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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systemic and local regulation of experimental arthritis by IFN-α, dendritic cells and uridine

Chenna Narendra, Sudeep January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, we have studied the immunological processes of joint inflammation that may be targets for future treatment of patients with arthritis. We focus on the immune-modulating properties of interferon-α (IFN-α) and uridine in experimental arthritis. The nucleoside uridine, which is regarded a safe treatment has anti-inflammatory properties notably by inhibiting tumor necrosis factor (TNF) release. Because the inflamed synovium in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterised by pathogenic TNF-production, uridine could potentially be away to ameliorate arthritis. Systemic administration of uridine had no effect on antigeninduced arthritis (AIA), which is a T-cell dependent model where animals are immunized twice (sensitization) with bovine serum albumin (mBSA), before local triggering of arthritis by intra-articular antigen (mBSA) re-challenge. In contrast, intra-articular administration of uridine clearly down modulated development of AIA in a dose dependent manner and inhibited the expression of synovial adhesion molecules, influx of inflammatory leukocytes and synovial expression of TNF and interleukin 6, but did not affect systemic levels of proinflammatory cytokines or antigen-specific T-cell responses. Local administration of uridine may thus be a viable therapeutic option for treatment of arthritis in the future. Viral double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (dsRNA), a common nucleic acid found in most viruses, can be found in the joints of RA patients and local deposition of such viral dsRNA induces arthritis by activating IFN-α. Here we show that arthritis induced by dsRNA can be mediated by IFN-producing dendritic cells in the joint and this may thus explain why viral infections are sometimes associated with arthritis. Earlier, to study the effect of dsRNA and IFN-α in an arthritis model, that like RA, is dependent on adaptive immunity, dsRNA and IFN-α were administered individually during the development of AIA. Both molecules clearly protected against AIA in a type I IFN receptor-dependent manner but were only effective if administered in the sensitization phase of AIA. Here we show that the anti-inflammatory effect of IFN-α is critically dependent on signalling via transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) and the enzymatic activity of indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase 1 (IDO). The IDO enzyme is produced by plasmacytoid DC and this cell type was critically required both during antigen sensitization and in the arthritis phase of AIA for the protective effect of IFN-α against AIA. In contrast, TGF-β and the enzymatic activity of IDO were only required during sensitization, which indicate that they are involved in initial steps of tolerogenic antigen sensitization. In this scenario, IFN- α first activates the enzymatic activity of IDO in pDC, which converts Tryptophan to Kynurenine, which thereafter activates TGF-β. Common for IDO-expressing pDC, Kyn and TGF-β is their ability to induce development of regulatory T cells (Tregs). We found that Tregs were crucial for IFN-α-mediated protection against AIA, but only in the arthritis phase. In line with this, adoptive transfer of Tregs isolated from IFN-α treated mice to recipient animals in the arthritis phase clearly protected against AIA. The numbers of Tregs were not significantly altered by IFN-α but IFN-α increased the suppressive capacity of Tregs against antigen-induced proliferation. This enhanced suppressive activity of Tregs in the arthritis phase was dependent on the earlier activated enzyme IDO1 during the sensitization phase of AIA. Thus, presence of IFN-α at the time of antigen sensitization activates the enzymatic activity of IDO, which generates Tregs with enhanced suppressive capacity that upon antigen re-challenge prevents inflammation. We have thus identified one example of how immune tolerance can be developed, that may be a future way to combat autoimmunity.

Microbial DNA Sequencing in Environmental Studies

Hu, Yue January 2017 (has links)
The field of microbial ecology has just entered a new era of rapid technological development and generation of big data. The high-throughput sequencing techniques presently available provide an opportunity to extensively inventorize the blueprints of life. Now, millions of microbes of natural microbial communities can be studied simultaneously without prior cultivation. New species and new functions (genes) can be discovered just by mining sequencing data. However, there is still a tremendous number of microorganisms not yet examined, nor are the ecosystem functions these carry out. The modern genomic technologies can contribute to solve environmental problems and help us understand ecosystems, but to most efficiently do so, methods need to be continuously optimised.   During my Ph. D. studies, I developed a method to survey eukaryotic microbial diversity with a higher accuracy, and applied various sequencing-based approaches in an attempt to answer questions of importance in environmental research and ecology. In PAPER-I, we developed a set of 18S rRNA gene PCR primers with high taxonomic coverage, meeting the requirements of currently popular sequencing technologies and matching the richness of 18S rRNA reference sequences accumulated so far. In PAPER-II, we conducted the first sequencing-based spatial survey on the combined eukaryotic and bacterial planktonic community in the Baltic Sea to uncover the relationship of microbial diversity and environmental conditions. Here, the 18S primers designed in PAPER-I and a pair of broad-coverage 16S primers were employed to target the rRNA genes of protists and bacterioplankton for amplicon sequencing. In PAPER-III, we integrated metagenomic, metabarcoding, and metatranscriptomic data in an effort to scrutinise the protein synthesis potential (i.e., activity) of microbes in the sediment at a depth of 460 m in the Baltic Sea and, thus, disclosing microbial diversity and their possible ecological functions within such an extreme environment. Lastly, in PAPER-IV, we compared the performance of E. coli culturing, high-throughput sequencing, and portable real-time sequencing in tracking wastewater contamination in an urban stormwater system. From the aspects of cost, mobility and accuracy, we evaluated the usage of sequencing-based approaches in civil engineering, and for the first time, validated the real-time sequencing device in use within water quality monitoring.   In summary, these studies demonstrate how DNA sequencing of microbial communities can be applied in environmental monitoring and ecological research. / <p>Yue Hu was supported by a scholarship from the China Scholarship Council (CSC #201206950024)</p><p>Yue Hu has been publishing papers under the name "Yue O. O. Hu".</p><p>QC 20170403</p>

Genetic subtypes in unicellular intestinal parasites with special focus on Blastocystis

Forsell, Joakim January 2017 (has links)
The development of molecular tools for detection and typing of unicellular intestinal parasites has revealed genetic diversities in species that were previously considered as distinct entities. Of great importance is the genetic distinction found between the pathogenic Entamoeba histolytica and the non-pathogenic Entamoeba dispar, two morphologically indistinguishable species. Blastocystis sp. is a ubiquitous intestinal parasite with unsettled pathogenicity. Molecular studies of Blastocystis sp. have identified 17 genetic subtypes, named ST1-17. Genetically, these subtypes could be considered as different species, but it is largely unknown what phenotypic or pathogenic differences exist between them. This thesis explores molecular methods for detection and genetic subtyping of unicellular intestinal parasites, with special focus on Blastocystis. We found that PCR-based methods were highly sensitive for detection of unicellular intestinal parasites, but could be partially or completely inhibited by substances present in faeces. A sample transport medium containing guanidinium thiocyanate was shown to limit the occurrence of PCR inhibition. The prevalence of Blastocystis in Swedish university students was over 40%, which is markedly higher than what was previously estimated. Blastocystis ST3 and ST4 were the two most commonly found Blastocystis subtypes in Sweden, which is similar to results from other European countries. Blastocystis sp. and Giardia intestinalis were both commonly detected in Zanzibar, Tanzania, each with a prevalence exceeding 50%. Blastocystis ST1, ST2, and ST3 were common, but ST4 was absent. While G. intestinalis was most common in the ages 2-5 years, the prevalence of Blastocystis increased with increasing age, at least up to young adulthood. We found no statistical association between diarrhoea and Blastocystis sp., specific Blastocystis subtype or G. intestinalis. Metagenomic sequencing of faecal samples from Swedes revealed that Blastocystis was associated with high intestinal bacterial genus richness, possibly signifying gastrointestinal health. Blastocystis was also positively associated with the bacterial genera Sporolactobacillus and Candidatus Carsonella, and negatively associated with the genus Bacteroides. Blastocystis ST4 was shown to have limited intra-subtype genetic diversity and limited geographic spread. ST4 was also found to be the major driver behind the positive association between Blastocystis and bacterial genus richness and the negative association with Bacteroides.

Effekten och potentiella risker med bedaquiline, delamanid och pretomanid vid behandling av multiresistent tuberkulos / The efficiency and potential risks with bedaquiline, delamanide and pretomanide in the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis

Jansson, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
Introduktion: tuberkulos går tillbaka ända till stenåldern och det var inte förrän på 1800-talet som Robert Koch upptäckte att det var Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) som orsakade tuberkulos. Idag drabbas cirka 10 miljoner årligen av tuberkulos och år 2017 uppstod cirka 600 000 nya fall av multiresistent tuberkulos (MDR-TB). M. tuberculosis är en bakterie med en unik cellvägg bestående av en hög koncentration av mykolsyra. Bakteriens fettrika cellvägg kan i sin tur fungera som en barriär mot läkemedel som behandlar tuberkulos, vilket gör sjukdomen svårbehandlad. Tuberkulos smittar via små luftburna droppar men det är bara cirka 10 % av alla som smittas som drabbas av sjukdomssymtom. Tuberkulos diagnosticeras vanligen med hjälp av sputumprover från de djupa luftvägarna och för att finna resistens för läkemedel görs bakterieodlingar i flytande eller fast medium. Tuberkulos behandlas med en kombination av flera olika läkemedel. Standardbehandlingen (HRZE) som används vid behandling av tuberkulos består av isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamid och etambutol. Vid en felaktig eller ofullständig behandling med dessa läkemedel kan bakterien utveckla resistens och MDR-TB kan uppstå.  Vid MDR-TB är patienten vanligtvis resistent mot isoniazid och rifampicin vilket gör sjukdomen svår att behandla och en annan kombination av läkemedel behövs. Bedaquiline, delamanid och pretomanid är nyutvecklade läkemedel som förhoppningsvis ska kunna användas hos patienter med MDR-TB. Syfte: syftet med arbetet var att undersöka effekten och potentiella risker med bedaquiline, delamanid och pretomanid vid behandling av MDR-TB. Metod: artiklar till litteraturstudien erhölls från databaserna PubMed och ClinicalTrials där totalt 7 artiklar valdes ut för att granska effekten samt risken med bedaquiline, delamanid och pretomanid hos patienter med MDR-TB. Resultat: det erhållna resultatet från artiklarna erhölls genom att framförallt analysera den primära utkomsten. Alla artiklar tyder på att bedaquiline, delamanid samt pretomanid har en god effektiv baktericid effekt på M. tuberculosis och kan möjligtvis förkorta behandlingsperioden. Men alla läkemedel gav även ett flertal biverkningar så som, huvudvärk, illamående, yrsel, hyperurikemi och ett förlängt QT-intervall. Men biverkningarna klassades som milda till moderata. Diskussion: många biverkningar uppstod i studierna och endast ett fåtal deltagare deltog. Däremot observerads det att dessa nya kombinationer kan även minska utvecklingen av ytterligare resistens för läkemedel. Trots vissa avvikelser i studierna kan delamanid, bedaquiline och pretomanid vara nya alternativa behandlingar för MDR-TB. Men fler studier med en större studiepopulation behöver utföras för att säkerställa säkerheten samt effektiviteten av samtliga läkemedel. Men samtliga läkemedel visar lovande resultat i nuvarande studier för den framtida kampen mot MDR-TB. / Archeological findings of tuberculosis can be found way back to the Stone Age but it wasn’t before the 18th century that Robert Koch discovered that it was Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) who caused the disease tuberculosis. Current data indicates that approximately 10 million people are infected with tuberculosis each year and 600 000 new cases of multidrug resistance tuberculosis (MDR-TB) was observed in 2017.  Tuberculosis is a bacterium with a unique cell wall consisting of a high concentration of mycolic acid. The fatty cell wall of the bacteria can act as a barrier against antituberculotic drugs, making the disease difficult to treat. Tuberculosis is a disease who can be spread among people via airborne droplets but only about 10 % of all people who are infected are affected by disease symptoms.  Tuberculosis is usually diagnosed by spot-sputum samples from deep within the airways. Resistance to antituberculotic drugs are detected by culture growth of the bacteria on either a liquid or solid medium. Tuberculosis is treated with a combination of several different drugs such as isoniazide, rifampicine, pyrazinamide and ethambutol. Also called HRZE and is a standard regimen for tuberculosis. If treatment occurs incorrectly or is incomplete the bacteria can develop resistance to these drugs and MDR-TB can emerge. Patients with MDR-TB is usually resistant to either or both isoniazide and rifampicine which makes the disease difficult to treat and another combination of drugs is needed. Bedaquiline, delamanide and pretomanide are newly developed drugs that can hopefully be used in the treatment of MDR-TB. The purpose of the thesis was to analyze the efficacy and potential risks with bedaquiline, delamanide and pretomanide in the treatment of MDR-TB. The articles for this literature study were obtained from the two databases PubMed and ClinicalTrials. A total of 7 articles were chosen to analyze the efficacy and potential risks with bedaquiline, delamanide and pretomanid used in treatment in patients with MDR-TB. The result obtained from the articles was obtained by primarily analyzing the primary outcome from each article. All articles suggest that bedaquiline, delamanide and pretomanide have a favorable bactericidal efficacy against M. tuberculosis and may shorten the treatment period. However, all of the studied drugs produced numerous side effects such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, hyperuricemia and an extended QT interval. Although all the side effects that occurred in the studies were classified as mild to moderate. Many side effects occurred in the studies and only a few participants participated in each study. However, it was observed that the new combinations with bedaquiline, delamanide and pretomanide can reduce the development of additional drug resistance. Despite some deviations in the studies, bedaquiline, delamanide and pretomanid may be new alternative treatments for MDR-TB. But more studies with a larger study population is needed to ensure the safety profile and efficacy of all of the drugs above. However, bedaquiline, delamanide and pretomanid show promising results in current studies for the future fight against MDR-TB.

Growth Dynamics, Antibiotic Susceptibility and the Effect of Sublethal Ciprofloxacin Concentrations in Susceptible and Resistant Escherichia coli in Biofilm / Tillväxtdynamik, Antibiotikakänslighet och Effekten av Subletala Koncentrationer av Ciprofloxacin på Känsliga och Resistenta Escherichia coli i Biofilm

Fernberg, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
Instead of planktonic growth in nature, many species of bacteria form biofilm to survive in harsh conditions. Although many chronic bacterial infections are caused by bacterial species in a biofilm lifestyle, previous research has focused on studying antibiotic resistance in planktonic growth. Here we used a modified MBEC assay, i.e. biofilm growth on pegs, to determine Escherichia coli biofilm inhibitory concentrations (BIC) of ciprofloxacin, streptomycin and rifampicin and to study the minimal selective concentration (MSC) for ciprofloxacin in E. coli biofilm. We could observe high inhibitory concentrations for all antibiotics in the biofilm pre-formed in media without antibiotics compared to the biofilm formed in antibiotics. We also show preliminary result indicating that sublethal concentrations of ciprofloxacin lead to the selection of ciprofloxacin resistant mutants in biofilm and that the selection level is lower than what was observed in planktonic growing E. coli. With more knowledge in how the biofilm formation precedes in different antibiotic settings, the treatment for chronic biofilm infections used today could be evaluated and changed so that the infections could be eradicated.

Structural and Genetic Studies of Translation in <i>Escherichia coli</i>

Zhao, Qing January 2005 (has links)
<p>Ribosomes are the universal ribonucleoprotein organelles that translate the genetic message from mRNA to protein. In prokaryotes, the ribosomal subunits are 30S and 50S subunit, which bind together during the translation process forming 70S ribosome. The ribosome is a highly dynamic structure, and acts as a working platform for the different factors involved in the process of converting the genetic information into protein.</p><p>Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) is an emerging imaging technology that combines the potential of three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction at molecular resolution with a close-to-native preservation of the specimen. Here, we have applied this method to reconstruct rifampicin-treated <i>Escherichia coli</i> individual 30S subunits in vitro and in situ, and individual 50S subunits in situ. In the 30S subunit, the head, the platform and the body show large conformational movements relative to each other. The particles are grouped into three conformational groups according to the width/height ratios. Also, an S15 fusion protein derivative has been used as a physical reporter to localize S15 in the 30S subunit. In the 50S subunit, the L1 stalk, the L7/L12 stalk, the central protuberance (CP), and the peptidyl transferase center (PTC) cleft are the most dynamic and flexible parts in the reconstructed structures with clear movements indicated. Different locations of the tunnel in the central cross-sections through the in situ 50S subunits indicate a flexible pathway inside the large subunit. In addition, gross morphological changes were also been observed in our reconstructions. Our results demonstrate a considerable conformational flexibility among individual ribosomal subunits, both in vitro and in situ.</p><p>Translation is an essential process for all cells and organisms. Translation initiation is the rate-limiting step and the most highly regulated phase of translation process. Several regions along the mRNA have been reported to influence translation initiation. The Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence located 5-9 bases upstream of the initiation codon supports translation initiation by complementary binding to the Anti-Shine-Dalgarno (ASD) sequence on the 16S rRNA.</p><p>We have here compared how an SD<sup>+</sup> sequence influences gene expression, if located upstream or downstream of an initiation codon. The positive effect of an upstream SD<sup>+</sup> is confirmed. A downstream SD<sup>+</sup> gives decreased gene expression. If an SD<sup>+</sup> is placed between two potential initiation codons, initiation takes place predominantly at the second start site. The first start site is activated if the distance between this site and the downstream SD<sup>+</sup> is enlarged and/or if the second start site is weakened. Upstream initiation is eliminated if a stable stem-loop structure is placed between this SD<sup>+</sup> and the upstream start site. The results suggest that the two start sites compete for ribosomes that bind to an SD<sup>+</sup> located between them. A minor positive contribution to upstream initiation resulting from 3’ to 5’ ribosomal diffusion along the mRNA is suggested. Since the location of SD<sup>+ </sup>or SD-like sequences can strongly influence gene expression, this should be of significant evolutionary importance.</p>

Fynd av bakterier och svampar i blododlingar hos vuxna under år 2005 i Gävleborgs län : <em>En epidemiologisk studie</em>

Wågström, Britt-Mari January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p><strong>Introduction</strong></p><p>Occurrence of bacteraemia and fungemia is a serious condition with high mortality and the incidence is increasing worldwide. The aim of this study was to survey the occurrence of bacteria and fungi in blood cultures from adult patients domiciled in the county of Gävleborg during one year and also to calculate the incidence and mortality in the same geographical area.</p><p><strong>Method</strong></p><p>This is a descriptive epidemiologic study, based on all episodes of blood cultures analyzed at the Microbiology laboratory, Gävle hospital during 2005. Patients from 20 years of age, domiciled in the county of Gävleborg at the date of drawing the blood culture, where included in the study. Criteria of exclusion were negative blood cultures and cultures which were classified as contaminants.</p><p><strong>Results</strong></p><p>Altogether there were 4 564 blood cultures analyzed, resulting in 524 (11 %) positive cultures for further study. There were 442 patients (48 % women) involved in 499 episodes with confirmed bacteraemia or fungemia. Gram positive bacteria represented 52 %, gram negative 45 % and fungi 3 %. The most frequently isolated bacterium was <em>Escherichia coli </em>followed by <em>Staphylococcus aureus. </em>In women, <em>Escherichia coli </em>was the most common bacterium, and there was a significant difference between the genders (<em>p= </em>0.004). In men, <em>Staphylococcus </em><em>aureus </em>was the dominant species (<em>p= </em>0.027<em>)</em>. <em>Streptococcus pneumoniae </em>was more common in women (<em>p= </em>0.005). The incidence of bacteraemia and fungemia in the county of Gävleborg was 235/100 000 inhabitants above the age of 20 (women, 223/100 000 men, 247/100 000). The incidence increased with age and the mean age was 70.2 years. The mortality within 30 days after the last positive blood culture was 22 % (97 patients). <em>Escherichia coli </em>was the most common bacteria diagnosed among those who died. The mortality in fungemia was 66 %. There was no significant difference in incidence or mortality between the two provinces Gästrikland and Hälsingland. Patients with bacteraemia and fungemia were initially cared for at all medical care units at the three hospitals in the county.</p><p><strong>Conclusion</strong></p><p>The incidence of bacteraemia/fungemia in the county of Gävleborg was 235/100 000 inhabitants. The most common bacteria in patients with confirmed bacteraemia were <em>Escherichia coli </em>and <em>Staphylococcus aureus. </em>Increasing age was a contributing risk factor. Patients with fungemia had considerably higher mortality compared to patients with bacteraemia. There where no significant differences in mortality between the two provinces.</p> / <p><strong>Introduktion</strong></p><p>Fynd av bakterier, bakteriemi, och svampar, fungemi, i blodbanan är ett allvarligt tillstånd med hög mortalitet och incidensen ökar i världen. Syftet med denna studie var att kartlägga vilka bakterier och svampar som förekom i alla blododlingar tagna under ett år från vuxna patienter i Gävleborgs län, samt att analysera incidens och mortalitet för bakteriemi och fungemi i länet.</p><p><strong>Metod</strong></p><p>Det är en deskriptiv epidemiologisk studie som utgår från analyserade blododlingar under år 2005 vid Enheten för Klinisk Mikrobiologi Laboratoriemedicin vid Gävle sjukhus. Till studien inkluderades personer från 20 års ålder som var mantalsskrivna i Gävleborgs län det datum som blododlingen utfördes. Exklusionskriterierna var negativa odlingssvar och svar som bedömdes som kontamination.</p><p><strong>Resultat</strong></p><p>Totalt analyserades 4 564 blododlingar, av vilka 524 (11 %) var positiva och bearbetades i denna studie. Det blev 442 patienter (48 % kvinnor) med 499 episoder av säkerställd bakteriemi eller fungemi. De grampositiva bakterierna stod för 52 %, gramnegativa bakterier 45 % och svampar 3 %. De enskilt vanligaste bakterierna var <em>Escherichia coli </em>och <em>Staphylococcus aureus. </em>För kvinnorna var <em>Escherichia coli </em>vanligast och det fanns en signifikant skillnad mellan könen (<em>p= </em>0,004 ), för männen var <em>Staphylococcus aureus </em>vanligast (<em>p= </em>0,027<em>)</em>. <em>Streptococcus pneumoniae </em>visade högre förekomst bland kvinnorna än männen (<em>p= </em>0,005). Incidensen för bakteriemi och fungemi i Gävleborgs län var 235/100 000 invånare äldre än 20 år (kvinnor, 223/100 000 och män, 247/100 000). Incidensen ökade med åldern och medelåldern var 70,2 år. Mortaliteten inom 30 dagar efter utförd blododling var 22 % (97 patienter). <em>Escherichia coli </em>var vanligast hos de avlidna. För patienter med fungemi var mortaliteten 66 %. Det påvisades ingen signifikant skillnad beträffande incidens eller mortalitet mellan länets båda landskap Gästrikland och Hälsingland. Patienter med bakteriemi och fungemi vårdades initialt på samtliga vårdenheter på länets tre sjukhus.</p><p><strong>Konklusion</strong></p><p>Incidensen för bakteriemi/fungemi i Gävleborgs län var 235/100 000 invånare. De vanligaste fynden vid säkerställd bakteriemi var <em>Escherichia coli </em>och <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>. Ökande ålder var en riskfaktor. Patienter med fungemi hade avsevärt högre mortalitet än de med bakteriemi. Ingen skillnad påvisades mellan de två landskapen beträffande mortalitet.</p>

Kunskap om och upplevelse av halitosis samt klinisk mätning av svavelhaltiga gaser bland gymnasieelever

Bordbar, Kaveh January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to examine the knowledge and experience of the bad breath among high school students in Kristianstad. A further objective was to measure the amount of VSC (Volatile Sulfur Compounds) among those who perceive themselves to have a bad breath. A questionnaire with 21 closed questions was distributed to 120 high school students from Kristianstad municipality who were between the ages of 17-20. The results of this study revealed that most of the students had good knowledge of halitosis. The majority of all participants thought it was important to smell fresh in the mouth and also experienced most of their breath as very good or good. Only a few felt that they had bad breath. However, these persons did think their breath affect their everyday life. Furthermore, they have never felt embarrassed or caught in embarrassing situations due to their breath. The results from the clinical examination was carried out on 8 of the 120 students and was designed to measure the amount of sulphurous gases in the oral cavity which revealed that the average values that emerged in the examination below is the limited values for having a poor breath.</p> / <p>Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka kunskapen och upplevelsen av dålig andedräkt hos gymnasieelever i Kristianstad, ytterligare ett syfte var att mäta mängden VSC (reaktiva svavelföreningar)  hos dem som upplever sig ha dålig andedräkt. En enkät med 21 slutna frågor delades ut till 120 gymnasieelever som var mellan 17-20 år och studerade i Kristanstads kommun. Av resultatet i denna studie framkom att de flesta av gymnasieeleverna hade goda kunskaper om halitosis. Nästan alla 120 som besvarade enkäten tyckte att det var viktigt att lukta fräsch i munnen och dessutom upplevde de flesta sin andedräkt som mycket bra eller bra. Endast ett fåtal (14% ) kände att de ibland hade dålig andedräkt. Hos dessa  påverkades inte andedräkten deras vardagliga liv och de hade aldrig blivit generade eller hamnat i pinsamma situationer på grund av sin andedräkt. Resultatet från den kliniska undersökningen som gjordes på 8 av de 120 elever som besvarade enkäten där mängden av de svavelhaltiga gaserna i munhålan mättes visade att i genomsnitt ligger värden som framkom i undersökningen under gränsvärden för att man skall ha dålig andedräkt.</p>

Telomere analysis of normal and neoplastic hematopoietic cells : studies focusing on fluorescence in situ hybridization and flow cytometry

Hultdin, Magnus January 2003 (has links)
<p>The telomeres are specialized structures at the end of the chromosomes composed of the repeated DNA sequence (TTAGGG)n and specific proteins bound to the DNA. The telomeres protect the chromosomes from degradation and end to end fusions. Due to the end-replication problem, the telomeric DNA shortens every cell division, forcing the cells into senescence at a critical telomere length. This process can be counteracted by activating a specialized enzyme, telomerase, which adds telomeric repeats to the chromosome ends leading to an extended or infinite cellular life span. Telomerase activity is absent in most somatic tissues but is found in germ cells, stem cells, activated lymphocytes and the vast majority of tumor cells and permanent cell lines. Hence, telomerase has been suggested as a target for cancer treatment as malignant cells almost exclusively express the enzyme and in that context telomere length measurements will be of great importance.</p><p>Telomere length is traditionally measured with a Southern blot based technique. A new method for telomere analysis of cells in suspension, called flow-FISH, was developed based on fluorescence in situ hybridization using a telomeric peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probe,</p><p>DNA staining with propidium iodide and quantification by flow cytometry. Flow-FISH had high reproducibility and the telomere length measurements showed good correlation with Southern blotting results. The flow-FISH technique also allows studies of cells in specific phases of the cell cycle and the replication timing of telomeric, centromeric and other repetitive sequences were analyzed in a number of cells. Like previous studies, centromeres were shown to replicate late in S phase while the telomere repeats were found to replicate early in S phase or concomitant with the bulk DNA, which is opposite to the patterns described in yeast.</p><p>In benign immunopurified lymphocytes from tonsils, high telomerase activity was found in germinal center (GC) B cells. This population also had high hTERT mRNA levels and displayed a telomere elongation as shown by flow-FISH and Southern blotting. Combined immunophenotyping and flow-FISH on unpurified tonsil cells confirmed the results.</p><p>Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the most common leukemia in adults, can be divided into pre-GC CLL, characterized by unmutated immunoglobulin VH genes and worse prognosis, and post-GC CLL, with mutated VH genes and better prognosis. In 61 cases of CLL, telomere length was measured with Southern blotting and VH gene mutation status was analyzed. A new association was found between VH mutation status and telomere length, where cases with longer telomeres and mutated VH genes (post-GC CLL) had better prognosis</p><p>than CLL with short telomeres and unmutated VH genes (pre-GC CLL). A larger study of 112 CLL cases was performed using flow-FISH. The same correlation between telomere length and VH mutation status was found but gender seemed to be of importance as telomere length was a significant prognostic factor for the male CLL patients but not in the female group. Age of the patients and spread of disease seemed to affect the prognostic value of VH gene mutation status.</p>

Telomere analysis of normal and neoplastic hematopoietic cells : studies focusing on fluorescence in situ hybridization and flow cytometry

Hultdin, Magnus January 2003 (has links)
The telomeres are specialized structures at the end of the chromosomes composed of the repeated DNA sequence (TTAGGG)n and specific proteins bound to the DNA. The telomeres protect the chromosomes from degradation and end to end fusions. Due to the end-replication problem, the telomeric DNA shortens every cell division, forcing the cells into senescence at a critical telomere length. This process can be counteracted by activating a specialized enzyme, telomerase, which adds telomeric repeats to the chromosome ends leading to an extended or infinite cellular life span. Telomerase activity is absent in most somatic tissues but is found in germ cells, stem cells, activated lymphocytes and the vast majority of tumor cells and permanent cell lines. Hence, telomerase has been suggested as a target for cancer treatment as malignant cells almost exclusively express the enzyme and in that context telomere length measurements will be of great importance. Telomere length is traditionally measured with a Southern blot based technique. A new method for telomere analysis of cells in suspension, called flow-FISH, was developed based on fluorescence in situ hybridization using a telomeric peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probe, DNA staining with propidium iodide and quantification by flow cytometry. Flow-FISH had high reproducibility and the telomere length measurements showed good correlation with Southern blotting results. The flow-FISH technique also allows studies of cells in specific phases of the cell cycle and the replication timing of telomeric, centromeric and other repetitive sequences were analyzed in a number of cells. Like previous studies, centromeres were shown to replicate late in S phase while the telomere repeats were found to replicate early in S phase or concomitant with the bulk DNA, which is opposite to the patterns described in yeast. In benign immunopurified lymphocytes from tonsils, high telomerase activity was found in germinal center (GC) B cells. This population also had high hTERT mRNA levels and displayed a telomere elongation as shown by flow-FISH and Southern blotting. Combined immunophenotyping and flow-FISH on unpurified tonsil cells confirmed the results. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the most common leukemia in adults, can be divided into pre-GC CLL, characterized by unmutated immunoglobulin VH genes and worse prognosis, and post-GC CLL, with mutated VH genes and better prognosis. In 61 cases of CLL, telomere length was measured with Southern blotting and VH gene mutation status was analyzed. A new association was found between VH mutation status and telomere length, where cases with longer telomeres and mutated VH genes (post-GC CLL) had better prognosis than CLL with short telomeres and unmutated VH genes (pre-GC CLL). A larger study of 112 CLL cases was performed using flow-FISH. The same correlation between telomere length and VH mutation status was found but gender seemed to be of importance as telomere length was a significant prognostic factor for the male CLL patients but not in the female group. Age of the patients and spread of disease seemed to affect the prognostic value of VH gene mutation status.

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