their L2 learners’ prior knowledge and backgrounds, both for the pupils, as well as, their own sake. However, they know very little about it, and there are shortcomings in the knowledge of what the appropriate approach might look like in order to find out about this. Lastly, the study also shows that teachers strive to become better at identifying the L2 learners’ backgrounds and previous knowledge.

Preschool- Based Language Support for Language Learning Children in Europe

Schuldt, Caroline January 2022 (has links)
Children with a migration background already have lower language competencies when they enter preschool than children without, which has an impact on their further language development as well as their acquisition of written language and their further educational biography. The early identification and support of children with special language support needs is of great importance in view of the existing educational inequalities. Likewise, the high number of migrant children in Europe illustrates the need to evaluate and identify factors that have a positive impact on second language acquisition. The present systematic literature review evaluated which types of language support exist, which factors have an influence on it, how the measures influence the language acquisition of children with a migration background, as well as the relationship between language support measures and participation in school. Five databases were extensively searched for available literature, and eight studies were selected that met predefined inclusion criteria. Based on the bio-ecological model of human development by Uri Bronfenbrenner and the Family of Participation-Related Constructs (fPCR) framework, several influencing factors in different systems were identified. Age, quality and quantity of the measures, as well as the commitment and approach of the teachers, are shown to be key factors for successful language support. However, the effectiveness of additive support measures has not yet been proven. In addition, there are adequate instruments for the diagnosis of a special language support need by the pedagogical staff. Consequently, factors were discussed in which way language support has to be changed in order to narrow the language gap between children with a migration background and their classmates. Limitations, practical implications and future research were also presented.

Being safe by knowing how to behave? The subjective safety perception among migrants

Schaefer, Lisa-Marie, Francke, Angela 02 January 2023 (has links)
In many countries, cycling is mostly known as a sport or leisure activity but unsafe in traffic. Cycling in traffic is one ofthe major safety concem and a main barrier for cycling in many countries (e.g. see in [1; 2]). At the same time, the quality of cycling infrastructure varies strongly between countries. When moving from a country with a non-existing cycling infrastructure to a country with cycling infrastructure, the bicycle as a means of traffic is very likely to raise interest. In the process of settling and influenced by a new environment, migrants usually start changing habituated behaviour and readjust norms and attitudes, what often cause the wish to participate in activities perceived as common behaviour [3]. Nevertheless, in Germany as a rather cycling-friendly country, statistics show significantly less cycling and bicycle ownership among migrants from non-western countries, especially among women compared to natives [ 4]. Aim of the study was to analyse the perceived safety of cycling ftom the view-point of migrants from noncycling countries and subsequently identify the safety-related barriers to cycling. [from Introduction]

En enkät- och intervjustudie om lärares egna tankar om sin undervisning med elever med migrationsbakgrund. : Framgångsfaktorer, svagheter och förslag på förbättringar i undervisning medelever med migrationsbakgrund som lärare beskriver att de upplever. / A survey- and interview study about teachers own thoughts about their teaching with students with migration background. : Success factors, weaknesses and suggestions for improvements in teaching with students with a migration background that teachers describe that they experience.

Rached Rydberg, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
In this survey- and interview study based on 15 teachers in Sweden and their thoughts about their own experience of their teaching to students with migration backgrounds has the following information emerged. Some of the teachers who have participated admit that they find it difficult to base their work to the laws and guidelines. Many of the teachers testify that some principals do not place trust in their teachers’ abilities and do not give them the right conditions they need to be able to do their job. The teachers who enjoyed the work the most and who felt that they could manage their job were the once who experienced that they had committed and supportive principals behind them. But also, when they felt that they experienced a team spirit with their coworkers and that they worked together as like the whole school were united. It affected both students and teachers in a positive way being able to give the students the best conditions to achieve goal fulfillment. According to the teachers the teaching will work best when they are able to give the students the attention that they deserve and need and even when they can listen to the student’s thoughts and opinions as well, because those are important. The teachers pointed out that it is important for the teachers and students to get to know each other to build up trust between them, because it will be easier to get the students to be more involved in the classroom when they feel that connection. The teachers described that the most of their lessons often stop with briefings and that the teachers often did not have time to let the students work alone to prove what they are able to manage because of the classes different skills among the students. The teachers also described that they had a lot of work beside the teaching, like having phone calls and meetings with for example the children’s psychologists, the social service, the police, and the Migrations office, and that it took a lot of their time from them to do planning for the teaching. They also pointed out that they did not feel that they had the education for that part of the job. It also appeared that the language difference between the teachers and the students was a problematic cause of their job. The teachers said that the language must come before the learning part. It also came up that the schools gave the students a lot of different prerequisites when it came to get help with the schoolwork from interpreters. A suggestion from the teachers was to make new ways to build up the classes through the student’s skills instead of the way they make it now, through the student´s ages. Even more ways to show the students’ knowledge in different ways of grades was asked for by the teachers.

Överbryggande av matematikbarriärer : Främjande av motivation och prestation för elever med utländsk bakgrund / Bridging Mathematical Barriers : Promoting Motivation and Achievement for Students with foreign Backgrounds

Gojak, Kemal January 2024 (has links)
Det har gjorts omfångsrika jämförande studier, både nationella och internationella, vilka antyder att elever med utländsk bakgrund presterar sämre i skolan när det gäller kunskapsnivå och resultat i matematik till skillnad från elever med inhemsk bakgrund. Denna studie undersöker på vilket sätt matematiklärare på högstadiet anpassar sin pedagogiska metodik för att överbrygga utmaningar och hinder samt öka motivationen och självförtroendet för dessa elever. Arbetets första frågeställning fokuserar på de konkreta utmaningar och hinder som matematiklärare berättar att elever med utländsk bakgrund stöter på i sin matematikinlärning. Den andra frågeställningen undersöker de strategier och metoder som matematiklärare använder för att skapa en inkluderande och stöttande inlärningsmiljö. Den tredje frågeställningen utforskar samarbetet mellan matematiklärare och andra relevanta aktörer för att skapa en stöttande undervisningsmiljö. Studien analyserades med sociokulturella perspektiv, anpassad undervisning och prestationsmotivation. Studien utgår ifrån kvalitativ metod med fenomenografisk ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Baserad på lärarnas erfarenheter visar resultaten att det är framför allt språkliga problem och föräldrarnas utbildningsnivå som är det största hinder för kunskapsutvecklingen för elever med utländsk bakgrund. Vad gäller elevernas stöttning uppvisar lärarna många anvisningar bland annat: anpassad undervisning baserat på elevernas kunskapsnivå, skolans och vårdnadshavarens samarbete, inkluderande skolmiljö och variationer av undervisning.

Särbegåvning i en mångkulturell skola : En litteraturgranskning om särskilt begåvade elever med migrationsbakgrund

Byström, Tinny January 2023 (has links)
Den svenska skolan präglas av många missuppfattningar om särskild begåvning. Elever som är särbegåvade förväntas exempelvis ofta prestera högt och lyckas i skolan utan några särskilda stödinsatser. Men tidigare forskning har visat att de tvärtom ofta upplever svårigheter i skolan. Elever med migrationserfarenheter riskerar å andra sidan att möta alltför låga förväntningar i skolan vilket leder till att de inte utmanas och stimuleras tillräckligt för att nå skolframgång. Mot bakgrund av detta har studiens huvudsakliga syfte varit att skapa en systematisk översikt av befintlig forskning avseende särskild begåvning hos elever med migrationserfarenheter. Frågeställningarna har haft som utgångspunkt att undersöka hur särbegåvning kan upptäckas hos dessa elever, samt att närmare undersöka de hinder som finns för särbegåvade elever med migrationsbakgrund att nå skolframgång. Med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys som metod har resultat från tio artiklar sammanställts genom tematisk syntes. Sökningar har gjorts inom två databaser, SwePub och APA PsycInfo, utifrån valda exklusions- och inklusionskriterier. I resultaten identifierades flera faktorer som kan utgöra hinder för skolframgång, dels faktorer i barnets uppväxtmiljö såsom låg socioekonomisk status och låg utbildningsnivå hos föräldrarna, och dels psykosociala faktorer. Exempelvis låga förväntningar från omgivningen, bristande självreglering och låg social kompetens för att nämna några. Resultaten visade också att identifiering av särbegåvning är ett komplext arbete och att det saknas etablerade metoder för detta. Skolans organisation och styrning har dock visat sig vara av betydelse för att särbegåvade elever med migrationserfarenheter ska kunna upptäckas, men stora brister i det svenska utbildningssystemet har uppmärksammats samt omfattande behov av kompetensutveckling på alla nivåer. / The Swedish school system holds many misconceptions about gifted students. For example, they are often expected to perform well and succeed in school without any support measures or additional adjustments. But previous research has shown that, on the contrary, they often experience difficulties at school. Students with migration experiences, on the other hand, run the risk of meeting too low expectations in school, which means that they are not challenged and stimulated enough to achieve school success. Based on this, the main purpose of this literature study has been to create a systematic overview of existing research regarding gifted students with migration experiences. The starting point has been to investigate how giftedness can be discovered and identified in these students, as well as to examine more closely the difficulties that exist for gifted students with migration background to achieve school success. Using qualitative content analysis as a method, results from ten articles have been compiled through thematic synthesis. Searches have been made within two databases, SwePub and APA PsycInfo, based on selected exclusion and inclusion criteria. In the results, several factors were identified as obstacles to achieving school success, partly factors in the child's growing up environment such as low socio-economic status and low level of education of the parents, and partly psychosocial factors. Low expectations from the environment, lack of self-regulation and low social skills to name a few. The results also showed that identifying giftedness is a very complex endeavor and that there is a lack of established working methods for this. The school's organization and management have, however, proven to be important in order for gifted students with migration experiences to be discovered, but major shortcomings in the Swedish education system have been noticed as well as extensive needs for competence development at all levels.

Discrimination Against Employees With a Migration Background in the German Museum Sector Related to Hiring and Promotion

Zafer, Moutaz 31 January 2024 (has links)
Ziel dieser Forschung ist es, die Gründe für die Unterrepräsentation von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund im Museumsbereich trotz aller Diversitätsinitiativen zu verstehen und zu ermitteln, ob Diskriminierung bei dieser Unterrepräsentation eine Rolle spielt. Die Forschungsfrage wurde durch die Linse der Theorie der Belohnungsverteilungsforschung von Rodolfo Alvarez (1979) angegangen. Es wurden qualitative Forschungsmethoden ausgewählt, wobei das Interview als Methode zur Datenerhebung diente. Es wurden Interviews mit Museumsleitern und Mitarbeitern mit Migrationshintergrund geführt. Die Auswertung der Daten erfolgte mithilfe der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse von Philip Mayring (2010). Das Hauptergebnis dieser Untersuchung ist, dass Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund (PMBs), insbesondere diejenigen der ersten Generation, häufiger in Positionen wie Sicherheits- und Reinigungspersonal oder in Projektpositionen ohne strategische Bedeutung vertreten sind. Ihre Existenz in den höheren Ebenen der beruflichen Hierarchie ist sehr begrenzt. Die Studie zeigt, dass mehrere Faktoren die Einstellung von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund behindern, darunter fehlende akademische Abschlüsse, Museumserfahrungen und fehlende Sprachkenntnisse. / This research aims to understand the reasons behind the underrepresentation of people with a migratory background in the museum sector despite all diversity initiatives, and also aims to determine whether discrimination plays any role in this underrepresentation. The research question was approached through the lens of the distribution of rewards research theory by Rodolfo Alvarez (1979). Qualitative research methods were selected with the interview as a method of data collection. Interviews were conducted with museum managers and employees with a migratory background. The data was evaluated using the qualitative content analysis by Philip Mayring (2010). The main finding of this research is that people with a migratory background (PMBs), especially those who are first-generation, are more numerous in positions such as security and cleaning staff or in project positions without strategic importance. Their existence in the higher levels of the professional hierarchy is very limited. The study shows that several factors hinder people with a migratory background from being hired, including lacking an academic degree, experience in museums and language competency

Der Einfluss familiärer Netzwerke auf die Partnerwahl und Partnerschaftsqualität bei Personen türkischer Herkunft

Abdul-Rida, Chadi 04 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Anhand von drei Untersuchungen, die jeweils als eigenständige Artikel in Fachzeitschriften publiziert wurden, werden unterschiedliche Aspekte der Rolle der Familie auf das Partnerwahl- und Partnerschaftsleben bei türkischstämmigen Personen untersucht. In einem ersten Artikel werden die Determinanten einer familiären Einflussnahme auf die Partnerwahl untersucht. Hierzu werden Hypothesen zum Einfluss des Bildungsgrades, der ethnischen Zusammensetzung des sozialen Netzwerkes und des Geschlechts untersucht. Ein weiterer Artikel untersucht, wie sich die familiäre Einflussnahme auf die Partnerwahl auf die spätere Partnerschaftsqualität auswirkt. Der dritte Artikel hat die familiären transnationalen Netzwerke als Untersuchungsgegenstand. Dabei wird analysiert, wie ein familiäres Netzwerk, das sich über mehrere Nationalstaaten spannt, auf die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer transnationalen Partnerschaft auswirkt.

Schulleistung in Deutsch und ethnische Zusammensetzung der Schülerpopulation

Sirsch, Ulrike, Gottlieb, Andreas, Rusch, Thomas, Formann, Anton K. January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Studie wurde sowohl der Einfluss des Schulanteils an Kindern mit einer anderen Muttersprache als Deutsch auf die Sprachleistung (Leseverständnis, Wortschatz und Rechtschreibung) deutschsprachiger Kinder als auch jener des Anteils deutschsprachiger Kinder auf die Sprachleistung von Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund untersucht. Es nahmen 211 Kinder aus der vierten Grundschulstufe, 84 mit Deutsch als Muttersprache (39.8%) und 127 mit einer anderen Muttersprache als Deutsch (60.2%), teil. Kognitive Grundfähigkeiten und der sozioökonomische Hintergrund wurden miterhoben. Die mehrebenenanalytische Auswertung zeigte Effekte der kognitiven Grundfähigkeiten und des sozioökonomischen Hintergrundes auf die Sprachleistung. Die ethnische Zusammensetzung der Schule war nicht bedeutsam. Bei Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund erwies sich der Zeitpunkt des Spracherwerbs als wichtig für die Sprachleistung. Ein möglichst frühzeitiger Erwerb der Sprache des Einwanderungslandes ist daher dringend zu empfehlen. (Autor/inn/enref.) / Series: Discussion Paper Series / Center for Empirical Research Methods

Der Einfluss familiärer Netzwerke auf die Partnerwahl und Partnerschaftsqualität bei Personen türkischer Herkunft

Abdul-Rida, Chadi 04 April 2017 (has links)
Anhand von drei Untersuchungen, die jeweils als eigenständige Artikel in Fachzeitschriften publiziert wurden, werden unterschiedliche Aspekte der Rolle der Familie auf das Partnerwahl- und Partnerschaftsleben bei türkischstämmigen Personen untersucht. In einem ersten Artikel werden die Determinanten einer familiären Einflussnahme auf die Partnerwahl untersucht. Hierzu werden Hypothesen zum Einfluss des Bildungsgrades, der ethnischen Zusammensetzung des sozialen Netzwerkes und des Geschlechts untersucht. Ein weiterer Artikel untersucht, wie sich die familiäre Einflussnahme auf die Partnerwahl auf die spätere Partnerschaftsqualität auswirkt. Der dritte Artikel hat die familiären transnationalen Netzwerke als Untersuchungsgegenstand. Dabei wird analysiert, wie ein familiäres Netzwerk, das sich über mehrere Nationalstaaten spannt, auf die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer transnationalen Partnerschaft auswirkt.:1 Forschungsgegenstand und Aufbau der Synopsis .............................................................1 2 Partnerwahl im familialistischen Kontext ............................................................................3 3 Partnerwahl nach dem westlichen Liebesideal .................................................................. 7 4 Bildung und andere Determinanten des Partnerwahlmodus ............................................10 5 Partnerwahl im Migrationskontext .................................................................................. .12 6 Partnerwahlmodus und Partnerschaftsqualität ............................................................. ..16 7 Familiäre Netzwerke und transnationale Partnerschaften ............................................... 19 8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick ...................................................................................... 27 9 Literaturverzeichnis ..........................................................................................................30

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